. G . X, TH3 1,1- .3 Award , Mdvm H. HeaTiv; state.- -ieetor! : Farmers, Home' Aiininistrution, last - week presented Mrs. Inez H. Sawyer, county office clerk y at - Hertford,- a $160 cash award 'and certificate" 'of appreciation fur I sustained superior : work perform "feni1, " ' j ;. Mrs. . Sawyer " was pre sented the award, for out- standing , work performed f in' assisting v the county ,:" supervisor m the -' receiv A Jng and processing of loan applications and at the . same time performing of-" 'iciiil ; duties 'of, - her posi v. lion. - Tne ..work load in ! th is " of f icq has more than I doubled" over the past two ' years. ,. ; ,f" farmers " Home Admin istratioi makes sjuperyis , id 'loans .-to -eligible-'farm-' era and . rural '. residents f6r fann . and home oper ating expenses;, buying and developing family .,. farms; ' water, development and so i L conservation; ;. con . struction, improvement or s ; repair homes and . related v facilities; rural water sys. . s teres; developing small watershed projects, and fc: :.emorgency credit 'needs. - ".. SECOND CHILD Mr, and Mrs. William Garrett of Edenton' an - noi.mte the birih of their fecond child, a daughter, Sjibnna Kave, born Wed nesday,. March 1, 1967. . Mrs, Gurrett is the former- Cecilia Williims of Route Hertford.,!- ; tolerate MB i SSi -':' . !: . ... '. . -':(?::-'--','-'W-.:;-i". :A!'-yv' mrnm sk."". SPECIAL MARCH OFFER AT OUR PURINA STORE! , From March 6th through March 18th only we will : ' - give you your choree of a 50-lb. bag of Purina Baby y,."- Pig Chov or Erly Weaning Chow FREE, with your order for ONE TON of any Purina hog Chow products, c for delivery within those dates. If you order two tons , :; - .-- you get two bags of starter at no extra cost, and so,on. Take advantage pf this special offer ... and start . your next litter' of pigs on us.' Learn what so many ? folks have already found, out Purina pig starters " K give pigs grow-ahd-go power. High fortification helps;; ;- v - prevent disease -and high nutritional levels provide-::! : ' i; "built-in" livability. Cost is low about Vi-cent per pig per day from the time pigs are one week torfhree , . ' weeks old. That's the critical period when extra : ' protection reay pays oft! ' - i ORDER NOW for delivery March 5th March 18th . j. and start your next litter on us at no extra cost. See - for yourself how pigs thrive and grow when started v r " the Purina Way! Albemarle Chemical Co. f-HONE 426-5585 HERTFORD, Ni ,G v,. .. " 11- -ii- . ur H IT , .IT jCourse Taken!' By PVt. WelcV1 ; ''jAcwivifXE,'' Fia'. Marine. fIK's'rvc , mvate , William 0'. Welch; son oV Mr. and ' Mrs. Drew 1. Welch of Tyner'N.' C.,iw attending the Marine Me chanical and Fundamentals Course at the Naval Air , Technical Training Center, . Jacksonville,, Fla. A ; The course serves as an, 1 indoctrination into Marine, Corps aviation : and a screening course, for fur ther assignment to a tech--', nieal school . for men as-,' ' signed " to.' the. six .months! active duty program . of,; the Marine Crps Reserye.: BIRTH" ANNOUNCED. -Mr. and'. Mrs. . Leonard. '. Victor - riuggms, ,yv., Chapel Hillt announce . the birth of heiV first '.cjiid,y a f son,-.- Lonara v,.;u Huesins. III. born Wednes day, MaiOi 1,-iat Mern-Qriali, Hospital- at Chapel1 ?tiui, Mrs; Huesms- is. - the; 'for- mer Miss Jo Pat StokesH daughter of Mr. and Mrs). H. C. Stokes. . )s BRIDGE CLUB MEETS. Mrs. C. A. 1 Davenport was hostess to herv' bridge'.' club Thursday .afternoon, r at her home- on Front': Street. Those playing were . Mesdames H. A. -Whitley) Trim Wilson,' J. Hi. New bold, J. R. Futrell, S.Pt-Jr-ssup, W. H.. Pitt. Ci! R. , Holmes and ; Silas , Whed hee. The high score prifce went to Mis. Holmes . A . sweet course was served-' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF RE-SALE ; Under and by virtue vof ;.vtt;'.'V!,. v'-iSSfifoSS- iWWiKV''- 8 YEAR OLD , , STRAIGHT BOURDON 1 WHISKEY-loi PRQOF .the authority 'vested rtie' by the heira trf. Jacob T. ' While, ''.deceasedn ' the'! un dersigned will offer, 'for sale to the highest - biddefr or Icah, , at the Court House door in 'Verquim ahs County, North Caro lina, . at U:30 A. M. on Saturday, March. 18, 1967, he' i following ,described (roperty; I - Xegioning at fhe north west corner of the Tim othy .' Morgan corner on Gfubb Street in the Town, of Hertford,' N. C, and running westerly ' along said street 166 feet to the northeast corner of ' the Hawkins lot; Jhence 'along the Hawkins- Jine southerly 200 feet; . thence 5 easterly on a line parallel with Grubb Street to the Morgan line; thence along '.the Morgan line, 200 feet ; to;Grubb Street, the place .'of . beginning. See deed : recorded in Book, 14, page 521, an4"' Book 25, page , 42 for further desopip-r . cools, will kep p yoyr hojep';''"i:"jq-fresh all the time. Through wmter"sf6air'4ahd - trier's hot spells, jusi sex me ; , : . electric heat tion and.x'bini xf, .jUe. -t I -Jbia, fpH .will bepin .jat ion ORaning )fd qf XSJjOilO land will - be .condu.qte.d irr the mariner .as- a judicial " sa le -' regarding i required' jdeposit; ypset, bids and re advertisement Tlje- ighi 1 .to 'eject ,bids not tccnsid: , ered ''adequate' is1 reseryed. ' .IJted ,and jst,ed th'ii ( itn aay 01 xaacci,, iptx, W. H. ,OAKEy, JR-, ; Mv,U) 17 - Aotney Notice' Of Adnrinistntios Having - ((ualified 4C - Ad ministratrix of the estat.e. Aof Verpon lieC Perry, deceased, late of Perquimans "County, North Carolina, Ihist is' to notify fell persons '.'having claims against "be .estate , of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 3, Hertford, JJorth Carolina, on , of before the 24th; day 'of August, 1967, or this ' notice will , be pleaded in par of their" recovery. All persons indebted-,to. said pte .. wiy. please make 'rrimediate pay ment. , , ' - ! ,. . This -25th day of February, 1967.' . . ' "IS ii ... 3'.. vmm With the flaireless electric hea( p. It heats and fnna will 1rMn vnnr Viotnc etv? "'riff-frsri nil tfl. 11 win maintain me genue wmr .n.urc yuu ujuoscif wenrjoczzr- t t tump iiEtEriiy, S. AdfVftliUfrajtrikv.tV)n ''Wfn" JL.ee Peer),. Deras.ed. ' ; -.. -imcB( r'.. " Nqrih Carolina," ';."' ; s Perquimans '" Countyr V i U: i Z I In 'The Superior -Court. JVllliam U Privott, i ; ; - : Vi. rvf .S'Plaintift; jt-.' Cherry O. -Pj-ivot s h :,m iii,,v;-,;:i,:t. Defendant. ' ! The , defendant, Cherry I). Privott, will take inotice -that in action ehtitled as ' abovei hag' -been' cbmmenced in the SuDeridr Court if PerqUimi ins (Souftty, N. C, in which the plaintiff seeks -. divorce $n? e' 'ground of one year Reparation;' and the defend ant will take notice that she is required t6 apepar at the if f ice of 'the Clerk ' ot Su- erior Court in Perquimans lounty. N. C. on or before he 7th day of April, 1967, nd answer of demur to 4hel omplaiiit Or? the ' . plaintiff irill apply to the - court for- he relief herein demanded, i This -15th day of Febru-; ary,' 1967. ' . '. f -1 W. 3. WARD, I ' Clerk Superior Court. (inc compact v i '.', - i : ..;.."-..'".' "v '' ' f ' v ' .. . :.. . . ,.'.., f ",v':-:. '..-,-. - 4 4f--:::H.;-;:;,V' --j :-r j:.H''-7v';--,S -:''':-;; ' I I- I, I . '1 ' 1 .... . I ',- , J, . ajitomatically. t - y: it :G-keVUr!; AttOrne Notice .01 AdmlnUmtion ,tt Admiriistrators ! of ' h' istatei pf -Mrs. Carrie fThach; White, deceased, 'Uite 'i)T Perqvimahs1. County, INorth Caroliha, this! is to' notify "all persojiB haV ng 'claims agairfst.the estate1 of said deceased to exruJOix; them :tdi-the"undersigned at Route 1, Hetfqrd, North Carolina,, qn.pf "before the 24th' day bf August, 1967, or his : notice will be - Pleaded n .par of their reepwery. 11 ergons "indebted -to aid es-. ate will- .please najje; Im-, ptlintfv JDavment. - r J., This 1 14th , day : or .jreDru-, " JAMIE B. miACH and , ; LOUISE T HARjRELL, t Co-Adminktrators qf .Mrs., ! Carrie -Thach:- White, :! pe-, .! ceaied. -'"r. ''g'"' V teh 17 24 Mar 3 10c. I vi KOT1CE OF .SALE "ferquimsns .County. ' , ;". i Under and .by , virtue of the power of sale contained, m .ifoa-t certain neea oi trusy IP: f'! p.. ."t ; . "is"' i. ' R.v-ai Mtr"-i I3ce a sensible $oluticr your , -'-U ' problems? Call r - X- , to keep ths ktrb U year to keep ths ejtecsutedJhvflJVrf Vf. Jnd wife, Susi . W fwte ated he -20at dsy.of ' May,' 1963, .andArecordwi in. .Book, Ml?l ,3? Oi) JPti- 61.4 Jn the ice- f, ,the eehterf ot beeds of Perdu'imansI 'Coun-' iy. JSorth Carolina, ; default' haying been jniae in " he. baytnenf; of the indebtedness" thereby secured' .arid -..said! deed oT trust" beirtg v by ;te: terms ,SAreo?,feje6t to foreclosure, :the undersigned trusxee wiu piter .iw jsmc oi mblip VaUptipn; to Oj high-, est bidder fie r cash at the Court House door in Hertford,-" North "Carolina, . at 12:00 o'clock, noon,' on the 7th day otMardt, 4967, Sthe property cqnveyed in. Sd def4 of trust tHe 'same ly ing and ijeihg in She County jf Perquimans ond State of North ,Crolinai..'in. Parkville f o,wnsJiip, and jtaote particu-. rriy desqrioed g ipwqws: , Located .on the ,Sorth side of "New Street in , the Town ofWjjifaTj; 'Jsourided on the South bjr New.; Street, on the V West by .the - Joseph Gtififen lot' on the North by the" Ed ' Spellman' arid J..: S. wauiiuer ' wyeriy, iiu uu I . 'I ;;::;:;.;r;;v.:;'i . S" .','. i-'":''';??;-Vf'--'.';'v.rV ? -J i... . l-!r. .1 year 'roynd e' .thp,vr:-jt iby;, Pleasant Kini property 'arid' being thi Same? property- .oonveVedQ ta 6harlie-r Lightfoot -by ' two deeds, one 'recorded ihlBbok 32 at page Wa lthe - Per-4 . qujmaniiCpnty-,, Registry, 1 nd the other dated July 29,T 1 1953, ' and recorded May 13,- j 1963, im the afqresaid regis-. try1 .which' deed' was eJtecUt-4 .i, bt CharUe umphlett and 'ile; rto" the said,' Charlie ightfoot, T h e' property i erein ' conVeved fronts 138 i feet on ffew Street and ex- ' teilds back -a depth la!'14J' ff leet - 4 .' F !- This qd of trust is sub- iect to' n deed of trust ol j even date herewith execut-. i ed' by the makers hereof to I ihe Albemarle Savings' and' ji Loan' Association. ' I the successful bidde will 1 1 be required to deposit 'with j said trustee1 ten per . cent (10) of his or her bid up tot, $1,000.00; and-i five . pec -90nt "(5) bf said bid in ex -cess thereof. . This" 14th day of February, 1967.' - - ' lv - ; vl J.-.W- JENKETTE, . - I : iTustee. FeD24 Mar-nQ- lJ 2 .-s :v US'! ,,Mtf ' W. rl - ''i '-.rj-' V-.'' :tH" - :?!:. 1 -, l' Trr'arff- ''( t-Vflvri" -r x a 1 AMD r tiiMNfft n in - -I-. .V""-- t-a hufsiVf .'- V - - HI. -A v; lt J- ''1 . . ( ) 1 - v ' . 1

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