nrs rraauTMAKS vrLT. kshtfoxd. rrr.rf. carola, rr.:zxr. aucuzt 23. i"3. j. Kt;len Parks ' and Leroy -"h of VEdenton called on Mr. II :rs. feeecher Chappell Mon y night. aday Visitor , " Tuesday visitors " if Mr.', and I 'rs. Beecher Chappell and Mrs. Lesaie Chappell were Mrs. fhel t.n Chappell of Belvidere, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Nixon of Win fall, Mrs. Leona Parks and Lynn, Mrs. Jimmie Ward, Linda, Bren da and Earl Ward of Hobbsville, and Herbert Ward, Jr., of Ports mouth, Va. 1 t . ' , , , i 1 RmmI Visiton ;,( , ; Mr. and Mrs". C. V. Ward and Mrs. Fernando Chappell called on Mr.' and Mrs. Beecher Chap pell and Mrs. Bessie Chappell recently. ' Margarvtiiville Visitors , , Mr; and Mrs. Leonard Collier of '' Margarettsville were guests of Mr.i nd' Mrs. Beecher Chap i. pell , from- Wednesday through Saturday. ' f We'ekW ere , ' Ted' :'Chappell of.: Fayetteville waa a 'week-end guest of his par ents, i Mr.' . and Mrs. . Beecher Chappell. Sunday Sutl f 1 Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Beecher Chappell and Mrs. Bes sie jCfiappell ' were Mrs. Annie Chappell' and" Mrs.' ' Grover' ! C. Garris of AydenJ and Mrs. Edgar Chappell and Janet of Tyner. Dinner Gunts Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Ward of Hobbsville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Twine of Norfolk on Friday. Return Horn Mrs. Dora Roberson and. Billy home, - Sunday. , . after visiting relatives , jn Richmond, Ne&Wpoilj 'HeWs'l and" j ' YJriiife Betichi Va,.MMl,',, i Wepklend VUilors '" U 1 3r.( and Mrs., Wallace t Reed Children1, feorp,' Cliip' and Susan' 'of Columbia;' S.'C spent theweek-end. with. Mt. and, Mrs. Cof peed:- --. Mr.j and; , Mr$, ;-fi jEt, ,TjirneVj aiiuj uaugmer una sun, ruinuia and; Donald of buffalo' N (Y., ' weds j week-end , guests of Mr. and! Mr. JR. W.,. Turner recently, Week-end With Parents ' Miss Ann Benton of East Carolina College, Greenville, N C, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. , and Mrs. R Turner. W. ' , PURE CANE Sugar.. . .....5 lbs. 69c HARRELL'S 6-10 LB. AVG. Country Smoked Hams 69c lb. TOMMY TUCKER Salad Dressing 39c qt. Eatwell Mackerel 2 cans 39c ' MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee 6-oz. jar 99c ' OZ. LIBBYS Luncheon Meat 2 cans 85c Welch's Grapeade 3 cans $1.00 24-OZ. LXBBY'S Butter Beans , And Ham , 2 cans 95c MAGNOLIA . "ced Baccn: Tine let Dishes and Fine Fabric : Trend 2 bo AT J.J !'LJ From Newport Newt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White and son from Newport News, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. -and Mrs. Haywood Divers. Returned Home Mis Juanita Divers, Mrs. D. A. Carve and son from Lynnhaven, Va., spent last week ; at Nags Head. ' ' From Burlington 1 Mrs.; Roland Trippe from Bur lington spent the week-nd with Mr. . and Mrs. ,Dick Brewer. .. Returned Home . Mrs. Ralph Transeau and two; children, Mary ,V. and Phil re-J turned home in BoonvilleTues day after spending the ' week' with Mrs. Carroll Transeau at White Hat and Nags Head. , ; From Burlington Miss Katie Trippe from Bur lington spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Owens.' Returned Home ', ..Mr,; and. Mrs. Trim - Wilson have returned home after spend ing '.'several "days' at Virginia Beach, Va. v v' On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. falter Edwards .and 'son. Walteti are spending a vacation in.the western part of North Carolina. i n - f' .t:n( . if, .Week-end Here '. ' V ( ' i Miss Elizabeth, Tucker roni Raleigh and Mrs. Jule Brinkley of Plymouth spent the week-end with their mother, ' Mrs. Isa Tucker.' From Raleigh Mrs, R. C. " Glover and chil dren from Raleigh are spending this week' with Mrs. Anse White.' From Washington ". Mis's'Fran Wallace frohi Wksh- Week-end At Mags Head . 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Francis Nixon, Mjsp. Si)an V Ijlixon! ( and , Mis. George :Pierce spent the week end at nags Head. Returned" ''Home """"TV5' "T Mr4 and Mrs.,.E, L,Uernard afifl. son , Richar4i have Returned , to their home in Dayton, Ohio , after spending several days last welc with' Mrs. 3. R. Jarvis., 1 Returned Horn : tjti 1. Mrs. Almff a FeiTd, Mrs. Mary ;( F. Carter and daughter, Miss Mamie Carter of Richmond, Va,,.' returned 1 home Sunday after spending several days with Miss , Mary Sumner 'White. ' - ' and Miss Ruby 1 : I TOMMY TUCKER Peaches.... 4 Iff. cans 99c KRAFT Cookinff Oil PILLSBURY Biscuits . . 3 cans 25c GWALTNEY'S Franks ..... 49c lb. Neck Bones . 19c lb. Spare Ribs . . 49c lb. SIGNAL 2 LU. Sausage Meat . 75c CYPRESS Bacon 49c lb. Smoked Picnics 39c lb. Ground Beef 49c lb. Smoked Sausage 3 lbs. $1.00 GOLD SEAL Flour .. .29c lb. FRUDEST8 COUNTRY From r-7tievni . Mr,, d Mrs., ,V. R., White, and Mrs. Laiily Levering from. Fay etteville visited . relatives and friends in Hertford " over the week-end. - .. '.- Mr. -end Mrs. T. -V. Orcino, Mr. and Mrs. DonaW Stivers and two children and Carl Copeland from Washington, D. C, are visiting Mrs. 'Charles Whedbee. ' ' From Nerfolk Mr; and Mrs. Frazier Miller and 'children from Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end ! with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodman.;; VisMng'Here " Mrs. Jt. P. Atwater from Char lotte and Miss Patty . Yantis of (Tampa, Fla., are visiting . Mrs. W, F. Edwards. .1 ' - Hettttmed- Home ' -- f:.' ...,1 ? Mr. and Mrs. Royce , Vickers tnd rf-hilrtrpn. T.ou and Rov. have returned home after a week's va- ratinn at Mvrtle Beach. S. C. They ' had 'as their guests at' the beach, Dr. and Mrs. James A. Wilder and family from Shelby. Attended Wedding . Mrs. Giles Cornegay from Wil mington, Mrs. Riddick Chappell and Miss Ellen Chappell attend ed the Nock-Leary wedding at the : Rocky Hock Baptist Church Sunday.; 1 , ,'. Returned Home 'Herbert H. Johnson from Roa noke.f Va., spent f the week-end with Mr,: and Mrs. G. C Buck. He was accompanied home Sun day by his wife who had been visiting her parents for a week. GUARDIAN . . . of your family's. ' health. Together with i your1 physician, we ; form a health - team . dedicated ' to , keeping . you and your', family , , - well at all tiraesk. . i v 1 : ; " We jUl your prescrip- lion's ' ivitk profession- y al precision. , , . " S&M '. Pharmacy Phone 426-5527 Hertford. N. C." i-53cqt. 80 COUNT , , . Marcal Napkins 2 boxes 25c PEARL Bathroom Tissue 4 rolls 29c FAMO Pancake Mix 2 boxes 23c 12-OZ. BOTTLE Log Cabin Syrup 2 bottles 69c , SOUTHERN BELLE ' Margarine 23c lb. v CAMPBELL'S Pork & Beans 2 cans 29c ; -B 10-LB. - i 89c 2S-LB. $1.C3 . crs. In Ashevle..:'" ',..: , ' ' I Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Monds; left Sunday ' for 'Aaheville wl.ere they are spending a few days. Weekend Guest Ji Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Price and Children from Crisfield,. ;Md., ?ohn Trivett of Pilots and Miss Edith Privett of Colfax spent the week-end with Mrv and -Mrs. . W. Ward. ; Week-,nd Here . . ; - Mr." arid Mrs. 'Talniage Rose, Sr,, and Ml, and Mrs. Ernesto Casd-EmelloS' rof WihetonSalem' fpent ' the week-end ; with Mr.. and Mrs. Talmage - Rose, , Jr. They left Sunday, ! accompanied ly Kim Rose who! will vacation , Ivith them in the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina this Week before returning to Win- ton-Salem. ' IVeek-&d Here " ' Mr., and Mrs. E. M. McDermon nd " children from Newport .flews,' Va., spent the week-end fntn Mr, ana Mrs. uiauue oom From New Jersey ' Mrs. Jim Tepper from Butler, S J., is visiting her parents, r. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. In Hospital : Tommy- HarrellJ son ' of; Mr. and Mrs. Thurman HarrelL ur- bfered 'a' ;brokeh cellar bone dur ing football practice and is ,a! pStal- Mil i In Hospital; ; , !tM ' mrs. ii'miie uuwuci waa au- mitted fb the (Abemarle Hospital Sunday for treatment. From Columbia i , j", Sgt. and Mrs. Wirth Cnory and three children from Columbia, S. C.i ,are visiting Mr. and Mrs.; J. R.- Webb. , - j Week-end In Greensboro " " Miss Thelma Elliott spent the week-end in Greensboro where she attended a Delta Kappa Gamma Xlouncil meeting.' II a ' i'" ''"'" ;U'-i 4i g'K", ji .1 v.. t,.Hrlnn l: L ar-er- UL. !: '.'fT- '.- p'.r-V v rl.uT Vcf1 .yl'c": 0I"'dV(; ii- - - ' s-''if'f ' , -- Jr, "iV ' ' it. 1 -4 a- v v i . , , .i ,i; ,ij :f , i . , s ,. , ' ,i ,-; I" .tiendod Lunch.on , . , Mrs. I. A. Ward and Mrs. ar vis' Ward attended a luncheon on Saturday at" the home 'of .Mrs. Frank "Taylof in Suffolk, Va., honoring Miss Patricia. Eason, bride-elect, from Washington. Recent Guests , ! Dr. and Mrs. Harrell Johnson and family from (Southern Pints were' recent- guests of Mr." and Mrs. C- E. Johnson, ' Week-end In Edenton , Mr. Olivia Hobbs spent ,the Week-end with ! her Vsiiter,: Mrs. C. N. Griffin in Edenton. ; In Williamston 1 Mr. ahd Mrs." Charles H. God win and daughter , Beverly of Williamston spent Sunday ' with Mr, 1 and ' Mrs; Eldon "Winslow. They were accompanied - home by Mrs. Mary Winslow and Sara Winslow for a visit,1 , From Rocky Mount Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Boyd from Rocky Mount spent the week end with Mr. .. and " Mrs. Elbert Taylor. , - -.;' ' 1 mm FRIDAY-SATURDAY: .' SHOWS FRIDAY 7:15-9:05 P. M. . SHOWS SATURDAY 3:30-5 :20-7:10-8:i PM. ,; , . 'UltXM AKB GliinEVERE" h Starring Cornel. Wilde, Jeak Wallace and Brian rVYOri SUNDAY ONLY SHOWS ' MONDAY ONE SHOW ONLY y:30 P. M. " ", PAUL IIR'i7.1AII IS IIOD" ' The man with the Barbed Wire Soul starring Marlon Brando, Sandra Church "LET'S GO TO THE MOVIE?' Admission: Adults 50c Children 25c v ,:HLino ''' - '' i,i ' 1 ' h;s Arirlca's lr.-ct ztl Phmniilh-ViHint DolaHl Wirnntv riafaott without cti aior r--'ifd ptrlaor tabor, far 6yMiaor 6u u miisa, whlehav-r- i t. an ti annlna bw.k, hadara rnnn-o p'-, ti- - n- (awkidlim n nual ciumn); torQue oonvertar, 4rlvai-ft, umrHl lolnm : .nvara), rar axh) and dinaramial, nd (Mr winal Diriy, pnn.ui iaan aarvhad at raMontbl Intaraua aocordlna to tna HymotiBv-ValiamOaiii -owrUratonaduiaa., k ; u , , men tPw".dz-ii. ulov:;.:::z3 lev; r:2v:cAn r,'t, '- rrom 'e 1 , s tlrs. I f. C. Lilley'fiom Gates--Vi.Ie sj...t 'the wetk-end wulv Mr and Mrs. Gil Underwood. , Itetumed Konte ,. . '.,' , ? ' - Mrs. E. A.Byrum has return- ed home after visiting relatives in Norfolk, Va. ... Weekend At Nays Head ' j Mr: and Mr W. H. Pitt and Mrs. T. S. White, Sr., spent the week-ehd at the White ' cottage at Nags Head. . Visited Here ; ' : Mr. and Mrs. C. Ej Burleson and family, who have beeQ'&t? .1' returnea ana visuea v. jn. xiar den here Friday and on to the Darden cottage at "Nags Head for the , week-end. v They will make their home in Washington, D. ,C, Visiting Relatives ;Mr. and Mrs. J. Kr Chesson, Sr.,' are spending this week in Norfolk, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gray and ; Mrj. and Mrs. Carlton Chappell." 0 0 Aherhe if - . 2:00 - 1:00 RIGHT $:00 P. M. t ' till i In nwto? l mI wsrkminthls on 1W gkn lufe Ir - lov; In Woi." Ik ' , ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. rrry"an." Mrs. J. E. Jones s,.ent severa. days m No. .'oik, . Va, with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stubbs. , , From Richmond - ,l , t ' . Mr.end Mrs. Vic Huggin of Richmond,. Va., spent .the; week end with Mr.' and Mrs, IL' C, Stokes1., In Hospital Herbert Nixon was admitted J to ... Chowan Hospital last week for' observation and treatment. Structural pmel patio cover engineered for greater strength 'and beauty. Concealed drain ft system. f: il i i ; ffiomlnutn and1 teel tarpetf jn ;UttW: Jjsiw. Ideal Viat 'secona tar.- , V. MM. :,.!.' mllfflL , - y S , : Pwutar ventilated design In f . t I id "rtaty of sizes ind styles, . ,s ff -''It. ' .Aluminum or Rigld-Wnyt, , -' I 'i';'Ijlimate$ Without ObReation ' CAST TERMS. QUICK tUZEU LaiidiiiO Supply. Ccmpnni; Plione 426-5516 Hertford, N. . j ' il! i j I f.H tf rtniMMitftrifl n annniM to ln-'"- r.:n::T:: X t T r - -i a k . ... :;;tq.( trsday At Virginia EaacH Charles M. Willif'ord 4nd I.ILj Joanna -VVillifojd spent l"t ThuiSday . at Virginia I - Ec " Va.l-with, Mr. and Mrs. EaRiey.' ' ( ' ' i . ' ' A: -LETT'S FOOT tLzZJ.i l, HOW TO KILL IT,,.- - V IM 3 DAYS.-, 4' 'i- If aot r1ad with ton, liwtBit-nr ing T i l,, your 4Md buck fct any r ulure. Wstih tainted skis itnuxb Wntih liitby skia npliuw U. lM anil, burning are (odc, TuDAX WXl) jcptwnjngs Ing. Sturdy aluminum. Mid' . assortment 01 oecorator colors. ;1 iiii4.:-r .:J:.'.if.ii- i" s 1 - a ; S3tM FMAF.MACY.. ' ! j : f " Solid-top horizontal style two ,

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