THS FE3QTJIMANS WSESXT.XZSTrOS MOSSa CAHOLEU, JRIDAT. 8EWEMBER 10, ISflJ. f Acs im By faai (5oofc) Kptr ThaqJc you Qo4' few anten na) mj5 wish , I made- in nineteen fif.-twQj i:f Thar- same bom hay would v , make Major League tosses ball, - You, mad mjf,1 wishv ome , ' true. , . .Thank you God fqr our; want ' jh,derful school. ' ' TW, teachers,, tha coaches and J ij'all the rest. ' ' ' TMey are loyal to. the Golden Rule, . , " Vniich. has made it among I S the best ' . . trophies,. 1 j1 "i"- 1 They., auijpjy will v brighten yqur'aye '"V' WheV yoti walk down' the hall' of the auditorium, -. Of good ole Penpuimans High It's a living memorial of oui champion games,' That will' never fade- away It has- sent a Hertford boy ,to baseball fame,' He's pitching for Kansas City . today. , N ! 'f1' So pitch on Jimmy Hunter. You are waving our school flag high, 4 You are- a great pitcher, a . good hitter a fast runner And certainly ' that can't be . denied.. ."; v i Our school basnet been aU sunshine, . ' . . ' Since it was. built - hvniner teen twenty-four It has had tragedies of diff- ent kinds, ' s And in the future ' it will have' more. ' All these memories have worked both waysr--' In these last forty-one years, The . thoughts of one's school days in the past, Is mixed with joys and tears. There was & jet plane crash In nineteen, fifty-seven. It happened as quick as a flash, - ' . '. One minute after eleven." It wag heading, straight , for the school. On that dark clou.dy day,. When it struck the garage. And turned it into burning : pool- - Injuring, cine,, and Jook-one iiie away. There have been boys and girls- that have died. 0 death, how you have made us , us weep . . i .: . ;-.- They were taken Way from Perquimans High,. But they are not dead ' they are only asleep. !. Death' called Mr." Woodard and Mr.'Peiry;, - ' WhicrJ left: our hearts in pain. V But Jimmy: didn't slow dowri ' or tarry; . , f,i.; But went on to make- high school fame. " ' V Yes, as" death did claim, these two gehtlemefr, And took their life, away, Bear this In mind' and re member, They are watching Jimmv Hunter play baseball to; day. , There will be children: tha.t will come: to Perquimans High, : That are not born today, ,,, They will walk down- the .same ole aisles, ; , - , v And on the ' athletic field they will ply. s They wilt ; be ladies, and gentlemen . ..-.'''. 4 (Just like they are now) Honest,, truthful and. cool. ' " And., they will say to one another I ' - "Gee, Jirnmy, Hunter came from this school." I never went to school at Perquimans High, -i Because when it was built 1 was too old. . But my love for it is a high as the sky, ' And just to look at it glad , dens my soul.. , So thank you God! for an swering my- wish, And: now I am satisfied; ' - T3iat ihi boy that they call ' "Catfish",. ' , fame from Perquimans High. Qod, please protect and bless '; , this boy Through the future years, fill his .Mart with, lovrf and joy, -And not iflo many tears: ' , teep him on the "straight highway- hat by-passes all the wrong,' . with- him bota w- and 'day - And guide that pitching arm. Bless, the Cuntor parent, d ' - Anderson. Chyrch, , For raising good children ' every one, . Thank you God very- Very . much ... 1 ' ;';4 wouJ;rtI Job, well' done. 6ontMued from Page One en'Gajther, Mrs. Emily Lane Long, Mrs. Hanna ff. Holmes, Miss Elizabeth Knqwles, Mibs Anne- . Wilson, . Mtss j Eloise Scott, , Miss- Mary Onella Selfe, Mrs; Helen Br Harrell; Qi'- C. Buck and. J. ..ft. Bates: BIRTHDA PARTY: A birthday party was given at die ' Community - HOuse or. August 18 by, Mrs. Brooks Whedbee, honoring i the 8tl birthday of her 1 daughtejr, Penelope : Blpunt r Whedbee, Ihe hostess, assisted' by Mrs" followell Nixon, served ice ream. to ' the '. little : guests' Those invited were Cathet;-, ne' Anne Holmes,. Marian Newby Crouch- of : Thomas'- viae; Pat Morris, BarbafE. lean ' . winslow, Betty Lov 3uttpn, Barbara Gault. Betty Anh' Winslow,- Naricy Zach ary, Juanita Divers, Ram-: na . Divers, Helen Babb Alice Lee Babb, Betsy Chap- jell, Patsy Harrell, Archie 'atton of Marion, ; Reggie tucker, Jr., Howard Brough- ton; '5 Lindsey Reed, Garlton Davenport, Jr., ;Richacdi' Fut- ell, Jack Babb, ? Sammit Sutton; Je.', '- Fred ' Wihslow. Billy Jones1 and' Bobby Jor dan. ' - Junior Replies to Criti cism For ', Labor Shortage: In reply to farmers, vhoir it Ls. said,. .fiave criticized thf WPA rhljaming the adminis tration for. farm labor ' shbrt ages, Cv. Edgar White; Junior l-i r Tl..'.- uoAt; wux -fiev . iui me rei- quimans County Welfare Departments ' makes:' the fol lowing statement: "Ihe de Dartme'nt of oubhc welfare at-Hertford -has experimehl- ed several ' times by: dis- continuing - apphcationH of WPA over a period . of months. , to see if it was WPA's ; ' fau'lt' that'- farmers could not get as much labor as..' tney . needed, u war found that the farmers still complained - of not getting required labor. ; . Attend-: Dealers' Meeting: L C. Winslow and Edward Byrum were in Washington Wednesday, where they at tended a. meeting I of John Deere farm equipment deal ers. The firm of J C, Blan, chard & Company, of which iMr. Winslow. and Mrifiy1 rum represented, is the i John Deere---dealership in - thisJ district. If . (I ' To ' Attend1 ' RieVcer :' Miss Mary N. Feild left recently for JMecbifciiGa.) ' where Uhel will attend ' Mercer Univer.i sity. - - - ' Claude Brian One, of Elon College Squad:" Foofb'all practice-, at, Elon, is already underway and word is r&' ceivecl here : that Claude Brinn is out with the sauad Ralph White Hurt In Odd Accident On Edenton farm: Ralph' White M Belvidere was seriously injured in ah odd Occident hear! Edenton late Wednesday when , a tractor" overturned, pinning the Belvidere- man under neath. Mr. White, age about 38, 'is employed by the Farm 1 Equipment Company of Hertford and Elizabeth CitVi Mr. White was sent to Sara; Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, It is thought that h possibly suffered a frac tured' skull. County's. School Busses- In ' Dfew Garage:.. Perquimans County's 13 school busses will be housed in a big new garage - before winter gets underway in earnest. . J. Vf, Hampton is bus mechanic' at the - garage; . 1 Mrs. DLTbae Hosts M Mrs. Essie Burbage, presi dent of the Hertford Busi ness and Professional Worn' en's Club, was a delightful hostess at a cook-out at her home for members of her club, , Thursday night, Sep tember 2. A delicious sup per of hamburgers, baked beans, - pickles, barbecued potato chips . and apple crunch '' was served - in the SEE US FOR arid Supplied shaded--yard under' in.stFing oft muwi - coionecr lantern lights. ' ', o 1 ( jfoilowing .the .supper, a business meeting was, held with Mrs.'.. Burbage presid ig, .She welcomed Mrs. Dorothy Dilday '. as a ; new member ,. tot - tha club Re- ports were given, by the fol- lowing committees: v i !; Visiting.. Committee Five rtew families . in- Herttord were visited during , the past month: with t four "more scheduled to be visited sooa : Loan Clpsetr Mrs. Roxan- na Jackson reported mat ;new addijtions tai the closet were a bed, . mattress, wneei chair land bedrails. She has received- ' donations . of - ap proximately ? $60 i from dif- eitt squicesj recently, a progress report, was given by the ) Health . career Club Commilttee and Supper Com1 :3iitt8eisv,.';'-;;; Mrs, Rcxanna C Jackson, iistrict - director,' announced :hat the BPW area meeting would be held ; at Wrights ville Beach-, on Octobers 16 and 17 with this' district be ing . responsible for , the patio party to be- held after ;he Saturday night banquet. Also, each club is respons ible for a door prize. An ' announcement was al so, made to the effect that the -; mobile chest X - ray unit x would be located .next to the Health , Center in Hertford October, 14, 15 and 16. h The next BPW meeting will be . held on September 30 at a place to be an lqunced , , later. v ; , ' : ; iCANCER CRUSADE , -v.;TSid Harmon, 'chairman for the 1965 Cancer , Crusade .for Perquimans County,' an--nou.hcd Lthat plans are un HefWay )for -the cancer : oru-: Ksadei tO-be held during the entire month of October. The goal for the crusade is $1,000 but it would be won derful if we could exceedl Laundry , at its whitest! Cleaning Geaner Than Clean! t;l'K :- Wd &udrantde'A Perfect Quatity IoB' Call Us I Robertson 1 Cleaners-Laundry ' HERTFORD, N. C. ' Phone- 426-523S piftSflfcipaifli NOW j Total Area Heating . . . without Costly Ducts! ggf ,.,, ssssaaal V(3.) '?:: jriia t j featu:;:.-3 the Hero's th famous force a draft buftter that actually 'iuhui fuel oil inta CLEAN 1 'gas.' Ytiu jt rnore. heat , trtwoe vary drop of ful. . , at on Bam setting. .1 ( r:o , . r:o soot ) N rUO CCl J -.1. ; ::n v ': rt -. 1 -- ' ; j,. ! this. .goal.;'. The money you donate- ta the cancer cru iade will be used foe-many purposes, including researcn but the most important fac tor is that so much of the money 'remains in our coun ty to be used on 1 persons who become stricken with' this ' most dreaded : disease, There have been many pa tients in Perquimans Coun ty that ' haye received help from the local funds. Mr. Harmon stated that the local home demonstra- tion clubs have agreed to take the cancer crusade as a project and are ' going ytp spearhead , the drive. REVIVAL SERVICES AT ASSEMBLY OF GOD . The Hertford , Assembly of God' Church, located ,at 715 West Grubb Street, ill begin revival " services ' . on Sunday, September 12, and will ' continue ! through Sep tember ' 19,. with services beginning promptly at 7:30 each evening. . ' The, revival speaker will be Rev. Fenten L. Jones. He serves as superintend ent of . the North Carolina District Council of the As semblies of God organiza tion. The,, pastor, Rev., T. E. Arnold, extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend the services. A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED WINSLOW iRo unusual new ( with premium additives qMho price of reuf fs tfl now TM eoutd only get Wis ' ef PURE's txclusivs Tri-tane additivtt in (Firebird Super. Now, a new Firebird gaso line with premium Tri-tane additives can Help you cut down on the cost of running your or four weysi 'VJ, Tea get better gas mlleete becaiiH ' , axcluafyt Tri-tane additives dean your !.,-.- csrburetor oMl keep it clean. ft, TM'tsa less til beceuie exclujlva Tri-tane additives cut piston ring wear by as much as 60. J; To mvo noney on repairs becssH ex , elusive Tri-tane additives cut down on ' -." ' carburetor adiustment, "boil-outs" and ring Jobs. r1-.-.... 4 In addition to all this, exclusive Trl ' tane additives help Keep your engina at the peak of its free-flying power. Cet this anutusl new gasoline at the price af regular. Com in and start saving! WINSLOW OIL OF ALL HEATERS MADE .' . . ONLY monoGRfirn can actually do iti famous M At Schools Perquimans County schools new 1965-66 school term got under way here last Wed nesday, and on Monday of this week there were- 2,437 students enrolled in the fiye schoolsi : Perquimans . High School, Hertford Grammar School, Perquimans Central Gram mar,' and Perquimans Union were integrated. There are 11 Negroes enrolled at Per quimans High, four in the Hertford Grammar School, three at Perquimans Central, and one white , .studenj-M Perquimans Union School. , Attendance figures for'Fer. quimans schools on Monday ran as follows: Perquimans High School, a total pf 429 students; Hertford Grammar School, 285; Perquimans Cen tral Grammar, 392; Perquim ans Union School, 911, , and King Street School, 410. ' A total of 2,437 students in the schools ; here. All schools resumed their usual schedule for the school year here Monday and every thing was running . along smoothly at all schools. ' Evcjy man is like the company he keeps. gasolino benefits CO, err i . mm i BBBaaaaiattSi Here's the secret I Exclusive 3-Vay Circulation 1. Warm air circulates from the) top 2. Power Blower spreads heat on floors 3. Circomatic fan constantly : , blsnds and circulates air throughout the house . Here's the furnace type comfort at about 15 the cost! Continuous circular tion assures uniform warmth in every room. Na hot or cold zones, no drafty areas. It's TOTAL AREA heatinfl Floors, stay warm a toast-ralwaySi ; High-Btyle cabinet ere in mar-prool beige or browntone porcelain enameL PRICED AS LOW AS $9450 Driver Given Continued from jpage 1 costs. , , Herbert F. Duke,' charged without a valid operator's license,' was given a 30-day sentence. Sentence to be suspended upon payment of $25 and court costs. Max. Welborn, - charged with improper passing, was taxed with the court costs. The following were charg ed with exceeding the speed limit: Willie J. Ore, Matthew Gibbs and Mat thew v Moore. Each was fined $10.25 and the costs of court.1' Cancer Society Continued from Page One cancer, is in the early stages Decause it is curable at that time. ' The. minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Hulda Wood, secretary. "Sid Harmon, the crusaHp chairman,, reported on his plans for the 1965-1966 cam paign, . which begins Oc tober. y.: The same slate of officers All property owners are required to clean their lots THREE (3) TIMES A YEAR . . . May 1; July 1; September 1. If owners do not comply with ordi nance, the Town will clean the lots and the cost will be charged against the property. 1965 Ford LTD 4-door Hardtop 1965 Falcon 2-door 1964 Ford Fairlane 500 4-door 1964 Plymouth 4-door 1963 Ford Galaxie 4-door; standard shift 1959 Ford 4-door Hardtop 1963 Valiant 2-door Hardtop 1963 Ford Country Sedan 9-Passenger 1962 Falcon Deluxe 4-door 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 4-door 1961 Ford Galaxie 4-door 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 4-door 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 4-door; standard shift 1960 FdrrT Fairlane 500 4-door 1959 Plymouth 4-door 1959 Ford Fairlane 4-door Sedan 1964 Ford 2-dr. Hardtop; standard i9ox r aicon 4-aoor oeaan 1957 Ford Custom 4-door; standard shift 1957 Ford Custom Wagon 1957 Oldsmobile 4-door Hardtop 1965 Ford F100 Pickup 1963 Ford F100 Long Body 1953 Chevy Van; 4-speed transmission 1962 Econoline Pickup 1960 Chevrolet 2-ton Truck 1959 Ford F100 1955 Ford F100 11 FO-1ST as last year were reelected for 1965-1968, which' in clude: Charles Harrell president; Miss Thelma El liott, first vice president; Mrs. Ila Grey White, sec ond vice president; Miss Hulda Wood, secretary and Mrs. Marcia Carvin, treas urer, , Mrs. Ruth Peterson, dis trict representative of the American Cancer Society, attended the meeting and gave a brief talk. The next meeting will be held November 29. Outdoor Tips from tbe Ancient Akg Sportuman'i Idea Rxchance CLIPPED MINNOW Surely everyone knows when fishing with minnows and the action is slow to clip the tail partially off. Injured effect pulls strikes. DOG STAYS PUT To keep your dog off the fqr seat, put dot; on floor. Now pass his leash under the front seat and tie or hold leash. Fido can't jump up, soon learns his place is lying down. PRICED TO SAVE on The record-breaking '65s have filled our lots w'' top condition, late-model trades ... which must go! Look at some of the big used car values waiting here now. 111 SUES 111 COUTH ROD TIP A safety pin makes, ran emergency top guide for your , fishing rod when the real thing breaks' miles from any repair. Wrap pin on -with monofilament or tape with electrician's plastic tapa '.. INNERTUBE SCOPE SAVER Sportsmen low on $$$ can protect their scope with a big rubber band made from inner tube. Not much class but. it puts the $$$ in the scope where it belongs . . . not in a fancy scope saver. 1" COLD WEATHER SPINNING Get yourself a good Pair of; top quality leather mittens. Cut a slice in the back of the right mitten. This allows you to slip your casting finger out for the cast and slip it back in for retrieve. ' Now you can fish through the coldest weather. BATH MAT A bath mat placed just in side your tent will keep camp a whole lot cleaner. SHOVELliNl TIP . Got a long way to shovel through the snow to your cabin? Make the job easier by heating paraffin and pour ing it over the shovel blade. Snow won't stick. YOU fmMl shift; 6 jwjftj CA30LIM 1 Bless. T' T City, t ror V" " a;;sLc;7-DLAisiLrtD f.mi co: s r' g t-y. a. a ' , , "i ;;.,;. I. idjS.;),....,,,,.- i: j, .,. . .. naalet's-Niv. 1M1 C4,