. 0 THE PEXQCCJANS WEIStT, EiriTCrA NCT3 CA7.CLTSA, MARCH 21, 1887. Sunday Guests. -- Mrs. sBichard Hoskins and family from Langley View, tk-, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. C. C. Winslowi. i . Weekend Here 7 . . . Miss SSiisan Nixon, -from-Richmond, Va., and" Doug las Harff$od fior CHarles City, V; iftspcnt he week end wi 'f Mr. and ",Mrs. Francis iixon. , . 4 . lit Salim;. i Mrs. K.i T4 Biggers left Sunday Tfir Saline, Mich., where f is visiting Mr. and Mrs W..E, Schaaf and omily. ( V ' ' ' P'J Visiting jHere Mr. jhd Mrs. John Brought, III, and daugh ter Ellefi from Knoxville, Tenn.; are- visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Broughton, Jr., and Mrs,-Nathan Relfe. From Raleigh Mr. arid Mrs. B.il.l.y Winslow from Raleigh." -arrived 'Wednesday and are visiting v-Mr. and Mrs. John Bjfpughton. Jr., and Mrs. Nahan Relfe. .? VVeekendeJBere i "u .; Mrs. $j P. Toney, III, and sort t from Newport News, V' spent the week endwith Mr and Mrs. Cor; bin DozieKi .".''' Custom Built Homes REPAIRS - REMODELING KITCHEN CABINETS ADDITIONS For Any Job Small Or Large O FREE ESTIMATES O Call or See Perquimans Construction Co. Phone 426-5211 Hertford, N. C. Erie Haste, Jr. and B. A. Tailey Call Us For Your Electrical Work rTITin iiiMiiiici, 1 The Board of County Commissioners of Per-1 1 quimans County, will mset as a Cocrd of Equd-1 ization and Revi3v, tn II13 Ccurlliouse, llcrtfcrd, 1 f N. C, on Thursday, lril 6, 1C37, at 1RC3 o'clock I i A. M, for Ui3 pLprp::3 of ,!::tri :cci;!'ints : 1 and the cMai of :;c;::rty fc:i 't:3; I RnrrrtnTTfifc tnpr'- iJtF-jr-c V-'lH. '.;'c til UCALblll jourifon Tba!T;& G, laterMffi to fid pi:l:IIslicd in liiss nvsp-r : Ilnnll Sunday Guests Mrs. W. W. Jarvis, Sr., from Moyock'and Mrs. Ce cil Mackey , of Henderson, visited Mrs. J, R. Jarvis. on Sunday. Weekend Here - Mrs. . Nate Going from Hampton, Va., spent- the weekend jkUbV her,! aunt, Mrs. J. E.;Ev1ereU1;,f, i'. At Winston-Salem Talmage Rose, Jr., . and son Kim spent the 'week ehd with Mr. and Mrs. I).1 T. Rose, Sr., at Winston- Salem. . , ., Weekend Here ( Dr. and Mrs.- G. R'v Tucker and two children from Henderson spent the weekend with Mr. and . Mrs. G. R. Tucker. They ' were accompanied home by Mr. , and Mrs. G. R. Tucker. Mr. Tucker re- .-. turned home on Tuesday and Mrs. Tucker was ad mitted to Memorial Hos pital at Chapel Hill on Monday for observation and a major operation. Returned Home ( ... Mrs. . E. Rilter from Winston- Salem ,5and Mr; and Mrs. H. M. Booth, of Richmond, Val, spent 'sev-- eral days last .week with Mr, and Mrs.: D.. F, . Reed, JrJ. 1U LL .1J iS LAI r? rS ' Attended Weddinr Mr. and Mrs. Corbin'KS"' a'ier attended " the- Seller- Law 'wedding. I at : Vwglhia .Beach; Va. on 'Saturday; h From Plymouth Mrs! Jvilian Brinkley from Plymouth visited her mother, . Mrs. Isa Tucker, on Friday, . , ; Vklted Relatival 4, Mrs. W. J. Davis spent several . days : this week with Mrs.' Bessie Odom 1 at i;. Jli " V ' 'i '" i? W. J. Davis spent sev eral days : this .week in Raleigh an husiness. '! ; From 'Elizabeth Ctly " J Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Speer and daughter .Lynn from Elizabeth City spent Sun day, with iMr. 'and Mrs. D. F. Reed, Jr. . . In Washington Mrs. Charles M. Willi ford and Mrs. Thurman Harrell spent Wednesday with Dr.' and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist in Washington. Sunday Guests Mrs. H. J. Chesson of Elizabeth City and Mrs. Gilbert Griffin from Med ford, Del., visited Mrs. W. T. Smith on Sunday. Weekend- Here ' Mrs. Kate ' Wozelkal from Edenton -spent the week end with Mrs. Annie Chalk and Miss Louise Chalk. Returned From Hospital Carlton Keaton- has ''xe- turned home from the Al bemarle Hospital after spending -a -fen days for .observation. .'' binner Guests ' Mrs. Blanche C. Twiford from Shiloh and Mrs. Melvin Wright from Eliza beth' City were dinner gests Saturday of Mrs. J. E. Everett. Sunday In Portsmouth Mrs. Carlton Cannon and daughter , visited relatives in Portsmouth, Va., on Sunday. Weekend Here Mrs. W. E. Shawn, Sr., from Baltimore,' Md., spent the weekend with" her sis ters, Mrs. Ben B. Avery, and Mrs. Max Campbell.' Visiting Mrs. , Avery and Mrs. Campbell . 'a : short" while on Saturday and again on Sunday wererCi and Mrs. W. E. Shawn, Jr., and three sons from Alex-, andria, Va. .Weekend Here Mr. and. Mrs. Wallace Baker,1 and family from Lewiston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Byrom. t;;nt of c effect will b I nn 1 W'eekMia Herfi r.iun Mr. " and Mr. "Harry" ; Winslow,! Jt:, -f Mnv'I Atlan.f tic Christian Collet -spent ;the weekehd witK Mr; and Mrs. Harry Winslow and Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Byrum. Fronti Fayetteville ' Mr, and Mrs. William Moore , from Fayetteville spent the weekend with ?Mrs. Mary Moore and Mrs. - Nettie Lee .Caravello. . . . From New Jersey ' ';. Jack , T. White, flfl 'ilaughter . Martha -, fronii Summit, N. J spehb the weekend with ' Mr. .and Mrs.ii'W. a Pitt and Mrs. T. ,S. White, Sr. i They wer ;acompanied home:,by Mrs; White for -a Tkit. ? . ' r: : V -X Weekend Here .-, p .. r , MrJ .and Mrs. : R. r B. Tucker from : Albemarle spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt,' Mr, and Mrs. V. N. Darden. ' Attended Graduation Mr. and Mrs., Clinton Eley and Miss Joanne Rogers left Tuesday r- fpr Cincinnati, Ohio. ' They attended the graduation exercises at the Cincinnat ti Mortuary College . of Science, when Charles Eley received his degree. Visited Parents . - Mr. , and Mrs. Elwood Long and sons, . Stephen and Roger, spent Satur day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Long, Sr. " Saturday Visitors , Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Swindell Sat urday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Sienkie wicz and daughter v Mario of Greensboro and Mr. and ' Mrs. J. H. Thigpen of Windsor. , i' Home From Hospital Mrs. Marion ' Hendrick-: son of Beverly, N.' J., is' home after spending 15 days in the Burlington County Memorial Hospital,' Mt. Holly, N.-'J.i ind is. getting along" fine,. Mrs. i Hendrickson is the daugh ter of Mrs. Gladys Elliott of Route 2, Hertford. Return Homii.:.!;:rfi , ; h , Mrs. Freeland Elliott has returned to'; her'- home af-j ter spending" two weeks with her sort.-in-l.aw and daughter, Lt. and 'Jrs' Richard C. Rutkiewicd . in Jacksonville, Fla. BRIDGE CLUB MISTS" :''''' ; '"-"v: Mrs. C. R. Holmes was hostess to her bridge club Thursday afternoon at her home. Those playing were' Mesdames H. A. Whitley, Trim Wilson, J. H. New bold, J. R. FutrelL S. P. Jessup, C. A. Davenport, Silas Whedbee and W. H. Pitt The high score prize went to Mrs. FutrelL A salad course was served. ' BIRTH ANNOUNCED ; Mr., , and . Mrs. John Ho Corprew 7. announce the birth of a daughter, Mary , Melissa, born ' Thursday, March 16, at the Albemarle Hospital. Mrs. Corprew is , the former Miss Mary j Barbee,. daughter.; of: Mr;-, and Mrs. G. W.- Barbee. ' America's . Greatest Sale! 10 BIG DAYS Qtexall) ORIGINAL ornir? STARTS THURSDAY i(iT 111 P' - - - 4 PilAREIACY nARr.:o:ra III"! a .ill JMtf 'aftd:i-fr9. Robert. Winslow epe.jt ,t!.e (Weeki. ehd at Wlhston-Salem Vis iting" their ' soft,' Robert Maurice Winslow, and family. The Alice Chappell Mis sionary Circle rnt on Sat ufday Ciftefhoon with Miss Mary A. Winslow with 11 members fend two-1 vistors present Sobelia Winslow gave the ' devotional and Pearl White- gave the les son. Homemade ice cream, otaige fruit cake, Easter, candy, huts and mints was served those present by the 'nostesa. MrY and Mrs.;ArbajWins ' low -, visited-' Mr. and Mrs.' Clifton Stallings and family- on Sunda'y afternoon. ' BetsfeyLee has. returned home from Albemarle Hos pital, where.' she was a pa tient for 10 days. She is -.slowly . improving from a leg infection. , ;: Remember - the - Easter sunrise" service at tTp Riv er .Cemetery on I Easter Sunday1, morning at 5:45. Bagley Swaimp, Pilgrim, Bethany Methodist, Pmey Woods and Up- River Friends Churches are' join ing together for the ser vice. , . We are . glad to report that Daly Rountree is able .to be out again. Earl and Percy Winslow, twin brothers, celebrated 'their 73rd birthday on . Saturday, . March 18. Earl and his children had sup- fj Arindtmciiigr the opening of office Mfn Hertford at 114 Wpsfc Markpt ) I Street for the practice of optometry. B2yea examined liesday and Fri day 9 to 5. Dr.A. F. Downum, Jr. . Optometrist rnoNl f ;M2 Hertford, n. c. f...1"'" - ' ' -' -' ' ' H." ' ' ; 'i' " ' " - I , ( f4fi&;(:W$.fJ mHQQffl :" 1 1 "! 1 a '' .'' Ss I T V,! At PEOPLES posltbf are Insured up to $15,000.00 by tion. 4 ; HortJE'bpLE.ans Banking and Saving at PEOPLES now than ever before. We ? inviU7ou FULL SERVICE BAKkltJ . &tyj0Lkmx?. hmuL V 1 ROOK" CLUB , s:rsTs , f . ... Mrs. C. E; 'Cannon was .hostess j to 'her rook : lub Friday night at hef 1iome. Tuose playing' Were Mes dames J. E. Morris, Walter Dale, J. H. Towe, C. T. Skinner, ; W, J. Davis, O. R. Tucker, Miss Mary Sumner and v Miss Ruby White. The high score prize went to Mrs. Tucker, and low was awarded Mrs. Skinner, Refreshments were served by the hostess. ; siitd. -"Little girl, what will you do when you're as big as your mother?" - ''Djiet."-; , , per at Glenn's Place on Saturday evening. , On Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt' entertained ; at ; ' a turkey dinner in honor of her father, with all the children and grandchild ren present. ' Clyde Emory , Lane was speaker at the Up River Sunday evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winslow , attended a Mis sion Committee meeting at Guilford on Saturday, Har old Smuck was the speak er. ' The Wmslows spent Saturday night, with Seth and Mary Edith Hinshaw and visited the Hershel Hill family at Pilot Moun tain. On Sunday they att tended meeting at Ashe boro and ; were dinner guests of Leslie' Winslow and family. ' , - ' ' at PEOPLES Full Service you can Bank, Sorrow tttX 9:00 A. M, TO 12:38 kt, 1TC3AYS tZ iATtTT Ct fXS)AY EVENINGS ffcOM 3:39 TO P. IL, XCtJk CCKK I"" 1 ; EHITH ANNOUNCZD Schaaf of)' CaUn?,. 1 v , anntiunoethA birth ;t.i thitdi ch14t'Si6ndLi' ter,. Katherine Lynn, born Monday, March 20.tl Mrs, CARB OF T3ANKS I wish , to exptess fcy thanks and appreciation to my. friends And neighbors for the cards', visits, floW m -rmd-Tttt mother- acts - of kindness shown me Bince the-,- deatrf of my mother, Mrs.; J. L.. Tunnell. Your thoughtfttliiest will always be reanembered. . i -i ' ' JOE. TUNNELL ' . AND ?FAMILY'. ' Cabbage" Plaftts -HRound Dutch Early. Jersey; Shrubs s : Hollies : Sasanqua , Junipers . Boxwood Azaleas .' Camellias Annuals- ' Perennials Pansies ' Sweet William ', Foxglove'-- ; ; Basket of Gold Candytuft- - , ' Also IS Varieties Hybrid'iXQses i' ' CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE , ON LANDSCAPING LEAHY PLANPf ARM Phone 221-467 - Edenton, N. C. and SaV6 With Safety.' the Federal Deposit "" 1 Schaaf is the former Miss Fstrinia . Biigeers.daugltM of Mt. and Mrs. J. TL Rig- ni'-iK- 1 ,t t i ll . hri isA lL;il confidence ui' H ; person! xfln often produce great rfr3"!8- '' ( 1 V, CAK3 OF THANKS Mrs. Charlie Whitley, who has returned to: her .home from Forsyth Mem orial Hospital, after having foot surgery, is doing very, well aftd wishes to thank all her, Perquimans County friends1 for the remem brances and cards .during ' her convalescence.- ) 1 ''Thahk youi n i 'Jean. Lone- Whitley, i " mit Trees' Peach Trees Apple Trees Grape Vines Pecan Trees' . Shade Trees ' Pin Oaks ' . 'jgar Afaple , . Red Maple i ( t Norway .ilaple 1 ' Magnolias .J Dogwood , .; .v. Kwansen Cherry. . Flowering Peach It' nnU Fmitk i each de-'". Insurance. Corpora-- ' - -a