Standard Printing Co. . ' xx " Louistille, Ky. 40200 PER THE usmams w: KLY Volume XXXIV No. 40 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thursday, Oct. 5th, 1967 10 Cents Per Copy PTA Subscription Drive Of PerquimansWeekly Underway: Parent . Teacher Association members of the Hertford Gram, mar School, Central Grammar School and Perquimans Union School opened their annual drive for Perquimans Weekly sum script tons Here Monday October ".na, ana will commue tnrougu October 81. 1 Mrs. Preston Divers will head I ' lln 4 It A MAmnnlfm In Uftl4lMf( eVkta the Hertford- Grammar School 1 PTA, and Mrs. Jake White Jr., for the Hertford Grammar School PTA during the drive. At Cen. ' tral Grammar School Mr. and -Mrs. Clinton Wlnslow are In charge of the drive. The annual project to raise funds is conducted by the PTA's of the schools mentioned each year. They began Monday acting again as subscription agents for The Perquimans Weekly. The PTA groups will solicit new and renewal subscriptions to The Weekly during the cam paign, receiving a generous commission. This is your op portunity to help fill up the PTA's treasury of your choice during the subscription cam. ; palgn. The Perquimans Weekly urges all persons who now subscribe to the paper, to check their sub. scrlption, If It is out, to renew during this drive In order that you may not miss receiving your paper, and to help bolster your PTA's during the drive; Again we urge you to give your name and address when renewing your paper, just as you have been receiving It. If you send someone the paper out of town, please In ' dude the Zip Code, we must have it to assure that those per sons receive the paper, and too it is required by the Post Of. flee Department. White Cane Drive Is Underway 1 The Hertford Lions Club will launch its White Cane Drive Friday, October 6th. When you join the White Cane Drive your dollars turn Into these services Medical Eye Clinics ' Glasses The Visual Aids Clinic The N. C. Eye Bank The Research Laboratory for Experimental Ocular Pathology ' StateWlde Glaucoma Detection Clinics Prevention of Blindness Educational Materials , White Cane Walking Sticks Many Other Services , . Lion President Will Simmer son and White Cane Chairman C. C. Walters attended the White Cane Workshop in Willlamston Mi Santamhar ITth At thla mast ing it W8S learned that 50 perp""' cent of Blind cases can now be cured. This Is possible because of research, and the eye Bank operated by the Association for the blind, supported by funds from the White cane Drive. State, wide the Association has 63,000 , Eye Wills. Don't miss this opportunity to support a cause that has helped so many. The Lions will be calling on YOU. Local Family Receives Check , . 1. T The Louis Stallings family of .'oute 1, Belvldere, were recent. ?f presented a check from the i - erlcan Red Cross for dam. j sustained when two dsrent : 1 m toes struck their property r - 'y. presenting the checi t I-rs. Nasan Ewyer, Per. s County Chapter Chair. 1 tor-"'! t During Oct. Youth Promoted In Marine Corps i , V . Lieutenant E. Trafton Phillips Jr., U. S. Marine Corps, was recently promoted from Second to First Lieutenant, at Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina. He is Assistant Provost Marshal (Military Po. lice) at the Air Station, and is the son or Mr. and Mrs. E, T. Phillips sr., of Route 1. HerU prd. ;.. High School PTA To Hold Meeting The Perquimans County High School PTA will hold its first meeting of the 1967.68 school year on Thursday night, Oct. 5, it7 at s o'clock. Pi Chapter Holds Nags Head Meet PI Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society held Its Fall meeting at the Carolinian Hotel In Nags Head, with the Dare County members as hostesses. Preceding the business ses sion, an initiation ceremony was meld at which time the following new members were welcomed! IDr. 1st Costen Grant, as an hon orary memoeri Mrs, Eva Jack son White, as an associate mem- ber; and as regular members, Miss Carrie R. Collins, Mrs. Wllma Phillips Griffin, Mrs. Christine BowenMangum, Mrs. Helen Haynes Matthews, Miss Evelyn Arlene Manning, Miss Anna B. Pr 1 vott, Mr s. M ay. wood Modlln Scarborough, Mrs. Sue Todd, Mrs. Mary Creole White, and Mrs. Edith Dowdy Mrs. Margaret Maston, pres ident, presided over the busi ness meeting. Mrs. Pauline Cllnkscalesgave a study of the Lord's prayer as the devotional. - The program was given by Miss Minnie Hollowell. The theme, - The Nurture of Crea. tivlty. 'A Bridging Program Daring and Dreaming". a. neighbors, were rebuilt, only to be destroyed again by another tornado several days later. Mr. Stallings suffered 4 heart at. tack at the time of the first one and was hospitalized for several weeks, In presenting the check to Mrs. StaiBwt, Mrs. sawyer stated . t t ,'s c!-rck was a gJt ' " " " n ri -'Tien p ' ' to c - - I. ; -f -K ''. White's Dress Shoppe To Have Models In Show Mrs. Eleanor White Bass, own. er of White's Dress shoppe, an. nounced this week that her dress shop will have the following models, Miss Hattle Nowell of Norfolk, Vs., Mrs. Edison (Hazel) Harris and Mrs. Robert (Polly) L. Hollowell of Hertford, modeling clothes from White's Dress Shoppe, In the Fashion Show, Oct. S in the S. L. Sheep Auditorium, at 8 o'clock. The show is sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club of Eliza. both City. Craftsman's Tour Set October 16th Eighteen persons have signed up for the Craftsman's Tour, the highlight of which will be the Craftsman's Fair of the South, era Highlands at Gatllnburg, Ten. nessee. The group will leave Eliza beth City early October 16 and visit at Straw valley Craft Center on their way to Gatlln burg, Tennessee, where they will spend the night. The second day will be spent at the Craftsman's Fair at Gatllnburg and visiting other craft shops ,ln the area. On October 18 the group will start back and visit the Highland Guild and Craft Center at Ashe. vllle. The entire 3-day trip will only cost $38.00 according to Mrs. T. P. Brinn of Hertford, who Is chairman of the Tour Arrange ments. Those persons wishing to go should advise Ben Hill, Presi dent of the Albemarle Crafts man's Guild, at the College Of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City, Hill said first choice would be given to guild members and their friends who wish to go with them, and then the bus will be filled with other persons who wish to take the trip. At this late date, Hill said, the $38.00 per per son should be mailed with the reservation. Mrs, Brinn said, "We are looking forward to the fellowship .with other -craftsmen on the trip and broadening our Ideas' on our particular craft by watching other, more experienced, crafts men at tneir traoe. Ana in aa dltlon to this we will have the pleasure of seeing the mountains in full color. This alone would be worth the trip." Area Girls Serve As ECU Officers Former College Of the Albe marle students have been select, ed to serve as officers of their dormitory. Woman's Hall, at East Carolina University for the coming year. The officers areas follows: President, Miss Pa tricia Berry, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Allen Berry of Weeksvllle; Vice President, Miss Constance Lilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sawyer of Old Trap; Secretary, Miss Harrlette Wil liams of Hertford; Treasurer, Miss Carolyn Paige Long, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Long of Hertford; Hall Proctor, Miss Diane Chory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. s. A. Chory of Elizabeth City. Beck Is Chowan College Bravette Alleen Beck of Hertford has been selected to perform with the Bravettes, Chowan College's precision marching and drill team, this year. Pep squads chosen for Chowan College's 1967.68 school year are adding 32 colorful per formers to scenes Of athletic events, parades, and pageants. Alleen is the daughter 01 Mrs W. F. Tarklngton of Hertford, and is a 1967 graduate of Per. qulmans County ' High School. where she was a member of the Perquimans County Marching Unit for several years. Beta Club And Student Council Sponsor Supper The Beta Club and the Student Council are sponsoring a supper Friday night, October 6, to be held in the high school cafeteria. On sale will be hot dogs, ham burgers, french fries and cold drinks. The supper will be serv ed from 8:30 to 8:00 pjn. Please attend the supper and support these clubs. No waiting inline. - SOUND ALARM 1 LUTON. England (UPlW Charles cans was sentenced to one mon:h in rul for stealing an alarm clack from a local dT"rTj store. He was w -I if -n the alarm west i t e c'- was In t'z -I , - f. "nJr Jt I 1 nnmin -r-- Attend Pictured above with Bob Consldine, National Associate Cru sade Chairman, are two ladles from Hertford, Mrs. D. M. Jackson, Perquimans County Crusade Chairman, (left), and Miss Thelma Elliott, president of the Perquimans County Unit of the American Cancer society, (right). The picture was taken at the recent State Klck.Qff Meetlngheld in Raleigh. Cancer Warning Signals Act As Radar For Body If every American knew and acted promptly on Cancer's Warning signals thousands of lives could be saved and untold suffering prevented each year from cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Years of experience have de veloped evidence that these warn lng signals are part of the body's early warning system a radar that signals the presence of disease. If any signal appears, and persists for more than two weeks, it should be brought to the attention of a doctor even If there Is no pain. He can determine what it means. Chances are It Is not cancer. Or, it may be a pre cancerous condition which can be easily removed and cancer prevented. However, if the signal should be a symptom of cancer, the patient has a much better chance of survival and cure if he heeds the Warning Signal than if he Ignores it. This Is based on the fact that cancer Is among the most cur. able of the major killing diseases If it Is found early, and treated promptly and proper, ly. : However, the patient's re sponslblllty for his own health does not end with the Warning Signals. Cancer is often a "silent disease" and does not always give a warning of its presence. Thus, a patient has a .better chance of avoiding the- disease by not only knowing the Warning Signals, but by having an annual physical checkup. Through such checkups, many cancers can be found in their early stages even If the patient has noticed no symptoms. For A Look Backward ALL IN . READINESS FOR FAIR OPENING: County Fair plans for this week were swing lng into the final stretch In preparation for the opening Mon. day of the county's first major slx-day festival. The exhibit tent, larger tnan was first thought necessary, is being erected on the Fair Ground on the Municipal parking lot on Market and Front Streets (now in 1967 three beautl. ful homes are located on the old lot formally used for the County Fair, they are Attorney and Mrs. W. H. Oakey's home, Mrs. J. H. Newbold and the Henry Griffins.) MYSTERIOUS BLAZE DOES LITTLE DAMAGE AT HOTEL: A mysterious blaze, discovered Friday night by a guest In the Hotel Hertford, was squelched before it could do more than slightly damage it storeage shed behind the hotel. tj JUDGES PREFERRED BRU NETTES: RESULTS OF BEAUTY CONTEST: Sybil Layden Is nam ed Miss Hertford, Nita Newbold wins Miss Perquimans title. Beauty queens named at the State Theatre Beauty Contests last Thursday and Friday nights and thereby entitled to try-outs for "Miss North Carolina" at some later date In Blowing Rock, N.C. and subsequent screen tests, were Miss Sybil Layden as Miss Hertford, and Miss NitaNewbold as Miss Perquimans County. Miss Nonle Lou Lane as the "Junior Queen". Called back by f 1 1 i s-c"'-stionson Meeting example, the Pap test can de-l tect cancer of the uterus before! the symptom of bleeding. A "procto" examination of the rectum and lower bowel can find cancers when they are still very early. Thus, the best insurance! against cancer Is see your doctor regularly and learn Can. cer's Warning Signals. 4 Unusual bleeding or I dliehirfi 2 A lump or thickening In the breast or elsewhere Q A lore that dots not heel 4 Change In bowel or blidder Dibits lj Hoarseness or cough 6 Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing Changs In 1 wart or mole These signals do not usually mean cancer, but they are warnings; If one lasts mora than two weeks, It Is important to go to your doctor. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY the first night, were the winner Miss Layden. Miss, Ruth Hoi. lowell, and Miss Polly Tucker. Called back on the second night were Miss Nit a Newbold, Miss Margaret Whedbee and Miss Esther Ward. Mayor V. N.Dard. en crowned the queens each night and Manager B. L. Glbbs pinned on the ribbons. - JOE AND BILL SERVICE STA TION MOVES TO NEW LOCA- TION: J. H. Tose and w. w. pill) White, namesakes of the Joe and Bill Service Station has recently been moved to elaborate new buildings on Dobb Street. Mr. Towe is the agent for Sin clair products which the new ser vice station handles. Both men are members of the Hertford Lions Club which sponsors the Perquimans County Fair, open, lng next week In Hertford. Editor Undergoes Minor Surgery Mrs. Virginia W, TranseauJ editor ot The Perquimans week ly, underwent minor surgery last week in Wlnston-Salenw She reports that she Is feeling much better and as soon as she regains her strength, shell be back at her desk. -Mrs. Transeau Is at the home of her brother and slster-ln-law in Boonevllle, and hopes to re turn home during the week. . Sunday October 8t h Is Big Day For P.P.K More than 60 boys 8 through 13 years of age are eagerly waiting the opening gun at 2:00 a.m., on Sunday, when the 1967 Perquimans County Punt, Pass and Kick Competition gets under way. The public Is invited to watch these young entrants punt, pass and place.klck their way toward one of the eighteen handsome trophies awarded by Wlnslow Blanchard Motors, to first, sec ond and third place finishers In each age group. The Perquimans County Area competitions are be. lng held at Perquimans County High School Football Field. These Perquimans County Area competitors wlH be testing their football skills at the same time as thousands of others their age compete throughout the coun try. Local first place winners will go on to Zone competitions and then, hopefully, to District, Area and Division contests on the way to the National Finals. Top performers In each com petition receive suitable trophies and runner-up certificates, with Area winners competing In NFL stadiums with their dads in at tendance and Division winners going on a "Tour of Champions" with both mother and dad. The "Tour of Champions" begins in Washington, D. C, and is cli maxed by the appearance of the fnwiuii wiiuma ill jvii-uui, Florida's Orange Bowl during the NFL Play-off Game on January 7th, for the National finale, which will be televised nationally. The "Tour of Champions' to the national finals Is an all expense paid trip for participants and parents by the Ford Dealers Pass and Kick with the National Football League. 1 "It's sure to be a great event," said Cecil E. Wlnslow. "The boys have had some great preparation ESEA Personnel kttendSemmar GREENVILLE Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) personnel from 28 East ern North Carolina counties met at East Carolina university re cently for talks on problems of getting school started again and how to best use teacher aides. They attended morning and afternoon panel discussions of the first ESEA school directors seminar sponsored by the Uni versity School of Education. Three ESEA directors In the morning panel discussion out lined "Problems of the Fall." One of the panelists, Raymond Robertson Jr. of Martin Coun ty, said: "ESEA is a great boost to our educational system; we must make lt work." Another, Philip L. Beaman of Wilson, maintained that "one of the major problems facing ESEA Is related to the neces sity for communicating the pro- gra i gram In terms of its objectives and limitations to those in volved." Appearing with Robertson and Beaman on the panel was Jamie Keeter of Pitt County. On the afternoon panel, four more ESEA directors discussed "Teacher Aides." They were Jlmmle Armstrong, Rocky Mount; Mrs. Sally Ingram, Dup lin County; W. Loys May, On slow County; and James EakerJ Wilson County. Moderator was Dr. Ralph Brlmley, professor In the ECU School of Education and con. ductor of the seminar. R. Marlon Riddlck, ElemenJ tary and and Secondary Edu cation Act Director, of HerU ford attended the seminar. Bloodmobile Visit Here Successful The Bloodmobile visit to Per. qulmans County was, while not wholly successful, more gratify, lng than lt had been in the last two years. Donors numbered 63,! up from 38 last June. Quota was 75. v Union High . School students responded enthusiastically with 24 donors from the senior class. With more and more medical treatments and methods requlr. ed, blood becomes more com. pies, and the fantastic drain of I human blood needed for Amerk can troops in Vietnam, Per. qulmans County Inhabitants can thank their neighbors who ones again have Insured a supply for any family who is forced through illness to avail themselves of this all important service ot thel American Red Cross. , - for the competition and are looking forward to the contest. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to have some boys from Perquimans County go on to Dls trlct and Area events, even the National Finals at Miami." Mr. Wlnslow reported that members of his committee have been busy preparing the Football Field, for the competition on Oct. Perquimans Historical Society Visits M 0 A , Lt. Gov. To Speak At Club Meeting Lt. Gov. Robert W. (Bob) Scott from Haw River, N. C. has accepted an invitation to speak to the Albemarle Schoolmasters Club on Monday, October 9th at 6:30 p.m. at Perquimans High School Cafeteria, C. C. Walters, president of the Albemarle Schoolmasters Club and Superintendent of Perquimans County Schools made the announcement that Lt. Bob Scott had accepted the In. vltatlon to speak. Pvt. ErvinW. Fields Completes Training FT. POLK, La. - Army Pri vate Ervln W, Fields, 20, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Fields, and wife, Cherry, live on Crescent Drive, Hert ford, N.C. completed nine weeks of advanced Infantry training Sept. 29 at Ft. Polk, La. His last week of training was spent in guerrilla warfare exercised. During his guerrilla training, he lived under simulated Viet nam conditions for five days, fighting off night attacks and conducting- raids on "enemy" villages. He was taught methods of removing booby traps, setting ambushes and avoiding enemy ambushes, Ohter specialized training in cluded small unit tactics, map readine. land mine warfare. communications, and firing the M-14 rifle, M-6U macrunegun and the 3.5-inch rocket launcher. Class Officers Are Elected On Monday, October 2, the Senior Class of P.C.H.S. elected Its class officers for the school year of 1967 to 1968. Elected were: Ray Wlnslow, President; Shelley Bateman, Vice Pres ident; Sharon Bundy, Secretary; and Kay Dall, Treasurer, MmmvaaMama iiiuiihii.iimi mi . ;v; i , PCHS Class Ilsscots On Tuesday, October 3, the Senior Class of PCHS chose its class mascots. Chosen were D arlene Morgan and Phil Woodell. Darlene is the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morgan of Hertford. Phil Is the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Woodoll, also of Hertford. For their talent, 8, 1967. "Should there be any ties for the top spot in the com petition for any age group," Mr. Wlnslow added, "the ties will be played off immediately. Well have a winner, eligible to go on to Zone competitions before the events are concluded." Sponsors for the Perquimans County Area pp&K competition is Wlnslow-Blancard Motor Co, The Perquimans Historical So ciety held Its September meeting at the Museum of the Albemarle with thirty members In attend ance. The meeting opened with a moment of silence In memory of Miss Kate M. Blanchard, a loyal member. The society will place an historical book In the Per. qulmans County Library in memory of "Miss Kate". Reports were given by the com mittees dealing with the walking tour of the historical places in Hertford and the annual year book which will soon be publish ed. ' After the short business meet ing, Miss Susan Stltt, director of MOA, explained the general layout of the museum. Miss Stltt then gave the members of the society a guided tour of the many Interesting exhibits, as well as a look behind the scenes in the work rooms. The gift shop of the museum attracted much attention with the many crafts and books on dis play. A visit to the museum will prove to you that Perquimans County Is making contributions to the gift shop and to the ex hibit areas. The January meeting ot the so ciety will be held In the Per quimans County Library on Jan. uary 22. Red Cross Seek Aid For Overton The Perquimans County Chap, ter of the American Red Cross Issued an appeal today for help for Thomas Overman of Route 1, Box 206, Belvldere whose home was destroyed by fire last Tues. day. Overton, who lived alone, lost all his personal and house hold belongings in the fire. He plans to re-establish house keeping in perhaps two rooms and is in need of a bed, coal stove, bedding, linens, bedroom furniture and kitchen furniture and utensils. Since all of his clothes were destroyed, he Is also in need of the following: Pants Size 30; shirts 15; shoes 7 medium. Anyone having anything he would like to donate, may do so by contacting Mrs. Nathan saw yer, local Red Cross Chairman at 426-7648 or Mr. Overton's daughter, Mrs. Menola Parker at 426-7529. M i " IS :

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