1: r L... ,1 h. l ::::.::;:;!: " p - Every day, In many ways, the Red Cross of PerquimansCGun ty is serving its residents. A., W. Hudson, ' chairman of' the ' Perquimans County Chapter, re ports that in the blood; program alone, the residents of Perquim--ans ' County are being saved thousands of dollars per year. Whole blood and blood deriva ties are used In serious .surgery," injuries and illnesses. Red Cross t ' blood Used ,in Perquimans Coun- : ry or Dy ru? resiuenis nas. peen: 1959. ,,173 pints; : 1959-60 214; 1960-61,- 260; 1961-62, 216 and the last half of 1972, 37 pints, Thtf total fqr this period is, 899 pintsoi- Red , Cross . blood. If comnared with 'j Commercial i prices, this means that' the 'res! dents -Mf -Perquimans County have ' been saved during this . period1' total -of : $22,475 -or- an average of $3,818 per year, i r; Additionally,' there .have been used , blood derivaties, many i of which cost Red Crass' large sums - of '.money, on which there is not woed immediate ' breakdowns '',As you can see from the above, , last , ., year".in whole blood alone; . the residents used ., free of . charge i $5,400 "worth' of blood, and'dur in'g : the same; period, donated to , Red Cross $1,039.. In this one program the residents had a re tiA'ii. .of . 481', on ther- invest ,ntivi.fetv:r:.;:ii:)A fV'.' -'M.5-', Hudson' further .'"reports thatt the: Red: Cross, fund aip- , pa'ign 1s' doing -pobrljr this year with "less-than $350 "being do , Continued on Past flaw ; I I I -it-' I. :'. If t: lhe tvev, Andrew Mcocrnud, a missionary to India, will, be ' th main speaker -at a mission ary service on Sunday May 12, at the Hertford "' Assemblies of God Church in the morning at '11 o'clock and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. ' During their 10 years serVicfe in India, the Rev. -and Mrs. Mc- Dearmid have been engaged in - radio, work, the production and . translation of literature,' and' in building and conducting the Lucknow Revival, Center. They ; are 4n tl United States for a V V year of further study in prepafa tion to teaching in 'one of the five Assemblies s of God Bible ' Schools upon their return to In .dia in the ner future. , , Mr. McDearmid will-' show? a color film of Hindu and Moslem worship ' and of the Assemblies of God missionary work . in North India. The public is cordially " invit ed to attend, it Was announced br the Rev. - Albert Eller, the pastor. , ,' j Specl C;rvicc3 i . . The Rev. F. I I Andrews, pas tor of .the First' Baptist Church, hps announced a s. ecial service to te held on during the 11 oV j oring all moV fS' vice, A special tiL-.a en to the mot - i. asked b pit U. The service e " '. Godly 11. "..or la ness." ,k hoi r hon at tf'is ser- ; v 111 be giv 'Fami'.ies 'are r: I t wii beA i"e .Wilder- I c Governor Cirrus Charter Using a quill pen of lhe colonial period. Governor Tiry, San ford signed the charter of North Carolina's Historic : Coaslland Trail Association at the first meeting of the board of directors of the new travel development organisation, at Greenville April 22. Also signing was Chairman Charles B. Wade, Jr., of the Adveclu- vw!u w uqwunn mtnt Standing, left to right: hard, president; Mrs. Lucille lce prasldentf Glenn Tucker, Carolina Beachvice president, and rrof. W. K. Dorsay of Wilmington laiul - Trail ornnnlMifniY r-nmmittn. t,h new. travel development organization at Greenwille April 22. locdCoySceals At Cpr? Perry Boy Scout Troop 155 with five other troops, spent the week-end camping May 3-5 at Camp Per ry. The troop was under the leadership of Scoutmasters Mar vin Simpson and John rWard, Ram Tnnd an4 Edward Simrvson. Troop 155 - won 4op i honors I over all- othef troop m'the8 per- sonal fitness . contest. Kent In- low, vice president; Nancy Mat scoe won the 5.0-yard dash in thewSJ secretary; Mary "Barbee, 6.4 ' seconds, breaking the previ-' treasurer; Reggie - Webbi ' serge ous record se by Edenton., He ant-at-arfs, and Carclvn Long; ; also' won the chin-ups: His. rec-1 ; Elected: as ; yafrsfty cheerlead ord Was 20. Out of five vents era were .Rachel Bass, Nancy Troop 155 ; won three of. these. I Bateman, Diana McDonnell, Hel A blue ribbon tVas" awarded by en Overton, ' Judy Reed, Connie Norman Stalluigs, for best f amp Sawyer, Ann White, Brenda By- site. w -Assistant, Scoutmaster 5ohn4 Ward was tanned into the Order, of UeArjow on-Saturday night, with other Scout mem . Kers. " . ; & l ' a a . . . " n 4-6cout Douglas Benton was ire jared during the encampment. . f At, , 4h rooiiln I mnptin "nf Troop 155 held Monday nfght of WHir th. fniinwinff spninr Scodts-were made instructors. Personal fitness, Kent Inscoe, WelUe Taylor and Charies Rog- ert. Camping: Andy Kogerson and Lee Tunnell. First aid, Fred cnange- ine eiemion nau rSys Murray ' " ' item to demerit system,, the Any boys in Perquimans wish- amendment to charge a 75-cent ing to become a Scout are re- entertainment fee at the begm m,WH tn intact John Ward nmg of each school year, and or Marvin Simpson in Hertford, MoyDsllillnee KlcrOfPc-:r , Mary Beth Hurdle has been selected i as editor of the Per- qquimans High School news paper; 'the "Per-Co-Hi-Tattler.'; Miss , Hurdle assumes her duttes immediately 'and will be, re- spohsible for this year's final edition .,of; the newspaper." ' Mary , Beth, a rising senior, is active in organizational and ath letic activities at PCHS. In ad dition to being a member of the girls" basketball team, she is ( president of ; the girls' Letter I Club and a member of the Stu dent Council. ' She is also active in 4-H and community , activi ties, j" , 1 1 She brings with her newspaper experience gained as' -assistant editor of the past year paper, 4 . s ' . 'i. ; K. ,! ;t ; - - One More Week ForFix-Uii Drive t: There were no significant ap plications turned, in to "I the Chamber of Commerce for the third week . of the Clean-up' Campaign. .There is only one fmore iweek . and the ' over-all ) wpiher eyard "will be pro-rated on the basis of the participation since there is onty ' possibility of a third winner: :. ' Verri Perry Leader , In Frcr.di Tcct ., - , Vema''Ann Perry, placed first on'aj Fcench test, ftdmhiiutored to four students at i:; 'j'Cvhool. 1 . 9 -t- it is spcr. FcpiuimanaJ ed by the 1 i c V '' 7 cf tvC" a. V ? -e l .''i i i wnmniiw vnnup- Senator P. D. Midgwtt, Jr Engle- Winslow,. Hertford and Wags Head, College, chairman of the Coast- CoxlisFrcsi-ant . The student body, of Perquim ans - High r .School has1 elected Freddie Combs president of the Student Council. Combs, along with other newly elected Stu dent Council members, will be officially installed Friday. ' Also elected to positions of the Student Council were Lot Wins- rum ana Harriette ; Williams. 'JVrchee'rlea'ders elected are as follows: Beth. Harris and Pam em,;Ga vwno, j unaa wweus, . vnaroiyn lMorgan.,and, Kitt .ReedriY V!ii Several,; amendments to the Student ;. , Council, f,i Const jtutiom! '! ".. . K-i. L4J M Atl 'were a, pnmwtiur me t" prWpl .Qf,the student body;:, The only, amendment passed., was-the amendfent to raise the number oi ,(cneerieaaers jrom seven -w nue; The three amendments i - the. amendment to - raise, the eruue leqiiiieiiiewi lor. ijic dent Council office holders from .80 to 85. . - ' Marie Saunders Wins Scholarship For : ' Beauty School v , ' Marie Saunders has - been awarded 'a $350 scholarship to attend Hicks Meauty School in Norfolk, Va. Miss Saunders plans to 'enter a general beau tician course after 'her 'gradua tion from Perquimans High in May. , .,','... Selection for the scholarship was made by the faculty of Per- quimans High. School. Health-Department -Qosed On May 10 ' Pasquotank and .. Perquimans Health Departments ? will be doped ; Friday," May 10, observ ing Confederate Memorial . Day The . regular weekly immunisa tion . linic at Camden Health Department , "will be , held . as usual t -tit t ! , .' ' A, I)bk Backward At Found IiirhrFtrqalaMMM , ' VWy Flic nt timtntytm V r Four Contests For Ci:ice In County: J. P. Elliott opposes J. Emmett Winslow; for.) Sheriff. John T. Lane, a leading citizen of Belvidere Township, is a can didate for -membership on the Board of Education of Perquim ans County, TI.e precoht Board of Education, Tj r - -ber sf which has Med f r re... liik,i6h is as follows: 7'art ship, ;T. S--ie; 1 Township, -,W. r. T '" I J. H. Killer i, 1 J. , land Eethel. f 'on I is only one i ' c "If " c":re of r " 1 j far Poard Hertford Firms To Be Sun'cycd Un lax Itotums ' The Internal Revenue Service will begin a "compliance,, siuj-, vey" of many Hertford business firms tomorrow tc determine If i they are aware of and compljf j ing with federal tax laws requhj iing the filing of tax returns. J; uptake about three months td 'complete, will be conclucted- revenue officers -who. will, check a cross section of non-farm bust nesses to see if all reouired ta returns are beine filed on time!the same salary , the former As- according to District Director J E, Wall. Mr. Wall emphasized, the sur vey is not designed to audit re turns, but is . to ascertain the awareness and extent of compli Unrwith th av nin !reauirements i of the internal" " i, , ' j t i, , 4V'len, Jr., to audit the county roirantia Iqiuo. on4 in nVtnnt- 41iW'. LwJL. :;T 7 , completeness i of internal reve - !nP- rv; in,UA. :WZ2'ZZZ"' T"A He further emphasized thalf most" business management comply conscientiously with the tax laws. However, Mr. Wall explained, since the laws are complex and there ' are many types of tax returns such as -income, withholding, social se curity and a number of miscelr laneous excise taxes, some busi ness taxpayers may not be fully ' Continued on Page. 4 . Education Board The Perquimans County Board of Education met in special ses- sion on monaay, nprn ana elected tW.; O. Elliott as chief mechanic. Lloyd Riddick as me chanic and Mrs. Lillian Elliott as cost and property clerk. ' The kchnol budeet for i 1963-64 iil'' '''' a'1 i ivwi Biuoieu ai lengin,., t jentiji- tl ve ' budget was' drawn up sub- jjscY to' the approval' of the Per quimans County Board of l!om njissiorters. .:' ' j A scncol calendar , for .tne wrst part of the 1963-64 schooltterm was approvevd. . . Principals .. will Kreport. ; for work August. 20. Teachers will report for work August 29. i Students will report for assignments on September 3 and the first day of. the 180-day school term will.be September 4. ,"hie County SWMU .will meet at,; "the ' Great Hope Baptist Church Wednesday,' May 15. The meeting will begin at 10:30 A. M. . Mrs. ' Norfleet ; Gardner, the former Mattie Macon Norman of Hertford, will bring the inspira tional message of the day, . v Mrs." Carroll ' R. Holmes will give- the history of , WMU work in Perquimans County. ,A1I past officers are urged to attend and the public is invited. Submits Budget Great Hope May 15 Perquimans "Retirement Haven" 1; i t Shown in the' above photo are six prominent Yadkin . County businessmen' who were iii Per quimans County on business last week-end. While here the group i i - l : .1 - t. :ul .:,u lilllACU antic VIWfc wiui ' the . business trip that brought . inem tq neruora, ana were oe- lighted witn the results. Fortunate enough to get reser vations at the Jessup .Fishing PS6'' here, the group of men con- sisting of W, W. Johnson, former 'Ya1- Comity Cemocratic chair Commissars Ho!dMryI,;:2ting The Perquimans .County Board of Comissioners held their May meeting here ' Monday in tHej Courthouse, ; R. L;"Spivey, chair- man,' presided with Commission:.' ers W. W, .Bundy, W- Savage Jollif f , Thomas ' ' D. ' Nixon and Riley S. Monds, Jr. present. Henry Thomas Brown, Jr., wis employed ' by' the board as As sistant County Agent, effective June 1, to fill the vacancy left jln fhat department by the recen W. Hard Bnratit ?bo left county . to become vfarm agent in Gates- Ml- Brown was employed at .sistant CoUnty Agent Was paid. The board ordered the, Tax Collector, J. Kelly White, to ad vertise in June, 1963, and to sell 4Vta ft.r.t , Ifnnn,. jn T,,l. nil , , . ! ictti estate on. wiuuu lijoa utxes lare due and unpaid. A submitted by R. E. Aik- ' books for fiscal year 1962-63 was ' j. 1U PPved in the amount of $650. board authorized the Ag riculture Building to be insured for $20,000.00 and the Perquim ans Court House for $50,000. ; A salary increase for the Court Stenographer was approved in the amount of $25.00 per 'week, effective fiscal year beginning j July 1963. II The board authorized ;the' County Attorney to release the bid age lien on Charlotte Lane property, upon the payment of $550.00. Marshals (lamed For Graduation I Marshals for" the 1963 com Imencement exercises ,at Per quimans High School have been , selected. ' The selection is based r I? ' i. a' ,'L.j-- jn me two wp giaue aveiagea from each class. However, in the ,1th grade the , three students ithvfhe 'highest 'aVeifagesf , 8r elected. The ; 11th, grade stu dent wlth the hjghe,st ' average becomes . the chief : marshal. . ,; . , f Wayne ' ChappeS will l be the chief marshal in this, year's oin niencement '..' exercises. ; ' ' Othtr marshals will . be',' Gloria Miller and Sydney Ann Blanchard from Uhe'llth grade, Margaret Ainjsley and Phyllis Nixon from.' the 10th trade. Bobby Hollowell and Ar :hie Miller from the ninth grade and 'Joe Haskett and Lela Mae Long from .the eighth grade. ' Friday, May IH Miss Thelma Elliott, principal of (he Hertford .Grammar School, announced today that the annual May Day Festival will be presented . at the Grammar School on Friday, May 10, at 2'P. M. , ,..' The festival in the past has always drawn' a large audience and the .colorful costumes and program is expected to do the same this year. , , , ;., , The public is! invited to at tend the spring . event. ' ; . man; , Fred .. Williard 'from the Soil Conservation Department; Bill (Joe) Pendry, Hal Hinshaw, Jack , Crissman and Benny Peh dry, .arrived IViday ' night and returned to Boonville "in Yadkin County on Sunday. 'a The entire . party ' of men, though here on business, are fishing enthusiasts and they had everything - good to say about Hertford They arrived in Hert ford late' and were assisted by , Coc!uei on Fag 4 May Day Festival Fred Winslow Home At Winf all la. t ifK, If r'' Shown in the above photo is the Fred Winslow home located in Wjnfall. Mrs. Fred Winslow was named winner of the second week' of Jh0 Clean-up. Paint-up, Fix-up campaign sponsored by the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce. Tha Winslows were pre snled an award of $10 for their property improvements by the Chamber of Commerce. Each week individuals wishing to parti cipate in the contest should pick up an entry blank from the mer chants or at the local Chamber office in the Municipal Building. Any home or business within the county is eligible and all entries must be received by the Chamber, of Commerce office on Friday at. 12 noon each week. Two more weeks remain in the contest. Court Room Actors . Dressed in , full colonial cos tumes are .drama- participants Carroll Berry, left, who played ihlo of clerk of court, aqd Cl'audtvBclnnr' -who acted as jOvemor John Harvey in the court room drama depicting the first' 100 yeats of Perquimans bounty, presented in the Court House in Hertford in April in :pnneclion with the Tercenten ary program. 1 -: ' : Birthdays May 7 3 Parkville Ruritari Masonic Lodge Rotary Club, 6:15 Randy Lassiter Amy Harris May 8 Jaycee business john Corprew May 9 Terry White ' .Wayne Layden Francis B. Nixon W. A. (Billy) White Hay 10 Louise Chalk Mary Danchise Donald Riddick Brenda Byrum .'Michael W. Goodwin May 11 Michael Byrum Denise Winslow Stella Russell May 12 Ervin Fields . George Arthur winslow Eddie Winslow ... i Melvin Eure, Jr. ; MOTHER'S DAY , Ruf us Hudson : William Ray Miller i Scott Tilley - R. W. Turner May 13 . Anderson Methodist Men Hertford Town Council Evelyn' Layden . Philip Lane Elizabeth. Rogerson Dan. Williams, Sr. : Mike Dail - Nannie Sutton. Medical Facilities Will Be JDiscussed WednesdayMay 15 Norman H,' Harris, director of medical programs for the Sears Roebuck Foundation, will be In Hertford on Wednesday. May IS for a meeting at 8 P. M. in the Municipal Building, to discuss before the! public , needs for medical facilities ' for Perquim ans County.'- - The. public Is. urged to attend 1 1 ithe meeting. -i - , - , , ; Women Ordered To Leave County , Two women, Nancy Ann Malenfont, age 21, and Jacque lyn Beaudoin, 28, both whit?, from the Durants Neck section, charged in Perquimans County Recorder's Court here Tuesday with occupying a place for the purpose of prostitution or assig nation arid vagrancy, were or dered by Judge Charles E. John son to six months in the House of Correction. The sentence to go into effect at 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, May 8, if they were still in the county. The Malenfont woman is the J mother of a seven months oln child. The child was ordered: to be transferred . to C. Edgai 'White," 8upet&eMlemVoi k&Mte' welfare in Perquimans for dis position. James M. Taylor, charged with speeding,, reckless driving, ' pos session of tax paid whiskey with the seal broken, was found guil ty of reckless driving. A nol pros was taken as to the speed ing. He was sentenced to 3C days, the sentence to be sus pended upon payment of a $5C fine and court costs. Appea was noted and bond was set at $100. Charlie Midgett, charged with failure to see intended move ment could be made safely, was taxed with court costs. Earl W. Hendricks, charged with speeding, was fined $10.25, plus court costs. Everett S. Scott, charged with speeding, was fined $3.25 and taxed with the costs. Wra; Franklin Burke, charged with driving on left side of the road not in passing, was taxed with court costs. Ralph, Riddick, , charged with failure to dim headlights as pre scribed by the law, paid the costs. Charlie H. Jordan, charged with threatening, was found not guilty. Cost was assessed on the iprosecuting witness, Annie Mae White. William White and Jackson Coston, both charged with being drunk on the streets,' paid the costs and Coston was fined $2.00 in addition. To Sell Property Perquimans County Tax - Col lector J. Kelly White was or dered by the Perquimans Coun ty Board of Commissioners this week to advertise in June and to sell on the first Monday in July all real estate on which 1962 taxes .are, due and unpaid, and to begin levying on per sonal property on which 1962 taxes are due and unpaid, in compliance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. Masons Plan To Have Steak Supper i Masons of Hertford are having a steak supper at . the play ground Tuesflay evening,' May '14 at 6.30 o'clock. All Master Mas ons of ' Perquimans Lodge and visiting Master Masons are in vited to attend at $150 per plate. Livestock Show And Sale Termed Very Successful The 18th Albemarle Livestock Show and Sale proved to be as successful' for Perquimans Coun ty 4-H'ers as in past years. The first day of the two day event was devoted to the official judg ing of the hogs and steers. Melviri Eure, Jr., son of Mr. ind Mrs. Melvin Eure, Sr., Route 3, Hertford, exhibited the cham pion individual hog and the champion pen of three hogs. Melvin brought these Dies at reHers and thev were t.hrpp- fourths Duroc and one-fourth Hampshire. All four of the pigs were truly champions. Bobby Harrell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harrell, Route 1, Hertford, exhibited the reserve champion individual pig. Bobby's pig was a purebred Hampshire. Tommy Harrell, Bobby's brother, exhibited the third place in dividual pig. Tommy's pig was a Berkshire. Carter Rogerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson. Jr.. of Route 2, Hertford, exhibited the eserve champion pen of three hogs. Carter's pigs were pure bred Poland China. Perquimans County 4-H'ers exhibited 15 steers. These steers graded 3 good, 8 choice. 3 brime. 3obby Harrell, Paul Smith, Jr., i.nd Allen Banks exhibited the .hree prime steers. Bobby's calf placed third in the entire show. The champion was shown by ' lark Bright of Pasquotank Continued r Page Eigu a laaxs ail J v Dr. Garland A. Hendricks, Professor of church-community levelopment at Southeastern " eminary : in Wake Forest, will speak for both the morning and .tening worship services in the bsence of the pastor, the Rev. Gorman B. Harris, who is re urning from the Southern Bap Ust Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. ' .Dr. Hendricks is a native North Carolinian, having been born in Nash. County. He grad uated . from Nashville High School; received his B.A, degree Continued on Page 4 15 Seniors Make Grand Honor Roll The grand honor roll has been announced by 'the Senior Class of Perquimans County High School. Senior students who have a grade average of 90 for the four years of high school are eligible fo rthis honor. The 15. seniors on the grand honor roll are Verna Ann Perry, Betsy Barbee, Janice Stanton, Tugenia Long, Bob Hill, Jimmy Bonner, Kathleen Story, CWanne Sawyer, Becky; Felton, ' Wayne Winslow, Judie Baker, Vick Roach, Rachel Winslow, A. C. Layden and Billy Winslow. Special Wheat Meeting May 16th ' Perquimans County Farm Bu reau ' is : calling a special wheat meeting Thursday night. May 16 at 8 o'clock in Perquimans County Agriculture Building. Many ., wheat farmers are1 re- : questing such a meeting to dis- I . .1. . .. . . m . i cuss ine pros ana cons 01 un wheat bill . being voted upon May 21, ..Representatives of the , State Farm. Bureau will lead the dis cussion." " , I ' :; This announcement comes from the .president of Perquimans County; Farm Bureau, , Rollo JV MBzptist Church

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