THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, IwtTFOF.3. lTZr.TH tAT.CUXK. FT.I2.T. -.Y i::3. ." " I Fvery Fridpv A.t r. -.1, I-'orth Carolina Transeau ElillOB " rl s swirid class matter ur V, 114. at Post Ol fee tjM-lford North Oroiir.a. un- ct of March. 1879. Second s poitHKe puid at , gci'tford, nth Carolina. . i , ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - ONE TEAR'-',.' ..iw'.-52.00 ; In Perquimans ' EUewaei l J SZ.50 ' ' SIX MONTHS .,-- 1-W.50 Advertising Rates Furnished -. Bv Recuiest . , Friday, feb. 22. 1363. The Miracle Of Time , In all human experience and progress, . no .1 man has y ever solved the puzzle of time. What is ; it or is it any thing. ; . Ein stein believed there was no log ical ' plan for the human mea surement of time. We say, for example, that we spent an hour doing this-and-sro, y but what is an hour other than a : man-made measurement of seconds ticked off on a clock? Likewise a day and a 'month are man-made measurements of what we call time. But in .the scheme of nature and life is there any delineation of February.- where it ends, and where March , begins?- - ' There is . only a cycle of life n ; nature, no : man-marie meas ures a are valid.. And Einstein believed that a cycle of We is the, key measurement and that when cycles of life can be- pro longed, time might be made to stand still. , i- . , . , , ' Time is the one thing we al ways have iess- of tomorrow. We. cannot increase our supply of; it; as we can money 'and ma terial things. We cannot buy more of it. We only have a lim ited amount of time in which to live our lives to, .the best of our abilities. So the lesson of thrf must be: Spend your time carefully and wisely. Each day you have so many hours to spend. Do not waste them or fail to learn, or accomplish something. And time will fool you in the end when its supply is running out. So do inot postpone until the last the good work you will do. Time passes faster as age increases. MARY LONG CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Long Circle of Bethel Baptist Church met Mon day night at the home of Mrs. Stanley 'Blanchard. , Mrs. Elton Harrell- was in charge of a very interesting program. Mrs. : Joe White closed the program with prayer,. ' . , v Old and new business -was discussed. Community Mission report was given. Mrs. Edgar Long closed the - meeting with prayer. , A Biblical Contest was enjoy ed by all with Mrs. Julian Long winning the prize. ' The hostess served pie, ice cream, nuts and coffee to the following, present. Mrs. Helen sawyer, Mrs.' Charles Ward, Mrs. Clara Ferry, Jr:, Mrs Charlie Appleton, Mrs, Edgar Long, Mrs, Julian Long, Mrs. Joe White, Mrs. Elton Harrell and Miss Ruth Mansfield., ?:,?. Plagued Day And fight with Bladder Discomfort? Unwise en ting or drinking tuny be ft source of mihl, but annoying bladder irri-a ttttumfl making you (vol rent less, tense, and uncomfortable. And if restless nights, with nagging backache, headache or mus cular aches and pains due toover-excrtion, strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery don't wait try Doan's Pills. Dunn's Pills act 3 wuys for speedy re lief. I They have a soothing effect on bladder Irritations. 2 A fast pain-rchev-ini? action on nuv?ing backache, head aches, miwculur athes and pains. 8 A wiinderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidnevs, tondimr to .nm-nse the output of the 15 miles ot ludnev tubes. So, got the R.'ime huoriv vAu.t miliums have enjoyed f-r over t)0 venns. Yw convenience buy U In t'l?(! Bi7. Cii't (.Juim'ti Tills today! r , KICKS Laundry & Cleaners OF EOENTON Phone 2148 ARE OFFERING TO YOU BETTER THAN EVER SANITONE DRY CLEANING With this , amazing , sys tem: you see, you feel awl oil smell the difference. '. All work guaranteed to your satisfaction. ' All this, plus a on year, guaranteed moth proofing. r until cleaned again, COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE ' HHM m$ZUAfi Supply --feSaf I: '-'fP r" :,:;Conipany yd . ' y i: yti y jjf -) ' 'Your Improvement , '. ' " '1 ' ' ' ' ' 1' I' "IIEADQL'A l fERS" - tj3 ' "''' ;. e- ! Like To Have A Change Of Scene? I I! tk!" A " ''. ' Then Call US . . . We'll Give You ' , JJ( ; I ' jtv 9 -xNiib, A Free Estimate On . . . , ' ' ::. .:-JJ 4 . . ; ; wall tile . X V 4 FLOOR COVERIXG f CARPENTRY I- I ' ::' ' -'VI '"ir'in"!:' ? wallpaper , , -o ; ij f. iLaisl r - paints ' 3tir.,KiM ' - ' rjfe-i-S' "" ' LIGHTING. FIXTURES, V'i"'j: -' I "'v ; f; AX AXD HARDWARE ! si I-1?!', X'"V Ui ., V-r , coxditioxixg j i Y. iv, A Call Us? Today ... Give Your j J';i!! ;;! l 11; Hoiiie That !New Look"L , v-;j ; 1 Ione 3916 , LANDING SUPPLY tO. 'rttorg m e 1 . ii ifri ;--;H": V'-"' rt.",il.f'J:-s: : mm. 4J n Ii! si 1 1 n "Finally darkness: came . . . ,.. and we turned on the clear bulbs. As we sat down to supper. Mama could tell whether we bad , washed our hands and you could see well enough to tell ( the bowl was filled with coflards or turnip greens;. I looked up to the dangling light and said to myself, 'Now we are almost as good as town people.'", v ; That's how a 35-year-old Eastern North Caro lina man remembers the beginning of REA and the first night with lights. Only three out of 100 rural North Carolina homes had electricity then,' so you may have a similar memory. , ' ( Remember the long years of waiting .', . and the refusals of the existing power companies. And then the decision of rural people to organize and do the job themselves. Today, nearly 98 out 100 rural homes have electricity. They do because of a basic American freedom: The freedom to organize to provide our selves with a service on a nonprofit basis. wk - w: ;.- ;-. ' t'y- ' ' .-'-i This freedom is just as precious as the . tree dom to organize and invest for the purpose of prof it. Our rural electric cooperatives believe in both freedoms. ' "''''? ;.S at' HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA :.y Sunday School '-;':; Lessonf ''"' THE CHRISTIAN'S CONFESSION International Sundar School Lauon (or February 24. 1963. Memory Selection: "If any man would come after me, let hint deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." jf f (Mark 8:34). , Lesson Text; Mark 8:27 thru 8:1. OUR ; ' In this lessson , we consider Peter's confession ' and examine our own beliefs about Christ. This passage is the shortest in our study of Mark. But it is extremely important. The, con cession of Peter and of the dis ciples that Jesus was the Christ brought his previous ministry to a climax' and constituted the point of transition into the final events of his death and Resur rection. , , This account of Peter's con fession is . the pivotal point' in Mark's Gospel. All that - has happened,, before culminates in this experience. Jesus is - the Messiah, and now the ' disciples can affirm this faith . But notice that Jesus waited a long time ' to ask them: "Who do you say j; that I am?" It was only after ; a sharing of life after the dis i ciples have been with Jesus, lis- tened to him: teach, watched him ' work among the people, ' and been in his company that Jesus asked this question. ; And it was only as a result of his total im pact upon the people that they were able to answer.- , ; 1 . It is always this way in the Christian life. The first require ment is not that individuals be able to quote creeds or say the correct words. The first in vita-, tion is that of a person to per sons. It is an invitation to share , life,, to live in cominunity with place;' ''then bne can answer' the r question of 'whoi Jesus, is. j There are o neaven-snaiienng signs .f oniy, a , person. . jno tremor ot the earthonly 1 a' ' Life among men.) -But in .meeting this per son and in sharing this Life one , comes to know who he is. ,- He theithrist w ' . This confession is the turning noint in. the Gospel account. Je sus has set his face toward Je- rusalenv" He1 begins to indicate that suffering is a part of . his : messianic role. The final events I of his life are coming fast upon i him, but in obedience he em braces his task. ; ". ', ; i f Upon the basis of their con fession, Jesus leads the disciples a step further. Immediately af ter t Peter speaks, Jesus invites them , to share with him in his suffering. And what did Jesus mean by "taking a cross?" To "carry a cross" means obed ience. ' Jesus' perseverance was due to his loyalty to the will of God. We, too, are to be obedi enteven in the face of a cross, and through a cross. v To "carry a cross' means hu mility to set oneself at the dis posal of God and to walk in his way, v To. want what God wants and to want it God's way is the humility that is implied in cross bearing. To "carry a cross" is to ex press love and concern for oth ers. There is redemption in the cross-bearing of Jesus. To "car ry a cross" means to carry with us what we find at Jesus' cross; willingness to be a servant, obedience, humility, and concern for others. No wonder so few followed Jesus! ' And even the disciples were not fully equal to the challenge until later. v Simon Peter had spoken for the disciple group and said Je sus was the Christ. But they had yet to learn that messiah ship did not mean prestige. They had yet to understand that Jesus was a "suffering servant". But the disciples- still followed. Un certain about future events, they were growing in trust in their Lord. Not yet free of self-ambition, they loved this One more than themselves. . And as a re suit, they were willing to go even to Jerusalem and to dare the threat of the authorities. This call is still being issued. Jesus invites us into his ' com pany. He invites his present-day disciples to share all of his life; He invites those who follow to "carry a cross". He asks that they grow in ' his likeness -and become fellow servants with him. Jesus does not simply set an er ample. He asks that we share a life. He does not simply ex press an ideal way of life, he presents himself . and invites us to come to him, and' then : go with him. ' ! - MM r 'r ! ,f L SON A s THE CHURCH FOR ALL... , ALL FOR' THE CHURCH ,..'.. : -.r ".'" ;.:' The Chinch b the (Mtait tu tor on Mith for the building of character and good citixanahip. It k a atorehouaa of spiritual val uta. Without a.ttrong Church, nwthar democracy nor ciriliia tion can aurvive. Tbera are four aound reason! why every peraon should attend aervion regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. - V Robert Edward, Junior that's his name. But 'soon it will be Bobby. And after a while he and I , will probably be known as Big Bob and Little Bob. Funny how you start looking ahead. When X came, out of the shop today I happened to notice, - our sign the big one with my, name on it that , hangs over the door. And I thought to myself, h maybe someday we'll add : & SON . ; . i But Marge and I know better than that! You ; can't plan your son's life for him. He's got to make : hiR own decisions, choose his own rnad. " ' ' ? One thing we have decided, for him, though. i That he's going to have all the moral and spiritual training a man needs to make right decisions and i follow a straight road. This God expects of us of all parents. And . . our church is ready to do its vital part. v v Copyright 1963, Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Va. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday. Saturday -f i Luke t Luke Matthew -Exodus .- . Luke i Luke I Peter H:5-13 " 15:11-20 . 1:141 3:1-5 7:1-10 -. 8:4-15 5:1-11 This Page1 lade Possible tB5: The Following Firms: -J. F. Hollowell & Son, Inc. UTMtock and t arm .froauc 'r, PHONE 2841 WINFALLy Peoples Ban!rfi5 Trust Co. 'HEBTFORD. NOHTH -CAtLliAf Un f j: h. til Chappcll. Brothers - Phone Elisabeth City 66S7 'i :C D. WHITE &"SO Call Us For YoufjMmbcr Needs' Highway 37 North Telephone 3411 f HERTFOJIDN. C ' C. R. Ward Welding Shop Machintry Repair and Parts PHONE 6537 US 17 SOUTH Byrum Furniture Co. Phono 3241 -t- Hartford W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. 'jf.. -a . ". i .7 -i,, . 'V.. Homo Furnishincn . , . Phllco AnpDanoM 1 Cannon Cleaners , PHONE 9511 . . . Oependablo Serriea Winslow. Blanchard Motor Co. tocjr ford Dealer Robertson's Cleaners. & , Laundry, Inc. - Quality Work - Courteous Service Telephone 5731 Hertford; N. C. Towe Motor Company ; CHBTSLER-PLTMOUTH . . . 8aJc ft StTviee ; Reed Oil Company SSSO PRODUCTS Hertford Liveetcck & tu Supply Company PHONE 2501 HERTFORD. M. C J. C. Blanchard & Co.. Inc. "BLANCHARD S7 Siace 1891 "" , Hertford Savings & Loan Association "Own Your Own Home V , Through Sarings and Loan" , Baker OU Company A f:-.'?hy.: ''' Ci ;"',';' '!'i-V' ,',"'v,i Sinclair Product Geeyear Tlrea if-;'; f KEITirS GROCERY Telephone SCSI i:er::ort K. C Bbnchard's Barter hcp getjoj w. ri-:::;:Arj3 Proprkioar i t i . - . telephone-3801 . . , .

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