W E E EC Y ? clfna XXX. ,rnibcr n w - jJ '"The new 'Parish House of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church,' completed recently, was' ' dedi- ,'cated. Saturday, April 20. . J Service for the dedication of ; Winslow Parish House was by the Right Reverend Thomas H. k. 4K .h.immunltwi clinic being spon- rector, the Rev; Edwin Pi Mose- $ ley. i .--' - i Prayers appropriate far the . dedication' were made. During . ' Church's Foundation," the choir T J And nAnMKAitn4inM 1 VkfUtAAaAtt'l lift the walkway, wmcn was i v . v"v bZJ, 7 rr- in toyuig : ow of CMheAne Winslow, Hudson The all n- terei the Parish House, which j .7 . . . ..... '.j ..... : - was dedicated to the glory ., of , God in loving memory of Mi. "' W twattled $10 based on weekly ' tha- Leigh Winslow and Ellen f8 ."1" "'propertyr improvements. Any ; M TmhZ. J,,M.'4' r- t: Poston and Dr. for the older children and adults. .,.. . . . i ii -ii. u ci t . T. P. Brinn are giving of their . ; of the Church School was aea- ,, . .,. . v ' WinelAni ofQ fMlrM An altar I 1 1! me.f ";r.: :r: children- was .dedicated to the glory of God and in loving mem ory of Penelope Norcom and Rachael Harvey The Rev. E. F. "Moseley is rec tor of the Holy Trinity Episco pal Church. Mrs. ' H. A, Whit ley is organist. The Vestry consists, of Or Allan Bonner, senior-: warden; Charles Payne, junior !v warden; Nathaniel ' Ful ford, -Herbert Nixon,, Julian WinsIbW and Joe Towe, Jr. t The'hjiiWini '.committee' for Ihe.'new Parish House was com-J pose i iof " ex-off icio, the Rev, F.1 I 'oseley. Mr., and Mrs. Em-) mett Winslow,, A Walter.. Oakey.i Chnr -tJmphl The W, Cnnippn, , Mrs;, Silas; iwrtflhftr-'attfjM: the - clinic KdbefcV L .-Jit Clrlot dMe late J.J. Rowland, '- 'v.' ri-:r:.. r.. ; Trader Constructic Compan4'C'Cjl CtOr was:the contractor for the new ' buildfng. "'t '.': V . V S;;:ri:r()c:rt Ends Thursdjy i ,' ' " ' Church, Hertford, by dedicating The April term, of Perquimans itg new parish hali in hia bonor. County Superiqr Court was con- The Right Re'v. Thomas H. eluded here Thursday. The mix- Wrightl D.D., Bishop of the Dio nd term of , criminal . and civil ce of East caroiina, presided court; was presided over.f .by at the dedicatiol aBd the unveil Judge Elbert -S. : Peele, ' Jr., of ln f tee commemorative1 plaque Wiuiamsion. . - , Clarence, Twiford, charged wlthl ..Moseley Han . arceny, no operator's license, es-.To the Giory of larceny, cape and simple,, assault, was given a ; 24 month Jail sentence! a- l : w 1 lU ..mmJh Ia work under the supervision of the State Highway and Public Works Commission. It was, rec ommended that Twiford be given psychiatric car and treatment Cleveland Sutton, charged with1 breaking and entering and lar ceny., was given a six months sentence on each county;,,to be assigned to the roads for ,work under the supervision of the State 'Highway and Public Works Commission, .sentence to run 4 1 consecutively." , . Elijah Privott .charged . with forgery; aid and abetting, plead . ed guijtyv 1 It was ordered by the court that Privott be con- Continued on Ttf t-;w Bctoy Dr:4oe Is Outstanding 1952 Tccnnjer The Hertford Junior Chamber, of Commerce Wednesday night at 7 o'clock inUalled a new slate of officers for the coming year and honored fh j recipient of its teenager of the ycr award In a special ladies' r ' t fctutquet held at the' new Vn Farish House r.iscrral C: Mas s rv-i " Memorial ' Trinity ; ( r'-p ' r ' " -8 ' J t of t: c of the c. Eatsy : r 1 I.!rs. C, 1 . RrstTctas GclcHaylst The first, of the two tetanus i Club and the Hertford Jaycees will be held Wednesday, May 1 at 6,-30 o'clock to 9:30 and will nel(j in the Winfall Com- munity Building. . . j v The tetaenus shots are, free to nd lt h by the pame Ruritan Club, the Hertford Jay- ahrthe:Wquirhans Coun . , ; . ,, . ., . , idents of the county will take .... . ... . . . T. ' kiiBiMAflS wit Umr of the first clihic to be 'held wi Wednesday night from 9:30 until 9:30. : Dr. T. P. Brinn will conduct the clinic to be held on May 16. ' Perquimans residents of all ages are urged to take advant age, of " the. free injections, to help' protect you from possible lockjaw ' commonly a fatal ; dis ease entirely preventable to those : immunized or . who need only the .booster shot.;' Spring and summer months bring about accidents, .which could give you lockjaw. . Protect -yourself,' show up at the clinic Wednesday night for' your thoU Meet ii in i.Win- ; fall at the Community- Puilding j:3(j U' the time is im- On Sunday last St. Mary's ' Episcopal Church, Kinston, hon ' lored its ' long time rectqri the ' Re Edward F- Moseley, ; now I rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal 'aAit.a God . rt mpmnrv. nf F.dwin Poun , tain Moselev 1959 , ' By whose devoted and untiring ; efforts. . this ' church : was erected.". , , Mr. Moseley 1 graduated , from Pxford University, . Cambridge, England, as a Rhodes Scholar and subsequently , served four years as a -Methodist Missionary deep in the Interior ' of China, Among his other S8rvlces of that . - Continued on Pa 3 ; EASTERN STAR MEETING The Hertford Chapter of the Eastern Star will meet Monday night, April 29, at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Lodge room in the Perquimans County Court House. In Perquimans ot Americ4 Club, school pianist and Glee Club accompanist, a member of the Beta Club, on the staff of the . school . year book and member of ; thei Student Council. 1 She" was chosen as Student of the Month' during the school year, also was selected to (represent Perquimans as a maid of honor in this year's an- htil':30, Itad Sunday niversarry celebration of the In-'boy, Kenneth Hendreil; best all Ui'nstional Azalea Festival in i around boy, Tim Brinn; best ail rTolk April 15-21 of this year, around girl, Prue Newby; most ".aen U-Etalled at the ban- attractive girl, Naomi Spivey; t were: - President. Hilliary most attractive boy, Carlton Bar '.; vice president,' Don Nor-'clift; cutest girl;. ?Yary Wood ; secrl y, - Welly White; Koonce; cutest boy, Carlton Bar- 1 I irmon; state di- " ', br-rd of r hi. l.lett, vT ', j Hertford, Perquimans County, North j:i3Cc;:C!::rch first l','::!ir;;::r bCba-tiDrfe The Holy Trinity . Episcopal Church has been named winner of the first '- week' under the Clean-up Paint-up Fix-up campaign; : sponsored j by the Chamber of Commerce. Rev. E. F. Moseley, pastor, has re ceived the check for $10 on be half of the congregation, , ; The church , was '. named this week's winner on the .basis . of ground improvements around the new addition and Dot for the new ' addition, ; The 217 points came from such improvements as the , amount of grass sown, walks trimmed, curbs trimmed, shrubs planted (60), dead trees removed, stumps- removed, etc.j Other landscaping : including a parking area to accommodate , 25 cars next to tye Parish House was listed in the total points. Each; week for. the four weeks of the campaign a winner will home or business within the county ; )s ; eligible and ' entry sheets may be obtained from merchants or - the . Chamber of pal Building. AH entries must Commerce. Office In the Munici be received by the Chamber of Commerce on Friday "12 'o'clock P. M., each week, Dr.FiiM!:ntl lledth Spacer , Dr. 'i Robert Fink,', consultant, mental ! health section of the North; Carolina State Board 6f Health.' will 'T meet Thursday, April 25, with the .county com missioners from he four-county area and; all intereftecL persons, tp discuss the proposed mental heiHfrQniei''. tk -thw areaj ' .' - the neJ Vin64JmA !lsh House or the Holy Trinity Vnisl Church In Hefffdrd. yTmOi ljive "flreadjf-'bsi tede"nre Ve, ' V00 - roaa lumDer avallabter'ior W"- estiiblisnWentCWyoOl ! riglif'inowi-iif you donft of - mental "neaitli'.'cttnie' itf this 1 already j jchow yotir humberr and, r' mental health "clmic' itf this already know your iramoerr una, sought revenge with two tallies ; provided, . loc' runds are' writeiillj 'down1 where it. will be -m ,the bottom of the- first , in s'd'ani' 'there Ik local' 'desire handy iri case'' you" have to rei ning: i Tim Long ; advanced to area, raised for the e'stablishment . of such a. clinic. The 1 establishment of the clinic depends on the action of thA nartirinatinS counties Cam- s: if sjfln Friday Wight missionsr have designated funds , , ( S .9t for the clinic for the liscal year beginning July 1, if the other counties do likewise. Reed Matthews . In Charity Game - Reed Matthews has been se lected to play in the Lake Wac camaw . Boys' Home Charity game on- August 9 at East Caro-' Una College. The game is a charity compe tition between a team of foot ball stars V selected -irom' high School teams in the- northeastern part of .North .Carolina, and a team of football stars selected from high.sphools in the south eastern part 'of the state. The proceeds from the game will be used for the benefit of the Lake Waccamaw Boys' Home. V This honor was accorded Mat thews, a member of the trophy winning Perquimans High foot? ball team, for his excellent rec ord as a fullback. His reDeated powerhouse slams, into enemy ! speed as result of a one-car -ac-defense lines gained valuable dent which caused some esti yards and points for the Indians., mated $350 'damage to his 1961 - , Ford Falcon. ' . - ' ' A hook Backward 1 WfMkly 111m 1 Telerjrit v. MAY 193B Senior Clau Names Yi's Su- pwlaii-es: - The superlatives of the Senior Class of Perquimans XX1&1 ,-., "O- , week are as follows! Prettiest nr&i.f1.' Knn1arkm0l Bi4t, . iStKVA mw.'.", clin; . Desi uresseu gin,- -uiui - Everett; best dres-1 boy, Jesse May . 2, with Ws. Annie .Miller Lre ' Karris; mo.t j rrular girl, tat her home in Woodland Circle. nth Fvnrett; r" t popular boy,!.' All members are urged to be " ' r; i present f Jr t- -S mcct.-j. , Kino Cnri!!tos SooJiino rjill Do t!c!j Hertford' voters will have a selection of . nine candidates to 1 chose from, when they go to the polls here on Monday, April 29, to select a mayor and four com missioners. Candidates seeking office are1: V, N. Darden, seeking re-elec- tion to the mayor's offce and : opposing, hirri is Emmett Land- . ing. For the four seats as Town Commissioners W. A. (Billy) White and Henry C. Sullivan, both seeking re-election on the board. Other candidates are John Beers, Willie F. Ainsley, J. W. Dillon. Erie Haste, Jr.. and "Bobby" J Elliott, Hert- ford Fire Chief, is asking the help of the residents of Perquim-! ans ; County. -He urgently re- quests that when residents of the county call in to report a fire that - they give the number of the road on which they are lo cated, .s 'V:' The State Highway TJepart- ment has erected signs at all. rural roads with numbers of the! roads on them. If the persons ' reporting a fire will give that t number when they make a fire call it will enable the fire;. de partment to reach its destina- tion much quicker and possibly will cut the destruction of the Chief Seeks Help fire ' by the department being Combs doubled to centerf ield and able to locate the" fire . by the advanced to third on a ground road number. ' j ' lout to first. Francis Combs dou- 1 Chief Elliott- stated that iri bledto icenterfield to'.score Fred some ' cases the department , has die. j Then Gene Nixon ; doubled I :loet)timeln.am f.MfH'aiSB't directtow-'.giv Coiriba;);'- A--' purtlt run-making jjflehfHe' calls', are -made. double; this- one by Alvin Kirby, , plessewHen 1 you; call i.-thescored Nixon to round out.Per Fire Department to- report' a quimans' ' three runs for the port a fire. Senior Class Play The Senior Class of Perquim ans High School will present its ( Carl Sawyer was elected pres anriual dramatic production at S ident of the Albemarle ; Beagle o'clock' 6ri Friday nighty April club at a recent meeting; Joe 26 in the high school auditorium, j Tunnel will serve as vice presi The public1 is invited to Attend , dent;', Jimmy . Sawyer, secretary 'this presentation; ' admission will and treasurer; Jack Phillips, as- be " fifty ' cents for adults and twenty-five cents for students. ' The ;play" is' a comedy entitled "Let Me Out of Here". Prac tice for the play, under the di rection 6f Mrs. Fenton Britt, has been in progress for the past month. ' 1 . The cast of the play features Verna Ann Perry, Betsy Barbee, Carolyn Rogerson, Becky, Felton, Philip Lane, Vick Roach, " Jim " Continued on Page Eight David Wold Hurt" In Auto Accident David Wold, 26, of 315 N. Church Street, Hertford, was charged with" exceeding a safe Wold was driving toward Rab bit Corner Friday afternoon on Halls Creek Road in Pasquotank County, . when he ran off , the left, Side, traveled 500 feet, hit a culvert which' threw him to the other side of ' the road, hit' a driveway entrance and . buried the nose of the car in a sand bank, according to State Trooper -.lli-14 i : - ;V" c'""-""""s fiCr. 1 V- , - , , , , ' , - , , ocaiues uB uaniac iu Alia vat, Wold suffered a few abrasions about his face. ' i AUXILIARY MEETS MAY 2 ' The Prequimans County Chap ter of ,the American Legion Au- Carolina, FridayApril n April 29 C. C. Winslow. Therefore, there aro four , seats , available and seven candidates seeking a seat on the Hertford Town Council, ' The primary election will be held Monday, April 29, at the Perquimans County Court House in vHertford. The polls will open at 6:30 A. M. and close at 6:30 P. M. 'Registrar is Mrs. Mattie A. White; judges, Mrs. Francis Nixon and David Pritchard. The high candidate fcr mayor and the first four high candi dates for commissioner will be placed upon a ballot for the regular election to be. held on May 7. Tlie' Plymouth Panthers took I the: Perquimans Indians for their first defeat oh Friday, April 19. 'The panthers pulled in five runs to better the Indians score of three. Ray Nobles pitched the length of the game for the Panthers, allowing six hits, striking out six and walking five. Freddie Combs started on the mound for Per quimans and allowed four hits and one walk, and struck out three. Jimmy Hunter came to the mound in the. fourth inning; he allowed one hit arid struck out seven. -: ?r- Y-- , , , i The Indians opened ithe game , by : scoring three runs. : Freddie gumk..: " . v. ,TJje Panthers immediately sought revenge with two tallies first on a hit batsman. Bob Hall Continued on P0 Of Beagle Club sistant! secretary; Field Marshals are Ed Benton and Ben Owens. The Albemarle Beagle Club will hold a field trial on Sun- day( April 28, at the running grounds just outside of . Hert ford on the Brinn farm.' r The 13-inch, class will be drawn at 7:30 A. M., and the 15-inch class will be drawn at 1:00 P. M. All dogs will be measured thirty minutes before each drawing. .... Entry fee will be $2.00 per dog. You do' not have to be a club member to enter a dog at this trial, it was announced by the president.' . . PTA School To Be Held April 27 The Rev. F. L Andrews an nounced today that the annual School of Instruction for .District T Parent-Teacher Congress will be held in Hertford on Saturday, April 27, at the King Street Ele mentary School, beginning tat1 9:30 and lasting through 12:30., The theme will be "Drop-outs the Cause and Remedy". Participating In ; the program will be Dr., George Walker,? of the. State Teachers College and Dr. Louise Sutton, head of the Department of Science at State Teachers College. Also, the youth will present' a skit entitled '.The Great Anniversary". , . IN NEW POSITION 1 , Ralph ; E., Winslow . has ac cepted a position in the sales de partment of the Winslow-Blan-chari Motor Company here, r ? . . Mr. Winslow assumed his du ties as car salesman last week.. Sawyer 26, 1963. iurcrs For Oare . 0( P. quimans County whose names were drawn to serve as jurors for a special term of Superior Court in Darp County, which convenes on Monday, April, 29, are 'sched uled to meet at the Hertford Bus Station at 7:30 for trip by bus to their destination. A special' term of Dare Coun ty Superior Court is scheduled to begin April 29th in the Court House, for the trial of Edwin G- Moore III, who is charged ia three separate bills of indict ment with the unlawful burning of the Parkerson Hotel at Nags Head April 25, . 1961. The case has been postponed for more than two years because of inde cision as to where it should be tried. The case was scheduled for a special session last June 8th, over which Judge Henry Stevens was presiding. Judge Stevens, however, decided against a previ ous ruling by Judge Chester Morris, in which Judge Morris refused to let the case be moved to another county after the de fense counsel claimed that Moore could not get a fair trial in Dare County. Judge Stevens ruled that the case be transferred to Pasquo tank County. An appeal by the State Solicitor to the State Su preme Court resulted in a re versal of Judge Stevens' ruling, and finally the case is to be held in Dare County with a jury from Perquimans County. According to Clerk of Court .Chauncey Meekins, a list of sixty names as a selected jury is now in his hands. He has no in formation as , yet as to which of the persons are to be excused.)! ; The W. . M. Morgan Furniture Compariy. here is this week cele brating : jts 49th anniversary of the-business in Hertford. Each ! year since W. M. Mor gan founded the store in 1914 the store . has observed the an niversary with an annual sale during the month of May. Mr. Morgan invites the public to visit the store during the anni versary sale. ATTEND FLORIDA MEETING Mrs. Sylvia W. Winslow and Miss Mildred Pate, supervisor of Gates County schools, accom panied Miss Annie Maie Murray of East Carolina College on' Fri day, April 19 to Miami Beach, Fla., to attend the Association Childhood Education Interna tional convention. The 1 theme, for the week's convention that drew educators from all parts of this and sev eral foreign countries will be "Essentials For Every Child." Birthdays April 23 Rotary Club, 6:15 Masonic Lodge R. C. Murray , Evelyn Fields Carl Sawyer Susan Rogerson J. W. Hampton AprU 24 Jaycee Dinner Rolac Webb Jo Hunter April 25 : Bethel Ruritan - . . American Legion , Garland Eure ' i Betty Carol Broughton April J6 ; Nathan Sawyer " , Irene Byrum Rachel Bass Susanne Towe ' Welly White vr . , April 27 1 T - ; Lynne -Marie Rose i Dina Beers , ... -'Pearl Chalk April 28 . ' ; Michael Winslow - Mrs. Willie" Lamb ' ' April 29 :i ,ff First Meth.. Official Board i Mary Beth Hurdle Gail Pearce ' ' Etta Turner ' ' CD... White Lto's Observes 49th Anniversary First One E.undrcdYcnrs Attracts (anscitv Crowd ln Court House Saturday Teachers Elected For Local Schools For 1963-64 Term Members of the Board Education for Perquimans Coun ty met in special session on Fri day .night, April 19, with all members present and approved the election of principals and teachers for the schools for the 1963-64 school term. The board met jointly with the district school committee to witness the members taking the oath of olfice and organization I of the committee. Carroll Williams was elected chairman of the district school committee and Mrs. Thelma Rog erson was elected secretary. The superintendent, J. T. Biggers, discussed briefly laws concerning the school commit tee, their duties and powers. Harry Winslow appeared be fore the board in behalf of his brother, Waldo Winslow, to dis cuss an insurance claim. Perquimans County Represen tative Archie Lane, Sr., sent the board copies of several bills now before the General As sembly. After reading portions of the bills and discussing them ContinuM on Pag Fit Historic Group Meets The North Carplii giftgric Coast Line Association 'met -In" Greenville, N. C, Monday. April 22. Representatives from Hert ford were Mrs. J. Emmett Wins low and A. L.;Ayd1etU Jr. John W. Crawford-of. the; Con servation and Development was ejected directpj'! 'i "'- The constitutiotv was read. by. Glen Tucker. The by-laws were not ready. Appointed were: 1 By-laws Committee. 2 Organization Committee. 3 Executive Committee, which will be the Membership Com mittee. Memberships for the organiza tion were discussed: 1 Brochure ideas were pre sented. . 2 Suggested "Blue Ridge Parkway" brochure as a mcdel. 3 A full time executive sec retary will eventually be neces sary. Types of memberships sug gested were: 1 Individual. 1 2 Business. 3 ,. Non-profit organizations (Chambers of Commerce, His torical, Societies, etc.) 4 Sustaining memberships. Governor Sanford was present and made a short talk. New Bern was designated as the next meeting place. '64 Wheat Program Topic Of Meeting A meeting to explain the 1964 Wheat Program will be held at the Agricultural Building in Hertford Wednesday night, May 1, at 7:30 o'clock. All wheat producers are encouraged to at tend and hear -the program dis cussed bk 'the , District ASCS FieldmarT, W. R. Carver. : Wheat farmers who wish to participate in the program for 1964 and vote in the referendum on May 21 must state their in tentions by May 13, therefore, it is important that they have an understanding of ' the program. Work Rapidly Water Line To ' Work began this week and is moving at a .rapid pace on ; the new water line to the newly an nexed section just South; of Hertford on .the Hertford-Eden-ton Highway. Mayor.-V.'iNi Dar: den stated Wednesday jthat he was very pleased with the pro gress being made on this pro- i ject , . ,j, j , ( , t ;l , 5 Cents Per Copy "Perquimans' First One Hund- red Years," an historical drama was presented' Saturday tught to an over-flow crowd tt the Per quimans County Court House. The drama was a series of tab leaux based on old records and documents found in the Court House, sutih as the first deed on record in Carolina that of thd isale of Jand to George Durant by Kilcocanen, king of the Yeo pim Indians in March, 1661. ' Other scenes included the first Justice of the Peace Commis sion and Apprentice Bond, a land gront from the eight Loads Pro prietors to William Barclift, the first suit in a Court of Chancel lory, a marriage bond, a guard ian bond, a license for an Ordin- ary (or tavern), an act estab- lishing the Town of Hertford and a Quaker petition that asked that Quakers be excused from jury duty. The Rev. Fred Still narrated the program in the role of the ghost of George Durant. Carroll . Berry acted as Clerk of Court and presiding over the court was the Hon. Francis K. Winslow of Rocky Mount, chairman of the Carolina Charter Tercentenary Commission, Following the dra ma Mr. Winslow made a closing statement. The drama was written by Mrs. J. Emmett Winslow of Hertford with an introduction by Bill Sharpe of Raleigh. It was directed by A. Laurence Ayd-. lett, Jr.. and sponsored by the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce. An estimated 400 to 500 per sons saw the presentation with more standing outside the Court Hcu.se door or looking in through the windows. .. . Mrs. 0. M. Jackson ii "f D. M. Jackson of Hert ford Wori first place for colonist ostuming at . Dare Shrine Club Saturday night. A new buc-. -aneer king and queen, David Stick of Kitty Hawk and Dolores Ward of Manteo were announced luring the Jamboree Feast of the Pirates Dare Shrine Club Sat irday night after being selected by a secret committee which i designated them as man and wo man of the year on Dare coast. The Jamboree coronation cere monies will take place at Fort Raleigh on May 11. William Davis of Kitty Hawk and Mrs. D. M. Jackson of Hertford, won first place for their colonial cos tumes while Ann McGraw of Kitty Hawk and E. Burton Light ner of Hampton, Va., won first place for the best pirate . cos tumes.' River Surveyed By Highway Commission The State Highway Commis sion brought in a ferry from ha Outer Banks this week and be gan surveying the river from the highway near the Oak Point Service Station across for . tha ' proposed bridge that will cross the water in the event the road goes in that direction. Three other points have been surveyed, in other directions of the county already. . , -; BOARD OF EDUCATION . ' WILL MEET APRIL 29 The Perquimans County Board of Education will meet Monday night, April 29, in the Court House. ' The budget for 1963-64 school .term will be discussed at this meeting. .' fwsf0AtiSAm Progressing On Annexed Area Virginia-Electric Power Com panjr gave the Town of Hert ford the land on which the. deep Wells are' located near the Pow, er . Company's sub-station f oi Rabbit Road just off U. S. 117 south of Hertford, and the Norfolk-Southern Railroad gave the right-of-ways to the town.