T.ZZ I. u3 Kuth Hurdle ' of spent the week. : mother, Mrs. Fan- . , k Barrow and son, l! Korfolk, Va,' spent the id with Mr, and ( Mrs. . Darden. , ' J. R. " V." Wasdell of Char i . Visiting her brother-in- ind sister, Mr v and Mrs. "e Brinn. r. and Mrs. Edgar .Fields. i and three' childjeni-from.1 3t; Palm Beach,' , Fla., are ling Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ids. - 'urned Home . -Urs. Anse White returned to r home Thursday after spend 3 several days with Mr. and s, garland' Bullock at Pine- -om Florid, Week-end Here .. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White and son of Newport- News, , Va, spent the week-end ' with - Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Divers. ' ' At Nags Head i Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. White,, Jr., spent several days last week and several ', days this week 'at their cottage at Nags' Head. From Hew York - Mrs.- W. H.' LleweHyn from Bronxville,. N Y. is visitiag-Jies son-in-law and, ., daughu Mr. and Mrs J. Hi ,Tpwe," to " T-l v,.,,' i:. ,rt . I. Mr.' and' Mrk'sNormait; Smith. Mr. and Airs. Elmer Smith jind Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and daughter of Newport News; Va., spent Sunday with Mr. i and Mrs. George By rum. and Edward and Returned Home ' :;V Mrs. Bill Saunders - has re turned to her home in Alexan dria, Va., after spending several jdays last week with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. tW reJ where' shir 'li vfcl Sundafr la Pprismouth ; ; Mr. r' and" Mrs.' Clinton ","titey Pn ffrPlHifiJiSBSWfWlJiiXfti with. relaUvep. At Atf htfcr fcfKh'J " ' and sc iChi.res re spending this week- at' Atlantic4 Beach. v' I. Lieut, and Mrs. Bill Batts from Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Frank Jes- supt . , . ; j( , -f On Vacation ., . . . . , ' Miss Joanna-' Fj willffora Ifrom Hampton, Va;., . jammed bqine on Sunday v to spend the ' summer vacation ' with !her parents J Mr. Mr. . and Mrs. R. C. Murray B. L. Gibbs and family. m uundecun. Fla.. and Dr. s"on oout id Mrs. Bill Murray and four ildren from Bremington, Wash 2torj are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray:' . ' - ' , . rom' Raleigh t f ., v -Mrst R. C. GloVer and family rom Raleigh are spending this eekiiwith Mrs. Anse White. . : , . Jnday At Nag Head '' Mrs Jack Kanoy ' spent Sun clay with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin "7nghjt at their cottage at Nags .read.j i , , it '.."eelc-ond At Manns Harbor Mr. and Mrs.- Bobby Keaton and Mr. and Mrs. E. ( A. Good man - spent the week-end at Manns Harbor,' Week-end At Wage Head Mr.' and Mrs. Dick Brewer spent- the week-end at Nags Head with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis at their cottage. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Brewer will re main for the week. In Portsmouth Mrs. C. X, Atkinson of Suffolk, Va., wh,ikas.beeo., visiting Mc and Mn.; Cttntc gleprivft last week m , PdAim4iitkj Va, iattves? ; s. Ida Rogerson. ' ., V ':ng Uncle and AurJt . Miss Susan Mensley, of Nor f k, Va., is spending the' month of July with her uncle and aunt, Mn and- Mrs. Fred. Winslow of WmfalL v 1 ; In'. Hospital ; Mrs. ' Robert White was , ad mitted ' to the Albemarle Hos pital last week for treatment Returned Home Mrs. Willis Jessup and daugh ter Sidney have returned home after spending several days at their cottage at Naes Head. ' Fjronv Durham' v. . I'. ' ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred WHams, Sr.. an son - George from "Dun 4ai' stent the' week-end', with mrj aiiu pin. oiiuwt nucuuii la 'Charlottesville -; - , . y ' M-.Jand' Mrs. E. F- Payne are visitingi i- their ""daughtefi Dr.' Lqifise iPayjie ri Chrlottesvyie, Va.1 . fi ' i -,, -Renuaed' Home - " i- Mrs. D; A. Carver and son of Lynhaven,'1 Va. . spent , several days last week with. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Divers and Mr. and Mrs. Julian White. D. A. Carver spent the week-end and all re turned home on Sunday v In Raleigh Mrs. F. T. Johnson spent sev eral days this week' in-Raleigh. From Winston-Salem ' Cecil Harrington and a friend from Winston-Salem spent sev eral i days last week with Mr., and Mrs. H. C. Stokes. , ; f Vidting Hare Mrs. , Janie Harrison , from- Cufittuck ia yiinsrher 4n and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Und Mrs. ,Charle4 M Will)ford. W.:E." Harrison. . . If SFmmd Tenant Holies f Located On Bond Street ' Opposite Walker High School ; in FTC mm H p ) ? :ff.-rs Frr i T" t ''" . Ir.' 3 , rs.1 Marvin ""I. 1 , , Jr., and cl... Jren from Tai oro spt:nt'-the 'Wek-end with i!rs. Tim Ennn and Mrs-'Marvin. Kir ton,. Sr., who . is Mrs. .Brinn's house - guest. '; Week-end Here i Price and perry Monds, who are attending the Methodist Col lege in Rocky. Mount, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Monds. Returned Home Mrs. R. S. Monds has returned to her home after spending last week in Greensboro.' " InHospUal ' " . ', i. Ui Jessup ; was adnuttect to the- Chowan v Hospital this' week for 'observation. " v 1 Sunday.1 At Nags , Head , ' C . Mr. and Mrs. aSilas. Whedbee and Miss Mabel Martiit Whedbee spent Sunda .' yat . the , Whedbee eottage. at Nags Head. At Nags Head 1 Mrs. W. H.' Oakey, Jr Mrs Lloyd Honor., Lt. and Mrs. Rob ert Brodie "and son from Ohio are vacationing at their . cottage at Nags Head. ' ' Week-end At Nags Head . - Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Towe, Sr,i Miss , Suzanne Towe and two guests from ; Richmond, v Va., spent the week-end at the Towe cottage at Nags Head. , 1 5. . T.")Smiri S, se 1 0 i3 this week at . her ho. ! I Jii'rt. - n Gly , i , -, ' : Mrs. ' Sue Porter ' and. Bill Fouts' from Dayton, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. N, Durden., ' ' , filing Grandparents v ' , Miss Angela Baker is spend ing this week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lister at Weeksville. , , : ; From Richmond re hoi - n ... C' .?s "hi! 3 sr t Fri v in t.a'.c r attending a tZfi r ..ng. 1 liA T.'. nouih. t Mr. and Mrs. Vmce'nt Hill and family t from Portsmouth, Va. spent Sunday with )Ars:i George Fields, Sr.,' and family. 1 1 ' VMiing Itother t t Miss Virginia . ;Tucker' from 8anti Monica, ' Calif., and Miss Mrs. ' Elizabeth Barefoot from Elizabeth Tucker from' Raleigh JL. "V ' ii . ., .-'.A CO f i - a wMMUNiir stnvicE- J1 '-Accuracy safeguards' )kyvpS 'a i ; compoupds "your doclj?' f ! J ' 'prescHptions'lwith4 .pr6fes- - tQ'Iffi fr-. " i , sionaP precision.".' 'v ' ' --W'SaWo''' Your health is our business ' ' .Complete-Line-. of-Sickroom Supplies Free Delivery:-' S anA M PHARMACY . ' ' PHONE 428-55J7 HERTFORD, N. C, ' , vis.r- t r r 's Tucker. C -i C... . IIr."and I.. J frt.Ti Gre .v:"j , f ' y and . Monday with J . s. ; . A. Whitley. Visiting Parents ; .'': ; Mrs. Karl Weidemann , L'om Buffalo, N. " Y., 'is visitfn-? I sr 7"'re I '' j iuvis Towe froiii I. r . Va., srent the wec'i-c 1 l her paients, Mr, z.nd Mis. -'tin T' ve. ' ' ' - Tiu.'i, (' though the . Heavens :rubh ii,? for following her..: 1 '.' ' CarlH - LI U FRIDAY-SATURDAY: FHOWS FT.ID-1Y T..3-9:C3 P. ih , u , SHOWS SATURDAY 3.;0-Sas-7x. p. M. , . Jack Palance and Elncra, UqssI Drao ii"' ' n r- -'- r- .... disc.y ; L ihjL, b y SUNDAY ONLY -i SHOWS' 2:00-4:05 'P. M. ; , i . MONDAY ONE SHOW ONLY 7:30 P, M" . rr- -in , Kirg Douglas1 r;:-:;.ih Tir "fir IllL LJia -"LETS GO TO THE MOVIE". Admission: Adults 50c Children 25c El- . ... .... - r - 7.., , .t: i'-.'-'i J.lC.Wi'u") (I;) t A Low Cost Savings & Loan Can 0 V Make Your Dream A Reality r;; t Whether you're hoping . to buy or build, your dreams of own ing your own home needn't stay in the , blueprint stage. To turn those dreams into realities, see us , let us blueprint" a convenient, low cost loan' for you now. n Purchasing . Building i Repairing ri "v--'" v ' f r .H e-P-n... -. w - Ilcmber of Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Oorpl ' , ' g a a K Uy.iiiij-i..,!!, :iaxi in tiic,J:..::3s cf colla-5 in c.-.::u Jdir the fu:j l1, trijoY h:b, carpet slivice;.. GREAT FOOD SAVINGS . . V drid Spell CASI , too! Hw'allyodo .- . Evry iyou vkif ColfliiW V ami i - yee will MctWea.lSptlLCASH' card Each H 1 com! hat a mytry Ink iporihat h. ' " placingcard uAdtr running tapj -, itru UAH MCM JUJT . .! r ... , i .. Cold: BoMi:S'noV,' Saw SvibcL .WhL-'.a 1 ' Jit ) lM - tH-'lf. f ',)' :L TtoWlk. V. 1 it Im J0U W. Or-JC 7 BwtM ' ''. jti. e ir. Mr , , T KM C...M Laam v,7 fori Vrt. W. JL Irmi ; . V r ;i H:i d:va KID CAfJiT VflY . 7. ' ' "tin Vim WiiiM. mnu kitrMh' n a . t nffwown ' V k twn wing mem ro ywr ravoriw iofo i OCT! I.- ;. . ; ' - j Instead of a kttr, KundrMb of mytlMy ink spab wilt reveal th. familiar Gold Bond Sandy Sam Symbol. Evtry Urn you rtvtal Sandy Savtr bring your card to 'Colonial NO PURCHASE REQUIRED CokmkHmVMth.r).haw.iHDlMria! :Z 3 .1 ntmam OMwrnM. Ih. fwthwtkity mf. Nflnnlng i I rSp.H CASH" arch. Employe ond hm!m of p j .wplciwi of Colonial Shmt Inowpwud fnel 1: 1 MnicltannMtricjibblspankif i'J .lit y A ! f. U f- . . "' ' l , ' ( .. '-"i "M: ;:'' ' . - 3 - ' ' 1 r I it I NATUI-TENDCR Uj' ',ilf" "VJ, , .H I- ' -0 'Iaii.......! -.-T -1 ' '..J J ,:' f "ii nrrrrrr nt)w-ii.idii,;W- in ; r .... i ii i J. r '1 -.- . w::zi son vizxssfzca t VI3At:!5TEACS.. . ... 69' YOUR NEARBY COLONIAL STCrS "UCC'C BDlKc vi ikr o rriuu ' , i KITCHEN KESH SALADS -., . CcbSfaw.i . i . ct 29 I Icm atad . . . . "cT ' Otf Seafood' Department ' - Small Shrimp . ..-.'5:,!" 4.3 Fresh C'ush-. . 29' HaLbut Steele . ..... lk 59' Sword.'isK Stsck . . . . . 69 WILL D5 CLC" f. '! i,-UU.4T QUYI:, KO;.lt: 5TYL5 FICKLC5 uss&j;::gs;.;..49t cr.r.v:sT;cE3 . . . . . 4 ......... ' x .t ' , 4 . VI..J., a, l J n ;U -.Vw'. . -." ... VK- j"-"- rr?v:::T c:u::iv. , 25 hot coa k.sh ; . . Censcntrofed:!!: 1 r rc:Ti Cake. . . M s 7 OMNGC4IMON. UMON-CMrm -4 Ui..,. . . MK2 T wTDsa hum: 25 v m ,-r " -. M jt w - 1 - , 4 1 i 4 ' 7 ' I fcj fci fcii H v. - :. V UK "A. T4 Gal. CTtt r? f i 1 '' m f" rT ' " Amr- T, Tl tt, -j . nit ,,.. . ',- ' . - . . ; lint .. '-" " r K-o- . tl. ','17. ,iiili;!- "31 s t -'. i ' t r f J ! ! I I 3 4 ;yN. Church Street, Telephone 426-5403 , Hertford, N. C. V -3 ,''f

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