WEEKLY -5 ii-' .-LSliiii1'!!-' ii; , VoLXXXII.No; 26. .ii' Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, PViday, June .25, 1965. LEANS 'A, three ihan commission, consisting Of a.,M. Riddick, Jr.; Riley JSMondsAJrJ and Ralph Miller, set' a fair price last t Wednesday" of $59,233 for Ja,'fives Mt ; 'parcel.: of land the property of Jesse L. Harris, for the use of a sewage disposal ' plant - site the Town of Hertford 13 ac quiring through .condemns' tion.' ,- ' ; Harris, . who plans to : de velop the land in question as part of :'a shopping center, took his: fight, to retain . the land' ;to;'1hei State- Supreme Court;;; .however, atFebruaty ruling fodntl the towni, within its letfa! riehts ' to" acauire the land. ;through, condemna tion., .v,'.'W(.' r i -s t. Thei town J' fools ''-"Bction against. Harris- in '1964', and Harris :r$ 'threatened: ';the town wiuv a civu guH - iir damages- if the price' .is- not satisfactory T-Htp--.h&&-. said tha it (he .price is not satis factory he will enter a suif for 0i0qO"1n.damages,T t -The- new;' Harris Shopping Center ,1s .located on the' west end? of the'iand and the. dis posal s, plant will ' interfere with the . development, he claims.','.;;" ,',','-';' . ... - , , ,, ; 7 , i ., J 'ICgCiLwl'LIOS vaJa$::s-:;; ;. The ' Hertford ' Jaycees .held tiieiH' .vanhual - installation of Qffi&fsv hansel .-ajrrd Teen- " tfger" jof ., the" w Year Award - Thursday, - night at' the Hert ford'Gramrhar School' , "' j Percy "LaC Winslow, Jr., of elvider'e, was -presented .the .Teenager the Year Award.. ' " ' v Warren Twiddy of Eden ton . installed the new offic ers for the year: Joe Rog ersori, president; Tom Brown, Vice president;- Charlie Fow ler, secretary; -Clyde E. Lane, treasurer; Walter Humphlett, Jr state director. . pirectorS, Sid, Harmon (out going president), Thurman Whedbee and Carson Spivey. . The banquet was buffet style and was served by the Hertford Cafe. Percy .Lancelot Winslow, Jr. (Lot), age 1E(, Route 1, Belvidere, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy ,J Winslow.- A 1969' graduate of Perquimans County High School, a member-! of -Up' River- Friends Church. , Carson Spivey; Jr., was chairman of tha nomina ' tion 1 for. Perquimans County - Teenager pf the Year. . .. Wlnslow's accomplishments are': - . Grand . .Honor . . Roll, highest1 four year average of any boy . in the Ssnipr .class Awarded a PTA scholarship letter during his sophomore year.' .Attended school for 41 y years without rftissirig a day. Continued on fag Six Miller Is Npw At New Station Technical," -Sergeant.; .John K.' Miller, Jr., whose wife, Wanda; is the daughter of Joe Catlett of Rt Ifli-Sevier- ville, Temw has arrived for duty, at Glasgow AFB, Mont., after a tour, of service in England. Sergeant Millen a person ner technician, is- assigned to a Strategic Air Command (SAC) 'unrt at- Glasgow, Hif organize lion supports, .t h e SAC miKsion cf keeping the nation s intercontinental mis siles tand jet tubers on constant s'rt. ' ' Support ' Group, Myrtle Thfe sc t, f jnerly,, Of Ecach Air Force Base, f .lh r.t, 3 i: d, I.V C, is a Carolina, from 1 August 1962 -raduate ti i ercjuimaAs- High to 21 . December 1964. Dur . hool. " J h ' , Ing this period his-outstand-'i For Plana Us Orc:'.i Accepts llistcric Heme '. Resolutions were adopted at the June meeting of the Perquimans County Histori cal Society to accept the re cent offer of the White- Newbbld home, located on the Harvey Point highway about three miles from, the Town of Hertford and ar rangements were 1 made to have the grounds cleared ol weeds and rubbish. A committee consisting of Capt. N. S. Fulford, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Mrs. Julian Powell, W. Corbin Dozier and Raymond Wihslow, Jr., was appointed to estimate cost of immediate needed re pairs for the conservation of the building. While no claim is made as to ; the date the White - Newbold home was built, it is believed to have been located at its present site since the War of the American Revolution. Suggestions were offered that all 18th and early 19th century homes in the county be 'catalogued and suitable markers be : placed on the grounds, David M. Warren of Eden ton was present at the meet' ing and told of his experi ence in fund raising for pre servation of colonial homes and offered his assistance tc the Historical Society. Mrs W. D; Holmes, Jr., also ol Edenton, addressed the meet ing on. the value of preserv ing all historical . buildings records and data concerning Perquimans . County, one 01 the four original' precincts in the State of North Carolina. ; :Th e ,1964- 65 yearbooks were displayed and plans. for anve were iormuiatea; i Officers! elected ifdh tlW year' 1965-66 were: B. C. Berry, president; Mr'WMci E. Futrell, 1 vice president; Mrs. Raymond .Winslow, re cording secretary; R. L. Stevenson, treasurer Mrs. ,S M. Whedbee, secretary-cura-torf Mrs. G. W, Barbee, Mrs. M: T. Griffin, George W. Jackson and Past Presidents N. A. Fulford, Steve T. Per ry and S. M. Whedbee were elected as directors. The next - meeting of the society will be held on Sep tember 27, 1965. NEW LOOK " The Brinn Insurance, Agen cy here is undergoing . com plete renovation; a nibdern new front of brick and plate glass . is being installed this week and adds much to the business district of the tbwnV Cl Is Given .By direction of 'the Secre tary of the Air FQrce( the Air Force ' Commendation Medal . is awarded ' to the following named officers and airmen, for' Meritorious Ser vice or outstandmg Acweve- ment during the period indi cated: T-Sgt William W. Boyce, Jr" August 1, 1962 to December 21, 1964. The Air? Force Commen dation Medal to William W. Boyce, Jr. . " Technical , Sergeant Wil liam W. Boyce, Jr., distin guished, himself by meriton. ous service as Manpower Technician. 354th Combat 1 Clifford Tore Receives Offer Clifford P. Towe, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe of Hertford. former teacher in the Perquimans County High School, and now of Middle town High School in Dela ware, is one , of 30 teachers of English in 'public and pri vate secondary schools who have been selected to attend a six-week ' institute for ad vanced study at the Univer sity of Delaware this sum mer. "' Purpose of the institute, presented in cooperation with the. U. Si Office of Educa tion, is to improve teaching proficiency. Focus of the June 21 to July 30 sessions will be on the development and use . of new ideas and materials in the classrooms. Dr. Edward H. Rosenberry, institute director; said that more than 300 ; applications from 30 states were screened before selections were made. Enrollees were chosen from Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Vir ginia. Junior and : senior high schools are represented in the group. At Meetiritf 1 .4. . . ,C3 ', 1 ur. , Miriam; tt. jnoore, ai- ;srefjqrpf ,past ! Carolina Col lege b home economics de- pitment and 5 three of her students one of which is Joyce Hobbs of . Hertford are attending the four-day 56th annual meeting of the American ' Home Economics Association (AHEA) in At lantic City, N. J. Dr. Moore will participate in sessions on "Mobilizing our Potentials,".' the associa tion's theme. The East Carolina home economist is : accompanying three student delegates from the college's home economics chapter: Brenda Rhea - Fair- of Coleram, Joycelyn Rebecca Hobbs of Hertford and Doris Glen Owens of Washingtoa. The meeting open Tuesday. On Saturday the ECC delegation-will return to Green ville.- : ing professional skill,: know! edge and leadership aided Immeasurable in identifying problem areas in the field of. Manpower and Organiza tion and ?ln; developing and implententing research" pro jects capable of solving these problems. The significant, in. crease in the suggestions adopted through the Military Suggestion Program, which he administered for a major portion of this, period, was recognized as outstanding in Tactical Air Command., The distinctive ' accomplishments of Sergeant Eoyce reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. : Boyce is- the- jin of Mrs. Elizabeth Lane Boyce and the late William (Bill) W, Boyce, 'Sr.' - To T-Sgt Boyce Thiavcs Agc!n Work In Area ' The . Winfall Service Sta tion, located in the heart of Winfall, owned and operated by Thomas (Shelton) Mor gan, was - broken into on Wednesday, June 16. 1 Thieves entered the busi ness by cutting a lock on the front door of the estab lishment. After making en try, they carried off 15 tires a cigarette machine and $40 in cash taken from the cash register, . ; : Sheriff Glen Matthews was called in on the morninCvof the 16th of June and recov ered the cigarette machine about mid-day, It was found on a farm located on the dirt road just behind the old County Home in Winfall. The machine had been brok en open but still had 75 packages of cigarettes in it. plus $4.25 in money. Robberies have been go ing on now for the past sev eral weeks throughout the county, Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation was broken into, the Harrell Gas & Coal Company, a new Ford Galaxie was stolen from the Winslow-Blanchard Mo tor Company parking lot plus a fiberglass boat from the Hertford town pier. Mrs. White Mrs. Archie White of Rt. 1, Belvidere, was appointed Home Demonstration District Safety Committee Chairman and State Committee mem ber at the State Council meetingheld on June 15 in Raleigh. Mrs. White represented Perquimans County at ; the meeting. One hundred coun ties are involved in the or ganization. A Home Demonstration House Fund Report gave en couragement to the fact that some, day a building . weujcj be erected. 'i-: ' ''A The i State'; : H.D. Music Workshop was annbuhced. Every person, adult or youth, Interested in music is en couraged to go to Greens boro for the training. It was reported that -ti 17 year old Korean girl jwjid had been adopted By the State as a project was now working. A young orphan girl from Ecquador has re cently been adopted to take her place. It was reported that four (4) educational loans for nurses were in use. Thirty- three girls are using the Jane S. McKimmon Loan Fund, $500 each. The group Voted to affili ate with the N. C. Council of Foods and Nutrition. The Council voted to pay $25.00 to continue participa tion in Mother of the Year recognition. The Constitution and By- Laws were changed. It was decided that the State H.D. Cookbooks would be on sale again. 5,000 were reported to have been print ed..;.;- Miss Nell Kennett praised the group on their fine lead- ship. The nominating committee report was given and officers elected. Mrs. James Harris appointed committees. . Commissioners Plan Meeting The Board of County Com missioners for Perquimans County will meet on Tues day, July 6th. instead of on the regular first Monday in the month. The meeting is moved to Tuesday because Monday ; falls on the fifth and Sunday being the fourth of July," will be observed ori Monday so the Court House will be closed as tightly as the town's stores and other businesses. : The Perquimans Poard of Education will meet on Tuesday, July 6, instead of Monday's observance of the Fourth of July. Methodists Set Bake Sale , The Hertford Methodist Youth Fellowship will hold a Bake Sale on the Court house lawn on Saturday, June 26, beginning at 10:30 A. W Delicious pies, cakes, cook ies and brownies will be on sule. , A'h ";Vi ' . 'rifcV-' f unty FFA Wins Honors Perquimans County High School FFA Chapter is well represented at the State FFA Convention which is being held in Raleigh this week. Tommy Long and Tim Baker are the two official delegates representing the lo cal chapter. These boys will stay ;on North Carolina State University campus and at tend! the convention being held- in the William Neal Reynolds Coliseum. All their expenses are paid by the lo cal chapter. Paul Smith, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith and Archie Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller, will re ceive their Carolina Farmer Degree Friday morning. This is the highest degree that the State FFA Association awards and in order to quali fy for this honor a boy must be outstanding in FFA work. He must have in operation above average farm projects and show a profit of $500 and ;-have same invested. Know parliamentary proced ure,,; show outstanding lead eh'rt : qualities,;.' must , have participated in several com munity ' arid schbol improve ment 'projects, ' . all school grades above average and must have held an office in local FFA Chapter. iefs Finish Twenty-three 4-H Club members attended Roanoke Island 4-H Camp at Manteo June 7-12. Mrs. Kenneth Bateman, 4-H Adult . Lead er, received a volunteer lead ers scholarship and attended as a counselor for the entire week. During the week the camp ers participated in wildlife, electric, handicraft, recrea tion and swimming classes. Other activities included flag ceremonies, vesper programs, land sports and talent pro gram. Six Perquimans County boys and girls were selected as Group Captains of the Heart, Head, Hands and Health Groups.. They were Dianne Layden, Anna Cham bers, Angelia Baker, Beckie Eure, Celon Cahoon and Ricky Godfrey. Awards were presented at the Friday night banquet to the 4-H'ers who performed outstandingly in the various classes. Receiving the rec reation award were Dianne Layden and Maureen Nixon. The handicraft awards were presented to Jimmy Wins low Dianne Layden and Ca role Eure. The wildlife awards were won by Maur een Nixon, Victor Lamb, and Kenneth - Bateman. Perqui mans County camped with 4-H'ers from Pitt and Cho wan counties. 4-H Camp is a part of the 4-H Club pro gram which is designed to help boys and girls develop their iHead, Heart, Hands and Health as they i enjoy fellowship and learn sports manship, while away from home. Holiday Set By Post Office The Hertford Post Office will be closed all day on Monday, July 5, in observ ance of July 4th. W. W.rWhite, postmaster, stated that though the Post Office-would be closed, mail will ; be placed in the -Post Office? boxes and dispatched as usual, - , i . ' " fj ' ' nmiiiixiiiwi1" I I Mil rf7! t C v Week At Camp .Mm 4 it 1 t.A Mrs. Swindell Hosts Club The Hertford Business and Professional Women held their monthly meeting on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Betty T. Swindell with Mrs. Essie Burbage, president, presiding. Over all plans for the new year were made at this time. A report of the State Con vention held recently in Goldsboro was given by Miss Hulda Wood, Mrs. Marie El liott, Mrs. Roxanna Jackson and Mrs. Burbage all of whom attended. The State theme for the year is "Ac tion for Progress Through Youth, Education and Ser vice". Committee chairmen for the year named by Mrs. Bur bage are as follows: Person al Development, Mrs. Mary Dale Lane; Civic Participa tion, Mrs. Letitia Perry; World Affairs, Miss Thelma Elliott; Legislation, Mrs. Roxanna Jackson; Member ship, Mrs. Anne Young; Fi nance, Mrs. Carolyn Faye Fowler; . Public . Relations, Mrs; ' Betty T.i Swindell;' So cial, Mrs. Sallie Lane and Birthday Box,. Mrs; Walter Kanoy. ' Miss Hulda Wood was appointed scrapbook chairman. A program planning meet ing will be held July 1 at the home of Mrs. Marie El liott, chairman. Reports were given by Mrs. Roxanna Jackson, Dis trict Director. Also reported on were the sale of scenic plates, the "Welcome To Hertford" project, and new items added to the Sick Loan Closet. 2 Local Boys Win In Contest Winners in the Northeast ern District 4-H Electric Demonstration Contest were announced today by Tarheel Electric Membership Associa tion, sponsors of the event. Melton Knight and Paul Burke, of Perquimans Coun ty were winners in the Boys' Division. Their demonstra tion was entitled "Effective ness of Intercom System on the Farm". ; These 4-H'ers will repre sent the Northeastern district at the State Contest to be held in Greensboro during 4-H Club Week. As winners in the district contest, their tuition expenses to 4-H Club Week will be paid. Winners in the State Contest, spon sored by Tarheel Electric Membership Association, will receive a handsome award. The sponsoring organiza tion, Tarheel Electric Mem bership Association, is .the statewide trade-service asso ciation of the thirty-three electric cooperatives in North Carolina. - Ia (Wf?& Vi j.j.x-V'5-. ' ' Shown In Picture: James Ellen, Staff Assistant of Hali fax Electric Membership Corporation, Enfield, N. C, congratulating winners Melton Knight and Paul Burke. Sunday Fire' Appears To Have Been Set; Fortes Investigate Hertford Fire Chief R. C. (Bobby) Elliott, the State Fire Marshal, the SBI and Perquimans County Sheriff Glenn Matthews, are investi gating the fire that gutted the Tri-Way Service Station last Sunday night at mid night. The Tri-Way, located on US 17 in Winfall, at the end of the Hertford Causeway, the building being owned by Carlton Nixon and Elwood White, and operated by the Nichols brothers, suffered extensive damage to the building and all the equip ment in the combination self-service grocery and fill ing station. A passerby reported the fire at around 12:10 and the Hertford Volunteer Fire De partment answered the call. Upon arrival the fire had the appearance of burglary and arson. It originated in the rear of the building where tires are kept, and from there it spread all over the building. The cigarette machine in the business had been bursted open, the han dle was off the front door. Burned oil and creosote soaked wrapping paper wad ded up trailed through the building. After extinguishing t h e blaze, the fire department returned to Hertford, only to be called back about 2 A. M. to extinguish a minor blaze in the building. Assistant Fire Chief Chas. Skinner, Jr., and eleven members of the Hertford Volunteer Fire Department answered the call. They were Charles M. Harrell, C. T. Howell, Richard Morgan. John G. Beers, Clinton Eley. Bill Fowler, Lloyd Lane. Francis B. Nixon, Lloyd Rid dick, Henry Stokes and Wil liam A. (Billy) White. - ; - - '-' ' Local Doctors Are Honored The Seaboard Medical As sociation has honored 11 North Carolinians and Vir ginians for their 30-year as sociation with the medical group. Dr. I. A. Ward and Dr. T. P. Brinn from Hert ford were among those hon ored. They were presented plaques by outgoing Asso ciation President Dr. Gervas S. Taylor, Jr., of Norfolk, at the 70th annual conven tion held at Nags Head dur ing last weekend. Dr. T. P. Brinn was elect ed second vice president for 1965-66 of the Seaboard Med ical Association at the meet ing. L. W. Chappell Taken In Death Luther William Chappell, 87, died Tuesday night at 11:45' following a long illness. A native of Perquimans County, he was the son of Thomas S. and Mrs. Jane A. Blanchard Chappell. He was a retired coach carpenter and was a member of the Christ Sanctified Holiness Church. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Lizzie C. Chappell; three brothers, Elbert N. Chappell, John O. Chappell and Joe O. Chappell, all of Belvidere. Funeral services were held Friday at 3:00 in the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home. Burial will be in the family cemetery at Belvi dere. The family will be at the home Of John O. Chappell, j"0s l ' Jr. Cancer Society Report Given The Perquimans County Unit of the American Cancer Society would like to peri odically spotlight the differ ent committees and their chairmen in order to present to the people of the area the work being done within the local unit. This week, we would like to present the PUBLIC EDU CATIONAL PROGRAM with Mrs. W. A. (Billy) White as chairman, The three purposes of this committee are to (1) Reach all people possible with ba sic cancer facts; (2) To en courage routine physical ex aminations by their doctors, and (3) To reduce deaths from cancer through earlier diagnosis and treatment. One of the main accom plishments thus far of this committee has been having : medical forums for' lay peo ple. These heveV been dis cussions by doctors on the various aspects of ' cancer .' 1 and have beeiC presented at - ' the Board of Directors meet ings which are open, .4o. the i' general public. This ' .'5? ' ; t worked with the program51 chairman, Dr. R. L. Poston. Mrs. White states that all civic clubs and organizations in the county are being con tacted to see if they will in clude an educational pro gram on cancer during their year of programs. Films, talks by doctors and commit tee members are available to anyone desiring to have such a program. Anyone desiring such a program is asked to contact Mrs. White. Other means of presenting the cancer program to. the public is through publicity, distribution of lierature in , ' various offices and places, of business and door tqj1 floor and face to face contact. - : Mrs, White and her com mittee feel that only through knowledge of causes and pre vention of cancer can cancer be cured and 'brought under control. She says "To Cure More, Give More Fight Cancer With A Checkup and a Check". Club Planning For Pack Trial The Albemarle Beagle Club held a four dog pack trial the 13th of June. The trial was well attend ed with nine packs entered from the Albemarle area and Chesapeake, .Va, Of the 36 hounds entered, eight were1 called back - for the final second series run. This eight dog i pack rah for over an hour and 15 minutes. They drove four rfitmits to hollow and were picked; up running on the fifth rabJJit. This was' one. of 'the - best pack trials the club has held. Rabbits were plentiful and were started as needed. Lunch was served at , the running grounds. , v The club had one of. the top field trial judges in the state in Clifton Parrish to judge this trial. . Results were as follows: 1st Lane's ' Rusty, owned by T. R. Lane. a 2nd Long's Jimmy, owned by John Long. -'' '" 3rd Ben's t Jim, owned by Ben Owensi , " 4th Long's- Boogie, owned by Jerry Long. 5th B. R.'s Billy, ! owned by B. R. Inscoe. TO

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