Tag pESSTjr.iATC3 .rrT. xir.i. : r::ira c-rcir:. r: 1 THZ FZQU.MAN3 . WEEKLY Published Every Friday at Hertford, North Carolina . Virginia White Transeau ' .' EOITOB .:, Court Hon Sua re HEBTFOBD, N. C. Entered M second class, matter . November 15, 1934. at Post Office tat Hertford; North Carolina, SO, - BUBSCRIPTION RATES: .$2.00 ' . X: 'ONE "SfEAR -'w. (in Perquimans County) i ELSEWHERE J2.S0 SIX MONTHS Jl.M Advertising Rates Furnished By Request FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1965. Mariner IV And Mankind The mission of I.rai-r-ier IV may not definitely answer '-ithe intriguing question of " whether life exists on Mars. But even so, the feat of sending an effective explor ing instrument across the in tervening millions of miles .between the earth and the ; outer space planet is one which almost staggers the imagination. That suca an 'instrument could reach target at' all is impressive. , Even more in comprehensible to the aver age mind is the fact that the vehicle could be controlled and directed over a span of some eight months and that, finally, it would be able to transmit picture signals across that vast span in the space of just twelve minutes, ,v-Such a feat must be cheer- - ing to even those dubious of , this country's scientific ca pabilities. But if man has the dem onstrated genius to reach ' back and forth in the uni ,verse, somehow it would seem he would be able to find a way for people and , . nations to live together on this little planet that's al . ready so familiar to all of us. C..w0 fjo I. -.J toft. Essen William Thomas Eason, 75. died Saturday at 2:30 P. M., in his home on Route 1, Bel videre following a long ill ness. A native of Perquim ans County, he was the hus band of the late Mrs. Nettie Eason and son of the late Horace G. and Mrs. Lydia M. Winslow Eason. He was a member of the Up River Friends Church. He retired from the Major Loomis Lumber Company af ter 30 years service. Surviving are six daugh ters, Mrs. Lorraine Casper and Mrs. Louise Stallings of Rt. 1, Belvidere, Mrs. Margie Eason Gregory. Rt. 3, Chesa peake, Va., Mrs. Betty Lou Riddick of Hobbsvilie, Mrs. Gracie Riddick of Corapeake, and Mrs. Mildred Weeks of Elizabeth City, Rt. 5; two sisters, Mrs. W. T. Smith and Miss Ethel Eason of Belvi dere; 24 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday at 3:00 in the Up River Friends Church by Rev. Hershel Hill, pastor. "I Won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone" and "Abide With Me" were sung by Mrs. Clifford Winslow and Carlton Rountree. They were accom panied by Mrs. Hershel Hill, organist. v The casket pall was made of white chrysanthemums, white gladioli and fern. . Pallbearers were. Seldon Rountree, Jessie Rountree, J. V. Rountree . Jack Roberts, Weeks ' and Burton f Dudley Myers. Burial was in the. Up River Cemetery, . . :, , . j : , CAIlD C? liANSS . ' 'We, the, children of Delia White Raby Hurdle, wish M express our sincere thanks to the' relatives, friends, and neighbors for all deeds of kindness , shown during the illness and . death : of our mother. We were deeply grateful for tlie many kind acts of sympathy during our recent bereavement. The prayers, lovely flowers, visits, food, cards, ' telephone calls and telegrams Were greatly annreciated. ' Your thoughth fulness will ' always linger deep hi our hearts. Billy Thornas Hurdle - Howard P.-Hurdle HaroW H! 'Hurdle MY MINUTE WITH GOD By OLT5BOE MtLLEB, "Pa.Ior Chowan Methodist Charge "It is more blessed to give than to receive.' Acts 20:35. We are so prone, to think of what we can get that we fail to see the blessing' from giving. Our Lord makes a II very vital distinction be-1 tween men, classifying them on the basis of "finding andj losing" or "giving and get-1 ting." The world demands .to know, "How much do you fget?" 1 Christ is concerned with how much we give. 'This is a revolutionary prin ciple for the making and the marring of character and of destiny. In our political economy and in our busi ness life we keep in mind the question, what will I get. In our social life it is the same. In church life many use church privileges without supporting the pro gram. We demand or ex pect a place of leadership and arenot willing to co operate. Remember, what "Ifoxi keep you lose, but what you gave you have. Stair Lord: Help us to be more willing to give than to receive. Amen. V Whiteston News Mrs. Martha Winslow and son Danny of Troutman and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and Mary Beth of . Moores ville spent several days last week with Mrs. Verna Wins lew and Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Winslow. On Thursday they jJSll went to Manteo and at tended The Lost Colony. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riddick arid Susan and Mr. and Mrs. ..Arba Winslow attended the "Buck and Luper" wedding at Winterville on Sunday. The bride was a granddaugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs Fate Winslow of Cross Roads. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Myers and Gary of Wilmington are vacationing with her mother Mrs. John T. Lane and Els berry. They are spending a part of the time at their cot- "Stage at Nags Head. ' Mr. and Mrs. . Leslie B. ," White and family of Wood- ' land visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon White and family on " Sunday. IVi'ln July, Timothy C. Perry vand Jack Mcponald of Otta V wa, Canada spent two weeks J? with (Tim's sister) Mrs. Wil- " liam Winslow and family. They all went deep-sea fish- . ing at ' Oregon Inlet and caught 40 dolphin. Tim caught a white marlin he is having mounted. They have returned to their home in Canada. Carolina Pride Grade "A" rev Best Quality lb. with a " roOD OBPltB Gwaltney Franks - - -L.-Jb.49c "Pork Liver- :1b. 29c Neck Bones .- -----rb.25c Beef Liver: - - -. -----: - -lb 45c Smoked Picnics - .--..--lb. 59c Chuck Steak - -...-lb. 69c Porter Bacon lb. 59c Pork Chops lb. 59c Chuck Roast lb. 49c SMOKED MEAT OUR OWN . SIDES... SHOULDERS.. '. HAMS Taylor's Regular 59c Potato Chips i ...49c 15-oz. Can Eat-Well Mackerel ..---2 for 49c Pet Milk .. ..3 cans 49c 8-0-. Sweet Pickles 2 for 49c JOI- i T IhIan WS-u,- , ,4.. ,. : , n I "..Ji Tea Bags ... - - ----- -- -P?c ffietetic ana r rozen v oous Mayonnaise -"-qt. 49c Sara Lynn v Cookies -2 lbs. 49c Murray's Cookies, bag 29c Regular Size Cheer --..-29c Complete Line mmw FORMERLY FRED'S GROCERY r ' Phone 426-5391 Winfall, N. C. ; ; I ; We t(elivef 1 VVestingliouse r AAA DTI I RAftM hi C0f!T!0MER J" pjj F i y'uyt"VL'lTJ I a &1M r) lis hT.i''.l jl K-SV' ld :;,i'.T,?"-,'.w,.'.vjrs.,:;;'.',r. 1 5 P PpfiP sHiHittSss ill .... fc;,:: . ft.vjLI g 5 tm mm -rtiiw rtiti--i-W. h lip ? ; ... . . .... JjiaBjukiit ,"; INSTALLS CASS'-t C-YEAR Culy Om of IH Kind h tin Indaslryl REPLACEMENT GMBIillTEE HW ML TtNNHT m 6M. Worm Ctrcunttt air quietly and aftV o ,tlH ONLY 9t lf.-llh MitM. mi hi am . . . mm. Iroin room to raeih. Ctrrf II nine, . MUtt ClUtTLKtt TttttT A No sptcifl mtlnm rmdMI. Juat rAii MNtLfc DIAL CONTML SrttMil toi "Hitl Cool", NliM-Caiir, "Migh-fan". -lot-Fur. Air Una' ttonai Lou4n njct Mr aA 1 w . - Sunday Sc!iool Legs6n CHRISTIANS brtOW THROUGH SERVICE International Sunday School Lesson for August 13 Mefhory Selection:,' ; "The Son of Man eaThe hot to be ministered uhtb,,but to min ister, phd to give His life a lahsoih for many.,", Mark 10:43. ' , Lesson Text: James 2:14-26. Romans 12 SE5T ftememter You Save Now Since the Excise Tax Has Been Taken Off : ALSO USED AIR CONDITIONERS IN GOOD CONDITION ; Phone 426-5211 Hertford; I J. C. Our lesson today is coh cerned with Christian growth through, service.' and our most inspiring- ekarnjle ' of service to humanity is Christ's death for us on the cross. On the. cross Christ was doing what , he had. to do. ' Love left him , no alter native, i We are therefore faced ' with this Question.: Does this overwhelming -sac rifice,' prompted- by ',a great love and concern lor otners, leave us, as Christians, 'with any alternative but to dedi cate our lives in' service both to God and to man- knd7, .... . ' ' We ' often think of wor ship as a period of medi tation, adoration and self- dedication. We too often fail to grasp the fact thut worship should also be ac tive. By our deeds we can also worship-and often sucn worship is more meaning ful, because it is creative. New Testament Christian ity differed creatly from Old Testament concepts. Where the Old Testament writers insisted that God - was a iealous God, the New Tes tament writers preached that God was -a God of love1 and divine compassion. . And it was in this era that Chris tians looked after 'one an- III other in brotherly love and concern; they did not limit II their ministrations to renow Christians alone every man who was in need, physically or spiritually, to them repre sented a Christian obportuh- ity. As, indeed, it should to us : today if we are to be worthy of our religious con cepts. " . , , ' There is a heartwarming customi here in America, that is not demonstrated in many other lands. The family who loses a loved one finds neighbors who may , have never been particularly close 1 1 to , them i before,' rallying round with many comforting words,, a staggering array of home-cooked , meals and a generous taking charge of all the endless chores that have to be taken care of on such an occasion despite' the fact that, the bereaved ones are often mentally and emotion ally , unable to . cope wnn what must: be (Jose. This neighborliness . is oftentimes a staff of strength when it js needed most, and is al ways remembered with a flood of warmth many years later. . However, only too often because life goes on for everyone family affairs claim their own, and too of ten the lonely widow Or widower is left to adjust to his or her : lonely estate Single-handed, at the ; very time when the first shock, of grief has abated and life settles down to a seemingly interminable stretch of emp ty days and empty nights. That is when the real loss is being felt; that is when art Unexpected telephone 'call (just to chat) a spontaneous invitation to take- "pot- iuck" or a casual "Hi there! Jtust stopped by to have a Cup of coffee with you" as sumes significance and im portance to the recipient of such thoughtfuinoss far oe yond the small amount of ef fort the act entailed on the donor's part. Such acts are acts of Christian service in God's eyes just as much as large donations of time and money to His Church. Some times even more so, for such kindness is prompted by the spirit, and the spirit is tne servant of God. As a fam ous novelist once said: . "No one is useless in this world, who lightens the , burden of it for ahy one else." And service 'rendered in Variably brintfs its own re ward. We are the better for having extended a helping hand to someone less fortun ate than ourselves. For. it is through service to : others that we mature and grow as individuals. Unselfish. . ser vice throws wide the win- ' dows of our innermost be ' ing to God; it enables his Spirit to come in. , ( And what better thanks giving offering can we make to the Lord, who created us in His image, than to return all that we are to Him, dedi cated to doing His will? r "t""" t t f t ' - If ii t J it .3, aeJ tssel rJ v j-J J XL ..J-- --.-. ' - '' - Whal a disappointment! You nad a t:c:cf. ious drive, the perfect chip shot, and a biilaanS jjutt; then your tall stopped a hairsbreadth from the edge of the cup. The'birdie you thought was yours didn't materialize. ' Of course, it's, only a game; it doesn't -really matter. But blighted hopes are not always so trivial. What if 8omething really big passes yolt by? SuppSse you don't get that promotion, your son's scholarship is given to someone else, all ilflportaHt Client changes his mind, or the stock mttfltet wipes out your investment? Where do you turn? Where do you find strength to meet life's disillusionmenta? - : . j :' " Spiritual valiibs are constant fortunes may shift And change but your Church stands firm. The truths and inspiration you find there give .meaning, purpose, and stability to your life. I ' , THI CHURCH FOR klX. AU. FOR THSS CHURCH - en Mrtfa tor th bulldinn of chic and good ritlrtruhip.lt ilore bouM of ipirltuii viIum. Without a droiw Charch, neither demodncy Dor dvIliiiUon tan nnvive. There n four ound reanni why very penon dnuli ettend eervioei lefju- larly ind tupport the Churdi. They re: (1) For his own take. (2) For his children'! art. (3) For the take of hit community and nation. (4) For the take of the Church Ittalf, which need hie moral and material tupport Plan to f o to church refu larly and read your Bible daily. CopyrV mi Kthur Adutnuint SerWci. Inc. Slmffnui. Va, - Monday Nehemiah .. 8r?-12 Tuesday . Proverbs 10:27-12 Wadntsday Proverbs 152-33 i Sunday I Samuel J- 2:2-10 , Thursday John . i:o0-67 : Friday Ephastant 3:7-21 Saturday , Jamtf 1:12-18 This Page Made Possible by the Following Firms: Hertford Savings & Loan Association , , . "Own Tour Own Home 7' " " Through Savings and Loan" - 4 ,Winf all Service Station OAS OIL TIRES & REPAIRS -. FIRESTONE TIRES Call 463-8843 Thos. S. Morgan, Winfaii IT, J. Fi Hollowell & Son, Inc. ' Livestock and Farm Produce - PHONE 426-5411 : WINFALL, N. C. Pitt Hardware Company Phone 426-5531 Hertford, N. C Peoples Bank & Trust Co. H HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Member FJ)J.C. Byrum Furniture 'CfiU.&2 PHONE 426-5262 HERTFORD Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company YOUR FORD DEALER Hertford Livestock & Supply Company PHONE 426-5591 , . HERTFORD, N. C. W. M. Morgan Furniture Company Home Furnishings - Phileo Appliances Swindell Funeral Home , , . AMBULANCE SERVICE ' Telephone 426-7311 Hertford, N. C. i-.;.V Cannon Cleaners mf Dependable Service PHONE 426-8491 Towe Motor Comparty a CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH ' Sales tnd Service J. C. Blarichard Co., Inc. "BLANCHARD'S" Since 183li Reed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS Blanchard's Barber Shci) GERALD W. BLANCHARD , ' Proprietor Baiter Oil Company; SINCLAIR PRODUCTS ' GOODYEAR TIRES- ; Edth's Groiery : PEONS m-im EERTFGSD tlurray Motor Parts Co. PEONS 426-7211 HERTFORD Or.3 Ctcp Service Ztzpa ', t:iL CC, C ' : T! 1 . . . r-ea.' -z . ' ' Rolcrtc-:.' Cleaners & . Lu-Iry, Inc. - cr. . . 0U3 I

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