r i . r - r 3 Vc. XXXI. Number 15. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, April 10, 1964. 5 Cents Per Copy S .WEEKLY . 'Jcto uo - PcjcDte ' .En X Perquimans- County Commis sioners, R. L. Spivey, chairman, ' and Commissioner W. W. Bun dy," W. Savage Jolliff,, Riley S. Monds, Jr., and' Thomas D, Nix on ivoted, at the regular April meeting of- the board held here Monday to participate in the Al bemarle Area Development As sociation, county planning pro gram as presented by Robert L. "Bob" Hoilowell and Dr. T. P. Biilnn, 'committeemen, who ; met :: with the board and ' presented plans of. the AADA. v- - .Ten countiese have been con-' , tacted by the Albemarle Area iDevelopment Association regard ing . financial participation in - tlie regional survey proposed by . the j group .to ' be conducted by the V , Division of Community Planning of the N. C. Department Ojf observation and Development It is understood that total cost of the project is $33,000 with the federal government as suming $20,000 and $13,000 to be raised locally in the ten county area. Another $1,000 has been Allocated for AADA operating expenses, bringing ,thev local autumn w yi,uuv. - . 1 Reports were received from the Agricultural Extension Ser vice and Welfare Departments. , The ' board - authorized the Clerk of Superior Coudt budget to be amended in the amount of $400 for supplies. The Sheriff's Department bud feet was 'authorized to v be amended in the amount of $200 for 'car expenses. The bid of R. 'E, Aiken, Jr CPA, to audit the county books ' ' for ;;the jsurn pt $550 was ac . cepted. -W. Ray White was appointed rabies inspector and dog -.War den for Perquimans '. County for one vpap. ' April 12 1 ' - Bobby Hoilowell ? Annie Blanchard v , April 13 ' Cathy Keel , - Wilbur Roberson Mra Dan Williams 4 ; ' Bill Newbern v ! ' Peggy J. Copeland - Mrs. L. B. Sitterson ; April 14-. . ' y . Dwight Hurdle , Elaine Sumner ' ' Glenn Barrick April 15 1 Lucille Trueblood John M. Benton : Pam Perry Carole Eure . Miriam "K" Haskett April 18 ; Donald Eure ; Ronald Eure , r, Lucille Satphwell v, .' Sandra Kay Nixon 1 Sylvia Daniels r L , Emfnett Landing ;' April 17 Mrs. Nelsln J. Smith Jack'Kanoy ' Anne White . " : April 18 ; David Griffin , Suzanne Stokes John E. Simpson Debbie Cherrix J Clay White 10'Iier Aclioh Coursa In relical Politics April 10 The second scheduled . lecture far the Action Comse-in Prac tical Politics was held Friday rJsht, -il 3,' in the First I;thoJ. t Church in Hertford. C. L. VM. e'.l, local Chevrolet v -1 1 'fst speaker and 1 party organiz t be in with a i. no"jwi" f rc- - c f .e ( ' r. -I s. I. . t ',n -flitkal (- t i Vs lec 1 in Poli v I'h the Gonial yr -p. V . t . 1 II I ! I I, I Completes Course J : . v Of v ', . dJL.JZ-.. Pvt. Joseph T. Benton, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Kermit Benton. Route 3, Hertford, completed an eight-week advanced - infantry course at the U. S. Army Train ing Center at Fort Gordon, Ga. April 3. Benton - received in struction in the various phases of higlily : technical skills his future work in the Army will require of him as an infantry man. ' He entered the Army in November,-' 1963, and completed basic training at Fort Gordon The 20-year-old soldier attended Perquimans County High School Beagle Club Plans Field Day April 12 - ,Thft - Albemarle Beagle Club will hold a four-dog pack trial on Sunday, April 12, ',, ; The drawing will be at 8 A M. at the club house. You cah Wing your own pack or have -, your indtyidual ; dogs ,dnawn to be run In a four-dog pack. The dogs will be run in one class regardless - of measure ments. You do not have to be a member to run in these trials and every one is welcome.'. Breakfast will be served at the club . house " from 7 until 7:30. : Lunch will also be served. Waning About Pclilicd Sip Phillip Jackson, i maintenance supervisor for ' the N. C; State Highway in Perquimans and Uates Counties, issued a warn ing in ; Perquimans on Monday regarding political posters that had ' been . placed on highway signs, here. Mr. Jackson states that it is e $50 fine for any mutilation of the highway signs and -defacing in any manner- with posters, etc. Mr; Jackson is authorized to no tify the- State Highway Patrol in ' nnv intnnr 1 ,;'.-.v r Many posters were placed on signs near here during the week end, t When one of the political posters is adhered to the , metal signs, the signs must be replaced with new ones. . The cost. of the 3igns runs about $18 to $20. plained that "today determina tion of political party policy In cludes such areas as personaality, family history, etc., that .once were considered secondary." Hoilowell also pointed ,out that there is no provmion in'the constitution-for providing poli tical parties, that is a state con trolled ! system-3 Beginning with the local precinct- he then traced the step, by tep -organizations up to the national executive party level. . -- ' ' ' : . --. , : -., Twenty-eifrht part 1 In ' f s citizens took c'isci n. " The course is I .11 .1 spui.. . , -.ui by 1 TV' r" r if, Cf r i'.; " ' i.' ' t IfcvcrkToBe Cig Feature At Craftsman's Fa : Some 40 craftsmen will dem onstrate' their handiwork for your entertainment at the Albe marle Craftsman's Fair . to be held in. Elizabeth City April 15-16. Mrs. Mamie Sawyer, chairman of the arrangements for the fair, says the craftsmen will be demonstrating the various crafts and will be glad to share their knowledge of theV craft with visitors at the fair. ; j The fair will be held at the ( National . Guard Armory in Elizabeth City from 1 to 9 P. M. It is sponsored by the Home Demonstration Club wo men in the Albemarle area and the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce. :. , From Perquimans crafts to be demonstrated include: .- Woven afghans, Mrs. George Baker; crocheted afghans, Mrs. Archie White, Belvidere. April 15 and 16 "A craft is an article made by the hands that is useful and or beautiful". t , r j " The sixth Albemarle Craftsman Fair will take place at the Eliza beth City National Guard Ar- mory, April 15 and 16 from 1:00 to 9:00 P. M. Come to the fair and watch a craft taking v form. Ask ques tions." Linger over .the exhibits buy choice crafts. Thirty crafts men will demonstrate their han diwork for your instruction and entertainment. Many an expert demonstration ' began as a curi ous spectator. , He will , tell you it looked like fun, -so he tried it. - Special -demonstrations- will be;""? a yuth, team from Wake wefry uMeUJ- Forming hjrPf Colleger wUleonducr- ri. .Tanp Gatlinburfi vival "services at the Hertford Jwetry Miss-, Jane Glass, Gatlinburg, Tennessee; Copper Enameling by Miss Marjorie ' Sheauin, Raleigh, N.C., and Woodwork by Mr. and Continued on Page Eight Bishop To Visit At Holy Trinity On Sunday, April 12, the Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, Bishop of the Diocese' of East Carolina, tirill tnnlrA Kir nnniial rlClf ff Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. His visit will be for the night . will be a service of Evening Prayer. Bishop Wright will preach and administer the rite of Confirmation. The rector and members of Holy Trinity invite the friends of Holy Trinity to share with them in this service. Senior Class Play Friday, April 17 The senior class of Perquim ans County , High School will present the three-act comedy, "Me and My Shadow." The play will be presented in the school auditorium Friday, ; April 17 at 8 P, M. 'Admission is 25 cents for students and 50 cents for adults. . i ' , Seniors who are characters in the play are David ' Brewin, Pa tricia Rountree, Rachel Bass, Anne White, Clark Harris, ' Ju arnita , White, Bonnie'.; Benton, Perry Monds -; and' Billy Wil liams. ., , ..'; Faye Long, student director; Billy . , Williams and Perry Monds, stage managers; Sydney Ann Blanchard, prompter;': Sus an Cox; properties; Judy Reed, publicity manager; ' Anne Thiur man, make-up. , . i Clarence Chappell Gets Service Award Clarence B. Chappell, a. ous tomer engineer . for . Interna tional Business' Machines 1 Cor poration, recently : received a frvice award which- consists of pt awrd pin, $30 savings bond i a trip for two to New York' - f fr J te Vorld's Fair. - He ' s n of 7'r. 3"i J'rs. Clar- , " c '1 tf r ute 2. Youth Revival Leaders . jr.. ',? ' JANET HASKETT, ROBERT BRAXTON April 5 through April 12 shas been set aside as Youth Week at the Hertford Baptist Church. Youth Week, sponsored by ihe Training Union Department- of the church; provides the oppor tunity of learning about the re sponsibilities, of, church ; mem bership through the experience of serving in the capacity : of church officers'. The highlight of .the week' will be on Friday evening, Saturday, evening and Sunday of this week,, at winch Baptist Church. These services on Friday and Saturday even ings will be helci at 7:30 o'clock and on Sunday at II A. M. , The speaker, Charles D. My ers, son of the Rev. Donald G. Myers, who is the pastor of the First Baptist Church - in Reids ville, N. C," : is a junior. He graduated from Reidsville High SchoO! and now is majoring in religion at Wake Forest College ' The music director, John S. Womble is a freshman from Lil-lington-. Last summer he was minister of music and assistant Pastor in Fu1uav SPrlngs" Va Albemarle Junior Livestock Show Wednesday, April 29 o Tom Brown, assistant agricul tural extension agent, announces that the 19th annual vAlbemarle Junior Livestosk Show and Sale will be held at . Scott and Hal stead's Produce Terminal Wed nesday April 29. This year mainy changes have been -made in the show. The animals will be brought in fn5m 7 A. M. to 10 A. M. The cattle and hogs both will be weighed at Brite & Tatum Livestock Market on Body Road. At 10:15 we will have our judging contest with 4-H . and FHA -. boys and girls taking part. . Heretofore - this Burden Elected Class President Hubert Burden, son ; of Mrs. 1VUU1. u. vuiuvu ,11 ii uubu u n i J M. Burden of Woodville, a junior student majoring in bio logy with minor in physical education at Atlantic Christian College,, was v among, some 30 students named to student gov ernment I posts 1 during ' campus elections- held at the college re cently. .-,,.',) Burden was ' .'elected senior class . president. ' Blue Candidate For Lt. Governor House Speaker H. Clifton Bluet of Aberdeen is a candi- .date for the Democratic nomuv ation for lieutenant governor. Blue,' sfehior ' member of the 'House - in point of continuous service, is . publisher of two Moore County newspapers.,. ' ; m 1 1 : Uii CHARLES D. MYERS JOHN S. WOMBLE The pianist, Robert Braxton, is a sophomore from Graham N. C. ' ' The organist, Miss Janet Has kett, is a junior from Elizabeth City, N. C, and is majoring in English. ; Special music will be render ed in each service by the Youth Choir of the church. ;- Special music will also be rendered by the Perquimans County High School Glee Club on Friday evening and by the Bethel Youth Choir on Saturday evening. " H- --Su!ay?."'April , 12, the youth of the church will assume the responsibilities of ail the church officers, and on Sunday evening Billy , Williams, ' the youth pastor, will speak at the evening worship service at 7:30 o'clock. Both youth and adults in this area are invited to attend these services on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The following is a list of the church officers and their posi tions; -Pastor, Billy Williams ushers, Steve Williams, chair man, Royce Vickers, Willie Tay lor, -.Billy Roberson, John Pit and, v Carlton Keaton, Shelly ; Continued on Page 2 has been an outstanding part of the program. .Then at 1 P. M. the official judging will take place. This will be under the supervision of the North Caro l'iina Extension animal husbandry specialist. This, of course, will take some time and every boy and girl will want to have their steers broke to the halter so that the judges will have no difficulty judging. A barbecue dinner will be furnished those who have steers or hogs- in the show along with one parent and for buyers. Continued on Page 5 Names Omitted In Heart Story In a story which appeared in last". Week's issue of this paper concerning the : total contribu tions "to the Heart Fund drive, the names of Mrs. Durwood Reed, Jr., and Mrs. , Harold White was omitted in error. The two ladies were in charge of the balloon ; sales , during the cam paigns when members of the Girl Scouts sold the balloons on-the streets and raised $30 for the Heart Fund. -r Our , apologies to ' these two ladies and to the Girl Scouts, who worked so hard to help in the campaign. . i & S. CLASS MEETING ; , The Judson Memorial. Sunday School Class of ther: Hertford Baptist Church will meet Tues day night, April 14, at 8 o'clock with, Mrs. Erie- Haste, Sr. " All members are urged to attend. is , 'i.: . 1 lli:4l'rQ:-:';"- $1,EE5.55 Collected In Perquimans A total of $1,866.56 was rea lized from the Christmas Seals mailed to Perquimans citizens, stated Billy White, chairman. White praised the many volun teers who gave of their time, and the contributors for their support. He expressed appre ciation to Mrs. I: E. Rogerson for for her splendid cooperation in publicizing the work of the As sociation by printing fact sheets and -distributing them to Health Clubs, churches, and schools. A certificate of appreciation was sent to each of the leaders for their interest. White said that 78 of the funds raised will remain in the community for local programs to keep our people informed about Tubercu losis and Respiratory Diseases. This , will also , be used to pro mote tuberculin skin tests of first, ninth, and twelfth grade classes. This1 program is now under way in Perquimans Coun ty, along with chest X-rays of cases and their close contacts. Final reports from the other counties' were $5,148.41 from Pasquotank, , and $1,000 from Camden, making a total of $8, 014.97' raised during the 1963 Christmas Seal campaign. Christ mas Seals have long been iden tified with the fight for better Health, said. White, and if Tuber culosis is to be eradicated, new generations must grow up free of the tuberculosis infection. Hubs Hold "Will Perquimans County Home Demonstration Clubs win the gavel this year " This is the question many club mem bers are asking as they plan to gO'-totlie 25th ; district' meeting at Weeksville High, School on Thursday, April 16. For many years Perquimans county nas won the gavel for highest per centage of attendance. Registration for the meeting is at 9:30 to 10 A. M. Mrs John Hurdle of Perquimans County is chairman of the seven county district and will preside. The Albemarle Craftsman Fair will be featured as the program for the day. All per sons who . attend; the meeting will receive complimentary tick ets to attend the fair that af ternoon in Elizabeth City. Ila Grey White, home econo mics extension agent, urges all Home Demonstration Club mem bers to attend the annual event "It gives club members an op portunity, to review their ac tivities and to get together for an educational program. uiuD members trom tne seven counties enjoy fellowship as they share homemaking ideas with each other." FHA Join In National Week Over one-half million Future Homcmakers of America in states throughout the nation observe National FHA Week April 5-11. Miss Frances Newby, home economics teacher . at Perquim ans ; High School, is advisor of the local chapter. Officers are: President, Faye Long; vice president, ' Ellen Wood; secre tary, Phyljis Williams; .treasur er,- Connie Sawyer; parliamen tarian,- Nell Overton; historian, Brenda - By rum; reporter, Juan ita White; song leader, Audrey Sawyer; pianist, Margaret Eure; . Continued on Pag 5 , : ON VSS RANGER "Benjamin E. Owens, fireman. USN, sori of Mr. aW Mrs. 'Ben jamin o. Owens of Route 1, Hertford, returned to Alameda, Calif.,, March 26 aboard the at- Itack aircraft carrier XJSS Rang- r . i . or,.- wiupieuiig a -muui.u . ui , in tensive ; training operations off the Sam Diego, Calif., coast. The framing was conducted by the . Fleet Training . Group end gave the Ranger's crew, an op portunity to increase the com bat readiness of the ship through drills, , . gunnery - practice and flight training operations. " District Meeting County Board Educate Approve Principals Aid Teachers For School Term Chesson Awarded Foundation Grant Jesse Parker -Chesson, Jr., a teaching fellow in the biology department of East Carolina Col lege, has been awarded a Na tional Science Foundation grant for summer research. Dr. Graham J. Davis, director of the department rf biology, said Chesson's grant of $300 is for study at the Duke Univer sity Marine Laboratory at Beau fort this summer. His work will be in marine ecology. The teaching fellow expects .o( complete his Master of Arts de- gree at East Carolina in June. I He has accepted a teaching post1 at the College of the Albemarle, effective next fall. At the Eliza beth City college, Chesson will teach biology and chemistry. Chesson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Chesson of Hertford. He is married to the former Wynda Chappell of Belvidere and fney live at 407 Saint An drews St., Tarboro. Anniversary April 12 At Saunders Grove The Board of Ushers at Saund ers Grove Baptist Church will celebrate tneir annual anniver sary Sunday, April 12 at 2:30 P. M., according to the Rev. C. A. Proctor, pastor. The Rev. F. L Andrews, min ister of the First Baptist Church will deliver the sermon. His choir and ushers will serve as guests. Dinner will be served imme diately after the service. ' A special invitation is extend ed to all. : National Liurary Week April 12-18 As National Library Week this year is April 12-18, the Perquimans Library Board hopes that the people of Hertford and of the entire county will be conscious of the value of the Perquiuans Library and of its need at this particular time and with their customary civic pride and generosity will observe this National Library Week by mak ing a contribution to the fund for a new roof. Such contributions are de Continued on Page Seven Glee Club Plans Recital April'12 The King Street Elementary School Glee Club will be pre sented in recital on Sunday, j April 12 at 3 P. M. at the First Baptist Church of Hertford. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Professor John Wynn is the director of this group. The Rev. F. L Andrews is pastor. Prospective Candidates Warned April 17 Is Deadine To File W. L. 'Buddy" Tilley, chair man of the Perquimans Board of Elections, has announced that the deadline for anyone who wishes to seek an office in the coming election must file by the deadline at 12 o'clock noon, April 17. The chairman also reminds the public that all (residents of the county that have moved since the last election .into an other precinct in the county are required to register in the pre cinct that they j have moved to and, will not be eligible to vote unless they do so. All of the incumbents of Per quimans County offices due for re-election have filed, With the exception of the coroner. Archie T. Lane, SrH' seeking re-election to the Geneeral As sembly, ' has opposition. Nath aniel Fulford of the New Hope Township filed his candidacy for the office on April 4. J. Emmett Winslow has filed for State Senator. , Charles E. Johnson ' Is seek ing re-election a& Recorder s ! Court' Jud'e with no -. i Members of the Board of Education for Perquimans Coun ty met in regular quarterly ses sion on Monday with all mem bers present and approved the election of principals and teach ers for the schools for the 1964 1965 school term. The .high school principals, home economic teachers-and ag riculture teachers were present. H. G. Beard, associate director, Division of Vocational Education, was present and discussed the direction of vocational educa tion in the public schools. Mr. Beard also discussed the devel opment of local plans for vo cational education. A general discussion period followed. As a result of this information. Superintendent J. T. Biggers was authorized to develop a plan including, introduction to voca tional education in both high schools for the next year. The proposed purchase of , school property at Perquimans County High School was dis cussed. The superintendent was authorized to have David Cox prepare another plat of pro posed property including outline of swamp land. Preliminary discussion of the school budget for 1964 -65 wa discussed and continued for some time. It was decided to call a special meeting to com plete the budget before May 1, 1964. Mrs. Margaret Maston was elected as supervisor and Mrs. Frances Monds as attendance counselor for 1964-65. The list of teachers approved for the 1964-65 school term as have been elected by the school committee and approved by the superintendent with the excep. tion of three teachers who re signed, Mi'i, ' fane 'Aydlotfy Mrs.4' Nina White, and Paul Winslow," follows: - ' Perquimans Union School Joseph A. Dempsey, Mrs. Mable W. Strowd, Mrs. Lona G. Wil son, Mrs. Annie R. Gordon, Mrs. Johnsie L. Privott, Walter R. Privott, Miss Addie M. Hoffler, Robert C. Vaughan, Mrs. Geral dine T. Edgerston, Mrs. Dorothy N. Thomas, James S. Midgette, King A. Williams, Mrs. Daisy N. Bembry, George N. Reid, Mrs. Jennie S. Thompson. Thomas E. Bolden, John W. Jones, Miss Vivian C. Sharpe, Henry E. Daughtry, Mrs. Mary E. James, Miss Doris M. Jennings. Mrs. Thressa R. Ebron, Mrs. Winnie J. Robinson, Mrs. Daisy Scott Williams, Mrs. Letitia G. Les- sane, Miss Vivian J. Reed, Mrs. Rosa T. Newby, Mrs. Wealtha C. Mardre, Mrs. Edna S. Zachary, Mrs. Annie E. Simons, Mrs. Rosa E. Lowe, Mrs. Myrtle S. Felton, Mrs. Lula T. Andrews Mrs. Alma N. Kingsbury. The King Street Elementary School Dewey S. Newby, Mrs. Hattie T. Riddick, Fred T. Rid dick, John A. Wynn, Mrs. Hazel O. Beaman, Mrs. Edith F. Walk er, Mrs. Jessie L. Sharpe, Mrs. Continued on Page 2 to date.- ; " - Julian C. Powell, Register of Deeds, seeking the office again, as yet has no opposition. School Board members, Dr. Allan B. Bonner, chairman, of Hertford, George W. Baker of Parkville and John P, Danchise of Bethel, have no opposition. Floyd Benton, County Treas urer, seeks re-election with no opposition. There is opposition for the County i Commissioners' 4 seats.'' R. L. Spivey, now chairman of the boardT'-New Hope Township, is opposed by G. H. "Tuck" Webb. Thomas Nixon, Parkville, opposed by William C. Reed; W. Woodly Bundy, Bethel Town ship, is opposed by , Lester H. Simpson. Riley S. Monds, Jr., commis sioner from Hertford Township, . is unopposed, ' as is W.- Saw'-i Jolliff or Belvidere Towns'. ' The registrars" will sit rt 1 appointed poll!"i? places ; ning' Culurdty, t . -r '2, ?M T 5

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