! ! if " i ' ;C -. , VrEKLY hed fcvery Friday at .tford,' North Carolina IrtfnU Wt'tt Traau r ( , k lMHIOll . ,. Crt Hoaae Square ' I ; V HMTFOBP, K. C. . . I uitrd a aecond clasi matter ? lrovwoheMS, 1984, t Post OtflM j tt Hertford, North Carolina,: ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j ; ONE YEAR 12.00 I ;. ' '- In Perqulman County) i ELSEWHERE S2.S0 i. SIX MONTHS .-i-r2.-1.50 f :i; V j .' ! Advertising Rates Furnished i 'h , r . By. Request . FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 1965. Thanksgiving 1965 i 'When you sit down, for I your Thanksgiving dinner, Ve here at The Perquimans i Weekly,' feel that this is an i' appropriate' time to 7 ask "Blessed . forgiveness", and express our thanks for good health, happiness, prosperity and pleasure. Let's express our gratitude and dedicate ourselves to wholehearted - new endeavors whereby we ?.!inay fully use the advantages X Riven unto us, to move f or is" ward to greater achieve J rnents. - The Weekly .- sends i to all nf .vmi ainrpro thnnks ) fat the i privilege of serving 2 you. . We tare happy to.be a i part of 'this community, .and 1 e extend our sincere wish y' es for'a most joyfulholiday, r We hope that all will asjt J blessed iorgiveness. !Thri En- glih '.poet, .. j Alexander Pope, A said,' ''To err is human; to jorsjvej uivjnei n one nas been "rtrefytedB unjustly and th&t injustice i ,i's ., intetttiertial,: forgiveness . can : be - asked. Wrtpn iuro rulo mil nf rViniiaVit J ; all -hatred and revenge and ! in their place entertain mer sfV cjr, love, and a desire to help, V this will awaken all of us. .' " Forgiveness brings to every J jjl oh light,- peace,- joy and y freedom from pressure and tensjori. ; Often it takes mor- i 111 .PAill-afXA in fnroivA aa. pecially ' when' friends and 5 co-workers try to chide one V into demanding satisfaction., 6 .-If- you have been badly .M wronffd. fnreivA nnit fnrwt- never return i ev.ll ' -for; jeVil. ZJ ' CJ " - . I O I Whi- we are- tmlv aJncare about forgiving o desiring td; be forgivieli, we' fintfithat love and moral courage give Ifr Us a brighter outIdluk' on -life, -a new, fresh start. ' To for T. give 3ir"i(V : Dlesfe, ahd" Be blessed. . ' ' . Is . anybody ' in Edenton keflpijig up -with, the price of livingi , jj t - NOW! '66 '66 Caprice Custom Coupe with formal roof line that comes on no Specially mslrumented console, with the rich ts available for the Custom Coupe , - s:r,r'rv ' f T -''' ' mm4.A . I -if i ,.v. , ,:!!?:;: 'Si!""""" "mjr-muum, j 4 f ' ' . IRL I . I Vinyl roof cover is available. Outside rearview mirror it one j t ft many safety assists standard on all '66 Chevrolet Ail told there are 200 ways you can stereo. But the beauty of it is that ; inake, too.' Ready to move up this ? pile, luxury upon luxury in the '66 a. Caprice, before ypu add the first'.., year? Your. Chevrolet dealer is how Caprice Custom Coupe, Sedan or extra, is luxurious above and beyond ready to move you up . ' , Wagons. And that includes creature any other Chevrolet you'ye evfr about as far as you r comforts like four-speaker FM seen and many a more expensive could want to go. - ,-t . ,y f See the new '66 Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy D, Qorvair end Corvetta at your Chevrolet dsr's , One Ctoverleaf t 1 Meeting Is Held -a The Cloverteaf - 4-H Club held their meeting Monday November 15. The meeting was. cajled tn order by the president, . Maureen Nixon. Victor Lamb led the pledges. Kartell Thach eave the de votions with Scripture. and prayer. Barbara Elliott lea in singing two songs, "Come Ye Thankful People, Come" and "My Country -Tis of Thee". , . ( Fnr th old business it, was reported that everyone had already turned in money for sales and cleaners. For the new business, the Christmas Parade was dis cussed a nd "Dee" Boyce and Victor Lamb, were appointed, to carry the Emblems In the Parade. The pommittee ap pointed to tJlan the Christ mas party " were Charlotte Nixon, Nan ' Ambrose and Linda Harrell. Those'. ... ap pointed pn the program com mittee were Brad Fields, Harrell Thach, . and Victor Lamb. Those appointed on the decoration - committee were Barbara Elliott.' Sharon Swindell and "Dee" Boyce. New officers for the com ing year were 'elected as-follows: . President, Nan 'Am brose; vice president, Char lotte Nixon; secretary, Bar bara. Elliott; reporter, Harrell Thach; song .leader, Linda Harrell; ; recreation, Brad Fields, "Dee'' o. Boyce, Sharon Swindell ' ' 4-H project selection sheets wero i 1 1 led in after- being discussed with the leader; Mrs. Ned Nixon.' . r Brad Fields served refresh ments. (v . !, MY MINUTE , WITH GOD Chowan Uethcdlst Charge . "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ , .. Jesus con cerning you." I Thess. 5:18. The song writer and poe.t says, "Count your blessings; name them one by one.'' We know that , that is, beyond human possibilities. Our blessings are too- numerous. I am afraid that many times God thinks that we continu ally fofget - our " blessings, one i. by one. Would you continue to, be a blessing to hosewho oever express any thanks or appreciation? Since God ! gives '.to us our daily oreaar ana ! many otner in numerable blessings, j it must surely . b r e a;k . htf ioviAg heart when we fail .to' ex-. press to him any thanks or appreciation When v Jesus healed the 10 lepers there was only one who returned to- give thanks. Remember, he '.asked, ''where are the r:5' -' other car A whole new series of elegant Chevrolets with a whole new . of features even some of the most expensive makes don't look of walnut, T...V . Strato-back front seat, 5SI CllOUlTcIoS Co MISSIONARY SOCIETY BEREA CHURCH MEETS . The MLssionary Society ot, Berea Churcji of Christ held its monthly meeting Friday night, November 19, at the home of Mrs. Dewey Vfates. Th meeting was called, to, order by the president, Mrs. James Copeland, all joining in singing "Come Ye Thank' fuj People, Come.", For the devotioq Mrs. Yeate? read the 95th Psalm and offered pray er, then gave a reading on Thanksgiving1. ' The secretary, Mrs.' Horace Miller, read the minutes of other nine?" s 'I , trust that you . are , not one 1 of those nine. Let us try our best to remember, how God has so marvelously blessed us all the days, of our "lives;' then thank - Him and tell ! him how much , we" love, Him. .! Deart- Lord: Accept " our humble thanks for thy "many blessings; none xif which we deserve. i Amen. For Fast, Dependable, On-the-Snbt Farm Delivery... Call Us Anytime We offer yoij dependable, one-source service for the complete line of top-quality Sinclair Petroleurn products: gasolines, motor oils, tractor fuels, lubricants, greases, heating oils and kerosene. JPIiH Fast, Fait Delivery right to wherever it's . nefldfiH nn umir farm I Poll Your Phono Your Name and Address ;f : Supplier of Sinclair BAKER OILCOMPANY . "SUPPLIER OF, Phone 426-5544 . 0H - Strato-bucktt seats featuring tapered bscKrcsts Come with console shown it felt : - available in Custom Coupe and .. Sedan, has center envest that folds up for third person . . t . ... : .1 .... . .... v !. 4 .. t wy the last meeting.i There were 17 answering the roll call, . The group will be sending Thanksgiving fruit' basket? to shut-ins. The Christmas pro gram will be in the home cf Mrs. Leroy Pait. Mrs. , Watson. Eure gave a vet-y interesting-. Missionary Story about the Klamechis Clinic, then Mrs.VEure read a beautiful poem. 1 Mrs. Delvin Eure had charge of. the lesson which was taken from the first chapter of James, j The clos ing song was '"Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus". Mrs. Freeman Umphlett gave the" benediction. ; During the 'so cial hour Mrs. Yea tea served delicious refreshments .;vi M',v. 'ii,i. 1 1' ; i n i ii ii . . ! ' Patience , ' t .fiA husband waiting for. jiis Wife while listening to an ra dio remarked,; "Well, . the. ia tronauts have been t around the : world once and here I am still waiting, for her.". y Dolly Globe, Atchison, KatV f . y no t.o. i Number Petroleum Products '; . SINCLAIR PRODUCTS" ! .i- . Hertford, N. C. BY CHEVROLET choice offer New Tufbo-Jet V8'$ are . available witH up to 425 hp Till-telescoptcsteerini wheel moves up down, in or out, can be fdded tpsny model ' - it . .11 b ;33 37BQ Cl Uiv 1 t 1 I '"WW.v HcrtrcrJ, U.C, MANUf AOTUrEII' UE2K"t 11' Sunday, School Le&son - c '"'?.. .''V':'". ' '"'" 'Kg l.-:-'1'!' AMOS: CHAMPION OP JUSTICE , International Sunday School Lesson for November 28 Memory Selectioa: '. "Let judgment run down as wat :ers, and righteousness as a mighty Btream," Amog 5:24. Lesson Text: Amos- 1-9. j The Book of Amos is com paratively short, but very, very pungent For Amos, although fun une4ucted man, was welt" versed iaj. going1; to theirK 'i t.iif "i-itu-,U0iV vantage, - . . I Amos might well be caHed a "thundering" ; prophet. He spoke with force,- and with conviction.. He .- warned the people that God . saw into their hearts, land they would be judged by what He saw there. The Day of Judgment could be light-but it : could also be dark.' . It all .de pended on the individual Israel had strayed sadly ,from the path. God hqd lid for them when he made Moses their leader. . Their attention and devotion had been scattered, fanned by the superstitious practices of their-v times. :. Idolatry.; had onc i again reared it$ ,Ug,lJ head. Warned time and time aeain of" the conse 1 people naa josi iriern5i;ives in hp service and-the pomp and circumstances that Often surrounded the worship ser vice, i until they : were; .lost iin , a maze-, confused, and, not truly seeing j. where , they were going and what they were doing. i , How often are we guilty of the same misdemeanors today? . Our false gods are just a little different. In stead of the gods of fertil ity, of rich harvests, of wine, We ; have the. false gods among us of money, of sta tus, of self-seeking. Yet we; like the children of Israeli the- chosen people rational ize the same faults in our selves 1 that, we are- s( quick to Criticize 'in othew.-- 'i. Alposit'.retlized - that his people, were threatened from the wknSse;s within them selves ifar ' moe 'than they were i threatened iilpy) -ii e i might i .of forces that 'were without He urged them to seek the,, face .of. .God",, .earn estly 'and devoutly; to never Jpse ..track of the central truths inherent in true wor ship: ' ' God calls on all. men to seek him; he may do it many times in each- Indivi dual's life-time, ; either through sickness or . health, poverty or wealth, justice or, injustice. And . if we v re spond, we must do sd whole heartedly. .- Amos preached that tf seek God was not enough- the manner of one's life; as one sought; was also , im portant. It would .s do ,' no good, said Amos, for a man to seek God if he worshiped the Father consciously, yet unconsciously paid homage to something less than Godj his worship would still ,'be unacceptable. For a man to offer worship to God with out being just to his fellow men was to offer an insult to God, cried Amos. , ; ; ' If . Amos were to come among us on this earth to day, would he find that we are so very different from his contemporaries all those thousands of years ago?" How many would he find among us worshipping without the essence of worship within us the motivation to give our lives to the furthering of His will? How can we become more pleasing ' to 'the Heavenly Father? The answer lies in many things.1 We please him by truly worshipping him, whether it be" in the church of our choice, the, home, the highways and byways of this wonderful world He has cre ated for us. We please Him when we demonstrate jus tice in all the realms of our existence when we become concerned in brotherly love jjor our neighbor. ' - These comments are Based n outlines of the Interna tional Sunday Softool Les sons, copy-rifhteded by t:a International Council of Re ligious Education, and ud fcy permission). . , ' 4 " r i - , ' .'i .Wft daref pot. forget that '-when jrjitr forefathers celebrated the first Thanksgiving t)ay tiiey Weren't at aU gure that their nieager'-haTvcsf would-be-ade--qoate to, sustain ;the little icommunlty; through a-long hard; wjnteti," Abou jxi they;.eou,ld; g?Ve God iWas thanks,' , ' , 1 3ratitude for our blessings' in time of abundance discovers a new dimension. We can become partners ' wjt,h the. Almighty in Ilis mighty aims. ' . For,' the vet;y season in which Christians give blanks to their Lord is the season in which they plan heir stewardship their support of the Church's con,,' inuing1 work. . i ( , ii you vara a cnurcn Mnksgiving in earnest commitment to your congrei'l;HdreatiiDdiiirbi. daiiy. ration's spiritual opportunity. If you are not a church nember, express your thanksgiving by discovering our own spiritual opportunity. ' ., - ' Spiritual dedication is about the only life resource I if -which we do not have Ued! ' . "Sunday Germ it M.i.e . Monday : Ear lilO-ll, Tuatdty -i Fialme MiMO Tt7 f' St2 , .This Page Made HertfortJ Savings &1jwir i Association, , . "Own Tour Own Home ThrMfll ISavJnxs and W F. flfollowli & tftvestoek anil -Farm PRONE 426-8411' PtjuHardware Company Phone IHHSt -tofl9VN. C Winslow-Blancharti Motor Company ! W, M. Morgan Furniture i .rnmnanv Home 'Furnishings . Philco Cannon, Cleaners Dependable fiervlct I , PHONK 4J6-B491 . ' ; J. C. Bhrichard ti Co., Inc. . : . EiiNcruip-s" einci : i , " s Tj i' ' ,' r M V".:.' v Proprietor rc::3 :?-?: J I i...t.. ' view) memDer, demonstrate yotw4 more than we absolutely 1 - ., ,i t . , Wedndy Mark .Thtindey ' Ink Iphetlani I24I-T IM-14 1:3-10 Possible hy ihi Ponowtaif Vlnrts: - WinlaH'Service Statical ' GAS t- OH "e- TIRES ft REPAIRS Call 462-IM3 MS. Son; Inc. 'TcQWs Produce , 1 pEBTFOBSfwRTH CAROLINA TTTNFALL, N. C. Byrum Furniture Company FBdNI 428 - ;:; dwinaeii AMBULANCE SERVICE " Telephone 426-7311 Hertford, N. Appliances K CHRTSIER - PLYMOUTH . Sales and Service V . Kced ! V- Czlicr i1' 0 1 ' " A - I - ' . .,'' 1 TJHk CHURCH FOR al alL rpn the chijucH - ' i. ' ' I IV'-Chuwh Ii.ilrt arntMt factor oti earth (or the buildinc at chame trrand loud Citiarrahip.1t i (lun houV ot pirilul wIum, Without tm Churcftt. neither ilamncracy nor civilization Win turvivr. There ere fotftr aound nteaon why every rwrton ahouU etten perfiln rfil lerly end mppwt thrfSiureh. TrieXr Wa." i.1 are: l IV For hla owjiiakt, 12) Far cnuormje taits. (3) fuj trie airite hie oyflyhiayity' and nation. (4) ' tbe uk t theChitrch ilaeff, icbtneerta hia rAoral and material .lIL .Ul .r .'.I..., . .. . , ,Cfljn( IKI KiiMkr AoWtutaf Strmt, tti )')' I . !,tf Saturday ColoniaiM 3:12-17 I ? I i FIRESTONE TIRES Titos. S. Morgan, Wlniau Vznk & Trust Cd. i. ' ' A. f5jS62 HERTFOR3 i. Hertford Livestock 5? , 'Supply Company : : j HERTFORD, N. Xt runerai nomq r T Towe Motor Company j Oil Company! ESSO PRODUCTS Oil Company as - - Ktr, -I

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