! iff vzzkly : "iCV" :.ei Every Friday at Il-rUord, North- Carolina. tin 1. M . Virginia. White Transeau. i.H , , KD1TOB tune ' tort Hh Saaara Hl.Uv HKBTFOKB, K. C. " ' Entered m aecond clan matter : -1 rtoveraber IS, 1934, at Post (Mile ""t Hertford, North Carolina. -190 '. ,'..,.-, , .., , v.. , 8(1, ir- , N' f. , .:: .i. j .y - -". . 1 ; r'J ; SUBSCRIPTION ' RATES: yiittONl! YEAR., ...- !--!. .,-.,.,.? n Pcrqulmaiw County) ; , ; 'ELSEWHERK .,:,.,,"...,S2.50 , .YiplXv. MONTHS .:,. - . ... r i;l Advertising Rates Furnished By Request ;FMDAY, AUGUST 6, 1965. .11 ;iM ft. ' -A schrxffs. U'EhaJ would Be thitig.fe Ut'SJUL H Hands Off Judging by the increasing :, rate of juvenile delinquency, too many parents are leaving to the schools " or the police v departments the job of train- jng i their: children in - con cepts of right ( and wrong. Thus parents are delinquent - before their children are. i mat Louises in emii-s ui rules of behavior be added to the currici high a good But : before that, every child at home -and In grade scfh)lS and iHifh 'scbodis' snouia rje y impressed - over antj: ' over' ': with one'" simple rule, ' namely, f "Heejp pour hands off othirjecfplef ana other people's . property." - If this .simple rule were followed through life, the record of crime , we. see in the papers each day ' wduld be- practically nonexistent Next to the parent, the schools should, drill this rule into the head of every .-stu-r! dent,-, not just occasionally, I but "every day when classes open.. Examples taken from the daily news could be used to show how following that simple rule would save in estimable suffering and grief for ' juveniles and families. MY MINUTE WITH GOD By CKOBGB H1IXKB, Fatter Ca.waa Metaodlat Chaw "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." Luke 5:4. After Jesus had been teaching the people, he turn ed to the fishermen and, com-' manded them to launch out'1 into' the deep and to let down, their nets. We ; re member that enough 'fish were caught to fill the boat.' If we would be fishers of men we can and '.should learn 'a 1 lesson here. V Note that Jesus . gave the' .. Com mand to those tired and, dis couraged fishermen. He still pives the commands; today. Next followed obedience in the face of physical exhaus tion, doubt, and failure. We also note that Jesus did not tell these fishermen - to go to some other place to fisfy but to let down their nets where they were.' We too, are to let down our nets in our home, our church,', and our. community. Beloved, if we obey the command of Jesus, we can leave : the re sults in the hands qf Jesus;. The' -results" will' be 'joj, peace,, and victory. :; : . - -Dear Lord:. Helrj'. us to i-fttarHhy commands at ,all' added mn d. , subtracted! verses wot and f. three r ott chapter:. Uhree.i of ...Genesis. Eve ?aid:. s'we:. . may eat- of the fruit," but she left' out "freely.- - And she added by telling : the - serpent that neither shall you touch it. We see Adam and Eve dis obeying God and fell from Grace. Death came upon everyone, but Jesus subtract ed and opened a way where we can have life after this one by - accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. He died and paid a price for us. Don't, add nell to .your, life by. - choosing .ithis bfe,, ' but' choose Jesus as. y pud saviour. ,' Th .Bible , sayftt ,'3f iiany mant . shalt add - unto i these things, God . shall 'dd .untd. him the plagues that, are written in thw book.' ,., ; 1 ' . ' 'Rev."'22:i8-1. U v " -n ,,... , il ..' " r' " ,f , " CARD OF THANKS,' t , I-ivish to express to each and everyone iwho remem bered me with cards, f low e!rs, gifts and visits1 during my recent illness in the hos pital' and my convalescence at home. ' v I ; , BRENDA THACH HiiVIs The Life 111" Tvf tin n. m i w U "I'm gi3 4t to be late" .. Could you, begin to'id yp'. the times a quick jtelephone , -call .has saved you atime, ; trouble or ; monejw ' !i K ; iv Don'Mry. But aren't-you-f "glad you have telephone : NORFOLK ft CAROLINA TEL& TELG. COMPANY ; Sunday School Lesson CHRISTIANS GROW THROUGH WORSHIP International Sunday School ;: Lesson for August 8 ' Memory Selection: God is a spirit: and they that wor ship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.". John 4:24. t. ... . Lesson Text: Mark 1:35; Acts' 2:48-47;' Cdlossians 3:16 17;''HelireS' 10(195. ' - . , ..): ';( . ! r-n - ' From' the ' earliest times, By DONALD B. THOMAS ' tApDAND SUBTRACT - : .'God put Adam in the gai den of Eden to take' care of it. He told Adam that he could freely eat of every tree in the garden but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. . If you eat of it, you will- surely die - that day. Now Eve was speaking . to the . serpent and he. lied - to her. He said, "Did God say you shall . not eat of every tree . in the garden?" Eve r is - ! ' 1 J as A :;. '. : 'III S. 'V , - "6 .f:. . ... A . S Butbxone SB (jpiscklebur ti ;:;i!!rit;',;frffi i ''..',.' ' it. ;;,.:,; .:r-; ... i.tjuv ,:.!.:... ,,,? ' M " ' rT'-j i U '111 -. .. . ". s or ! diw&iiiil 1 . Sr -. ' ' ' f n MiHDintti , l( - .. f 7 Kj ik&U-Y z l- J jF Ci i ' Alf 11 COMPOUNO COMMUMB 1 ,.-.,...n ; ,-n, i ? Make a date with Dino for a happy holiday' Sinclair's exclusive Nickel Compound reduces enfiaf Jvvbar mushe20 -to ,;;t Nickel Compoand.rrt dm. ' Sincldijr Gasolines, $4ves' repairs-gives more miles perTdo1terl ; is an Exclusive Smclair discovery that: j Restores lost bower ih'oldrarcs ? i"f " e,;; ' Reduces engine wear as much as 299o KeeDs new cars ftt tia(p&rt&M&r--- "' 1 e Combat harmful Engine deposits : Sinclair anMyntfairks UwldlSjcil: i - 1 - - ' - - - ' ' r-ft . r , , -)K t ' yf AiMrlcMExprtMCr(lNC(hariiewlionort4brvrt,l9ISIiKMr(kili ' 3 ''-;i P5) AKER OILCOMPAN1' SVPPUER 01 SINCLAIR; PRODUCTS? ..fJ- i: .' ; - . -.'V'V ;-'' I;-- r P -4 when man first walked this earth, -he has felt1 the inner most need f or ' Worship. Archaeology, in research, has borjje) this, fact outl Man has built altars from time immemorial, to one god or another, - and this tendency persisted for some time even U after Christ came, offering orgiveness and salvation. . k And, although, as Chris tians, we - cannot approve 01 the concept of false gods, we must at least respect the de sire in man's struggling soul to pin ' his faith on some thing other than himself. ' Our lesson for today is di rected toward sharpening our awareness ' of what true worship can mean, and how we can make it a factor in our growth as Christians". ) ': '"And in the morning, ris ing up a great while before day, he went out and ; de parted into- a solitary1 place, and there ' prayed." Martc Xv. 35: Jesus, " himself,' often felt fhri need for silent com rhunidn with God.' His was an active ministry, and very demanding; he 'was continu ally in the public eye, rally ing l converts,' instructing his disciples so that .2y' might help him spread his message among the people; commun ing with the people them selves, as they gathered round him to listen to him. It was little wonder, then. that he often went into lone ly . place, and there replen ish his spirit in communica tion with his Father. -. Christians am nartnm in M . 7". . a Christ. There is a need to be together, and this need reaches its pinnacle when We draw together in public worship:- This was felt by; the-early Christians, and the Bible records ; many in, stances of little bands of con verts ''drawing ' together for instruction ' and worship in A variety of places in their home (eveaat the risk m)t discovery.- and. persecution,) and ven in the temples. ? Today - we are more fori unatei , i We do not face per secution for: our ; religious beliefs. We have-, churches in. t which , we-. . can gather openly ?ior worship services and. . spiritual , renewal. rwc have Christian fellowship in our public worship services, and this is good and verv necessary. For this experi ence adds a new dimension to our growth as Christians, because, from this associa tion with our fellow men in the act of worship we draw """'""'"'"ment, support and inspiration. re uu not, however,-have' to relegate our worship to public - gatherings only. As individuals, we. have indivi dual needs, our .own private, times of distress or joy. And, in our. -busy . lives-M)ur con stant association with pep-ple-i-it is good fou. us to recognize the need to be alone sometimes, : to com-' mune with God in privacy, "Come unto me all ye that Je-hewrj'lsdei,t' and. I will give ye rest .. . . ' is one or the most comforting passages in the Rihlp Tf wa. avail II ourselves of this loving of II fer, in a quiet place, we will K come away from such com munion with our God with a renewed sense of growth as a Christian. Probably no other - thing does as much to keep our faith m God real and vital as worship. For' this is how we grow. , (These comments are - based on outlines of the Interna tional Sunday School Les sons, copyrighteded by the International Council' Of Re ligious Education, and used by permission). BE A BETTER CITIZEN A TTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR GtiOKE'ON SUNDAY.. J? J A' A - 'p.:::.:: -V.V -, or it f : ... -i' .. ' .. .. -.11- . ITprA prtmpg tha- wlnnwl' Pirn - 1 0,1 J A' ; tub rui .u ns.Tl'. . place position, or will fte :ftil ? In the eyes of these xV- the church I youngsters, victory is the most important thinsr in the.V Th.churchi.th.frtti,8. 1 1 -B- .a a .... -'.'.. "jp. world. Everything hinges on the outcome of this Coil-? i Jhancter and food citinmhip. I f ljnl I . .... 1 V .) . . . . ' ' hill rfMIM,KJit...l . I ff n i, . :', , , ')'' '' 'i ; :t um. Without a tronc Church. ' If enthusiasm is part of saccessfn 'Lving; stimulating .?" democracy nor civiuu. he imagination, and inspiring he mind. It is contagious, l w, tutu con iuxeci. co-worKeps, irienas, iamilies .it is t . ",iena !u'y ij v ..uunviu mi nsu cu w inui viuiMis,'. jf- ' jar: if ror nu own un, (2 , v" v j J j v i. firuuai eninusiasnf - K Mk. , and has been handed down by the Church, one of the greatest ,' " w For th. k. of th institutions On ftarth. Tt momVm wnrVinn- fV.- iiC1,u,?n lt"'. hl:, da hia i- - '':""". -vmoral and maUnal support. meu uy me entnusiasm 01 laitn, can give you renewed " " church wiari! iiinLjii ulii in. M.Tifi HrmTirrTn . . .i . . - . - A 1 'a w. ". . . Why not attend church next Sunday? Become a part of this great fellowship of believers! You. too. nan ha , a winner.- .f . , . ommmtmMmam&hamL.vi. : ' -':.- Wfff I ' ' ' II I ! . I a a a . """f"amaBBmamBi a' saw.,. M.7 M o.a. : 551 ilk la " " wi ' . 1 MnmBiajK Jama I John 32.M2 . ?9:6.t 29:10-1 t,l-2T , 2:12-17 - 2:14-24 g.l.K T This PafjjIade Possible by" the i'oHoWijg'l'irms: ' Ml, . : 1 Af ' Hertford Savingft& 1 Statioij AworiflLiinii 1 v As ow- tibes & repairs' ' Through Savings and Loan" ; Call 492-8843 Xhos. S. Mow MjlViafBM ' , m . ! i !' . 'j 'II 'i'ln b i I , '. i -i " , .v i i r r H . . " j . i. . i'' . ; rr rh " ," J. F. Hqllowell & Son, Inc. Peoples Bank & tJti si Livestock and Farm Produce r- . HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ri - " v' - , - ' , PHONE 426-5411 WINFALL, N. C. - . Member F.DJ.C. Pitt Hardware Company Byrunt Furniture Company Phone 428-5531 Hertford, N. C PHONE 426-5262 HERTFORD-! : - 7 . . :-.';'. r - ....';. . v. ,: 'V'. i - A.M' 'ii'Mi. li.'UfJ-in'i ; n I Winsbw-Blanchard r , Hertford Livestock & , Motor Company . , , ? i h k SupplV Company ; ; ! ; , YOUR. FORD DEALER PHONE 426-5591 HERTFORD, N. C. U" ?n''p'rT'''.'I;y;j ;tv7:f';n-Av.!''i'-V" '''?"';''' lfl' -i ';'oi ;vri'l'j; ' ;Ti ;'"'- '; ' I . .. i.. .v ....,., . ... ...... .1... ...-- -... i .. . ...a ...; - .... ... . . ;.. -... , ., W." M. Morgan Furniture Swindell funeral Home Company5 ambulance service i. i 4 . U I Telephone 426-1311 Hertford, N. C. Home Furnishings . Phllco Appliances ,r . u . . .,, Cannon Cleaners , Towe Motor Company Dependable Service J CHRYSLER r PLTMOUTH ; ' ;i I PHONE 426-5491 . . Sales' and Service , , .z;.'1; .,t,y,-:,;y .w,,: ,y-;.,r:-y . .v: , v--,--.v . ' f ' - ; .' ji ' J. C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. Reed Oil Company - "BLANCHARD'S" Since 183S t. , fESSO PRODUCTS '.':i'..... ,!-.,. i -':. y , ; r .'-'' ' y i' ;f-::f' '.v-V':;: t ' W'1 t fV; v';, V BlancnaroVs Barber Shop 1 ' "BakeQU Company J GERALD W. BLANCHARD . , SINCLAIR PRODUCTS .n:hil -nun ttvttuiu I '" ' 1 :' coodyear tires : ; - . ". . j , i ' ' ' ' t Keith's Grocery Murray Motor Parts Co.; PHONE 42M767 - HERTFORD ft'.,PHQNE - HERTFO" .-.. , It ' " - '." ' - ' 1 ' j- ; ';i ; One Stop Servic2 fcistian Robertccn's Clcar.crs T; bill cox, oiTKra Lr.r.dry, Ir.c Tires . . . Greaslnj; . . . Aw "t',ci . "Q- "-y Y'k Co JfC'J C Call 426-8S70 Kertforl, N. C. . I .i C 3 - I . lnONS 426-SSU HERTFORD

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