V- I ' Week-end GumIi 1-14 . I J". Winslovy oMSTorfoIk ..... v" o lias spent the f winter . 1i...?a, Fla.,' thi fuest ol r sister, Mrs,. jfesseVuwie at ..er. . ;ndd FT A. Meetiaa n Mrs. R. S- Monds,-Jr., Ist nding a PTA Meeting fin'Ashe la this week." ; - ; Tjom Durham MrscMarcus E. Jlobbs of.Dur " 1; am. visited Mrs.,.J., C Blanch- 1 Attended Funeral .J.,P, Perry, Jr., ' Mrs. Nat : Whitie from Netf vyo!, Eugene I Perry ' from ; Coronada, ' Calif., i spent several' day here and at j tended the. funeral of, their fath er on Sunday. -; Mr.--'and - Mrs. I William Perry and son from Vir ginia Beach, Va., spent Sunday j and attended the A. ' P.? Perry, ! Sr., funeral on Sunday. I In HendenonvluV ' I ? Mrs. Robert Hollowell visited ! her parents in Hendersonville this week. ( ! Week-end, fleie. ; . ., f Mri Henry Goodwin of Eden I ton spent , ,:the, week-end with jsars. Jiuin v-nappeu. : , i Thundar Hee: :i Uii.'f. . Mr. and Mrs. Mel Roberts of Seaford, Del., spent last Thurs day with Mrs. Ruth Chappelh 'spent 4he Visaed Bertttvee,,,.. Mrs-OlittaHotos' week-end and several days this week with relatives in Edenton From CnarlottetTille. . , Dr. Louise Payne or Char- lottesville, Va., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and tiMrs.SErE.'Payne, R.ltlmed Horn 'v ' ! Pred Mathews returned home Wednesday after spending; sev eral da'lff 'RoarJoije' Rapid "on I ; : business. . ' II Fran Norfolk 1 , V ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward h of NH4V4,'vifeUld W U A. Byrum. Mrs. Byrum ander, H guests visited H. T. Hobbs'in Wilson. r 1 ( H.ftomlhllTll' ' t Mrs. Sheltoa 'TVhitfr and" oai j : t M: ehltoA 'Thiitf iM daueh i ter Sarah Elizabeth of Raleigh spent the i week-end with Mrs. ! ; R. L. Knowles. , ' 1 I In Winston-Salem 4 ; ( : Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wardar I I spending this week with Mr.' and I ' i Mn Uorman UTavA in Wlnafnn- Sunday 3' Elisabeth fcllr ; -'. Mrs, .Jack-Kanqy spent.. Sunday with-Mn and. Mrs. Hoy Barns in Elitabetb Crtyt From OreenvUla ". ' " Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards of, TGreenvillejspent the week end With" Mrs. H. Ai Whitley. Aiejd A Mnns , , Mia; 3nlnaa-.EUiott attenaea a ' PTA Convention, in Asheville this week, -: -Returned' rlome " ' " e " it" W 'tikvghpoTt returned- to her home Monday in Tarboro after jpending the week with Mr. rpyjvis!;E She was ftc5mpinie;-Eome bjMrs. Davisv , ?rr Fr- WeekifBd. Hera-.- s Mrs. G. G. Dixon of Ayden and Mrs. Richard Elliott and daughter ; of iWiJliamston spent the week-end with Mrs. J. R. FutrelL ;-.i,a : . . - From Enfield Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Holliday and son of Enfield spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. El a6rr"WlMlowirMte! Thelma El liott and Mrs; Mary Winslow. ( Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kugar and. Mrs." Don Norman wts hos- children of Durham spent tne tess , to nee bridge jciuo Tues week-end with Mr. and Mrs. j. IL'Towe, Jr.- . - From Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. John R. Young blood of 'Tarboro were the sat urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.- Towe, Sr. " Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Uouis Tarklng' ton and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lee of Portsmouth, Va. spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott Week-end Here . ; Lt. Col. and Mrs. Furminsky of Vienna, Va., spent the. week end; with, Mrs. Frank. Jwsim. ' , Returned Homo : day night lat her home Those playing wef' Mesdames, Charles Whedbee,. V. N. Darden, Nathan Relfe, T.. B. Sumner, W. ,. G. Wright, F. A. McGoogan, T. G. Howard : and t the hostess. .The high score ' prUe ; went to Mrs, Miller..- ' The hostess served delicious refreshments which were' enjoyed by all. , . KswBctD &rjx:o:v ' Those spending the week-end here with various members of the Newbold family and attend ing the reunion, on Sunday were Kenneth Newbold of Bloomfield, - nf 1 -d l.:rs. f.helton rlss"'. Carolyn . VrigJ.t, llr Lee ; Ch.. .X .shows the im.-.i, ti y K JUi-t, Mr. j I .incnum ' ana mu j I ?uyn . r orning t snows tne aay. FnchUm. t , . , i ' n ' ' ' Milton. wewcid o and Ilrs. C.rl Vifrow of Ar lington, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Wrlsht of jarvlJburg, Mr. and Mrs. Carl - Winslow ,of , Greens bora Those in town attending the reunion, were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newbold, Mrs. J. R. jarvis, Mr. -end Mrs.' C- T. Skinner. Sr.. un .nno hf . a. mifiui r . ri ii ii'vy uruui - " :SJ-. Jerry Newbold of Wil- Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner, jr. j iiu n-ri-n :n n jj MJSSIONARY SOCIETY KJtTTS The Ladies' Missionary Society of Berea Church of Christ held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Eure Friday, April 19. The i president, Fa ye Har rell, called the meeting to ' or dec by asking the members to Join M singing 'What A I'eUowT' ship". ' The hostess, Betty, chose Mrs. Walter Oake?, Jf-.' "jfor her devotional ther54tlv psalm after l ifter which. FannieHurdle led in returned to ' her . home spenamg several weens w.prayer, secretaryt Mary Majors and -Mrs. B. .F. Read and the minutes , which ...-it x In Winston-Salem family at Annapolis', Md. From Portsmouth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirby of Portsmouth, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. I Jessup. V, : ' : Smdaf Guests , .,:;,t';:;:''.::v"-''''': V Mr. and Mrs. , George : Scott, Mrs. Merviii Scott and Mrs:- jj. D, White of Elizabeth City visit ed Mrs. T. E. Raper on suhday. . . ' i' ROOK CLUB MEETS i Miss Mary Sumner entertain ari Vt Bnnlr Plnh liYidav'niimt Wk W;.Mrv;4 AvWa at her home on Church Street, Wednesday lor winsion-aaim Thoge playing were Mesdames where they are visiting.Dr, and j Xowv e., Morris,! J. t- Tucker, Carlton Cannon, J W. Davis," Harry Hollowell, ; Julian were approved Curing the business session the members decided on two import ant, contributions for foreign missionary, work. V '.The pastor, Charles Presley,; then taught the lesson oh the 2nd and 3rd chap ters of Thessalonians. "What A Friend .We Have In' Jesus" Iwas the" closing j song -followed with benediction by Mrs. -Gertjrude U, .FRIDAY-SATURDAY; ONE SHOW FRIDAY 7:30 P. M. SHOWS SATURDAY 9:15-S:5S-I:30 P. M. , , eTwinCitadeUof Sin! J)-' starring , .v Stewart Granger and Pier Angeli , SUNDAY-MONDAY! SHOWS 8UNDAY 2.-00-4:00 P. Ml MONDAY OWE SHOW ONLY. 7:30 P. M. , ' ' Tony Curtis in : "3 POOS OF mar: Admission; Adults SOcChUdren 23c ! LctCaiiuoii' SAFEGUARD .GARTiIENTS v.i. . wmi Iotliproofs t Odor Proofs s , Sanitizes ; Milder Proofs , -at- NO EXTRA COST! TOUR PROFESSIONAL CLEANER Where, Quality is, exceeded;nly by the desire to serve'. ' ' ' ,( Cannon's Cloanei's PHONE 26-541 L LJ L-LJ 'HERTFORD. N. C J 1,, 1,-, '-V with j 1 'I' '! i ill Mrs. W. h. Yearns, jjt. wa attended a medical meeting Weekid InJChaiissten Mrsi2r.tS. Srhite..Mrs. Carroll Transouj MrsT Maude f Blanchard andMissjiAnniyBlanchara spent the Veek-end in 'Charleston, S C, visiting Mrs. J. H. Parker and famllrrrri T' ' ronrjQf eeusboro ' . Mn7 Junray Bryant' of Greens boro spent the week-end with hej mothffl Mrs, Tucker, .rWhlte,' and p."T& Skinner. jThe Skinner and low was awarded Mrs. Towe. A sweet course was served. 1 ( .- .. From Wilmington 1 Dr,ad-Mrs,..Earl Sikes jof Wilmington spent the week-end With Mrs. T. Nixon, Jr., and Miss Helfejie Jlito. . 1 1 SJ.l - . . 1 w : . t , . . ' t i Hil4ililM! :lr.jfc.- k- 'm J-fgl"' C-T'-S4SSH' T r . jrvTVA-i i-ztm ZTrTrTT Good Housekeeping ) lIrCrlJlg)l ikLp VGUAROTtED BRANDS Salem. 41 From Washington Mr. and Mrs. Roulhae McMul lan of Washington, D. C, spent the week-end and several days this week with Mrs. W. G. Wright. Thursday Here Mr. and .Mrs4,Ted,iShortall and daughter "Kelly from ReistertoWn, " Md., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Ben B. Avery and Mrs. Max Campbell. Sunday Here T. J. Nixon HI, of Wilson spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs- T J.. Nixon and, attended lite" j.' P? Perry funeral on sun- From BalelghW! ! 'f ' 5 ' ' Tommy Sumner and Miss Veda thoades of Raleigh spent Hie WertweHtd)!W)thMr. and Mrs. .T. Fro-NotfoikyTr'- . . , Mi?.' Thoma; Wilcox of Nor folkflaiithe week-end witH Mclind.Mrt-iJv'E. Winslow and attended" the dedication of the parish House pn Saturday. Sunday Guests - . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Landing and granddaughter Donna Lynn and Mxs:ass ;H.$awyer and grandson? $inw;13eming, all of Greenville, spent Sunday with Mr. ' nd Mrs. Young Berry and Mrs. J. E. Jones. ' i Giant Size -SAL'E- in '5 color-tone i-i $2.50sWfAJ .uir New Helena Rubinstein COLOK-KKEP SHAMPOOJfor Rinsed . t?i.. ? Tinted . . . arid ; ' Bleached Hair $1.50 plus tax ; during this sale sv 'Try It, You'll Love It.'' SandM PHARMACY FREE DELIVERY our pride and . Thrlfly: . BREADS and ROLLS II If i GUARAfm CcAt 'i intvMwsr ,1?, HfliitoAU-i.r-WS'l 1. 'I rfd, . M IMA - . 4 - - . L kiK Mai MM. kr mm st. fion. fMKMMwr, m nynwi iwa auuir..tiiniii inni1 iiinin. 19 ccd Extra (mAot Vctation? do You MesiJF A'Weiv Applknco? C3ave Unenpected Expenses Disrupted Your udget? PONT PANIC! SEE US TODAY. If you are steadily employed and of good report, you . can obtain a siffnaturerroan f ronv oiir installment loan department You will have ample time to repay your loan in convenient monthly payments. For example: ; V . To obtain, $100.00 you pay $9.12 per month To obtain $200.00, you pay $18.26 per month To obtain $300.0ttVyou ay $27.41 per month .t- This will give you th6 cash amounts shown above, with , all charges (including life insurance) prepaid. By pay ing these small KCicsats, your loan will be fully repaid in j(ust one year, " j., Li i. J 4. unrp"! J7.D.I.G MMsviTpar w-.ot HMMta-1 Khoummi and RtatiNm-m mm tlyo Crc:J...e M-23 NHMMOttWleVl' "nl' cI L!:r.rccrw 23 MDf MMI ITU ' ;t' Cc:::r.:t Ct!;o C9 '1: Li MfMTP MCI x"ov;::ih.'.ixw 45 1"TN DFIIlYlz rrrn (E f:.ea.i . . 33 aor.ox cieacii a 2t tin FOOD 6 CCIAL SOAP, . . , 2 a 39 S33 FET EVAP.KU, 6 Jc v..xbayk flSH.J.l . . - w i jco$ri(l(qtpi Ik. ft- y owl No 6 Hiimia l. T COLONIAL STORlT Ocean Sprey I CRANF.PRY AWCRl x 1 WHOLE ) LB. T r SAVE ON BIG 2 LB. BAG S CS CSAlb KOZCN FOODSM FOSHdOK LIMA BtAJ '. ' 2 & CRKN UMA BEANS . . . , 2 55$ CUT CORN V ;";'V . '. 'ft MIXED VEGETABLES i 2 ft 55$ PEAS ft CARROTS'. ,' . ' .' 2 ft 45 CS SWEET PEAS . . . . 2 ft 53c FRENCH FRIES . . . : . . . 2 ft 45c r i y tarc .'jiJ Cscnits. .... 6 7. 47 Chats Food 2 & 69 Y;t!r-?6il.,jr;ar5a8i, ... 29 SiAor vA int rK :AR.9U2 STAR SLICJ DACCN , . . 4 49 AR.otM star te"-:? rAT:::? . . ; . 49 Av.ou2 star lu?:ci .'.sats ; .4 . M A tMOWHH IOHM COUHUMIt ' , " ZEST EEAUTY s:A? ' 7S2.4I- 2c2.2 trAMfOMr mum ibmivt4 pi w Milieu 1' ;- tti'i era 2;i . 37i DM IMMM MflMMM .: r" . .'t : f t Hi "f , - i f - - c:.::i Da iniu I- 4 V J 4 SEAFOOD - Spanlik Hacked . . k 2fr Otei.EivPorciei... ifc. 19 Ues.EayRockflk.,tk33c! Vadium Shrimp ....79 rofAW ... MM SAlO.eee.eV294 SALA3 f . : Go 1 1 AT? s"r.Tts jrvn cl . . 33 $v;:.t$ pa:.3 tzs r::. . 2 'ir 33 $;:::r$ c::p r: . i . w w Ki:::x; , .,.1 43 2 55c Mu4 I ... t - ' r SWIFTS 6HORTENINV ; Creative Cooks I Creative Books ON SALE NOWI voxiirm e et Setter Homei A gardens new J zir coirs; r;r r 1 ' L-. Jstampa . .ViilW?iM.W.KrfhiM4 OWi.l . ulAMOU vv w rotoMAt iron , 6V CkAO IKiHO STAMP . VOS) MM AIM 17, 9 r ' , J I C.-S :k,il.r!.i;. J., .. 4 ! I - . " UNO ITAMTI !:. vob Mm m n. tm t . Suit ... - AMItlCA'l lAVOnif SOAT r IoufenD I-Y vf? ' AUTOMATIC WWtt 19 M, (VI eon iviiyTtMH. OiMM CWOtr' r p 11011 i I ,1 " F(n)(n)rr t" V

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