11 ,.:::';v.J.-pil:rdl-f:'r WEEKLY '!, . "J," .M1 r Co Vol. XXXIV.-No. 4. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 27, 1967. ,ents Per Copy ve, - 9 1 7 Ups'EidM ' DisGrica Finalises In I .4414. Wltvv. J !?) ' w Joseph ? Ray :Haskctt, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Bay .!-: Jfeskett of 107 Carolina Ave Que, HertfdraV is among six nominees (ifrom Pistrict . 1 who have.' been selected as , flnaUstrf in competition for 1W7 Mtehead' awards to study ; at i the -University of tSrtlk Carolina; v .: -. , I The announcement 'is made v"45daj by Roy Armstrong, executive Secretary , of the 'John!1 Motley Morehead Inundation. , , i . Finalists ; are Joseph Ray fiasttetV- Jr., David .Thomas 1 Tayloey Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Tayloa of . Wash ington; ' John" . Patrick , McDowell- III, son1 of Me." and Mrs. J.. P McDowell, Jr., of . Twbord;-' Ronald' Gtaham , ; Baker-, son of Mr. and .Mrs. O. w A. Baker of Ahoskier . John William Meakin, . son of Mr.' and Mrs. J. U Me'a: kin of Rocky Mount, and Joe v fwsley Paget, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jv A. facet of i Grifton. ; ; ' : A'Tw 'alternate . finalists wfe selected from District ; 1 also. First alternate is Steven Beryl Ayers, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ayers of Route 2, Willianwton. . Secr olftd alternate is Tony Dixon pall, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. G. Jf. Oail of Ayden. nTheso f jnaJists and alter nates: were selected from - a field of 21 nominees from 17 of the 19 ''counties compris ing District "I following-interviews in Williamston on JViday, January 20. ' - " District 1 is composed of ..'Beaufort, Beilie,.; Camden, Chowan, . Currituck, x Dare, ' Edgecombe, 'Gates, 'Halifax, - Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Nash, Northampton, Pasquo- , tank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyr , -, relt and Washington coun ties. There '.wert no nom- iymu eounues tais year, v Ich of tha- JO . Morehead Awards .TKsW'ieW.lttthtt state will select six finalists to ( appear for; interview before the Central MorehM Selc (ion Cowxnjttee .- in Chapel Hill, March, 3-7. A (total-'of " It "nominees fronV-26 piivte preparatory schools . on the- Morehead . FoUnd'6tion' selected list wjl) ; also "bte interviewed at this lime:-. iThose- chosektc by the . Central Selection Committee will then- -be Interviewed by the board, of trustees of (the Morehead Foundation, . who will make the final-, awards in March. , f' Members-' of 4he District -1 loreheacl Selection 'Commity ", tee are Thomas J. Pearsall of Rocky Mount, chairnian; Lof- vonunnaa on rago iw , 'Jr s' , , '', ' r 1 ' , '-, . iGrand opening is planned est addition'- to thoif busier-Robertson's Cleaners, who ' ness, Robertson's Cleaners is opened. .,thi8 week in their now betters' equipped to ' 'spacious beautiful new build- handle every type laundry, , ing here on Dobb Street, in dry cleaning Cand 7 laundry - the old -ABC store building, and .- rental, -Vservice.-, The with , , $.100 ' squaroifreet; of .buslness. urnishes rental ser ; ;dot, sp&ce, plus the,. most vice necessary to . business nwdernncV equipment, Rob. and professional nien irt Pef ,es new plant now has , quintans , and 'surrounding . t nost modern fabric tare counties. , TV beauty shops, ' pjdnt:in the olbemaile. ' motels, restaurants, garages S wThe building has been and now industrial Unifoitms. vi m ; . :itr jr nunuviitfu, uivu- m expanning tne Dusiness e I and h s been quip-" Zack Robertson said "WW p d with fre most modern' expanding our business as a eV'iipwierit end a cily look, ' thanks to Our many custom c t'ict 1 rqy-Kiani " can erg and loyal employees, be- li pri. : , cause of whom we have en new addition Joyed 1 continuous ' growth r-la-j'cT busi- the years." . . . I is t i c Is Agong v J1 Course Slated By Methodists The' annual Chowan - Per quimans. Christian Workers School v will be" held next week 'at Hertford Methodist Church. Three courses will be of fered .during -the sessions Sundatf througftj Wednesday nights;' according rto Rev. R. I. .Bame,' chairman -of the program. . They ' are: -Old Testament Content .and Valie. to- be taught by Rev, Walter . N. McDonald; Adult Learning In ' a Changing World, with Rev. John Sut ton as Instructor,, and Work ing With Elementary Boys and Girls, 4 and 6, Mrs, Ag nus Cameron,- instructor. . , -1 Sunday night's session will begin at 7 P. ' M. ' with the first 30 minutes being devot ed to orientation. ' The ac tual ' class period ; will be from 7:30 o'clock, until 9:30. Ai car pool v will leave Edenton Method ist Church at 7:16 P. M. each' evening, except Sunday when cars Will leave 30 minutes earlier. "Numeral Won By Fred Combs Fifteen seniors, " who never played on 4 losing team, Were anion? the 35 men awarded 1966 football letters at Worth Carolina State Uni versity, athletics director Roy B. Clogston announced, fThe.. Wolfpack team was runnerup for the 1966 At lantlc Coast Conference championship with a 5-2 record. Seven of the lettcrmen won all-Atlantic Coast' Conference honors. ' Tiw , ',-t, -' Amongrthe letter winners who -are expected back for me- iwi." season i-is i iTeo Combs of Hertford. i E.L. White, Jr. Finishes Course b - Private" Ernest" L, ' White, it;, 25; whose father lives at 211 North Woodland Street, Hertford, completed a six Veek lineman course Janu ary -1 3 at' the Artny South eastern , Signal School, Ft. Gordon, -Ga. : : s " v Pvt White -was trained to install and maintain open wire and field Communica tion wire. He also received instruction in laying lead and rubber-covered cable. His wife; Genevieve, lives on; Koute l, Belvidere. - 1 here " Robertson's '. Cleaners ' is W their ; definitely one of the' grow t here.ing businesses In the county rs- ai) -end are forever' seekjng to t on fjid ' improvement id every . . i Lt- ay. j - ' Welly White Taking Course R. M. Riddick, Jr., execu- value of" $100.' . married to the, former Oi- tive :Vice president of Peo- v Welly is - the son of Mr. anne Divers, and they have pies Bank & Trust Com- and: Mrs. Bill White and is; one son. pany, Hertford, is again the , 'Kev Banker in Perauimans Cjotinty this year, and he has announced that the Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Hertford is sponsoring ' one scholarship to, the . Modern Fanmers Short' Course at N. Cv State University. iThfc , young fanner; who was awarded this scholarship this- year is Welly White of Route 1, Hertford. ' Welly . farms about 13d acres of land, . which is in corn, soybeans and peanuts,.: and he also manages a swine herd. He is having an op-' portunity to participate in classroom , discussions on in secticides, fertilizer, varie- ties of corn and soybeans and feeding of swine. This sHort course wilj last two weeks. It started on Janu ary 23 and. will end on Feb ruary C 3, . and i has a cash The Perquimans Historical Society held its quarterly meeting at the Agriculture Building on Monday night at 8 o clock. The meeting was presided over ' by Mrs. Dor othy : Barbee, the newly elected president. A historical tour of Per quimans County was plan ned for seventh graders who are studying North Carolina history. The calendar year was adopted for membership ratner man a fiscal year, , The latter was used previ- ously siniJe the- organization was formed in June. Leon Edwards, manager of the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce, requested a com mittee to work with a travel committee of the Chamber and Mr. Honeycutt ot the State Archives Department in ', locating and dating au thentic ' old buildings, ' homes and sites m the county" Rajf Winslow, Mr-, and Mrs.' Oor- bm twzicr and Mrs. J. Em nictt (Lucille) Winslow. were appointed. t Mrs. T. P. Brinn, member oi the Albetnarle Museum Committee, ' introduced Mr. George Attix. seWetary of the Elizabeth CityiChamber oi Commerce, who" in turn introduced the speaker for the- evehing, Miss ' Susan Stitt, , curator of the Museum of the Albemarle. , Miss SUM. transmitted her enthusiasm and pride in the project to the audience. Her talk was entitled "The Func tion of a Museum." She based her remarks on four phases of operation, "A mu seum collects, preserves, in terprets and exhibits." ; This will be, a 10-county project and : its success- will depend on the. interest and pride o the people of the entire area. , It will be a historical museum and its exhibits will tend to teach the folk: art and life of the section from its beginning. The exhibits will - be gifts or loans for particular exhibits.) - They will reach the student, the t-oMuwed on rage Two Talk Scheduled By Mr. Peterson : Rev.t M, I Peterson, a missionary from the Depart ment of World Missions, will speak at 1 1 A. M., Sunday, January . 29, at the Baeley Swamp Pilgrim Holiness Church, Route 2, Hertford. Mr. feterson has - served the Pilgrim Church as a missionary on Antigua, St. vmcent and Barbados irt the West Indies. He superintend ed the district work Oh these various fields and also pas tored a number, of churches. He has also' done evangelistic work in Mexico, served in Jamaica and South Ameriea. He is an effective speaker and a dedicated missionary: There will-, be- cm-ion from the field 6n display. .; The pastor, ; Rev, ' Verlin Busick, extends an invitation to all in the community to hear Mr. Peterson.' . : . PTA MEETS FEB, &jf 'The- Perquimans High School PTA will meet Thurs day, February 2, at P. M. in the school cafetenai 3 :'f ,; ! . Mrs. Anna Harmon) Iruid ance counselor, and i the Health - Careers , -Club'-' iU' present thfe "prdgrant; '' ; ''R. t Li'- SteVehson; jtresi-' denA tuges ' all ; taeaibers' ' 'to attend; '- ;.' ' Society Meets ' - - 11 .IIILUIMIM R. M. Riddick. Jr.. execauve va-e pieutut u , rc.uo.es Bank ft Trust Company of scholarship to We Jy White Perquimans. County, farm agent, looks on Hertford BPW Holds Meeting The Hertford Business and Professional Women's Club met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Dora T. Rid dick with Mrs. Mary Cobb, president, presiding. . In keeping with the pro gram topic of Personal De velopment, a demonstration on correct usage wf cosmet ics and their application was. given by Mrs, Eugene Boyce and Miss Glennie Morse; "During the short business meeting, reports were given on the results of the candy sale held by the club. Mrs. Essie Burbage and Mrs. Rid dick were appointed to serve on the Welcome Committee for the next month. ; Mrs. Riddick gave a report on the progress of selecting the Voung Career Woman of the Year, and Mrs. Roxanna C. Jackson reported on the club's sponsorship of a $50 scholarship to some imember of the Health Careers Club. Mrs.' Xobb asked for. fight volunteers to assist in the Measles Clinic to be held on January 29.. She also an nounced that the Spotlight on Women "'will be held February 25 and 26. ',: Mrs, Phyllis ', B.., Mansfield was welcomed as, a special guest: The hostess " served deli cious refreshments to the members and guesls present. Field Trials To Be Jan. 29 The Albemarle Beagle Club will hold a "Plan B Sanc tion Field Trial Sunday, Jan uary Z, at its running grounds located on Harvey Point , road just outside . of Hertford. This is a fun sport for the whole ' family. Running grounds are fenced . in' and supplied with rabbits. Judges for this competition will be R. W.. Bridwell of Kinstori; S. D. Griffin of Edenton and Donnie Lassiter of Edenton.' All field trials are held under the rules and procedures of the American Kennel Club. ,: Membership is open to any person in the area who is really interested in the sport. If you own beagles you are invited to- come and partici pate, in this competition. You do not have to be a member to run in this trial. Tro phies and ribbons will be awarded. Drawing will be held at 8:00 A. M., at the clubhouse, located five miles out of Hertford on the Harvey Point Road (signs ha vo been erect ed , in the area to help in the location ' of, , the ; club house). 'Lunch Will' be ser ved at the clubhouse. . - If you are interested in the sport i of Beagling, you are,, urged to attend this trial. ANGUS BULLS SOLD W. Lane, Hertford, re cently sold an Aberdeen-An gus , bull each - to Tlldon Whitehurst, Hertford, North Carolina and to T. O, White hurst, . Elisabeth . City, North Carolina. . ' - N ' PERQUIMANST)RAFT CALL NEGATIVE FOR FEB. "Mrs. Margaret Sefiff, Clerk to the local draft board, an nounced today .that the call for : the month of February is negative! There- arc no calls or j induction nof for- physi eull examinations for! Febrtt- Hertford, is shown presenting as R. M. (Pete) Thompson, Sunday Is Day To End Measles r The Medical Society of Perquimans and Chowan bounties are sponsoring a campaign against measles this Sunday. Dr. T. P. Brinn of Hertford is chair man in Perquimans County and Dr. David Wright is chainman of the committee in Chowan County. End Measles Sunday to be held by the Chowan-Per quimans Medical Society at the Chowan and Perquimans Health Departments. ,. At Chowan County the time will be from 12 noon to 2:30 and include children from one to six years old Who have not had measles, and in Perquimans County the time will be from 3:30 to 5:30 P. M. and includes children from one to 12 years old who have not had measles. The clinic is free and par ents are- urged to take then- children from one to 12 to the clinic which is the medi cal society doctors' idea to help avoid the usual spring epidemic whifch we usually have of red measles. Dr. T. P. Brinn will be at the clinic on Sunday after noon, again giving of his time, to give all those child ren attending their - immun ization shot. The shot will be given by jet injector, wnich is .almost painless. Dr. Isa C. Grant, M.D.. M.P.H., publicity chairman of the t-nd Measles campaign, urges all to take their child ren to the clinic. Production Meetings Set "We will have a series of crop production meetings, starting on- Thursday, Febru ary 2," states R. M. Thomp son, County Extension Chair man. . The first one will be on soybeans and will be held at the Agricultural Building in Hertford beginning at 2 P. M. Dr. Howard Small, extension soybean specialist, will be here to conduct this meeting. "For many people, in 1966 the income from soybeans exceeded income from any other crop, and we are still producing about the same number of bushels of soy beans that were being pro duced per acre many years ago. Part of this has to do with attitudes of the farm ers in the production of soy beans and part of it is due to the lack of research. It is thought that more knowl edge is being gained aboUt Continued on Page Six SUMNER REED'S DEATH , Word '. was received "here last Tuesday, ! January 17th of the sudden' death of Sum ner Reed at his home in De troit, Miqbv. MrH Ree.d . was the brother of Mrs. Charlotte Reed Mathews. ; ' INTERNAL REVENUE OFFERING ASSISTANCE The Internal Revenue Ser vice located on : the second floor at 804 West Ehring haus Street in Elizabeth City, will help you with your in come tax report. j; u James C. Ingram, taxpay er,i assistant representative, stated taxpayers; ; who i wish -assistance with their ; filing may receive 'liielp at the-wfr lice . tmmr- v a.-mv ntu,- w mi h'om' t until 4:30 P. M. Meetings Slated By askjorce' Under date of December 12, 1966, Gov. Dan Moore was informed by Secretary of Commerce John T. Con nor that establishment of the Atlantic Coastal Plains Reg ional Commission for North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia was approved. . ; Secretary Connor said the creation of a regional com mission for tne Coastal Plains Region "provides op portunity for new and con structive approaches in federal-state relations for the good of the nation and the economic development of the region." The counties below the "fall-line" in the three states constitute the Atlantic Coas tal Plains Economic Devel opment Region. Forty-five counties in North Carolina are included. i Meetings are scheduled for February 1, 1967, at the Perquimans County Agricul ture Building in Hertford at 10:30 A. M. and in the grand jury room at the Nash Coun ty Court House in Nashville at 4 P. M. Pursuant to the formation of this regional commission, the State Planning Task Force is planning several meetings to inform public officials, planning boards, civic groups, education lead ers and all other interested citizens of the scope, purpose and potential of the tri-state establishment. State and federal officials will be in attendance. These two meetings are being held primarily Sor the benefit of the citizens of the counties of Hamett, Johns ton, Wake, Wilson, Nash, Edgecombe, Franklin, Vance, Warren, Halifax, Northamp ton, Hertford, Gates, Cho wan, Perquimans, Pasquo tank, Camden, Currituck, Tyrrell and Dare. Junior Miss Third In State The Hertford Jaycees sent Hertford's Junior Miss, Miss Linda Hand, to Charlotte on January 13 and 14 to com pete in North Carolina's Junior Miss Pageant. Miss Hand did the local Jaycees proud when she started off by winning one of the two preliminary awards. She won a $100 scholarship bond for placisg first in the Breck beauty editors' award competitiin. She was second runner-up lor the other preliminary award and won a sterling stiver chip and dip bowl in the Scott Paper hostess com petition. Both of these pre liminary awards were judged prior to the pageant Satur day night. When the pageant started at 8 o clock Saturday night, Miss Hand had a large group in the audience to cheer her on. Her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Hand, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagoner and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nixon and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Harmon and a group of local Jaycees were on hand to give her moral support. : When the finalists were named, Linda was among the top five. She was the top winner in the youth fitness Continued on Paice Six Prison Escapee Given Sentence Joseph Smith, charted with escape from costudy of uaies county Prison Unit, was given a four months sen tence to begin at the expira tion of sentences imposed in Hertford County Recorders Court in district court here last Wednesday. Diane Leary Werner. charged with expired , opera tors license, was fined $25 and taxed With the court costs. '. V-' :, : ' '.: -' James Preston Jordan, charged with allowing , an un licensed person to Operate a motor vehicle, was fined $25 and court costs. ' Willie Skittlethorpe, charg ed with depositing litter on the highway, was fined $5.00 and taxed with the costs. Joseph Henry Goodman. charged with 1 speeding, was fined $13.00 and costs. James Henry Riddick, charged with speeding, was fined $5.00 and COStS. S ' - , Y :'?' .Cornelius Sharp, .-: charged with ; improper jights, was assessed wuo, tne costs.- ioey . Simpson Qwens. chaia td with impeding the normal Concluded on Page Tom, Harmon, Madre Given Hertford Jay cee Award At Annual Banquet Sidney Harmon, Hertford druggist, was presented the 1966 Distinguished Service Award and Donald Madre, farmer of Route 1, Hertford, was presented the 1967 Out standing Young Farmer Award at the annual Jaycee banquet held last Wednesday night at the Hertford Gram mar School. v' ' fen Madre is the son of Mr. and James A. Auman, John G. Mrs. Warner Madre of Hert- Beers, Marion S. Swindell. ""Uker was Dick Dall. Brewer Beers, Conald Norman, Bud Presentation of DSA award dy Tilley, Joel F. Hollowcll', to Sidney (Sid) Harmon was Jr.. Sidney Harmon, who made by Erie Haste, chair- again won the honor thi.- man of the DSA Commit- year. tee. Former OYF winners since The meeting closed with 1952 include Allen Tom the Jaycee creed by Clyde Banks, Benjamin Chambers, Lane, vice president. Elmer C. Lassiter, Clarence Former DSA winners since C. Chappell, Jr., William F. 1952 and "through the years Elliott, Jr., Walter W. Cart to date are: Francis B. Nix- wright, Clifford S. Winslow, on, George A. Fields, Henry Garland Eure, Tildon White C.Stokes, Jr., Charles Skin- hurst, Paul Smith, Clyde ner, Jr., William A, White, Lane, Jr., and Ed Nixon. 1 aw. ' w Naval - Military Operations In Perquimans In 1863 On 30 January 1(163, the Briggs. Steamed down the USS Commodore Perry, a 513 river, and at 10:30 came to ton side-wheel steamer of the a-hor off the town of Hert- fnrn T.annorl tita .cnlHinria United States Navy, captain- ed by Lieut. Commander C. W. Flusser, conducted naval and military operations in Perquimans County. This ex- pedition was part of an at-.cd a bridge across the ,Per tempt to prevent, the civilian quimans River. From 4 to population of the area from midnight, expedition return rendering aid to the Con- cd." federate government. The Further details arc triveti ihip's log contains the follow- ing report: "January 30-At 1:45 A. M., sent cutler and launch ashore. At 5:30 they eturnea wun nny-onc soia- ers of the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment, Cap- tain Sanford and Lieutenant USE OF FUMAZONE EXPLAINED BY FILM The Hertford Farmers Ex change is ; announcing ' that ther will be an education program put on by the Dow Chemical Company - Friday, February 3, at 7:30 P. M. in the Agriculture Building in Hertford, cone.-nninfe tne use of the new . Dow : Fumazone 8S ,v for, peanuts. This . is a new product and air peanut growers' C in Perquiman; ,are urged to attend this meeting an! -,get' , the , full deitails ,, on its ; use. . ' Welly While, president -of the Hertford Jaycees, called the meeting to older. The invocation was given by .Doug Taylor, local chaplain, after which Welly Whitu recognized the guests. Presentation of the OYF award was made by 'L5ou; Taylor, chairman of the OYF Committee, to Donald Madre. j and thirtv sailors belonging to the boat under command of Captain Flusser. At 1 P. M., manned two boats, went on shore, and destroy- in ,,. rn).lin.s ..on,t. .-r loft pivmol,,h with fiftv- ntl, nf ,ho T,n,,i,. cnth Massachusetts, under Captain Sanford. landed the , r, , Hpi.ffnl.H witu ..hml. ninptv mpn mar..h(,d 8 or ,0 mite8i destroyed two bridges over the Perquimans River, and returned to Plym-, outh the same night. There are how no bridges remain ing on the Perquimans, so that the goods sent from Nor folk " to the enemy on the ' south side of the Chowan (by whom they are conveyed to Richmond) have to be passed over a ford, and the roads leading from that ford can be guarded by the troops at Winfield." CANCER CLINIC The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will be held on Fri day afternoon, February 3rd, with registration beginning at 12:45 P, M. Only 30 peP'e can be:, seen at the Center each month due to limited facilities, so it is suggested that anyone who wishes to be assured of an appointment should write or call the Can"" cer.. Center," Health Depart men't, Elisabeth City, for a -priority. 1 Examinees are ask-; ed touring a, robe, or house" coat with tljein.'.'' : '",

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