r WEEKLY Vc - A jk ' 3 m ; ' "Eclipse watching ch mean permanent damage ta eyes As yi know, there will be an i eclipse, of the sun i during the v' afternoon of Saturday, July 20. The National Society for the , Prevention, pf Blindness the -Ftiblic Health . Service and the t American: Medical Association a are urging the public to take , heed ; and "not" j watch the I ' eclipse. Dark glasses are no ; protection and there are no filt 'ers generally" . available that 'make sale viewing of an eclipse ; ; 'possible, , This include the soot ed glass that 'many people once believed safe.- Even heavy weld ers' glasses do not protect ' : i"'Most ;of us have set fire to a piece of paper ; by focusing the jays of the sun' through a mag nifying, glass. It is this same burning power that damages the retina ; of tht ; ey in eclipse blindness ; The l sun't rays art brought to focus on the Interior ofvthe jeye'cbythe. optical sys tm within the eye.' , After a partial eclipse of the sun, thee years .ago, widespread reports; of damaged vision re sulted Jin' western : states,-- -especially among school children. The sjate of Utah counted 31 definite cases of eye burns after the September "60 eclipse." All but five of the victims i were children. .An estimated 75 children, 'suffered retinal burns iii the j state of Washington dur ing th same eclipse, v An' (' eclipse is a curious phe nomenon and many people, espe cially ' youngsters, will be anx ious td watch it. ,Therr are sevr. eral , means of v. observing;' rthe eclipse1 safely, Television , ', also affords a safe , means ;wheo the eclips is being telecast , f Please. remerjrec.thoHfilv that there is no safe way to look Vr directly at ch. ,eJipBv cf 'tl: s "Live As You Think" was the thought Mr ly "hsW? T,XHmVmonsfraUon Club meet- big, which was held in tip Riv er Friends Church July 2nd at 8 ...P, M. Mrs., Winslow closed the devotions with a kitchen prayer. , , "God Of Our Fathers" was sung by the group. Home Economics Extension Agm Mrs. Ila vGrey White's subject was . "Freeze Foods Ahead." ,Mrs. White said, 'Tf ypittphooseato eat 'good 'frozen food, , catch : the freshness and hold,, it ,by using freshly cooked foods. ! quickly; chilled and well parked. V"-1, '' ' ' , : Mrs. Tom 1 Riddlcjc," food? 8ncl nutrition ; leader, ' gaye 'a report , and s stressed 1 '"the use of foods containing vitamin A. , , The announcement was, made , that the community development . would sponsor a : community sing, a cake and Ice cream, sale, tot be held Tuesday night July, 30 at 8 P. M. at th Community' Building for the benefit of the ! community building' fund. The meeting closed by repeating the club collect. - m The hostesses, ;Mrs.. Ralph White, Mrs. Carrie Gregory and Mrs, Lyndon Whitei served lem- onade and cookies to the 14 members present " Centre::::: ;m Bonner Opposes Prec'f Civil RiditsPackae iRepre:entat;vs : rt C. Bon-1 the United States as h whoie M ner tnr.Aurd li , i t wecklrts' paUpnal. and international af- that,"6" t J'; 1 1 c.--!i notfairs. ' - , .; Vo'e f r f . 1 t recently "I do not believe In class leg-' i 1 ii ' C x at lalation, have never voted forj ' id. I. es,:jr.t,clPES legislation. ThiSi new civil c y i " tt as "c;.-.i l: .'.is : u.l TI.e vc-ieri i Co"' nan "in my 7T ytrs i ; j i.ov e j- Ol I .'. 1 X 4 VC t,l' d.avoul t i t cf r CJu. 3 1..' , r iti , ,i Cvc: hi ' uo!$C6lli:!iQ O-. Drf-'i If l f ill t C&!:3Un:!2tt Kensington, Conn.-,-The mar- riage of Miss Priscilla Ann Ham lin and Charlie Morgan TJmph- lett was solemnized Saturday, at 4 o'clock in Kensington Con - gregational Church, Kensington, Conn., by the Rev, Joseph every member assisted in doing Reeves. whatever he could to make the The bride is the' daughter of Party enjoyable for all present Attorney and Mrs. George Ham-1 After the Ginner Secretary G. Jin of Kensington,1 Conn. , The C. Buck recognized Mrs. Blanche bridegroom is the son of Mr. ,' Campen, who ga a welcome to and Mrs. Charlie Umphlett of a11 Present,' since her Husband, Hertford.. t 1 Charles, E. Campen, v president of Mr. Hamlin gave his daugh- fr P'C P ter in marriage, s She wore a'AQ of the . Blue ILodge! officers gown of silk organza over net:PW'?,c,fJ and.. taffeta.' The fitted bodkef-"?? was highlighted with a scaUoped neckline, and short sleeves ap- "V" j1"" pUqued with chantllly lace. The'1. fT ' 'welftoef " flare skirt was also highlighted C' M,ert' wiih .nniin nt .h.hf in. iaro and their . grandson, all , from and a chapel train that termi nated from a twin bustle bow. rhan-i ri tv, iiCi C1UVW ICltel vU Ul I'ICUUl illusion was arranged from a "JJ'T ' a V ' , i T ' u- i head-piece of silk organza pet- at,d sPlce Jokes' which ais She carried a whit-nraver ,U' Present enjoyed very much, oook toPPT and lily of the vaUey. Io" WCre made, by MrS .Miss Carolyn Sue Hamlin was A -Bonner ' ' maid "of honor for her sister and '. Mrs. John Mansfield of Hertford,- ; sister , of the- bride- groom, iWas - . bridesmaid. They wore; ballerina t length t gowns made, of mint . green .Jersey da- cron,' ; ;The. 1 fitted bodice was 5 iiphlirfitH with ' arnnnarl npplr- . line: ; and short sleeves. . yheicu 7ip ;w:v riB bouffant -skirt-wafc-iashioned and;: W , $ayitf iinsur- with V ti blf-mnHi - rnlTpd hplt "nee, , was Biven.t B endinrrwith A-xose. 'They' wore rwditif,(??!ll ried baskets- of. daisies - " Thomas Edward' Umphlett , of WIBiamsfcorr.; N. -'tit'VbrotheT" of the -bridegrobm,"Was best man."! Vaheri were' George ". Edwards, CcmH&iiMl oii Pmnm Firm Reception Planned For Guest Minister The .Woman's - Society of Christian Service and the Wes- leyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church' will honor the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Lee at a J Winther Roosevelt , Cofield, reception on: Sunday, July 21, 'charged with larceny of a spot from 4 to 5:30 o'clock r in the light from a i car on the used Fellowship Hall of the church, 'car . lot . pf, H,pllowell Chevrolet vMr)Lee, who-.is from Norwich,"! Cdi,1 was ..given,; a, 60, ,dey road England 1 has., exchaneed ' tMilnlts 'sentence. .' The sentence is to be with the Rev. Fred Still for the summer. , . i ihe public is cordially invited to atten,d, , ., " "' ; Views Sought On Wool Price , t j- -t i -" ' p , fJ, t S.j Department of ? Ag riculture , requests . recommenda tions from wool , producers on the incentive price level for shorn wool for the 1964 market- ing year. Producer recommend- ations are requested by Wednes-i day, July 31. , " ' Views on the shorn wool in- -i u-l ....v ..v .v. mmuu uc .u. J : . i. T-ii: ouuimhu w me uucyiw, and Program Appraisal Division, ASCS, USDA, Washington 25, O. C, by Wednesday, July 31. - t:.8,ri::hts bill is class legislation., r v.rmr vnlo tnr it 1 T' 'c ViiTl linrlAi. rt.f. ni an end to racial ' dis- r !'T ' -Dtion, would, firmly; plant e s '3 cf federal dictatorship '..Is where relations c 1 i r e fiourished without in-' " e f " ' -!, which. C, ' .' i i.-vel - ; !l' t c r " 1 ,.'-.. I , . Hertford, Perquimans .County, North .Carolina, Friday, July .1 tl)Fc:;:rGS 1 Perquimans " County . Scottish Rite Club held Its regular t bi monthly meeting' on Wednesday night, July'. 10, in the form of a ladies'' 1 night ' cook-put charcoal steak arty at the"".H i Recreation Center,. with 38 Hertford mem bers and their wives and; seven special Invited guests present to enjoy the occasion.'.': The steaks and , accessories were - selected and bought ;by 'Toss White and these were very efficiently cooked' and served by Dr. A. B. Bonner,, Tuck Webb, Carson Spivey, Cecil E. Wins Ucw, R, C. Baker,' Matt M. Spi- jvey, Jr., Marvin Caddy; and ev Befn.l were- recognized and i welcomed, 5 Mr. f Seifert then made an interesting talk and r A . . . Robert ' Louis Marshall, charge six monms ins bh Tuesday oy - juage cnaries B.. JvhM:mM suspenaea vupom paymeni a W..'e,-.,:j".',Wta.in4;.t' V"81",;, uRiu-:ji3wir, le'ddefof'- usfl.,of,Simpj son. " William , Frank TLangley charg ed without having a valid 'op erators license or chauffeur's li cense and driving drunk, was meted put a 60 day road sen- tence. The sentence to be sus- Upended upon payment of a $125 fine and court costs. suspended -upon.j payment? ofyf variaty of Cases CoxiAMMmriW Cotlrt'-nere ,S50 .One :fn4aeMin'. Bts.iiti';Hveriea- shipped from 'each;' were The ; following were ; charged with .exceeding; the speed, limit: 1 24700; and Brunswick, $1,139, Roger " B, , Wootan,;. $16.25 Pl"'620. . i - .', costs; 'james,E,,.oaoh, -:$10.25.t North ' Carolina's' hare in 'the plus costs. , production of wood raw material - A trespass charge against Chf-- for, the , and industry, ton Jones was nbr prossed.. ,. tMr M,i,h,r'niainH wa ! ReveU,:-.chatged with sault, was taxed ' with v court costs. - - ' . Costs of - court ti was assessed aeainst Rosa White, prosecuting .witness; charging- Alton Aubrey! Jordan with assauh and larceny, t , Seven ". charged with public f 'drunkenness: Wiluam McClease J . v". : T . ft, . JSUUer, 1M11B MHC t.O- (. ... . . num. mez ' vernonTWKiay, joe Cherry, . Jackson: Coston and Ralph' White. Each' of the de fendants paid $g.Q0 fines and court costs. LITTLE LEAGUE ANI PONY LEAGUE BASEBALL SCORES Pony League ' 1 . v.! Belvidere New Hope : 3 - - ;i-i;y., - t . ' ' - w, ' Whiteston- -.;' Belvidere ' 'i,1 " NeW Hope 0 Belvidere TUtvf Hope " 6 Hertford .1 " ' I,', Little League Pony League" . Belvidere ; 6 Little League Bethel tf ,Little Le8 Bothel 8 be-.PV League 15 Pny League Bethel 18 PoPV r ' -id!... a I" L( Gee Whiz .V. Told 'em 3:30 And They'rejNot Here Yet! ''.,::.'r-?, f- ulllri..,,, .J,' Iwft ... 'iOiu liverg, ituMi-yeav-ola daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Preston H, Divers, was honored on her third birthday last Friday after noon, July 12. with a party with all the trimmings. - She seams to be saying, as this picture was shot while she was waiting beside the birthday cake on the front steps of the Divers' home. "Gee whis whera is everybody. Told 'em to be here at -3:30. Can't wait much longer to get in this pretty cake.. Wonder where my Mom and Dad are. For much I'd dig in and have a party all by myself.": Toni didn't have to wait long, as most of the twenty some guests arrived shortly and began enjoying games and all the fanfare of a great big birthday for this little three-year-old tike. Ice cream, cake, candy and favors topped off the event. Pulpwood In State, iTnt?IP.HB47fin Leaving PlIOT UUrin!T:ie2r hjwiuiuiuuiyzo , -w v . 1 ' ii ' . :""'.' --v. Purchases of pulpwood grown In North Carolina,. and, delivered 'to"pulp arid paper mills during l96i! totaled $46,478,000 it is re - ported, by H. J Malsberger of Atlanta 'general, manager; of the Southern Pulpwood Conservation sspciatipn.. .... ,,.v ,f. rv ,; ; Last year's total for the state, he added, was one per cent high er than the value of $45,838,000 recorded for 1961 deliveries. These figures were based on the results , of a 12-state pulp- w6od production survey , made by the U. S. Forest Service Ex periment Stations at Asheville, N. C.'i and New Orleans, La., in cooperation wifh SPCA. , . Among v. the ; 96 counties in North Carolina tyier pulpwood was, produced, the; three- leading cwn,tjesrand theVvalue 6f de 'Beaufort, S1.B22.020: Pender. Jart, of an ali-time hieh pulp. wood harvest for the South as a whole. S Vr" SirarraVrmrarH AT BURGESS CHURCH REVIVAL SERVICES TO BE " i ,c - "Z1""; " '.rwnsmourn.. win .conuuci revival services at Burgess Church each night ' at . 8 - o'clock, ; beginning July 22 through Sunday, July 28 -uuf :. . j:.ii The public is . most cordially invited - to- attend. Birthdays July 16-p- -' Rotary Club, 6:15 ' ' Chamber of Commerce Dir. Masonic Lodge Mrs. Howard Long ' Donald Hurdle . t . . Ramona Elliott " July 17 1 ' - o r Durants Neck Ruritan ; Donnie Cherrix r' ' . , July 18 1 Firemen's Meeting BPW Dinner i 1 Lions Club, 6:45 . Eden Eure ' Betty White" ' . " July 19 - - V Jo Thatch l vn.! Ju'y 2J Cliff, Pritchard' j:r ai ' I .T. Ilollowell - i x: Rev. it E. Barefoot im The resignation of the Rev. A. E. Barefoot was recently "'ac cepted ' regretfully' by ' his local congregation. ' He has , pastpred ' the Bagly Swamp Pilgrim Church since August, I960 when ne ana nis iamny returneqn 10 the United States from a seven year tour of service in the Un-' ion of South Africa as mission- aries. Their services wiU .ter- "e late James ana minate at Bagley Swamp iuly Maiy, Overman Wh.te and was 28 and they will be moving tolf. nber of tiie Hertford Bap Nahunta where they have ac-lt,st Church. She was formerly rpntprf ih nastnrat. Nah.ma (nployed at White's Dress Shop is located near Smithfield, N. C. The . Rev. and Mrs. Barefoot wish to express their thanks to their many kind friends of Per quimans County for their warm friendship while laboring 1 here. Out of all 'their travels they feel there.as been no warmer friendships i found. A special gratefulness goes from them to the people of the Bagley Swamp Community that have faithfully supported them in many ways while serving there as pastor.- ' "The Rev. Homer Smith, wife andv three children will arrive from Columbia, S. C, on Aug ust 13 to assume duties as pas tor of the Bagley Swamp con gregation. -.; Tucker and Brinn Wedding July 27 To all of their Perquimans friends: .. ' ' . ' DoCtof and Mrs. Thomas Pres ton Brinn request the honour of - .!' - !, T ",a""8C 'of their daughter, Anne Wms- low, to William Beverly Tucker, III on- Saturday, Lie twenty seventh 'of . July at half t- after four o'clock, First Methodist Church,, Hertford, North Caro lina .and afterwards at the re ception at their home. Deduction Advice ' At C. of C. Office 1 The Perquimans County Cham ber of Commerce has a copy of the latest regulations of legal deductions for trayel, . entertain ment and gifts (expense account) under the Internal Revenue Act ol 1H62 v-asj. accepted, as fmarisecondhand . automobile. Mr. Treasury regulations issued 'June 1 White has been saving his little 25, 1963. " . hoard against that day In the Any individual or business is h invited to use this file and may borrow it ; from the Chamber office. - MASONS TO MEET Perquimans - Masonic ' Lodge will meet Tuesday night ' at 8 o'clock. All members are urged wee present. 19, 1963. Becky Oiott Wins Top Honor In M fin Contest The 4-H Corn . Meal Muffin Activity, paid off for Becky El liott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John. Elliott of;-Route 3. Hert ford. ; Becky, a junior 4-H Club ! member of the Greenwood Club, I won first place in the 4-H Corn Meal Muffin Activity and was awarded a scholarship to attend 4-H Club Camp. Becky's, ex pense paid- trip included trans portation to Camp Millstone, and attendance to classes in crafts, wildlife, recreation, swimming and electric for the week of July 8-13. 'This activity is not a project, but is a supplement to the 4-H Food Preparation Project. The purpose of the activity is to teach the phase of enriched corn meal as a good low cost, food in the diet,; to. teach skills in food preparation, i to . develop an ap-' preciatioh for good quality pro ducts, and to improve personal and family health, through the development .: of better food habits : Muffins. were judged by their outside appearance, inside ap pearance, and taste or flavor, for a score of 25 percent. Seventy five per cent of the total score was determined by the accom plishments shown in the written report, which was sent to the State 4-H Office on July 1. Any . 4-H'er .who carries a 4-H Food Preparation project is en couraged to participate in the Corn Meal Activity. "You, too, may be a County winner," states Mrs. Paige Underwood, Associ ate Home - Economics Agent. "Con tact. the Extension. office or local; 4-H leader in your com munity if i interested in the En riched Corn- Meal , Activity." Mrsi Edna P. White Dies In Hospital ' Mrs." Edha"' Perry White, 65, wife, of Hertford's1 retired Police Captain,1 Robert Anderson White, died Sunday, night at 1Q:30 in the' Albemarle' Hospital' after a long ; illness. A native of Per- 18 ; u .y s"e - s . here. Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. AI Ken ton of Hertford; three brothers, W. W. (Bill) White and J. Kelly White of ertf ord and Dan White of Grimesland, N. C.; two sisters, Mrs. Celtic' Stokley and Mrs. Julia Miller of Route' 3, Hertford; and three grandchil dren. 1 . Funeral services were' held on Tuesday rooming at 11 o'clock Continued on Pag Darden's Store Closed July 24 V. N. Darden, owner and op- erator of Darden Department Store here, announced today that the store will be closed all day weanesaay, ' jmy it, tor me purpose of allowing employees and their families to attend a picnic at Nags Head. Mr. Darden stated the store will open as usual on Thursday, July 25. ' . . A Look Backward ; At FobbiI la Tke Perfalmajw ' Vf-Wj File ot yteryer - JULY 1938 v'i.'v.1 Meanest . Thief Now Behind Bars: Possibly the meanest thief in Perquimans .; County Js safe behind prison bars, ' await ing trial. "Chris Armstrong, 27-year-old Nfegro,. is accused Of in fluencing ' under-privileged " 15-year-old boy to steal from a' 75- j year-old inmate of ,the County .Home, $23, with which the man made the first payment on a .not far distant future, perhaps, when he will be buried beside his long-lost-family. He wishes his ' body carried, down In ' Pas quotank County, his old home. The burial which the county provides doesnt include trans portation to distant points. In the purse-in his' pocket the old ' ' Cc-"; i ca Tr Thitt CommittcG Of C. (3? CD Disappointed Efcfciivo To Hertford Bypass Location Honored In Scotland ri:M3si!.,s&Sit5ai J nil' 1 , Phyllis Mcare, oaugnter of j joyed now. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. William The 35-fcot high bridge was R.oore, stationed in Kirknewton, 'objected; to on grounds that Scotland, received the progress navigation would be" greatly re prize from her school for the ,stricted in both soil k.fi j ; most progress made in the sec - ond grade during the year. Phyllis is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lane of this county. The pleasure of a school prize giving is twofold. Firstly, a ceremony to ensure that the ef forts of the diligent and the in dustrious are not overlooked. c m.iciy lenmuier, present at a "question and that the holidays are not far off. 'answer" meeting in' .the verv Farmers Urged To Check Storage Perquimans County farmers are. urged to check their storage facilities and - make sure that they . have - feufftcient " storage.' Loans , for erecting storage bins and purchasing drying equip ment are available through the ASCS . county office. These loans are repayable in four "an nual installments for storage bins and jv.three... installments for dry ing equipment, both at four per cent interest. : . : ; Under this program farmers may obtain a loan of up to 85 per cent of the actual out-of- pocket cost of the facility. This cost is the total including the Perquimans County is" repre construction. A down payment sented at the Summer Reading must be made by the applicant Institute and Clinic being held of not less than the difference at East Carolina College by Mrs between the authorized amount J Eugenia Gregory Beck of Hert of the loan and the actual out- ford who teaches at the Per of-pocket cost of the facility. It . quimans County Central Oram- or will be eligible for price sup- is required that the applicant is port for the current year in con nection with all " price support commodities produced by him. Drying equipment' loans are available up to 95 of the ac tual cost. ; . . - -' Luther Hayes Dies In Chapel Hill Hospital On Wednesday. Julv a. iom at 10.45 A. M.. Luther Hav it loved husband of Mrs Pattie Hayes of Baltimore, Maryland, passed away at a Chapel Hill hospital. He leaves to mourn his wife. Mrs. Pattie Hayes of 1724 N. Caroline Street, Baltimore, Md ; two sisters, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends. He was retired from the Major Loomis Lumber Company which operated here for a number of j ye"i. . . Federated Clubs Of District 16 Will Hold Institute At Camden Club leaders '.' from ' the 13 Women's Clubs and the two Junior Women's Clubs of District 16 will attend the annual sum mer institute meeting Saturday, July ,20, in Camden. . Hostesses for the day will be members of the Camden Woman's Club.' Mrs D. Elliott of Edenton, N. C. district president, will preside at the leadership conference which will be held at the Camden Methodist' Church, Which is" one mile from Camden High School on the Shiloh road. ? 1 ' ' - ' ."The institute 1 is ' really a workshop for club leaders, where they learn the State Fed eration program .and adapt' it to thelr ':local needs," stated Mrs. Elliott, istrict department chair 5 Cents Per Copy The Congressional ' Actions j Committee of the Perquimans Coraty Chamber of Commerce ;y;'held a meeting Monday, July 15 to discuss the Hertfccd bypass; The members stated in gen eral that they were disappoint ed that no information had been ieht to Hereford in conjunction with the progress the -Highway Department was making or the decisions, that . were being made n regard to the bridge and by. pass. The committee objected to the proposed site for a number of reasons. They felt Ithat the oridge would completely ruin the beauty of the , river in one of its most beautiful spots Nixon Point and Crow Point. It would greatly hinder baatinf oailino and fishirff a'a it ic hoinn on !future industrial nawi.rafi.1 trade west of the bridge. - w ' MbuuAVAMS The bypass would also fur ther isolate such areas as Win fall within the county as well as isolate Hertford from a traffic artery, ' It Was suggested that the Chamber ask Gilliam Wood and ' Merrill Evans to arrange to be vai luimc. fti mis meeting it is hoped that; many i questions concerning the bridge and by pass would be , answered, and that the community could then' make ' a "more educated -request, to the Highway Commission. One train-of thought Was thai ' it was illogical or the."'tate to' 3 construct a bypasjof ny of iU t uU.:detrinMtal. 'tirlft general - commercial wel fare or (potential growth, and that in the cas of, Hertford-further study by' the "state is need ed in these) areas before this mistake is made. Reading Institute mar School.. The clinic, now in progress and extending through July 23, and a two-week Reading Insti tute, completed July 6, have been attended by more than 50 teachers and prospective teach ers from 24 North Carolina counties, and from other states, for discussion of problems in reading. Belvidere Group 'j Will Meet July 22 Mrs. Vivian Dale, secretary of the Belvidere Community De velopment, announced today that a meeting will be held Monday night, July 22, at 8 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting. Mrs. Dale stated, will be to plan for tne barbecue supper to be held at an early date. Proceeds from tne supper will be used to re- place the roof on the Belvidere community House, .men. who rerentlv aHnriu4 ti Council Institute in Raleigh, will presenV the Federation pro gram. The local club presidents will be instructed by the district president.' . ; i . Mrs. J. C. Liebhart of Morgan ton, second vie president of the .state , Federation and Mrs. Charles 0., Mackintosh of High Point, first vic president of the State Federation, will conduct a question and answer period. Mrs. Gordon Maddrey' of. Ahoskie and Raleigh will speak briefly from the General Federation level cn the fine arts program after the luncheon. ) 1 ' j : ' Though .: primarily fir local club officers,! .f wir' i i

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