4 s JT OU IMAMS WEEECLY Jl JH - ' ...... 1 PER XXVIIi Number 51. 011 U u7s4 Bcgrca Durglary v A 17-ycar-old Perquimans County Negro is being held in n undisclosed jail while offic ers continue investigating the fcharge ot first degree burglary Ifind "assault on a retired and 'Well known white school teacher. . Sheriff J. "Kelly White.; iden tified the victim as Mrs! Etta ' falters, who lives alqne just .across Walters' bridge on the Harvey Point road at the muni cipal limits.' v " ' " Charged with the- crime is Joseph Gilliam, Jr. , ' - , Sheriff White said that Mrs. Walter? heard someone trying to (break into her locked bed room about 4;45- o'clock Mon day morning. She used a tele : phone beside her bed to call for police assistance. - ' ' Immediately upon completion of the call Gilliam allegedly broke throulgh the door into her room, choked her and knocked her- to t the f jr.. In a matter -of min utes f 1 Ttford Policeman Char lie E.. utt reached the residence and lea; ght . Gilliam ..inside Ihe - house ; ' - .Additional details were with held pending a more complete , invcstal.on, Sheriff ,White suid. ' . Son.lment against Gilliam ws runm. ? strong i to the.ektent - -thrt f -iff, White felt it best to DrSflST ! e!:::iFQri:c:;Jay - Tht) .Perquimans County Se - lective iService" System "office is closed for the holidays. The office will-' remain closed until Januarj 2, 1962, at which time it will ( resume its usual part-time schedule of, Mondays and Thursdays, open 8:30 A. M., until 5130 P. M.; Tuesdays, 8:30 . A.f M., ntil 12:30 P. M. Margaret Scaff, Clerk of the Local Beard advises anyone be-comir-? 18 during the period the off.ee ij, closed should report on Jam t 2 for registration. The clerk announced Perquim ans County does not have an Induction Call in January. How ever, tie county does have a quota of i seven registrants for physic' 1 j examination. , Scl 1 Holidays t Wednesday , nans,' County 'Schools ..'ednesday afternoon fpr i day vacation in observ ' the annual Christmas ' it was reported today Biggers, school super- 1, 1 ," ' 1 gera said classes will 1 on a . full time basis V Pei ( closH an' c. I A et , holiu by. J Intc M i? January 2. ... L' lb B County , Commis- last MoiJay in and "conferred V t lkus on the "1' j 'Hiperty i were ; will y 2. 1 i CaCtBtejy Ponding Of Charge 'Elsven Cases In Recorder's Court Session Tuesday . Eleven cases, concerned main ly with traffic violations, were disposed . of during , Tuesday's session of Perquimans Record er's , Court, 5 presided' over by Judge Chas.E. Johnson. " Henry Alfred Felton entered a plea of guilty to ' driving on the wrong side of the road and no brakes. ; He paid a fine of $10 and costs of court. William , v Alphonso Bowser was taxed with the costs of court for allowing an unlicensed operator to operate a motor ve hicle on the highways. . The following were taxed with the costs of court for having im proper mufflers; Floyd Ray Dail, Thos.'Mallory, Floyd Wil son Whit$. ' ;. Archie JrfcClain Godwin, Jr.', and William' Lawrence 'Jennings were taxed with the costs ..for failure 4a observe a stop sign. James Wallace Hinton entered a plea of guilty to' driving , on the Jtfrong; ijJ'pMhe road and paid ;co8tsJf court, 'William Oscar Felton entered a plea of guilty to reckless driv ing and leaving the scene of an accident. The court ordered him to' be, sent to the roads for 60 days or pay a fine of $100 and costs of court. ' . t v vPrayer for "judgment was con tinued until January 16, 1962, in the case pf Horace Greely Wil liams, who was charged with reckless driving. George' Alric Umphlclt, charg ed with abandonment' and non support, was ordered to pay $50 per, month -for the. use of his wife and the costs of court. Billy Edward Woolard was or dered to pay the costs of court an the charge of driving tqo fast for conditions. . . School Committee In Meeting Monday Perquimans District School Committee held , its quarterly meeting Monday afternoon in the office of the superintendent of schools with 1 principals and the superyispr attending. Each principal reviewed Che progress achieved thus far in the county schools this year and told of plans for the remainder of the term. Superintendent Biggers told the group the Board of Educa tion, intends to review the set of: policies now inforce ; for schools , and any recommenda tions concerning ; , changes . in these policies should be report ed prior to February 1. ? :::;3 ion for. refrigerators, $50, foe home freezers and $100 for tractors. List takers, appointed by the Commissioners at their Decem ber ! meeting are the same as last year. Julian Long, Bethel Township; Percy Rogerson, Hert ford Township; Mrs. Belle Proc tor, Farkville Township; Mrs. Elton'. Layden, Belvidcre Town !'), and Melvin Euro, New Township.,; : . ' ' ' of tlie list takers' r the month will be ' ' .'. 1 r t week i !5 v 1 pre l.i Hertford,: Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, December 22, 1961. it , ait I tin -Trrw ( "-' i Will ' fiAJ'; ' . v-f' 11 is once again being told ? , . throughout the world, and as in j-cse; a'st, the words are as wonderful to hear as when they were first told. -WostsJiappy, .to take thi opportunity to wish you wrfL Christmas the-. best, season of tie year, and it recalls the best things to mind. Because your friendship is priceless to us, we take much pleasure in saying: ' i. ... , 13LSI W1S1ILS AT CHRISTMAS County M Sales How Stend At $940 According to the latest report from Mrs; ; Roxanna Jackson, chairman for Perquimans Seal Sale, $940 of the $r,600 quota has been realized so far from citizents in Perquimaris County. Mrs. Jackson praised the work of the volunteers and contribut ors and said many, letters are still out, having been overlooked du?1 to the Christmas rush. Mrs; Jackson said Mrs. M. B.isuPPrt of the charter, but Rus Taylor reported Bay Branch A. M. E. Zian Church, under Mrs. Reba Hurdle collected $3.00 and Leigh's Temple $4.00, with Col lie SpellmanM in charge of col lection. ivi-. Funds from Christmas Seals are the sole support of the TB Association and .79 of . each dollar raised remains to be used in making chest &-rays, follow up tuberculin 'lest, ' services to our patients, research to find a drig needed to. prevent tuber culosis and health education' vi tal to the welfare of the com munity. ' " ' . Library Announces , Holiday Schedule' ' ' ' ": ,rn r , Tlie Perquimans County Li brary Board announces that the library will be closed Friday and Saturday before ' Christmas, Christmas Day and Tuesday af ter Christmas. Beginning Wed nesday following the holidays it will be open on its regular'sche dule until January 'l, when it will be closed New Year's Day. A' few -.new bowks have been received in the library this week. They are: Complete Duck Shoot er's Han "oock; T. Secret Ad- i-snry by O-' :. ; The Trail of t: e Tittore 1 . r: Venus Un- i 1 r" books" for r lo'i 3NEW KING A ccoroing to legend, even jr the beasts of the field bowed their heads in praise and worship of the new King on that first Christmas. ;;:.'' 7 he ageless story of Christmas The Editors This Week's 1 Headlines j Faced with a problem of ob servance of its charter calling for prevention' of force in settle ment of disputes between ! na tions, the United Nations this week reached its lowest ebb as an organization to halt out breaks of small wars. Indian triggers off the action by over running Portugese territory, fol lowing by claims in other Asian areas. The U. S. calls for UN jsia vetoed censorship of India. President Kenhedy was called to Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday when ; his father suffered a stroke.' Washington ' reports the illness of the elder Mr. Kennedy may cause cancellation 1 of the talks scheduled . this week .be tween the British Prime Minis ter and the President." ' Secretary of Agriculture Free man,' it is reported,, has okayed a proposed new farm bin which i aimed at reducing the huge surplus, of produce which now costs millions of dollars in stor age rates. The' plan, according to reports, calls for rigid en forcement of acreage allotment and also marketing of produce. HOLIDAY DANCE The Student Council of the Perquimans High : School . will sponsor a New Year's dance on Friday- night, December 29, at the teen-age center - from 7:30 to 11 P. M. ' A small admission will be charged.' Dress will be semi-formal Everyone is invit ed to ptteni. ' CHRISTMAS " PROGRAM " There " will be a Christmas program conducted . at 'the Chapel 'I r-r''"t Church on Frld?y County Producers Vote For . Perquimans County cotton and - peanut : producers voted overwhelmingly in favor of pro posals in the referendums held on December 12, according to George Bellmon, ASCS Office Manager. .' ' The cotton vote was 175 in favor - to 5 against , while the total of the peanut assessment plan carried 204 to 8. ' ' Mr. Bellmon also made the following announcements con cerning the ASC program Applications for payments cov ering conservation practices per formed under the 1961- ACP are benig prepared and submitted for payment. Farmers should begin receiving checks within the next few days. January ' 15 through January 30 is ' the . initial . signup period for filing a request under the 1962 ACP for carrying but a spring " conservation practice. Prior approval is necessary be fore starting the practice. ,, The - following' practices are approved Conservation practices which, may be performed during the winter and spring: , 1. Sowing a permanent pas ture andor cropland pasture (Must , be sown between Febru ary. 15 and April IS). . - 2. Liming Material on Farm land (Sojl Test is required) 8. Forest Improvement Forest Tree Planting. 4. Open Ditch Drainage Tile Drainage-r-Farm' Ponds, u , ' 5. Summer' Annual Legumes (Soybeans and Lespedeza). ' BASKETS FOR UNFORTUNATE The NFA Chapter of Perquim ans County ' Union School with the aid of other students' and teachers, sent out 120 baskets to unfortunate people of this' coun ty.' - These ' "baskets contained ; li'.t, - '. ' Iks, -canned ' goods ' r r -d l f-Js. ; Baptists To Hold Musical Program Here Next Sunday On Sunday, December 24, the combined choirs of the Hertford Baptist Church, under the di rection .of the Rev. Norman B. Harris .and Mrs. J. Ellic White will present a program of Christ mas music at the morning wor ship service at 11 A. M., and the Training Union Department of the church under the direc tion of Mrs. Royce Vickers will present a pageant entitled "The Christmas Story" at 7 P. M. Included in the morning mu- sicale by the combined choirs will be "Christmas Means Think ing of Jesus", by Warren Angcll .ind Geoffrey O'Hara; "Angels We Have Heard on High," ar ranged by Martha D. Waller, Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Fred Matthews and Mrs. Howard Matthews, trio; "The Wondrous Story" by H. R. Palmer, Mrs. Reginald Tucker, soloist; "Love Came Down at Christmas" bv Edwin T. Karhu; "Come to the Stable With. Jesus," Bobby Ov erton, soloist; "Rise Ud Shep herd and Follcr," arranged by John W. Work, Norman B. Har ris, soloist; "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" harmonized by Michael Praetorious; "Go Tell It on the Mountain." arranged by William J. Rcnolds, Miss Gail Night." arranged by Arthur R. Gcrccke, Mrs. Dilbon Young kiuginhfipranp obligato. ... l nose participating in the evening s pageant include Mrs. Ike Perry, the mother; Margo md Robin Perry, the children; Sidney Ely, Angel Gabriel; Mar garet Ainsley, Mary; Price Monds, Joseph; James Jordan, Tommy Keel, L. B. Sitterson, Roy Vickers and Steve Williams, shepherds; Dorna Outland, Rita Jordan, Moni Divers. Billy Rob ertson and Earl Bass, angels; George Baker, Dick Brewer and Dan Berry, wise men, and Mrs. J. Eilie White, organist. The pageant's music will be sung by the Carol, Concord and Church Choirs, the Men's Chorus and Bobby Overton, soloist. The pastor, the Rev. Norman B. Harris, extends to the pub lic an invitatiion to come and enjoy the blessings of these pro grams and services. Appliances Taken AtHertfordMotors Thieves broke into Hertford Motor Company Wednesday night of last week and made off with a ; number of television sets, radios, a record player and some money. , - : Perquimans County Sheriff J. Kelly White said that entry to the building was gained by the front , door, Missing were three " new portable ' General Electric television sets, a new transistor and a table model ra dio, a used record player which Continued en Page 6--Section I Health Film Is Shown At School "The Inside Story,"' a film on tuberculosis, . was presented at Perquimans Union School, Win fall, PTA " Meeting, recently. Pamphlets Pn chest X-ray and tuberculin test were distributed by the teachers. ' . Mrs. Roxanna Jackson, chairman of Christmas Seals for Perquimans County, said Joseph Dempsey, principal of the school will use the film during the health period for the Junior; High students. !n prepa-, . e -.. ii.. i . i , i- i i ' ration xor ine luuercuun ivsung program scheduled later for the ninth graders. Mrs. Jackson said programs of this kind keep the schools and community in- j formed, teaching the facts about TB to maintain , the county's! health. Christmas Seals make itj eeive credit ef one unit which possible to furnish films forican be used to upgrade certifi these programs also to follow up cates or for renewal ' purposes, all positive reactors with a chest I . According to. Mr, Bicrs, it Christmas 0p Agriculture Building Draws Crowd Over 400 Christmas Theme Is Program For Hertford P.TA Members of the PTA of Hert ford Grammar School held their December meeting Thursday night of last week with Mrs. Charles Murray presiding. Miss ' Elliott's 7th grade pre sented a program consisting of Christmas plays and music which was conducted by Mrs. Henry Stokes. After the pro gram the president recognized three past presidents, Mrs. Jack Brinn, Mrs. R. S. Monds and Mrs. Robert Hollowell who were presented with past president pins. Reports were given by the various committees of the unit, which indicated the PTA pro jects for the year are being achieved according to plan. February was set as a date for the next meeting of the PTA unit, and following adjournment the parents were invited into the classrooms where a social hourwas enjoyed by all. Edenton Captures Wins Over Indians Edenton's High School basket ball teams walked off with vic tories in a double-header play ed in the Prquimans High gym Friday night of last week. The Edenton girls won by a 45-19 margain while the Aces tripped the Indians 56 to 28. Edenton's girls built up a 19 to 9 first half lead. Spencer with 17 points and Morgan with 14 led the winners. Cox had and Hurdle 6 for Perquimans The Edenton boys led 31 to 11 at intermission. Hollowell and Ross had 8 points each, Dale V and Wright and Fry 6 apiece for the Aces, McGoogan lurri ed in 11 tallies and Francis Combs 7. for Perquimans. The Indians closed out their prc-holiday schedule playing the junior varsity and varsity in Elizabeth City Tuesday night. They will resume play follow ing the holidays by traveling to Ahoskie for an AlHfcrnarle Con ference game on Friday night, January 5. Teacher Education Classes Conducted Next Month Acting under authority enact ed by the "last General Assem bly, the Perquimans Board of Education has completed ar rangements for a Series of spe cial in-service teacher education classes which will begin here January 4, it was announced to day by J. T. Biggers, superintendent.- , . Mr. Biggers said some 50 teachers in the county system have signed up for the series of classes - which will be held at the Hertford Grammar .' School and the King Street School, rr-i 1 mi T The classes, will be on the subject of social studies, ' ' fea turing ; Modern World Affairs. The purpose of the classes will be1 for the upgrading of teach- ers' knowledge and each teach- er taking the course will re- 5 Cents Per Copy House At en The 1961 Christmas Open House featured trims aplenty for doorway, mantel, tree and tabic. Over 400 people visited the ex hibit at the. Agricultural Build ing on December 6, displayed by Perquimans County Home Dem onstration Clubs. Mrs. Warner Madre, president of the County Council, and Mrs. J. E. Wood, Jr., County Foods and Nutrition Leader, along with crafts leaJ eis, steered the planning for the event. Door decorations were display ed by the Baliahack Club. Out standing door decorations in cluded "O Holy Night" cut from j plywood backed with A ukcia painted and lighting, banked with greenery decorated one door, with another being decor ated with a Christmas tree. The base was a long handled dudt pan and heavy wire, cov ered with Christmas greens and decorated with bright colored oramcnts. . A tiny Santa peeped out from the, base of the tree. Aprons were made and dis played by Mrs. E. N. 'Miller--"Stitch In. Time For Christmas" was the title of the Burgess I Club display, which included many different items that could be made for Christmas gifts. The piano was banked with magnolia branches and tall red catKHeft..Wi.nfa.11 ClubJ c'OntrJbut--ed thLs Christmas idea. Mrs. John Lane, Sr., .displayed several of her dried arrange ments with a. Christmas motif. Continued on Paqe 3 Section 1 Kiddies Enjoy Last Saturday was Santa Clau.s Day in Hertford and the annual visit of the "Old Gentle man," sponsored by the Hert ford merchants in cooperation with the Hertford Fire Depart- visit By Santa 8jment and Jaycces, drew a large number of kiddies, youne and old. Shortly after 1 P. M. the chil dren startod gathering for the appearance of St. Nick, whe showed up at about 2 o'clock. Santa seated himself on a throne and proceeded to greet many of the children who wished to give some last minute instructions about gift suggestions for Christ mas. Firemen and Jaycees aided Santa Clau by passing out gifts of fruit and candy, which were furnished by the local mer chants. . Education that this course will enable the teacher - to gain greater depth of knowledge and understanding and thus become a more able teacher in his or her field. " The instructor for the course for white" teachers will be Dr. Charles Price from East Caro lina College and the first ses sion will be held Thursday, Jan-, uary 4, beginning at 6:30 and lasting until 9:40 P. M. There wilt be five sessions in all and ; teachers will be given credit for one unit.' , ' ' - Dr., G.,- A.i Anguizola will be the instructor for the classes for Negro teachers and the first ses sion will start Thursday, Janu- ary'- IL' with, hours being 7 to 9 P. M. There will be eight sessions for this group of teach ers. - 1 Mr, Biggers pointed out these speciaf classes Will be conduct- ( ed at no cost to the eounfv since ; the Legislature a ' ' - tl3 I"' , X-ray. : ''is the opinion cf t''e .T 4. cT