trs rrr.aur mji:3 wrrrxy. izihtford. rereMOLWA.' Friday. fez-uay 22. 1: Ad, laJ Wek-nd In. Richmond 1 marriage of their -daughter Grace .1 Mrs. Moody Mathews spent thelLorayne Jones to Otha Jvertoii i V.'ilh Mothr - .' ; L Yttlliam H. Hardcastle, who is I stationed in :c, Va., for several weeks, .4 his mother,- Mrs. W. H. 'castle over, the week-end. i Florida r.' and Mis. l S. Yanlis of the Fla,, ; are spending : this , img Mr;, Edwards in t ; . 1 4 m Wilmington J. Oiapipbell Of Wilmih;4 n sfn(Jthe week-end visiting-i Irs M.-:pi. Campbell, Mr.nd, rs. pen,, a. -Avery .ana omer latives. Saturday At Jackson Mr. and - Mrs. J. - H. Bagley spent Saturday in' jacksort with Mrs, Harry . Wuluord and son, Richard. t From Raleigh Mrs. . Shelton White , .and daughter from Raleigh spent the week-end with Mrs. Rj h Ilnowles. ' ' ' ' la. Gtorgia HoipUal ' ;' Mrs. Aiice M. Owens, formerly of Hertford, has been . admitted to St' Joseph's Hospital in Au gusta,' Ga., for observation : uid treatment and a possible opera- : V,-, ..VV t: . C'-'-r . ... v.. ' In Hospital Mrs. , Francis Nixon is a pa tient at the Chowan Hospital in Edenton for 't observation, and From WynewQod , Mrs. F. . Stevenson of Wyne wood, ; Pa., sper.t thu week-end and sevpra&wsi fhis.w,eek wi$h hr'jhtrij.iHoilowell, - From Jfwnpton, ' ' . Mis' Joanna P. WilUfyrfl , and Mis ue p.i White of Hampton, ya.,J3 flpfcnt I the week-end . with their' Respective parents. , I, , J ( 1, i ( ' t Sunday Guests . ... Mr. and -Mrs. George Scott, Mrs, Marvin Scott and Mrs. J. D White of Elizabeth City visited Mrs. T, E. Raper on Sunday. From Elisabeth City Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Divers of Elizabeth City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Divers. week-end jn Richmond, Ya.with Miss Annie Blanchard. . ., Week-end In Richmond Mrs. D- F. Reed, Jr., " and family spenUtbe .week-ertd with relatives in Richmond, Va. ? Sunday Guests ' ' , I Mrs. Cora warren and"5uy Hill f Chocowinity visited Mrs. W. F. Edwards on Sunday. , ' treatment. a " .'eek-tnd At Jlw Hni v .; Mr. and Mrs, Efle . Haste, Jr, and Mr? and Mfi Julian,, White, Jr., spent the week-end at Nags Head as, the guests of J. .Wws- low, jr.. , 1;' ;' : ' Returned .Home ,;. , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe spent several . days this week in Middletown, Del They were ac companied there by Mrs. Cliff Towe and children who had spent two weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Towe and Mr. and Mrs. Erie Haste, Sr. Sunday Her Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Carver and son of Lynnhaven, Va,, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Divers and Mr. and Mrs. Julian White on Sunday, , Sunday At Newport . News Mr. and , Mrs. CMf Banks and two daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and .jMxa. t Howard Williams ,at Ifewifprj.lSwa, Va., ( 1 , Returned Home Mrs.J. R. Futrell has returned home after visiting Mrs. G. G. Dixon at Ayden jaste wek. In Hospital W.' F.-Edwards -was admitted to ' the Albemarle ' Hospital last week and -is getting along' fairly Welt-';.;,,- tv:; Returned Hme , ' Mrs. Esther fC.uUer of Arling ton, va.j returned to her home Sunday after spending last week with Mrs. .W. F. Edwards. Week-end Here Sheriff and Mrs! Dave .Bar- rington and son Dave of.Raeford spent the week-end with Mrs. Barrington's mother, Mrs. Ray- mond Skinner and sister, Miss syou skinner. Week-end With Wife : Howard Askew, USN i of Pa tuxent River, Md., spent ' the week-end here with his wife. Elaine Askew. Hospital Patient ' William (Bill) Boyce of Hert ford is a patient at Duke Hos pital of Durham for eye obser vation and treatment.' ,-, Wmslow, .JiV, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Wmslow, (Sr.,.- of ISehndere. The -wedding will' take placQ February at 7 o'clock in the evening at the Pentecostal Holi ness Church. 1 : iBRJDGLUB MEETS -yC ; , Mrs. ij. H. Newbold entertain-,tt j , V ', ( "-- 1 I night at her J. home., on .' Front Street. '" Those playing were Mes- dames . A. Whitley, Tnm-WU-Son,vS. P. Jessup, C. A. Daven- No invitaUons are being sent,,,;,.; '4h 'chrn.r on nyrio but friends and relatives of the-'T.MlM, niir tt,a hiPh couple are invited to attend, s. . . tn n wh-opv A 1 , .. . . : Week-end tn Petersburg, v MrS. 'j. 'e! ' Morris spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family - in Petersburg, Va. From Greensboro Richard Chalk of Greensboro spent one day last week with Mrs. Annie Chalk and Miss (Lou ise Chalk at their home on Church Street. From Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Chappell and family of Norfolk, yVa-j spent the. week-end with iMrt and Mrs. J. P. Chesson. Week-end With Sitter Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd N- Elliott of Wilmington, N- C spent the week-end with Mr. Elliott's Sis ter, Mrs. Shelton Long of ,Rt. I, Hertford. Norfolk Visitor ' " 1 ' ' Miss Susan Hensley of Nor folk, Va., spent the' Week-end visiting her aunt and. uncle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winslow of Wiiw fall.- To Leave Saturday Y. L. Brown, who is with the firm of Higgerson-Buchanan, Inc. of Norfolk, Va., and son .Robert Brown with Diamond Construc tion Company, will leave Satur day for Chicago on a business trip. While , there they will at tend the Road Show which is held every six years. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mt . .arid. .Mrs. Jack Jordan of ElizaTbdtW TCJjty engagement and approacl ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT , Mr. . and, Mrs. Norman Ray Bass ,of Reeky Hock announce the birth of a son. Gregory Wayne. iborn Saturday, February 16, in ' the Chowan Hospital in Edenton. Mrs. .Bass is the for- mer Miss : xieilie i Rae Copeland of Hertford. i . , BOOK CLUB MEETS '. Mrs. J. E. Morris entertained her Rook Club Thursday night at her home on Front Street. Those playing were Mesdames Jack Kanoy, T. J.' Nixon, Jr.,' Charles Whedbee, Anse White, Walter Dail, D. F. Reed, Sr.,' C. T. Skinner, Sr., Harry Hollo well, G. R. Tucker, Julian White,' Vf. J1, i Davis and Miss Ruby White. The high score prize went to Mrs. , Reed and low was' awarded Mrs. Nixon. ; A sVeet course was served, i , . sweet course was served. br 4HU5C!E CLUB MEE.TS . . ':, :''.iV'f;4';-v : Miss Thelma Elliott entertain ed' her Bridge v Club Tuesday night at her home. Those play ing' were Mesdames V. N. Dar- den', Nathan Relfe, Charles WriedW, Don Norman, ; J. -J "S. Vick, Misses Kate Blanchard, Ruby1 '' White . a'nd" ' the hostess". The Mgh score prize "went" to Mrs. Whedbee. v A sweet course was served.,' . - HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB s Mrs. Charles M- Williford was hostess to her Bridge Club Tues day night at her home. on'Dobb Street. ' Those playing were Mes dames W. G. Barbee, . Jack Ka noy, H-' C.i Stokes, J. D.i Coston, C. E. Johnson,' C. R. Holmes, Miss Mary Sumner and the hos tess. '?The high score prizewent to Mrs. Holmes. A sweet course was served. ' By EMJLY J VNS- WHITE " ! - Repoiter - .k i The 'Busy Bee 4-H Club met at . the Belvidere Community Building February . The vice president, Klarole "White, ealld the meeting to order, We rre, peated . together the ' pledge of allegiance and the 4-H pledge. For deyition we. sang '.SAmerica". Dianne Layden read John 6:1-13. We all prayed together 'The Lord's Prayer. ' Secretary Betty Gail Chappell read the minutes and , the roll was -called with. 24 present ' We discussed having a new .program chairman v every . three , months. Joyce Copeland was to -have the -prognam (for the.v next meeting. We: had-four new, members. Tot the program' we all read together .Lincoln' Gettysburg Address Daisy Griffin, ' Angela Lane, ) Brend' Sawyer - and Sha ron .Sawyer sang . 'The ' Battfe Hymnof Republic.' Dawn Lane was : pianist. VWe all , sang to gether 'Let, Me Call You Sweet heart". y. Louise 'Dale" was the new song leader. - ' Thelma Riddick and Thelraa Roeerson ,trav 9 a dpmiSmtra. Won : on duties of our '441' offi-1 1 an .our , hostess . Thelma JU and Thelma Kidoick. t? . f. - For recreation we played sev. eral games. 'Then the meeting was , adjourned. , . THINKING DAY' f T's JS it 't...hdayl, of -1 Jo: s ' of . . Eruting, v. .Scputs t and . Guides ' celebrate tLis ; -day 1 in -memory' of 'them, ' Thinking Day eminds us of the friendship ,. among 'Girlr Scouts, .nd .Ciri. Guides. V On- this ttay m. 'it it the movement send gree-gs .; to follow members all over v the world. ' i i' - '',.'. February -22 is known -to-Girl Scouts and Girl Guktes 11 over the world as ' Thinking Day,' - FRIDAV, SATURDAY: SHOWS FRIDAY 7:15-3:00 P. M.'.1 SHOWS SATURDAY 3:30-530-7;l6-K)O P. M. 7 1 l 77e Was Terkptation to a 1000 andQne CI SUNDAY JeONDAY: SHOWS SUNDAY 2:15; NITE :! , 1 : : ; MONDAY ONE SHOW ONLY 70 P M. , liight&Ktoes" starring leter Cushing and Yvonite Romain ' uerf,', . ,r , ; II . Admission: Adults 50c Children 25c, ? ' 4 Refreshments were served, KviA , -. ,m , ; yw!,---', ili'iL. b If HdreValioudo: Iwrv HMyw.vbk.Ww iraiil,'iiasM vajltbt hi Tond Iht lucly amibt, ul ip)lt th 00)11 bit Mr pltCMb ' HkUnliloVy.i'll'finiiillMr1, 16,er. , tr 1 . - -- ' m v. ,to., snna ... ifc oin j w yew Colonial Manaatr for dMcking ond win 0 gtnuin. .I " SlvrDollrior""lcrmimb.rriirwin 100ouilnSilr Vfh p"rt Coltart plui 1.000 utra ini Cold laml "ibavi , ' "SiIH Mm B Thot'i ell Ibir btoft. th"i nothin le wri(T r, pM l" W (mmtr H werlh 10 ?-.?y... 'iW,''J Ji'' n lodoy f 'yft Cold ond la.p up h. o Ml W Aftw yog'n split your "Good tpek" coin lov During th two vkl ofltr Ih 6oUm" am widf, lb part of lh : ISPLITthe DOLLAR x.ivniai ranmi in nam. n, naw a fluaiiHad ... . . .. . . tny4 but wlm rvMit dvb wUyO ruiWiUI OU acwpoiaiw anq auMiaiarie are nai auigiota mi jw COLONIAL STORES I r - i - 1 .". 1 " : 1 ' : if r..ll 'Hi, Another First From Peoples Bank;! I i jjill:!r! Ii "WV , '.4. ft,jirfU S I - SHT W O011" "MiiWTtt rI - MpMV WXHMNI .. ' , i -f rfi ' wai jVr E . . . ... . - mm . . "aa , ., . . i. m ,r ii h ...... i1 ii 1 mV'- III 1 v'-'-j piwyu . iiif ' vilify ARMOUR STAR TOP QUAUTY ' ; LUr,CK;CN MEATS OtOONlU-illCn 1UNCHEOK par uAf iivii cwiw IAUMI , OUW IOW SOUS! M Portion , . lb. 43c .CQ.SUpH. ,.Jb. J AT: : .. PEOPLES tSffiCIS arid have funds available in advance" $5 .per year on each $100 you Jborrow When you PLAU and before you suv A m CM: ASK US ABOUT PEOPLES AUTO , Come in - Phone in or fill in coupon . below and mail to day ; : ; Member F.D.I.C. HERTFORD, N. C PEOPLES BANK & TRUST GO. , Hertford, North Carolina Please send me full details and application )fot your FINANCE-IN-ADVANCE Auto Loap Plan , NAME )RESS CITY. -'. . .. . ,.. f. ... STATE.., whole n : HALF jU- , J '- -, , T; i I C PARKER'S Seafood t ,. rairiLLCTs.op.sKaQ MALI3UT STEAK 69' s.varrisH steak . ; lagz si;.ia.p ib. c n iftA CHERRf ' Mm VELYEETA ROBIM HOOD PRE - SIFTED nni S'.lnLL jr.HIX.$ . ('' "'Ai SAU.Y SOTHERN ' ce::?s w .t -69 nw 43 ice ctjw.i '3 &7 :v. ', --r -s; ,vv' ,taJf Fcr.: lc::i r.:;.:T fo:.x r.r" - 1 iO ".-OA INN fl3SHMANNS ' 4 a , i ,J f0 it' ! , -I ' 1 SsS-srf r-5' 4 ou3.f:::i pth -r cans. i G-APD, F C Av: w I 25 i--;:...i3rr; V. l -i " - Fi or 1 5 ' X J f i .4 r K1 COLD ZZ:Z2 stair" , cm im. uwm trit ' bologna .-rj'tr I COOOMCOtPMiM HOH JtP Unttt , Li .v.,ffjr" . :v.:vf."" V t .- , - ,0,, fT ,f(T y , . t - ; v . j - u 1 ' ;.V:'. ' V' '," '' -.1 .-. ::ram; - it .. f - i

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