:cly Volume XXX. Number 49. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, December 6, 1963. 5 Cents Per Copy E1QU MANS WEE iV Ik 0 D2S f-lco&a Cdlcd FcrChristmasSed A county-wide committee for the constitutional amendment on redisricting is being organized tri Perquimans County Thursday night, December 12, at the Mu nicipal Building in Hertford at 7:30 o'clock, it was announced today by .Hollo White, president at the Perquimans County Farm Bureau. "All organizations of Perquim ans ..County are being extended an invitation to participate in . this important meeting,' includ ing the Euritan Clubs, Lions, PTA, Chamber of .Commerce, Ro tary Club, "Women's Business and Professional Club, county officials and others. Plans are being made for the county-wide committee to be se- looted and in ; turn organize a . Perquimans County rally on the " vital, issues confronting all vot ers of North Carolina in the referendum to be held on Janu ary 14. " - ;. The issues involved do not concern agriculture alone but ; the whole economy of Perquim- ans ", County, stated , President White. Many leaders of the county feel that this is our best opportunity to retain our proper representation and voice in the state government of the future. The constitutional amendment on redisricting provides for in- : creasing the membership of the Senate from 50 to 70. and re ducing the number of Represen tatives from 120 to 100. .. Also being voted upon will be a constitutional amendment on property rights ; for J women which calls for toe elimination of written euosent by the hus- ' band in order -for the wife to sell property, owned by her.' 47:3 Offer Ccccir.-Cr 913 , Week of ; Prayer for Foreign , Missions will be 'observed by the Women's, .Missionary - Union- of the Hertford Baptist Church De cember 9-13. The services will be . held Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 P. M. and Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 P. M: , 1 ' : The theme for the week is "Crown Ilim Lord of All." The programs will v be as follows: Monday afternoon, Crown Him Lord Among the Peoples of the Orient. . Tuesday afternoon, Crown Him ' vLord Among the Ptfoples of t Africa, Europe and the ,.Hear tjEiist.' Wednesday evening, Crown''; Him Lord of Every Kindred Every Tribe. Thursday afternoon, Crown Him Lord ..Among s. the- Peoples- of Latin America. Friday evening, Clown Him Lord of Life. , , ' i everyone is urged to aiienu; Reviewing Area Brochure h I ! J? Pictured above, left to fight, are Larry Aydleit. Perquimans Chamber of Commerce Manager William C. GlidewelL Jr., and , Richard S. Atkinson, Jt looking over proposed new ien-county brochure planned to attract tourists to this section of the state. A." L. Aylllett,. Jr., chairman of the Tourist .and Recreation Division of the Albemarle Area Development Association, has lamiounced lhat .the ten-county brochure hoa been published and -Is. being distributed, The 504)00 r brochures -are designed to.'Cn ' tice tourists to the Albemarle area and to take tours through '.. out this historic section' of North Carolina. The brochure will be available at the AADA annual banquet for all the members. Included in the brochure are two tours of thr- Albemarle ' -ea.- They covw areas of rec otion, history, lodging,-camp ) s, boat launching ; facilities, , Gotrd of Education In Special Session . - j. i . The Perquimans County Board of Education met in special ses sion Monday- night in the home of - Perquimans Superintendent and Mrs. John T. Biggers. In addition to all beard members, the following were present: Miss Thelma Elliott, Mrs.R. S. Monds, Mr. and Mrs. -Thomas Maston and Ike P. Perry. Following dinner the business meeting was presided over by Dr. A. B. Bonner, chairman: Interesting and informative wcie "f tendance counselor, Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., the supervisor, Mrs. Maston and the principals, Miss Elliott, 'Mr. Perry and . Mr. Maston. .- Chairman Bonner stated that a request for funds to employ secretarial help at Perquimans High i School was presented to the Board of County Commis sioners on 'Monday, December 2. He had been assured by the Commissioners that favorable ac tion would be given at a later meeting. , School ' officials -were authorized to look for a quali fied person, i After much discussion and ex pressing of varying .opinions concerning the contract for class rings in the county high schools, a motion was made and second ed that authority to purchase class rings for the nigh schools be delegated .. to the - principal oftd that this, be ' added to the resolution of August 19, which reads that three or more bids be obtained. - The.motion' carried upon request for a vote. GoacTss I;li3u ; Fprpcriipiis; j ., Ike. uPeriy, principal of the Perquimans County High School, announced here Tuesday ; the coaches for the school year at the local school. . r . Robert (Bobby) E. Carter was named head football coach and head1 baseball coach. :! . Floyd "Dutch" Overton was named girls'- basketball, poach, track coach and, assistant foot ball coach. ' Gilliam Underwood will coach the boys': JV basketball and JV fool ball. " 1 i-.a.-.i-' "'; HERTFORD GRAMMAR PTA' TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT The Hertford Grammar School PTA will .meet Thursday night, December 12 at 8 o'clock at the school. . All members are' urged to be present.. . V ,. I ' The financing of the bfochure come from each of the ten coDniics ' represented in the AADA. This division . has also begun ja cultural development group , designed to promote cultural in Urest in the ten-county area. At a meeting last month a number of interested individuals repre senting Pasquotank, Perquimans and Camden Counties met at the Elizabeth City Country Club' to discuss plans for ' initiating the cultural development- in the Al bemarle area; This would cover such fields as history, art, ? mu sic,, crafts, etc. It is anticipat ed that eventually ell of the ten 1 .,. : i counties will be participating ta.pecembe 14U 1 Uus. movement ,..- J, sprats 3W'J InFirst Ten Days First returns from Christmas Seal letters mailed out to resi dents. ' of ' Perquimans County have' brought in $375.50 to the Tuberculosis Association in the first ten aays of the campaign to raise funds' for tiie tubercu losis prevention and control ac- tivities. Although only 100 peo ple have sent in their returns, Billy White, Christmas Seal chairman, said he expected 'puB- lie response to be. even more generous than in past years. . The association, plans an ex panded TB program for 1964 on respiratory diseases: - 1 He also urged the Perquimans citizens that extra contributions will en able the TB Association to con tribute to tne X-ray unit for the Perquimans Health SDepartment White said that films and so lutions to make v the "X-rays in the Perquimans! Health '. Depart ment are furnishod by Christ mas Seal fundsThis is one of the best means to find the people with TB so that they can be treated and cured. , All letters with funds may be returned to the Christmas Seal Post Office Box 635 in Eliza beth City and White urged those that plan to mail , in their con tributions to do so early before the Christmas rush. People are urged to be sure that their name remains on the letter so that Perquimans can be filed and credited properly. He also re minds the people that contribu tions are deductible' and that 78 remains in the county and 22 goes to research and pro gram development for the bet terment of ialL ' j Fifteen Cases In Recorder's Ccarti . ' ' ' ? V Perquimans Recorder's Court convened hero' Tuesday with 'a docket of 15 cases being dis posed of during the session be fore Judge Charles E.1 Johnson. : Samuel Louis Phillips,1 charg ed with failure to report an ac cident arid reckless driving, was given a 30-day sentence, sus pended upon payment of $50 fine and court costs, i Raymond V: Horn, cHarged without having a valid, operat or's license, was given 30 days td be suspended upon payment of $25 fine and costs. Nicholas R. Perry, charged with failure to drive on right half of highway and without having a valid operator's license, was fined $25 and taxed with the court, costs. - ,;, - v ; f dward R.. , Saunders, charged with , speedmg, ; Was : given 30 cta,ys. Sentence to be suspendec1 upon payment of 24 fine, costs of fourt to come therefrom: James H. Jordan, charged with overheight, paid the court cost, as , did Charlie P. Hunter Continued on Page 5 Birthdays December 6 .Doris Harrell ' Cindy Cox - Russell Lassiter December 7 Glenn R. Matthews Tammy Horman ; Donna Thatch Freddie Colson t December 8 - Lloyd A. Lane 1 J. E.-Jones (In Memory) Julie Boyce . December. 9 j Joe Perry, Sr. i Bill Crummcy j Marjorie Lou Fields '') Billy Ward , December 1QV 4 Eddie Williams g Jackie Wai-d : America Roberson ,. Verna Ann perry Margaret Lynne Ainsley December 11 1 Joan Hobbs 5 Wayland Butler Decemebr 12 Hazel Howell i ' -I Kim W. Rose ' ) S Murray Dail 1 I Mrs. Ethel Nixon December 13 Janice i Boyce ' . , , . Van Harris . , . . Johnny Caddy '-' ' New Industry rtWTO . - Shown in the above ' picture are the employees of the new G It R Packing Plant, now operating in Perquimans County. Reading left to right is Mrs, A. M. Godwin, Mrs. W. A. RusselL Miss Mary Godwin, W. A, Russell and Hilda Russell. William Alden Russell of Route 2, Hertford, and Archie Godwin! have been operating a new sausage plant in Perquim ans County now for the past two months. The new plant is located just outside of Winfall, one-half mile behind the Archie Godwin Service Station,- and started producing 200 pounds of link sausage per week and has increased to 650 this week. Mr. Russell anticipates a con tinuous growth to eventually reach 2,000 pounds per week. Besides himself, four people are employed in the production of the sausage. The product is sold in Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden, Chowan and Bertie counties. . ' Come To Hertford Tuesday, Dec. 10 The Hertford Fire Depart- ment, Hertford Jaycees and tne Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce are jointly sponsor-' ing -: Santa " Ctttus "t his ' season.'-' ; A Christmas parade has been scheduled for .next. Tuesday, De cember 10 at 4 P. M.1 in Hert ford. "' V -; ,, Santa Claus will come in on a fire truck with the parade and will be available to the children on . the Court House Green shortly ffter the parade. , Santa will also be in Hert ford on December 14 and De sember 21 at his headquarters on th,e Court House Green from 2 to '4:30 P. M. to take orders for Christmas from all good little boys and girls. "Jimmy Hunter, ace pitcher for the Perquimans' Indians base ball team last season, was acci dentally shot in a hunting acci dent last Saturday morning. Hunter's foot was struck by an accidentally discharged gun and lost a toe that might put h;m out? of the Perquimans In dians' lineup ;this season. He was taken to the Albe marle Hospital in Elizabeth City where he is a patient, and is reported getting along nicely. Special Notice To New Subscribers To our many new subscrib ers who joined our subscription! roll during 'the' recent campaign! we wish to .advise that you will begin receiving your paper very shortly. , . , In adding ' hew subscriptions and changing, addresses of sub scribers it takes a - little time. Just bear with -us and you will Ixfgin getting your -paper soon and your subscription ' time will run from the first issue you receive- and not the date you subscribed. limmy Hunter Is Shot in Accident I WHY? x Old Santa came once on a pre-Christmas visit v To give one small family a pleasure exquisite He'd left Off his uniform, bright crimson and white, To don later, on Christmas Eve night : . The children sat round, their eyes open wide, - While Santa tossed greetings from side to side. "Have you been a good boy?" he asked each small tot, And of course they said "Yes," past misdeeds forgot. , Then, alter promises and kind words galore, ,' He bade them farewell and was out the door. ' "With long-drawn breath aaidilone little (tyke, "Why Daddy and Santa have suits Just alike." , '. ' ..-..- " --D, T, R. Jn Perquimans t -J--,-- . , t n Mr Russell, who is also in the egg producing business, along with the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Conservation and Development, are working to wards the expansion of his egg bu.'incss in the county also. It is anticipated that the home office, along with a new build ing housing the operation, will be moved from its present of fices in Elizabeth City and- New Hope to a single unit near the New Hope operation. The egg operation now employs six peo ple and handles . 1,000 to 1,530 dozen crates per week. These eggs are sold to major stores from Eastern North Carolina to Maryland and in both North and South Carolina.-: State College Has First Meeting On Saturday, ' November 23, the "Ladies From Perquimans" met at the Stale College Fac ulty Club for, a lovely lunch eon. ' This Was" the' 'first' of such luncheons and it is the hope of the group that this- may become an annual affair. Mrs. . Jack Porter served as hostess for the program. Mrs. Hubert P. Dale and Mrs. R. H. Stephenson, Jr:, worked hard to locate each - of the ladies and to send attrac tive letters of invitation to each. .Those attending were as fol lows: Mrs. R. C. Glover (Bcr nice White) and her mother, Continued on Page Five . Ownley Graduates At Purina School James Ownley of the Albe marle Chemical Company, was graduated i from a special tsales and service school held at the Ralston Purina' Conip'any' Re search Farm in St. Louis, Missouri. :, ; !- : Ownley spent six days with key Purina research men and learned about latest develop ments in livestock and poultry nutrition. LOCAL PEOPLE NAMED O.N ' HISTORYLAND OOMMITTTE Senator P. O. Midgetl, Jr., of Engelhard has announced ' the names of all Coastal History land Association Committee members and the committee chairmen to serve during 1963-64. Representing this area is Mrs. tAicille Winslow, vice president of the Executive Committee, Claude Brinn and 'Mrs. Lucille Winslow, Planning and Projects Committee. Attractions and Ac commodations, George Attix of Elizabeth City and W. A. White of Hertford.- - v ; EASTERN STAR MEETING; The regular meeting of the Hertford Chapter of Eastern Star will be held Monday night, De cember 9, at 8 o'clock in the Lodge Room in Perquimans County Court House. Faculty dub ggg iQ ' j Concert Dec. 8th , The Perquimans County High School Glee Club will present its annual Christmas concert Sunday, December, 8, at 4 P. M., at the high school. The prelude of familiar carols will begin at 3:45 P. M. The program consists of the anthems "Allelulia, Christ Is Born," "It Came Upon the Mid night Clear" and "Break Forth Into Joy." The Christmas hymns "Watchman, Tell Us of the Night" and "O Come, O Ccme Immanuel" will make up a portion of the Christmas story told in Scripture and song. Linda Sutton and Pam Perry are the soloists for Part II. Part III will include carols of many lands. 'Carolyn Paige Long is the Glee Club accom panist. The public is cordially invited to attend 'this service of music and praise. Cotton Allotment NoticesjnMail Notices of individual farm acreage allotments for the 1964 upland cotton crop are now be ing mailed to farmers in Per quimans County, according io George Bellmon, Perquimans County ASCS office manager, lie pointed out that any ques tions about the allotments should be taken up immediately with the ASCS County Committee. Mr. Bellmon declared that the intention is to let farmers know how the allotment program will affect their farms well in ad vance of the December : 10 ref erendum on marketing quotas for the, 1964 upland cotton crop The law requires a" favorable j vote by at least two-thirds ol lhev growers voting in order to teep . marketing quotas in ef fect: Growers eligible lo vote are all .those farmers who engaged in the production of upland cot ton in 1963. - Perquimans County received an, 'allotment of 1,185.0 acres for distribution to growers in pro-1 ducing their 1964 upland cotton j crop. This represented the, county's share of the national) allotment acreage of 16,200,000 acres, including a national re-' serve of 200,000 acres. Perquimans List The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met here Monday morning in their De cember meeting. R. L. Spivey, chairman presided, with Com missioners W. W. . Bundy, W. Savage Jolliff, Riley S. Monds, Jr., and Thomas D. Nixon. The board appointed the fol lowing list takers and crop re port listers for 1964: Mrs. Elton Laydcn, Belvidere Township; T. Julian Long, Bethel Township; Percy Rogerson, Hertford Town ship; Melvin Eure, New Hope Township, and Mrs. Belle Proc tor, Parkville Township. ' The board voted to hold a special meeting on Monday, De cember 16 at 10 o'clock A. M. to instruct the tax list takers of their duties for listing 1964 taxes, and any other business which may come before the board. Mrs: W. II. Pitt and Mrs. Jesse Lee Harris, members of the Librarry Board, were reap pointed for another term by the Commissioners. ' ' The board approved the peti tion submitted by C. M. Bundy requesting the addittion to the state maintained road system of Bundy Drive and part of Rus sell Drive, approximately seven tenths of a mile located in Park ville Township. - By request Of the State High way Commission, the board ap proved the abandonment and deletion from State Highway Secondary Road System the fol lowing roads and streets:. Sun set Drive as it is now in the extended ' town limits of Hert ford. Major Loomis Road, old Winfall School Road, River Street and Albemarle Chemical Company, as they are now in the extended town limits of WinfalL Takers Appointed Polling Places Announced For Cotton Quota Election Tuesday, December 10th Dies Wednesday Mrs. Julia Mun-den While Miller, 73, of Route 3, Hert ford, died Wednesday forning at 1 o'clock in the Albemarle Hos pital. A lifelong resident of Perquimans County, she was the widow of John Kelly Miller and daughter of the late James and Mafic Overman White. She was a member of the Oak Grove Methodist Church. Surviving are live daughters, Mrrs. Elizabeth Matthews of West Palm Beach, Fla., Mrs. Edna Cartwright of Prove, Utah, Mrs. Myrtle Riddick of Aydleit, Mrs. Matlie Banks of Elizabeth City and Mrs. Gaynell Gregory of Houte 3, Hertford; three sons, John Henry Miller of Portsmouth, Robert Britton Miller of the USAF in Texas and John Kelly Miller, Jr., USAF in England; one sister, Mrs. Murdcn Stokley of Route 3, Hertford; three brothers, Dan White of Grimesland, N. C, J. Kelly White and W. W. White, both of Hertford; 20 grand children and 13 great grand children. Funeral services will be held Sunday iat 2 o'clock in the chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev. C. P. Pierce, pastor of the Oak Grove Metho dist Churoh. Burial will be in Cedarwood Cemetery. The family will be at the home of Mrs. Hersey Earl Greg ory, Route 3, Hertford. Notice ,f EXTRA HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS MAILING Postmaster W. W. "Bill" Whii. of the Hertford Post Office is preparing for an other big Christmas season and has announced that the local Post Office will remain open extra hours during the holiday season. The Hertford Post Office will start on December 14 by remaining open from 8:30 until 5 P. M. Begin ning on Monday, December 16 the Post Office will be open each . day through Fri day, December 20 from 8:30 until 6 P. M. daily. On Saturday,' December 21 hours will be from 8:30 until 5 P. M. and on De cember 23 and 24 from 8:30 until 5 P. M. Mr. White stated the regu lar schedule of the Post Office, 8:30 until 5 o'clock will be Tesumed on Thurs day, December 26. TOWN BOARD TO MEET The Hertford Town Board will meet Monday night at 7:30 fo'clock in the Hertford 'Munici pal Building. Rat Feeding Left to right rear: G. N Reid, chairman; J. A. Dempsey, principal... Seated, left to right: Miss D. N. Jennings, ' H. E. Daughtry, Mrs. T. E. Ebron, Mrs. J. S. Thompson and T. E. Bolden. Omitted is Mrs. Lula Newby. The purpose of the demonstra tion is to develop an apprecia tion for the value and use of ,milk in the diet. There are five sets of the rats to be distri Polling places where Per quimans County farmers may cast ballots in the referendum -on marketing quotas for the 1964 upla.nd cotton crop were announced this week by George Bellmon, Perquimans County ASCS office manager. The ref erendum will be held Tuesday, December 10. The polling places are located as follows: Belvidere Community Charles Lay den's store. Bethel Community Lawrence Corprew's store. Hertford Community Agri cultural Building. New Hope Community R. W. Tumor's store and Ervin A. Turner's store. Nicanor Community "Wink" Winslow's store. Parkville Community Fred Winslow's store: Polls will open from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Bellmon explained that every effort has been made to inform farmers fully about the allotment-quota program, so that the outcome of the referendum may represent the considered opin ion of all the voters. Farmers eligible to cast ballots are all those who engaged in the pro duction of the upland cotton crop in 1963. Approval by at least two-thirds of the growers voting is necessary if the quo tas are to go into effect for the 1964 crop. ' Issues 'to be decided in the December 10 referendum are (1) quotas or no quotas, and (2) the level of price support to be available for . the 1964 upland cotton crop. 1 If the vote is favorable, quo tas will be in effect for the crop with penalties --on' .any "excess" cotton produced on a farm, and . price support to growers who comply with their farm allotments will be avail able at a level of from 65 to 90 per cent of parity. If the vote is not favorable, there will be no quotas or pen alties applicable to the 1964 up land cotton crop, and price sup port to cooperalors will be at 50 per cent of parity, as directed by law. Growers who nave any ques tions about their eligibility o vote are urged to get in touch With the ASCS county office: Over $1,000 Given Scoreboard Fund Donations to the Woodard Memorial Scoreboard Fund are being received at a very rapid rate. Approximately $1,100 has been collected to date without solicitation. The public is reminded that donation is on a voluntary basis and any contribution may be made to any member of a civic club or school teacher: . Demonstration buted throughout the school Half of the rats are on a milk diet , jnd the. other half is on a bread and Soft drink diet . These are Albina rats. They came from Charles River Breed ing Laboratories, ; Brookline,' Mass. ',v The white rats were se lected for the demonstration be- cause they respond to the effect of milk similar.to human beings, stated Mrs. M, B, Taylor, Home Economics Extensioa Asent, ! - r Jr