r '. .A f7 17? TV7!' TT V7 V - f .., N i 1 . 1 yj. ....... -J . 3 i K. ::xi.- Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, July 24, 1964. at v6 Cents Per Copy' f r : -' 'l'f . ....... ... ... '" - ': .Y Li v ' The Hertford Tovra Board In j their July meeting, acting oh numerous complain ta pertaining to tjie running at large of dogs hone at night and bicycle rid- X ing on the sidewalks in the busi ness district, v ordered crack', .i down on the two Violations. ' l In this issue, of your Per quirhans Weekly- the Town has an advertisement published per taining .to the dogs running at large and also" the bicycle - rid ing. 1 r ' - .According . to the advertise, nient, Saturday,' August 1st 1 is the deadline for either; of these offenses. After that, dogs will be caught and if unable to catch the animal it -.will be shot. : yAiito the bicycle riding on the sidewalks, anyone -' caught riding.. a bicycle on the side walks after Saturday,; August 1, will be issued a citation. ' i . lC is hoped ; that the resi dents of the community will co operate in the two matters, as bfith have become quite annoy ing.. We feel sure that it is not the desire of the Town to' shoot anyone's., dog. , It .will be the owner of the animals fault if this should have to be done. Nor is' it the desire to issue ' cita tion to bicycle riders. . All they ' have to do ' is obey the rules and abide by the Town ordinance and the existing situation! will be remedies. , ' rr::::rsf"::3Cut ;; D G"::b Tax - ' ' The Tri-County Farm Bureau Reports ' that .some ; farmers. are v passing up a refund of $50' or -All iarmers may get a refund ' of .a(x ceijrts from the; staite and four cents from the federal ,gpy . eminent on each gallon of gaso line) thejr -use- .in- tractors and other non-highway .farm., equip-; ' tnemVt provided i froper rjecods are kept. ; ..,. ... .t , . There were afcout 300 families , n Chowan, Gates, and Perquim v ans counties last year that miss ed getting on the average $100 per family. . . y,A farmer rhust. file an appli . ca,tioh ,with . the Stat Depart ment of Revenue and the United i States; Department, of mtemal , Revenue between July 1 and . September 30, in order to get a s refund, The farmer who 'has not . : tQi -,ii' refund -can get .the, necessary forms as well as .assist- ance flora,, the Tri-County Farm Bureau Office, in Hertford. WeekPcstpSned5"'" -.; i; Due" tD' uncontrollable' tircian ') stances 'the'OowanTPerquimans Subdistriot "MYF1 Youth Activi-; ! Hes Week; planned for the first yreek rof August, has been can celled. , .- . . ' J' ; v The delegates toASC and the'ir -icounselldrs will meet Snnday af ternoon, July 28. t 4 o'clock, in the fellowship hall of the Hert ford' Methodist Church! Plans Coiiiplefed For Auction Si!s -Anf!. Fish Fry; Expected To Be Dslter Than Last Yeai " - ything .is in readiness i . j bent-.It t'dh fry 'and buc 1 r '.a o be held , Friday ' ', J." 31, beginning at, 5 , - '.'..a Ferquimans Rec ; - p-ounds here: . i t!.e f'hi fry and I f-j toward old s ' ' C-j recrea- farther de e1 with j a.id the f , ov? x the j for t if i? a i ,0 Tc:rn:t.::.iCiJ! ToG::JSkrt '.The, Recreation, Center's tour nament began Monday afternoon with excellent ; participation wand. Stime' "very well played games, The highlight. of ' the afternoon was a ' tennis : match between Fred Murray ! and Kenneth. Wia tefs, hi I which Fred' won 6-3. i nest ; two tangled later in table tennis and Kenneth prov ed, to be the -best by- winning two out' oi 1hree games. ; i Other matrhes which looked like a warm-up- for one compe titor proved - to be narrow es cape for the favored. ... , The evening was highlighted by Ike . Perry's upset victory over Jim Newby 6-4 in .tennis. This set was : one of the better played thus, far in the tourna ment ' - " , '. The tournament ia very young now but if competition and the spectators maintain the interest shown Monday the tournament will he a big success. If, you desire the excitement of indivi dual i competition, t come to the Recreation ; Center . and .watch some of the events and if you'd like to engage in sortie of these events, v the closing date' for signing up is July 24. . 4 Th ' winners . of "' Monday's compeetltion are as follows! ! Tennis;. Henry - Stokes, . Pete Melton.- Jeft HasketL. Carla I liott, Sidney", JEley, , Ricky GibbA, John Stallings, Fred ;, Murray, Bill Decker,; John iland,-Ike Prry, Charlie Bonner and John- , Table ; rennw: Jtiewr C&rla'' Elliott. Betty-, Murray, Brant Murray, i Jeff Haskett,. Joe Rogerson, (Fred Murray, , Kenneth Waters, ) Eddie Miller,,. Johnny Decker, .Johnt SftfUipgs, Freddie Ccmbsj i i. , - ,.(. ',.,r-i' . , I .Horseshoes: Price -, .Monds, Bobby stHollowell, Joe ", Proctor, John ' Piland,.; Steve ,, Graham, Earl Bass. . Shuffleboard: ' Bob Reed, Bnant Murray; Tony Lane, Frank Ainsley and Sidney Eley. . DrbslljSteTo OoFriiy ' Dr. and' Mrs. .Frank' Medford and; Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Med .ford' were 'guests 'of the Per quimans, Chamber of Commerce Friday! 1 July 17'. '. Dr. i anJ Mrs. T. . PJ iferkut' were hosts, to, luncheon held in their backyard for some 20 people who met the out-of-town guests. ' ' , ' ' Henry Clay ' Sullivan carried the visitors for a sightseeing side of the Perquimans River -aboard his yacht, followirig the lunch eon- j , . . i . J Dr. Medford is visiting com munities in an effort to select an area to' begin general practice. the event Anyone who has not purchased ticket for the'fish fry' may. do so at the Recreation Park during the fish fry or con tact any of the Jayce mem bers.. sIt is hoped that residents will purchase their tickets' In advance in order to avoid con fusion. ' - ' This yearly event is the main fund - raising project for. th Recreation Park. The park has added much to the town and of- ft'rs t' ch ' ' - as well as the , s e .to go to relax ' Is c rei there Old f a : ; t' e f ' ' ' 1 1 t:i f'V ' , "y i t.: ftfSd'JCifcjs:; 'Perquimans County schools have accepted and .are meeting the-great 'challenge of our time- that f producing safe drivers of automobiles.,; '-'iThisvr. ', summer, through the driver training pro giam in , our schools,; 130 Per quimans County boys and girls will be' trained in the art of safe driving: -i ';! Zyt:-. This high school course is in two ; instructional phases class room work of 32 hours and prac tice driving behind the wheel 6; hour; "with 12 hours in the car observation. Through the plan ned sequence of instruction, the student acquires knowledge ; and perspective about, driving which her applies while "!develc$mg the attitudes '- and ' habits of a re sponsible driver; y As a . group driver , education ' graduates not Only attain a higher-tbian-aver-a'gc; level of .driving' ability, but because of , Qieir : greater knowl edge and "more .. desirable atti tudes,, they make valuable per- sonal contributions to traffic ac cident iprevention .and,1 therefore, are better citizens. " ' ; We want to thank and express our j appreciation to the automo bile dealers of - Perquimans County,' Holloweti . Chevrcdet Company, Towe Motor Company and Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company for: their part in this program of providing free loaned cars v for use in the classes. We are fortunate' to- have -three out standing instructors, I. P. Perry, Jr.,t Robert Carter and W. R, Privott As you know, driver education .is financed mostly by thy ',$1.00 -paid '; in connection with the, vehicle : registration fee. i ? - . It, should, cause us .to have a sobering , thought- when we re fleet on the fact that 1,381 North ' Carolinians r lost - their lives in motor vehicle accidents ta il963. andv 42,566. persons- were injured. ,. We heed crop of, re iponsibte drivers this . is . our goto, y . .. . ,. Harrisons Win New Orleans Trip i Walter El Harrison, an agent for - the SoXthland Life Insur ance Company,' won a trip to New Orleans Vsy meeting . the points qualifying for the trip to the convention, - Mr. and Mrs. Arjlson left by plane fronxttichjatfod, Va., an attended theThreevlay South land Life Insurance Vonventior held in New OrleansX returning home this week. JulT28-ji.. th'K!mu Elizabeth Felton , j Nancy Perry. " Vicki Meads ( Eric Cahbon " -" MarkColvlh " ' 'Myrtle Williams , ' Letitia Ann McQbogan Mrs. L,D. Myers i Frances Newby , ' Vickie Ann Walker , Mrs. Henry C,1 Stokes,, Jr. Pearl Barber 1 ' July 27 f ' Jainel WhHe' Ann Hunter ; Ella Mae Hurdle ' Pat Haste , John Michael "Winslow' "' ' Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Scaff - "wedding anniversary Mrs. J W. Dilld , -; , Herbert White David .Phillips , Willard StalUr's ... . , Linda Decker ' Joel.Hollowc'l, Jr. (' Ronnie Eak r '' July 23 , . Leonard D. Colb, Sr. ; Shirley Elliot v Sylvia C. I :.awi . " ' Joe Towe V . '..e, Sr. . ' Js-'y - E- ' Iloberson ' , C: ,i Owens ; II. 3. i:."wr 1 '; r vei-iy i:u ' on ' Ji e r. ,4s " ' ' "c :,!- K.. a La' .t , v " j,r 31.. f. Ann ""'rnchard . ' j I t ' -e J. C. I !, Jr. I Dfrli: jyys J Winslow-Blanchard Cecil C. Winilow, , vie president - of the - Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company here, was presetted recently-by. H. D. Richardson of the Ford Motor Company? Vf'ih a' mounted gold car award framed in a walnut frame foi-outstanding. tales leadership in this sales area for 1963. The frresenfition was made at ev dinner given by Ford Motor Company in Rlthmond. Va. . Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company won both the geld car and gcild truck awards In 1962 for their outstanding talon iKord in this area. - ' TrainingiCourses Again Offered ' ,4 1 WilUam A. Hollar, manager of the Edehton. Employment . Se- curity Commission office,. anr hounces that free training cours - es in automobile mechanics and stenography will again' be re sumed Jin' Edenton, Deginning about . September 1. , Two identical . courses were started-' in the fall of 1963 and were ' completed, m June this, year. This training proved to be very beneficial and it was felt that it should be continued. This training is authorized un der the provisions of., the Manr power Development and Train ing Act of 1962. for 'ftJ5 transportation; and-, subsistence allowances in some .cases while enrolled in training. In no case will there be any charge to any one enrolled. . Courses to be offered in Eden ton will be full time and will run - approximately :t 40 - weeks.i All persons enrolled will be re ferred to training by the local Employment Security office. Anyone interested in applying jr obtaining further information can do so by contacting the Em ployment Security Commission office at 709. North Broad Street in Edenton. ,' -. ' : Driver Training Fleet m Shown above are lha three driver ; training program in Parquiman schools. Reaiiing left to right is I. P. Parry, Jr, W. R. Privott and Robert "Bobby" Carter. instructori of the program. ( Progress Made On J: tl4 Si" " "1 k - 'i Wins Gold Car Award 1 : (.If f X V. Hog Cholera In County Reported . Hog cholera has been, reported on several farms in the Nicanor I Community, in Perquimans Coun- Jly, according to information sub - mitted by a District Vaterinarian with the U.S.D.A.- Animal Di-j smaller communities is 50 per sease Eradication Division. .cent. ; The Zip Code is vital to ; Yesterday R. M: (Pete) Thomp son, Agricultural Extension Chairman, -said . ''Our experience shows that cholera, appears in .about seven year -cycles. Sev eral farmers get Swiped out" causing vaccination " precautions to be taken ' for ' three or four years. Owners gradually begin tb trust luck until there is an other community outbreak. .'-The reported outbreaks are not in This act also6s that have .been vaccmated.; tacted or the sick hogs fee sub mitted to Edenton Diagnostic Laboratory. "It ' is recommended that all rion-vaccinated hogs be vaccinated," further states ' Mr. Thompson. ' Girl Scouts Return Flrom Camp Matoaka The Girl Scouts ' from the Hertford Troop that attended comp; at Matoaka. -near -Suffolk, Va., Jlast week returned home Sunday. Those attending were Karen Haskett, Nancy Reed, Ancie Layton and Dee Boyce 1 driver' trainina can used in lhf ,..,-..... , Bridge Over River "T trUja. being con r on the bridge is now needs? - the 1 .. ... : 7h Pp ; . lOKOsui service Says Postmaster Mf, Postmaster W. W. "Bil" White ia- urging the use of the Zip Code 27944 for the Hertford Post Office.?. Zip Code "is just as vi tal to modern postal progress in the small town as it is in the big cities," Postmaster White said today. . ' ' At the same time the Post ; master 'defined, the program as an economy measure "designed to keep pace with the nation's rising mail- volume without an "un manageable'' increase in the De partment's workroom personnel. 1 1 Postmaster White labeled the program" as the only economical answer to what Postmasaar Gen eral John A. Gronouski dosaribes as a "mail explosion" uf the 19S0's and 70s . Your : Post . Office Department had to come up with some-so lution for, this .problem of ever growing mail volume without an unmanageable Increase in . the size of its workroom personnel. The onjy practical answer and the most economical answer was ZIP CODE. , Since its birth last .July Zip Code has grown into a mighty strong healthy baby.' Postmast er General Gronouski advises us that according to a recent sur vey 22 percent of the mail in i tna larger cities is already being I ZiP 'Coded ,and the average for modern postal progress. It speeds your mail to its destina- tion. Plymouth Water . Plymouth. Jaycees . will hold their eighth annual water feati yal Satuiiy, July 25.V! It will begin at lb A.M.f ahdt conitirrue throughout the entire day. ' The boat parade is planned around : the theme "America Changing Times," with a lovely girl on eaohf boat. ,Ini this eyerw; the queen, will be, chosen .and prowned' hy Betty "jane Cox, queen of 1963. Other events to be highlighted will be a ski show, dunking ma chine and family runabout boat racing. A big dance will cli max the day's activities. The dance will be held at the Moose Lodge beginning at 9 P. M., with music furnished by the "Play boys" of Roanoke Rapids. The traditional barbecue din ner will be served at noon. According to Publicity Chair- I marl Bob Ange. the proceeds will be applied- toward ; the, payment oi a Jljopv obligation for the uime League park ngnting. Perquimans FFA At White Lafie " ' Members of the . .Perquimans FA Chapter are enjoying, them selves this ' week , at. the FFA Camp at White Lake, N. C, , AU the boys will participate in the following sports:: Softball, table tennis, - shuffleboard, checkers, horseshoes; waterbalL volleyball, basketball, track and swimming events. , All sports are well su pervised and played according to official rules. Stunt nite Friday concludes.' the program for the week. 1 ' The following boys made the trip: Melvin Eure, Grant Chap- pell, John Elton Hurdle, Lee Tunnell, Johnny Danchise, Steve Riddick, E. ' L Chappell, Paul Smith Jr., Pete Proctor and Wallace, Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tunnell -accompanied ' the boys on the trip. Named Director Of Telephone Company '"-'p'1 '.iiu f. " t.y-..tfi v' . .... On July -16, O. i Robinson, Jr.," was named by the board of directors xrf The Norfolk & Caro lina n. Telephone it Telegraph Company and The Norfolk & Carolina, ; Telephone & Tele graph Company of Virginia to fill the, unexpired, term of the late - Aubrey - G. . McGabe of Greensboro. T ; , ;, ; . Mr., Robinson is vice president and treasurer of Robinson Man ufacturing Company, treasurer of the Hotel Corporation of Eliza beth City,' and is oh the' board directors of The First & CU- - Cocaajisi oa tt;a Sere ' Festival July 25th George Dic!r Wgv; Enccutivo nnnnra? Of Chatnbr Of Cominoi'co Dnil CtfiUOriC f '2lJ I G0 "Dick" Lowrance was llUj OlUf UllO HtJVf employed Tuesday by the Per- HiwayAssociation A Jacksonville N. C. man wiUIColl ad , graduate 0 guide the 1964-65 affairs of the ' UtX Engineering in Pitts- flvari Hiurav Aocnina inn ae rhiP 1 . 9 Ocean Hiway Association as this 1 north-south highway promotion-. ve","","V" "C6"" I" ,!"" Past ten years as an industrial program dunng its 30th; year of. fe ineer m meat ; continuous successful operation. a consultant. ,' In this field Roy A Stevens, manager , of 'Dick has had experience to la the Greater Jacksonville Cham- bor standards, . standard cost ber of , Commerce, was elected programs, compiling statistical president of the Ocean Hiway informational reports for man Association at the recent annual egement and personnel work, meeting held in Virginia Beach. I management report, production He succeeds C. O. Thompson of efficiehejr. methods. ; Charleston, S. C. - j He is a-tipeke Award winner. Stevens, has been an active of the Virginia Junior Chamber participant and leader in Ocean Hiway affairs since he came to Jacksonville as Chamber mana- ger in 1957. Last year, he serv- ed as the Association's First Vice President. The Association's expanded promotional and develonment program coincides with the open.-1 ing of the $200,000,000 Chesa-1 peake Bay Bridge-Tunnel and jtfher significant develoDments cuuiig me noi UI-&UUII1 route, a formal program will be finalized . 1 . i 1 .L . L 1 A 1 I following a survey to be con- ducted within the next two weeks among all association members and other community leaders alone the Ocean Hiwav. Hertford Police Arrest 16 In June Hertford Police Department had a. busy month-..during une, according, to . report to the Hertford Town Board by Police Captain - B. L. Gibbs. According to the captain's re-. port, there was a total of 16 ar Vests made,- 4 speeders, 33 each ipiiscellaneous arrests and mis-1 celalneous traffic arrests, 2 diiinks and 1 each, assault, op erating intoxicated, careless and reckless driving and larceny. All 16 of the arrests were found guilty. The fines amount ed to $254.75 and costs $247, to taling $501.73. The department answered 208 radio calls, answered ..and inves tigated 91 calls, investigated 2 accidents, worked 6 funerals, found 3 doors unlocked, answer ed 5 fire calls, reported 4 lights cut,, found 2 windows unlocked and recovered 2. bicycles. The patrpl car traveled 4,522 miles. Hertford Group In State Talent Night Barbara Harrison, Margaret Ainsley, Lou Vickers, Judy Long, Harriett -.Williams, Peggy Am brose,' Brenda Byrum, Ed Nixon, Billy Williams, David Brewin, Reggie Baker and Tom Brown are spending this week at State College in Raleigh. : They will participate in State Talent night Thursday as a Hootennanny singing group known as -the "Bluetones". John Beers - Marion Swindell Chosen To Be Included In '65; : Outstanding Men Of America John G. Beers Marion Swindell The Junior Chamber of .Com merce of Hertford has announc ed; that the above named men have been selected for Inclusion in. the 1965 edition of 'Out standing" Young Men of Ameri ca," These men were nominated earlier thia year by the Jaycee Chapter and have been selected bjt a' thirteen man National Board of Editors for the pvbtt- cation. v ' ;. . .. v''V'v Doug Blankenship, cast V. S. Jaycee president . (1962-63) who is; serving as chairman of the Board, stated, that men were se lected . between the ages of 21 and 36 who 1 "had .distinguished themselves in one or more fields 0 -JO Commerce board of directors as Executive Manager to replace Larry Aydlett, Jr., who has re signed. Lowrance is 32 i' years bid, married and has three daughters. Ha JlHpnriA1 William anA Mom. - burgh, Pa. He has been working for the of Commerce' and was chairman of the Government Committee and the Public Affairs Commit, tee. ' His spare time activities include home ' workshop, Boy. Scout Scoutmaster,' salt water ' "slung, golf and civic work. -"- PUa 111 August 11,12, 13 Eastern District Crafts Lead- er Workshop will be August 2 an( 13 at East Carolina . (, Greenville;" Crafts ! .voiiege in that ' will be' Uught to: .the 4- f class period will include braid- ! ed rugs, brooms, chair caning, chasing and embossing, copper , tooling and . embossing (begin- n ing and advanced) corn shuck dells, crewel and advanced), cut ' workJloo--)J ed rugs, jeweiry, reimisning picture frames, tied fringe and knitting. On Tuesday night quickie" crafts will be taught. This is a series of crafts which are suhv able for Bible schools, children's work and are easy and quick to learn. .;.'. ;,'- " ' " '.v-1.- Pre-registration can be made through the County Home Eco nomics Agent, Ila Grey White. Perquimans County crafts in terested persons include Mrs. Ben Chambers of Rcute 3, Hert ford, Mrs. Ray Godfrey, Route 3, Hertford, Mrs. Warner Madre, Route - 1, ' Hertford, Mrs: Roy Vickers of Hertford, Miss Faye Wood, Route 3, Hertford, Mrs. Melvin Colson, Route 3, Hertford. Ila Grey White will accompany the group to the workshop. Mrs. Myrtle Felton Completes Course t 'r Mrs. Myrtle Felton, one of the tliree first grade teachers to the Perquimans County Union School, has completed a three weeks course in team teaching conducted v at Hampton Insti tute, Hampton, Va. ' s Mrs. Felton hopes that team teaching will soon ... become a reality in the Perquimans Coun-' ty schools. . 'V She ' is also very, grateful to those who cared for1 her. sick mother while. she was away. of endeavor to the point of bei ing outstanding." ' . -1 ? Outstanding Young - Men , of America is an annual biograph-i iral compilation of approximate-' ly 10,000 young men of outstand ing, rank throughout the conn try.. JNominees . for the . book come" from many sources, how ever, "the majority of the ; nom inations are , made by Junior Chamber of Commerce Chapters and '. College Alumni Associations.-, 't-: 'i V.",.''i.'' v i . "An outstanding idea" is the; way National Jaycee Public Re lations Director ; Jim ; Staitford described the publication. Na tional Jaycee President ClSS!t-64 Richard M. Ileadlee, a member of the Na4' i.1 Eoar', t i, "tve publication" ia one j ' fir- ' 1 aive s-en r""r '

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