rrr.-rn.ixr3 vzzzvt. Kssircrjs. US of . ,'ol.nnie Baccus 3 the honor .i -r nresence s ri Triage of her daughter 1 1 yllis Christine ! -to-: nuel Frank Mansfield. , Cunday August) 4. ) W6?1-' j . , t 3 o'clock ' f" ft ' t I e taitis Church ( ' .-3 son-;; i 5. George Lattimore is visit ; L:r.- and, ( Mi. George Latti , Jr in'&aleigh. 1 IZx. and Mrs. Mark Gregory, I'r.land Mrs. Willie Ainsley and son,: Frank left 'last Saturday to visit ..Miss Margaret Ainsley at Governors'4- School fin Winston-C-lara and i Mrs. I. N. Thomas in Asheyille. v :U :-. . '-jned Horn lira. Elizabeth, Mimes from At Ocmb CUT " Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Towe, Jr., are . spending'1 this, -week,, tA ' Ocean CVy, Md.. " ; , At Lake Junalutka Mrs.. J. r 11 Harris left Thurs day for1 Lake Junaluska, N. C. rn uttMd til Advanced tLabora- uiry SchoolVfoif .Selected, Work tUS (Willi WmM V - 'Mh ttotn" the ' Np., Conference Board of Education of the Meth odist Church. . On Sick List " Mrs. KeDy. White is confined to aer- home this, ween Decause of ?4cknes. ' l . Retained From Hospital Mrsl Claude Williams Teturned from Norfolk" General Hospital this week and is getting along fairly Well, f 1 Week-ead Here. Mr n'urt Hint' Craham Math- ews from Baltimore, Md., spent the weekvend with Mrs. Maude Godwin, Latham I Godwin ; and . m t VJf vsv n r.ichmond, v.VtL, and Mrs. C. J. j. and liilrs.- Billy Pheips. Atkinson from Suffolk, Va., re turned home, Sunday arter . perfding a wee1' -with ' Mr! 'and . Irsj Clinton jftarjt J " ');;"' rrea Lumberton , , li'haof f, Towbsefnli' nd children from Lumberton are visi'ng Mrs. ; Annie Chalk and nisseiCMlfc;:; ri f ; eraf days last week, w Mrf, ..Jlll Pnnnt. XTivnn in UMiv. mill, mi.v f loiiuo From Ralewh ; Mr i stielton ' White and daughter frcW Raleigh spent the week-end titlk " Mrs.C E. L. At Nags Head Mrs: 'Willis U' ker Sidney. ,we, .spending two wdeks 'at thei 4cottag abetii City. i .,: . Return Horn": ' Mrs. J. C. Baccus and Mrs. Esther Jordan have returned home after spending a few days with their sister,. Mrs. r H. E. Shipley in Baltimore, Md. Monday la Windsor' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Quy "Newby, Jr., Diul.inii inH Mis Prnnrps "NTew- by spent Moivday'-wltK. relatives in Wdsor.'"'" SiJiv At Hm Head Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SulUvan and 'sons spent Sunday at Nags ' Heai as guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. 1 Darden.. : FronChavlMtoa Mi. and . Mrs. Guy Newby, Jr, and son from Charleston, W. Va., are jtasiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby and Miss Frances Newby. On 5 Vacation - Mfc and Mrs. E- C. Woodard and-ons left Tuesday for a two ' weeks vacation, injeimtunains ' of North Carolina ana 'Virginia. z. - jxt in t:wfo::t 1 Ilrs. llaude Godwia , spent Sunday in Norfolk, ' Va., with refatives, t , ' Fxidaf H Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Overstreet from Spring, FUk spent Friday with Mrs. J. E. Jones. . Week At Beach - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Benton and sons Greg and Doug, are spending this week at Nags Head. Jo Leave Sunday . s Clark Harris will leave sunaay for a visit in Butler, N. J, with Mr.' and Mrs. James Tepper. : WmW with GrandDarents , - Little Anaela Dawn Baker nas returned to her. home' in. Ply mmith after sDendins the week I with her grandparents, Mri and Mrs. x. r. iiyrunv . , r . Returned Home ;: Mr. and Mrs. Joe fLayden and Mr. and Mrs.- Lee Riddick have returned home after spending a week with Mr. , and Mrs. Jo seph Layden at Macon, Ga. , Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters and family have returned home after spending a week in Wash ington, D. C. ', 4. fessup an3 daugh- ie at Nags n From Norfolk ' Hickv Hoskins. grandson of Mr and Mrs: B. S- i Hoskins from Norfolk, . Va., is, visiting his grandparents. ; , Receni' Guest ' , . Austin Dail of Arlington, Va., vas a recent week-end guest of Mrs. W. E. Dail. Frosa C ensboro " - 'Miss l ete Zachary Of Grt.-s-boro is visiting Mrs. J. W,; Zach ary and Miss Nancy Zachary. At Nags Head Mr,, and Mrs. Al Kenton and children are spending this week at Nags Head. Returned Home Mrs. i, Walter : Kanoy returned to her home .Wednesday , after visiting friends at Decatur, Ala. Week-end In -Wilson ' Mrs. -Frank Jessup spent the week-end in WiWon with rela tives. ' .(!, 1 From FarmvUle- . r' Mrs., Marvin. iHorton, of iFaim- Lville is visiting her: sister, 'Mrs. Tim.Brinn.' :"' Returned Home ; " ' ' r Mrs. J. R. Fiitrelii has retiirn- ed ! 'to. i b&v htt-atte visiting relatives irt'Ayden,' Columbia and Tarboro. , ; In Princeton Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holmes left this week for Princeton, N. J., where - they are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson and jfamily. ; Week-end In Greensboro Mr and Mrs. Cliff Banks spent the week-end in Greens- hnro with relatives ana were accompanied home . Sunday :,by their daughtersiX-ina ana cren fjn wVin' had 'sDenf. a week, in Greensbbro. ' r f s. , Our precision idyotir ' ) ' finest protection Every prescription filled ' here is accurately com ., pounded by prof essional ' ly trained pharmacists. SERVICE 8 Your health is our business f- Summer v . Costume Jewelry Only 69c i The Sale You've Been , - Wairiafl Fori W. M. Divers & Son JEWELE2S Phone 426-7404, Hertford V TAN SAFELY! - SEE US FOR MONZTAN. V-mpPFHTONE.-SE V SKI SUNTAH LOTIONS. S and M PHARMACY . fv .h- 1f -joa wsat vclMfrrwant it fait! Jnothtr , 8turiMnotmayMmudBaKifKrHTiUittQn followioff wrong food and drink often aat tinf p restleu uncomorUbla feeling; Do&n'a Pills work fait in Mparate waya: 1. by stdy pain-relieving action to as tormant of nagging backache, head -, ftchca. muscular ajnea and paina. z. dj toothing effect on bladder irritation. 8. by mild diuretic action tending to inereaat output of the IS miles of kidney tubes. 1 V Enjoy a good night's sleep and the ; Came nappy raiei minions nave zor over A u ha frnmim ui nwTvumuni bm vc T.B. Dill- tnJ.J mm viwv vwh turn wsimtK an... . an ina hotjwater refrigeration " heating bevond the OAS mains ' IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION. ..prompt delivery , ...daptndabl service, REED OIL CO. PHONE1 426-5458 WEHTrqiW; nil fcood Entra Cash For VEcatioii? do Vca Kood A ;K3u Applinnto? C3aue Uneiipoctod Enponses Disrupted Your Budget? DONT PANIC! SEE US TODAY. 1 If you are steadily employed and of good report, you can obtain a signature loan from our installment loan department You will have ample time to repay your t loatt in convenient monthly payments. For example: ' jj. . To obtain $100.00 you pay $9.12 per month , To obtain $200.00, you pay $18.26 per month 5 - Tfi dbtain $300.00, you pay $2741 per month v This will give you the cash amounts shown above, with all charges (including life insurance) prepaid. By pay ins these small monthly payments, your loan will be , w fu!!y repaid in just one year. ,v liiS. "J. Arthur Knight of Chesterfield, Mrs. , L. M. Griffin. Mrs. John Derryberry of Ibabel, Okiahowa, an Mrs; s Taylor Y,rood Griffin from Quincy, Fla.; all nieces of Mrs. J. I Derrick were recent guests of Mrs. Der rick and of Mr. and Mrs. F. A, McGoogan. From Roanoke- Miss 'Pauline Cheatham of Roanoke, Va., is visiting Mrs. H. A. Whitley.1 In Cambridge ' Mrs. ti. A. Davenport left this week for Cambridge Md.,' where she Is visiting her sister, Miss Ruth Schroeder and other rela- ,tives. 1 , i ' ' , Returned .Home: 'j 1 , ' ' j Mr. V and Mrt. Julian ' white. Jr., ,and daughter Joan from Norfolk, Va., returned home on Sunday after 1 spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Julian White. Sunday la Wilmington : Mr. and Mrs. Keith. Haskett and family spent Sunday in Wil mington with Mr. and Mrs. An Williams. o . my v ACIIiriGBACI Mowl You ca aet ti f st relief jroo ni from nantnc backache, hdach aii Mi-.n1a.uliH T1V.k4naf1t rtf M-ika ratlm, nifhu . mnd .miaetaU. irei-tiat M'.l i V"- k-end At I" ;s I" i Ur. and-Mrs. -Sill Cray fron Mrs. Arthur .'ooj tper.t the Arlin.'on. Va.. Erjent t' e week nd with l'.t. and Mrs. Charles Iiarrell. , v- .. Heceni Guest J Mr -rut Mrs: George Kern from Long Island, N.' Y., were recent guests of Mrs. ;T. E. Ra- per. - From' New -Bern 'Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mcllweaa and Mrs. Gene Mcllwean of New Bern spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Billy White. Sunday Hera 1 Mr. end Mrs.- D. A. Carver and son from T-vnhaven. Va.. and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Divers from Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. w. M. Uivers. Salurdar In Windsor ' ' - Mr. and' Mrs. T. G. Howard visited Mr. Howard's aunt, Mrs. P.' C. .Burkett in Windsor - on Saturday.'..-, , : .' -,- , Returned Home ' Mrs. B. M. . Fowler and. Carl Copeland have returned' from . Nags 1 Head where, they spent several weeks. I week-end at Nags I ad with Mrs. Walter Oakey, . Jr. . . Returned Home . " ' , ' v i Ears, tl. u. i,uatuu..ciuicu fhome last Thursday after spend ing several days with her - par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ii.Mat- tocks at ' Maysville. 1 Home ' I r -Vilson has returned . f h: home from Norfolk Gem.-, r iiiil'tonrl Is eeCtinf' alo.. ! HI T,H Eeech , ' l.V ;, Mr. and Mrs,, Eldon - WinnlOTf ... and ch.:ren Sara and Av.e and - MissTbelma Elliott are spend- ina tv;s, we-k 'at Topsail Eeach .GG of SPRING and SUMMEIi , DRESSES U r , A :f - .'.'.... ' ';.... '-.',...' I, ' mm PlMfF FRIDAY -SATURDAY: SHOWS FRIDAY 7:00-9:00 P. M. i . shows R-.TIIBDAY 3:Oa-S:00-7:00-9:00 P. M. : i iiE MAfi vi;o itr;H7 too r.'ucir " 'If "J. -starring-r-ri f h I J 1 Jam'e Stewarts j "jj llt SUNDAY QNIJY AKOWS. 2:00:IO NIOHt ftOO; K ,t ,,, , Hugh O'Brian , M, k, .1 : Y "COmE FLY ViTII f.'E" J 1- "LETS GO TO THE MOVIE Admission; Adults 50c Children 25c 01 Hertford, n. c I 4 BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICED ... GET ANOTHER OF SAME PRICE FGLIGHLV- , All Beachwear Summer Bags mw. ?".:.V''---!t,'V-1'"'l'.i. M;'ViW''i';;3: Summer Lingerie -r.;? Summer Blouses 'iri ItJhite's Dress SJiofeo PHONE 426-S6S1 3..' I. , ,..'.' - ' . 'u' . i " . S .' ' 'f .. V .1 -V . , UBM X1 TTTT t i, '; 1 i! '..or ! ' :;vStv:.i i i mi , : it : 'i m ; i 1 1,1, ' T ' li I' lV f' f-.'.: :.': i5 1 .lAlUltiJIII : rJIWtS'J'iSJ. o aFC3 ..liDMEU 9? o ri" M 1 Of ?3 Dunns our. . ' : " . ' .1 fA' Ivii ii i i t ' Vny I, ,t : , " ,-v , ." -xw if vJoTn ths crcvtj cnil cct in cn tho savir.: during this tcrr; Test-drivo'a '63 Valtent end check its p:..'crn;:r.:3 cr.J I':. Z:z- f Look c;cr Us'htfrstyh end c-.orp r.b i-t:r;:.2. i;.:r;c:.-;:: -th3 loap:j:3. AiJ it c!l up,j:i-v:c.i:r-V:::r.t z ':z c;o r'l V i . ,1 :1 "1 'V ; r i -n u4 UCVJO iie:.:3er f.d.lc