I Lon from f-ob- ' ) filing her son and i-I--, Mi, .'and Mrs. -n-Salera ' 1 XIrs. J. Herman Ward ".en Joe and Anne and 1 Mrs. Ben Thompson and -r Sally Bette from Win oax arrived .Thursday to J r. and Mrs. J. W Ward. 1 Kewport-Newi , j, and Mrs.; Bruce White of . jrt NewS, Va., .spent the ;-end .with' 'Mr. and , Krs. ywood Divers. ' . . turned Home ' , 7 Zr,: and Mrs. 'Marvin Simpson .4 .family and Mr. and Mrs., "laude H. Simpson ' returned ime Saturday ; from Wamega a where they visited Mr. and rs. Claude W. r Simpson and -mily. i , - ' . , anday Gueats ; ; Mrs. J. T. McPherson, Judith, Martha, Carliss, paren, John and arbara of Elizabeth City; Mr. id Mrs. John I Hampton, . )onna and Sheree; Mr. and Mrs. ,ade Hampton . and Mark; Eris "ure" of Virginia Beach; Mr. and Mrs. A. I Eure of Roduco were quests ' on Sunday of Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sawyer. Sunday Her i 1 ' Mrs.- Sylvia Winslow and Mrs. . Joe Rogerson of Belvidere at , tenedd the dedication services at ' the First Methodist Church Sun day, -j' ' 1 , .eiurned Home Mrs." Wilson Reed has retum i to her home on Grubb Street after spending, some' time with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. frank Joljy in' Green7 villet. ''Attending School ' J Perry and Price Monds left Sunday to attend ;the Methodist College at Rocky Mount for four weeks. . From Henderson ' George' and Lib Tucker of 1 1 Henderson arrived Thursday to spend "several days with 'their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. !" Tucker. Visiting Grandmother ' S Little Claire Batts of Norfolk, Va., is staying with her grand- Vtnother, Mrs. Frank .Jessup. Mrs. Batts underwent surgery at the Portsmouth Nayal , Hospital this week. ' i .. In Hospital ' Mrs." I. A. Ward was admitted f. jto the Albemarle Hospital Sun , , j .(day for observation and treat--ment ' ' (. Sunday At Nags Head I' '. - Dr. I. A. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family spent i ,o""uupr miu jnuuuay ai nags I V 5iead. 1 . " - - . . '' Jn New York t t- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis left Saturday for Clay, N. Y., where 'they ; attended the funeral of j,;-,1 iMrs. Davis' brother-in-law, Bruce i! Crans, on Monday. 81 rJarvis Week-end Here Mr.; and Mrs. . O. F. Johnson Of Richmond, Va,, spent the week-end 'with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson at their home near Hertford, - Week-end Here Miss Joanna P. Williford from Virginia Beach spent the' week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Williford. Hospital Patient Mrs. Cecil Edward Winslow was admitted to the Albemarle Hospital Monday of, thl3 week for observation and treatment. ( ' :.i of i..' t a.. wi'Ja her ' '.xlcC. '-FpclL 't Z to J. .. IJorris left Wed- -n, v ). C., s, ant lw t ' . i-her 'i, Hr. 8' I ). liam 1 s on Route 1, ford. . . Visits In Washington" noartnv tnr PrivhnrA whpr fihA is visiting Mr. ' and 1 Mrs. JohntMiss Betty Overton spent sev- Morris and family. . v " .era! days recently, in Washing tqn, D. C, as the guest of Mies Betty White. Miss Whiter who is employed Dy tne Fla m 1 Miss Overton by plane on Sun day. i v . , 'J ' Week-end Here . Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Stokes and family from .Greenville Washmgton, returned home witl: spent uie weeji-eiiu wnu , par. and Mrs. Henry C. Stokea, Jr. Returns Home Mrs. Alethia White returned home Sunday after spending several months , with her chil dren in Alexandria, Va., Richj mond, Va., , and Portsmouth, Va. Week-end In Rocky Mount ,Dr. and Mrs. R.' L. Poston spent the week-end in Rocky Mount where they attended the wedding of Dr.. Poston's sister, Miss Emma Spencer. ' Returns Home . Mrs. J. E. Boyce has returned home after a 10-day visit with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ju lian Boyce in Homestead, Fla. Mrs. Boyce .was .accompanied home by her daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Sunday1 In Williamsfon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burbage and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello visited friends and : relatives in Williamston- Sunday. From Fayeiteville Miss Patsy Moore of Fayette- ville spent several days this week with ; her grandmother, Mrs Mary Moore. , ' i Visiting Friends Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello and Miss Patsy Moore are spending a few days in Monti- cello, ,N. Y., and will attend the graduation exercises at a high school there where Misses Sha ron : Stewart and Ruth Rein shagan receive : their .diplomas. They . will also visit relatives and friends ' in - Philadelphia, Pa., and Cherry Hill, N. J. Accom panying them as far as Wil mington, Del., Mrs. Vera B. Bat- ton will visit j her son and daughter-in-law, ) Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broughton and family. : From Raleigh. ; Tommy Sumner; .Miss Veda Rhoades of Raleigh and Mrs. Charles Ward from. Elizabeth City spent , the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. B.' Sumner, , From Suffolk . Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Perry and son, Scott of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gregory. 1 Returned Home , Mrs. Ike White' has returned to her home after visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Collins at Red Springs, Visiting Mother ' ' ; ' Mrs. Helen Simpson and daughter,' Jackie, left June I for New York where they board' ed a SAS Douglas DC-8 Jet Lin er for ; Ireland, where she will spend 10 weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. Neill, who lives in Hills. borough Northern Ireland. While in Ireland Helen and Jackie plan to visit the Governor of Ireland, the cities of Belfast, Dublin, Glascow, . Scotland, Wales, London and England. They will board a Pan ; Ameri can ' Jet : Liner in London . (pr their return flight to New York on August 14. Nags Head Visitors LMr. and Mrs; William . White and family end. daughter,1 Miss Betty White of Washington," D. C, Miss Betty Overton of Hert ford and , Grady Lawrence of Washington D. C, .spent several days last week at the Harris cottage at Nags Head.' 'Miss White and Mr. Lawrence return ed to Washington on Sunday, ;, . . .-. ; i I..-s. C I. "rd, Va., spe t v ". j'J .with Ur- alld 1"-a,c; . y- ZdtkUay Guests Mr. and Mrs. Percy Byrura and two ; daughters of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. E. A. Byrum. - ; Visiting In Buffalo Mr. and .Mrs. H. - C. Stokes, Mrs.: T. L. ' Jessup .and Miss Gladys Felton left Thursday for Buffalo, N. Y., .where , they are visiting Mr.' and Mrs., Karl Wiedemann. . ' i rc-i r.- . ' ' -Mrs. R. C. Glover and f ly have fturneS. to f'-'r h in Ralei: "i a." :r s:' -nJI a ' w,Ith Mr. and Mrs. Cht .les . ray and 1'rs. Anse V"hle. Returned i::se . MrsW., H. Cole has returned to her home in Pinehurst arter spending 'several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, ' IZr. and Mrs. ' J. T. Diggers. I." 3. C .' r ho ; ' .he lat'.j' r ter spei; " for obf t, ... a j' Anne Erinn is al -er school at the University ' Carolina 1 for several 4 - Beturneo Home Week In Richmond : Mr. and Mrs. W. E- Nelson and children I Kathy and . Wallace, spent last week in Richmond, Va., visiting Mr: and Mrs. J. D. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Mpbley. Return Home "Mr. and Mrs. Claude Simpson, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Simpson and family - have re turned from a two-week trip to the state of Kansas where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Simpson,, Jr., and family. Returned Home Mrs. E. A. Byrum returned to her home last Thursday after visiting relatives .; in Norfolk, Va. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrum who spent Thursday here. THE ' OPENING OF ; T Tynch's Seafood Market , Located in the Cannon Store Building on Market Street ' ' Now Open Under Management Of PALMER TYNCH . . . TO SERVE YOU COMPLETE LINE OF THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD OBTAINABLE INCLUDING HSH. OYSTERS, CRAB MEAT, SHRIMP. ETC. CALL US AT 426-7351. 'YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED" Special This Week Porgies 25c lb. Tynch's Seafood Market PHONE 426-7351 HERTFORD. N. C. 5 Cwdd Extra Cash For VctoJion? o. Yen Weed A Koiv AJcnto? Clove Unexpected Expense disrupted Your Budget? DONT PANIC SEE US TODAY. If you are steadily employed and of good report, you ' can obtain a signature loan from our installment loan department You will have ample time to repay your . ; loan in convenient monthly payments.- For example: To obtain $100.00 you pay $9.12 per month To obtain $200.00, you pay $18.26 per month To obtain $300.00, you pay $27.41 per monjh - This will give you the cash amounts shown above, with all charges (including life insurance) prepaid. . By pay ing these small monthly payments, your loan will be fully repaid in just one year. ' . . .WZZSER F.DXG ..' ; iieiitfoud, n. c , ; Mrs. D. F. Reed, Sr.," has re turned to :her home from the Albemarle . Hospital - where she went for observation-' and treat ment. - ' , - . ' ' ;. Returned Home ' ' i Mrs. J. D. Cos ton returned . to her home .Sunday ' after spend ing several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1 Mat tocks at Maysville. ,' Pll ESCu lEeXIJOJIv X Phone 426-5527 Hertford, N. C. OPEN SUNDAY? 8 TIL U O'CLOCK A? M.; 2 TIL 5 P. M. ' MONDAY THRU FRIDAY EACH WEEK 8 A. M- .TIL 7 P. M. SATURDAY 1A.M. TIL 9 P.M. ' . ' -1" FRIDAY-; -.DAV: C . 1. -.' . ' Y 7:C3 P. M. J 7:tJ P. M. - -.i.i Etory of Love, SHOWS SAlw.DAY 4..J.' Cinemascope Erinr You T i (- FhV.a ari LYerwK starrinsr Rif herd Burton,5 Jean Sin: SUNDAY-MONDAY: SHOWS SUNDAY 2:l5-4:05j NITE 9:00' - MONDAY ONE SHOW ONLY 7;30 P. M. , , uoDert Kyan, reier usnnov, lueivm - - Douglas and Terence Stamp in ' . THY CO" "LET.S GO TO THE MOVIE" Admission: Adults 50c-Cliildren 25c 'f Vr iT It v O 0 0 lr J.L A K 0 t : ii He VordMM Hxenory ColonM immvw ihe right i txnw qualifM rtpmMila fto dtrmiM the auHMAtkHy f ' fwinning'SpiNCASH-cqrdt. ,l fmpieyn end famlliat of M ; pleyws of Colonial Start lit- ;!, korporaXd od "suUldiwI: 11 r not ellgiUi KUtifltpaM Vv ft y D D . ; -START TODAY - Here's all yeu de Cvwy thn yae vbil Colonial in ftk ana you wiU notlye 'Spoil CASH" card. Each wd hoi o mytftry lok (pot that it removed by I" v Sng md unaor running tap water and rubbing :! spot gnfly.,When Iho ipoi it rwnovod, ft wvtals n of (he Mtert "C" or A" or S" or "Jf or - the familiar Gold Bond Sandy Savor Symbol. .Whonyou colUd four cardt that tp.II the word 'CASH bring thorn to your favorite Colonial : I Store forvorifkarion and win $100 CASH. That's, ' aH rhtm It to It. Thors't nothing to write or buy. ' i ' 1 ' 1 1 ' . i 1 , " 1 1 J COLONIAL STORE?! do: intrMd of a letter, bvMmk of myitiry ink pott ; . ,WiN rtvoal the familiar Gold Bond Sand Savor , k .. , V.. )'.. , X ' Iv i ill. ' '" C,jiA'rUR-Tt6E rVRrAOUR'W v... i rivr nnuFI tec '',3yirioi: Every timo you iwwoi Sandy Savor I ttOIUH. Bttlt HreitTMMNM mil uz"'3 mtm CSEFT MotfUHouaiANr a, cjia ' HnruauiBnmm ' ....JU - mrt - ' OSI.OIVIIT DANM . r ' "' : ' imwc torne i. r- -; FULL. CUT BONELESS , . r , ' .,.-r' 'e .. -V" t'tV4 T-' T - i" ' Qg LOIN TIP EgF NS.-- I VS . 1 1 A- ' A V: , 4 K :- - 7: I.'; r V-V- t . - Hoiiti e .?" ,-.'' r""T r-- 1 r""T P """ 'KtkCe . 1 I f - nnuuM '. A fc' J ' - ' I - o.tte. ' w . T t r ' " -f t"" ' r i , ! . r: u.i.j'...j I . "7r -t?" -!..'.u,r Z':.Oimfot V S' e....Z . . . ., w. t i ..iv..., (A. ;,.' ;.. .KpMWtej.4 Vf.4 ll-dall -ftHt4 ; : ' 1 , Mf ' ti l o.o . toL C Vi" l:utt:3 rr.- m f p O L'.:.:z r- .--lh.'"' '.ee. I'l - 0,,inC... j).- ' I I , M M.U M. It, IMS f " ,1' r '.It. - 1M IO MRIIW r""'1 , rA!U fr-H w , . r ,i A ; :::ir" ;r r;? , " A ': 2 i. , " ... e-, " Hi. Lei? ' '