i V Pagt 2-The Ptrqulmam Weekly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday, Novwnbw 9, 1967 The Weekly Society News NEWPORT NEWS GUESTS Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Hussion and two daughters of Newport News. Va. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Madre and attended the Miller-fclllott Wedding at the Hertford Baptist Church on Saturday. WEEK-END AT PINEHURST Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Biggers spent the week-end In Plnenurst. N. C. with Mrs. Bigger s' mother J Mrs. w. h. cole, who accompan ied them home for a visit. WEEK-END HERE Walter Edwards Jr. of Wash ington. D. C. was a week-end guest. qI Ms parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edwards Sr. VBIT IN CHARLOTTE Mrs. H. C. Sullivan and Mrs. V. N. Darden spent several days last week In Charlotte with rela tives. WEEK-END IN NEWPORT NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Jim Bass were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy White In Newport News, Va. on Sunday. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. J. T, Lane is a surgery patient at the Albemarle Hos pital. , ' i WEEK-END HERE Miss Suzanne Towe and Miss Mary Ellen Wells of Richmond, Va, were week-end guests of Miss Towe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Towe. Cituptol3 lyFREE i . : wvx:y...mmmi:.'. mmm Cm I MM Sum PLENAMINS, 728.2 meW supply, a $130 whwi SUPER PLENAMINS, 144't. S weeks' supply, $259 value! SUPER PLENAMINS, 288 10 weeks' supply, a S4.79 value! SUPER PLENAMINS, 365s- 13 weeks' supply, $SJ9 value! Com In Now tor your SPECIAL COUPON Mall the front carton panel (or the paper neck ring of the 36S't) and Your Sale Receipt To Hut Address: OTTO BONUS ROVEKKI M, 1M7I AHow st ls)Mt 9 WMks tec 4tHwy Ofraf voM wiMffV vaLSP MMtkarrj Strut HARMON'S PHARMACY "WE DELIVER? PHONE 42B-5527 HERTFORD, N. G FROM RALEIGH Mlss.Susan Hardcastle of Ra lelgh spent the week-end here WttH her granamoiner, aura. W.H, Hardcastle. FROM OKLA, Mr, and Mrs, W.P.Blanchard of Ponca City, Okla are spend ing several days here. ON SKYLINE DRIVE Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Lane and son. Edgar Lee, spent last week end on a trip to the Skyline Drive, WEEK-END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott of Wilmington, N. C. were week end guests. RETURNS HOME Mrs. T. B. Sumner returned home Thursday from Raleigh. where she was the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. T. a. sumner jr. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Winslow and daughters, Ann and Sarah, and Miss Thelma Elliott attend ed the HoUlday-Smith Wedding In Enfield on Friday. FRIDAY GUESTS Mrs. Bennie Halstead and Miss Mary Louise Whiteof Eliz abeth City visited Mrs. J, H. Baker on Friday, WEEK-END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Zack Harris and family of Goldsboro spent the week-end here with relatives. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. E. A. Byrum is a patient at Albemarle Hospital, due to a fall at her home on Friday. WEEK-END HERE Mr. and Mrs. VickStallingsof Portsmouth. Va. spent several days last week as the guests of Mrs. Ora Hendricks and Mrs, Shelton Long. FROM CHICAGO Mr, and Mrs, Robert Blan chard of Chicago, HI. spent sev eral days this week in town. T ' V Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Sutton of Ronton. Wash., formerly of the New Hope Community of Perqui mans County, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Mr. Richard Wlebe, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wlebe of Vancouver, B.C. Canada.' ' The bride-elect is a 1965 graduate of Ronton High School, attended Everett Junior College and is currently employed by Pacific Northwest BeU In Seattle, Wash. Mr. Wiebe 'i attended the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and now Is a student at the Canadian Bible College In Reglna, Sask., Canada, No date has been set for the wedding. FROM CHESAPEAKE Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hendricks of Chesapeake, Va. were guests of Mrs. Ora Hendricks on Sun-4 spent the weekend here wttbtSundav. day. IN HOSPITAL Charles Murray Is a patient in the University Hospital in Chapel H1IL, WEEK-END HERE Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Harris of Wilson spent the week-end here. VEIT HERE Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Murray of Dunedin, Fla. are spending some time here wun relatives. HOME FOR WEEK-END Greg Beck, student at Atlan tic Christian College, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarklngton. IN HOSPITAL : Tommy Maston Is a patient at the Albemarle Hospital. FROM DEL. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brough ton and sons, Sidney, Chris, and rater or Wilmington, ueu were week-end guests of Mrs. Vera Brought on Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Broughton and family, and Mrs. Helen ChappeU of Ty- ner. HOSPITALIZED Mrs, Vassle Proctor is un dergoing observation and treat ment at the Albemarle Hospital, VISIT HERE Miss Mary Hemingway : of Henderson and Miss Minnie ' Hemingway of Linden, N. C. were week-end guests of Mrs. Vera Broughton Batten. MRS. JACKSON ASKS VOLUN TEERS TO REPORT - Mrs, D. M. Jackson, Crusade Chairman of the Perquimans County Unit of the American Cancer Society, urges all volun teers to please send their re ports to her as soon as possible, so that she can complete the drive and turn her report in tothe local Unit. FROM KERNERS VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jack White and daughters, Anna-and Elizabeth from Kernersvllle, N.C. spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Rose, Jr. and other relatives In the county. FROM VERMONT Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Blan. chard and Mr. and Mrs. John Reld of Burlington, Vermont spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Blanchard and Mrs. Maude Blan chard. RETURNS TO TWIN-CITY Miss Evelyn Tarkenton of Winston-Salem, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. BUI Tarkenton and Billy and Wayne Tarkenton, Visit in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Jack Symons and children Barbara,andMark, and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chap peU, visited Mr. and Mrs. BUI ChappeU in Kicnmona, vs., op VECTORS IN JOE WHITE HOME Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe White of Dobb St., during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Coy Mizzle of Windsor, Mrs. NelUe Davis and Mrs. Whichard Davis of Edenton, Mr. and Mrs, Bennie Tarkenton of Elizabeth City, Mrs, Billy Chesson and son of Roperj Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Bailey and children of Nor folk, Miss Evelyn Tarkenton of Winston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarkenton, Wayne and Billy oxtieruora. Crxdgo Club I.Iccts Mrs, W, H. Pitt was hostess to her bridge club on Friday afternoon at her home on Dobb Street, Those playing were Mrs. M. Whedbee. Mrs. C A. Davenport, Mrs. J. R. Futrell, Mrs. n. a. wutiey, airs. j. n. New bold, Mrs. C. R. Holmes, Mrs. Walter Edwards, and Mrs. Edward Griffin, Mrs. Holmes was high score winner, A sweet course was served, . Mrs. Hoskins in Hospital Mrs. B.S. Hoskins, popular member of the local Colonial Store staff, underwent surgery in the Albemarle Hospital on Tuesday morning. The spinning lennv was in vented by James Hargreaves In KM. - Card Oi Thanks I would like to take this op portunity to thank everyone who remembered me with get-well cards, visits and all acts of kindness shown to me during my stay at the hospital, and since my return home. Mrs, J, W, GatUng un wnai iw tm Were You Bonifl Monday's bairn is fair of fa Tuesday's bairn is full ofgrac ne Wednesday's bairn baa far to f Thursday's bairn Is full erf , l: Friday's brain is loving a ding. ! !, Saturday's bairn works hard lLr a living, But a child born on theSabbs Is lucky and bonny and wlsifa say. Old Rhyme on the Wedding D Monday for health ; Tuesday for wealth -Wednesday the best of aU Thursday for losses Friday for crosses Saturday no luck at all. KICKS LAUNDRY ft SERVING HERTFORD and Perquimans County Tuesday Wednesday Friday BUI Crommey, BontemuZi Truck Radio Dispatched 48S-S148 1 01 PROOF - 8 YEARS OLD - wiidM! STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $(o)15 FIFTH tSiPINT AUSTIN, NICHOLS 1 CO., INC., N. V., N.Y. FROM N. C, STATE Bobby HolloweU, student at N. C. Sfota TTnlvapfilfv R-laloti his parents Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Houowell. FROM EAST CAROLINA U. Carolyn White, Harriette Wil liams and Paul Gregory, stu- aents at u niversity,ureen vUle, spent the week-end with their parents. VEITS IN SANFORD Mrs. F, T. Johnson spent sev eral days last week in Sanford with relatives. J ir ' I WEEK-END Specihls . . . 5' SKIRT SALE ONE RACK OF LADIES' SKIRTS . . . BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE, GET SECOND SKIRT FOR JUST 5s BOYS' LONG SLEEVE Spcrt Shirts Boys' Long Sleeve SHIRT PERMANENT PRESS REGULAR 2.vv Sale Price $1X3 One Lot Boys' SHOES LACE-UP STYLE and LOAFERS REGULAR $847 SPECIAL SALE PRICE DISH CLOTHS REGULAR Me WEEKEND SPECIAL 3 for 2 We Have A Good Selection Of Christmas Cards, Christmas Wrappings And Christmas Decorations! . . . LAJDIES' TUBTLENECK SHIRT Wear In or Out 100 Cotton Machine Washable REGULAR U.tl Ssb 5I.C0 LADIES' SHELLS Sleeveless and With Sleeves 100 DuFont Acryuc Hana-wasnaoie REGULAR ft M LADIES' BALLERINA SHOES Special Z2z LADIES' DUSTERS Made of Cordana Little or no Ironing Special $2X3 LADIES' Flannel Gowns AND : Pajamas $1X3 LADIES' CASUAL. SHOES REGULAR $1.27 SALE PRICE Our Toyland Is Well Stocked With Christmas Toys! USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION t OPEN FRIDAY KITES TEL 6:80 OPEN SAT. NITES TIL 8:49 Special $1X3 iiKVrrcr.D, N.- c CHRISJMA For Memer I ( i ?:::.V."; I U 1 CLUB Sifting Christmas giving is fun . . . but it can put a dent in the budget. Ilext Chrbtm, maho sure of a merrier, bill-frco holiday Join our '67 Christmas Club nov; save a little every wee!: . . . Come next Uovcmber, you will have a nice big chech for all your shopping... 4 New i. 1 - Club To Start Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1968 Clubs for 2c:, Ei, S1.C3, S2.C3, H3 cn d S13.CD p: a a C3 I.-.1.1.10 mm grovihg &d smynis h l::ciiZ"JSTnn r:onTH cnncu::.i OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 12:S0 P.1I. TUECDAY3 TIIOUCII SATURDAYS AND ON FRIDAY EVENINGS FROM 3:30 TO 7: CO FOU YOUR CXJirVTI.TIJCS ... '' Jf fi PEOPLES 0 if iff-: i 41 4 I n f.d.i.c. r: