Morgan's Rest Ht)me Opened In Perquimans - , ... . titL.L, llUUji Votes To C;;; !ntoTlir63lr.iits The board of .directors of the v .J -J les M. I ' 1, Jr., chair- the I .! :-J.nal Committee i ? r. rquiroans County cf Commerce, ' an :'.at the New : York .xiutive " Club has de . bniary 26, 19,63, North i Day. Governor Terry ; i expects . to -have . , over north Carolina's top busi r with him at the lunch .., as well as other industrial j. Other Chambers in the1 A1-. marie area are forming group? t ) attend the and. meet I' e: industrialists in an effort to f -'jire new industry for, their i ; '.icular counties.' r ' I arreU stated that "We, are all lly interested- in the indus t .1 -growth1 of our countq. Me.ny ' es we wonder what is being . e toward gaining new indus t.yjand hoy we, as individuals and interested citizens, can help. TJ 2 C -ber is forming a local tro'-p iJ attend this luncheon. Ar; ie who is ; interested '4n U' 2 this trip and represent ing his coumy, is asked to con tact Larry Aydlett, ... Jr..y at the Chamber office.' " r A" 1 Harrell further stated that this meeting, properly represented by our area, could be-a major step towards acquiring new industry. -nii- ; tauj Willie Ainsley, chairmn of the I." ' ' ..s Committee of the Per a . County Chamber of .rce. stated J, that the ef ' ta control the unsightly .ce r" ' "5 te stores on i Strev-i, . tten Buccess TnBh j'- i""?d in sr:--s beL iv'arded in t t',e s -res d -i v.y c - .uied. V 'us blowing pa:. ..t acrors M 1 -t Street and CrutV Street, Coiv'-auad P ST i V . J ..I ;' ' t - s . - : .... , .. , f" - .. 7vf " J ' V w , .J I V -mmi J . !. , - J -, . i . The Perquimans County Chap ter of the -American- Red Cross ir iued . an urgent appeal : today for rny donations of clothes and hoi 'iold articles for the fa- i'y i : Mr. And Mrs. Russell Eat.r a '.'.'.a family of Route' 1, whose 1 e burned io the ground Fri i' y r ;,"ht. Everything; was lost . the clothes they and their C wp-e wearing. I ' ' r '.I are clothes '"',n of sur s in- Per to re- -"-ry 4, 'I. until i :z ur'.:i 1. c 1 c c The home, ow aod pperated by 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C "Cliff? Morgan, is of fireproof all masonry Construction, with; no steps, six outside entrances and features a large Hying room, of fice; kitchen, dining room,' private and semi-private bedrooms laundry and storage rooms; also hospital bed equipped rooms and baths' that conform with regulations. The lower photos show the guests of the home in one of the large Iving rooms, and the last picture is of two of the oldest members of the home, Mrs. Lottie Lane and her brother, Lone Lane, , JlU 57 i tl ft s Cour.'y A.CS ::i ' j for i t 1 i on I " -.!" t' ' 5 V 1 ' 1 t aA-; hca 1' ";'ate :i . lYOr 1 will . ' 22. t' eh 4, grains' on the farm in This additional payment i rate will be at the high rate.- These two diversion payments for. Corn were established for the county based on the support price of $1.39 per bushel and the normal production yields for the county is ' set at an ' average - ot' 5.0 bushels per. acre, v " 'in addition to diversion pay ment a price support payment will be made to eligible pro ducers for feed grain acre age on participating farms di verting as much as 2!) per cent cf their Li g-ain. base. This - ",yr- "nt r' hwJt' 1 en t ,eJ on : for ic;: rrf 1 j i 4 i i ! ' a c" i 3 s fas a ! ' i f 5 is 18 cents per i planted acreage e.itablished yield provisions must - t i I t be elir""' a ..t t ,i - c ' r 1 I 3 ( i will- receive a high rate of pay ment (25 acres X: $45.18 equals $1,129.50). If a 25 -acre base farm, only diverts 20 per '"cent ;or' 5 . acres then the low rate would apply (5-X $18.07 equals $90.35). In addition . io - this . payment the producer having , average yield of 85.0 , would receive a price support payment of 18 cents per bushel on his estimated yield per acre '(18 X 65 0 equals $11.70 X, 20 equals $234.00). , If a farm has1 30 acres of base and diverted 25 ' acre and did not plant the . other ,5 acres he would hceive the high payment (23 X, $45.18 equals $1,129.50). 11 be' pre ,arl 8.'i 'ool Glee . -b- 1 4 ":rgnsC;:n L'rPtuStllcm i::rthflfVinfa:i - Morgan's Rest Home, Perquim ans' newest nursing "home, was opened here last month by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Cliff) Morgan. Mr. Morgan for the past: 15 years has been keeper of the Perquimans County Home. The Morgans began construc tion of the all masonry fireproof structure home which is located on two acres i of land on the Morgan home , place -an dfarm land - one-half mile north . or V.rinfall last August. It is one of -the' newest and most modern hoi ;ii?s of its t;-pe in this section, bciT tt'i 'Te hone now re- 1 r x i.r.ed for - nursing V ' . r o;' ni- home is abso ' '-ru., uof and hua six out- ances to Uie . buildiHT, ', ri f t lorg e-1 I 3 41 , t '"1 '-" ' V , t , t I J iv ' j ' x f . -;.;f. T anu uve uauis. ' . . ( , . The kitchen is equipped with all stainless steel sinks, refriger ator and stove. The entire build ing is equipped with every de vice needed for the comfort of the boarders. It has emergency light power service, which if the power goes off, automatically switches over to the, auxiliary unit Also -fire alarm and sig nals from each room to the main office. -j - - '. There are ; nineteen boarders who have rooms in the new Morgan rest home and Mr. Mor gan says there is room for six more. Mr. and ' Mrs. Morgan have six employees who assist with talking care of the duties j - i ii. of, the home. . ' Morgan's Rest Home is a resi dence for the elderly. This 30- bed nursing home for men and women is a residence with one room and two - room units, all with easy available outside ent rance; with jk steps, Following the closing of the County Home here and: having worked, with old people who needed a home and elderly peo : 's who we- fL'e and needed to be sur. ? i by healthy ' i of' their own affe, to en.. ' .i t) l t l"t ii a x' 'i- I.- -im r, f 1 if i Li ' .1 f 1 a-! - t . K t i ' ' to V" WW 1 t constructed this home to look after these people, '- Feeling the need for this type home here, enabling people to live there on a month to' month basis and if such facilities were not avail able,, in the community, older ci tizens will take their assets and leave the community., The home is attractively fur nished in a combination of or dinary bedroom furniture and the necessary hospital typo beds. There are private clothes closets for each person - and a bath especially, designed for the wheel chair patients. All the facilities of either ' hospital or nursing . heme are i conveniently available here. The entire atmosphere of the home is relaxed and happy. In the dining? room "there are al ways flowers on the tables. The dishes are attractive, the food is abundant and excellent.- COMMISSIONERS WILL , ' ' MEET NEXT MONDAY , Commissioners .fori Perquimans County will hold their February qmeeting next Monday, Febru. -; 4, beginning at 10 o'clock in C. Court House., v, 1 , Persons desiring to confoi' with t'.e board fare reqviLjt . 1 t ; Albemaile , Area Development' Association voted last Thursday' to divide its 10-member counties into tnree groups each with , a vice president in . charee. And also in a second by-law enjend-, ment eliminated county com- mittee chairmen from the execu tive committee in Order to make It more workable. Richard Atkinson of Elizabeth City, the new president of the Albemarle Area Development Association, presented both of the suggestions. Under the new setup, Vice President E. E. Hirrsll nf P7v. mrv-'1: v'O' ' " , . ' " - uoructitg u.v. &.LA':, o'arris m Washuig:o ., Ty-i tr.d Hdc ' counties; Vice President Robert L. Hollowell of Hertford would head the Perquimans, Chowan and Gates county group1 and a vice president to be : named would be in charge of Pasquo tank, Camden, Currituck and Dare counties. i . im ' Atkinson will name a, nomin ating committee from the latter group to present a candidate for a temporary vice presidential appointment. Perquimans 2nd To Report Quota For Raleigh Dinner Fourteen counties.' led by Pen der, were the first to report completion of their 1963 Jeffer son-Jackson Day Dinner " Quota, according to John A, Williams, I Democratic Party Finance Direc- i rusunarKS on, eacn enveiooe Vwere ilsed .fe determine the fls 2'der of the counties, Williams County 'placed second with a postmark 'of .; 0 A. M. January 18, -while Pender was marked at 8 A. M. on the same date. The counties in order are: Pender, " Perquimahs, Onslow, Brunswick, Montgomery, Surry. Hyde, . Union, , Swain,' Caldwell, Macon, Yadkin, Forsyth, Yancey. ' The first ten counties will re ceive special recognition, Wil liams said. i Bloodmob;!eln Hertford Feb. 18 Mark February 18 . on your calendars now - and make plans to be a donor when the blood mobile visits Hertford. . . . Blood is in short supply and every 'effort must be made Jo make our qquota when Per quimans County is called on to do its share. The bloodmobile will be at the Hertford Baptist Church instead of the First Methodist Church as in the past Please keep this date in mind. Birthdays 1 February 5 Masonic Lodge 1 Parkville Ruritan v ? Rotary Club, 6:15 . Henry C. Stokes, Jr. Lillian H. Eure February 6 Mrs. S. E. Spruill Lee Tunnell . Elwood Perry ' . Lois Marie Eure : - ' February 7 ' ' Talmadge Bynun Kent White , ' Edna Eley , t ,' " ' .' Morgan Walker Michael Matthews February 8 PCH3 vs. Ahosgie 7:30, here s Wallace Baker , . ' Kitty Sue sawyer Eva Ruth Ward ' ' . Fabxuary 9 Fred Murr -y , ' Scott Wi:.. William Claude Brinn ' r. -y r-: r ' ' t.. s r ' vJj ' C ' r note t. ea'l place cf the r '-