:si.':.F iCs ? T II F A M S W & F. liC 1H Y .MS Co . Vol XXXIV.-No. 10. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, March 10, 1967. n : - 44. l3 Pes' Cent Rate hi ;'.;-,vf -t n'?'.-,1':'. ;-:.,,;:'':-;v' ' ;v);. " The. Perquimans County : . (Commissioners met here Monday; at their March meeting and adopted a res olution that Cor l the year 1967, that all real and per sonal property be and' the same is assessed at 50 per cent of the appraised val ue; and -60 per cent of the ...'v3ntMiisa'4 trnlna , ehnlt Ka 'JtJI W.wu i M . w. . Mil (i I he value Ued for taxing property. -; Reports ".were received f from the .Agriculture ' Ex li tension Service and Wel fare Departments,- , V The . ' Board authorized the Perquimans . County ; Chamber of Commerce to have 4,000 'copies printed ?(, of, the deed from Kilco fcanen to George. Durant. . f It- (waS voted by the 'r boW that te tax year co iMtde with the county fis t Car, ' It1 was also voted to of fq&; for sale, i sealed . bids, - thV"property owned by the ,' county located 'in town oil Vk Highway No. i7. this ' is the former Brown Motel ! Restaurant.1 Bids will be . received up to 10 o'clock ..A.: M., on Monday, . April 3 and should be given to - Julian Powell, Clerk to the Perquimans Commissioners. - An -advertisement . of this property is located in the ; Legal section of this paper. Brewer Speaker For local Rally v f he men f the Chowan Baptist Association are in vited to attend a laymen's evaneelistie rallv Friday. t March 10 iat the Hertford 1 Baptwt '.CHufcR- ut B:00 P.J M The Evangelism Com rrvitee of he association is t- ct j ... m: will bev conducted entirely t't . i i ....... v rf ! . . xraiiisuiiiiffT uust j uuv wiiii.il Dy laymen. ' , -Mr. Dick Brewer will be the speaker ' for the( even ing. There ! will be musi ' cal selections rendered by, the Hertford, Baptist Church Men's Choir and Mr. Earl Springle will pre side. The Brotherhood of the church have also plan ned a fellowship hour. for the men after the. rally, j j The Evangelism Commit Iteehepes to make this the -bjgfjest rally for Christ ever held in this associa jjoh and it is hoped that wanyvnen will plan to at-'fcW- The theme for this rally vIs v "Laymen for .Christ" t ' i y ' - . Fixings goes to state senate ' i ; NormaiT Stallings lenth grade student at Perquim ans' County High School, j is serving this week as a 'page W the State Senate in Raleigh. a a Stallings is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dill) on former. Anne Elliott. tyt M c -I i I: .nne,. Mrs. Si x i 1 . 'i y ' r. ! ve ft .a j'cf r 3751 Adopt IJiggers At -NYCDMeeting . Some 250 representatives of 68 Neighborhood Youth Corps projects attended a two day , conference in Duham. The; conference, 'with the theme "VNYC It's Sat isfying; featured addresses-"; by '; national anil state NYC officials, in cluding; John T. Biggers of Hertford, v Sorne., of those participating were William; T. Davies, reg ional director of the Mid Atlantijjjj Region; Robert H. Ward, 'assistant state co 6rdinar; Al ' Honeycutt, assistant , employment ser vice rector; - Dr. Marion ThdrJ assistant ' director of Nm,C. State Board of Higheg Education. ; The conference closed with 'an address by Mike Lorenao, North Carolina pioject officer. ; TH. Neighborhood Youth Corps' projects in Norts Carolina cover some 12,000 Meeting Set On Herbicides ""There will be a Herbi cide meeting at the Agri cultural Building in Hert ford on Thursday, March 9' at 2:00. Dr. Doug Wor sham, Weed Control Spe cialist from --. C. Exten sion Service will be here to discuss the latest ' rec ommendations in chemical control of weeds and grass in our crops for 1967" ac cording to R. M. Thomp- Chairman. : , "We .., realize ... that . there is a great deal of interest and doubt in many' peoples minds as to the use of chemicals and what kind to use, when to ; apply and how much and we believe that a discuss ion such as Dr. Worsham will hat will clear up a lot of questions". Plans-are also being made .tp demonstrate dif- ferent types of spray noz zles, :w because f spraying equipment- is a weak link ,in . our1, program ' at the tirpepnf f imp "Wa hnno i r v- v . that you -fill (make a real eiiurv 10 auena inis meet ing so that you can better plan - your' cultural prac tices , for 1967" . further states Mr. Thompson. DARDEN RESIGNS AS CHIEF OF P9UCE . MayorSV. N.' Darden, who also hasieldj the jpb and title of Chief of Pplice for the Town of Hertford for the pasjt-rftwenty-odd years, resigned here Tuesday and '.. appointedij Capt. B. U Gibbs i to the Chief's position. W. F., ,"BiH" Tarkenton, long-time member ; of the Hertford Police Department was promoted to the rank of Captain. - E-2ANNE SnVEY appear each day dor the following 10 days. ' . Suzanne is five -years oW nd Simrry is four; ; ' v'..r,i; . .li t. 41" I )i. ,,The prpgram. fs,,ft,childr . 'fV' prog-. 1'1 r t H 'dn' , A,moi-r4 j. .. 8' O'cloolt v-' - ' ; U. S. SENATE PAGl! Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr.,' (D-NC) recently welcomed Walter G. Edwards, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Edwards, 201 Dobb Street, Hertford, N. C, to Washington, D. C, as Walter as sumed his duties as a Page in the United States Senate. Edwards, who attended Perquimans County High School, is a sophomore at the Capitol Pace School. Senator Ervin, in commenting on Edwards appointment,- said, "He is a fine and capable young man and it is a dis tinct pleasure to have him serve in the Senate. I trust that this v opportunity . will be extremely helpful ' to Walter's future." . X , Yedding'Set A womanless wedding and talent show sponsored by Mrs. .Margaret' Scaff and Mrs. Kitty Brown for the ,1967 Heart Fund will be presented in the Per quimans County High School ' auditorium Friday night, March 10, ; at 8 o'clock. The program, from ' all reports, will ' be hilarious and most entertaining with R. M. (Pete) Thompson playing the part of the rr.tnisterY The groom - is Charlie Schneer, the bride Preston : Morgan. -Mother of the bride is Tom Banks. Twin sisters of the bride are Hillary Scaff ' aijd Walter :, Humphlett. Father of the bride, Ern- :, est Sutton; i aunjt ".. of , tho ' bride, Emmett Landing; uncle of the bride is Luke Butts; ' baby sister is Douglas Taylor;? baby brother is Talmadge By rum. Mother of the groom will be Claude Brinn; father of the groom is William Ray Chappell; jilted sweetheart is Char lie Skinner; widowed aunt of the groom is Robert Sutton; Mrs. Meraldino's baby is Ed Nixon; old maid sister, Carson Spi vey; aunt , of the jilted sweetheart is Bobby El liott; George Field is the j flower girl. Ring bearer will be Billy White; vocalist if or the ocpasion is John Beers; organist will be Talmadge Rose; the bridesmaids are Joe Now ell, Joe Tunnell, H. B. Miller, Frank Mansfield, Seymour Chappell and Roy Chappell. Maid of , honor is ; Bobby Heaih. Dr. AT. ' Save Jt will be Leon Ed wards. Ushers are Erie Haste, Jr., Jack Robertson, Jr., Julian' Winslow and Joe-Towe, Jr. Taking part in the tal ent show will ; be Peggy Copeland, Jo Frances Per ry,, Clarence Shackelford, the Perquimans Marching Unit, the Albemarle Sound Band, Rev. Hubert Mor ris,; David Barnette and chorus line of Sid Har mon, Tom Brown, Buddy Tilley, Joe Rogerson, Jr., .Welly White and Thur- "man Whedbee. ,, Robert Dail ' will act as -master of ceremonies. . Chappell Cows Make Records ': V ..w.v- " .. . -' .Two' registered Guernsey 'cows In the .herd , of Clar ence Chappell, Sr., Belvi 'dere' have, .recently, com-, pleted top official DHIR actual production records, f according to the American Guernsey Cattle Club. All cows, were- milked , two times a .day. The tMtin wag supervised by North. Carolina State College. . Charlton Meemie, a jun - t : 1J , J 1 wr a-yeai-oiu, piuuuccu 12,210 pounds of milk and , 604 pounds of fat in 305 davs.f i '.v wi " '."'Dulomas J. S. Lulla, a ( : a ..u . .j.... j JU1I1U1. 0-Ccll-VlU,':llUUUWU 1J,&3 pound's of mtlk 'end vWi Bounds of fat, 'in 297 Friday Night Garden Contest Underway Here ' V ' . . - Would you like 'to be Mr. and Mrs. Perquimans County "Garden Champion" and win one-half ton tof fertilizer, insecticides, or vegetable seeds? You can if you enroll now in the Garden Production and Conservation Contest be fore the deadline March 15, 1967, and follow rec ommended practices. This contest is sponsored by the Garden, Foods and Nutri tion leaders of the Exten sion Homemakers' Club.' V An adequate supply of vegetables may not always be available unless they are grown in one's own garden, whether it be a family size ga rden er a market size plot. Because we believe that Khe' future and well-being of the people of .Perquim ans County and the future of the. garden program in terms ' of its economic, health and other values are one and the same, we of fer and promote the Gar den Contest as an incen tive to growjng and con serving more food at home. You may secure entry form from the Extension Home Economics Agents' or Agricultural Agents' of fice which is located in the Agricultural Building, 310 Dobb Street, Hertford, North Carolina or from the Garden, Foods and Nutri tion Leaders of the Exten sion Homemakers' Clubs. Mrs. Elliott Death. Victim Funeral services for Mrs. Lade Copeland Elliott, 59, Who died Thursday, were held Saturday at 2:00 in the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Harris, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church. : "When They Ring These Golden Bells" was played during the service by Mrs. JJ, Ellie White, organist. The casket pall was made of pink nd white carna tions and fern. Pallbearers were Buddy Tilley, Tommy Tilley, Eu gene Boyce, Ben Thach, Jr., Jack Symons and ' Hilton White. ( , . Burial was 1 'kii ' Ce'dak wood Cemetery. .' HISTORICAL SOCIETY ' TO MEET MARCH I3th , . The Perquimans Historj-' cal. Society. will.; hod i its March meeting on Monday, night, - March , 13,; at 8 o'clock P.- M., at the Li brary, i The program will be-in charge of Ray Wins low who will give a resu me of, the earliest law3 passed , for the Town of Hertford, chartered in 1758 1 and also the county of Per- .. ' ..- ' quimans. .These laws should be of special, interest as they deal With ' 'Jtoads, ' ferries, V courts, ordiariei, 'uildjng . regu lations, t,c. r.. ' t , ' .'Tbe r public is .,cordially invited to attend, - i- Winslow EEC Chairman Most North Carolina counties now have active clubs - of. East Carolina College .students to serve asj personal messengers be tween campus and home tpivn. r -', Organizations - of -the ' cdunty clubs has " taken itaee quickly as .a result ' of an . effort by Student president Stephen" bnite- ntyn to ; actively involve i j stijdents in .: overall de velopment of East Caro lina. Percy Lancelot Wmslow, Jr., son of Mr. . and Mrs; Percy L. Wins-low-, of Route 1, Belvidere, is ' chairman of the Per quimans Club. 'ilSniteman called a mass PERCY L. VVtNSLOW, JR. Conservation Posters Judged "Conservation is Every body's Business" and about 300 students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades in the Hertford Grammar School , and the Perquimans County Cen tral Grammar School made it their business to participate in. the annual jCjpservation . Poster Con test recently, as an out growth of their classroom studies on concervation. George Winslow, chair man of the Perqui'mans County supervisors of the Albemarle' Soil and Wa ter Conservation District, sponsors, presented the awards to the nine win ners shown above on Frit day morning at the Hert. ford Grammar '.-'School First place prize was $5.00, second place $3.00 : and third place $1.00 and re cipients were: Fourth Grade Wendy Hurdle, ifirst place; Sharon Thompson, ' second place; Jeanette Jones, third place. Fifth Grade Barry Lane, first place; Sylvia Greg ory, second place; Roger White, third place, v Sixth Grade --- Frances White, first place; Tony Winslow, s e c o n d place; B r e n d a Godfrey, third Godfrey, third place. Mr. Winslow commend ed the . students for their" originality and thought in telling the story of con servation, and also thank ed the teachers and prin cipals for their ; interest and cooperation.; The first and' second place winners in each grade will partici pate in the district con test on March 30, which is Continued on Page 3 Parents Plan Benefit Dance 'The Marching Unit Par ents Club will: sponsor a dance which will be . held on Saturday,' Mairch 1 4, from 8 until 11 P. M. This dance ' will be held in the building ' next to' the Colonial Store in the i Harris Shopping Center in Hertford. The building was formerly occupied by Harmon's Pharmacy. ; A featured band, the Barracudas, of Portsmouth, Va.t has been secured to furnish the music. . v : Admission for ihe dance is $1.00 . per- person and the dress will be casual. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks i on sale during.: the dance. ( Proceeds derived from -.the. danpe and Jsale portt vet the Perquimans -Hurtling Iftutv' ' t meeting several weeks ago to stimulate campus - wide interest in his idea. He had ECC President Leo. W.' Jenkins and State Sen. Robert B. Morgan, chairman of. the trustees, ' on hand to speak to the students. Each county club organ ized so far has a chairman who is taking the lead 'in planning club activities. Those activities included making speeches about East Carolina back home, visiting home county schools and other or ganizations to provide in formation about East Ca rolina, and talking to in dividuals' back home to explain, in President Snrte man's words, "that East Carolina is really render ing a great service to the cause of education." Sniteman's main idea in getting the clubs started, he said, was "to actively involve -ourselves in fill ing a gap in understand ing and accurate informa tion of the true purposes, accomplishments and goals of our college." But, he said, club func tions will go much beyond that. .They will be called on to furnish hosts and hostesses when home county groups or indivi duals visit East Carolina. And they will be asked to supply official delegates to aecomnanv KP.P nffi,.ni' on trips to home counties, Study Tour Is Scheduled Four Methodist youth from this area will attend a United Nations-Washington study tour on peace and world order during March 11-17. The study tour is being conducted by the Methodic. Youth Fel lowship off the .North Ca rolina Conference, of the Methodist Church; They are: Linda Hand of Gates ville, David Owens of Elizabeth City, Sally Bak er from New Hope and Dawn Evans of Manteo. They will be part of a group of 33 selected from local Methodist churches throughout the eastern half of North Carolina. The purposes of the study tour are (1) to un derstand the functions and operations of the United Nations and the United States government; (2) to provide the opportunity to participate in discussion of current world affairs; (3) to discuss the Chris tian's " responsibility and the role of the church in. the issues raised before the UN and the federal government; and (4) to discuss how a Methodist youth can determine his responsibilities in these issues. These young--people will attend sessions of the United Nations and the Congress of the United States. Briefings by vari ous members of the' world and national governments will be .features of the tour. N o r t h Carolina's Senator B. Everett Jordan and Congressman James C, Gardner wjll meet wifh the group in Washington. . Linda Hand, who is president of the Elizabeth C i t y District Methodist Youth Fellowship is a . senior at Gates . County High School. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leroy ( Hand., . David , Ow ens, a junior ' at ' Elizabeth' City ' High School. . the. son of Mr. and "Mrs.r Wil soh Owens. Sally Baker, a junior at Perquimans " High School, ' is the- daugh- ter of Mrs, Garland 'Baker. Dawn Evans, a Sophomore . at Manteo High School, is the -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burwell Evans. HOLLOWELL BUYS CEMENT PLANT Joel F. Hollowell, . Jr., has recently purchased the Carolina Ready - - Mix in Winfall, which he has re named, the Winf all Ready Mix. : i . .jWi" v . ; ,' v " The' company, can supply ! your need in.iReady Mix. Concrete through the new company. J Joe Haskett Winner Of Coveted Morehead Grant To University Prayer Week Slated Here Week of Prayei for Home Missions will be observed by the Woman's Missionary Union of the Hertford Baptist Church March 5-12. The theme .for the week is "As You Go -" and the Scripture passage is John 15:1-17. Prayer services will bo held in the church Wed nesday and Friday nights I at 7:30 and Tuesday and f Thursday mornings at 10 o'clock. Meditations for the week will be "As You Go--Search, Encounter, Reach Out, Grow and Live." Members of the Wom an's Missionary Union are urged to attend. Visitors are welcome. On Our Fire Scene I I j ( Nine firemen from the Hertford Fire Department responded to a mutual aid call to the Carolina Build ing fire in Elizabeth City on March 1. The .firemen manned hose lines and op erated a fire engine for 13 hours. The firemen working at this fire were: Chief R. C. Elliott, Chas. Harrcll, Lloyd Lane, Lloyd Riddick, John Danchise, Francis Nixon, Charles Skinner, Jack Harrell and Robert Taylor. All other Hertford firemen were on standby alert. Hertford volunteers were called on again to man standby hose lines at the fire scene from 8 A. M. Sunday until 8 A. M. Mon day. They were: Chief R. C Elliott, W. L. Tilley, Lloyd Lane, F. B. Nixon, Henry Stokes, N. P. Greg ory, Jack Harrell, Keith Haskett, J. G. Beers. W. T. Miller, L. E. Riddick and Robert Carter. Firemen from the Wood ville Fire Department also Continued on Page 3 ROBERTSON TO ATTEND CONVENTION IN OHIO Zack Robertson, owner of Robertson's Cleaners & Laundry, Inc., left Thurs day for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will attend a National Dry Cleaning and Laundry Convention. TAX DATA Sales and use tax data pertaining to business ac tivity in the counties of the state as a whole dur ing 1966 as compared with 1965 and through January, 1967, shows Perquimans collections for the year 1965-66 were $186,117, and for February, 1966, through January, 1967, showed an increase with the collec ts climbing in the 80's. tions totaling $198,790. 'i, PROMOTED Georjc stripes signifying his 'promotion to staff ; sergeant ta the U. S. Air Force frwn Colonel Nathan J. Hirsh, his cotn inwhder at Cigli AB, Turkey. Sergeant Ayscue. a supply speHaHst, iiassigned t aC.-S. Air Force support-unit t f!lrH Ha Is a 1959 readuate of VeraUlmans. COUrttV llttrh '4 ' School. His wife, Ann, is. iiaywood Chappell of Route fhotoj, ! i v.y.',.'! ! ..Mill,. MII'-ttlvdLi I T ll JOE HASKETT JR. J.cph Ray ;'iiketl, Jr., :J-)C, son of Mr. and M-'s. : l;;.y HasUe'.t, Sr., ot'107 Ca.c;;r.a Ave.i"? in Hert ford, has -it. i-'vod a Mm ho:,.) A vurd to itudy at t.:e I'liiverf'tv of 'orth Caro 1'Vi r.t Chapel 11:11. The announcement is made by Norman A. Cocke of Charlotte, chairman nf the Board f Trust-.'fci vi the John Motley More.'iead Foundation. Haskett is a student ill I'lTqiMinans County Hih Schcol in Hertford. Ko is oi. e of 99. boys to receive ihe ..wards this year. The E'va.rs are worth $7,000 to North . Carolina studor.ts for four years of stur!;' ai UC. A.- a student. Hask::''.'s activities include lojny chic) Bjarshal. preside:.! l the Beta Club, cn-cap'ain of ive varsity football team, and t member-of the Ht-mir Ce.-iinu'tee of " the Stuacur. CJcrcil. The Morehead Awards . were presented in IU81. They are presented on the basis of outstanding merit as reflected in academic ability, character and lead ership. Need :s not con sidered. PRICE MONDS LISTED ON HONOR LIST Alvah Price Monds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Riley S. .' Monds, Jr., of Front Street, is listed on the Dean's List at the University of North Carolina for the fall se mester, 1906. Monds was listed on the School of Business List. To be on the Dean's List, stu dents much take a mini mum of 15 semester hours of work and earn a B (3.0 quality point) aver-' age with no grade below a C on work. Monds is a Perquimans High School graduate, CANDACE WOOD ON COLLEGE HONOR ROLL Candnee E. Wood was one of 6Ui outstanding stu dents at ;Chowan College during' the Fa'! semester and placed on the college's Honor Roll lor scholastic achievement. E. Ayscuc Criht), son of -Mr the daushteit,of Mr,, and Mrs. ; t, Hertiord. (C. S. Air forc " i' '' X