t:3 roximately 2,700 people '?d we : Crowning Ceee foi . tha 4-H Kin& and i of Health and Miss Par ians County Saturday, May f.t 2:30 P: M, -he ; ceremony" -wax held pn ! Academy Green : in Hert J. - The theme for , the pro a Wia , Better . Health for -yone. J. W. Collin?., the idcnt of the 4-H leaders or--ationK presided during. the emonys '. ' ' The ': processional - ,rch for the 4-H Health King d Queen and Miss Perquim ig. County participants : was 'ayed by P. . W. Moore Junior ?d Senior High School ' Bend, -lie service- opened : with Star -angled Banner played by D. Walker High' School Band. .sSi Delorise Oreecy, president I t the 4-H County Council, led ,e pledge ok allegiance nat the 4rH Club pledge. The Rev.- F. L. Andrews, pastor of the First '.aptist , Church of Hertford. ,vv& the invocation,' which was .followed by a special musical selection led by P; Vf, Moore "igh School 4 Band. A few :;l3tementa pertaining to the pur- rsented the pounty winners ind, Mrs. J. S Thompson, in structor in' the Perquimans Union School,. crowned the win ners,, v v . Tha winner were as follows: King of Health, Ijnwood Leon James and Queen, of Health, ". p. f s " The. annual, meeting of the First District ofi the American Oor;is Hplley. . Mis Perquimans Region - Auxiliary- was, heldi in was Malinda. Overton. These jaenton recently,. The. meeting 4-U members were from Pool!s waa held: in' the Methodist Grove irH, Qlyttt, i iChuroh, where, a dinner was Special congratulation goes tq served) by the- Methodist "wo Mrs. Emma Burke and William Imam. . .' , fTurner, club leaders. Afiac thei. The session was called to- or- xawwning of the. county, wmnens, yef at 10:30 o'clock' by- Mr G. thMjf. r ,w,. Mpore -Biign. (Lindaey Ljverman of- Columbia. Band gave 4 musical selection, president of the First District. W; C. Suwd, county agricul-, Following the advance- of oolr tural agent, introduced - the fop. the pledge to. the flag, was sneaker, The . fiuest speaker, bM. Mi. Julian. C. Powell of was Dr. A, A. Best, M.D., of, Hertford. The invocation -wis 'GrMnvUlej' tf.. Q Ha used) as , given by. Carlo. Dowdy jf his subieet lje theme. ' Better ;Mantiao, after which, the group Healths tor, everyone-:. e Discing - . the ' National Anthem G Country AwerJj. ! The, following, ban xtle-k God and Couota awasdt Sunday, night Mar 17. aa the h-i Baptist Churehi Bonding fecm Wi ta light. SheHiY Bateman. (JUU), Norman StalUnm (Stat),: B.Jly Ward. (EagM,. Willie Taylor (Star) and Tihcaiui PwJJWT. .Jwrt (.lass. - .-vi .' : ; . . . ...Jl.. "4 - ed emphasis on the 4h tt in. the Repeatipg the Freanbla was led 4-H pledge. He pointed out the I by 'Mrs. C. W.- Perry of' Kittr: value ot a healHi .' body.' 'Ha .Hawk, past .president bf the First urged' the people to strive to District. haveood personal health, good, M w u.-Miii,. Bdtmton family health and good com!L1I.fln(lnj, a, morm wiPoTr munity health. He brought, to( tQi y,a g,, gPMting6 . ;, -nwere etenaea, o mayav jonn each of these links are importp j, .GUng om Ed ant After the massage by tta- Po8t NjB( ot Ame. speaker, D. F. Walker HjghJcai Ugion waM) prwanted. by School Band rendered a musical;, g Hollowell Vise command er. Mrs. Joseph. C. Brickhouse selection.'- , The :announcementa' and recognition of visitors were given by, Mrs. Emma Burlce, The program closed with the of Columbia, made the rsponie 'to the a4d!e of weleome. Spe- loial miisio was. rendered blr group repeating 1 .together fthe Mw ;.jBa?i(t, FwteB: Bdentow, 4-H motto. .' , lanmaniid. bv Mrs. Blair Gita- Siven, by Delorise Creecy. v Special greetings were given by V. N. Darden, Mavor of Hertford. G. W; . Cooper, . in- 1 National; andj Department of ficers and aommrttee chairmen were recognised! awl reports by pose of the . organization wei-e-. The parade, refreshments and soiu social , nour - followed the cans' mony. The parade started from the Academy Green, Hyde Park Street and traveled through the' ,,; in, th, Hixtmab wora Dre- structor in the D. F. Walker , main section of the town, liiii,unui w.h,l . nt. High School and Scoutmaster in- eluding Dobb Street. ChupchlUnite meeting their - quota re structor presented greeiines on Street,, Grubb. Street. Edenton ceivei citation wiih gift pre hehat of the Boy 8oo.it ; of , Road-, Street and King Street. , seme(Jl president from the Troops, 9J; I06j .115. and 141s and jjThe, social hou and wrfreshr Depaotmenfe jnambewhitt chaiif J. T. Biggers, supertntendw of menta were held afc KinK Street mar. Mrs. Kemp Honeycutt of county, scnoois, gave greet4ngs Jjiementary School, Tha from the "county schools. After j'beverage was' milk the-greetings, D. F. Walker High' vided another- opi cal selection. - Mrs; L. B. 5 Jor dan, president of . the , Home Demcristration County Council, main Th:,s pro- VOTE ELECTION DAY Saturday!, Majr 30, 1961 for County Board cif Education PARKVILli TOWNSHIP . t- r YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! mant Mrs. ivemn iioneycutt Hickorar,, If. Q.,. andl Another gift from the district president, Mrs. opportunity . to Llndsev Livenman of Columbia. place emphasis on the value of Five units reaching quotas, were milk in' the (diet. , , jBelhaven,: Columbia, .Creswell, - " ' . 1 ' Hertford and Edenton. TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED Go.getters, collecting ' dues 'from ten members also received recognition. From Hertford they were Mrs. Maude' Jones, Mrs, Ruth 1 Powell f and Mrs. Thelma Smith of Winfall. , .; t Following these reports Mrs. A. M. Scarborough of Greens boro, Department president, was introduced by Mrs. John var nell, First Area vice president (Incidentally, , Mrs. ,i varnen is related; to the Ainsleys of Hert ford); .' Mrs. : Scarborough . ' was high in praise of the activities of the Auxiliary and devoted the ,Lmajor. portion of her remarks to explaining the Auxiliary Pre amble. N The luncheon was held at 12:30 o clock, after which a short business session was held. ' The invitation -was accepted to hold the next meeting in Elizabeth Citv. Those from Hertford attending were Mrs. Maude Jones, Mrs. Vera Batten and , Mrs. Ruth Powell. nY n LOG? Officers ForTBAssscftb The ' Pasquotank Perquim'ans- Camden.i ' Tuberculosis Associa tion board of directors met Thursday, May 21, at the ..Agri culture Building , in by the board. . R.s L, - Garrett, nominating committee , chairman,'; presented the officers: y Edward ; Daven port, president; R. -L. Spivey, vice president; Mrs. Mack Mor risette, Jr., secretary, and Den nis Morgan,' ; treasurer.- New members to the board are. H. C. Sullivan, Mrs. Grady Stevens, Mrs. William ? McCain, : "Wildred tthwW Abbott and John Bell, Jr. , Fol- City. , Miss Addie M. Darden, ing the meeting a jhort NCTB field consultant, showed a film "The ' Art of,; Detection, which explained the TB skin tests and chest X-rays as tools for detecting tuberculosis, Dr. cial hour was- held by Mrs. E. O. Baum. ' ,1 ' CARD OF THANKS I ' wish to , thank each ..' and Isa Grant, . heajth director, , re? everyone who so kindly remem- portea an iirsi Sraaers v were bered ,me recently -with cards, tested during t he s chool ; year. Of these 37 showed positive rer actions. Also 761 ninth grade students along with some .sen iors were tested. Of these 93 were positive. , i Ninth grade was selected be- auee it, is, , . tha I. age oi rapia growth, the year of final health instruction m the -schools, and the year which considerable drop-outs . occur. ? : Dr.r Grant added that in March, pfvl904 there were J.JOO. patients irti the state sanatorium,, and that at present 20 cases were from the three counties, three of . these being children. : '' Mrs. Gladys Cropsey, TB worker,, expressed, i appreciation to all, Christmas Seajj wprkers who through their 'interest amd works made possible the programs on health education; case deteq-! tiohj; patient j services,,; and, re4 f thati & new X-ray unit needed in; J M the , Perquimans. Health Depart- ((J lnstaljeai flowers, gifts and visits, ', while I was a patient in the 'hospital and since my return home. 1 . 1 Vick Stallings ,Tw "niy-sevei " " i ofi ' bemarle area banks wjo aucccJ fully . completed, the initial Course' in primary, banking- giv en' at the, College of tha Al-e- marle wene honored, at the-second, annual 1 banquet, of the Elizabeth City Chapter of the American Institute (of Banking last Saturday night. ' Richard &. Atkinson, senior, I." ;-r-the fo" v. n. : inz lei n received r career this 2 ; tht j r, i, s -oh ; i oi i a c. pu' ' ' ' as C. r I - r ar.i - r, t.A tor cv -lty t-jwarj our f. How man iz, t ' y, a rare jeweL ".re shall mnke it a-point to do our shopping whenever we are in -Hertford traveling on -nonJh f m a cou;'ra w!.q were Uie east coast an-dl recommend .ssu-a f -ai'h our town and t othpi-s Please extend our fv-d t!.-r c-j almost, out ofi f'ifc at 4 o'clock in the morning J "My Dear, Ms, Mayor; - . '"It gives us great pleasure to vice president of tha. FiiSV and , be, Me to, write this: letter of sincere appreciation ; to Officer Millqr and Mr. Bill, Sincerely, t. Sgt. and Mrs. M. E. Wiggins.", Citiflena National Bank- of Eliza beth 'City, who'taaghfc the 42-i hour coiue- which' extended over ' 21 veeksy presented' cer-t tificatest iO the graduates. Re-, ceivinf; certificates from Peoples Bank ' . & Trust Company? of Hertford: -were Mts.' Paige- C. Stallings, ; Preston Stevenson and Mrs. Kathleen' Story. .v. ' . .. . ; VACATIOW SCHOOL ! AT LOCAL CHW RC Continued, from I "He ,Was Called Jesus," Their teachers and ( 'helpers will be Mrs. Lloyd . Lane, Mrs. Jesse Harris, Mrs. J. T. Lane, Jr., Mrs. Paul , Smith and Misses v Jan White and Ava Rae Kirby. .- Circles' of the? Woman's Soci- oty of Christian, Service' will be. in oharge. of midKnormng re freshment periods. ' '!(,' On FrtnaaC evening t 7 o'ptock parents and friends are invited to a sharing session at the close of the school, -when boys arid girls wiil relate , their expert ences of the r week and shape their activities and, projects. ' sincere- ar"""K:;.tmrii and thanks. While- drjv i ttnoagh .Hertford Tuesday, April 28 at A; M., we found . Qursalves -about out of gas, My - husband- stopped Of floar Miller' to inquire of a gas, station that' might be"open at that hour.-: Officer Miller went back with- us.to the 'Municipal Building, and called the" owner ot Bill's "Service Station- and told him, about our problem and the man- graciously, consented to gat up, from bed and meet us at the station. " , ' "Sir, e " have , traveled through 41 ofs! the 48 Continental UWted StateS.nd this type bf courtesy and-consideration . is'l outstandings f, s"The' '?cti?ens of. rnienfc would' soon be' ivlSfl-VOTE FOR PEElCiUimNS C0UWTY . . . FOR . . 1. Improved Education 2. County Development 3. Make Perquimans North CaroKna's , rNoVl County 4 4. Everything foyr tie Bettrnjeni of ". the County; H, & , ! ; f ' mm c o un t y.; c o tin ISplO FO ?t ' rcr. pa"::vtj to"t:c:::? . ' ' . VOTE FGK ;flc:ff RE - ELEClf - COMMISSIONER BETItEL" TOWNSHIP S"LU SSUZ'J'k Your vote and support will U appledated I portadi thab a budget of $7,43429 ,.f . ' , . , . had been approved', for 1964-5 iiiaiMv!. To The Voters 01 Perquimans County: I would like for you to take this as a personal visit and request for your vote and support in the coming ebctiotr for me a your commissioner for NEW HOPfi. TCXWNSIIip t : ,u Ueectf " ' ;hiiie to perform the duties of this ; 'office' Of ?v , . riity to the very best of my ability, , ,i ffivi&f .J&&i& anything you may do in behalf vf of my cancV,cy, I promise , to justify the confidence- -you put in ics threiigh your vote. , ,., , 1 1 an a Perqufcians County farmer, member of Per-, , (-Jinans. Lod-- No. 100 A. F. & A. M-New Bern Con eLi:ry Sudan, Temple Ruritan Club Cerea Church of Ctrist, f ' " ! v 'l : " '"' ;' ,'. : , SINCERELY, : i . . - v ' ' 6. r. ("ffucd) rjGDB, ;v COB1MISSI9NER FOR NEW IOPE TOWNSHIP v 'Mi dy err , Saturday May 30th ; Governor DEEFEATitRG!:! .'',1 r - ' ' r M W '-'V....' , . 4 IMPORTED FROM RNGIAND BY K08RANO CORP 94PRqpFl0uMinNEUrnAUPlRITS 1 Tsylcr Tl;3'tra Edenton, N.C'.''' Thursday, Friday and , Saturday, May 27-28-2 ' ; Now You Can. Sm Them1 On Tha ,Big Screen In Tschaicolor . , .- ,'THS BEA1XE3 COME 'r TO, TOWM 'J Cj '-also-' - ' Eobrt Taylor, and Joan Caulfield in ' "CATTLE, KING" ' . , ' - Kittmaa Color Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. .; May 31-Juno 1-2. ' j ' , i' Glpnn Foed and, ' i ' EtelU Starent in 'JADVANCE TO THE BEAR" Wednesday,' Juna 9-- ?i ; j... i Jack Pallanca in 5 rV''WAH&ICRS FIVE Cf.-Ting ,Juna 4-5-6 'V , . TO Walk Di--y's, ; 1 : . tpc .Air v ' 1 V! 41 ' 11 1 V - I) n!i ...... -i . - , y 1 , ... W w . 0 n h , A " , s ?ri , i ,1' V 1 s"' i .b t J.n, A1; ,''J .:' 15 , 'y wcod ven crvered will ztj cr vl! I :U tL 6, UZi. Tlzzzz r self th3 ad.' ? fcr-i!2f La June, K34, cI3 t!:r, T tc3 have ret I ' I -na--viny! vinyl plastic , n' '4 R rfSik. v & i. - ' i '-w n