. : ,. - , . ; -; .' - ...... . - : - - - - ' ,ii i ii if, ii aawaaa . I - m Jc J 1 1 t'WtUillL: Mrs. Lucille Winslow, " chair - man of , Perquimans tCounty Tert centenary observance,, rejhis her program, including ' historical exhibit -at Hotel' Hertford, 'coin- njal fish dinner,,. Court room drama, '. featuring 'Commission Chairman Fraucis E'Winskiw, a religious ' - service at Phfelp 3 vAls'.-fliirinf 1 A$fil 19-tt - his- ' .;. torical f tours' . ' 6? : tN5rfaimail : . .-.'?, '.County " wul be avaflaMe: py V callina t ;he K Chamber : si . Com merce. Guides i wjll be jwovid : ed. A walking .Wur A Hertford f j is available V through the sirne ";'v ource;HerUor4 w-j ict- eted in 1V&8. kv ? ... . , V ; Mrs, T.-Pr-Brin-ihirma of the historical exhibit, .which wUl be held fh. the Hotel .Hert- .., lom -jpiy-. TKiaxt oatUKMy UU Sunday is busy . c"ollectinf. local ; items' tf ' histoHcja jteist : ! ; Py.Byrum, roVner '' 6l ."Byrum V' Furniture Company,. ,riB. show !' antiques ::um.coiu)wal(' with fct 4 this-ipyeni; H ; iVit: 1 A grwp of HcW I :;i:j; tion Club, women dressed in eo-; ; , ; . loni costuines: wUTJ ac ',, . . U : tesses at' the - historical exhibit . ;'x Mrs. Brlnn.. ls;,.;jequesttog:' 111 county residents V who have aK tides ;:ofrllis)torfcBterestio please' enter ithem ..to theex ' v hibit. These should bp -brought FIsiljPTA1 Mating Perquimans County ; . High School PTAwill have its final meeting p the., school year .on Thursday evening, April 4, at B o'clock iQ the new cafeteria The. president, Mrs, Ruby. K. Long, urges all parents to at tend and enjoy the special pro- "h aord, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April jrlS63. 5 Cents Per Copy r: -u--'-'-v-r n a : ' ii I : Appointment of Mrs. . J.i E. Winlow1 of Hertford as Perquim ans ' roimty ' hiembership chair man of the Roanoke -'Island. His torical' Association has been an nounced by trs. uther . H. PorQuipqps Board 01 Well man of the R, r H. A The Roanoke '"island Associa tion produces The host Colony, Paul Green's symphonic drama which will be 'presented for the 26th season in 1 1963, every night granajmed tto 'Understand except Suay.tmo. 29v.through loht i John T..Biggers was re-elect' Development Group ed superintendent of the . Per quimans County Schools-. for- a form ' nt ' lurn vparR. . . hf0inninff Hodges ' .of Washingtplt,; P. ..QJuiu, 1..lMl fnllnwinir Mmrmnisl jt. nun . - j : - "L j I ' w " tion of the Board of Education Our Children's Future Oppoitu-. September' 1. ii'ii-o . l.1i . (Theater on. - t: , 1 o Industrial School of-JWilson will lead ( prograrait and will use (j filp and college students t? snow noir ; a : graouaie may choose tiis or her future. "-A . social' hour ;WiU lollow the pro'grani and business session. " the waterside Roanoke .Island. Special Sundays- night: perform ances, are' i"schedule4,' June 30, August 18 and September 1, .ToMeet Monday i . . i The Parkville Community De velopment Organization : will . - i .u -, i - -r..".-rf ---p i ( - w, - at a meexinn nem nere jhu.. !,, p M in the Community xne ttoara oi icauon meei-.,.R(liMln. in wnin ing in regular quarterly session with D. H, Eure, chairman, pre sided. ' Other ' members present J were George Caddy, John pan shise and Joe Nowell, Jr. . The board approved Ginides Sutton as maid at Perquimans Union School in place of Alma Foreman Burke. 'J".:: . J-:,.., A motion was passed to con- Mrs. Hodges ' pointed lout that. a.uu regular, 1U. susiauung, . sponsor . and 1100 .life member: According to President Elijah White,, there will he a discussion of some very important Items of business. This business includes the fire truck and water system. ' The program should be of in terest to 11 the farmers in the community. . Astor Perry, Pea nut Specialist from N. C State ICpllege, A will, present program T v: t'S. ;.,irh j; y'.'-r- .-s "'.names' "i i " 6e ' ''fowingi i'jtf ? 'Perquimans'.: (i,...-.! ia&t)f.jl tw'v " "V i ucy ; ser vice th.A!i$:wrl.wSW!r pertor Court durin- the ?arch meetlriir t fcfc Ci-- Camim-J sicMers. ; hejo ?are?SF linbws 1 witit the exception W twofst dens drawn , or "tibU ; who Kav been excused. They; were r Robfert TavlorrOram ind B&r' ! .fWV flay f , White, h Perquimiuis Coiintr: :dp. warden , and rabieB inspector, announce joay, a :iog vaccination campaign will get tjnder way throughout the county oii5 Stir4, wd will continue through y-pril.'and May,';.'; .; i AU dog owners are required bj Jaw to have their dog or dogs Vaccinated against rabies during this period and to assist the ra bies inspector in administering the; vaccine by restraining tne dog ojr ; 'dogs.;, , .Vy.- $ J 'tel i White has set ip; a sched- ulet f ' places" hfe ' will; visit dur- My ' jwf they are , advertised; in j Weei'Ior. ; flje' puifpose of ,yac-: clnatijigpthj kSS 1 'f owners 'are ; quested ,t4 note thii ScheUute ant brmg- the dogs, ships., are offered to, indAyiduels-J All members will receive a, copy of; The ' Lost ' f!olpny souvenir program - m1- which; their; names 'atp. listed, ,an4 phe reserved sejat ticket tp .any )963 performance of the drama for each $5 value of 4heir ; nMiiobefshiir. :'. Tbeyjako gua uee umjiui n tun iw leigh; i national historic ; i$te. fk; Mrs.V rtodeps .exnresSed -condi- dence. ,that y friends; of Xhf Lfost S i : 'it. t. .- ..1 . woiony , an oi weu; cuunvy meni- bership chairman, will contact; her . immediately; -toe , join' the B.v X Hi ; A.- andr elp preserye the heritage of tie spiritual birthplace of the. nattion. ' ; Memberships also may be maUed to Mrs.. ' Hodges, 4J65 Glenbraok, j"';'tf ,ingtoo D:- Qr r : t , r" r rru" " r wanutp .LiroHiwuiuia.uwiV V""M fcrin ,itl, Wjm .1,,, Mg, lIU IIHTC TTlUi -lIII . -- a w,Lb iirfornriatidn'available on peanlits. .community. Grammar ; School . with dimen sion and plan of work s al ready begun. The' superintend ent rpnortfid that work on reno- .. should be completed soon.- . v f ,George Caddy, jTetiring mem ber, of the Perquimans Bpard pf Education, expressed his appre ciation for the privilege of i Sorv.-J yii xiic uvuu' ui , jiui.aMu Sinqe April 4,. 194?, ' He .jthanked the members for their' coopera tion and respect during his 14 years of pubtyc service; v,:?. o. H.-- Eure, ehauroaa oi uie board, expressed his: apprecia tion to the members of ; the board for their cooperation and. sap1 port during his term ..chair man, and adjourned the' meeting. Clerk of Court W. Jarvis Ward administere the oath-of office to Craftsnofcir Perquimans County . will be well represented at the Albe marle Craftsman Fair. The Fair is td be April 17 and 18 at the Elizabeth City armory from 1 P,-M, to 9 P. M. each day. Pine needle craft will be demonstrat ed by Mrs. Wallie Knight of Route 3, Hertford. Chair caning will be demonstrated by Mrs. Vivian Dail of Belvidere. Mrs. Nathaniel Fulford of Route 3, Hertford, will demonstrate pine cone craft. " Stool bottoming will be demonstrated by Mrs. E. W. Sutton of Route 3, Hertford. - Exhibits .will, be displayed by Mrs. Kelly White, crewel em broidery; and - Mrs. Ila Grey White, copper, enameling and hearth brooms. ' The Perquimans '.High School Glee Club, under the direction .PiiSll f fknmett'idipg iOed his aii dUaelieire'i;4hl eekrlor -he r,n. At office .pf tMayor pf'thejToyn. of I ,il!?5V---'!c1VcimiliM; as acUve in : iwbk irfw mam, Tin D; .H. Eure, ; Drv A. ; B-i Bonne, of Miss Caroline Wright, will Everyone in the community is Icing Thursday. Aoril 18. at1 7 urged to attend this meeting, as p. m. They will sing Tercenten- atlect everyone., in tne8ry music that could have been pi the Lf I - 1 John Dapchise, Joe Newell, ! an , George I , Baker. They, then sltmed the registration ; hook, thus ;t)ua;lifying as! membersfjofj the . Perquimans County. Board of- Education. -, , ' ; ri mVv ';;-;,u ; ;i n In compliance with Chapter 115 qf; the N.i CiiGener'al Sta tutes,'; 'the isuperuendenf'. called foMicm4tiqns, fpf chaipwnKoi boart. r, Allan., a. ( Bonnet. s rag elected, lor a- term or. time, in i:. . . . . . .L tij o years, lor wnico joe tnanneu Mi-s. Marie S, Elliott and Mrs. Laura. W, Matthews were among the 15 nurse graduates of the Elizabeth Cijty School of Prac tical Nursing ' graduated , in March. ' v' '.'' "' ' " ' , ; The exercises- jyere held at the First Methodist Church with Hi A. ; Grual of the . Elizabeth City . Board; ; pf Education and Djr.; Robert jbi dsjon , of WiaH, a Imember b'tJie-Albemarleos-Ipitai' ;staff,i,awWin the dip7 sung in North Carolina during the colonial period, 1663-1763. The hostesses from Perquim ans County, who will be in Ter centenary costume,: are Mrs. M. T. Griffin of Route 2, Edenton, Mrs;; Thomas Propter of Route 1,. Hertford, Mrs. Harold White of Belvidere and - Mrs. E. J. Proc tor, Sr., of Route 1, Hertford. They will be hostesses on Thurs day afternoon.1'' ' Ref inlshiiig picture ! frames, a special demonstration, given b .MisS' Edith McGlam ery and MiW iCliarlotte Womble, Extension speciafiifts. The fairv is .sponsored by tercentenary Progrpm Planned At Pblps Pciai By Society Of riends Minnie Ella Felton Hurt In Accident Minnie Ella Felton, 51, of South Church Street. Hertford. was hospitalized at the Chowan Hospital Tuesday night at 9 o'clock after being struck by a car driven by John Quincy White. White was traveling east on Grubb street when the Felton woman ran in front of his auto mobile and was struck by the left front fender just a short dis tance from the Perquimans Rec reation pfaygrsui.J. The accident was investigated by State . Highway Patrolman Donald Gumbo, assisted by Hert ford Policeman William "Bill" F. Tarkington. " Patrolman Cum bo deemed the accident unavoid able. The Felton woman suffered a compound fracture of a leg and minor cuts. Honored At ECC ; The School ol iSursini. is , spon sored " jointly' by, W AlbMnarle flospjtal and ;;Euzabeti? . v City; .public schools! jThe course, & W inhris; .Avnew class' 'of t3 Wmt started' on'l Mal9;'25,, This; class Willi, graduate 'hext yeat' at this 'A'! .9 -, Dewey Stallmgs'J Jesse H.' lkVi Edward B4ifDer,f..GoTie , parvin Carver, . Charlie . L, , WansfieU,' . John M Bentont jri 3mp "k: Ayscue, John Q. White, ii. Hep " ry Mallory, ,,-y, ?jaT lM F8"1 H. Hatch, Sr. Ralph . BL Wmslow, . will Archer. ; elaude il. ''Lbrii, ' Lestej J.'Balei;, J amei ' Div'-" epiriWal; .life; '- The public is, in- ;V' .;. Continued M.J:P'iMd''':, ;i ' - - - - 1 rllln-'-"ll"rlf-rlTln' held A,M4Un.v PWvPr-. Wil bel S." ""-v.- ,1-OllOWing 'the First; rft jin4ay -high wVo'clok.;vA: .T" r r rr?r:zZL February..,:. v: 'A; ; v. ; all !'Di- Kown, mvw iiK:f it ; f-feiau awara ipr ',nis vouistanouig schools, the Winsowon,;nteaiw ;" - u....uZ la'i Ari , will ' K; V10M " ritt . Monclav I mK 'Pril 8. at 8 o'clock at the :,reiula vWSf3S " meetirig.; The Qiass win ,,pb iea juj mis., excu StUi,; .'minister's ; wife:"' The study is , being- held ; during the Lenten season ' when. Christians are interested in enriching thwr bor and .touch of f itilMMrU -.'''tij 1 -;. nn.ll t-i a' rJL. nis own. : inc jieruvra wnjr therclub'sr 11- 1 A '.isiir.-.v t!2SO !'l 1- t...uy porkers PlAJti aiice for :"CaS5::Slir eq ,,'.,,,.. .1".,-,-'-ri'.',:t ; A special .ineiikgcl tS4;:f. &ei5l)cW''':4diieclQni and crusade worker' of the Per quimans! County 'Chaf.tt) of the American' Ciricerf Society wajs held on WedSaeMil, AiiainJ .the Municipal Buildinf Jwith 1 Louise Barber, , president, . pre- Mrs.? James Newby: freas- , urer.t. renorted A T balance ?oh hand c $462.32 ia W operating account and; $5.00 tn the jcam- nalsm, account which ; was "memor':il cLT4. i.'I.VJ ;'., Mrsy: rrt. Tysi..'rf"- Ceen ':' ville, .:, ' 'i'.t ; -f ': " I v ' CGiiaultant made, bntf talk irr toahow ing i, ;fam,;.;rtAn -jrY!April,,, which gave . icterec" ia ideas on how to. be ,sj t-.J' erUsade worker. Bill XjvL mart for lz t"ie drive is i rst two v 1 - ' 1 t" j I ve t r r -i ! chr'r ' t' t ; t . v ' ' 1 J 40 for. county units. 1 " i ,Miisi An 1 Elliott youg,-;;ton chairman,, for the' Crusade, will b i assisted oy jhw. marjww $hirfey; 'Byrum, Mrs.. Qara Gibbs, Mra Mai ?lnez, Harrell, Mrs. Carrie Spivey. Mrs." Chn- ton , Eley, Mrs... Durwood Reed, Sr.,' Mrs-: Bass, Mrs. Walker, irs, . Harriette peSi, Mrs. Reth Norman; Mrs. JReba Owens, Mrs. Alice , Fulrell. i Mrs.' rjEnie Mae Vickersi Mrs.; Janice Boyce, Mrs. T-en Thaeh, l&s.. Soles Perry, ?.!rs. Ruby :Catemari, "Mrs. Eva Eae .Landing and Mrs. Tvelyn KprdlevU '; :;i4:';SM;;f' ; Don ' Norman will serve as chairman for the., business trkt and -tSm: M; D: Taylor will te chahfaia.i "cf -solicitations for yy0 iiyiom in the -'town ; cou" v i fK '' I 1. , Colon JacksonV- county v "1 1 be ' -!r. 3, by ' s. I '1 V' , - .WiJjre; i j. '. ; .1. " ".u.- ii-s, .. 1 -, .1- 1 M'3. ' C ' sn's ''Ilxk; . I , nd 1 a. ' T Til . ; , 1 ' r. y : , n 1 m .,.1 'Candidates who. .have file(i rfc'j Ldatei.'tre incumbent. Mayor;. V.N., lUaruen, , wno ejs?ipg, re:eiev-: tion,-, and Emmett Landing. ' -,W. ; A. (BiDy) 'White, Henry C. Sul livan, Commissioner Incumbents, and W, F. Ainsley." ' " April 18 will be the last day that ;ny ;;- quaUflel "voter- may file as j ; a , candidate ifor . either Mayor':oT.,Conimlssloner? 'i 4 1 - Mr,v Landing '.is. gartner in the Landing i supply ' Ctanpariy. tie is . u, ,yearswa.. iparrteu w the former, ;Eva" Wtae:' Wihslow. They haves two hifdrenf tatti U1Q rjUgCUC .B,l -y. ' ;. ' X . . . He has. long been known lor his intertsr in local TSrvid aflairs; hls f curreht Jproject. being .the dbmpletidn of .the. Perquimans Recreation Park.; " . Landing is active in the Hect-v ford Methodist Church and a member of the I official board. He is a member" of the Hertford 1 ire iepgruiieiu, ' 1 uuis ytuu, chairman of Perquimans County Chamber pf , ftenunerce 'Civ)c fCommittee, member of' the Per quimans 'A. "FY & A. 'M." Ma sonic' Lodgev Scetsh Rite and Sudan. Tempi? (tnd a 'officer; in the Perauimans ,Chatter of the 'American 5'nn- I'VKT ''4 ""vi.-;! T--.'' '; PcrQ"..-. ,.3 l4w.-iS . v . ! V(!MVi''L(Hoawwe 'lir?Al Kenton; t.Jrs.S Jacky, Brlnn and J,Irs'..' Valter f Awards f were 'top scoters in the duplicate hridge rlay r-'J at the EViabeth (City I,- t I inay. f , '3 ; v : 8 awarded T. p rers in the 1 m ?: wortn- jwMMpw , imember' ' and promised to 'carry school'- policies s to' the best of his ability to the end that r all ; Perquimans ;.,County schools , would serve the needs of all the pupils. V -? ' y; , The following District School Committee I was appointed ; to serve a term of , two years: Ju lian Matthews, ,CairoHrWiWwns. Ralph Hatrell, Mrs. ' Thelma Rogerson, ,- tond Mrs. ,; IWallace flobbs; ":":".:'-;.'.. Advisory, committees appomi-; ed',.Werer ' . Perquimans High Schooi. ; Mrs;' .Jbtin Hurdle, Flpydl Matthews. Francis JNixon nen- imA ' . Grammar ' School ' ' Mrs. I Clinton,.' Ray ! '' Winslbw, ' Ray bpniinua on rav 1 X Co I Iustr i top wi " rs. aKernov.n s: Sout"-., i: , son a 5 I "1,3. Holy Week services , will be gin with , the Palm Sunday ser vices April ) J ; at Holy Trinity Episcopal ' Church. - 'There will hi , a ' celebvhtioh of the Holy Communion at 8 A, M.. Church School at 9:45 K W and Holy Communion with sermori at 11 A;. Mi The . church wiU pe eco rated with pahas and evety per- son attending j , wiU be given oalm ;crosS., i . :m. v rr-t; Oh" ' Monday, Tuesday ana Wednesday "njght there -will be evening prayer an brief semens on topics' appropriate for . Holy Week. 'On Maundy Thursday there Mrill be a celebrattiom of Holy Communion 1 in special eommemorat hi , of the instiUi' Continue on Vage 8- I Vs. CI. C. II. Robin t Jc -ette; 1" r a.J t".d, and I Vs. IIrv:Tn Chaiiman l!cJCrc,3 Drive Arvin IluJ.m has accepted the chairroai'.! Cou "y CI. ri Cro.s. 1: 1 is that t -1 f of the -Perquimans r of the American Earlie Goodwin and Tom. By- rum,? local Ford retail salesmen for 'Wuislow-Blanchard Motor Co-. Inc.. were among 300 Ford dealership car and truck sales men in the Richmond Ford dis trict honored at a banquet at the CJolden Triangle Hotel" to Norfolk'. Va., Saturday, for ' out standing sales performance -dur ing -1962. ; ' . ; !'C'.,'W.J,'Ramsay,fc Richmond dis- tricti sale managerJ; said 300r500 Club ' meinbership ; awards . are presented 'A for1 . excellent r fetail sales performance. . The Ford 300590: -Club was founded in 1950 Ho- recognize the perform ance of outstanding Ford .sales men throughout the country. ; Mr4. Ramsay added -that, the average 300-500 . Club ? member sold nearly 400.000 worth 'of automotive merchandise iri quali fying for the national honors. Ixcal Group Ai i ueancrs Mcexing v . The Society" " of : Friends re-. ligious service has been sched uled by the Perquimans County Tercentenary Committee for 2:30 P. M, Sunday, April . 21. The Rev. Seth B. Hinshaw, active secretary of the North Carolina Meeting of Friends, will be the principal speaker. Rev. Herschel Hill, pastor cf , the Up River Meeting and the Rev. Paul An. drews. nastor nt the P'mev I Woods 5 Meeting, : will be in cnarge or tne program. 1 The service is a part of the Perquimans County observance of the Carolina Charter Tercen tenary and is of -particular sig nificance because it will be held at Phelps Point, where a Quak er preacher, William Edmundson, held ' in 1672 the first religious service in Proprietary Carolina. Since that time Friends have played an important part in the history of the Albemarle and. especially in Perquimans Coun ty, where there are two monthly meetings. Other activities planned by the Perquimans County Tercentenary Committee include a display of many historical papers and ob jects never before exhibited, to be held in the Hertford Hotel from Friday noon, April 19, to Sunday, April 21. A walking tour of Hertford is the Chamber of Dan R. Winslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winslow of Win- ...ill U.' ' v - . - . .Carolina College, was recognized SDOnsorerf hv at the ECC College Senior Class Commerce for April 19 through oanquet on &auiroay, Marcn ifu. Sunday. April 21. as a class member who has-es-l A colonial fish fry 'will he iaHl .qHaJ rwiitc4aru4inrr' ataAnnit ' 1 i . 4 a Home bmpnstra'tion ; Clubs, the ' ZZ" Pfa oy miw. ,coun.y t-n cM,i. ,h. FiiTa recoras tne college. Clubs an the Court House lawn EST 'X SUe Com' Winsl0W was 8 of on Saturday. April 20, from 5 to ilkbibtemed he DePartment o Sh award 7 P. M. and a court room drama .U1A during the banquet " depicting the first 100 years of r"ZtriZ iore H raduate of Penuim- Perquimans County history will jS&:lJ-mmaM M tin to Jiven in the Court House at April 10. t-ome to pe iair Dresent time he i nraetiein f.tn n c. 1 n . ;-1;. ' . . . - - o 1 .uu f , m. . oaiiuuat nym uHt V . ' 1 L .J'Vr . . i -. ' ) . Iteachinir at Hriftnn tUtrh 9Srhnn1 mi d v j ai tt l . , ---"o . a nc ncv. r 1 era 01111 vi uir nn i-". 34 1L.T 9 1 ' ; . . .L . . - -". ,wruion, 4 y. . n "rTTT? MghftUGt Church. -will tilny- icn semester - the I UP Wit ril the DeariTt 'tisi' each i' m tUMAP ,'i",t . . 1 : m -. J. '.the role 6f j Reorge Duran1i,ji- i ''It lit , - Off Court '"The April term of Perquirrt- ains County Superior Court will convene here- Monday morning, April 15, with Judge Elbert S. Peele, Jr.i,;f.y WiHiamston pre siding over,',ijthe mixed term of criminal and.civil court,, . Nineteen crinilnal cases are for(j on the aocKor. as preparea Dy since entering ECC and Is eiigi- bneer settler of the Albemarle' jble for a $1,200 scholarship p to and rrpll- ,, Berry will acr as' be applied on' his naster degree. Miles HarVey,, clerk of the court. 1 '(which will be iMychctogy'-'Htf'The drama wUl have total'east pians w ; remain i ia ana of . over 30, persons, and win be work' on his master's next fall. ! directed.. by.,. JL-L. Avdlett. Jr.. 1.1 - Swedish Girl Rotary Speaker Ann I lh TiAniilinp Rotary Exchange Student at- Or .Nominations tending college at Atlantic Chris- In Teenager Contest nan onege, spoKe to tne ert- exeoutiye manager of the. Per , quimans County Chamber - of Commerce. Rotary Club here Tuesday night relating events of interest Jarvis WattV Clerk or court. l She has exnerienced. She related 1 Johnny M. Winslow, chairman of the Teenager of the Year AwarH. . reminds thp. nnhlin tiiat : They are as follows: .various features of her native the deadline for submitting, in- . Clarence . -. Edward . .. . Twiford,. country and eave her-imbression' fcirmatlnn nn returning nnmint.. ",.If"W'wv"""-' 01 xne uniiea "sta iTPS On ner Br.rhnns' tlAnril IS . Nnmindtinnc. of Marion. S. Swindell, and rfval and .her yviSwU our econ-'iftdsl fc retMnMj to' Mr. WtoT perator's license. . : , . : lomy and lis affects on our peo- low by this.dat.. . pie; She compared the countries ...j The ITelgefl b4 e' Vea erty no operator' Elijah 'frivott,,,; forgery abet said forgery, ; '! Emmett ' J. V Riddick, forgery, aid and abet in said forgwy.,V Charlie Frank .Holly, . forgeryv aid and abet in said forgery. !J David : Lee . Jordan, forgery, aid and ebet in, said forgery. .t Henry Parker. Layden, arivmg luence , of . intoxicating liquor. : v Cleveland Sutton, , breakmg, entering and larceny and George Continued 09 Page 8 and various other aspects. She the Hertford Jaycees. Oualifl- thanked the Rotarians for the1, cations of Eligible candidates are oppbi'tunity ! -to study; in -this j ages 13-19 arid!,' must reside in, country. ' ' '.: " , . '' i ; I Perquimans' County. . , , ' , under A-- ; Mr; end ' Mrs. Tom Kartell, owners of Cannon Cleaners here, and- George W. James, Jr., cleaner and spotter for the com pany, i attended the National lii- stitute of Dry Cleaning Conven tion and (Bdiibit in Washington, D -Ci ov$r the week-end. ' Ma- chinerrv-and , supplies were ex- hAited: t the ft C. Armory. ; Mrs. Harrell "also attended e lecture ahd demonstration on Fabrio Rules Fashion", by Dr. Dorothy ' Li e, Director of ' Con-; sumer. Relations. "' ' . 1 11 11 mi In ' ' 1 1 . 1 1 ' . -, - Grammar School PTA Meets April U . t Birthdays The Hertford Grammar School PTA will hold its final .meeting of v the school . year Thursday nigHt April 11, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium.'. ' . The devotion .will be given by Mrs. Fred Still and the program i here Wednesday-will fconalst of t summary of the 1 in each town..!.:? ' -1 been n&ned ' 2 work. - years achievements, , . , . , A eosial hour will foltowjthe meeting ''"'',,.', ' Apru 2 'HK.;; ':- ; Masonic Lodge ; ; ' Parkville Ruritan , Rotary Club, 8:15 Charlie APpleton iiRev. p'M-iPorter j : t April 3 ; " David Scaff ' 'tW l-.C--R,T. . Lions Club, B:4f x P.CH.S. PTA,V 8 O'clock ' j. P. Chesson,' Sr. ' AprU .$- Dawn Boyce AprU 8 "- Mrs. colon Jackson Mary s. Winslow; :r: . Karl Eure Dot Brewer , -Bonnie Paige Underwood AprU 7 up:0: ?;h ; No birthdays AprU8 r. Hertford Town Council ., Anderson Methodist Men First Methodist WSCS ; ,Odus Mansfield ' " Phil Woodell , Thomas Dail Ways EHscussed For Improving Albemarle Market Hog Show: On Tuesday night, April 2, a The second item was, since meeting was held in the Hertford No. 2 animals cannot be shown Cafe to discuss ways of improv-j that these hogs be penned in ing the Albemarle Area Market , lots when they are entered. ' Al Hog Show. The group was made I so the Number 1 pigs that are up of men who helped during grouped with Number 2 pigs may the Show and sale on March 6 Those present ; were: George Lewis, Roy S. Chappell, Thur man Whedbee, Harry Lee Wins low, C. T. Rogerson, Jr., Estes Copeland, Norman Brickhouse, Savage, Jolljff, Jimmy pwnley, Preston .Nixon, . Larry Aydlett, It.! R. M. .Thompson and Rich ard Bryant. Others who helped' during the show who could' not. attend were T. R Kirby, Ken neth Miller, j Walter s Umphlett, i Thomas E. Chappell, Floyd Math ews and Marvin,. Caddy. r' .' The,; group disctssed the fol lowing items that may help in speeding- up the entering of hogs. : The first'' item was that a person entering hogs should have the animals . he intends; to show picked put prior to bring ing them to" the show; The'rea soning behind this was that hav ing to pick out show hogs at the scales ties up too many men and an excess of time. This procedure also lies up the scales. The em.;fe1(:'lhii'':wa' one of the biggest bottlenecks during preparation for the show. also be penned in lots as they are entered. . This, it was felt would be a big help in loading out the hogs after the sale. It was also , decided ' by the group that teams pf three people should be " assigned to each of the hog buying stations to tag, weigh and enter the hogs. These. . animals will not he graded until they reach the grader. . ? , The last thing the group disi cussed Was the weights of hogs to be shown.' The group decid ed to leave 'the weights at 180 to' 230 pounds... . - The Show and sale has been set by the Agricultural Commit tee of the Albemarle Area De velopment Association for Feb ruary 12, 1964. v The Show and Sale this year was sponsored by the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners, the Hertford Town Council and the Perquim ans County Chamber of : Com merce. . The ; ; groups expressed then thanks to these orsaniza; tions. i Without . their help r 1 Market He" not have ' 1 Cale c

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