THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JANUARY 25. 1963. PAC2 . !-in Skinner, Reporter ;ie was a splendid, meet i held - at the agent'? office rg on Monday, January 14 P. M. .Who -was it?. Why Hertford-Highway 17 4-H isoring . Committees, , that'4 v x . .,-.. & v The meeting was, opened . by or president,; J. W. ColUns, and devotion was a led by the,, agrir. ci."lural agent, Negro work. The I ".Oant secretary. Percell Skin ner, obliged us with the min utes and roll call.' Mr.' Mary Holley, treasurer, gave the treas ury report, after - which " the president called fpr old business. .-. . The home economic Extension agent, Negro work, urged the leaders to see , that their 4-H members complete their project Archie Shanrionhousc Men's Club Speaker of " friut - trees',', riut ' trees-, " berry plants, grape vines; also land-J scape piani material. salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NUR- The vMethodist Men of the SERIES, Waynesboro, Virginia. Perquimans Charge met at Oak Jan4.ll.18 2t urove Church Monday night, January 21, . ! Archie Shannonhouse, v Certi fied Lay Speaker of Riverside Methodist Church in Elizabeth City, brqught an inspiring mes sage on world 'missions, - refer ring ..especially; to activities around the rim of Asia. ' . The devotional was led . by ; APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern apartments to ' lent: 1, three and four-room apart ments, furnished of unfurnish ed as desired.; Electric stove, T. Harris, deceased, tallian H. Phillips, John A. Harris, Clyde I. Harris, Virginia R. Alderson, Inez H. Corprew, Thomas j EM FORECLOSURE SALE Harris, A. Ray Harris, Lorairie North Carolina, Perquimans' County. NOTICE OF Uwder and -by; virtue of the H. Simpson, and Lillie E, Har-., power of sail contained in a cer- ris, GDN., of Eleanor H. Skin ner, Incompetent. . . . Plaintiffs, ,; t., . . .-''.''', VS.' , , ",. I'- Robert Elliott, Fannie Thompson, . Ruth Thompson Jordan, Wil liam Thompsr n and Mathew : Thompson, Bond t: , : Defendants tain , deed of trust,, executed by Mathew M. White- and his wife, Addie White, dated the 17th day of. February, 1961, and recorded in Book 35, page 391, in the Of fice of the hegister of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Caro lina, default "having been' made I in the payment of the indebted- side of1 Riddicks Grove Road, as follows to-wit; Beginning at a point on the Northern side of said road, which point v is the Southeast corner- of Ben Butt's land: thence in an Northeasterly direction along said Ben Butt's line a distance of 2C0 feet to a point; thence in a Southerly di rection along -the Western line of Clifton stallings' land a dis tance of 300 feet to a point on the Northern r margin , of said road; thence along the Northern margin of said road in a Wester ly direction a distance of 250 feet to the point of beginning. 'This property will be sold sub ject to outstanding and unpaid taxes and special assessments, if any. The highest bidder will be re o"ired to deposit in cash at the sale an amount equal to 10 of the amount of his bid up to $1,000.00, plus 5 of the excess 'of . his bid over the' sum of $1,000.00. 1 r Dated and , posted this 27th day of December, 1962. SMALL & SMALL By C. Buxton Small. Attorney for Trustee. Julius C. Smith III, Trustee . i Greensboro, N. C. Jan3. J 0,17,24 .with- each apartment- CaU M oflrust beine bv the terms' I Hertford 2201 for information. Thompson- r -. , thereof subject to foreclosure, the! Sept21tfc I Take rtotice that a pleading undersigned Trustee will . offer . r I n . . . " fnv unit n f mihlii niinliAn tt (Un i Tesse Bovce with Bryan Miller .' FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE been stoned in -the above-en- highest bidder for cash at the as pianist. Thomas Hollowell. past president; presided.; ' - ' A delicious; dinner was- served by the WSCS of the church. Elmer Miller closed the meet ing with prayer. , ' " ' MARY LONG CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Long Circle of Beth el Baptist Church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Tarkenton. The meeting was opened with all : sineins- " o - ' ' . il .. j .. : T T ,r i automatic washing machine 111 ea. ?c lon'i 1 Duet nalure, f Snh plin at k i i - i m ,j ,n j,.K JLk W nhet beiB8 Sought is as .follows -North . Carolina, at 3.30 p. M ,. and 30 -inch Westinghouse to recover damages for tres- on the 1st day of February, 1963, '-electric stove. .Both in excel-, passing bv vour aeents. servants, the property conveyed in said lent condition, ton 2438. ' Phone Eden- SALESMEN WANTED - SELL,Cfl;?JiniV ?n! to Jecover for the Kawleigh Products, full or part ed from piaintiffs lands by your time. . No capital necessary, agents, servants, and employees. Write Rawleigh Dept. ! NCA-i You are required to make de-.720-880, Richmond, Va. i , - lSnseV pleading not later r . ' . .', than March 21st, 1963, and upon - i " 1 jan.ia y0lu- failure to do so, the partv seeKing service against you will and employees upon lands owned. e?d of trust, the same lying and h.. (V, in;. ;n. ru-i m...t ' ueinK in r-eruuimaiis ouniy, enrollment and selection , cards ' "We've A story To Tell To The ! INSlJ'RANCE 7 ComPute cover- apply to' the court for the relief , along with the monthly guides Tor , 1983, .by the end of this V month. The agricultural Exten ' j sion agent, Negro- work again i. ."-explained the cucumber ; project, : allowing wherein it would be a age for Life, ; Health, Auto, sought. Fire and casualty.' Before lnisiJne 2na dav of Jaru" buying any insurance , . . con-, w j ward suit HENRY C. . SULLIVAN, ' C-lerk Superior Court Old Bank Building, phone 4198, Jan25,Febl,8,15 Hertford, N. C. ' Nations ' followed bv all re peating the Watchword. Mrs. 'Charles'- Ward gave a ' very in teresting program on "Christian Witnessing." - She had devotion al with Mrs. Chandler leadinir in very Inteeresting and beneficial nraver. Those taking mrt nn "j one, .for everyone whp participat-1 program were Mrs. Emmett , ; ed in it. It seems as if the i Long, Mrs. Edgar Long and Mrs. Hertford and Highway ?J7 4-H Charlie APPleton. Mrs leuucis - are iiiieresiea - in project and are putting" the to their members 'whowill, interested ' enough, cucumbers, this , Club project turn. ; stimulate ' nnJ :J A.V rl,,K in I TK V,i J' , l... 1 loctatn ,,,,11 i J ! . I uu."ual J wuu.aiu 4 Vfiuu inciiiuio j lJUBtcas aci VCU . jL.'aKG, - ICc ' M " pii-uj iiiaivc iiiiiiicul- lord, ' at St .taking part, m more of the ac?; cream and coffee to the 32i mem- m,v j j t ' - . T'Jennie's u vines, auun ,' vuimpv ' uh'jji, ucs piesent. , (j. course,-, picnics.; 4-H , , uniforms. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini stratrix of the estate of Hav- Tnlian;wood J. White, deceased, late of this Long .'closed the program .'with 1 EAl18 cunttv; Noth Car (i. . . .. i t lma, this is to notify all 'Demons iut?a nrnvpr . r. i. t' i . , . . imiuui I'T 6uiuie www ,tnat area adJOining the Town of Jeffeison Building BEGINNING AT A STAKE at the corner, of Russell Hollowell and William C- Burke, land lo cated on the South side of the Whiteston Road, thence running in a SW course 50 feet to :i stake; thence running in a SK course 50 feet to a stake: henri running in a ;NE course 50 fel to the line of Russell Hollowell land; thence running in a NW course 50 feet back to the p-unt of beginning, being 50 feet square. Recorded Book 29 Page 372. 'Tki ...Ml K ....1. ' ' 1 I Aiua aaju win nitiuu Mill- ".Public Notice Is Given To The ject to all outstanding and un- Hesidenu And Property Own- paid taxes, ers Of That Area, Adjoining This, the 28th day of Decem The Town of Hertford And ber, 1962. Located Southernly Of Samel JOSEPH H. KELLY, On D, S. Highway No. 17 Trustee Public notice is given to the ' Booth, Otsteen, Unchurch & Fish. residents and property owners of Attorneys at Law a n4, 11,18,25 . if i .Un... . . , , raisej some ty mission plans were made to i? the undersigned at Hertford, 0f same 0. ,t o Hiehwav No I spring asa ,4-Hivisit shut-insi' - A Piblical con-'I'tV V-.-.',.0". ,rDeIot .ttle '" dav. 17, the said property described! : - Tki. ,n ...uv. .'.-... J Juiy, im, or mis nonce win ns follows- .worth Carolina, . , , , j c.ijuvcu wini ju- he nlearied n hnr nf .their rpnnv. r"::. 'ri . . ' . iwnim,n. . t m ..t ....j. u. .. -i. .... .1 , ' "z ." i oeiiiiuiii: in Liie sour.neasT.Hrn . 'M"111 'n viuo wwm nau ijong winning xn. unze. er.V. All Dersons indebted tn sairt i j iu. . ClassifieirlVtTid LeraJs state fair educational tour, etc. FollowinV old business; "'the agents, then urged leaders to se-1' INCOME TAX RETURNS - . . lect 'participants to take part in ; prepared at your convenience. point now- called ti:. .j j t " oeiimes ijuu , which einpueH This 2nd day of January, 1963. in to Raccoon Creek, and thence NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini- the 4-H noultrv; chain- nroiect. I Call Henry f. Sullivan- 4.19ft statrix of the .estate- of W. F. ADDIE W. WHITE. Administratrix of Haywood J. White. Jan4,U48.25 ;'!! t -.,lr'4 , or 4616, Hertford. Jan25c FOR SALE ' COTTAGE : White Hat on Perquimans River;' beautiful location, ideal cottage. . Two years old:" two" er, juhtor enriched corn meal ac- . tivtteies and the king and queen - health contest. Another project which was brought before the ; group was ' the milk drinking contest, ; ed. bv - the i foods and . nutrition leader in the Hertford community, Mrs. Mary ' Fore man. She -urged everyone tO , take, out some milk pledges this 1 month, ! i( She, ! ..along : with ' the othef foods and rmtritin Jead-J ,H ersL'iis1 doing !a ' splendid' job with; j the; pledges.,-. n.!W .iuiiutl"Co:,' tik(MaUunt,:u" j&-n2 , We had some'; of j our" pro ject' i 1 i'M . o I -j , L-j - 1 leaders present: Mrs. Viola ""w YOUR OWN FRUIT, (Morgan, deceased,, late of Per- I quimans County, North Carolina, this is in nntifv. nil nnpcnnn haw. AT line claims against the estate nf said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Winfall, N. C, on or before the 15th day of bedrooms, bathtub and show-Zr"n? ? living j room with new Westinghouse built- in appliances, new refthgeratok Westirtfehou.'pil' heater. ' "Will' "afrarig-l Herk;1; Contact Wirffisie, jjrj i.npne ViUl, -t: j tj ' uicuiuiu naiuwaie aj supply Equipped i All persons indebted to said es tate will please make lmmedi-i-ate payment., ';-; i ,-ft jj " This '11th flay 'Of aahuary, 1963. i H,..,4GIZZIELLIE.J., MORGAN Administratrix of , !.; f i W. F, Morgani Jartl-,25,Febl,8 ' ; 1 I Lldyd, sewing; Mrs. Edna Davis,jjrite Pr r Kpy spgjpht- h trac. They receivea project recit in? VijghniVst latest assortment Lttl ord1 books , for . their members fj and selected dates, to met. them.,p' The-groups 'will meet as follows: ' Electric project group.y Mondays North1 'Cardhna 4 ; ' 1 ' "!"ih The" '1, Perq. County- !' Superior Court t NOTICE OF SERVICE OF f?R iR PUBLICATION 4J MoetA Hrolma Perquimans? County ie "F.. Harris. Widow of John continuing in a southerly direc tion along Raccoon Creek and its tributaries to a point 200 feet west or where it crosses ut,vp. Highway No. 17: thence in a northerly direction, a line paral lel with U. S. Highway No. 17. said line being 200 feet westerly of the said U. S .Highway No. 17, back to said "Jennie"s Gut", the southernly boundary of the Town of Hertford; thence, in an easterly direction along' said "Jennie's Gut", to Raccoon Creek the place of beginning. That a session, meeting, or regular meeting, of the Munici pal Legislative, body being thai Mayor and Commissioners pof for the ournose of considering the ' i annexation' ' of ;sueh ' 1 above"! described., territory. . to the mu- riitipality, at their Iregular . meet ing to be held February 11, 1963, 1963. '.RJid.'ELUOTT. if If rCWrWTttynof Hertloj'd Byr rCh?Hes-Erjbhn)n. Ty Attorney hf Town of Hertford rf. janio.o.r eui.o i County. - 'NOTICE Under and by virtue of Ihe power of "saler contained in Ti cer tain deed of trust executed bv Montaque Winslow and wife, Sa rah J. Winslow, to Julius C I Smith III, Trustee, dated the 4lh day of February, 1961, and re corded in Book MD 35, page 301, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, de fault having been made in the payment oi tne inaeoieaness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness there by secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the pur pose of s&tir..ris2 the indebted ness, the undersigned will otter tor sale at oublic: auction to the I highest : bidder: :fbr'.,cash at the KlirttitttkHiica Inn. .in. P.iVitliiniinu the Town of Hertfordl i will ffleettfOpurthduse. door .in Perquimans County, North Carolina, at 12:00 -'clock, ; noon, on 'the 29th day of January, i 1933.1 the land con- V-teyed in said ideed of trust, the :. . l. ' r-t-l..u m same ueiug in ceiviueie luwn is 1 the' 16th ' day ' bf 1 ffariuOTyltShip, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and more I particularly J described -ns follows IV All that((certairt lit, piece, or "ffiSel jftnat-iylni; being and fituate .' in' ' Perquimans County, North Carolina, on tne iMonnern January 21 at ,7:30 P. M.;; sew? ing project group, Monday; Janu-' aryl28 at 7;30 P., M.; cooking project group, Tuesday, January ' ,29, at 6 P. M.-r All groups rare . asked to please be present at their designated times 'i. Members present were J. W. CollinB, Percell ' Skinner, -j Wil liam O. Creecy.' G. 'W. " James. s Jr., ; Mrs. - Mary Foreman. Mirs. Mary . Holley, Mrs. Viola ! Llovd, I Mrs, Willie O. Harvey, Mrs. An-! na .- Holley and Mrsj- Elaine . Skinner. -, ,' i, - ''', " ', K? -t't -.;, .V:vi-; r i "V- 1 '.:j I BRIDGE PARTY ; Mrs. F. A. McGoogan was hos tess at a Bridge party tyonday night at her home. Those play Irig were esdamesv z. T Blg gers, Vivian Mathews. -T;. Har ris, Pete Thompson, ;P Reed, Jr., Francis Nixon, Helene Nixon and the ho 5 The high , score prize we b Mrs. Thompson, and- secon,. 'i was awarded iMiss - Nixon. , Refresh ments were served by ?he hos- 1 tdrfif'P 00, CAN 4 ' , . . : - " . .-.'--'''..;.. " - ' 'V ""!(.'''-''.'" i-' . i. . '. . , '".-'' .' By Contracting With Us To Grow C-l .C I D I mm i r.' . 'M. ,:S;nv -"x jUUUVJ U UifrUUU ess. '.. ; de-' s tirr.3 :T y ' t-' rur: the V '".;; .'M -tiV.-.. ' '' ; '" ,r- i,:'-vi, i .-v - ''-:'."-'.. :T- .:'.' 'v; -;' -2,''.; k -" '4..:" '! ''.-. .-i '-. ..: We J)cgaiiJefciiibelst, 1962 anil are contiiitiitig coiilrhpiing wilh faniK crs' in this area tu produce eucuiiibers during the years ahead for Brook neal Pickle Company . . . Acreage Limited . . . so hurry and sign while we still have a limited amount left! MM, ADVANTAGES OF CUCUMBER CROPS . . . 1. Early Cash Crop 4. Guaranteed Market 2. Diversification 3. Guaranteed Price (better than last year) 5. Model Seed, California Grown, Packed in Vacuum Cans, Used Exclusively. I ' COME IN TODAY . . . WE HAVE CERTIFIED SOYBEAN SEED AT A RIGHT PRICE! n -O' LI 1 DCX v.infAll, n;'cl.; MOtilf mm savings 0M EV1KY USED CflK ! J FORD DEALER 1 fat USED CAR SUPERMARKET NOWS THE TIME TO TRADE YOUR USED CARES FOR A GOOD USED CAR... AND HERE'S WHY! THE SUPER SALES SUCCESS OF OUR NEW FORDS HAS LOADED OUR LOTS WITH TRADE-INS. SO WE'RE PRICING THEM AT SUPERMARKET SAVINGS TO MOVE 'EM OUT! WALK DOWN THE AISLES AND SHOP OUR BARGAINS! LOOK OVER OUR HUGE VARIETY OF MAKES AND MODELS! SAVE A BUNDLE, TOO, ON OUR & USED CARS ...THOROUGHLY INSPECTED, RECONDITIONED WHEN NECES SARY, SPECIALLY ROAD-TESTED. GET DOWN TO OUR DEALER SHIP RIGHT AWAY... AND RING UP SUPER SAVINGS! TALK ABOUT SAVINGS! TALK TO YOUR FORD DEALER NOW! .... SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER -. Aa i -' -1 i n tBn L. . In 3 out of 5 cars, regular-priced Sinclair Dino matches performance of preniium gasolines -SAVES YOU UP TO 4 A GALLON Today, thousands of sensible car owners are saving a mountain of money on gasoline. How? By switch ing to Sinclair Dino. They find that regular-priced Sinclair Dino gives them all the lively power and long mileage of premium gasolines costing up to li more a gallon. Why pay 4t more? Try Sinclair Dino in your car and discover how you can save up to H a gallon almost anywhere in the country where you see the Sinclair Dinosaur sign. See your Sinclair Dealer. DRIVE WITH CARE AND BUY If J . CASOUHEy Baker il Compel:: PHONE 3461