mm KLY ...J.- ii: : Ji i ' QU MAMS EE Velum d XaX. Number 3. Tercentenary observances and activities .will ; begin , here on Sunday, Marcn?:3i;. .according to wv announcement Made by Mrs. J.Emmett Winslow,' chairman of Perquimans Couhtjv .Tercenten ary observances,1. I i ' ' ; v All county churches have been asked to participate on that date in religious services designed to emphasize the ideals and,: fore sight that the tarry colonists ' brought to North Carolina. Plans call for music at least 200 years. ' old that .may have been ijsed in the early churches, here. , . . Other scheduled' events are a dinner end ; presentation of the . court room dratna entitled "Per quimans First ' Hundred Years" on f SaturdatprW lK),hd ',' Quaker service on April 21 at ' Phelps Point commemorating the first religious service held in North Carolina, , that held in 1672 by ' Quaker preachers Wil liam Edmondson and ; George Fox. Cistcrccd Sccbty The" (Perquimans County His torical Society .met Monday evening at the library with Si- lasWhedbee presiding. . ATOr short" business session during whfch,- nominating committee - was DDoinfc!d to bring a slate of lw pmcere'at'the- JurtA -nieekthe-'-U(aRibdist''ClMiich:iii 'HUto- ingJJilr.jWhidbee gave -the dates-boro, N. C. , ' - of the Tercentenary Celebration The public is invited ,to t- 5 lina'&.Chaiv!r, and r-l'an nisi "numbers to K:cp:,. ,T- --H RayWJhslpr, -relented UCN student; presented the program of'th6 evening to an interested audience. His theme concerned early education in Perquimans, and the establishment of the Hertford Academy, He read . letters . copied from The Southern Historical CoUeo tion in the University Library, describinir the comine together of ambitious citizens who olan-j nel td hold a lottery to pay for j Woman's 'Club held last Wednes the land and the building of a day in Elizabeth J3i&.:.; school -' "'. - Mrs.-Brinn took first place and . A Voung man from Massachu- Mr. Lillian Elliott third. Mrs. setts,; William J. Leonard was(Charles v Hollowell : took employed in 1819, at $100 a quar-j place in 'pastel paintiriBv; ter to teach children who want- ed mbr education than the "free school' tsould give them in three - months. Ads Were placed in the: Edenton Gazette telling of the school's advantages,, and asking! for students. The school open ed with seven pupils, and ''grew , eventually to 47 before he left in 1822, having taught not only many subjects in school but also a Singing School and a Debating ' ' Society, - J. F," Hollowell Sons Live- Leonard and many of the stu- stock1 & Grain dealers of Win dents ' stayed at1 the ,hne of fall entertained their customers Mrs. Ed Wood. t , , 1 at their annual chicken barbecue The building was bumed, and supper in the J. F. Hollowell St children were . tau '.t . In other houses fn later J" : Con:' tut j c . 1 1 Cast 13 T;! Fcr C:ricr The senior elf ans County V ' nounced the sa for its" forthco; rerqaim 1 has an- the cast luction of the comedy "La 15 Out of Here." - .'.'.!. -. i. The seniors chosen for the cast are EeVy Barbee, Verno Ann Perry, ?ry E'.la irixon, E.nky Felton, Jarolyn. Rogerson, J' li my Conner, Philip , Lan4, Vis.k Roacb, Ch-"-!"s C'.cy ani I-rry V.'insloV. I ' i J..3 wt 8 se lec4i as i il.,.t rv sgar of tl,e prr ' ir'.ion. . '1 s , set.,' r i ' y,' ai event at T - ' annual ' -b i. It.'. under the" ton r :':. ,' tion ' ten n: f i f r 13. J fry v.. v - A i - i-J L-: Rally Speaker r REV. EDWABD F. SMITH j ?A. District Missionary Rally will be held in lirst Methodist Church. Elizabeth City, April 2, at 7:30 P. M. . - . The Rev. EMward F.' Smith, - a from Perquimans, rasquotanit,ierican Mother. They are as fol miitsionarv from the Coneo. will Camderi and Chowan counties tows: (1) That she be a success- ho ip mipst sneakers He will show slides of his work and re- late the inside story of the prob- lems of Africa, Mr, Smith served in the Con go for ten years, teaching in secondary schools and he was on the faculty of the first Protest ant Seminary brail of the Con- g-.. Last year he was a visiting lecturer in . the Duke ; Divinity Srhool. ' He Is now the pastor of . m... ,., t - lnTjlFKtrl'S1 Mrs. Mary Brinn and Mrs. LU - Dan 'Elliott and Mrs. Charles Hdllowell of Hertford were win - ners. irthewatercolor exhibits at the annual art festival sport- sored bv the Elizabeth City.witz and 'David Horowitz third .The entries were . judged by, ' Henry B., Caldwell, director vof the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, l'i!!!l Cciiccm iiystcx:rs' HjSt Sons warehouse on Wednesday night, March 20. . Cnnninl rtllOCfa tftf th A APPl sion were representatives of the Robertson, Chemical . Company. .naiiJ TWrin rmnanv. the Red Rose - Feed Company and Brookneal Pickle Company, ' RoWrtson Chemical v Company representatives showed the gixnup present a film on fertilizer, the Daily Herring ' Company a , film i Continued on Paga ThtM f: t.. Itwl ;. r ' 1 1 :'j7T:.0,- Tlie Perquimans Indians". opesj ed their conference baseball sea son with a 7-0 victory ever the th Panthers o I'ch 23. I 'ians scored tr s in the fc' ' i.n 1. 1 ' Co- -i a f 'Is - ti !' , - 1 f t t: c Hertford, Perquimans County; North fjeaf,!::L::iiGf ,!itd I'-Ltil ' An area-wide meeting "of the District Mental Health Associa tion will be held in the Munici pal Building on Tuesday, April 2, at 8 Pi M. cto discuss- plans for establishment of a . clinic, v ' Pasquotank : ; County " Cpm missioners ".already hav approv ed 'inclusion of $11,025 in the next fiscal year for the clinic, contingent upon Chowan putting up $4,950,- Perquimans , County $4,050 and Camden $2,475. The Rev. A. Heath Light of Elizabeth City, president of the District , Association, has hopes the other counties will follow j the lead of Pasquotaok in mak ing their i share ; of, ;the funds available. He pointed out that matching state and federal funds would : be available. o"n V, the $46,000 budget. It is under- stood that the State Board of Health ealth has agreed to arrange tor complete staff for the area i inic if ' 'the counties come a clinic ' if "the ' counties through with their, share of the operating icosts. - .i ; : The boijrd of directors ol tne District Mental Health Associa- ition has tailed upon legislators support the bill now betore tnem which, would provide support for mental health programs, Nine Trisd On Traffic Counts "1 A docket of nine, traffic vioj lations was disposed of during ; .Tuesday's session of Perquimans ( Recorder's Court presided otreTj bv Judge' Charles E. Johnson. Alan J. Barnes,-, tnargea witnwi. mot havmff'--var ooemor s orr: chauffeur's licensee, was fined I ' '$25 and taxed with cdiirt costs. Lee Steward, Sr., failure to see in- tended movement could be made in safety, paid the court osts. , i ' , W. . Linwood Privott, charged .with improper parking, paid the training, h icosU., ' 1 , ',1-;--? k Max A. Baer, Marvin Horo charged with '' speeding, each paid va $10.25 fine and court Cody, Wyoming, a REA cooper costs. '., ' 'lative, recently appointed James Ray . Clifton Madrin Jr.jUmphlett ,as manager, effective charge with speeding, paid the April 1 to reptace the present court casts, i t ;'. r:; ;. James E. Dilda, charged with speeding, paid a fine of $9.25 .and court costs, Everett NeaL charged with being drunk on the streets, 'was' fined $10 and taxed with court, costs. . , . , Scout Film Will Be Shown April 2 The Hertford Girl Scouts, iroop i, jiivue me puuut iu a mm, "Koaa to uuiion aay, on Tuesday, April 2, at 4 P. M. in the. Agriculture Building. The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will be special guests, j , ; The film is ail hour long L . i Zi V iGxrl Scout Senior Roundup, the outstanding 50th anniversary event nationally and interra- Vermont in July, 1961. Here 143 girls and 32 adults from 21 countries camped with 8,500 Girl Scouts and '1,700 adult from all parU of the" United States. The same film was: seen on CBS-TV on September 24. Sccufs To Sponsor ' S"rrr April 5th ; ' T t jrd Scout Troop 'No. 155 will i.onsor a barbecue, supper -n VF '-y, April S, during the V'.ij i.t S until 't' o'clock..' V. ' Tickets are -now on sale by mernbTS of f e troop. Proceeds "ive J from the sapper will be i 1 to help defray expensps rf vj f r "ne w k i. t 'c it ri i. w, i be .r'Iyr"". to ..e at hour t. 1-1 by l Perquimans County Mrs. Warner Madre has beep 'selected Perquimans . County of the Year for .1963.. Mother She will represent Perquimans ' County at the State Mothers ! Meeting in Raleigh. April 3 arid 4. 1 Mrs. Madre is the mother of three children and has an out- .standing record as a mother. . she was chosen according to the qualifications for the Am- fui mother, as evidenced bv the character and achievements of her individual children; (2) That die be an active member, of a religious body; (3) That she cm jbody those traits highly regarded in mothers,, courage, cheerful ness, patience, aiicction, Kina mess, understanding and a making ability; (4) That she ex- lemplify in her life and conduct (Imphlett Named U Ja'mes M. . Urhphlett, son of - Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Umph- lett of Route 3, Hertford, a Per- qquimans County High School graduate of the class , of 1960, and a graduate of La Salle Ex- tension 'University' in accounting has been : appointed a Cody, Wyoming, REA Cooperative. ' :, The board of directors of Shoshone River Power, Inc., .manager, who has resigned Shoshone River Power, Inc., is a REA financed electric co- operative serving the rural areas of Cody. Wyoming, 50 miles west of 'sYellowstone Na- tional Park, .Umphlett has been employed for the past .nine years as book keeper 'for the tiooperativve. He is married to the former Getty J,ane artlett of, Cody, Wyoming. The couole has five children, Jim( Jri; 9 jOBi 7i Jonathan 6, Jeffrey 4 and Jay 3.' Local Democrats' - To Attend jDinner - ''i. i . ''-.!' ' ? (Democrats from Perquimans will be among those party mem bers from every" county in the state at the' annual Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner Saturday, March 30 to greet Vice t. Presi dente and Mrs Lyndon Johnson. Registration will open on Fri day afternoon fit the Hotel Sir Walter, following a luncheon at the" Governor's' Mansion honor ing chairmen and vice chairman who will attend a party con ference Friday; and Saturday. ii-. ni nri iznager ui itta Womanless Fashion Show.Chorus Carolina, Friday, March 29,: 1963. Mother Of .The Year the precepts of the Golden Rule; (5) That she have'a sense of re- sponsibilitv in civic affairs and that she be active in, service tot public benefit; (6) That she be qualified to represent the Moth-1 ers of America in all responsi-( ln ,'. ODServance 01 lne rin bilities attached to her role as!aroUna Tercentenary celebra- the National Mother; Mrs. Madre has been active in church, PTA." Home Demanstra- tion Clubs, 4-H adult leaders or- Bani,,im -hn - fianizations. She has j outstanding leader in the com.!Indian Chlef. Kilcocanen, giving munity, as well as a good home Seo,rge ""nt a deed tpDuran maker and mother, . The Madres were chosen .as the;,'' Lmdf1""' ; P""Pa' Outstanding North Carolina Master Farm Family of the year in 1955. If Mrs, Madre is se- home-elected as State Mother, she will , attend the National Mothers I Meeting in New York. Distribution Of FootA?riiy Mrs. v Wallace .Morgan' ' an- .nounccd today, that the next dis- tiibution of surplus food for per- I sons in Perquimans County cer- tified to receive food will be Monday, April 2; Tuesday, April 3,- ana wcanesaay, April , irom 8:30 A. M. until 12 noon and from 1 P. M. until 4 P. M. on these dates only. The office will not be .open on Friday and Monday Per sons certified to receive food are urged to take notice of the dates of distribution and to be sure'tb'comc in on the date that is stamped on their card. Talent Program Pbned Sunday . A talent program will be pre sented ; ' at the i First . Baptist Church on Sunday night March 31, at ( 7:30 o'clock, it was an nounced by the Rev. F. L An drews. " , Taking part on the program will be the youth of Perquim ans Qounty, the adult members of the First Baptist Church and special renditions of gospel music by the pastor the Rev. F. 1 An drews. , ' , , ' Commissioners Will Meet pit Monday Commissioner for Perquimans County will 4 hold their April meeting next Monday, April 1 beginning at , 10 o'clock in the Court House. A ; ' Persons desiring to confer with the board are requested to note time and. place of the meeting. "ing i District Keating Hertford Sunday The Hertford Business and Professional Women's Club was hostess 'to the Spring District Meeting of District 10 on Sun day, March 24, with the presi dent, Mrs. Essie Burbage, pre siding. The meeting convened in the Hertford Grammar School at 12 o'clock noon. - The lunch room and library were beautifully decorated in Spring flowers carrying out the club colors of gold and green. Upon registration, each guest was presented a corsage of a miniature hand-made green Spring hat trimmed in yellow flowers and ribboncreations of Mrs. Roxanna Jackson. Various other favors in club colors were placed at each plate. A social hour was held in the J , J L tai1 bemg scrvcd after whlch. a library, with tomato juice cock t.r1 . wlth 8,1 the trimmings enJved- . , delectable over-fried chicken dm was In , observance of the North irolina Tercentenary celebra l"u" sc7'd'. u,u ""u B,a'ul f"u df ds th,l? area we,re dlsPT ed ln the library. Also, on the the lunch, nKfn W3S exhibited an original oil paint- hoon nnlln6 D' J- mn WWSIOW, OI tne Neck. (We were indebted to I TV - IT 1 ; , -uwl lw.Hle use lnls picture). Sixty four club members were present from the eight clubs in the 10th District which includes Ahoskie, Edenton, Elizabeth City, Hertford, Roanoke Rapids, Rocky Mount, Scotland Neck and Tar- boro. Special guests were Mrs. Bert' Tyson, State First Vic President of Greenville; Mrs. Grace Folger, Eastern Area Vice President of Goldsboroand Mrs. I. Elli'3iafbt- Hertford. 5 Miss Thelrrfa Elliott gave the invocation, p During lunch, Mrs. Dora Riddick welcomed the guests and Mrs. Anita Baker of Edenton gave the response. A A solo, '1 Walk With God", was sung by Mrs. Anne Young, ac-' companied by Mrs. J. ElHe white! at the piano. a r. ,. l ;' u . Alter lunch, a business session was presiaea over by Mrs. Lena ... . Leary. of Ederlton, 10th District Director. Several items of Dis - Contnud on Page Savta .Ainsley Files For Town Post W. F. Alnsley filed .his week for a Town Commissioner seat In the coming munic'pal elec- ii w n , j. iiwn ray i. n. rv. neixen, wno ha. served a. Commissioner for several terms, has announced that he would not be a candi- date for the office. Incumbent Mavor V. N Dar- den announced last week thai he will seek reflection in the Mu- nicipal ltetlosr to be held .on'band. were wr.cing a banquet May 7. ' Offices are open- for Mayor and four Cornmisiioners. Inter- t Js b.incr derolooed and it is baiieved thai . ihr nr. oth candidates who will be an nouncing their intentions very shortly. Foul Initiated In Letter Club The Letter -Club of Perquim ans County High School initiat ed four -girls into the club's membership on April 25. . The Beta Club is an organiza tion of girl athletes and cheer leaders. - Its activities include the operation or. a concession and was under a doctor's care stand at footbaU and . baseball at her home, but entered Albe games and the operation- of a marie Hospital in'Elizabelh'iCity popcorn machine! at basketball games. The crab also sponsors social events such as the Valen tine -dance.' V- The four girls, initiated were Connie Sawyer and' Helen Over ton, ' cheerleaders; - Beckie Uobbs, basketball player, - and Betsy Barbee, student manager of , the girls? basketball f team, v "OUNCEMENT in,..., mte tiw-itjtlfif- Mr. and Mrs, Thurman Whed- beer. annouA- ' e birth of a daughter, 1 arie, born Fri day, Marc! the Albemarle Ho pitaL hedbee is the for er I ly Mathews, " '.er t -d I'rs. ,Viv. Lions Club Womanlcss Fashion Show Tonight Perquimans High School Betsy C. Barbee Finalist In Contest Miss Betsy Crowell Barbee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wayland Barbee, a senior at 'Per quimans County High School, has been chosen as one of the finalists in the competition for a Katherine Smith Reynolds Scholarship to the Woman's Col lege of the University of North Carolina. Betsy was invited to the Wo man's College Saturday, March 23, for an appointment, and a luncheon with the Central Com mittee and some of the other finalists. Youth Rally In L City March 29 The Elizabeth City District MYF Youth Rally will meet Fri day night, March 29, at First Methodist Church in Elizabeth City. The evening program will begin at 5:30 and will end at 9:30. There will be a panel dis cussion after the supper hour,the modeling and a prettier and the guest speaker for the ', bunch of models you've never worship service will be the Rev. seen: 'entress Lane, Jetie Ches Jack Wilson of Raleiifr, speaking sen, Tommy Byrum, J. W. DJlon, on "Get Lost In a Christian Vo- Frank McGoogan, Jim Bass, E. cation". C. Woodard, John Biggers, Char- Each church is asked to make lie HarreU, Bill Twiford, Bobby its own name tags, and recog- Elliott, Erie Haste, Sr., Ike Per nition will be given to the church ry, Clinton Eley, Harry Winslow, with the most original one. I Claude Williams, Caude Brinn Youths attending are asked to cry " PicHic wr and drinks tiiay ; uc uuuglll. ai luc ull'Ultll. The main item of business will be the election -pf officers for the-coming tear ;l 'j :' ' f. Search Continues Shpriff OWin TWaHlinwc ctatnH i -mt-j-.. it.. : ! iicic muiiudy nidi uiveMiKciiiuii ,:,.: : ,u u . waa i:uiiliiiuiiii; ill r,.., c:.u uic acai iui Qf st Rout winfall last ,w. . . h'.B about 8:30 o'clock. iforJ- . Mrs . Smith, who was home! She was he daughter of the alone and after hearing the dogs ',la,e E1,zabeth James Lister and barking, walked onto her back Joshua Sparkman of Pasquotank porch to throw a switch which , County. lights up the yard around the'm She ws a member of Holy h-m ,n. naKt,oj w - - .Trinity Episcopal Church in . ,dentlfied Person, Mr- Smith. and young son were auetvaine a banquet at J. 'F. Hollowell & Sons in-Winfall. : " ... on a DasKel m lne porcn ana ihurt her back- she fled into her Home and called a neighbor. Ihe neiehbr drove to Winfall. where lhe sherl" and-Mi-s. bmith's hus- meeting. I 0,000 nounus, me cm, m anc tne Slale "'gnway t-atroi ioined in the search for the at- tacker. However, due" to the large crowd that had . gathered at the residence, it was impos sible for the dogs to pick up a scent. The did, however! lo cate a trail on the road passing the home and led officers to one suspect. The only bodily harm Mrs. Smith received in , the struggle with her attacker, in addition to hurting her back in the fall, was scratches and a sore neck where the assailant tried to ch0ke her, She was suffering from shock this week. Auxiliary Bake Sale Scheduled Saturday The St.' Catherine Auxiliary of Holy ' Trinity Episcopal Church will hold a bake sale this Saturday. March 30, begin ning at 10 o'clock in the morn ing. The bake sale will be held in the new Parish House beside the Episcopal Church. '. The public is urged to; take note of the change In location of the bake sale to its new lo- cation in the recently completed j Parish Hot. -5 t-'-lde the church. 5 Cents Per Copy The Hertford Lions Club is sponsoring a womanless fashion show here tonight (Friday, March 29) with all men doing the mod eling. The show will be held at the Perquimans Cour.ty High School at 8 o'clock and from all re hearsal reports promises to be the most entertaining and hilari ous program sponsored " in this county in many a day. Mrs. Georgia Roberts vill be in charge of the music and Mrs. William Cherry the dancing. Entertainment will consist of a chorus line including the fol lowing: Dick Bryant, Francis "Panky" Nixon, R. M. "Pete" Thompson, Larry Aydlett, Jr., Emmett Landing, George Bell mon, W. L. "Buddy" Tilley and Sid Harmon. There will be an all girl (boy) orchestra with the following members: Johnny Broughton, Jr., Preston Divers, El wood Copeland, Talmage Rose, Charlie Skinner, Jr., and Biliy White. For extra laughs and enter tainment there are special fea tures on the program. During the ladies' fashion show the following men will do '"d John Beers. Former Editor OfWeekivDies Mrs. Mattie Lister White,. 75. died Wednesday. A native of Pasquotank County,: she had lived most of her 'life in Hert ford before returning to Eliza beth City in 1962. Former editor of The Per- quimans Weekly and Hertford " . Herald, she was also correspond- ..... ent for the News and Observer for many years. She also served as court Stenographer in Ilort- Hertford. Surviving are one son, William E. White, Jr., of Raleigh; one brother, James Scott Lister of viwu.i, -"! - eico- Mrs. ;ibeth City; three 'grandchildren, Cyn thia White, Dianne White and W. E. White, III, ,all of Raleigh. Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 A. M. at Holy Trin ity Episcopal Church by the Rev., E. F. Moseley, rector. Burial will be in the church cemetery. . ; . . Birthdays v., ...... 1 1 1 :a March 28 Rotary Club, 6:15 Masonic Lodge -Geneva Sawyer March 27 Jaycee Dinner Jack Brinn, Sr. March : Bethel Ruritan - i Americani Xegion Eugenia Q. Beck , v Neil Coleman - T Mary Dale Lane W. A. Rust'el) " ',, " i March tlt&-T:W!ti:. f : Gill Underwood . . s ' " March 30 ' - J 'Rev; Norman' B- Harris ,; March 31'ff'' ii -v-viST; Marvin "Red!; Caddy ; Daryl Hurdle ,,,'. April 1 ; " ' ' . County Commissioners - i Faye Lamb , '- - Chris Baker ' ; Betty jane Harreu v AUk. jiy i .rrri:: ' The Amt' ican Legion A ary of Tl'i iiarA Taul Stall; Unit 1.3 ill t Thur night. ' o'c' . the, 1 " "i',,'.' very 7 t, - to , . ? rc