i ) rert;:imans Weekly, i tserv Thiir1 J a iery inursday tti: crt-:r4 N. G 27841 irirjinla White Transeau i nrj OoJirt House Square HHi&TFORD, N. C li .tared as second class matter j November 15th, 1934, at Pos oroce in Hertford, North Caro iuna sivt ; Advertising Rates Furnished By Request SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pne Tear $2.50 tin rsrquunans county) Elsewhere - 3.00 EDITORIAL Study Human Nature , Many readers constantly re : solve to Improve their minds by reading lntelllgentlywrltten books In the hope they will : become better equipped to understand the many issues within this modern world. I The Impulse Is good, and should be acted upon, but often tfi our search for the new we overlook the value of the old. i For this reason, we would f emlitd our readers that, with all modern Issues, however expres - fed, human nature asserts lt sol much the same as It did In past ages. Therefore, the basic Study for us is human nature and the solution tor modern troubles Is Improved human be ings.' ! By the general consent of al most all mankind, the Bible has )ong been recognized as pre eminent In the field of human nature, possessing fundamental guides for Improving human be ings. It might be a good Idea, then, for all of us to give a IJttle more study to the great truths set out In the Book of Books. - The first complete, self con tained electric washing machine was put on the market in 1907 ' by the, Hurjey Machine Com pany of Chic Age t How to pat year finger en mcrebsiness...fast Put your long distance telephone to work for you. It covers ground quickly and at low cost. This personal touch pays off in results. Try it. :' NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. r.lodornizo with AUTOMATIC! LP-Gas cp plicnccs! 1.1 Range Hot water heater Soece heaten Refrigerator! Waahers Oryera Incinerator! At your CsSOtanO' Dealer's CALL: 426-5458 cud c:l go. HERTFORD, N.C Ilk CroIn3k iff T3vi) Hertford, N. C, Thursday, December 28, 1967 A Yc:r G::s By Another year has slipped intcJ hlstory. aulckM than the one be. (ore it. The pace steadily quick' ens; and It's a time lor reflec Hon. What was accomplished? What can one do better In 1968? How many fellow citizens did you help In 1967?. To how many did you bring some happiness or pleasure? How many did you 1 hurt? And how did you honor your parents, your church, your community and those who have been loyal friends over the years? Library Receives Christmas Gifts ' Two books have been given by the James Wilder family to the Perquimans County Library a3 Christmas gifts and me morials. These are, "The American Heritage History of the Thirteen Colonies in memory of Tommy Wilder and "Ship Models and How To Build Them", in memory of Mark Beers. : . Other memorial books re cently given to the library are: "More Than a Came", by Gal ileo, In memory of Fred T. Mathews; "Words Eternal" In memory of Frank Bray; "The Lord's Prayer, an Interprets- ill ellVJIIIWi J V Ullllli J Wilder; "Nature Book and Sea, Ships, and Sailors," poems, songs, and Chanties, in memory of Mark Beers; and "The Green Thumb Book of Indoor Garden ing" In memory of Mrs, Mary Etta Winslo. The library also hasadded about 40 or 50 new books, both fiction and non-fiction. Apartial list of these will appear In next weeks paner. The library will be closed ew Year's Cay. Queen Wllhelmina of the Netherlands was the first reign ing queen to address a joint ses sion of the U-S. Congress. This was on August 6. 1942. The Cunard liner Laconia is (credited with being the first Icruise shlp to circumnavigate khe world. ', , ,.'.;. ...... Clay samples show that voi le anoes erupted off the Florida coast about 30 million years ago. : The first electric organ was built by Hilborne Lewis Roose velt in 1876 and Installed in New York City. .. am iv cm . . n earn . . BAKER OIL COMPANY "SUPPLIER OF SMCLAIR PRODUCTS" PHONE 426-554 HERTFORD, N. C. Cleanliness stcrts.. .everything ctarts ct ClncLJr. Veteran's Administration Veterans seeking home loans guaranteed by the Veterans Ad ministration are advised by W,R, Phillips, Manager of the Winston-Salem Regional Office, to be cautious about getting In volved in "side deals" r tie-in-sales" as a condition to pur chasing a home. There have been cases in which veterans have been re quested or even required to pur chase items of furniture or other merchandise, Phillips said. These are paid for in cash and not from the proceeds of the loan guaranteed or insured by the VA. In some cases the items have been so overpriced as to constitute additional con sideration for the purchase of a home, Sometimes these offers are legitimate and benefit the vet eran, and the VA has no ob CU5T0L1-BUILT HOLIES REPAIRS - REMODELING KITCHEN CABINETS ADDITIONS For Any Job SMALL or LARGE - FREE ESTIMATES - CALL or SEE Perquimans Construction Go. Phone 426-5211 Hertford, N. G Erie Haste, Jr. and B. A. Talley Call Us For Your Electrical Work ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OFFICE IN HERTFORD AT 114 WEST MARKET STREET FOR THE PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY Eyes Examined Tuesday and Friday 9 to 5 DR. A. F. DOVKUn, JR. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 426-5261 HERTFORD, N. C. THE HEATIKG OIL VJI7C3 TG2 duilt- r.miD. SINCLAIR HEATING OIL-IS CLEAN AND 50 ECONOMICAL YOU COULD HIKE A MAID WITH THE MONEY YOU SAVE. Sinclair Heating Oil-so clean it's like having a maid to do part of your work. '"x Sinclair Heating Oil is sparkling clean. ..bums with a bright, clean flame. It's so economical, tool Call Sinclair today. Find out how you can save work. ..save money.. .in a safe and comfortable home. i rrltifk ta.ItU .ra anW Kiiu CInlair ,. e-""- jection to such purchases so longl as they art not paid for with the proceeds of the loan. In any case, Phillips said J where the seller and purchase have entered into a "side ar raneemenl" to "tie . In. sale" W volvinz personal property to) evade the G.L statutory require ment that the purchase price of the home not be in excess of the reasonable value estab lished by the VA appraisal, the) VA is required to invest! rate the matter thoroughly. In cases where a "side deal"! or "tie-in-sale" appears to pel Involved, details must be re vealed to the VA. which re. serves the right to inspect and appraise the Items involved ben fore approving a loan. . The Texas Rangers were the! first state police in the United States. ' The first Quaker to arrive in Amort landed at Boston or July 11. 1836. THESE RELIGIOUS ,RIESSAr,r3 . are rude rc:::LE 3Y THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS ... y. F. Holhmfll & Son, Inc. UVESTOCK AND FARM PRODUCE Phons 426-64U , WINTAU N. C, ' Hertford Savings & Loan Association "Own Your Own Horns Through Savings and Loan" Pitt Hardware Company , Phont 426-5531 HERTFORD, N, C. Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company YOUR FORD DEALER W. M. Morgan Furniture Co, HOME FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLLANOES Cannon Cleaners DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phone 429-54H, . C. Blanchard , tfc Co., Ine,.-. "BLANOHARD'S" 8INCE 1832 ; Blanchard s Barber Shop , Gerald W. Blanohard Proprietor Keith t Grocery PHONO 428-7767 HERTFORD, -N- a One Stop Service Station BUX COX, Owner Tires Greasing Accessories CAlli 426-B870 HERTFORD, N. C Lane's Woodwork Shop "Custom Built Kitchen Cabinets" PHONE 426-7225 Route 3, Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Road) Winf all Service Station ", OA8 - OIL TTRE8 AND REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES Thomas E. Morgan, Winf a 11 CALL 426-8843 , . Peoples Bank & Trust Company ; 'Member F.D.I.C. HERTFORD, N. C. 1 Byrum Furniture ' Company Phone 426-5262 ' ' HERTFORD. N. C. . :M:o k- . py If lulf 111 pifi; mi' m ioiiniiiuvii . m 7 .Sunday ; W.dnstday Exodus ' ' ' Colosilons 12:1.12. ; 1:15-23 AAonday , - Thursday Acts Hebrews 17:22-31 . 1:1-14 - ' Tuesday Friday Galatlans - Hebrews 4:1-11 7:15-25 f ; Saturday , Revelation . 22:10-17 Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. I Phone 426-56M HERTFORD, N. C. i Swindell v Funeral Home : Phone 426-7311 HERTFORD, N. C. Towe Motor Co. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH '; SALES SERVICE '': Reed Oil Company 1 ESSO PRODUCTS Hertford, N. C. Baker Oil Company 81TPLIER3 OF SINCLAIR PRODirCTS GOODYEAR TIRES Albemarle ' Chemical Co. Phone 428-5387 WEVrFOF-D. N. C. .:rs Chureh Going A Habit 1 .V Throo, two, ono . . . tho minutes nnd seconds tick away the last moments of the old year. With dear friends . I herald tho birth of tho now your, and together wo sing, "should auld acquaintance bo forot" , i-' Cries of "Happy Now Year" illl tho air, as I say fare--. well to tho old year that cannot como ORnin. I recall days "of joy and sorrow, frustration and success. I remember ' things not done hat should havo been, and accomplish ments of which I ard extremely proud. Kcside the measure . of the year's defeats, J total up its victories. Tho credit : ,sido far outweighs, tho debit, for over ull the days I see the shadow of my church. - I end my otrospection, und rejoin foslivitics. With God and His Church at the center of my life, - I am fortified for whatever comes in the days ahead, ' Your 'church Is a source of couraire nnd, strength; ; sufficient to every need. Attend your church, and face - . Yi f,M nnA4nnt1.r ''r-i'; .-, , :; - '' ' i'- t 1 ' ''. f :'' Ciaartalc IHT KdaW ' MAN'S RESPONSE TO GOD'S GIFT International Sunday School Lesson for Decembr 31, 1967 : Memory Selection! "Bring ye all the tithes into the store house, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me how herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, If I will jwt open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it," - (Malachl 3:W) - , . ... Lesson Textt The background for today's lesson Is in the Book of Malachl, '"'Instead . MlcahV", The underglrdlug . concern,-, . however, remains the same. , , ,,,4', God had expected much of Israel as He led the Israelites out of bondage and slavery in Egypt and Into the Promised Land . . . but Israel had disappointed Him in net .response to Him, .'V;:' - ,.V,,;'.'. . Israel had committed every sin in the book . . .spirit- , ually, morally, and sinned against her fellowmen. Idolatry, perjury, adultery, transgressions against neighbors . . . these were the order of the day, and the Lord looked upon this state of affairs with abhorrence. And these sins are still an abomination in His sight today. One of the ordinances which Israel had flagrantly vio lated was that of tithing. To the Jews tithing was a matter of law. To the true and devout, tithing is not a legal require- -ment - it is a Christian PRIVILEGE. We cannot always be on the receiving end of life; we must give and somewhat ad Just the balance of the scales. . In Israel the tithe was to be one-tenth of the crops, which God had provided in His bounty; this tenth was to be v brought to the temple and put at the disposal of the priests'' ' ultimately to be used by them for the relief of the poor and needy , , , the purpose for which it was divinely In- i tended. . - But Israel had fallen down in her response to God's . gifts, and had not honored her commitment to tithe. There had therefore been a long drought in the land, and a plaque," : and these expressions would only be lifted If Israel ful filled her an :!nted place in God's plan, rendering unto Him His Just d'j ,iai becoming an exemplary nationt -His Just d , and becoming an exemplary nation to those surrounuliij ldr, .. " We ir- t be acutely aware of the tact that today's pas. ages r. r expllclty to God's covenanted people, who were k ud to the laws of Moses. Today, as Christians, we are not bound by such laws. However, tithing is a rev .t acknowledgment of God's blessings upon us -sn t :.nowledgment which will bring us greater spirlUU i blessings than t:.!rs material, ' ' " Klf oA la bo. ;u'f of the poor still must be underwrite , ten and who fc-i ab .'tar rl;Mto do the undarwrlting t. .a those who are r "-ivr 'd ... who know the blessir-s cf good health, a c living? The dry I s J: ,rassed wbv -e celebrated C ' 3 greatest g t t t 1 ... toe tirth of Jesus, v c into th!s v ,..J l.i L y clrc.'Tii'-jes, w"-o r ' " love to f a v ill d r i:is sUrt stav one -ri,.. i left i::s c-r: -y ordor f 1 1 1 1 Cm s ; awed ty l' r and C i we ire : Mi t'lffl , Ln t it . i Lr f t J T - C ' . i . f v ; if a r .twv '.Mb. a or i ,fital ' e 1 1 it illi TvrWvI'N'iS; Allewtliiiie SmU. Itei, .wililBJVa', Malachl 3 "p to rJn s"d travail ct r " -rrs r ' t ts siv 1. grat:: ;8' ry ' -? U T - ' S f illl ,L 1 CI