Weekly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday, May 30, 1968 . . . v:::ans 1 II .cry Thursday --ri, N. C 2784 i.titTranseau C -rt Foime Square '., i aecond claas matter :T15h, 1884, it Post la IXerUord, North Caro a. 27.44. Advertising- Rates Furnished - By Request SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Put Tatr ....... $3.50 (to Perquimans County) Zmmimn .,..,. 8S.00 Kstcrial : The origin of the word June A$ somewhat obscure but it might l-Diave been named for Juno - so ,-jclalms the Roman Poet Ovid. If it was named in her honor, this Improbably explains the popularity Iol June for marriages since in :3ioman times May was supposed. ;-jty an unlucky month tor .'marriage. :. ' i- Whatever the true history, June Is the bride's month in the -jUnlted States, the month of mar rtages. It also contains Statehood 1-Day for Kentucky and Tennessee June 1st), Bunker Hill Day ;Xl7th), West Virginia Day (20th) nd the beginning of summer, tfune 21st. While June contains several historical dates and anniver saries of specific Interest to Americans, It Is perhaps best remembered tor Its connections with two world wars. It was on June 28th, 1914, that Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-nun-garu was assassinated at Sara jevo, igniting World War L The first American troops landed In France on June 26th, 1917. And on June 28th, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed ending it and reducing Germany to Impotence, World War II's greatest military spec tacle, the invasion of Europe, came on June 6th, 1944. And the tide of the war In the Pacific was turned at the Battle of Mid way in June, 1942, when U. S. Navy airmen sunk four Japanese carriers and broke the back of the Japanese carrier arm. The U.S. Constitution was ratified by the ninth state of the original thirteen, New Hamp shire, making it the official, on June 21st, 1788. Before New Hampshire, Delaware, Pennsyl vania, - New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and South Carolina had ratified the instrument in that order. ' June 3rd is the birthday anni versary of Jefferson Davis, June 14th is Flag Day and June 16th (the third Sunday) is Father's Day. And in June of 1783 a large number of angry, unpaid Revolu tionary soldiers at Lancaster, Pennsylvania marched on the capital (and Congress) at Phil adelphia and demanded satisfac tion. An armed group appeared at the State House but the Exe cutive Council, In session, re fused to be intimidated. Butte, Mont., : was once a huge copper center. Georgia was named in honor of Kinp George II of England. Information For Your Dear friends, Memorial Day came Into being on May 6, 1608. by order of General John Alexander, Com mander of the Grand Army of the Republic. The original purpose was not a military observance, but "to institute a simple act of : remembrance, respect and love''. The order ad vised simply "strewlnjr with flowers or other wise decorating' the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the 1 , tat rebellion." ' Sincerely, list- SWINDELL FUNERAL HOME HERTFORD, N. C. c::ie VE&5E "Ye will surely way unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself," 1. Who make the above state ment? 2. To whom was he speaking1 3. Upon what occasion? 4. Where may this verse be found Aiswers To Bibli Versi 1. Jesus. 2. The people, in his home town of Nazareth. 3. His first visit to Nazareth: aftw-MuuguaratUg Ms ministry. 4. Luke 4: 23A, WHO KIIOYS? 1. When was Queen Elizabeth I! crowned Queen of England? 2. How many' women have preceded Elizabeth II as. : Queens of England? 3. When was the Taj Mahal near Agra, India completed? 4. Name the first American woman to swim the English Channel. 5. Who was the first American woman to swim the English Channel both ways? 6. How did the word "fortnight" originate? 7. Where was the first kinder . garten established and who was the originator? 8. If someone referred to your , ."embonpoint," towhat would they be referring? 9. When is the General Election to be held? 10. How many electoral votes are needed to elect the President an d Vice President? Aiswtfs To Wko Kiows 1. June 2.1953. 2. Five. 3. In 1648. 4. Gertrude Ederle, in 1926. 5. Florence Chadwlck. in 1950 6. It is a contraction of "fourteen nights." 7. The first kindergarten was established in Germany, about 1837 by Frederic Froenel. 8. Your plumpness. 9. November 3th. 10.270 vutes. The first' underwater telecast from a submarine was made in 1947 from the U.S.S. Trumpet fish at the Brooklyn Navy Yard In New York City. Letter To The Editor Dear Mrs. Transeau: One of you local girls, Mar cla Copeland of Belvldere, Is being graduated - from 1 Petersburg f General Hospital School of Nurs- like to publish the fact. Marcia is a fine young lady who has won , the love ' and respect of everyone at our school, and you should be very proud Of such a , fine local product. I am enclosing a picture that I hope ..you will be able to use. Here Is the information ; -Miss Marcia - Copeland of Belvldere is being graduated from Petersburg General Hos pital School of Nursing on Fri day. May 31. 1968. Marcia is currently serving as Secretary of the Senior Class and Is an active : member of the Social Committee. Commencement Ex ercises will be held at 7 p.m. at the Elm Street Baptist Church. Being graduated from a school of nursing is no small accom plishment, and I hope that you are as proud of Marcia as we all are I Sincerely, Mrs, jean P. Betton, R, N. , Admissions Counselor Nicest thing about a telephone party line ...the people on it. Good party line neigh ' bors use the telephone sharingly, space calls, keep conversations res . sonably brief. And they hang up carefully. Isn't that your kind of party line? Or shouldn't it be? NORFOLK I CAROLINA TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH CO. mm & 1 , :tsiii y, ' Wss :3HllllilHIV : I - Y 7 . v? t - t3 .' L P . NJ If you want to start something on your farm truck, tractor, car it's good to know everything starts with Sinclair. ; ; Sinclair Dino and Dino Supreme Gasolines give you the quick starts and fast warm-ups you want . . .with economy. ' You start by calling us for all your petroleum I -M I r needs. We start by delivering on-the-spot, on time everytime...to your farm. Everything starts with Sinclair; Call us now. DIAL j-C4 Drive) with csre and buy Sinclair. 4ci ) Mi Ml tirJIfflV "SUPPLIER OF PHONE 426-5544 SINCLAIR PRODUCTS" ' IIEKTFORD, N. C. THESE REUGIOUS MESSAGES ARE MADE POSS1DLE 3Y THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS ... J. F. HoUowell & Son, Inc. LIVESTOCK "AND FARM PRODUCB , Phone 426-5411 WINFALL. N. C. Hertford Savingi & Loan Attociation "Own Your Own Home Through Savings and Loan" Pitt Hardware Company Phone 426-5531 HERTFORD. N. C. Wintlow-Blanchard Motor Company YOUR FORD DEALER W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. , HOMO FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLIANCES Let's Go To Church Sunday. Fdahe Church Going A Habit CONSTANT COMPANIONS Copyright 1)61 Ktiittr Aivmwng Smict, Struhurg, V.. 9- - " ' hr. .if 1 Kv- ..v., . ,S V 0 , - , s; V - is, ( i h:. ( "l i -J, Cannon Cleanen DUPB3NDABLE BBRVICB Phone 426-5491 "Those three are ulways toKether," remarket! Lisa V mother.' She was referring to her little daughter, who ia seldom seen without her beloved collie, and her well-worn raff. doll. They are contant companions. ' "Lisa is very sensitive about friends," her mother continued. "And this week she came home from Sunday School with a very important lesson. Her teacher told her about God's love, and how He never leaves us. Lisa came skipping into the house and announced, 'Now I have time good friends, and the best one of all is Jesus.' " Little Lisa had indeed learned a wonderful truth. All of us need to dis cover it for our own lives. For every life needs the companionship of God. Let your church bring- this hope and promise to you. . C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. "BLANCHARD'S SINCE 1832 Sunday Exodus 33:7-23 Mondoy Joshua 1:1-7 Tuesday II Kings 2:1-14 Wednesday Matthew 11:7-19 Thursday John . 14:18-31 Friday Philippians 1:3-11 Saturday James ; 4:1-10 IS GOODNESS ENOUGH? International Sunday School Lesson for June 2, 1968 Memory Selection! "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of It are the issues of life." - (Proverbs 4:23). Lesson Text: Job 31. Blanchard Barber Shop Gerald W. Blanchard -Proprietor Keith' $ Grocery PHONO 426-7767 , HERTFORD, N. a One Stop Service Station BOIL (XX, Owner Tires Gnulng AocMMorlea CALL 426-8870 HERTFORD, N . C Lane't Woodwork Shop "Custom Built Kitchen Cabinet" PHONE 426-7225 Route 8, Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Road) Winfall Service 'Station OAS V OIL - TIRES AND REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES ' Thomaa B. Morjan, Winfall CALL 426-8843 , e$Bank& People Trtut Company Member F.D.I.C. HERTFORD. N. C. Byrum Furniture , Company Fhone 428-52S2 KZrvTFOrJD. N. C. Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. . Phone 426-5091 HERTFORD, N. C. Towe Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SALES SERVICE Reed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS Hertford, N. C. Baker Oil Company SfPPUERS of SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR TIRES Albemarle Chemical Co. Phone 426-5587 HERTFORD, N. C. RobertMni Cleaner & Lc-mdry, Inc. CUAUTY COL. JITS I HCT I 4 U 3 ir.iiCj, n. c The fortunes and misfortunes of a righteous man (Job) have become a slide rule for the countless generations since his time. And certainly his life, his victories, his misfortunes hold, today, a valuable lesson for self-confessed Christians everywhere. ; . as we will see from our Scriptural passages under study today, Job was certainly a good man. And we will Identify with him In terms of character; for Job's strengths and his weaknesses are the strengths and weaknesses of every one of us. He was, undeniably, a human being! Jew In Biblical times adheres strictly to LAW; herein .they found their acceptance with God. It was, indeed, some what" paradoxical that Jesus - the Son of God - was more liberal in His Interpretation of those laws than suited the more orthodox members of the Jewish faith! For, while Jesus respected the law ofMoses,Hedeclaredthat he come to fulfill it. Thus it is that the Sermon on the Mount (with its em phasis upon righteousness) has its source In the heart of indlvldaul man, rather than the oftentimes hypocritical show of adherence to Its concepts that we are often expos- ad to. 'V :-fy.', No one would doubt Job's righteousness, who read his Book; however,, one should question the pride he took In ' that righteousness. For humility before God. and for God, la one of the basic precepts of the acceptability of a soul 'i in God's eyes. -. to Job's time misfortunes were regarded as a punish ment for sin; therefore, this view of the troubles that plagued , Job was a generally accepted thing among his compatriots. -This led Job to evaluate himself asaman, and as a believer. And this self-analysis exposed his weakness He wast man of prldet And pride according to the Word of God - is a sint :,-'"V'' ' While it IS true that a person has to have some pride, this is an attribute which (like credit) can be a blessing or a curse. Credit, wisely used, Is a good thing to have; abused, 1 it can become a Frankenstein which rules us, and brings much regretl The personal pride, which stubbornly refuses to let one stoop to meanness and deceit - that Is a good . ' pride. Pride in one's accomplishments, that have been hon estly sought after and .honestly earned that is a good pride. As is a deep, inner personal fight that Is fought and won, leaving us a better person, more understanding, more tolerant, more kindly. But the kind of pride that Is , based solely on an enumeration of our virtues , . . that Is something elsel And that was what Job had. True, he did r ot realize he was sinning; the kind of man he was, that would have been the last thing that entered his mlndl But he was guilty of sin when he questioned God's will, and the trend It was taking with his life, and this he came to see. And therein Uesalessonforallofust For Job was aware of his goodness his feeding of the poor and hungry, his hospitality to the wayfarer. Yes - Job was, Indeed, a good man in his day and times! Yet, there is a di::trence between Job and those whom Jesus praised for doing good! The people in the parable of Jesus were not consciously aware of doing good - they were acting in a way that Just came naturally to them! (hdeed, they were hard-pressed, after wards, to remember what they had d-f'). Are w not often guilty of t!.:s? Do wenotiallhelr to extolling our good desds, so f t they will offset our misdemeanours? Do we rot lose s -t of the fact that although we can fool c who sees Into our t the fact he ques" -He saw he p and became a t plfcUe In Gc . s (T sse c r : r I ' ' U ', " ..iv r.. a, We cannot fool God, 1 v 1 Job's error; this and ! t si Eut Job came through! I ..lad from his experiences, " .1. Let us pray that we can be as sed. on outlines of the filter- Lessons, copyrighted by the . c f r ;"slous Education, and used

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