4 r Volusia XXX. number 83. 1 ' Perquimans County School Board has ' enacted - two operat ing policies intended to provide scftool personnel with more of ficial support through uniform handling of 'school complaints. - The board members agreed to! "refer fall 4 complaints to the! proper administrative office I (superintendent or principal) or j insist they be presented in per son or: in writing to the board as a whole, j ' They, also; adopted a policy which saidr i"The board, will pro vide adequate safeguards around the superintendent, v principals, teachers and' other personnel so that they may perform the prop er function of education on a professional1 basis." The board voted to acquire a 21.29 acre site adjacent to Per quintans '; High School (behind Harrell , Gas & Coal Company) to use as a school bus parking tot- i ? The buses now must park on the athletic' field. The property in questtion is owned by non residents, tt is 100 feet deep and runs for 562 feet along the present southern- bouridary ; of the school, J ' ,i. Miss Sue; Perry White was employed . as . special education teacher (a 3 new position) for : grades 4-7 in the county's white ; schools, v She will work with children' needing extra help. ; f Mrs. Marion Riddick was hired as 7th grade teacner for Hert ford Grammar and three more .' Perquimans pnion School teach- . ers were named: Mrs. Vivian Reid, ,Mrs. Daisy Williams and James Midgette, ' ', . - ij.'l, ,,ir - : 4he casesf,Mtoavif til'&coei!ins u laianA until ' hpbm . m . wor. quimans 4 county , Recorder's 1 i;ourt nere uuesaay. , tue eases were ordered by Judge Charles i Johnson !to he nlacerf on the.lnrevent Superior Cdurt docket fpf action by the Grarid Jury, The loiiewing ' were : cnargea with exceeding , the speed limit ano; were unea ana taxeq as 101- lows: Robert E. Ogle, $40.25 i plus costs;,'Uonnie Harvey, $13.73 ! plus cost?; Anderson B. Camp- bell, Woodrqw P. Haffler, James j W. Honeyblue, Johnnie W. Chap ? pell, John.' Erickson, v James S. Chapman, Jan F. Pointer, :; Ed Hward R, Bragg, each $10-25 plus i costs; James Anderson and Ger ijald T.' ! Keith, each $9.25 plus l costs; Doc Horace Etheridge, Jr., 4 $7.25 and costs; Alfred C. Rowe, J Philip B. Walbolt, Florence S. Pro, Lawrence M.. Smith and Joseph H. Griffin, 5.25 plus costs. ; , . Robert Whitehurst charged with failure to dim. headlights when approaching another ve hide, paid the costs. - - Phillip G. Mallory, charged ? with driving faster than was rea sonable wnd prudent miqer the conditions then existing and im proper "registration, was given a 30-day sentence. Sentence to be suspended upon payment of a 't $25 fine, court easts, , to, come i. theretrom Charlie R. Evans, Sr., paid the costs? for". failure to drive on right half of the highway. William" C. Smith, 1 charged with disobeying a stop sign, paid Hnry Mallory paid the court costs for improper equipped sig liial L'hts. Lawrence M. Smith, charged with operator's license expired, 4. . 7 Tl. t i v-9 late n a n Hi- ' ' 'if-'- : t'jf 11 : : "3 77 ol Dcnrd Guest Evangelist REV. JAMES O. MATTOX Guest speaker at Bethel Bap tist revival services Sunday, Au gust 25 through Sunday, Sep tember 1 will be the Rev. James O. Mattox of Red Springs. N. C. Dusting Hscdcif "Have you ever been troubled with internal damage in your peanuts when you sold, them in the fall?" asks R. M. Thompson, County Extension Chairman. If you have, it is possibly due to Boran deficiency. Many of the counties west of us that have suffered with dry weather and have rain: so late, already are having a Boran deficiency show ing as internal damage in their peanuts this year. It is possible that: there are very few farm ers in Perquimans . County who would .iteiually 'need this materia JOT, ,08 or .09 cents in the fall due'' tq'1 iriternal , damage, you know that it. can, be- very , dis astrous to your expected income r6m peanut?, . For, this reason, wf are suggesting that you ap ply Boran in your next dusting or spraying'with copper sulphus and DDT or spray material, to internal damage from j occurring from a lack of Bocaa . The suggested rate is Vz pound to 1' pound of . actual Boran to the. acre, which, if solubar is used, : would be from 3 to 5 pounds of material , to the acre. "The .i local agricultural insecti cide and fertilizer salesmen will have this material on -hand and it is suggested that' you strongly consider using, it on your pea nuts as soon as, possible as the cost is not 'prohibitive," - states Mr. Thompson, ."' (l:vrdAtBellil Cchs August 25 The Rev. L..C. Chandler, pas tor- of Bethel Baptist ; Church, announces,' that summer revival services will begin at his church Sunday, August 25 and will con tinue through Sunday, Septem ber 1. "x, ; Guest speaker for the services will be the Rev. James O. Mat tox, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Red Springs, TST. C. ;; Mr, Mattox was graduated from Wake Forest College and Southern Baptist Seminary of I n. . - kbouisviuef Ky. He has served as moderator of Chowan Baptist Association and has served on various pommittees for the bap tist; State Convention.. He. is at present on the board of trustees for.,thej Home for the Aging. He is a former' pastor - of ; Hertford Baptist Church. The public is cordially ; invited to attend the services. ' ; - r, w . Girl Scouts Will . Meet August 27 The next monthly troop meet ing of tiie Hertford Girl Scouts will be held , Tuesday, August nf at 3:45-o'clock at the Scout hut. Any girl entering the fifth grade this fall and wt.'hes to enter Scouting is invited to at- t -d. --s rjue MI f Cjn-.ts J 3 v ' ' t i 1 1 rWPeptCrop Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, August 23, 1963. - ASCSCCTHlittEB Ceing Received A slate of nominees for mem bership an. the ASC Community Committees ( ; for ; Perquimans County now is being established at the ASCS county office, Pres ton 1 Nixon, chairman, Agrioul-, tural Stabilization and Conserv ation County Committee, has announced. The slate will in clude a' minimum of six nom inees, from which a Community. Committee of three regular members and two alternates will be elected in each community by farmers eligible to cast ballots in the election. The slate of nominees must be completed by ( August 26, 1963. v : : ' The 'election' will be held by mail. Eligible voters will be farm owners, . tenants or share croppers who are taking part or who are eligible to take part in one or more 7 of the programs which the ASC Committee helps administer, y The ballots will be tabulated publicly by the ASC County Committee on September 17, 1963, at the Agricultural Building in Hertford. To be eligible to hold office as , a committeeman, a person among other qualifications must.be eligible to vote in the election, and must be a local resident. ' It is also highly de sirable that nominees be cur rently active farmers who are best qualified fori community committee work, and who will be representative of the various sections 'and types of agriculture in the community, 'Nickels For Know Cotton ' growers have been urged by- R. M. Thompson,' Per qairrmns -auhtyHbtehsfohl1r man, . to take a look at What stppd..up research is doing for itnemji ,"t, f i ' , .Mr. Th'ompsori says research is Vnder way to help Improve cot ton quality, production efficiency and marketing techniques. ; Much of the research is: being financed with money from the Nickels for Know-How program sponsored by , North Carolina farmers. v . ' Scientists at North Carolina state, lor example, are using "nickels" money: (1) . to' breed cottons for increased staple length and strength, (2 to de velop gossypol free cotton that will permit greater use of cot ton seed bil'f and. meal (3) to study deep plowing and,' fertili zation in cotton,' (4) to experi ment with better chenjical Weed and insect controls, and (5) to study wilt and nemaotde prob lems. ' , The' Cotton, Engineering Sec tion of tha.N. C. Department of Agriculture is also using some "nickels" money to help ginners, processors and growers through quality testing and marketing work. ,. . . , Mr. Thompson points - out that the Nickels for Know-How pro gram ; isi , a voluntary effort through whiqh users of feed and fertilizer give five cents for each one-ton ,l purchase for research and education, v .- ;- : r Most f ithe money is used by the School of , Agriculture at North Carolina1 State. Farmers vote every three years on wheth er they wish to : continue this self-help program.1' The next vote comes on Tuesday, Novem eer 19 01 this year. Local Red Cross Chapter A&fng Help The Perquimans County Chap ter of the American Red Cross is asking for help for Catherine Winslow, a highly respected Ne- gre-,; whose hoifte, located on the Joppa Road near JSelvidere; was completely 'destroyed . by fire late Mdnday night. -; Since every thing was destroy di, she has a need of any houfrold items and clothes. he ' v cirs size 20 dress ' and SH-sIio&s." V"' ' ;'."': A roomer at her home also lost all of his clothes.. He wears a, size 9 shoe, O rants with 321 lergth and si. ? j. shirt ' Anyo-s W is . ll.:ag which y v .Id 1 f c'jnate msy so 1 c ' : :.-s. :IJarion s Swi;- 'oil, : rv! e Cliair- m r Ar , CI '-r How' Are Providing Mnlnformation Belyidere Boy Attends Forestry Camp ln " 11 m V T Percy Winslow of Belvidee is shown in the above picture with Rufus Crouch, forester :f or the Weyerhaeuser Co.. South ern Pines, N. C. Winslow was among the 90 boys attendine the 17ih annual N. C. Forestry Camp for farm boys last week at Camp Hood near 'Canton. The camp is conducted by the N. C. Forest Service and is 'sponsored by the Southern Puhv wood Conservation Association. It is financed entirely through contributions of the member paper companies of the association of N. C of which Weyerhaeuser Co.. N. C. Division of Plymouth is a member. , More Applications Needed Fot Training Gnirses In Edentofa According to William A. Hoi - : maiidgei iu me Menion employment, Security Commis sion office, more applications are needed for training courses to be offered in auto-truck mechanics and stenography in Edenton.l The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962, under which these courses have been authorized, was designed to train individuals for occupations in which a shortage of workers exists. Many openings all over the state are going unfilled due to lack of qualified workers. Courses being offered in Edeh toh was based on shortages in the "area.,'':'' :V;.:V'i :The course in auto-truck ,me! chanics. is scheduled for 42 i Book Drive Opens ': 'In Perquimans V The Young Adult Class of the Berea - Church of Christ has started a project of gathering bound books, new or used, fic tion or non-fiction, text books or children's books .(just' any kind will be accepted). When (hey have been collected by the members of the class, the books will e presented to the Roan one uiDie uouege located in Elizabeth City. The college needs around 5,000 volumes to complete the qualification of ac creditation by the Association of Accreditation of Bible Col leges . in America, '; A second part will ; be the selling of new books that will be .dedicated , to deceased persons and the books-will then be lab eled and placed in the college library. ' . David E. Branholm, president of the class, appointed Garland Eure as ; organization chairman and T.fc- R. -Tuttle as publicity chairman. ' , t , Anyone wishing 'to donate e book or books, please 'call the following numbers: Hertford, 426-7101 or Elizabeth City 338-3147. In picture at top Mrs. Sarah Baker (left) of New Hope Meth odist Church is shown donating books to Janet Branholm, a member -of .the Young Peoples Class of Berea. r ' Scn-tp For T.CP EstiustS The fall sign up for ACP be gan August 15 and will continue through -August 30. Farmers have 4already made, applications jor cosi snare on approxupawv 120 farms!. The ; fact remains that ' there are , still some 921 farms that 1iave not made an application either ' during ,v the spring i or fall sign up. 5 If' you are among those who have not made i a request, 0 make your f lans now: as to Which practice would benefit your farm most and file your written request at tl.e local ASCS cl' ce. , ' , weeks' duration with a total of 1 3Q ' hours of instruction ' per week. -The course in stenography is scheduled for 38 weeks' duration with a total of 30 hours instruc tion per week. In order that classes can be started in September as schedul ed, Mr. Hollar urges anyone in terested in enrolling in these classes to make application as soon as possible by contacting the Employment Security Com mission Office, 709 North Broad Street in Edenton. A 1: .2 ' ... . ' . -nppucauons -win also be ec cepted at the Perquimans Coun ty Court House in Hertford each Thursday from 9 to 10:30 A. M. Penalty For fcrcToPknt-v- Failure;; to, plant ft ieast 73 k of the1 tttpni allotment on a: farm in 1963 will result' in a re duction of the farm's cotton al lotment for 1964. This reduc tion will not only apply if fail ure to plant 75 of the allot ment was due to weather con ditions or illness of the farm operator or other producers 6n the farm. In cases of this kind, the farm owner or operator must file an application in writing with the County Committee rtjot later thanr September 15, 1983, showing, that failure to plant at least 75 of the allotment was due to one or more of the istkd conditions. . ., r Hertford Boy Reports At JVaval Station (Newport, R. I. Freddie Bar cliff, ship's serviceman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barcliff of Route 3, Hertford, recently reported - for duty at the Naval Station, NeW- port,R. I. . .- :,. The station was commissioned in 1883 and is considered the birthplace of the Navy's train ing system. Among the technical schools at Newport are Naval War College. Chaplains Indoctrination School, Officers' Communications School, Officer Candidate Schools for both men and women, and en listed personnel schools includ ing Naval Disbursing Clerk School and Storekeepers' School. ' -' f . Home "Ec Teachers , Elect New Off icers ;?The Home Economics Teachers ot the Albemarle' area met at the Edenton Restaurant on Au gust 15 . With : , Miss Carolyn Bnnkley presiding and Mrs. EH na Reaves and Mrs. Lorraihe Rogerson as hostesses. , The c purpose of the all-day meeting was to work on a prt) fesslonal study program for the coming year. : ? . 'V The group will Jneet once a month in various -schools, and will discuss the following topids. . August The Future Home- makers of America. , September w.- Classroom In struction, ' , October Planning A Unit In Mahaging Family, Resources. ' NovemberConcepts in Teach- Cotton Allotment WEEKL'Y Registration For Pupils planning to enroll in Perquimans High School for the first time should report to the principal's office during the hours of 9 to 4. Registration should be completed before Sep tember 1. ,- , Pupils -who. have earned sum mer school credits should see the principal during this time for reclassification and change in registration. Waiting until school opens will necessitate a delay due to the volume of work required during the first few days. All pupils who turned in a registration card and who have not been dropped due to marri age or moving to another school are registered. Pupils entering the 8th grade have been regis tered. One week will be al lowed after the opening of school for any necessary change in reg istration for specific classes. All insurance and book fees should be brought to the home room teacher on the beginning day, Tuesday, September 3. Lunches will begin on Wednes-, day, September 4, Preston Copeland was injured about the head in a two car (nearly headon) collision on U.S. 17 south of Hertford Sunday afternoon about 2:10 o'clock. The accident occurred in front of White's Barbecue and Glenn's Barbecue. Investigating Officer State Trooper Donald R. Cumbo re ported that a 1952 Chevrolet be ing driven by David Lee True blood of Fayetteville, a native of Ums cot!yv Vas leaving Glenn's, crossing the,, road to White's Barbecue. Triieblood pulled but in froKt bfythe caf; owned 'by Prestohf' Cotefim$ 8in&l:o$cupied by Cbpeld,1! be1 jng 'driven by Edisori .FejtbnV. Negrd, of! Route 2, Hertford.'' Thfc'CopelaW car was traveling south toward Edenton. As Trueblood attempt ed to cross the highway his ve hicle struck the vehicle owned by Copeland almost headon. Douglas Winslow of Hertford, riding with Trueblood, received minor cuts. He was treated at Chowan Hospital and released. Copeland was admitted to Cho wan Hospital suffering multiple cuts of the head. As the cars collided Copeland was . thrown into the Windshield. State Trooper Cumbo charged Trueblood with failure to yield the right of way. Mrs. Laura Stallings Celebrates Birthday A birthday dinner was given recently in honor of Mrs. Laura Stallings at her home on her 72nd birthday by her children and friends. The dinner was served picnic style. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. .Milton Stallings and fam-, ily and Miss Thelma Greene of Portsmouth, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ros coe Stallings and family,' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wil liams and family, all of Eliza beth City; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stallings and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stallings of Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Garland Mayo and family of Kinston and Mrs. S. W., Pierce and Mrs. Car ter of Gatesville. -V Carlton W. Rountree Awarded Degree tJniversity of Virginia Presi dent Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.j con ferred 25T degrees Saturday, Au gust 17 at Summer Finals exer cises in Cabell Hall at : Char lottesville, Va. Among those re ceiving degrees was Carlton W. Rountree of Route 1, Belvidere who received a degree in M. Ed. A total of 180 graduate and professional , degrees . and 77 bachelor's degrees were awarded. Two students , graduated with distinction.1 1 : The . colorful academical . pro cession down the lawn preceded we, ceremonies at which Dr. " CoiUMri cj Fr-e 8 ' Entering School Prior To Sept 1 Perquimans Man Hurt In Mishap Miss Aldyne Winslow Is One Of Group Chosen To Particip Dress Revue Winner I NANCY MATTHEWS An Hawaiian Holiday Fashion was the theme of the 1963 State 4-H Dress Revue in which Nancy Matthews partici pated during 4-H Club Week July 22-26. Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Matthews, Route 3, Hertford, won the 1963 County and District Dress Revue which gave her the honor and oppor tunity of entering her three piece outfit in state competition. The ensemble consisted of a solid green cotton jacket, skirt, beret and a figured cotton blouse. The skirt is slightly flared with inverted pleats in front and -back. TJie jacket fear tures set-in three-quarter length sleeves and collarless. Nancy also top-stitched her jacket edge', pocket? and pleats for a, coordin ated ' look. ':' The fitted'' ''over blouse featured set-in sieeves and boat neckline. ; This young lady has been in 4-H Club work for five years. During this time, she has made 23 garments and mended or re paired 90 garments. Nancy en joys sewing and has shared her knowledge with junior 4-H Club members by conducting a cloth ing workshop and giving a dem onstration in her community club. ML Sinai Revival Aug. 26 -Sept 1 Annual revival services will oegin at Ml. Sinai Baptist Church near Winfall Monday night, August 28 and run through Sunday night, Septem ber 1. The Rev. Terry Jones of Edenton, who is pastor of the church, will be the speaker for the week. Several visiting choirs from surrounding churches are being invited to sing. The public is cordially invited to attend all of these services which will begin at 8 o'clock each night. AnotherCancer Clinic Sept. 6th The Northeastern Cancer clin ic will be held on Friday after noon, September S, , with regis tration beginning at 1 o'clock. A chest X-ray will be given any one wishing it along with the examination of the five areas of the body where cancer is most easily found and cured. There, are no limitations, as to sex, race, physical or economic status at the center. However, women, should bo; 35 '.or more; men should be 40 or oyer unless rererrea ,y a, aoctor, -ftr unless one of the "Seven' Danger Sig' nais", pr, 'symptoms" are present Only 30" people an be seen at the Center each month due to limited facilities, so it is sug gested that anyone who wishes to be assured of an appointment should write the Cancer Center, Health ' Department Elizabeth City, N. C.; 27909 for priority. Examinees are asked to bring a robe .rhwsert v-iti them. ft 5 Cents Per Copy ate In Orient Tour Miss Aldyne Winslow, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P, Winslow of Route 2, Hertford,, has recently been selected to tour the Orient with the Mu sical Ambassadors during the summer of 1964. A recently or ganized group of 14, the Musical Ambassadors, under the direction of Jack Arthur Rains, features the folk music of many of the ethnic cultures represented in the United States. Also repre sented in their program is the vast repertoire of choral music written for the vocal chamber ensemble. Miss Winslow reports that the concert tour will consist of ten weeks in the Philippines. Janan Formosa, Korea and Hong Kong. Over-all supervision of the tour has been undertaken by Over seas Crusades, Inc., in coopera tion with such national organiz ations as the National Cultural Association of the Philippine which is in charge of bookings in that country. Concerts will be presented in concert halls, universities, high schools and churches. At present a senior at Asbury College Miss Winslow will re sume rehearsals with the Mu sical Ambassadors in September in preparation for engagements in the Midwest which will cli max with the Oriental trip. Miss Winslow is a former student of Perquimans County High School and a graduate of Southern Pilgrim (Junior) Col lege, Kernersville, N. C, where she studied voice under Profes sor Gordon E, Miller. She is currently studying voice with Professor Jack Arthur Rains of Asbury College, where she is majoring in both applied , voice and music education. ' . .. . t August 20" 'Rotary ,pub, 6:15 Masonic Lodge Chamber of Commerce Dir. John Elmer Wood, Jr. Mrs. J. F. Hollowell, Sr. August 21 Durants Neck Ruritan Charlie Dail Stewart Nixon August 22 Bethel Ruritan Jarvis Williford Winslow Claudia Winslow . ' Belle Proctor Nanette Cahoon August 23 Anne R. White Pauline Webb Richard Bryant Carroll Williams Phyllis Baccus August 25 Judy Reed Dorothy W. Mathews Carolyn White August 26 First Meth. Official Board j Sue Ferguson Elizabeth S. Britt Mrs. E. B. Hollowell Mary Ann Robertson Graduates From ACC Mary Ann Katherine Robertson ' of Hertford was among 58 sen- : iors to be graduated from At lantic Christian College at Sum mer Commencement held August 21, at the First Christion Church r in Wilson. She is the daughter1 of Mr. and Mrs. Zack D. Robert son, Edenton Road Street. Hert ford, and was awarded the B.S. degree in elementary education. Her minor field of study was re ligion. While at Atlantic Christian she ' served as president of the Bap tist Student Union, secretary for the Christian Workshop, and re ceived the Estral Scholarship for three years and ;the ' Herbert Bonner Scholarship. She plans to teach the fourth grade at Cen : tral School in Pasquotank Coun- Mary Ann Is graduaa cf Perquimans County Kijrh She ..was awarded the Scholarship g'-'-n It f Chapter of t. j : those stut -' ; Ways l:":ouu v - ' , 1' -'I

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