JACK M Pint jS'i i'y'i jW) Ml J-"' k I i r' yri M A Blind of 65 Neutral Applt Jack, No Aga, and 35 Appla Jack 6 Yean Old. Hickory Town Dlatllllng Co., Eatontown, N.J. American Cancer Society Workshop An American Canear soelaty Workihop wu bald it Tha Edan. ton RMtturant last Thursday. Tiia thama wu "Putting Your Community Down on papar". mui Tnaima Elliott ana J. T. Bi(gn wara participants In tha panal dlsousslon which wu eon. ductad durini tha aftarnoon aaa. alon on tba topic, "How to Ea tabllah an Educational Pro gram". - Thoaa from Hartford who at. tandad wara Mra. D.M. Jackaon, Mra. H. C. Sullivan, Mra, Jack Burbaga, Mra. Ban Thaoh, Mlaa Hulda wood, Miss Elliott and Mr. Blfgara. Words of the Wiie No ont li ny txttor than you, but you art no btttar than anyona alia until you do something to prova It. (Donald Laird NOTICE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st, O ALL GARBAGE AND TRASH CONTAINERS IN THE TOWN OF HERTFORD WILL HAVE TO BE 26 GALLON CAPACITY OR LESS WITH COVERS. WE FEEL THAT THIS WILL IMPROVE OUR COL. LECTING SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF HERTFORD AND MAKE OUR TOWN A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR COOPERA. TION ON THIS MATTER. Hayor Emmctt Landing TOM OF HERTFORD WEATHER BULLETIN! aw- 4 j ; - 1 . . i (ho oxctffttf now IGI3LG1 OIL II0HE NEATER AUTOMATIC CONTROLS! Just DIAL your comfort I Push a button to start or stopthoFLOORSWEEPI Off now Clves you amazing CTT1 super nnn I JLiJLj'ULuO FLOOR bdli The golden louvers in the floor heat outlet are motor driven to rotate back and forth sweeping the heat over the floor. All new in performance, styling and exciting colors, this new SIEGLER gives you a new dimension in heating comfort. See it soon! lortfprd llarduaro (Supply Inc HERTFORD, N. C. A nnual Chamber Banquet Set For December 6th Tha annual ParqulmaniCham. bar of Commarca Banquat la aat for Wadnaaday, Dacambar e. at 7i00 p.m. accordlni to Chambar Man agar Laon 1. Edwarda. Mr. Edwarda atataa that Par. qulmana County'a Jimmy Hunt, ar will ba a guaat aa wall aa many othar notabTaa. paoplawho hava had to look elaawhara In ordor to maka tha boat uaa of thoir talanta. Initiation Held By Beta Club Hlghlightlnt lut waak'a aohool aotivltlaa wu tha Bata Club'a Initiation. Slxtaan naw mambara cam a to achool Friday mornlnf draaaad u "Baby Bataa". Evan tha boya wara draaaad In ahort aklrta and wora ribbon in thalr hair. Coniratulatlona ahould 0 to aaoh of thaaa atudanta who hava aarnad a 90 avaragt and tha prlvllaca of balonglng to tha Bata Club. New License Arrive AtChamberOffice Tha Parqulmana County Cham bar of Commarca Off lea has ro ealvad 800 Parqulmana County tags almllar to thoaa sold last yaar. Howavar tha 1868 tags are rad on a white background u will ba your regular state li cense tags when you get them for your automobiles In 1968. Those county tags will go on sale tha first part of Novem Perquimans ASCS News On September 87, 1967. dele gates rrom the alx ASCS Com. munltlea mat and elected Pres. ton Nixon to a 3 year term on tha oounty committee. Emmatt Long wu elected to fill tha re. malnlng 1 yaar of Carroll WU. llama term. Mr. WUllama re resigned effective October 1, 1967. , Tha preaant ASCS County Com mittea oompoaed u Uatadr Chairman. Preston Nlxoni Vice-chairman, Marvin Caddyj Regular Member, Emmatt Long! First Alternate, L, Paul Smith; Second Alternate, O.H. (Tuck) WCDD. RESIGNATION ' THE Parqulmana ASC County Committee reluctantly accepted tha resignation of Carroll WO. Uama effacUva October 1, 1967. Mr. WUllama had aervea 2 bar at $1.00 each. All Par. qulmana County folka ara urged (however not required) to gat ona of the tags and display it on thalr vehicles and help promote Parqulmana. Hertford Family Have Home Guests Mra, Dora Roberson, Billy and Travis White had aa guest In their home on Sunday Mrs. Ella Whltehear, Mr. and Mra. Alvah Futrell and Joseph, from Woodland, N. C Mrs. Bertha Mae Bailey, Ann, and Jody, from Newport News, Va., Mra. Luna Layden, Mrs. Velma Owens, Mrs, Annie White and Mr. and Pages The yaara of hla 3 year tarm elncei elected in ueo. ' Mr. WUllama aitad praaalng business at home and lack of farm labor aa hla primary rea. sons. He la farming additional una this year and Ma son is away in college. Ha also stated ha felt that If ha could not da. vote adequate time to ASCS, ha would rather aomeone else! aarva that could devote the time to thla Important endeavor, CCC GRAIN BINS We atUl hava 8 uaad 3260 bu. ahal grain bins, Thaaa bins ara being aold on a seal bid basis. with a minimum bid of $502.. 00. If interested contact thla of. flee. AGRICULTURAL CON SERVATION PROGRAM November 1, 1967 la tha dead. una for aaeding winter cover cropa, and permanent puturea. Cost-sharlng la available on these practices provided ara. quest is mod before aaeding is oagun. Construction At Snug Harbor At Snug Harbor now roada ara being cut, a foundation for a new Clubhouaa hu been poured and a swimming pool Is under con. structlon. Fifty more lota have been aold, a church organized, and thla resort no doubt la going to mean a lot to Parqulmana County In bringing In vaca timers, who will be visiting the business places whUe their stay here. Mrs. Allen Wlnslow, Gary and Bobby to celebrate the 73rd birthday of Mrs. Alethla White. Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday, October 19, 1967 Mrs. Jones Gives Church Concert Rev, L.A, Williams announced this week that Mrs, Marion Win. slow Jones of Greenville. N, C,, formally of Hertford, will give a musioal concert at the St. Paul AJA.E. Zlon Church In Hertford, on Sunday, October 22, at S p.m. ' Aocordlnc to Rev. Williams. Mrs, Jones's la the mockingbird of the eastern part of tha United States, : : Julius Caesar wu usassi. natad In tha Roman Senate by a group led by Cualus and Brutus In 44 B.C. CUSTOM-BUILT HOLES REPAIRS - REMODELING KITCHEN CABINETS ADDITIONS For Any Job SMALL or LARGE FREE ESTIMATES CALL or SEE Perquimans Construction Co. Phone 426-5211 Hertford, N. C. Erie Haite, Jr. and B, A. Talley Call Us For Your Electrical Work MM I I J.MiddoxBMxlv.8S16Bautridi J. Middox Bttxlty, 8516 Bautridg Ln, Richmond, V., rtcaiving $1,000 check from Mgr. M. E. Sktllen, Colonial Stora. CIT YOUR TON N?20( card today NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR ill fhi ACtiJAl" RACES RUN ON TVl TV MIT TIMI 3 WTAR TV NORFOLK, VA. IVIIY IATUDY St00-5i30 RL r.ari in mii 1ST ia 2MB RAM M0 MCI 4TH ACI iTN MCI $10 SIS SIOO 5X9 INCH LOAF PAN s;i: iWii SIMS Pricti Effoctlv Thru Sol,, Oct. 21, 1967. Quantity Right itrvod SIRLOIN - JIFFY OR TOP ROUND lb. NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR ROUND STEM NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR T-B0NE STEAK OR ROUND ROAST CLUB OR PORTERHOUSE ib. w NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR Beef Roast SIRLOIN TIP SNACKING GOOD CWALTNEY Bologna lb. lb. Pkg. NO WASTE HORMEL Canned Ham TENDER USDA GRADE A fo! 3 Ib. $ Can 99' 59' 2" rr SHOP OUR. COMPLEre - Plate Beef Stew " 25e Beef Short Ribs Ib- 49c Stewing Beef boneless 7QC Turkey Necks " 19c Backs & Necks chicken Ib- 1 0c Ox Tails economical 29c Beef Shank portions lb. 49c I OO FRee cold bono WilM THIS COUPON AND THE au.CMASI Ot ONf 3 LI CAN ARMOUI SHANKIESS A ci ii I v airri nifiKiB am ONlT ONI tUlifUK lILaiHlU UK IAlH SAID UNll -' MW u. i- o.. Ji GOOD IN COLONIAL S?OB( 11 c i giving OOlD IOnd STAMPS TUBLTEifS "hbi T v r ib. 39' FANCY JUICY FLORIDA CAULIFLOWER SWEET POTATOES D'ANJOU PEARS IARQR . SNOW WHITE IONO ISLAND PUERTO RICAN , PANCr WESTERN BAG 29' 19" 49' .HEAD THIS WEEK'S SPECIALI OUR PRIDE TV A A. 4 TSSfci n nrnri r MAXWELL HOUSE Ib. BAO 4 69 1 lb. 8 oz. LOAVES HOT CUP !OOFREEGSl"SS WITH TMII tQUPW") AND Tnt FUKCPIAM V SQUIBB TOOTHBRUSH FROSTINO MIXES ox.; EACH 2 ROIL PKO. 2 Ib. BAO OMiT ONI COU.ON UMIMW ON IAC. IMI QOOD IN COLONIAL QIVINQ BOkO .UNO . stow aP STAMM I OO FRCGCS2"D WITH THII COUPON A NO THI PUR CH A II Of Ian Utah's W lutteriiiilk BREAD . COFFEE . . JIFFY CAKE MIXES " SC0TT0WELS w FREHCII FRIES MILD AMER. CHEESE tJttSEP) fell for HMtelb d fiBB fiteG3BElfll OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS, $100 !i49 10' 39' 25' 69' 2 5 FR E E C0LD bond " STAMPS WITH THIS COU.ON AND Wl uCHASt 01 NANCY CARTER SALADS J9L 1 50 FREEGK2D WITH THIS COUPON AND THE PURCMASl Of ,mra Ont J Ib 2 ot Pkg Kiv Bit Prn Cubed. Btl r & BEEF 6l ONION STEAKS Jggk Or-.t ONI lOtrfON MUH-ia On T.m lAili uki ' C"! v-s aa., o.. ir 19.; GOOD IN COLONIAL STORI B ) So . GIVING GOLD BONO STAMPS ' ) ; 50 FREEc"i522D WITH THIS COUPON AND THI PURCMASl Of ,Mmra a On 3 Lb tr Lgr. Phfl. CoMrodtd & LEAN GROUND BEEF Jl Oh.i 0Ni cowon ituiiwto on iaim iaiis unit Crm v0. At.., o. n itt; GOOD IN COLONIAL STORE RW i' I ifl m j GIVING GOlD BOND STAMPS ( IOO CDITR GOLD BOND aai STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND THI PURCHASt Of Ona 50 Lb. Bit Gsltwstr fraud ' a m a Mpi mm pii mmmm l Q-O-O rCLLEI rCK I lUiilT jfJAak GOOD IN COLONIAL STORE d)" GIVING GOLD ION0 STAMPS ON, I ONI COUPON IfQIIMID ON IALH iAHl UNIT Afti 0i )i. ns7 SO FREEC? VI" THIS COUPON AND TM IijRCHA't Cf , Jar Sastd Swtat' CITRUS SA IIOIlMlO ON IACH All 100: ; '.o.onia: :toie Ona 1 Ql, Jsr Sastd Swtat' P 0it on( cou'On iioiimio on iaCh iaiii uNir BT FLORIDA CITRUS SALAD 5'V;Nfl G3;t lONt SO FREE COLD BOND r-rmiskw stamps WtTf ImIS COUPON AND TM rUCMA5C 0 : On llrft Vim RiMf JRT if. HONEYDEWS 9NIV OnI COU'On IIMImIP ON IACM lAtll UNIT r.r,t- iu 'rviftuiAi tna( Giving 50.D IOnO ;Tam SO FREE5 WITH THIS COUPON AND THI PUILHA1I Vt Ona 31 M. Ball Rtfulir ALCOA WRAP , OMll ONI COU'ON IIDIIMID ON IACH lAlll UNlf .... .. On li 0000 IN COLONIAL SIOII l "S i I OIVINO OOLB IONO IIAWI n uw cm. II, mn n I M C-l ON IACM ULH IMf oooo in colonial iron 0IVIN4 CMID M9NO HAMH T 1 '3 4 ;1 .,4 !.f if? J