ins fEBQtriMANS Weekly, Hertford, north Carolina, fridat. icttembir in, isey. " nun lOV YOUX SOCIAL : SECU:iTY Donald Morrts, representative of the Social Security Ad ministration, is in Hertford the 2nd and 4th Weflhesdays of each month at Perquimans County Courthouse v The- Sqcial Security Amendments of 1965. l several provisions especially for women, and it's import ant for . women to know what these changes in .the law can mean to themj n ,V (, Besides health insurance fpr, ,the. aged, there are many major changes in the old-age, : survivors', and disability, in surance program. Otk these changes, three affect women directly, and all the others have a "woman's angle". I The . provisions esDeaiallv for women are: payrnent4 of requceo Denems to widows as early as the age of 60; ; wife's and widow's benefits for divorced women ' Who were married for A least '20 years before the divorce; and i benefits for , jjvomen ; 72 , or older who were not eligible , for benefits before this be cause they or their husbands ,ha"d not worked long 'enough under social security. ' Less directly affecting wo men is the provision that al lows . for the payment . of benefits to the children ,of retired, disabled, or deceased Workers up to the age of 22, it thp children are full-time (tudents. , i , Information on these . and other changes in the social security -law is available, at your Social Security Office. The' people there will ,be glad to answervany questions you may nave ana proviae .. you with rial about the Social Securi ty: Amendments; of 1965. ASCS l!3v;s , By BOBBY S. HEATH Voluntary Program? ' - ' Successful - ' - Growers participating in the 1965 Feed Grain Program earned $384,758 in diversion payments, and ' $138,168 in price support r; payments. These payments were earned by the diversion , of 16,850 acres of land, to conserving uses. ! This land would nor mally have been used to pro duce feed grain crops 'that are already in surplus sup ply: Payments were earned on 496 of the 930 feed grain farms in this county. Wheat farmers earned $10, 695 in diversion and price support payments. ' on : 67 farms ,':'-::' Cotton growers participat ing in the Cotton Domestic Allotment Program earned $9,635 by electing to plant within the domestic allot ment for their respective farms and contributed to the reduction" of . .cptton ; produc-' tion. .. v: . , Excess Peanuts Farm Operators , that have excess peanut .acreage are reminded that . this acreage must ;be destroyed . . before peanut marketing, cards may fee issued pg early as possi ble; The peanut marketing, card cannot be issued for a farm until all excess acre age is destroyed. , Committee Elections Ballots were mailed to all known eligible voters on August 31, 1965. Ballots are available for additional eligi ble voters (that failed to re ceive a ballot) at this -office. Ballots MUST BE MAILED BY SEPTEMBER 10, .1965. The certificate on -the' enve lope MUST BE SIGNED or the ballot will be ineligible. , Cotton History We have several farms on which ?5 f the cotton acreage .was not planted this year. Regulations ; require that the 1966 Cotton Allot ment be reduced on any farm not planting at least 75 of the allotment in the current year.; .: , .This . reduction may be avoided if failure "to plant was due . to conditions beyond the control of the farm op erator and a written appli cation is filed with the coun ty committee before Septem ber 15, ,1965. ( Corn loans are available at $1.21 per bushel through May 31,' 1966 on all eligible com stored In acceptable facilities. For further information, con tact this office. . . , ' t s OUR SOIL Oil? SLRML5 By F. A. McGOOGAN A. T. Banks recently con structed some ditches with a dragline on one of his farms. Herbert Chappell, Walter Dail and A. W. . Lane are planning to construct a group drainage project -. - Melvin Forehand says that the dragline ditch ' he con structed this spring did a good job of -taking care . of the water during the big rains this summer. Some of the corn fields are looking good where the corn has been ; picked and the stalks shredded with a ro tary mower. This residue when left on the. surface of the land will provide good protection to the soil during the winter months. Philip Thach has a nice border of shrub lespedeza. This shrub lespedeza was seeded : approximately three years ago on a spoil bank along the edge of his woods. Senator Jordan Viewing End Of 89th Session By SEN. B. EVKBKTT JOBDAN WASHINGTON. It ap pears that Congress will be able to adjourn by the end of September, now that de cisions have" been made not to bring up: for action three highly controversial legisla tive proposals. The proposals which have been set aside until the next Shrub : lespedeza seed are relished by quail. . Quail need food every day. Most farms have too little at some time of the ' year winter spring, or fall. Many shrub lespedeza seeds remain on the ground for 12 to 24 months thus providing food all year. "We cannot afford to cur tail soil conservation, either in the East or the West It is vital to the future of our farm areas, and though you may live in a city, what hap pens to the land of your country touches you as close ly as if you were a farmer." Eleanor Roosevelt. session of the : Congress are measures that would in crease minimum wages and expand coverage of the wage and hour law, federal ize the state unemployment compensation programs, and re-align Congressional dis tricts. .;v These three proposals' are not only highly controversial but . attempts' to get action on them this year would cause long delays in ending the current session of the Congress. Of the remaining issues to be settled during this session of the Congress, the most far-reaching one is that con-, cerning Section 14 (b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. This section of the Taft Hartley Act legalizes the various right -to - work laws that are now in effect in 19 of the 50 states. If efforts to repeal this section of the law are suc cessful, it would mean that the right-to-work laws now in effect,, including the law we have in North Carolina, would ,be nullified. t Earl fer this year, the Hous.e of; Representatives voted to repeal Section 14 (b), and it appears that the battle over the issue in the Senate will be, hard and close. I have had a great deal of mail on this subject during the current session, most of it in opposition to repeal. I have always been a strong supporter of right-to-work laws, and I certainly plan to do everything I can to preserve them in the fu ture. . Another extremely import ant question facing Congress is farm legislation, which includes the cotton program. The one-price cptton pro gram, which means so much in our efforts to increase the use of cotton and there by help keep the textile in dustry going at full capa city, expires next year. We are making every ef fort to have the one-price cotton principle preserved in the omnibus farm bill which is scheduled to be acted on by the Senate during the next week. The wise man will want to be ever with him who is better than himself. Plato. Turing TliAf rr EDENTON, N. C. Air-Conditioned Xur, Thursday and Friday, September 0-10 . The Dave Clark Five" ' in ' : ' u "HAVING A WILDK1 WEEKEND" Saturday,. September 11 Rory Calhoun in j "YOUNG FURY" ;,; Big John Wayne in ' "DONOVAN'S REEF'i;, BOTH IN COLOR ' ' tit " 7 .'j. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, September 12, 13 and 14- Frankie Avalon and. , Deborah Walley and The Beach Crowd in "SERGEANT 'l DEADHEAD" ONKMASCOI'K AND COLOR" Wednesday, September 15 Vincent Price in :., "MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH" 1'ATlllX'OLOB A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED harvest. We would like to complete disposition , by Sep- explanatory, mate-, tember 24 in ordor that all - , , , , Mti JV" ' R I o U U U1ZI ii . hi 3' p II ' , . i H i ,i ,1 P I "MY" . i am 1963 Falcon Station Bus. Deluxe - 6 cylinder; Manual Shift; Low Mileage. 1962 Dodge Bart 2-door ,. V-8; PowerFlite; Real Clean. 1962 Ford Faiane 2-dooi ; r i 1 6 Cvlinder; Radio and Heater, , ' 1962 Ford Falcon Station Wagon , . Fully Equipped. 1962 Chevrolet Impala 2-door H.T. " ' Powergllde; White wRed Interior; Real Sharp 1963 Chevrolet Pickup, low mileage 1962 Ford Fairlane 500 V-3 i 4-door Sedan; White wGreen Interior. 1961 Chevrolet Parkwood Wagon ' v $ Passenger;; V8; Power-Glide Extra Clean! i 1960 Plymouth Club Sedan Itiae Owner;: I Cylinder; Ma nusl SblffcA. 1960 Pontiac Chieftain 4-door Sedan i96pj0hevr Impala; Y-6 4-dr, H.T 1 Pewerglide; Wait wBladk Int3H6r; l Owaer.: I960 Chevrolet Pickup? 6 Cylinder . Extra Nice! ., -rr. 1959 Ford Pickup 8 Cylinder Vz Ton : "In a further effort to increase Customers t , ' - Satisfaction, Joe Towe, Jr., has1 been , ' designated as jQu'sfomer Relations, -r9; C3::i in1 lit., Lie. 16CJ- mi i WE '(: HROCK CAKDY SALE ll ll lttwv lift-, immrn: r ii m & s$m iaP W: : : : cy fJr:i Butterscotch . . . 29c AVL- 2L 111 '" yyl' Cinnamon Ba,,s '"' 29c f 'A Cte imlS. SWIFTS PREMIUM WlkiT,', V i PEANUT CITY COUNTRY; STYLE HAMS lb.c COLONIAL'S NATUR-TENDER SWIFT'S PREMIUM VEAL SALE NATUK-TENDER DELICIOUS VEAL' . SHOULDER n cc ROAST.;...... ft. &3 mitt n SHANK MUTIOH -fttJ rWHOUOt No- BREAST O VEAL. Rib or Sirloin Chops -I. 89( , Blade Chops . . , t , , , ft. 59 ii.. - 29' j.i VALUE 1UY t- CREAMY SMOOTH 'Tf mm. m : , -h m ' Aiarganne T VEAL CUTLETS ft. 119 1CMN CHOPS ft. 1 Ball Park Franks . . HNC OUAUIY ARMOUR STAR Bologna. n tT45' REACH FOR THE STAR ARMOUR STAR ' Braunschvcigcr . AVAKARU IN MOST STORES -,i --v.."'", ' ' B-B-Q Chickens . , 9 SEAFOOD DIUOHT f AN-REOI Breaded Shrimp 49c Slt'ntf lb. Chunk Sliced Quarter Loin Pork Chops . Your Choke Fresh'; ; Pnrk NpckhoneS. !-7ndilsVC:ib.c Large GOldetl Ripe ; 'j . t Bananas . . .... . lb. 10c ' Fancy Mountain Grown . Green Cabbage . . lb. 3c VALUE BUY ARMOUR STAR, SLICED BACON 49c fc79 21b. 57 1 LbMr. nutreaT v 3 49' TrrTi r?ii nr7nr?Ti-:r)nnr7n?7nrM 10 ot. Fkg. 59' ; MADE FRESH DAILY" CS BRAND SALADS $100 C.I. Slow, Macaroni . or Potato Salod 1 lb. Clni. &39c r SAVE MORE ! C$ BRAND KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP YOUR CHOICE Miracle ll . - CUANMWASHIS' CUTS GlfAM HTTM CoBdensed All SWANUQUI0 79' V-68' ' ffpl A SMOOTHiR COMPUXION . ' IUX TOILET SOAP . 2 35 4 45' HNTU UOMD . - !OFT WAUHI COVE FLUFFY ALL V" 03' j ' j" 33' , 7111 ACIIVf SOAP FOI ACTIVI PiOPtl LIFEBUOY SOAP 2.39' 2.'.; 2T' WITANT COfTIf : COIS WATH DiTUSINT MAXWELL KOUSE LIQUID L 'j'$1.85 77c- , ' (turn ixautivtiT m womih . PRAISE SOAP -r ' ' , . MiW CUAMNO POWIt DVTY UOUW SSiverBuslEiut1 WISJC .. CAMKH VtSHWAIHIHO iXUic lorrvm ALL FlSlLTCJCa 45' 4S- IOW lUelim MTtMBfl INK kOTKMt y::jta:lets luxu;u:3 C3 ' ; .eN . ... fix ruvon ma ! mm ai it wasms MM. ft Off PETER PAN - REGULAR or CHUNK r?r DELIGHT ANYTIME CS INKND Syrup BACK TO SCHOOL BAR SPECIAL RUT BLUE HORSE LUNCH BOX SPE( . v. Hpr paner . . . jv?- tw icaisins wnjid m m -.w. - .pw, m www , w . RUGGED HEAVY DUTY Canvas Binder V t 59' FOR SCHOOL OR HOME 1 Clipboard ... , ,t 69c HANDY-MULTI-PURPOSE . ' Elmer's Glue . . .59 29c Redgate Catsup. 19c SAFE FOR CHILDREN Scissors M"" , u. SCHOOL SPECIAL TOUGH n r inner hastic PrttM Ml AW Ilfert ftU hi.. Ul., Umt. f, Q, It NO MESS SUGAR OR CHOC CKrf Cookies . CS BRAND IROZEN FLORIDA Orange Juice , RICH TOMATO FLAVOR SAINS IDLESS V W W vi v maa I ni. 39v j 12 or. J.Vp w 10c CAN l'2-OZ. KOBEY'S SHOESTRING POTATOES 6-OZ. JAR CS MUSTARD 14j-OZ. CAN SHOWBOAT PORK & BEANS 14-OZ. CAN BUSH GREAT NORTHERN BEANS 14l2-OZ. CAN BUSH RED KIDNEY BEANS M'a-OZ. CAM BUSH BUTTERBEANS 2 5 FR E E c stamps0 WllM TH'S COUPON A NO (Mt KUtCMAJt U ON ft O? PKfi. MR FROSTY , STUFFED FLOUNDER AM On I LOUfOn RIDUMIO ON tCH iAtlt UNIT SJJS'Cl GOOD IN dClONIAt SIOBF 9 vaj mr swt. ii, is giving cq0 ioc iTAMPS i MCK THEM LUNCHES FOR LESS EGG H RICH OUtMIDC 9 SOFREEs' IAr II :J RcoriicH . RTc " III III 623 OUt HIDE m a' M l..l Zj WBHIt RMm mil .. , 1 Ik i FANCY VA. GRIMES GOLDEN 7 J FANCn'RtXtf STATE 5IXM EAKTAWl JJ) i k ( 1 ' r 1 " JL ll t ' w - 1 1 WITH rHlt COUPON AND TMt PURCMASt Of ONC 1LS. 4 02. run KAY BET FROZEN ChOPPtO CUBED STEAKS ONLY ONI COUFON RI0(tK ON IACH SALIi UNII tMM r,(TOfi IN COLONIAL 5TOIF " GIVING GOLD BUND iTAMr j GOLD BONO f STAMPS f P WllH THIS COUPON AND THf PUICMA ,( Of CANNED HAM . OMlV Dtll COUON RfPtlwlO ON IACH (AKS UNtT OffiB I4HC3 . GOO IM COtONIAl ifbiil IR' 1 VU tW m. Ii, 1 GIVING GOID IOND STAMPj . mm mm 5 5OFREEC0slrsD WITH THIS C OUT ON AND THl PUStMAit fjt OflC 1 LB 0? WE PEP OR CHEESE FOX DELUXE PIZZA ' MT OK COUPON MMIUID OH 1ACR SMIS W1" 1 iei good in coioniai sTotr Wl afw Sri. 11. W GIVING GOLD BONO STAMPS SO FREEcVadI WllH MS COOK3N ANO IK KCHS Ot ONC !0Q CT. BCV JSr rnin i Ann iri Bftfo . f.nnn IN cot OfiiAl STOff IBF V. A Ml Mil 1W, II, 1HIIVINOGOIOIONO SIAWl ) .-.Ii'.'. -I.--. It . ll jl ft k m r 4 S. 1 m 4 x x LARA-L YNN PIES . 3 far .$1.00 Open Until 9 P. -UL Friday ana SaturdavJiLiglit .y