xx rME PE MUIMAN WEEKLY Vclame XXXV No. 5 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 1, 1968 .10 Cents Per Copy j 6 Fred Combs Appreciation Day February 5, 1968" Standard Printing Co, Louisiiile, Ky. 40200 Combs To Be Honored At Banquet Monday Night Fred Combs Appreciation Day Is Monday, February 5th, A ban quet to be held In Combs honor, report a large number have Purchased tickets and are ! Planning to attend the supper to jbe held at the Perquimans High scnooi cafeteria at 7 o'clock. Xombs. a Peraulmani Hlch yhool graduate, son of Mrs. Alice Ferrell Combs and the late Mr. Combs, has made a treat contribution to Permit. nana county as an outstanding student In school and athlete while si Perquimans High, Young Combs was chosen a member of the North Carolina l-A All-East Football Turn. Also a member of the All American Conference Team In both football and baseball. He entered N. C. state Uni versity and became a member Of the N. C. Unlvariltv turn where he has brought honor and fame to his State, his school. mquimans county, nimseuand Hertford Fire Department This monthly bulletin Is anew endeavor for the Hertford Fire Department. The purpose of the bulletin 1st To inform the firemen of cur rent events, future plans, and meetings tnat are important to our membership. An Informed member is a better member. To instill a desire to learn more about the fire service, !r. to save lives and property, stud to be and able to render emergency service in our community. Pe rquimans Library GetsReference Aid 'race A. Shuman, Assistant Reference Librarian, Reference irvtces Division, North Carolina State Library, Is shown waiving an IN-WATS request for information. 7" More answers more quickly is he goal. The telephone is the leans. The time is now. toward Wide Area Telephone ice (IN-WATS) for toll-free Virence assistance from the orth Carolina State Library a started this last week. 70 ubllc : library systems head arters, including the Perqul ms County Library which rves the people of Hertford i the surrounding area from main library In Hertford e direct recipient of the new -vice. Through them branch o libraries, independent '"'pal libraries, special -iries. and academic libra. cf all kinds In all 100 North ro'.-na counties are able to 're In the service, "y making SUte Library re-'" rees more Immediately ac Sle, the IN-WATS line will rthyln , --V Vietnam Army l rt Class Dennis D. , 1, son of Mr. and -. i i D. McCarthy, Route : 1, is participating in ..;n Serm" with Other e of f 11th Armored vr i r .. vlileh besan In r , :j ti:lng place i tr l r r tse cam. it - . , n"n areoro. " re '' -eerswho ?i 13. Saarch 3 are a!30 v' and his Mother, Mrs. Alice F. Combs, and twin brother Francis Combs, Combs has been chosen as a member, of The All-Atlantic Coast Conference Football team. And was chosen to Look Magazine A 11 -American Foot ball team. He was elected by members of the N. C, State University team as the Most Valuable player for the year 1967, and was awarded The Governor's Trophy presented to him by Governor Dan K, Moore. Here In Perquimans, in ap preciation for the honor and : fame that Combs has gained for himself and the county, a ban quet Is being given In his honor and a resolution of appreciation signed by Hertford's Mayor Emmett E. Landing, Wlnfall's Mayor Elijah Cross) Whits and R. L, Splvey, chairman of the Perquimans county Commis sioners, ' The regular monthly meeting was held Thursday, Jan. 18th at 7:30 p.m. (regular meetings In 1968 will begin at 7:30 p.m.) E lection of company officers will be held, Cecil Richardson, Elizabeth City Fireman - In structor will give us training in arson detection. President elect Bob Elliott of the Albemarle Firemen's As sociation announces that the 1st association meeting will be Feb. o benefit all North Carolina libraries and especially the smaller libraries with limited reference materials," State Librarian Philip Ogllvle said. He also pointed out that urgent Interlibrary loan transactions can be arranged via IN-WATS. "This will reduce the time factor In interlibrary loan by at least two days," he said, "and time is of. the essence In our fast paced world,". . ; This new service enables local librarians to get Informa tion for their patrons by calling a special number that wiu con nect them with an IN-WATS tele phone desk In the Reference Services Division of the State Library. The IN-WATS tele phone desk will be staffed by a professional librarian from 6:30 a.m, to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, An automatic answering and recording device will take over when the State Library is closed. Recorded requests for informa tion and interlibrary loans will be played back when the State Library Is open again. Infor mation will be called back to the requesting library headquar ters to be used there or relay ed to another library in Its ser vice area, Interlibrary loans of books will be prepared for mail ing. Interlibrary loan requests which cannot be met at the state Library will be relayed via Twx to one of the major university libraries in the Research Tri angle area. "Because a single IN-WATS line must serve the entire state, cf tse line will be restrlct--1 to r i " ce Interlibrary loan 'V'C 'Me stated, ' 1 ij e .t d and ex- '- 1 T tilS mini mmm nm I wwy y,"nw wnm mvw I jf lA Monthly Publication 6th 7 p.m. Elizabeth City Fire Station, Edenton Mayor John Mltchener will be the guest speaker. His topic: Co-operative Co-operation? . . . Plan to attend , , , we need Hertford representation to elect Bobby president. , , Fifteen days into 1968 and the HFD had answered only one call. (W, P, Robertson - Beech Spring - Inside house). HFD answered 53 calls In 1967 ... 13 in Hertford, 38 in Perqui mans Cty., 2 In Elizabeth City. Most calls on Friday most calls between 12 Noon and 6 p.m. More available firemen are needed between 12 Noon and 12 Midnight. The Town of Wlnfall has form ed a volunteer fire dept. Lloyd Ray Morgan Is chief with over 20 members. Chief Elliott Capt Lloyd "Pete" Rlddick, Chas. Skinner have ben assisting in training the Wlnfall firemen In basic flremanshlp. Wlnfall fire men have assisted HFD County Unit on 2 calls, From the TOWN CRIER clip board: Mayor (fireman) Emmett Landing has logged over 3,500 miles since becoming Mayor in July, representing Hertford at functions in N, C, and Vir ginia. Fireman (His Honor -the Mayor) Landing is the most traveled mayor, In the shortest time, in the Northeastern sec - Resolution Of Appreciation WHEREAS: FRED COMBS has made a great contribution to Perquimans County. AND WHEREAS:. AND WHEREAS: FRED COMBS was an outstanding student and i athlete at Perquimans High School. He was chosen as a member of the NORTH : CAROLINA 2 -A ALL - EAST FOOTBALL i ' TEAM. " ; He was chosen as a member of the ALL- : ALBEMARLE CONFERENCE TEAM in both : football and baseball. HE enterod North Carolina State University to continue his education. As a member of the North Carolina state University Football Team he has brought honor and fame to HIS STATE, HIS SCHOOL, HIS HOME, COUNTY and to HIMSELF. HE has been chosen as a member of THE ALL - ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE FOOTBALL TEAM. AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: AND WHEREAS: HE lias been chosen to LOOK MAGAZINE ALL-AMERICAN FOOTBALL TEAM. . HE was elected by the members of North Carolina University Team as the most valuable player for the year 1967, and was awarded THE GOVERNOR'S TROPHY by Governor Dan K, Moore. HE has conducted himself as a GENTLEMAN both on and off the playing field. - Be It therefore resolved that we the under signed proclaim February 8, 1968, as FRED COMBS APPRECIATION DAY so that the cltlzeps of Perquimans County can show their appreciation to FREDCOMBS, an OUTSTAND ING YOUNG MAN. AND WHEREAS: Elijah White, Mayor Town of Wlnfall : tion of North Carolina. Edgar and Evelyn Fields re ceived a War Dept. telegram on Saturday that their son Ervln had been wounded in action In Vietnam, His address Is (PFC Ervln W. Fields. 53946584, Co. D, 3rd Bn. 196 Light Inf. Bde. A.P.O. 96256 San Francisco, Calif. - Drop Ervln a line. Mall from home really helps.) At the dept. officers meeting, the officers agreed on the fol lowing Company assignment. uMpre information at tuO'fta. 18th meeting. ? Town calls and Standby: Com pany 1 Ainsley, Brltt, Greg ory, Harrell, C. M., Howell, Miller, Nixon, H. N Sullivan, Fields, E. M. 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Company 2 Day: Danchise, Lane, Rlddick, Skinner, Stokes, Tllley, Robert son, Carter. 6 p.m. - 6 a.m, Company 2 Night: Nixon, F. B., Morgan, White, Beers, Haskett, Fields, Geo., Harrell, Jack, Taylor. If a fire call occurs in Hert ford between 6 a.m. - 6 pjn. Company 2 Night crew will work with truck 1. If call is between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Company 2 Day crew will work from Truck 1. On In town calls Truck 1 will run first, Truck 3 (Cty truck) will run second, truck 2 (1940) will run third. R. C. Elliott, Chief, C. M. Harrell, Asst. Chief, C. Skinner, Secty. of the Hertford Fire De partment. Emmett Landing, Mayor Town of Hertford R. L. Splvey, Chairman Perquimans county ' Board of Commissioners Prizes Awarded To Students For TB Seal Sales The Rellzious Pazeant. "Let Us Adore Him", was presented k tne King street Elementary School, recently, In Hertford. After Its oresentallon. nrizaa were awarded to the pupils of tne First, second and Fifth Grades by Mrs. I. E. Rogerson, Publicity Chairman of the 1967 Christmas Seal. This marked the third year that King street and Perquimans County Union Schools have Dartlcloated in activities which would assist in skills that aid In subject matter as writing, reading, spelling and English including punctuation and art, and letter writing. Prizes were awarded to the following: Coloring Christmas Seal: First Grade, 1st award to Her. man White, 2nd to Kathleen Fel. ton and 3rd to Wanda Skinner. In the second grade, 1st award went to Isaac Whits, 2nd to Thomas Felton and Roy Lee James, 3rd award. "Letters to santa"i First Grade, 1st award to Kathleen Felton, 2nd to Linda Brooks and 3rd to Nelson Jones. Original poem on "Tuberculo sis" was written by the Fifth Grade Students, 1st award went to Olga Halsey, 2nd to Ava Michelle Walker and 3rd to Shir, ley Llghtfoot. Judges for this program were from Elizabeth City. Mrs. Rogerson said she hoped that the students of the schools would make this an annual contest since It involved so many of the subject matter for the student and ac quainted them not only with the Christmas Seal, but the knowledge of the Christmas Seal and Its work in the county. Prizes for all first winners were given by Mrs. Rogerson and all second and third awards were made possible by the school. St. Catherine's GuildToMeet Monday Night The St. Catherine's Guild will meet Monday night, February 5, at the Parish House. Mrs, J. H. Towe, Jr, and Mrs. Earle Haste, Jr. will be the hostesses. Don't Get Cozy; Deadline For Auto Tags Draws Near Hertford automobile license plates as well as State tags for 1968 are now on sale, and day by day, the deadline for plates for town and the state Is draw ing near. That deadline is February 15th, and it will be here before you know it. So, we suggest, if you have a vehicle and you are going to have to get license, beat the rush and do it today. Vehicle owners are urged to buy their tags early to avoid the February 15th rush. That will be the last day cars can run without the new tags. Town tags can be purchased at the City Clerks office In the Hertford Munlolple Building, and State license tags can be purchased In the Perquimans County Cham ber of Commerce office, also located in the Munlclple Build ing In Hertford, across from the Hertford Post Office. Cattlemen Plan StockerSale The Albemarle Area Cattle. man's Association plans tospon. sor the first stocker calf sale for the area on April 12. The new sals was approved by the State Feeder Calf Committee at the recent cattleman's Con. ference held In Raleigh. The sale will be held at the stockyard In Elizabeth city. Jack Parker, Area Livestock Specialist, says the sale will be for cattle snowing a pre dominance of beef breeding, in cluding beef cross.breds. Both steer and heifer cattle will be In eluded. All cattle must come dl rectly from the farm. The cattle must weigh at least 300 pounds and be dehorned and healed. Steers will have been castrated properly and completely healed. Bred heifers, stags and bulls will be rejected. Consignments to the sale should be made by February 15th. A $1,00 deposit per calf consign, ed Is required. Farmers wishing .to consign calves to this sale should con. tact their County Extension Of flee or their Beef Association rirt .or. Land On iiinumi.i1inuyiLliiL.iyii.lyiiynyuiiiiMi.i. ) . .. I 'IT I I If milinn l.l.uili In Ill ULiJ.llllii.L--J. v - tt t it f 'Mi v , ; v P"f v " Shown above la a picture which appeared In the Albuquerque Journal.showlngJ.A, Terrell standing beside his single-engine Cessna which he was forced to set down on US-06 Just west of Albuquerque recently when Ice formed on the craft's wings. Terrell, and his wife the former Kakcy Nixon, daughter Hertford Ks MakeAwards JIM CHURCH The Hertford Jaycees will present their annual Distinguished Service Award and Outstanding Young Farmer Award at a banquet In Hert ford Grammar School at 7 p.m. Wednesday. James W. church Jr., secre. tary of the N.C. Jaycees, will be the principal speaker, A na tive of Alleghany County, Church has been active in Jaycee work following his attendance at the College of William and Mary and two years service In the Army in Korea. Assistant vice-president of the Clemmons Bank in Clemmons, Church has served as vice-pres- ldent and treasurer of the N.C. Jaycees. The local chair man for the awards is Welly White. Hertford Baptist W.M.U. Schedule The W.M.U. Circles of the Hertford Baptist Church will hold their regular monthly meet ings as follows: Monday, February 5th: 7:30 Mary Ellen Dozler Circle - Mrs. Colon Jackson 8:00 Bessie Prltchard Mrs. Noah Gregory; Inabelle Coleman Mrs, C.E. Johnson; Mattle Macon Mrs, Marie Elliott. Tuesday, February 6th: 8:00-Rosa Powell - Mrs. Donald Madre. jJa1l Perquimans County Historical Society Gets Gift The Perquimans Historical so ciety in Its regular January meet, lng received a gift of eleven very old papers dating from 1733. The deeds, and a page from a very papers consisted of various wills, deeds, and a page from a very old Bible. Mrs. W. J. Stanton Sr., the donor, was unable to attend the presentation; however, three of her children, Mrs. E. A. Good man, Mrs. Haywood Divers and Mr. Raymond Stanton were pres. ent. Mr. Herbert Nixon who was first shown these old papers made the presentations In behalf of Mrs. Stanton. Mr. Raymond Wlnslow jr. explained to the so. clety the unique way old deeds were written to make them very authentic. Gradually the society is adding to Its collection, old papers that tell the history of our county. The society is grateful to Mrs. Stanton for the gift of these papers.' ..;: .- v During the business session disposal of three showcases was discussed. Mr.' Raymond Wins low Jr., yearbook chairman, was Busy Highway Mrs. Perry, Chairman Heart Fund Announces The 1968 Campaign Mrs. Vernon Lee Perry, an nounces the people who are to be chair mans and help In the Heart Fund Program which begins February 1st. Chairman of the Heart Fund Sunday for the town are: Mrs. Delores Phillips, and Mrs. Richard Morgan, Business Day, John Beers. Balloon and Taij Days, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harrell, Activity Heart Chair man for the Negro Communities is Mrs, M, B. Taylor, School Section, Mrs. Charles Skinner, Rural Heart Fund Director, Mrs. Fannie E. Hurdle. The Hearts Benefits Chairman are; Mrs. Hillary Scaff, Mrs. Edward Grif fin and Mrs. Vernon Lee Perry. This will be a variety show and anyone who would be so kind ChappeU free On Carnal Knowledge Oj Negro Gr The January 29th term of Sup erior Court convened here Monday morning with Judge Al bert W. Cowper of Klnston pre siding, Robert Patrick Chappell charged with carnal knowledge of a teenage Negro girl on Dec ember 11, 1965 was found not guilty. During the States evidence there was a directed verdict of not guilty. The case was opened following the seating of a Jury from a venire from Pasquotank county. Court re cessed at 1:30 for lunch.follow- Failure To Send Children To School G ets Woman Prison Term Mary Taylor, was given six months In Womans Prison here last week In Perquimans County District Court, by Judge Fentress T. Horner. The woman was charged with failure to send minor children to school. complimented for his excellent work in its production. The con. tlnuance of the seventh grade tour of the County In the Spring was approved. Progress was report ed on the research being done for the walking tour of Hertford. Mrs. Silas Whedbee presented the book "Old Southern Towns" that the society had placed In the library as a memorial to Miss Kate Blanchard. Mr. Silas Whed. bee suggested an amendment to the by-laws to have the officers elected in September and take of. flee In January. The amendment will be voted on at the March 25 meeting. Vming the "Show and Tell" period, several members ex hibited old articles of clothing: hfJ usvaeii anuo uuwmi boy's velvet suit, hats, bonnet, epaulets and a census taker's badge. At the March 25 meeting, members are asked to bring antique household articles. Members of the society were re minded that dues are now payable for the calendar year 1968. of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Nixon of Hert ford, were returning from Gallup during the height of a storm when the forced land ing was made. State Police were standing by and Terrell used the highway as a runway and the couple returned the plane to Sunport, to contribute their talents, we will meet In the old R. E. A. building Feb. 7th at 8; 00 o'clock. Any interest and help shown will greatly be appreciated. This benefit will be on the 23rd, of February on Friday night. There are several people who will be helping to carry this campaign over for us that I am unable to mention at this time, however lets all get together and do a good job to help this fund grow so that the people who have recently achieved so many suc cesses in the heart field may still be able to carry on their miracularous job. Please help us reach our goal It may help one of us at some time. lng the testifying of a small sister of the teenage Negro girl. The case was finished early after court was resumed. Following the verdict, court recessed until Wednesday morning. MEETING HELD The Hertford County Action Council held its monthly meet ing at the Hertford Municipal Building at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, January 29, 1968. Walter Boyne, jr. charged with driving under the Influence of intoxicating liquor and with out a valid operators license, was fined $125.00 and taxed with the court costs. Mack Junior Banks, charged with reckless driving, was fined $75.00 and the costs of court. Colon Lewis Cahoon, charged with larceny of an outboard motor, was sentenced to con finement in the Perquimans County Jail and assigned to the N. C. Department of Correction. James A, Jennette, charged with assault, was taxed with the court costs. , f George Thomas Featherstone, charged with speeding. Prayer for Judgment was continued upon payment of the court costs. Murry Hassell Askew. charged with speeding, was fined $15.00 and court costs. . V, 1M JUUglllBllt WW, VUU L turned in the case charging Joslah Ward Proctor with speed- ' lng. -. - . ," James Allen CashwelL , charged with speeding, was fined $20.00 and assessed with the court costs. Ralph Harry Heldenrelch, charged with falling to drive on the right half of the highway, was taxed with the costs. . W. D, Hobbs, charged with giving a check against in sufficient funds. Case was dis missed upon payment of the check. ' .'