r ,. . 1 " r- :cr3 UQCQCC-b Volume XXX.-Uvnbc 18. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, May 3, 1963. 5 Cents Per Copy n uuu LY ' : UIMAMS WEEK I? rrrr Hertford voters, casting - 550 ballots in the primary election here Monday, Dai-den, White and Sullivan, incumbents, were nom inated and two new members -4oi the board,' John G. Beers and W, F. Ainsley. ''. ' ' - Nominated as candidates for offices of .Mayor and Commis sioners for the general election coming up next Tuesday, May 7, were incumbent 'Mayor V. ... N. Darden, - Commissioners W. - A. (Billy) White, Henry C. Sullivan, John G.' Beers and Vf, jV-Alns-ley. :'k:ii'rfr The primary, tantamount to election, developed much Inter est among' the voters Of Bert- ford and the recorded Vote was the largest cast during the past 19 years. Mayor V.' N. Darden received 344 votes and his opponent, Em mett Landing 201. ' ' ". " Incumbent W. A. (Billy White led the race for re-election nom ination as Commissioner. He re-1 ceived 438 votes; John Beers, 377; incument Henry C. Sulli van, 368, and W. P. Ainsley, 343. Vote totals for other candi dates were Ji W, Dillon, 329; Ce cil C. Winslow, 159 and Erie Haste, Jr., 94. - ' - Some ballots were discarded by 4he .election officials because mark the ballot. ! A number of r - Foiirtnew memorial books have these voters I failed 4o observe been given to ;the. Perquimans the oYie-shot law" and failed to'Cdunty Library this week! Great ' vote for at least four Commh-'Idbas of Today, an anthology of sioners as required by law. 1 ,! j speeches on current history is in V The general election; lot the JnenWy of Mr." John C.Baccus; Mayor and jvh EvMd'"wiir be, The Paints bij VanGogh in mem a, held next Tuesday," May 7. JCIec- cry of Mr. J. P. Perfar; The Pace tiQti officiaijtVill be-the same as ta North "XWeVlCttLsfr 'in ni?m - for the primary and the $bUintf!bry,bf , Ms.. Perry,-and Birds of place will be open from :30 A. M. mtU 8:30 P. t ' 1 J Following the central OleeUoit the officials will ..assume their1 duties at the regular May! meet ing on Monday, May 13. - ...... ',. J-rcrsin Doro . Perquimans residents selected from sixtv names drawn to serve as Jurors for a special term of ' Superior Court in Dart Cotihty, which convened on Monday for the trial of Edwift G. Moore n. who is charged i three separate bills of indictment with the un lawful burning of the Parkerson Hotel at Nags Head April 25, 1961, are as fol!ws:, j ; , ; Willis ' Si JBaccus',', Calvin C, (Continued oft .Pact Tfcie) , r i jal' tt A In a tightiy played game at Williamston last Friday the Peri I quimans High School Indians ' registered a 2 to ,1 Albemarle Conference victory. .. ' - '1 1 Freddie Comb,s started on the mramd for the. Indians. Before Conilnued an Ta-a t'hl I Residents arfled To Vaccinate Doro Before May '31 Deadline W. Ray' White, Perquimans Qounty dog warden and rabies inspector," who has been con ducting a rabies vaccination clinic at various' places through out the county during the month of April, stated this week that the dogs vaccinated so far had been very few. The vaccination . campaign which, got under way in ' April will continue through l.'-y ZlsV All dog owners are . . 1 by law to have their i : ir fi?ss vaccinated s this period.; During t" t r i s ownirj ' ; Joe a' l -- en r t xC s r Kasicd At Union ScIicgI Hay 5lh On Sunday afternoon,' May 5 at 4 o'clock Perquimans. County Union School is presenting its High School and Elementary School Glee Clubs in their an nual musical. The theme select ed this year is ' "Music For a Week.", i The 'Glee' Clubs are un der the direction of Mrs. 1L, T. Andrews. The performance will be held in the school ' audi torium' There Will be no, admis sion. ' Immediately following the mu sical there will be "open house" AH classrooms . will be open for visitations by parents, friends and visitors. , " V '; - ' ;We hope the ! public will re member this date and plan to at tend the occasion. This notice is the only invitation being sent out. Your presence will be ap preciated. l - t I'svDcoM America, in memory . the Hon. iGariand & Ferguson 'Wash- ciitgton d.i G. , . "J ' " k &?RM i 1 ' "? Other new books are: Colonial jpertierCounty, 17Z0-1725;MGreece, one. oi tne Lire worm beries which , are published by 'Time Magazine and the, April issue of American Heritage- i , . 'A S New fiction includes the fol lowing: ; The Sword at Sunset, a Literary Guild . selection; Where's ;Annie( by Bassing; Roses in 'December by . Keyes (a re print); iiari in Wait by Dorothy Gardnerand six new Earle Stan- ly. Gardner mysteries., and three new iigni romances, For young people, the library has six ew Black Stallion books by Farl y; two Betsy and Tacy books h; Lovelace and two new Zane Grpy sports books v ' - Atcxlc Ei!2rgy ProjfcrifltFCliS , A , demonstration lecture pro gram titled . "This Atomic World," Will be presented in an assembly program at Perquimans , High School on May 8, The progratn, sponsored by tne ... - .... United States Atomic uiergy Commission, is .presented by the Oak- Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn. ' The institute 4s a nonprofit, Continued en Page Six or dogs against rabies. , - , If you have not yet complied with the law in having your dog vaccinated, do so today. After Mav fli an additional fee will be charged and those failing to have their degs vaccinated face .the possibility of court action. IPersons in the qunty owning dogs and caring fo ' them, and those that love their families' are urged to take this simple pre caution by,- the rabies vaccina tion. Protect your animals, your family, and reject yoUr com munity. Coir 'y with the state I.jv. Ee su' , , d--n't le sor;y. ' ' 3 is a ( vcnt"b V r c 's vac'Gll.i f-.'.nst t i i s'i n ' f 1 CrsJcbfcrC 1 I.isk!::j':::ra For 25lh GIslrict , Mrs. John ' Hurdle was in stalled as the ehairman of the 25th District of Home Demon stration Cluhs on April 24. Perquimans County i Home Demonstration Club ., members won the attendance gavel for the lourtn consecutive .r year. mvs. meivin ture, wuuiicu r i n ji r :i ! J i ! I .1 1 M '. yrewucMi, teueivcu uib. uowi iui,,are planned which will be very the county, v Forty; 5 members interesting and informative. They traveled to Camden , County to arp a fniinwr attend the annual meeting. Car rying out the ' : Tercentenary theme, ladies ; were '' greeted by hostesses in colonial J costume. They ' were served , lunch by ladies dressed in colonial dresses. The stage was decorated with a large seal of. 1663 designed with the coats of arms '-of the eight original Lords Proprietors. ; Perquimans County gave the district . report of accomplish ments .'of the past year, i Mrs.' Fannie Hurdle wrote and nar rated the report. She compared the role of the hvmemaker of today with the homerhaker of the Tercentenary period.. , She dis cussed the advantages brought to the homemaker by the Home Demonstration ; Club. Qn' the stage three scenes' portrayed a glimpse of life in colonial times. Mrs. Harold White, dressed in costume, sat - by a spinning wheel; Mrs. M. T. Griffin made bread from an old bread tray; Mrs. E. J. Proctor, 'Sr., sat by a colonial ' butter churn. In v this atmosphere, MrS. Hurdle, told of the many . outstanding . acdom ; : : Continued on Pag Sayan : I!:rta2fe!ii! 'rivor hrrinii 'f lh 'have arrived as they do each.. year 'durihg the spawhlng season, I erj' fishermen here report their qat(;hes' haven't been too" . greats u pto tne present: time. . . . ' .1.' ,r i Usually when the' fish arrive the banks of the river and lo cal I creeks are lined with fish ermen and their families equip ped with dip nets dipping the herring out of the -water. ; -. . . The arrival of the herring has caused sport fishing to be not . so good, as the fish are feeding i on the spawning herring eggs,! so we are told. ' V ; r - musia uws To Roc'iyMcunt E..- M. "Gene' . Simmons.' 3U who was an employee bf Albe marle Electric Membership Con poratidn. of JHertford. before en tering the service,; has been re-i cently employed by planters Cot ton Oil Company' of Rocky Mount. He will be the Planters' sales representative,., serving an area north and northwest, of Rocky Mount , to Virginia. I Gene 13 a native of Halifax County. He attended N. C. State College ' and graduated in mech anized agriculture in the Depart ment of Agricultural Engineer ing in I960. - While working here with Al bemarle Electric in 1961 Gene married the former Cam Johnson of Scotland Neck and they have one son, Murray, si(.m6nths old. He left ; here and served two years active duty in the .U. S Army in the" Air Defense Artil lery and now holds the rank of first lieutenant in. the U- S. Army Reserve, ' ' U,: K.:jid j, Mrs. Gladys Morgan announced today that the next distribution of surplus foods' for, pet sons in Perquimans County will , be for "one day only" next Tuesday. May 7, from 8 A M., until 12 -soon and from 1 P. M until 4:30. I " s. Kormn urges all those certL no" d to receive food Perc t' i r !s ; i timele'ght judging CubHoi H2n Perquimans . County . , Home Demonstration Clubwomen will be celebrating National Hnme Demonstration Club Week next week May 6-11. A series' of ... events for Permi maris OuintvJ ... . . . ' On Monday, May 6, there will be a County Craft Exhibit, put j in iDarden's Department Store window. Mrs William Winslow, County ' Home Demonstration Crafts Leader.will be in charge ng A's arid B's. r of this exhibit. It will feature j Seventeen students winning various crafts made by Perquim- scholastic hohors for the fifth ans County women and will , vrading period listed on the A show what beautiful work h8jS,Pnor Roll announced today by been done. a ' i .the nrincinal. R. C. Woodard. are On Thursday,. May 9. there will be a special program begvn ning at 2:00 P. M., in the Hert-1 ford Grammar School, with a demonstration by Mrs. y Lillie-j Little, Extension' Housing Spe cialist. An informal tea will be held immediately afterwards. At 3:00, there will be a tour of new and remodeled homes pt Per quimans County. ' Mrs. ' Thomas Proctor County Home Dehion enstration Housing Leader, will be in charge of the tour. 7 This Will end at 5:00 P. M. ' "A num ber of interesting new homes will be included in this tour, and we urge not only club members tb attend, but other ihterested per sons, especially, young ' home- makers Who plan to build in the near future,", states Mrs.' Melvln Eure.' County Council president, Om Friday, May' 10. at 6:30 P. M.. in the Durants Neck Com munity Building,the .PHrapts Jeclt Home,,Dsmonsijration (Chib yiiipe: hostesa tor the armuai CnmUnissioneri'i i! niiiLTVprl'f rThis bCpmrnissjaners'i i! DiniJerj'f fThi jrear Apchi e ,,T. Lane,; Sr.? Coun ty Representative ftoro Perquim ans .County, will, be-the.' guest speaker . ,. ' . ''; ' ! , Th public is invited ,to stop by and look sab -ikM Jraifl- habit' in .Darden's Wiaw aad'idH so .to., attend the meeting on Thursday in Hertford Grammar acnooi ana tne tour aiterwara A tjook Backward ' At Feend la The FerqalmaW tffklf File of Tntorymr Dr. C. A. Davenport President Of Rotary: Dr. C. A. Davenport was,! elected, 'presidentoH'th' Hertford Rotary . Club .. pt, the meeting Tuesday; 'night.. F.' T. Johnson , was elected vice, presi dent and, Silas ,M- Whedbee sec retarytreasurer. Dr., Davenport, Whi) I would not hafe taken over the bffice under ordinary condi tionpuntil Julji. l, has been act ing presidjenf since Dr. Luther Hi "Butler moved, t? Greensboro some Weeks ago. : Dj R. Trueblood Badly Burned Recovering: D. R. Trueblood, who was painfully burned about the hands and wrists last Thurs day at his Wjnfall garage, re ports his condition as much im proved. Engaged in welding an automobile part, Mr. Trueblood found that the fire being used was getting out of control' and called for water. Somebody picked up a 'bucket containing gasoline and was thrown on him through error. Mr. Trueblood's clothing caught fire: 'exercising presence of mind Trueblood fell to the ground and rolled his bpdy.soon t the brochures were or- in tha dirt extinguishing the firq'dered and will be distributed at but., , meantime 'ms nanas been painfully burned. '' had PerqidinansiHogDominate Annual! livestocks Show - 1 Perquimans County entries in the 18th annual -Livestock Show held Tuesday in Elizabeth City dominated 'the hog division as they have forth past two years. Melvin "Eure, it., of (Route 3, won top individual and pen of three ribbons. His entries were of Duroc-Hampshire cross. Donnie Roberts ; of Currituck County ' was first : and John i Brumsley second in the pen of. Clark t 'tf . rauotakjthiri. Local f 6 To 11 97 Students On PCHS Honor Roll The Perquimans County High School's honor roll lists 97 stu dents in the fifth grading period under the hew grading system1 being used at the school with e A Honor two honor rolls, Roll, students making all A's and A-B Honor Roll, students mak- as follows: : ' . h; A Honor Roll f 9th Grade .Bobby Hollowcll, James Lilly and Beth Harris. 10th Grade Margaret ' Ainsley, Mary Lee Newby, ' Phyllis Wil liams. Phyllis Nixon, Betty Ruth Smith and Reggie Webb. 'i 11th Grade Gloria Miller and Patricia Rountree. ' " 12th Grade Bob Hill. Betsy Continued on Pas 3 Winf all's town election will be held on Tuesday, May 7, at J, F. Hollowell it SttnS, at which time the town people Will elect a. May or and three Commission- ( Officials serving Winfall at the present time and who" are unopposed in the - election1 are: Elijah .White, Mayor, and Com - missioncrs J, F. Hollowell, ' Sr.; David Trueblood ; and Nathan Matthews. Hertford Nurses - tofftcers Of Class Student -Nurse Officers of the student nurses classes at Albe marle Hospital are from Hert ford,' Senior Class leaders are Linda Tynch, president; SaraH lOail, vice president; Mary -Alice Sawyer, secretary; Elaine Sum ner, treasurer and Lovoida Mol lis, reporter. . Commissioners Will Meet Next Monday , 'Commissioners for Perquimans1 County ,. will hold' their : Ma; meetinn next ' Monday. May beginning at 10 o'clock in thfe Chut House. '.; '-. ', ' ' " "' Persons desiring to confer with the board are requested to note the time and place of the meeting. , County Brochure v Now Completed Claude Brinn. Chairman of the Tourists' Committee of the Per quimans ounty Chamber of Com merce, announced today that the first brochure for Perquimans County has been completed and is available at the Chamber of fice. v v The brochure, showing histori cal sites of the county, is de signed as a tourist attraction, as . Voir, Mints' nlnnir tho Eastern Rea- .board.:': .. .;. :,. i County won grand champion honors in the show on a 1555 pound Angus steer he entered. , "The reserve champion '. steer, also an Angus, was entered by Donnie Roberts. Bobby Harrell of Perquimans won third place with a : Hereford,' Bobby also placed . second in the individual hog, Judging.. His brother Tom my was third. Carter IRogersoh took second place in the pen at I three-class. Clark Bright was i . . ,S5ts tiwitetion To UUVttlllUI bOUIIUUI I Mary Roland Barbee, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barbee. has been named with four other area ihigh school students that have had invitations sent them for the eight-week summer ses sion of the unique Governor's School for gifted students. The boys and girls will live, eat. steep, study and play on the campus of Salem College at Winston-Salem. The entire program will be free to the students. The program is being financed for three summers through a $225 000 grant from the Carnegie Corp., of New York and another $225,000 from foundations and in dustries in Winston-Salem. The. idea of the state-operated public school geared to the spe cial ; needs of the .unusually bright and talented high school students was born in the mind of Gov. Terry Sanford, for whom the School is named. Mary Barbee was selected to study in social science. Negro Held On Johnnie W. Whitehurst, Negro of Wilimngton, Delaware, facing charges of rape and attempted rape in Perquimans County Re corder's Court on Tuesday, was bound over for action by the Grand Jury at the October term' of Superior Court. Probable cause was found in the preliminary hearing before Judge Charles E. Johnson, who ordered Whitehurst held for .Uc.byUhe JGMnd Jurs WhitemsV is ' aiarged "w3th rape, and attempted rape of Wil - I lie Mae Feltoh, 28-year-old Hert- 1 ford Negro, mother of five child- ren. ' y ' Willie Mae Felton testified that on the night " of Tuesday, April 14, Whitehurst raped her, that She never knew him before that night. The woman said she Went to Snook's Place to see her sis ter, left Snook's Place and went to the Savoy on Market Street, and there she saw Whitehurst sitting on the pool room steps. She did not speak to him and left the Savoy alone, walking up Market Street toward the down town section. Whitehurst, she said, followed her and close to the Tynch Fish Market grabbed her. She stated. -she fought, ihira and he threw her on the ground and beat her with the hand that Continued an Page Eigiu TB Association ii i An executive meeting of the Pasquotank - Perquimans-Camden Tuberculosis Association will be held Thursday, May 9 at 8 P. M. in the TB office located in the District Health Department at Elizabeth City. Members . serving from Per quimans County are Dr. Allan Bonner, Archie Lane and R. L. Spivey. - J. W. Jennette, president of the TB Association, ; urges members serving on the executive board to attend for program and bud get planning. !,l6ntlil3clth To De Discussed R. L. Hollowell. Chairman of the Medical Investigation Com mittee of the Perquimans Coun ty. Chamber "-of- Commerce,' an nounced today that Norman H. Harris, Director, Medical Pro grams for The i Sears-Roebuck Foundation, will be la Hertford on May 15th for a meeting 8:00 P. M., ; in . the .Municipal Building, to discuss before the public needs for medical facili ties for Perquimans County. ' - This is a follow-iip, from the survey conducted by the Medi cal Investigation Committee. Anyone wishing to attend this meeting is cordially invited. Charge Of Rape Meeting May 9th A. Larry Aydbtt, Jr. Is One Of 20 To Receive Fred Linton Scholarship Re-elected I MAYOR V. N. DARDEN Hertford voters in a primary election held Monday re-elected I . . . .... ,,.,,' . . '. . I Howell, chairman Institute Schol V. N. Darden lo another term. r.,-, ... . .. ... as Mayor of Hertforrd. He de- f eaied Emmelt Landing 303 to .173 votes. . . Fred Winslow inner Mrs. Fred Winslow of Winfall upw has been named winner of the secind week of the Clean Up, Paint Up, Fix Up Campaign sponsored by the Chamber of ac-iGommerce. ' in- elude painting . the house 'and .roof, . which took a total of 26 gallons of paint at 10 points per gallon and planting of 100'flow- ler plants, for which the judges allowed 10 points, making a to tal of 270 points. ' I This award of $10 Was for the second of four consecutive weeks of property improvements. Two more weeks remain in the con test and there will be a weekly winner announced. A fifth award of $10 will be given to the over-all winner. Each week individuals wishing to. participate in the contest should pick up an entry blank from the merchants or at the Chamber of Commerce office. Any, home or business within the county is eligible and all entries must be received by the Chamber of Commerce office on Friday at 12 o'clock P. M. each week. A A Meeting At Methodist Church U There will be an A. A. open' meeting held Tuesday night, May -7. 'at 8 o'clock at the First Methodist Church. All interested persons are in vited to attend. Mental Health Center Now Hinges On Camden - Chowan Whether the Albemarle Menining out and if we do not take tal Heaitn ceiter is Ceiter is reactivated now rests squarely , upon the shoulders of residents of Cho wan and Camden counties, it was announced Saturday by the Rev. Heath Light, president of the Mental Health Association. Dr. Robert Fink, consultant of the mental health section of the State Board of Health, attended a meeting held in Hertford. He pointed . out that ' Pasquotank County Commissioners already had approved funds for the cen ter, '.contingent upon , approval by the other counties, and that Perquimans had. verbally agreed to participate, i 1 ' One Commissioner from Cho wan and three' from Camden wfere present. " They said they at'had had no expression from the people , of their counties and could - take rio ' action until .the people . 'disclose their wishes about participating, t "We are hoping that the resi dents of Chowan and, Camden Counties will contact their. Com missioners immediately and' give their, views since time is' run- A. Larry Aydlett, Jr., execu tive manager of the Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce, Inc., has been informed that he has been selected from some 20 applicants to be the first re cipient of the Fred Linton Scholarship to the Institute for Organizational Management. This means that the North Carolina Association of Chamber of Com merce Executives will pay the tuition for Aydlett's studies at Athens, Georgia, during the third week in June. The Institute was moved from Chapel Hill to Athens. The board of directors of the NCACCE have voted to add ad ditional funds to help defray Aydlett's expenses. In the letter to Aydlett from the North Carolina Association of Chamber cf Commerce Exe cutives, Inc., from the president, fir,! i rr CZtttViria nnr? AlU.i L1 ed in part. "My sincere con gratulations to you, .not only for receiving the scholarship but al so for choosing Chamber of Com merce management as a career. I think you will find it person ally rewarding and monetarily satisfactory." April 30 Rotary Club, 6:15 Masonic Lodgjet v. Angela Stallings " -WUma Banks David C. Enos i Wilma Robertson May 1 Edna Thigpen . Susan V.. Long , May 2 Lions Club, 6:45 'Jane Swindell" ' Bob Reed Jerry Mansfield May 3 C. F. Sumner May 4 Mrs. Rubcll Byrum May 5 Vernon Winslow. Steve Morgan May 6 First Methodist WSCS County, Commissioners Eddie Miller Sarah C. White Effie Caddy . Auxiliary Will Meet Monday, May 6th , Th Saint Catherine Auxiliary of Hqly TrinityiEpiscopal Church' wifl meet Monday hight," May' 6, ' at 8 o'clock at the, new Winslow Memorial Parish .House of Holy Trinity Church. All members are urged to at tend the meeting. idelinite action ow we will find the area without mental health facilities," , Light declared. ! Birthdays Dr. Fink assured the . group( that a'fiill staff of 'trairie'd work- ' ers would be supplied the clinic providing all counties participate. He emphasized that the counties must include funds in their next fiscal year if they are to have the clinic. , , " , On Thursday night Dr. Fink and Light met with members of the board of trustees of Albe--. marie Hospital and Pasquotank Commissioners regarding the pos sible inclusion of mental health facilities in the hospital's future expansion program. '" The trus tees , have been advised' to start now making plans for expansion H Dr. Fink told the trustees that' state and federal funds would be available for constructing and -staffing a mental health clinic at the hospital ia the future. He Said the trend was toward small er : hospitals -V having . mental health clinics, rather than con-. cehtrating on the larger hos pitals. - ' -

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