1;. i . nroe Hotfler of Verona, J., spent the week-end here 1 visite his mother, Mrs. lie Crowder ind relatives. n Farmville " ' " Irs. Elbert Holmes v. from nnville spent several days last ek -with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. lines. ? ' " " ' -; ' '' ,! V;'. .yam Chapel Hill : fv "Frank., Ainsley, a student at t ie . University of . V orth Caro 1 na, spent the week-end with Us parents, Mr and Mrs. W. F. Alnsley. r.trurn Horn '" '-. v Mrs. Shelton White of Ralciph tfd Mrs.'E. S. Douglas of Jack s' WiUe, Fla., . have returned to , tijuir homes following a visit jtn their mother, Mrs. R. L. fiowles. Mrs. White has'', just I 'turned from a six weeks trip the Holy Land and Europe. In Hospital , Mrs.,, ft v W. Pennington was admitted to the Albemarle Hos pital for: observation and . treat ment last Friday. t Attended Ice Show Mr. , and Mrs. Trim Wilson at tended the Ice Show in Norfolk, Va., one night this week.' .. r Returned Horn ' The Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Mo.se ley returned, home : "Wednesday after visiting, their . son.-in.-law and daughter, the Rev. .and MrS; Kenneth Crumptoh at-! Chapi lottesville, Va.' , ' . Ia Mew York for. and , Mrs. J. E. v Winslow are spending, this week, in New vark uity. , ' Mrs. Bill . Millie from'' Jack sonville, Fia. and Mrs. i S. Vick who has been, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Millef, spent the week-end and . several days, at' the Vick home on Church Street. m Mrs. Miller - accompanied by her mo ther, returned to.JackspnvUle qn Tuesday where Mrs.; Vick will spend the winter. ' ; ' Attending Convention The Rev. and Mrs. Norman1 B. Harris are. 'attending -a State Baptist Convention in .tyltinihg ton this week. - - ; , 1 3IU1Y .CUING BACK 1 . .W .....-..: j , 4 xtuwi loucan Kelt e lani nniei yuunrcii v from jianrnc backache, headache and nutwiilarAchea and painit that often caw. rtBtledv ntthta and mfoerable timl-out f4ehnga. When theee diMomfuvta eeme di j trlth overexertion, or atrean and atrain . V-you want relief want it fasti Another k dmturbaoce may be mild bladder irritation 1 lollowinffwrongfoodanddrink ofUnfleU . I f Inf up a reatleaa aneomfortaible feelinn J Doan'e fill work, feat in 8 eeparat I Iraya: l.byapeedy pam-relievinff action to ! eaae torment of Bagging baekarhe. head i tehee, mtueular r ;hea and pains. 2. by J aoothingeffeet on bladder Irritation, tl. by ' tuld diuretle action tending to inrreatte Iutput of the It mile, of kidney tulx. Sin joy a good night'a akep and the ame happy relief mllliona have tor over ttl yeara. For convenience, aak for the irgeane. Get Daan'a Pills today) Friday At pineiown v ' . Mr. and Mrs. George Caddy and Mrs. George Baker spent Friday at Pinetown, N. C, visit ing Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton, Sr. Week-fend Her . , ' 1 Charles Ele and a friend, Clyde" Davis,: both . students; at ChoWan' CollegeVspent the week end , With Mr. and ' Mrs. Clinton Eley. i Week-end Hera t Lt. Edward L. Mfldre from Sel fride Air Force' Base in .Michi gan spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Madre. .: ,': . "V From Ocean City .'. Mr. ahd Mrs. Earl Pierce from Ocean City, Md., returned home Monday after visiting Mr. and Mrs; Elwood -Nbwell. ; ; j - ! From Bolivia ' 1 ; '." Miss Vickie Johnson from Bo livia spent the- week-end with, der parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E;l Johnson; . . ; ii ; , I ' From Oxford 1 .' ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. r Bodie ; Currin from Oxford spent the week-end with her' son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Math ews, Jr., and family. ' B B FRIDAY-SATURDAY; SHOWS SATURDAY 7:15-lrTJS l. M. SHOWS SATURDAY 3:80-5:20-7:10-9:00 P. M. - "Tha Ttiree Stooges Gq Around ! f with Jay Sheffield and Joan tepmfini ,j SUNDAY ONLY: SHOWS 2:15-4:05 NIGHT 9:00 k4. MONDAY ONE SHOW ONLY7:30 P. M. f, ( , i Merle Oberon, Steve Cochran arid X "Of Love And 035 aLF.rS GO TO THE MOVIE' mimw Admission: Adults 5flc Children425c From Richmond ' . . ! Miss Charlotte Hines from Richmond, ; Va., spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.' C. J At kinson and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley. From Charlotte, , - t ' i Mrs. - Ai D: 'Taylor, Mrs. Joe Gall (and1 'son;. Billy from Char lotte spent several flaysj last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sullivan. Vrt.lt-id f.r , , Jr n K' H Psn Miss Helta Cole from Crednsr " m Derhpy , ,'from High boro spent the week-eM tyitFi 1 nt spent the week-end with her mother Lrs, V. It.' Coie" and her brother-in-law and sister, Hr. and Mrs. J. T, JBiggefs , . Sunday In GreenViUn ' t' j Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wlhslow ind Mrs. Lizzie Hollowell spent. Sunday In Greenville- as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Jordan. Week tn Greembtro - ! The Rev. Paul .Andrews spent last weeks In-,Grebtisboro visit-, ing ' his mother, : who has been. sick. J , r". f y ' 1 1 - ; Mrs. Mattie Wnitie' o?: Gates- viue spent the, ' weeR'-enat with Her son arid'rlaughter-iri-Jaivi, Mr. and TMrs. Whjt. 'ptHers that ere'; Mr. Murray , and chjldrenilMrs.'.rWhichard Davis of ' Edentoft, ' Mr. . and Mrs. Coy Mizelle of .Windsor,; Mrs. James Byrum , arid, children pf .Ryland, Mr and. Mrs. Bill Wdrd "and children of, vGatesville and Mrs.: Emma Hunter. . Sunday Visitors . . , ' t Those .visiting Mr. s and Mrs. J. B. Basnight Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Preston ; Spruill Mrs. jennie Spruill, Mrs. W B. Bas night, ; Sr.i- and jMrs. Alice Thompson of Norfolk.' , .,!.' Improved ...j'.,J. R Futten. FriaaJ In !Mtkiieton r 5 Jr. ;i spent Friday and Saturday at MirWleton, Dei., with Mr. ana Mrs. Cliff Towe. Eunday i C D. i mndars rom Crew, Va., 'and Mr rand Kirs' Frank Parker - 'fninv Portsmt)uth -'Va., spent Sunday with lr.' and Mrs. (C, E.Pntchard. VisUing fn fiichmond . Mrs, and Mrs. Joe Towe, Jr., rknt seVeral: days this week" in Richmond, Va., with Miss Suz anne Towe,, '. i ; FttMn IfVaihlngton (Misses Grace and Louise -Rush from ' Washington, DV C, spent the? week-end ,with Mrs. Nathan Reir ' arid Mr, Bnd ' Mrs! John Broughton, Jr.- , 1 Mrs. Alice1'; Humphrey from Wffshingltfh spfent the1 week-end with Mrs.'TLiayd Norton. "' ' .'' i V ''' "' i Sunday Jtn 'windaot ' r , Mr. and! Mtrs. Marion; Swindell ahd fahtily. , spent Sunday in Windsor i'with ' Mr; and Mrs. J. Ii Thigpen. -. ' , t - i j ,t , j Week-end With Children , ; ,. Mr. aridVMrs., W.- H. O'akey, Jr., spent seyeraljdays last week and the weekend with Com mander fandMrs? Robert,Brodie and son rat Washington;' D.C-, and Capt: :'and-Mrs. FSB. Read and family 'at. Annapolis, Md. Tliev! attended the Navy-Mary- V hind Ifodtball game on Saturday. Camden 54 To 0 ,t T (Continued frft.-n Pa: OnV J A:-t,n, n",Bfclvi':if'. brother for touchdown. ... With the 'second string Indians doing milch ofiihe third quarter offensive work, Ferquimans scor ed 20 points; Before giving the offense 1 td! themselves Freddie Combs returned a Camden kick from the Rebels' 45 to the erid , zone for a tally, and -Hunter kick ed the point. , . Eddie . Miller: skirted'.-his-' tigh end . to ;add tfanotfierHtouchtiowjfi' Bobby Hollowell-" ;repeirteJ :'the right end "Skirt to'j add the-. "filial Ihdian rtouchdown- Eddie Milled? did the'- extra, point wofk by) - - -- in niri n fir I'an nnnriiiiin From, Washington .1 Mr. and Mrs.' Roulhac McMul lan' from Washington, D, C, re turned home' Tuesday after spending several days with Mrs. W."G. Wright. : From Washington . Commander and Ralph Wallace and family from Washington, D. C., spent the- week-end with Mr. nd Mrs, T.-Bi Sumner and Mrs. W. G. Wright.- SuwUt tn WUaon rsv Talmaite Rose and , mts. Beers spent , Sunday in .Wii u Gnnti ':'ry'- f.i.'ti ; i r.i . - . . . . . a ...1 . nUnt. r. ana- MraJ auiui vsc v-ucnir and- Mr: and Mrs. Carroll dL Were ' dinner: guests with Mri and Mrs. Joe Ward at Hert ford, i' It. was Mr. Chappell's biifhday. . from New Jersey i Mrs, Edward (griffin and chil dren from Toms River, N. J., pent the week-end r with Mrs. y II. Newbold. Mrs., Sethi Lohgi tf., vWh,0: has 'been a patient in a Raleigh Hos pital, Iff reported :much improted and is expected to return, home soon.'-!,"f ' i n" ' " 'V :" aaBVawal " t . I Week-erid Vtsitori V ' Seth' Long.. Sr., M Route. -a, Mr. and Mrs. El wood .Long and sons, Stephen, ancl jltoger le of Richmond, VaVMr ana hMrs.'cy ril Winslow Jimmy and Ray and J. E. Perry-, - Sr., Mr. and . Mrs.1 Linwood Godfrey, of Elizabeth City visited' Mrs. Seth Long, last week-end. " From Raleigh . ,,"". : Tommy Sumner and Miss Veda Rhoades from Raleigh spent the week-end with Mr.' ahd Mrs. T. B. Sumner.: '. : Week-end At Cut ' ;- Mrs. SVaiik' Jessdp and Angela' fjakef sp'ent" the webk-rtd in Cary ' with "Mr. and Mi. 'Jim Batts.:' They were accompanied homely littlf'Renee Batts-'who1 la wisiiine her erandDarehts. Horn Chariatto ' Richara ' Payne 'from Char lotte ; spent '"the-' ' weeli-ertd ' with his parents, Mr: and.! Mrs, . B. ; E. From, Laurel ,,.'(,,' , " iMiss Lou" Godwin from Laurel, Md., J sp'ent the week-end, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Etdori Winslow and Miss'Thelma Elliott.1 " Suffers Fractured Arm ; . Mrs. .William;? Tucker, who is visiting 'her .daughter at -Fort Worth,- .Texas, .suffered a frac tured arm; shortly after her ar rival inTexas. r ' leek-ewt At Chanel Hill , Mr. find.' Mrs. Silas Whedbee inent the'a week-ehd. at' Chapel U1U Vismilg UlCll . aim,, yuairco Whedbee.i, ' Ym ' pssspcrt to A Christmas Club check fills 'Santa's pack with wonderul ; gifts for all . . . minus money worries for Santa, himself! took ahead to YOUR role of Santa,' next year, and make it your all-time star per formance by 'starting a 1964 Christmas Club account here now. Little-by-little vjj will add up to a lot of holiday happiness. ' NEW CLUB TO START TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 1963, . Clubs from 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.00 To ?5.00 per week. j0l;i":i( , m i Va M Member FDIC HERTFORD, N. C. living throu t'.e C d:e. f The Indians,' Alhe Con ference champiohs, -'"Mil pi V in the, emitals ' lbr.f..fe M AA title Friday , night in Greenville. Tlielr bbporieh-ts will ta Have lock. ' ;",), Xr ii-l't s?"ong moral fiber and fs- - lCi the attributes desirous or a earecr-' airman, According to ? -ti' Bdlmer. : "..: .f A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED ; ' TContiguea txjen ?f tJyrtnni as; he is Unusually? gift ed wldi"'a""fTdJtibte Wirtity. feyrum is energetic and can .alv ways be depended upon terJthe iitu3tf in-'- performance .ofihis duties. He reflects a "noticeable sense tit pride and dedicaHiwr t9 his ' work,- fand"4 leaves f"ndj doul a? t& hia JovaltV -and. honesty 'LWith this? pupenlors,,)H .phssoSses .rf ,aetej4h4verytple9i.((ig personaiuy, r ana? to .aiwfiy emDlIfies " 'too imtVital.V'beariitgt 1 . $1.00 HoMs Your ( Choice 'Ul Xmas! W. M. DiVers; Son IEWELEBS '-t Phone1 4?e-7404 :'. HERTFORD. !. C, I 5 Choice Sites JFqr BdYoiir, SfeW Hpme . talking. nktaitce ;6if ,.Dowjitoni Area Easy .Access to Sehijols . Bits tnior i ; City Watci? . arid Lights ".'."I'LoW tnsurattcc ttates. V;, - , SMALL DOW PAYMENT vEAY -TEftMS r MONTlIlLY PAYMENTS ';V F.H.A; .- Veterans fcoan and fluiWjng,, Loans Available. Will fte iXwm SW Wfe Its To You CALL i i)w4 vho-ju i -it. 7 n.,i Returned Home i Mrs. Riddick' Chappell'.'ind jwiss Ellen Chappell have return ed home- after spending last week ill N"6Holkk Va., . 'with .rela tives. 1 ' ' 4 l ' - V "' An- KIDNEY DANGEt SIGNALS ; may be arnlnr' Ht fonrtlnnkl kidwrr IH.t.rdKr-"Unr ,Vi.r! H If lure eliminate xea riu ana waate. afber Inereab Mney H (tit BIIKI.TS. V.ur 3Se back t any jjror tore in 4 DAYS it no pieaart. . WW SUH lRMACY 'J. ini'iHiE Now you can colour your old shoes any colour . you choose . . . With "LADY BROOKE" , shoe J cosmetic shoe colour i ; One. colour today another tomorrow! Eighteen colours to choose from . : , Amazing new fashion Invention, turns old shoes into lpgant .new-7 easily, quickly,1 for sthall changel , , ' .. ':; i;'; v?: K'y. ' 'ftVi-'i Be sure to ask to sefr the new Aqiia-Pen . . . Makes Its own ink. o-- .v We respond promptly to day or: night-tinte pre scription caUs? 0 " ..:' Pharmacy h64 43S-35aT fteHIdrl, IT. C. 4rv J it in . ME: CJmo( ImpalAfrDeor Sport 5dan 7 s ; mi'? ;1 ?: ' a . " -W . . . ' iiilliiii Si-,.: , Here are looks, luxury and comfort that you'd expect modestly priced BiscaW Ahd; of courae the niceties' - to set you back plenty-lf they came from anybody of Body by Fisher craftflmanship iWt people at Chevrolet - . -v You've got a wealth, of, power ta pick from-engmei .1 rresh-minted styling with clean uncluttered lines from a peppery 140-hpt G to, 42S-hpV8I And you'yii that give the '64 Jet-smooth Chevrolet it fefeling of 1 got the '64 JeUnlootK fide'tb wishion you from road new length and lowness. Rich new interior noise and vibmtion. ' ; , . with ruddIb fabrics. Foam-cushioned front .w-' r - Beerf bremisln. yourself -luxury hkt th . . ... 1 . emi - V : I I ' . , ' iV A f kKmnJnt7 Vullitt HitrrVaHriV 10 Kara i QO Vmil . '. lanH roar oonta nnrl rlrrr-tr-rlirwn WIl'lJetimT now standard in all models, including the dealer wljl glady how you. otauiw '? Ask cbout a 5r.;lE-ttitE and tit .Chsvrx: Stf. Csc!i tt i& D;Vrc!4 eis!r 1 ' . ....... ....... A ..... ----------"-"''""'' Phone 4231 Maeiaasl "V! f,;l iaiXL 'urAOTURKn'a iioiaU no. tih 9 W WW ffftff 1 i n i . on early-.?.:,-: .4 ' , IDG I I A'-. .(-V : i . . :i:;:,ri.iK.v-t''i-:V'v 1! , Ul I - ntn r , i it