l - r I a. ,t!air, vice ,presf- .'i VjHMui?9ttjt ' St ! Y. Trust fcoropany of n, ;;snoiince4 pas . M- ..VO.' Perry, -Jr.. t ),-s" been appointed t irVisor Of the J Paul ;Ac!pcy in. Williamston. . -i rry,-for the' past hint Sv keh a, pjerk'.in the uj'Tit!oftioe aM severed . c. ctioi.iththt postal i "e'l.oiuiy of this week.-'1. J'A'Fprr, will be responsible ii .'servmf Northeastern North Carolina , a well as the insur g.iice1 -needs of all ofiht Clients of Ce-Ute-J. Paul Simpson, who d.tl of ' heit attack on April 23. tHe will, continue to operate the agency t Its present address, ?ll 'SMes Main' Street "in William ston, r jV f ' Having completed the (Security hofqe. of fc training course ahd fxtynsive. .field training, in ad dition i& .hjs previous sales and business: experience Mr.: Perry asSiimea.hi? duties welt qualified ntinu therexcellent reputar tarn -'fqr'. service ..long associated watif tit' - J.; Paul Simpson f ''yaGEa wmu meets I ', rT3rjp purges . WMTJ met Mon dayiaight, July- 13, . with . Mr. Frank ,WarcT. The meeting was calki to "order, by the president, HxT.kt AyMeV Minutes were read.- and : approved rand the roll calledwith 17 members present. Plans''? tor . entertaining the preacher J? hi ' August -were 1 ar rangtdw. Mr. Joseph , Ayscrre prseQted"the program on ' "Ke Egiotrs TJ,(iberties, Baptist Herit n'X -s.'-. t.'.. $ v .. 'Nominating committee consist ing .of -Mrs.; -Winston Lane, Jr., Mrs?. Josjah Proctor and Mrs. Joseph Ayscue were appointed. The t meeting closed . with the Watqhor4' V," 7 '. TUrlwstes served'iW cake st(rvedi,'rW .; Wt i. .i ; i" ; . ' t 'C . ' j SilneS''of person and steadi. essof features are signal marks of pod breeding. ' . . ,.i f--pQiiver WendeU Holmes. ' VUl :::t r c i i ..rWMl 'the ; young men spin 1 1 fliestlyv In. descent,, their chief dances on, t, tiny 204nch plat 1 . form at6p the pole hl)e playing ,.j a, flute and a'druro. i.-'...'vi'; 1 s : -it :Thfc or.lent Aiteo ceremony.' fH'..i Jnrbtl6n. to the, Bain Oed,i 9 ' "; - TH1NK-TANI? rca SPACE-The 13-foot tall test vehicle, above, jam-packed with "stel-' " i hxt Inertial guidance equipment," under, construction by a Little Falls, N.J:, eledronlctfl .firral, Is Intended for rocket-launched spaca research. , '. , V a; . Threat Of Smallpox Increases Despite Disappearance: In 1940 . s, a30k. i. . . X 't 1' V i '.;.,. , .... ' ;KUeIin. te3room, r 'baeement workshop. ' T I"? .an can it color. i jditioned u S''.'.CiHoutbusinesi , . .: 4ffjee. Ltarn h6, : -y , Jittl it eot to ' ' v , increase ttlephoifa ; ; etnvenienct. , , ' tiirbposie caholota rtLEPRpNE TELEGaXPH COMPANY .' V 1 La A- . The.,'fact1.-that. smallpox jhas been' rare iy the United .States for some' lime ' hai. led, '-neglect of 'Vaccination -in many;in stancfe. ! It; te estimated lhat 'at least') three-fourths qt oW'pjpun" latioii do not have adeQrtite,yro1; tection against Ith iease.'H!;'" ! Aocordidng Dri't; rtf Norton' State ; ' Health ; itt x there were 3,845 cases if pox irt North! Carolina: InMCCi The disease disappeared: tort He sUte in .the i; -3'i, jTh't"jBt outbreak for . the .whole . ot:. the United" 'Slates " was- in ;thr late 1940's with , two cteaths.' ' .This outbreak, centerfrdl ' , to 7, )Ne Yorlt,' . was . sjntre juced;.'"' jCrOm Mex co.' . -v J ' Elective prevention ot naji pox by ? vaccination was discov ered inore than a century and a half - ago. ; Yet today almost 1 C;0,Ooa; cases of this global dis ease re reparte dannually; to th World Health- Organization. ''BXirthepmoM, it appears to be afflicting increasing numbers of people," tori ; Norton emphasizes. Nearly . irice as many . people died from the disease Art 1,96? as in 1962. '.tip 'to November 29, 19630mort 'ftuu 25,000,' deaths were reported- around the wqrlJ, compared .' with - approxiimtely 14,000 during all .of 196?. t-, '-" , . Although u most cases' of this highly .ontagious, . disease are disease appear,. As an. official on the Atntrtcwi Medical 'Asso ciation recently,., warned.. "The icllihger that" , smallpox, will be bljtughllM'; ahUlAtefiiaitonal jtaveler , is ;werraseint.v One C i : ' - ' i - 17 Hon, manj ynfected persoA rofUd t&uch Off children be f hundred cases tfcfore it's even Lj ' 1 vigilance of health officers, 'it is possible for recently' ..infected persons from overseas to infect susceptible individuals tiere 'In ternational ' vaccination' 'certifi cates are required of -all Per sons etyeringi the tTnjfrct States, but these) are' notvah,t ys vsXvi.' !', Physicians 'JitHKjmtucrJ''$.that chaidreiv JjO! 'vacciate4diiring thfeir first yea mfe. m addi tion, many stated 'require that vaccinated before en- !SSry fc -M ?e' ' m,it' beca,s? l.feerious outbreaks of .the di- MreriaiiduS tWIW'icMiiHR ffi, bthffr'L Wast Weden and, England. Mi Mi every f ive yeew the 'infection ainoiig -rosceptAleT",,,; rKi-ffi'IfiKt overseas stopped over on his sa to CanadewLater it fjud that vha&;cbecome..iin fected with smallpox shortly be fore ' . departure from '-abroad, though he had ' shown ,nq, sighs' of the disease , on arrival .at the John . F. Kennedy international Anrport.' Quick action by Pub-: lie Health Service tf icr 1pre vented what might, have been a serious outbreak of the disease here. This action " involved a rapid, widespread investigation fii hjindreds of people who -were psgbly exposed to the infec tionj 'as well as numerous vac cinations of those found suscep ibl to the disease, x This year and next, many welcome visitors from -.abroad how located ill : countries scflrthK'ill' attend the (World's Fair, of -'thtf equator, '.''.ih;'lrtoJenwingling.', with other 1 visitors and sveed 'of international, travel , oni Mall parts of , the United It,"".1 " . 1 ' ''J-iV,"a--fl"'- dPlfi ::.v:.;' .(fi-'-inr " v-l S "Mil have increased the risk of north em ;countries, mciuaing ; uie United States. - .1,, . .,V An 'ever-present problem ' is that the virus can - be transmit ted from an infected individual to others before any signs of the UU Jv Z3." f;.;t .States. Despite the consult your doctor. Below :Last year Based tin ; "-reports - from.- Tar Heel growers as of. July, 1, the North , Carolina . Crop ' Reporting Service has. forecast .the' produc tion of cornt.63,758',00d bushels. If -this forecast 'materialises, the 1964 corn- for grain .crbfr would be 14 percent less thari'.the 74, 088,000 bushels ripJfcad-Ja3t year. ; ' - An estimated 1,386,000 ' acres will be harvested for .grain as compared with 1,372,000 acres last year. : ;;: , - July 1 prospects indicate a 1964 yield of 46 bushels per acre Compared with 54 bushels last year. 7 " :-l. constant TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIHED A - jf i. 1 live c t' ,'s I?:"' ; to KdTli; lions '.of'duli is brh y.-r-i cv.v-"i'c-;il-i.l J .3 e il ' i . .son we c, Iw .' i 1 developing f'1 ri'o r '.i'rrcfs.:.in-- Ihfflki . and -4 .way -possJfcli'rf . in -t:. -tJ.drt of North1 Carolina. -1 ' ' 1 1 NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR r The "Flying Men of PapaaUe,': r ; who perforin an amailng ancient Aitec ritual at th fair's Fa,vlUpn I ,'l'of Mexico, tr proving a senBatlon. , ; ; '"'7 'V v i The five Tocenacag Indians from Mexico, attired in traditional 'i PUT CVBI,lfmH, JWUUIIl, pole. Then, secured only by wilstropee, ' hey spin, around , 'the pola, face, flown, arms' out- iV stretched" Jtf InjIUtioa' ot swoop ing- olrdt. permlU only tribal ; chiefs' or t niale relatives to stand cloi t6 . ; leaven and commune; wit)i; 'thi I , ; The Indian ritual survived th ! , Spanish conquest of Menlco'aad -;V j the Introdtfctfoi' eif t&Wtitittit'.'y tty assuming; nnJ. aapaot 1 name, of skills and . coqri, It i ;iljat:9agaa' year; jt'is' ia.'.e:--t.i'i-jn,:.,'-B.:is gentraiinj t-iiaisis that, would not . exist, unless the reservoir and v itii'e ' recreational facilities were there.5. In addition to this, ' the tusaiess' that is generated as a (result' of jrecre'aiion is '"icra'v? in' the sensei : that' -the primaryf; purpose of the dam , and reseri vdir - il (t6 'pfeyeht fields in- the lower! , Yadkih' River Valley. - ' " Ve',' are '-going y.ta', see the same 'thing! Mppeh in." other' areas of the State . that has happened . In iheTarea,ftf,r Scc..Dan"i'nd ReservOirty ; ' Qnce the ' New f Hope; Bani . is feulW iii. the Cape Fear , River Basin,, 'we are going to feel the benefits throughout the central part of the SUte. The same thing, will happen when the Falls oi the Neuse Dam is built on.th reuse. River just above Raleigh, ; and . other plahned projects are completed in Eastern North Caiv ' :olinaj . WJ.y-i-y : 'More-,and more, we are seem rrr' f;'vV;J- sail i v v .si. V Ml mm- Building Supply Go . TELEPHONE 4.5S7r S','-'' fortiori N;C. :. ' Piatttf ajtttii l ;-v-:..'I -i-vv'iiS . tT!ni; ' 't''j :t ;'),jt ;.ir.7ii -ijf Jill 0.if.'l-::;:i' & ICE CREAIvl COIvlPANY - 4'M'S'.s; Washington A very iriterest- fag "and erilighfening report has jtist ' been , issued by the Army Corps , of,. Engineers ; concerning he W..Kerr Scatt Dam and. Res-; rvoir;on-the .Yadkin River .near lkesbor9; - ..'t'.-'I. '-.:. . ..iv.'u:. i I ; Thii irepont : is,, juBti a routine report, but it .includes facts that iu mosV.vrevealing n about , the keed for developing out water Resources tiiroughout North. Car- ilinWiiiivvA'.isy-y.tir' i: ijxvtvm f.) frtaJASEKSTCa the , month of June... i 'tow' oi 130,345 people ' visited 'the" SlanH and reservoir. (Sihce begin ning . of ;ihe calendar yiar-the j reservoir'': has.jrattfaCted Vtov'Bir J ;2850O ' visitors,,-m fwis .-W. These ' figures WiiiluSi believable, "'ahd they tak;,f orfrt even more significance when1 wt consider :the a8i'-:iallSf( ihjeavyiisitation irnautharBriByet! to comerr-July,, August, andSepv tenaber.,;. wi.-i.iit!U fl v 11 ToiitfidcupTr We install Muff lers, Tailpipes, Generators "- ALSO. SELL AUTO PA&TS WHOLESALE TO : EVERYONE - - V -: -;v ni .Af,': I) , -' '--!-. f '. ' U8 17 SOUTH OF HERTFORD ' " ; i TELEPHONE 426-7118 1 , HFD.-EDENTOM HWY. ttaattttt"aeeAi e.-'jjt(aiBi6!ifiiaiaiBfav ri y - ' ' a' - ' . 7 ' i'lvri'I' Ml'JmeM -it l J.T.-;. n '-.- "I Vv , t j! i?.B:7' .-.- :'.v- Mt-ii, f :;. V-t-:-J . - ;. .W ' :l T t Tfc -f, v'-m ;t t i-' . fi't-vp. .-rwjiaMbr '.-dirt- y rit;Mi ;; ': - .L' nj '..v ,- v..-i Tiiiv. . tf ' r-s - 1 . , . v -, "J . , 1 'II -'- A A. G,; and SUMMER : DRE5SSES ,,..r )- Popular wntllsted design In t wldt variety of tfitt and styles.' Aluminum or Rij'd W.-irl 1 ttroduul enel Batlo tntJ beauty. C led draintgt . Rtoihtmm tntf tied tttpoif. It Mt 10 1 20r size. Idtal (of that "Second C." Softd-fcp 1 bigs. Slur; i assortment of 4 t'. rni' . v:dt' ) it -6 "rr r? n c 1 4 V "C '-it .1 IV" I.rri-. f ic:3 ro;,iiAc,T ic:3 .ciicvi. .. , T.-r: n BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE.., GET ANOTHER QF SAME PHICE wm j'l fH ' 'r. m m mm mm am 1 i::2 valiantv::;):-' . WWiJ L ! 1 , . W U. "t,V V i :cr Ec; Cti nj T r V tzz?.x r: -1 ci:r:3 t":t t: :

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