" J-'"' TV ' r! eek: Vr Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina.'Friday, Miy 17, 1963. 5 Cents Per Copy 1 LY J I , iT M H M i hM SJ ML f 4 1' 0 a: I - 5 Members of 'the Town Board, elected Hertford to office Mov 1 nocnimA ' iUttiw 'Antffee tat a meeting held Monday night4 er being sworn into 'office' after by Clerk of Court W. Jarvis Ward. i ; . ..Following board V wa .the ceremony the Nsreorganized .with. Mayor V. N. Dai-den named as city manager. - Charles E. John son, Jr., was reappointed city at torney and R. C. Elliott was re-. appointed as town clerk. Mem bers of the new board are Mayor V. N. Darden and Commissioners W. A. (Billy) White, Henry C. Sullivan, John O, Beers and W. F, Ainsley. -., .. The first part of the meeting was conducted by the old Board ofr Commissioners, at :. which time Francis B. Nixon and W. T. Elliott, members of the Hert ford ABC Board,; gave a report on the sales . and 1 increase in sales since the ooeninc of the ABC 'store. in Hertford. ' J, Emory White , was appoint- ed by the Towq Board as third member of the ABC 'Board to serve the unexpired term of Dr. Allan B, - Bonner, who retired from the board and was elected to the Perquimans Board of Edu cation. vWhite will serve iDr. Bonner's unexpired term, which runs until August, 1964, '. Francis B. Nixon was ap pointed by the board as chair man of the Hertford ABC Board. Following this business the bid Board of Commissioners .ad journed and the new members were given the oath of off ice by Clerk -of Court W. Jarvts Ward. A, W. Hefren and R. L. "Bob" HoUowell,. who dd not seek re election to the board, retired fol lowig; , the'; ;' first fcart of the length meeting MQr-"y niht Fire Chief R "C i.liott re- "Dortedto the ToWn Board JtVwt during the month; of April there Wens seven ffrt calls; all -out m thef'county. tThat att average; of nine firemen put of the company of 10 Answered each 'call. 1 ' r He informed the board - mem bers that up until' May . I four city calls were' answered with a total loss of $287 on ah estimated ! value of property Involved- of $31,000. . palls, ,3n the. . cpvinty answered numbered 22. .oss was $7,319 and ' the estimated ; value of propertyi involved was $45,700. A i toUl : of 28 - calls were made in town and county j .up until May J, running much higher than last year, Chief Elliott stated that this was due to grass -and Woodland fires. . Continuad on Page Bi Local Students On Honor Roll At ECC Students at East. Carolina Col . lege who. have . received official recognition from the college be cause of -their excellent records in academic work during the . winter quarter of . the present . school year have been announced. . V . Perquimarls ; County ' is repre sented on the honor lists as fol lows: - (Phyllis Lee Hendren, Rt 2, Tyner; Walter E. Mathews, Hertford, andDan R. Winslow, ti,WinfalL PGHS Statfettte' Ranlt High In Schblareliip QuaKfying Test The results of the National Merit Scholarship , Qualifying - Test have been returned to stu dents -at Per-':r-is High School. The tcct was adminis tered to ' members of the junior class In March, v Twd Perqui'nans students, Wayne Chappc'l and r.e:nald Eaker, had aCe scores in the nineties.; C'jt other Trr quimans stuUer.'j ri-'.ed t' the ( seventy-fi: "i r:r:- '.'2s. These six si-' Vs -.re f--8 IIonJ3, Xoo? die Cc f ercer' ' t ct ' Uj ? 1 " ;jrry r ..ivan, JjM f CI irl.s : rred- x A ' , -l'.ve j in- i i i t 1 : . I f 1 1 . ; i W . i if. PrTf rC Pfllirt kVwJ Ul d UUUI I fcljfasdsy v Perquimans County Record er's Court was in lengthy ses sion here Tuesday, lasting until noon. '-, Presided over by Judge Charles E. Johnson, a docket of 27 cases .was disposed of. 1 No probable cause was found in a case charging Earl B. Wins low and Harrison Baker with taking $867 from-the person of Mrs. Delia T. Coburn of Win fall. George Davenport, ., charged with assault on Emeline Daven port,; and did maliciously burn j persona property- peiongmg w Emeline.' Davenport was meted .a six. month road 'sentence for his wronf doings. The" sentence to ' be suspended upon payment of ! $100 fine and costs. To the costs $50 to be added for use of Emeline Davenport - ,. Prayer for judgment was con tinued in the case charging Claudia White with unlawfully and . wilfully slapping Denise Dai in the face with her hand. 'Linwood Welch, charged with assaulting Walter Lee Rodgers, was given a 30-day sentence. Sentence . to be suspended upon payment of a $10 fine and court costs. I i . i, Willje i Webb was found not guilty as charged of assaulting Fleet Cooper. - . ; Lee Skinner, charged with as sauit on nattie . Skinner, was -ta4V) U1K PMIrf nActQ V'-i t-WUliam , JfpwtoitV charged with passing" ai stopped school bus While stop sign was out and red i light wason and when bus was unloading, was, fined $25 and taxed With court costs. Charlie I". 1 Whidbee, ? charged With not having a valid operat or's: 'or -bhauffeur's license,' was fineti $25 and costs. Ellis Hinton paid the costs on Continued on Page 5 New Books Arrive At Local Library A -number of new. memorial books . 'have ; been received in the Perquimans County Library this week The .History , of " Flower Ar rangement was given in memory of - Mrs. Mary Lou- Jordan God' win: Colonial Living, in memory of ' Mrs. Harriett .Cox Mctfider, and the ; following f are all in memory of Jesse P.'yJ'erry: Our Living Bible; The Importance of Prayer; We Believe In Prayer; J and ' Encounter With ; Spurgeon (the - noted Baptist .. preacher of the :19th century England). . Other new bookr in the library this week are: ! The Rothschilds by Morton; Biography of Scott Fitzgerald by Turnbull; Autobio graphy . of ' Eleanor, Roosevelt; Fail-Safety Burdick and Wheel er; Ride the Wild Country by Farrell; Arms for Adonis by Jay and My Life In Court by Nizer. amount of 'effort ,j a student is willing! to spend. , , v 1 ? ' j The test is administered at the local high school., ,The tests' are returned to the testing' center In Evanston, Illinois, for scoring. The results are then returned to the school where they are in terpreted , to the students. -- In most schools the handling of test scores is dqne by. the guidance counselor.. However; in the ab sanpe cf a full time guidance counselor, Mrs. G. W. Barbee, li brarian and - teacher" at the school, also assumes the guid ance and counseling functions. In f -ptember and -October, 1CC3, " the schools will be. no W'.'.zi of ta status of the tar-i- vri'g stu 'nts. A list of ; v fs in cch s'-4-1 end - " be r t. r 'Mrs. Ralph Jordan, who is a native of England" and sinct the war, has been living in this county, having married a local boy, this year .accepted the chairmanship of the 1963 Easter Seal Campaign and with Mrs. Joe Towe White , successfully reached the $500 quota. Mrs. ? Jordan, - the ; c'lairman, who - resides at 223. Woodland Circle in Hertford, received the following letter this : week from Bill Bailey, field , consutant for the N. C. Society for Cripped Children and. Adults, Inc. - "Congratulationsr I just re ceived the analysis report for the 1963 Easter Seal; Campaign in Perquimans County and you, Mrs. White: and everyone . who helped , with 1 the campaign are to be highly commended. I, be lieve you will be interested in a few campaign figures from the past , - " " ' "Your report stated total re ceipts to date in the amount of $448.58 as opposed toi the final total of 1962 campaign of $308. This is an increase, 'of . $140.56 over the last fiscal "year which enaea August 31. 1962. . In 1961 the total campaign receipts-were $363 and in I960 ., the receipts totaled $238. So now 'you can see why I am so proud of you and everyone who' helped with the - (campaign. ' And what is more, the fiscal year has not ended." .-vU, f j;;:A fr,.v --v: 'In releasing the report Mrs. joraan r stated she r wanted to share the letterwith the people of f erquimans who by donations made it possible to reach the $500 goal. She, also stated that it is not too late; for those per sons who have not contributed to still do so , bv tcontactinff either Mrs. Jotf jToweWhite prj nerseu. .prr-; ..x: . Mrs- wrabnVfwNil about ei'inn,hhldU palgn, stated that she' felt that the! people of Perquimans Coun ty jshould know how . well the 196$ campaign .' has progressed, because through the donations maiy handicapped . persons will be helped., , ' '''' - Awmls Grcn To LoccJfacIino Perquimans- High "trackmen were presented awards on May 10. The awards presented were gold -stars for trackmen who placed first in the conference meet, at Edenton, v silver stars for those who placed second and bronze stars for those who placed third. - i. . Freddie Combs was, recognized for scoringj the' highest number of points at Vie Ed en toil. meet. Combs scoredJ lijbbifets 1 1' the Friday awards Rerorhohy iCdmbs received ;threejgpli . medals-7-one for first place in discus, one for first place ; in the 440 and one for first place hi the broad jump. . . ' Reed Matthews received a gold medal for his first place per formance in the shot-put event. Silver medals were awarded to Floyd Matthews- for placing second in the broad Jump and to Jimmy Hunter for placing second in the 440. The members of the second place, winning Perquim ans relay team were also pre sented silver medals.' The mem bers of the team receiving the awards , were Jerry Whedbee( Gene Nixon, Mack Nixon and Reggie. Baker. v v 1 Francis Combs was- presented a' bronze medal for taking third place in the, 880. ,i ', : va - V !r.;.!il!-:.r Lloyd A. Lan, IT.oute 2, Hert- fofd, has been named winner of the fourth week of the Clean up, Paint-up, Fix-up Campaign by the Chamber tt Commerce.. Property iipfovmnents include 1 ' rr.ir , c' : tp S"""rr.? . .a . : , s. ;r ! : t ' ' -:s. Honor Students At Perquimans High School VERNA ANN PERRY Valedictorian - Verna Ann Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Perry, has been named valedictorian for the forthcoming Perquimans High School commencement exercises. Selection .for this : honor is based on the highest grade av erage ' made by a senior on all subject taken . during the four years of high school . ' : Miss Perry is an active mem: ber of the Student Council, the Beta Club, the annual staff and Future1 Homemakers of America. She1 .was recently selected Miss PCHS in the annual .beauty pageant. After graduation Verna Ann plans to attend the Medical Col- Indians Blank The Perquimans Indians shut out Ahoskie 14-0 at, Memorial Field on May 9. The Perquimans scoring machine moved into ac tion behind the three-up, three down pitching of Jimmy Hunt er who allowed only one hit. The , Perquimans batsmen, ex celled', at- the plate, taking 12 wel placed htts.-Wayhe-Lefty'; VwinsloW" placed et ball' ' against .Winslo m fence to tally 'a 'home ron. pbig "Perquimans,!, inning was: the fifth. - Gene Nixon, and litey Stokely i scored on ; , errors. Alvin Kirby doubled to lermit Jahji"Stallings to score, o Fred die' Combs doubled i4o t, allow George " Winslowi. to Itally rs and Combs later scored on Wayne "Lefty" Winslow's double. Fran cis Combs scored on a base hit by Freddie Combs. ' Other . scoring action occurred in u umu j.iuins wu neuiue Combs, Hunter and Francis Combstallying on errors. Trie . remaining tallies were made in the fourth inning with Wayne. "Nub" : Winslow ; being turne, in(by Freddie Combs who" ill turn was turned on, by 'ILefty" Winslow's homer. ,, ;:,;' Perquimans faces.. Gates in the preliminary.', conference playoffs which will be played this week. Perquimans is the - first '. place team ' and Gates is. the fourth olace tearrt. v Plymouth; the; sec- oiiui. piace Atjum,- ?j8yB . vvuuani' stoiii thir,d .place- team. ;,- ,' , r Lt. Col. Richard S. Payne and Lt. Col. Southgate Jones, Jr., have recently taken command of the 485th and 108th Regiments, respectively, Col. Payne ' replaces Col. ., F. Lee Coleman, who retired in March after 30 years of active and reserve service. v Col.' Payne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne of Hert ford' He waS commissioned a second lieutenant' upon gradua tion from North) Carolina State College In' 1939. .He entered ac tive, duty in June of 1941. 1 He served in five campaigns in Eu rope and Vas awarded .a bronze star at the; Battle' of the Bulge, He was released from active duty in November of 1947, after serving ' some ' six ' and a' half years.' ' With- the 108th Division since its activation, Col. Payne ' has been a battalion commander in the 485th and i executive of ficer of the regiment. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1953. - ' He is. assistant treasarer and contract manar for Pritchard I.lnt &r,i G:. s 'Company" in Cliarlotte ' and raa'ides -with his tve f--"- t France Ccly - 1 f c" lldren at 2:23 ; 1 BETSY BARBEE Saiutatorian lege of Virginia in Richmond. Betsy Barbee, daughter of Mr. and Brs. G. W. Barbee, has been named .saiutatorian in the com mencement i exercises at , Per quimans High. .." , 1 ; ', The saiutatorian has the ; sec ond highest average on subjects taken during the four years of high school. , ......... ' Miss Barbee is president, of the Future Homemakers of Am erica, president . of the senior class. Her ; activities , also in clude membership . in the .Glee Club, the. Student Council and the Beta Club. Upon graduatiton Miss Barbee plans to attend Greensboro Col lege.'"' ': .;,-.:" Student Of Month " Betsy .Barbee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoirge W. Barbee, was selected as the. Student , of ttte Month from Perquimans Couniy High School for tha month of March, - ; . ;. . ,i . Betsy was entertained by the Hertford ., Rotary Ckib.-. this month , The duo in cooperatidh with the , Perquimans v Counly IHlgii School, sponsors the unique improvement . contest ; for stu dents during the' school year. Winners of the monthly contest are 'selected upon five basic re quirements, tenacity, i self lm provement,. scholarship, school spirit and 'participation in school activities. The student selected each month is then a dinner guest at a Rotary meeting. Betsy, selected as the Student nf the Month for March, is a ! senior. She was selected for the Teenager of the Year award. She is president of the senior Council, a member of the FHA class, a memher of the Student Club, member , of Beta Club and Letter Club and is a member of the Annual staff. She ; represented , Perquimans County at the- Azalea Festival at Norfolk in April of this year.. Beagle Trials To, : ftlipay 18-19 B. R. Inscoe's "B. R.'a Billy" took first --place in the 15 inch class Hampton Roads Bigle Club trial held near Suffolk, Va., last Sunday.. , , 't Ben Owens' "Ben's tMoney" won fourth place in the trials, In the 13 inch class T. R. Lane's "Singing Sam" took third place. Albemarle Beagle Club will hold- a field trial on Saturday and Sunday. May 18-19. Sat urday afternoon at 1 P. M., . the 15 'inch' class will run. Sunday morning. .at 6. o'clock A. H-,' tlfe 13 1 inch class is scheduled to run. In' )ast week's issue of The Perquimans .Weekly there was a slight. mixup4n the placing f two 'dogs entered in the field trial Jesuits. : Ben's Elmer owned by- Ben Owens ran In fourth place and Sutton Creek Babl, owned by Ed Benton ran in fifth place. r , Members of the Albemarle Beagle Club- enjoyed a steak fry at the, club housce on the Harvey Point Road during the week end. MRS. R. S. MONDS NAMED CONVENTION DELEGATE Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr, is one of the sixteen delegates named to the convention of the Nation al Congress - of .Parents and Teach rs to be held in I,;iaml Betsy Barbee Is Hi., Z'"y r. zi. Llsy 23-25 novement tedn Countv J The week of May 20 through 1 25 has, been designated Mailbox 1 1mprovement Week, accordina . i ' u to Postmaster W. W. White of the Hertford Post Office. Postmaster White encourages patrons to furnish mail recep tacles which are convenient and safe to use, neat appearing and protect the mail. Boxes that are properly erected and maintained contribute , to efficient, speedy delivery of mail. Rural route patrons are re quired to provide mail boxes of the standard approved type. They should be kept in good serviceable condition and should be easily served by the carrier from his vehicle. Names of the owners should be shown on the side of the box visible to the carrier as he ap proaches, or on the door if boxes are grouped. The box number may be shown on the box. Boxes and supports should be kept painted, clear of vines that might attract wasps and insects. . Mail boxes on rural and Aar routes must be located on the right side of the road in the direction of travel of the car riers wherever traffic conditions are such that it would be dang erous for the carriers to drive to the left in order to serve the boxes, or where their doing so would constitute a violation of state' or local traffic laws or regulations. Your postmaster urgently re quests that especially during Mail Box Improvement Week. May 20-25 and also during the other weeks throughout the year that you cooperate in the pro gram. '.ill Planning Reunion - A l-euniori' of the members of the' Perquimans County High School graduating class of 1937, their husbands and wives, is be ing; planned. The reunion will be held in the new lunch room of the Per quimans High School at 12:30 o'clock on June 9. Lunch will be servved. Reservations are by couple and. single. Mrs. Hpzel (Ray) Mathews White, the class secretary of the 1937 graduating class, mailed out letters this week to the class members requesting them- to at tend . the v reunion- and all of those unable to do so to answer the letters anyway, in order that other members of the class may be informed as to where they are .and what they are doing these days.. ..- Birthdays 1 ti May 14 . Masonic Lodge Rotary Club', 6:15 Susannah Wesley Circle Wesleyan Service Guild Tommy Danchise Shelia Lynn Dail Jamie Thach William Kelly Copeland Susan Humphlett May 15 Durants Neck Ruritan New Hope Ruritan Nancy White May 16-p. ! 'X .Lions Cluq, 6:45 " BPW Club Fjremen's Meeting . May 17 "f , James Sawyer, Sr. George Byrum, Jr. Mrs. I. A. Ward - ; . t Terry Len Chappell Joan Cahoon ' Thomas H. White Clay Kirby Joan Millet , . . .. MarlS- ' .Mrs. C. E- Walker Mar 20 . . PCCG School PTA Mack Nixon " , Steve Allen Dail - ' Mrs. George Butler s Frances G, Spivay Edgar White Charles WilliforJ Fish Fry and Auction Scb Planned To Raise Funds For Recreation Project Airman Honored Airman First Class Floyd M. Barnes of Hertford has been se lected Outstanding Airman of the quarter in the 604th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron at Freising, Germany. Airman Barnes, a United States Air Force medical service specialist, was chosen for the honor in recognitior. of his ex emplary conduct and perform ance of duty. The airman is the son of Mrs. Essie M, Barnes of 500 Willow Street, -Hertford, and attended Perquimans County High School. His wife is the former Rose M. Mestes of Brigham City, Utah. Response Good Mrs. T. P. Brinn reported this week that the Perquimans County unit of the Albemarle Mental Health .Association . has made an impressive beginning to its membership drive. Almpst 100 participation is reported by membership canvas of Hertford and county com munities. ' Mrs. Brinn stated this is not a high pressure money cam paign and the invitation remains open. If you are interested in the mental health of your com munity and of your family please express that interest by handing your one dollar mem bership fee to Roy Chappell, treasurer of .the Perquimans unit. Dedication May 26 At Bethany Church The Sunday School rooms of Bethany Methodist Church will be dedicated on May 26 at 11 o'clock A, M. .The Rev. Frank. Fortescue of Oriental, a former pastor, ' will preach the sermon. The Rev. R. L. Jerome, superintendent of the Elizabeth City District Of Methodist churches, and the pas tor, the Rev. Claud Wilson, will conduct the dedicatory service. ATTENDS FABRIC MEETING Zack D. Robertson, owner of the Robertson's Cleaners and Laundry, spent several days in Raleigh last week and while there attended a fabric finishing clinic by the F. H. Ross Com pany. Commencement t PCHS Begins Sunday May 26 , Plans for the commencement exercises at' Perquimans High School have been announced. , The Rev. E. F. Mosely of the Holy Trinity Episcopal - Church will give the baccalaureate ser mon oh May 26. The baccalau reate service - will begin at 8 o'clock.' Also in the service will be the Rev. Hershel Hill of the Up River Friends Church, who will give the invocation. - Scrip ture and prayer will be given by the Rev. Carl Chandler of the Bethel Baptist Church. Music for the service will feature spe cial selections1 by the Perquim ans High School Glee Club and an anthem by the Senior 'Glee Club. The music portion of the service Is under : the direction of Miss Caroline Wright ,,,, Plans were announced this week for a fish fry and auction sale to be held on June 21 for the benefit of the Perquimans recreation lot. The funds that were raised used primarily for paying for ithe tennis courts, service shack and fencing. A visit by the lot last summer gave evidence that ii was really being used and en joyed. Clubs Asked To Help The Belvidere, Bethel, New Hope, Parkville, Whiteston Com munity Development Clubs, Dur ants Neck, Bethel, Parkville Ruritan Clubs; Ballahack, Beech Springs, Belvidere, Bethel, Bur gess, Chapanoke, Durants Neck, Helen Gaither, Snow Hill, White Hat, Whiteston, Winfall Home Demonstration Clubs; Lions, Ro tary, Jaycees and BPW Clubs all are being asked to help in this project. Auction Sale Items such as cakes, candies, handicraft, services and other items will be auctioned off dur ing the fish fry. A special plea is made to ladies in the entire county who have a special recipe or handicraft to donate an items for the auction sale. Mer chants in the county will be asked to contribute items for the auction. Persons donating items are requested to bring them to the display table by 5:30 P. M. on the day of the fish fry. In terested persons can contact Marion Swindell, chairman of the Solicitation Committee. Advance Sale Of Tickets Sale of tickets will be by ad vance, sale and should be pur chased by Tuesday afternoon, June,. 18. , All'' community- de velopment clubs afld civic clubs are , being asked to help in the person desiring tickets can con tapfe John Beers, ticket chair man. , ,. The fish , fry will , begin promptly at 6 P. , M., Friday, June 21, and the auction sale will begin around 7 P. M. with the fish fry continuing until 8 P. M. The fish fry and auction sale will be held on the recreation lot. In case of rain it will be postponed until the following Monday night. Anyone interested in donating items for the auction sale or purchasing tickets for the fish fry can contact Marion Swin dell, John Beers or Don Nor man. . .;. -.' TTninn iQIiaaI Prvm Scheduled Friday On Friday evening at 8 o'clock the Junior Class of Perquimans County Union School ' is enter taining the Senior Class at a Prom. The theme is "The Roar ing Twenties". Music will be furnished by The Linwood John son Orchestra of Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. D. N. Thomas and Mrs. G. T. Edgerton are class sponsors. Parents are reminded that the Prom will end at 12:00 P. M. The school will not be respon sible for anyone after 12:30. MASONS MEET TUESDAY Perquimans Lodge No. 106, A. F. St A. M., will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, All Masons are urged to attend. . Exercises At Graduation night will be held at 8 o'clock on Wednesday, May 29, when 53 : Perquimans seniors present themselves as candi dates for graduation. . Again the music . portion of the services will feature the High School J Glee ' Club. Bob HJ11 will give the invocation. Verna Ann Perry, the senior class valedictorian, and Betsy Barbee, the senior class saiuta torian, will present addresses. Janice Stanton will present the -class history and Jimy Bonner will present the class gift The lunul i i nark tM ffSwt , Eugenia Long. - , ' . The eighth grade graduation program will be held on Thurs day, May 2"), it 12:30.

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