V '" lr i rJ 77 .T7 1 3 1 WEEKLI: 3 Vf ums XXVIiL-rNumber 49. Hertford. Perquimans county. iortn Carolina. .Friday, December 8, 1961. 5 Cents Fe 1'; -."q Cfc:s Knii's Visii iUlillS Ooard Of Commissioners tkxid 1962 luii Listers v. : . The Perquimans County Board) I (rf HilPkot 111 of Commissioners at the Decem-J Uglll UUUIVCl III ber meeting of the board here! . . Monday named tax list takers I DAAnrnGrC rflllTT for listing property for 1962 lluUUI USI O llUUI I Unusual Bargains Voting Plates For Coitcn On Dec. 12 v. i . Plans are rapidly being -whipped . into shape for the annual visit , of Santa Claus to Hert ford and the event scheduled to take place on Saturday af ternoon, December 16, as releas- today to this paper in a Christ mas aotivity schedule of the io-j cat Jaycecs. . , i Santa's visit is being sponsor ed by the Jaycees and the Hert ford Fire : Department Candy and fruit will be passed out to the children, donated by mer chants of Hertford and Perquim ans County, it will be distribut ed by the Hertford Foremen and the Jaycees. ; j, Saturday, .December 16 as planned by the Jaycees for San ta's annual visit will set under ; way at 10 A. M., .with free'ear toon movies for all children at the State Theatre, this part of the program is sponsored by the Hertford Jaycees in cooperation with (the Carolina Amusement Company of Elizabeth "City, Billy White: is chairmai of this part of the program. . Saturday , afternoon,. .December 16, at .2:00 P.M., will be the annual. Visit by Santa Claus. It is not know what type of travel Santa will arrive but he is ex pected .to arrive at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He- will stop at) the Court House1 where he will! distribute his gifts and talk with the children who wish to visit with' him. . His Visit is sponsored by the' Jaycees -and thi Fire Department with - the merchant of Hertford and Per quimans County furnishing the goodies. At -7:00 P.' M. n "Saturday Professional. Women's Club-, held & Jordan" Joseph O: CtaS-. cvening the Hertford Jaycees its regular dinner program meet-'pell, Johnnie W. Chappell, Rob will have a, Christmas party atling ' Thursday " night, November erf L. Hollowell, Calvin Lamb, the Agricultural Building- in 30, when Mrs. Margaret M. Has-! jftwh. Citenp0bert jXn Hertford for the underprivileged ton Was hostess at, her home on Harrell George Robert . RH childrerf and will be under the the ,i Hertford - Elizabeth City1 dick, Jr., .; Zack Robertson. Jr., (direetio ' Broughton 7 Daujhighway, Member, ind guests.' Hiliary J. Scaffi Millard D. Ivey, chj.irmrfn. Santa Clou "will be' were seated 'in the dintne Jtoom4PCTli5SL-i5,XSS and -tifvs. to .the1 children pre' ent during the party. Youngsters from Hertford and the rural area are looking for-; ward with pleasure to - the an , nual visit 61 Santa Claus and with ; favorable weather ; young- slers by the hundreds, together with many, parents, are expected 10 oe on nana, lor tne visit ana party. ' - t FuCiidltflSCjOfO. T . :! For Action : . .. ,The Perquimans Chamber of Commerce at 'an annual dinner Miss Hulda Wood" president. . held here Wednesday night at presided over the .brief, business j the Hertford Grammar School session when tentative .plans installed new officers' and direc-'were made for'a holiday party tors elected for the 1962 year to be t held Thursday nigh De- ' ahead.. . , i. cember 28, at the Edenton Res- Mayor Levmt Culpepper of,taurant. ;.,-flThe executivfr . board Elizabeth' City! Mm guest speak- will , meet Thursday " night, ! pe . er at the dinner. . , ( ' cember 7, with Miss Wood at " ' Charles M. Harrell Was again her home on Grubb Street. installed' as presidertl of the' These present' were Mr, Nors- . .... .. . Unvn.'' IT nllm.rAll -Perquimans unantDer. instaiiedi nin with Waiwll tt viro "T oresident Claude Brinn: and R.L, Stevenson, i secretafy-treas- ihier - Directors.: R. 4 L. Hollo-! wll. Floyd Matthews ahd War ner Madre, , members of the old ' board, u The new members in ' stalled were Dr. T. P. Brinn, John' D. Coston ' and Julian A. White,- . .! Allan "W, Mills, mahager of the Perquimans -Chamber, 1 read a list of the various Committee rhfllrmpn v. namcdi bv President' Charles . M. ' Harrell for 1962.1 Church of Hertford will hold a Merchants Committee Chair- bake sale beginning at 10 o'clock man, W. F Ainsley; Industrial Saturday morning, December 9, Committee,- Keith Haskettj - In-I in the old Hertford Banking Co. (Continued on Pa ' building.- . Ijaj Coitimiinity Progress Ax ards Presented Thursday Approximately -1 573 , peoph were on hand at Perquimany EJch School Thursday night tc wltnc the . second, annual pre i of - community devel a -urds for Perquimans Top awards Were pre. f.j ; 'the Vhiteston and n;..os Of the ' ' ' ,-"s winners received llcrtfcrd Jaycees (knDSA Drive The Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce today formed committee to seek nominations! X'day night at 7 oclock. The for the outstanding young man' 8am under way with of the year in the county,' ac-j8 Junior Varsity game being cording to John Beers, president ... . of the Jaycees. The 1 committee, headed by Don Norman, is actively can vassing . .churches, businesses, clubs and organizations to de- fnpmlnn tirtiinU . trniirn mm 91 through 35-has contributed the most to the 'community during the year. Don .stated that nomination- blanks can be obtained from any locaI Javcee. ;x According to Don, nominees will be judged on contributions to community welfare and bet- terment, participation in all- around community activities and civic .enterprises, . evidence of lasting contribution to commun- liy wenare, evidence of leader ship ability, evidence of person al ' and business progress, and cooperation with individuals and civic organizations.;., Final date T submitting nominations January 5, 1962. - is BPY Club Holds 11 Dinner Program The " Hertfo7dBusinP mJ:.? tastefully decorated for jthe oc cesion, where they enjoyfd a de licious steak supper. i , ; ; ; They met in the den, for the procram when. Mrs. JVlasion. Ice-. telaUve chairman. rqcognW 1 - Mrs. Alice .1. Kens, wna intro-l Mrs. Alice ,T. kens, who intro duced N. A. Notsworthy of Norfolk," a lawyer, ' an: author and a representative ; of the ,Trust Department of - Peoples Bank & Trust Company, who j led a most informative and in teresting discussion of wills and the' importance -of making wills. He 'said that -women,, especially, sliould write a will since statis tics show they- live longer than men, . they maintain and control more wealth than .men. wormy, m...,.),"""""'" Mrs. Nathan Relfe, Mrs- Dilwyn Young, Miss Wood, Mrs. Maston, Mrs. Owens, Miss Thelma EU liott, Mesdames Betty X. Swifl- dell. Essite H. Burbage, Nezzie P. sHaste, A Alice "Mac" Kanoy, Roxanna ?. ' Jacsdn, Mtfry 'Dale S. Lane, Mario SL Elbott 'and Mrs. Sallie McN. Lane. it SAINT CATHERINE"GUILD Jf TO HOLD BAKE SALE SAT. The Saint Catherine Guild ofib:B v,aiic.m type 'trucks, operat- the Holy r Trinity Episcopal last year's top' winner), Belvi dere and Chapanoke-Wobdville. i(t,i nv $n.if.)M iwarded 'white V ribbons, i and N. C. Extension SerVice spe- , - J,""K, cialista. described the program f"d Mrs. W. T." Drake of Wll-. os ''one of . the most comprehend l'amston. has been elected North live in the stale" " .' v-"Csrolinajs ; "Most Beautiful Ma- sive in the state, j-4 - ivi in aiu,.i Z i un. r of the 'Albemarle Elec I"2mber! M'- 1 i CO- pOrf lon, Pcrqrabs&scrs Flay Hiz&th City l!:reFr&y;iglit The Indians arid Junior Var sity team of -Perquimans High School will meet the Elizabeth City High School basketball teams in. a home ... game, ta be played at the school gymnasium P"ya wsi, wh.k ...Ill n I Or A'Atru.1r ' win yiaj fc uvimvr. i, Perquimans High School's bas ketball season lor 1962 got un der "way last;, week with the first game being :t played with Windsor at which time the In- dia"S d wlT" f 11 e n with the Windsor teams. The Squaws won their game over Hhs WirtriRnr trirla with close 0007 rh Indians droppe(f their game to the Wind sor bovs with a score of 25-59. At the end of .the first half f th. bovs' came tho Windsor team was leading the Indians by only two points. However, the Indians failed to rally and did not score at all in the third quarter. ; '" ' Boards Draws 35 For Jury Service " Commissioners for Perquim ns County at their December meeting drew the names of 36 county residents fpr jury duty at the Jenuary term of Superior Court. - VI',: - " Residents whose names were drawn for jury service arc: M. ne, .Ratoh nsfield, Jr., John Lawrence WinsJow. w U liam E. Lane. Robert R. Keaton, A. J. Chappell, , Crafton; Wins toalter Nixon. Walter Mur ray' Parker, . Braxton Godfrey, ' Walter Harrtll, . James Pierce, m. v II H V 111 x n.r i Hollowell, Merrill lay- : . , ; ti r:i v,. Eure, jr., -Mpnonau . cm, Jr., and Dennis P., Winslow. Hertford Of ficials Meet In Raleigh With Sanitation Committee The Hertford Town officials, Mayor. V. N. Dafden, City At torney Charles E. Johnson and Town Clerk K C. "Bobby" El- Uott met in Raleigh last Wed- ...;ik Mr Vfnnhani nf the licauajr v,w , . Division of State Stream Sani-j tation and Hydrology Committee' for the purpose of discussing thej sewage disposal : facilities re quired by the state.' A delay was. requested by the town in order that the Raleigh firm of L.' E. Wooten & Co, who has been hired as sonsulting. engi neers for the preliminary plan ning to have time to make a preliminary : study as i to how tficiuiiuiu. long it would take to complete the disposal plant. .' 'Steve PerryHurf, In Truck Accident ,; Steve Perry, Jr., a salesman for "Jackson Wholesale Com pany, is recuperating from- in juries received in; an accident last week which occurred while Ptrrv was nneratinff one of the . p(1 bv the jacksori Wholesale Company. n The accident occurred, at the ffnlk intersection And quick thinking on the part of Mr.T Dursmti; Neck walked- off with Perry resulted in his being able the, community service award ta avoid colliding with another for. the year as the Albemarle vehicle and maneuvering the District of Ruritan National held truck : Bi-iihrf mte-simt a store. doing only damage to the "ve hicle he was operating and , suf fering personal- injuries. tn4 TWaIra VVina - V Majorette Honr V-i jdfette" by the drum "majorettes Ot America. , -M.ss Dra-ke, gduate of amston High School is a fresh, maP at ',,a!l pUlUHHO C-V.A !h 4Va n.n.- iniignw oi mrs. rd. i i it:' i C - "I taxes. ;. . . . The List Takers and Farm ,. , Crop Census Takers for 1962 are - F!ftecJ cases were disposed of as follows: Mrs. Elton Uyden. durin Tuf fss'on of Per Belvidere Township; T. Julian T8 -f"" Crt', PT Long, Bethel Township; Mrs.i sTldued 0ver Jff Charles Ej Belle Proctor," Parkville Town-' Jol?nso, The dckel,was thc, ship; Percy Rogerson, Hertford1 hehtest "n .several weeks' I Township; Melvin Euie, New - Ruten Cox, Jr., charged with Hope Township. , no operator's , license and no in-' The Board ordered a special surance, was given a 60 day meeting to be held in the Court road sentence. Sentence to be House at 10 A. M., Monday, De- suspended upon payment of a cember 18, for the purpose of $50 fine., and court costs, instructing the- List Takers of Roland Coval, charged with their duties and any other busi- improper muffler, was fined $10 ness that may come before the and costs of court. . ' Board. " I Mitchell D. Sawyer, charged It was also voted , by thc with improper brakes, was fin Board to hold the next regular ed $10 and taxed with, costs, meeting on Tuesday, January 2, ; James Jones paid the costs 1962.: x . for improper parking. , The Board approved beer li- Clyde Lee Lane and Irving cense application submitted by Long, charged with improper WiD'am' B. Jones. , mufflers, paid the costs. The Commissioners voted to Jacob White and Obcd T. donate $500 to the Perquimans Winslow, Jr., both charged with County Chamber of Commerce speeding, were each fined $10.25 for one year's contribution and and taxed with costs. I the funds to come from non-tax! William C. Edmundson paid a sources. 1 On motion' passed, the Board' authorized Don Norman, mana-l ger of the local Farmers Home Administration Office, to install wiring, . locks' on doors, interiori painting and change sink, in the court costs on a charge of as Davenport office building rent- sault on a female. I ed by Perquimans County. A petition requesting the Stale Highway Commission to hard surface SR No. 1305 leading from SR No. 1303 to US High way 17, 'approximately 3 miles in New Hope Township, was ap proved by the Board. On a mQtion passed, the Board approved a 'petition requesting the State; Highway "Commission - to add , U second- mad system," Continued on Pag Two' Mrs. Donald Norman Named Chairman For March Of Dimes - "Moving forward from : the- successful fight against polio.j we w iNew iviarcn oi .uimBsioi ine national rounaaiion. will support one of the most Mrs. Gorman pointed out that potent medical programs ever the March of Dimes organiza launched aeainst chronic cripp-l tion, while continuing its ; 24 ling disease," Mrs. Donald Nor-. year successful fight against po man said today. lib, is also attacking crippling Mrs. Norman's statement was With defects and arthritis, made as she accepted appoint-! "Funds are needed to Sup ment to direct the March Of port research which offers real Dimes campaign' in Perquimans hope of discovering preventives Count from Januarv 2 throueh v - - w January 31. .;. ' Ths f appointment was an- Cotton Allotment Notices In 1,12:1 Perquimans ' County growers win receive oiuciai notice oi ... . ineir ;arm acreage auoi- - ments for cotton in - the next1 Monday evening, December 4, by few days, it was announced by Superintendent of Schools and ASCS Manager George Bellmon. Mrs- J- T- Biggers prior to the Farmers who do not intend; to board's December business meet operate a farm for'which a 1962,ln6- . ,. , . , cotton allotment is established1 Guests l the dinner besides should immediately' return the nffirUl not'lc in lh Countv ASCS Office so that it can beiThomf Maston n E- Wood , , , ContinuM on Pag 2 t (Continued on Page lour) Durahts ; Neck Honors Among " annual convention jrraay at the Hotel Virginia Dare in Eliza beth City.;:.'--','f:i:;.-' At the same , time vLester Copeland of the Chowan, Club was named district governor, succeeding .: C. ' I; (DicH Brewer of Hertford, .who , served as leader 6f the district for the P" two wra. - Presentation of awards, the election, of tho new governor and an . address , by, Rome ! Schwagle 0f Maryland, pdst national presi dent,' featyred the banquet which attended by approximately 125 pen.ons , - J ' uuiuvu- cunuiuuivy t ncivitc cwwu, mc Iprue honor of the year's pro- unc 01 $0.40 ana court costs on a speeding charge. ' Stanley L. Wilson, charged with following too close, was' taxed with court costs. Joshua B. Zachary paid tho James E. Overton, charged with being drunk on the streets, was fined $2 and costs. Lester Repcll, failure to sec intended movements, could be made In safety, was taxed with costs. V . j , ! 1 Julian Emanuel Johnson, Jr., was taxed with costs, for driving' on the i left side of the road. Ttffif'M Perry paid the costs' oH ? a, cbarg6 tt failure . to ob-, serve stop light nounced by Mrs. W. C. Dozier, Chalrmdn' of 'the local chapter' and cures for these diseases. This is the program that devel- Continued on Page 4 Board of Education Meets On Monday The Perquimans County Board " r , with . a irtirialmuc riinnpr nn the board members were Miss Thelma.. ElUott, Mr. ', and Mrs. Wins District Ruritah Gliibs gram, Durants Neck Club also was presented , six certificates for outstanding committees. Ac ceptance was made by Carson Spivey, club president. . f. 'Other clubs honored .for. com mittee activities, were Bethel and Pasquotank with two certificates teach, and Newland-Providence . and farKvuie, one apiece. During the afternoon session various reports were 'heard find an - officers' ' school . conducted with ' Charles M&yt in charge of' the!" presidents, vice presi dents antf" directors, and S. L. Lowery handling the incoming secretaries and treasurers j i At the nirht - session Mayor Levin Culpepper welcomed tre Ruritans to Elizabeth City. Ed Self of the Providence-Newland Club, was in charge of the en ) Conttnuad oa Pag I , Indications point to one of the largest Christmas sales promo tions in several years as the merchants of Hertford have join ed together to bring their cus tomers unusual sales values dur-i mg the Christmas Holiday. Sea son. I The Hertford merchants are extending themselves for the holidays and are offering many better values to their customers. Practically every merchant is making a truly fine sales event by special purchases of out-i standing selections. j Every effort is being made' to make the holiday shopping one of the most outstanding ever held here. Reported Good , A fishing party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Divers and Mrs. E. C. Woodard, made a record catch of rockfish last Thursday when they landed 30 rockfish averaging three pounds up, while jjtrolling in the Per quimans River. Thc party fished from about 9 in the morning until late af ternoon. Glee Club Plans Christmas Program For December 10th vi uuimaj, w, but. . high school glee club will pre- sent its annual Christmas con - Method.st Church. The program ,s divided into four parts. Part I consist of two Christmas anthems and two Negro spirituals. Rachel Wins- otanwn win sing soios irom ine Rock Fishing r Z L ; .u , , u'heavy worl. 01 KcePinS, y ..m.uK.um.-uu, will sing carols from sing carols irom otner lanus. 'iiuuii liic taia ajc Afic Carol of the Drum," "What Strangers Are These", "Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella", and "What Child Is This?" The! carols end with the familiar "Si-' lent Night" by the group and a sextet composed of Nancy. Ba toman, Verna Perry, Mary Barbee, Rachel Bass, Madeline Perry and Margaret. Eure. . ; Part IV includes a choral' reading from Luke I and the Christmas hymn "We Would See Jesus" with Jerry Sullivan as' was broken into recently and ?veryone lse, would prefer to soloist.; The program is con-, the entire cottage ransacked. A uave fa ,'?uiet Chstmas with eluded with The First Noel and. number 0f items were taken thejr famllies The Hallelujah Chorus from The! fr(Mn the cottaee which included! can.make the chief hap Messiah. a rtin anH an wtrir mixer1 py .by being careful to avoid Beginning at 3:45 P. M.. there will be a prelude of familiar carols played on tbe bells by' umaa button, accompanied at accompanied at the organ by the church organ-jtage ist. i he accompanist for the glee club is Bc-tsy Barbee. The public is cordially invited to, at- music. Biggers Attends School Meeting Superintendent of Perquimahs County Schools John T. Biggers left Tuesday to attend the mid winter conference of all city and county superintendents in the state being held at Durham. The two-day mid-winter con ference is to study policies of the State Department of Public Instruction. Mrs. Biggers accompanied her husband and will visit her son-in-law and daughter in Chapel Hill while Mr. Biggers attends the conference. Two Hertford Men On ECC Honor Roll Jack ; Brinn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack E. Brinn, and John Brouehton HI, students at East Carolina College in Greenville, were among the students at the college on the honor roll. ' ' Christmas In Song . At Berea Church The Senior Choral Club- of Roanoke Bible College will pre sent ; "Christmas In ; Song," Fri day night at 7:30 o'clock at the Berea Church of Christ The public is cordially invited to attend. Wanted! The Hertford Jaycees are ap pealing to everyone in the com munity to dig back in the clos ets, attic and basement and call them if they have some toys that can be repaired. The Jaycees want these toys' for underprivileged children in tbe community. They ask that The polling places are lbcaL you call a member of the Jay-'ed as follows: Belvidere Com cees, who will pick up the toys, munity, Charles Layden's Store or that you deliver tliem to thc a"d L. L. Chappell's Stori; Hertford Fire Station. Seal Sales Total $579.60 To Date Mrs. Roxanna Jackson, Christ mas Seal chairman for Per quimans County, reported so far this year the Seal appeal total is $579.60. Since it is a custom for a fol low up of the letiers mailed in November, ' Perquimans County residents will be receiving a colorful reminder about Christ mas Seals. The reminder is also a plea, asking those who re ceived Seals to send in their contribution. Mrs. Jackson said """""" ou',J:, S",UUJU oe P'L- ed high on the list of all shop- pers. She pointed out the ex- pansion of the activities of the TB Association, such as tubercu- lin test for first graders by pub- he health nurses, also the 51 pa- tients in boarding homes in Per- ru c , i ,j i. ,.. UCILUI1II ICSLCU dllU tl WIIU WCI chest X-rayed through funds from Christmas Seals, cooperat- lans Health Department. Mrs. Jackson said before an- other Christmas Seal campaign ,uniUs ?cbedued for, November of 1962. and the fol- iow up oi me cnesi A-ray irom the unit will add to thc already , qullnallli citizens cnecKea or tuberculosis and other lung dis- gases 1 Brinn Cottage is Broken In ' The t,each cottage 6f Dr. and At Nags Head which are still unaccounted for.!" this holiday season' in ad Pnlm mac mirla r Krnnlinff a picture window in the living r0Om of the cottaee. The cot- was ransacked from top to bottom and items of clothine and blankets were removed from the cottage and found on the beach nearby. Hertford Firemen's Annual Banquet On December 15th Members of the Hertford Fire Department will entertain their wives and a number of guests at their annual Christmas ban quet December 15. The banquet will be held at the Hertford Grammar School on Friday night, December 15, at 6:30, o'clock, according to Fire Chief R. C. "Bobby" Elliott. Cotton - Peanut Ref erendums Scheduled Tuesday? Dec. 12th How farmers vote in the cot ton marketing quota referendum to be held throughout the na tion's cottort growing area on December 12 will determine whether quota penalties will ap ply and also the level of price support for 1962 cotton crop. The referendum, therefore, is of vital ' concern to every cotton grower, according to Perquim ans County ASCS office man ager, George Bellmon. ? ' .. The marketing quota program will be in operation for next year's " crop if at least two- j thirds of the votes cast in the Polling places where Perquim j us County "farmers may cast ballots in the reiciendum on marketing quotas for the 1962 upland cotton crop " were an nounced today by L. L. Lane, Chairman, Agricultural Stabili- usedjzation and Conservation County I Committee. The referendum will be held on Tuesday, De- cember 12. Bethel Community, J. L. Curtis Store and Hertford Livestock & Supply Company; Hertford Com munity, Agriculture Building and Jordan & Long's Service Sta tion; New Hope Community, . W. Turner's Store and Tun: . & Caddy's Store; Nicanor v Liunhy, Wink Winslow's Stoic, und j'aikville Community, Fred Winslow's Store and Towe-Pike Ciram & :Suppy Company. o'ui will be open from 8:00 A. M., to t:00 P. M. Chairman Lane explained that every effort has been made to inform farmers fully about the allotment-quota program, so that the outcome of the referendum may represent the considered opinion of ail the voters. Farm- ers aii elifeible to cast ballots are those who eneaeed in tha production of the upland cotton crop ln m Approval by at lcast two-thirds of thc growers voting is necessary d the tas ale to go into effect i33,1QS to bc decidpd December 12 referendum are (1) ru,t3s or M quotas and (2) to be AVaMahlA ftr the 1 QfiO cott0n nm upland ir th ;.- f.J.,Ki ,,Un niQ$ m ,. f. cotton produced on a farm, and pri(:e fiupp6rt t0 srower8 ' who Cor, wi their farm of- mets will be available at level of from 65 to 90 percent cf Daritv If the vote is not favorable, there will be no Quotas or Deni itir. nnniinou, tn , ,nc. (upland cotton crop, and price I support to cooperators will be at 50 percent of parity, as di rected by law. j Helo The Fire Chief Have Merry Holiday f Help the fire chief and his men have a Merry Christmas this year by using care with fire around the house. The chief and his men, like dition you can 'have a Merry ,nrs yourself without the prospect of a rebuilding bill in January. Two fire calls were answered this past week by the Hertford. Fire Department, Both fires were in the county and were brush fires. Perquimans Student Gets Wake Forest Scholarship Offer Ray Thornton, assistant coach at Wake Forest College visited the Perquimans High School here Tuesday of this week and interviewed some of the boys there. ' ! "Waldo Winslow; student at Perquimans 1 High School, has been, offered 8 scholarship a' Wake Forest -College. - i referendum are in favor of the program. "' In that case,' price support will be available to growers who comply "with 'the(r farm allotments for the 1962 crop of cotton at a level between CS and 90 per cent' of parity, and quota penalties will apply on any "excess" cotton. If more than one-third of the votes are against quotas, there -would be no quota penalties and the price support level to eligible grow ers would drop 50 per cent j ofc Parity. ' " , " ' Even though quotas are dis . (Connmtod oft Ftff Four) .

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