Standard' Printing Co. xx LouistLUe, Ky. 20Q THE P WEEKLY VolomXXV No. 36 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 26th, 1968 10 Cents Per Copy Elected V.P. Louis -College Chamber Of Commerce , ,'.,"i",.V.?' - ' ' A: ' Directors Are Elected Receives Gold Star Citation Punt, Pass, Kick Contest Set Oct. 6 iPSggy Lou Copeland, (seated left) has been elected vice president of the Sophomore Class at Louisburg College. Peggy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Estes Copeland of Belvidere. Other officers elected are Elizabeth C. Bell, Secretary, (standing left) Jay Fleck, president and John 'Quitter, treasurer. Albemarle Craftsman's Fair Set Sept. 25-27 ' Corn shucks will be used to make dolls and chair bottoms, tine cones will be fashioned into vail plaques and table appoint ments, candle holders and com potes will be carved from i wood, and beautiful articles will shaped on the potters wheel. More than 40 adult craftsmen ' from the Albemarle Area will be "Mtemonstrating various crafts at the 10th Annual Albemarle Craftsmen's Fair to be held In the National Guard Armory, in EUzabethCtty.N. C., Septem ber 25-27. - The craftsmen will work in their booths each day from noon until 9:00 p.m. The annual event Is sponsored by the Extension Homemakers Clubs in the Albe marle Area and the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce. As an added bonus, the teen nesting Held By BPWClub The Hertford Business and Professional Women's Club met Thursday night, Sept. 19th, at the home of Mrs. Anna Harmon. "; Mrs. Harmon, president, pre sided over a business meeting at which time plans were made the "Welcome to Hertford" project will be continued as will the Health Careers Club and the Loan Closet. The Candy Stippers classes, an outgrowth of the stealth Careers Club, will also to continued. ; Mrs. Harmon explained the format , of the civic directory which the club will soon be ' selling as a money-making proj ect and named Mrs, Dora Rid dick and Miss Thelma Elliott to compile a history of Per quimans County to go on the directory. ? . ; . : Announcement was made of the Eastern Area BPW meet ing to be held In Jacksonville, North Carolina Oct. 8-9. , Mrs. Betty Swindell, program 'chairman, announced that the , program meetings will be re sumed next month and at that time .the campaign managers for both Mr. Scott and Mr. Gardner will be our guests to explain the platform of each gubernatorial . candidate. ' If plana work out, this will be a 'dinner meeting In the fellow i ?ilpv hall . of the Methodist Church. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served de licious refreshments. Dr. T. L Undersell 'i ;- .- 1.,'- , . Dr. T. L. Anderson, De ' rtment of Ed -Ion, State Elir-ci City, N. C. It "fcrCe annual Woman's AZ" --sS.jn.'-y, Scptem t n, 1, ft 3.C0 p.m. at . r 1 A.L' Z. ZIon Church, -.J, N. C. C ,e will soak t!u' '.Ln Vlrt'cs World i. II 9 t' sLrt!e gr sic: il - y set, 19 years old or younger, will be displaying their craft skills in a special youth section. Another attraction at the Fair will be a food conservation area. Fair -goers will, have a chance to see and to buy such delicacies as pumpkin marmalade or fig preserves. All products will bear the label of the Albemarle KATe Conserved "Products As sociation. "Craftsmen in the Albemarle Area stress quality workman ship," Mrs. J. P. Morgan, Sr., Shawboro, N. C Chairman of the events, pointed out." So only high quality work will be exhibit ed... From these crafts, many live lihoods have grown and develop ed into small industries and thus Increased the economic stan dards of the families as well as the area. Craftsmen participating from Perquimans County include: Mrs. T. F. HarreU, Decorated Egg Shells; Mrs. John Lane, apple dolls and stuffed doHs;' Miss Sue Ferguson, crewel em broidery; Mrs.; John A. Elliott, copper tooling; also youth parti cipating from Perquimans are Sybil Hobbs, Gail Proctor, and Sue Proctor. New Owners Of 1 V 'i Wayland J. Sermons, Wash ington, N. C, tobacconist, and president of the Carolinian Hotel Corporation, Nags Head, and his sister, Mrs. J. Emmett Winslow of Hertford and Nags Head are now sole owners of The Carolinian, a hostelry which set a new trend in the old ocean resort of Nags Head shortly after World War n. They are shown with Mrs. Winslow' s son, Dr. Fred O. Purser of the nuclear - physics division of Di ' e University, and he is sec r y to the hc'ol corporation. - 3 aT-nced d rl j t:.e ' 1 1' ' t r.'r. Sergio' s p J V 1 11' st I I V. t z - J u 2" Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce members have elected the following directors, whose term of office will run from Dec. 1, 1968 to Nov. 30, 1970, Joe H. Towe, Sr. from PCHS& Rose's Will Sponsor Light Bulb Sale During the first week in Oc tober, the student body of Per quimans County High School, in co - operation r with Rose's Stores, will sponsor a light bulb sale. A portion of the proceeds will be added to the student body's treasury, to help finance improvement projects in the future. During the week, representa tives of the student body will visit your home. Support them with your purchase. ' Baptist Church Training Union To Have Car Wash Did the white knight miss your car? Don't worry about it. The in termediate class of the Baptist Church's Training Union is coming to your rescue, this Saturday. Bring your dusty vehicle to 107 Covent Gardens between 9 and noon and you'll see a host of eager young people ready to make your car look like brand new..:'. For just a dollar they'll clean it fron to back, top to bottom. For another 50 cents they'll clean the inside. - All of the money will be used to buy turkey dinners for needy families this Thanksgiving- so in addition to coming out with a cleaner car, you'll be helping somebody have a nicer holiday. Class Of '69 Elects Officers r The senior class of Perqui mans County High School has elected its officers. They are Hubert Watson, President; Don ald Perry, Vice President; Linda Long, Secretary; and Georgia Winslow, Treasurer. Beta Club Sponsors Bake Sale The Perquimans High School Beta Club will sponsor a Bake Sale at the HarrisShoppingCen ter and the Courthouse Lawn on Saturday at 10 a.m. Carolinian r terest in The Carolinian formerly owned by Julian and Lima Oneto. Mr. Sermons is a former State Legislator and Mrs. Winslow is the wife of former State Senator Winslow of Hertford. The new sole owners and also Mrs. Oneto are natives of Winterville in Pitt County N. C, the chlldrenofMrs.M. C. Sermons and the late Mr. Ser mons. Following the trans action on the weekend it was announced that The Carolinian would remain open throughout ti e v --r this year. The photo v,-9 s in t'e hotel's Drift v ' "i hy Aycock Hertford Township, who has the Chrysler - Plymouth - Dodge Dealership in Hertford; B. A. Talley from Bethel Township, co-owner of Perquimans Con struction Co.; Gerald Blanchard from Belvidere Township, owner and operator of the city barber shop in Hertford; Robert Sutton, who is a farmer, from New Hope Township; Tommy Byrum, from ParksvlUe Town ship, owner of Byrum Furniture Co. in Hertford. The new directors will re place R. L. Hollowell of Hert ford Township; W. S. Wins low of Belvidere Township; Johnnie Gregory Jr. of New Hope Town ship; J. A. Bray of Parksville Township; and Lester Simpson of Bethel Township. Nancy Chory At Nursing Institute Nancy L. Chory has begun her junior year of studies to ward a bachelor's degree In nursing at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing, Washing ton, D.C. Participants in the nursing program complete two years of studies at an accredited col- lege before they arrive here for their junior year. The pro gram is conducted jointly with the University of Maryland, and while Miss Chory studies here she is considered a University of Maryland student. After finishing college, she will be commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army Nurse Corps, obligated to serve three years active duty. Miss Chory, a 1966 graduate of Blacksburg (Va.) High School, completed her first two years of college at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her parents, Sergeant Major and Mrs. W.F. Chory, live at 212 Dobb St., Hertford, N.C. Cancer Clinic To Be Held Oct. 4th The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will be held on Friday afternoon October 4th, with reg istration beginning at 12:30p.m, A chest X-ray will be given to anyone wishing it along with the examination of the five areas of the body where cancer is most easily found and cured. Only 30 people can be seen at the Center each month due to limited facilities, so it is suggested that anyone who wish, es to be assured of an ap. pointment should write or call the Center, Health Department, Elizabeth City for a priority. Examinees are asked to bring a robe or housecoat with them. Alb. Soil & Water Conservat'n Supervisors Meet Here Tuesday Lloyd Bunch of Edenton pre sided at a meeting of the Albe marle Soil and Water Conser vation District Supervisors held on Tuesday.evenlng, September 17, at 7 p.m., with 25 members and guests attending. During the business session, Joe Tunnell, Vo-Ag Teacher of Perquimans, reported on plans for the Woodland Clinic to be held at Camp Cale in Per aulmans on October 10th at 2:00 o'clock p.m.'Mr. Tunnell com mended the supervisors for their interest In forestry and for the sponsoring of the Clinic in the Albemarle, and continued that through their efforts now a state contest is held. The Per quimans team was state winner this year, receiving a plaque and a $50 check. Mr. Tunnell reported, that some changes were being made in the score sheets for this year, art that copies of the new score sheets would be mailed out to each of the U schools participating sev eral weeks before the contest. ' f. C. Foro-t f -rviee pro Boatswain's Mate First Class Benjamin Fredrick SHIVELY, United States Navy, accepts a Gold Star Citation for the Second Navy Achievement Medal for meritorious achievement while serving in Riverine assault operations against the Com munist insurgent forces in South Vietnam. Captain A. H. GALVANL Commanding Officer, Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia presented the citation to SHIVELY on the fourth of September. From March 1967 to February 1968 Petty Officer SHIVELY served as Boat Captain on Command and Communications Boat 111-1, aunitof River Assault Squadron ELEVEN. Operating in support of the 2nd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, he participated in 10 operations, involving numerous combat assault missions which struck deep into enemy infested waters and inflicted heavy enemy losses on both men and supplies. Lieutenant MITCHEL, Petty Officer SHIVELY'S Division Officer, watches the presentation. Shively is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Elliott of Route 2, Hertford. Jmjutrrcm3 (Eomtttj JCtstrirical octct Wardens of the Poor (part 3) By R. A. (Continuation of regulations concerning the poor): "No visitors shall be admit ted except by permission of the Keeper or an attending Warden nor shall any pauper be per mitted to leave the premises without the permission of the Keeper or a Warden. The different apartments in the buildings shall be kept clean and decent, and each person received into the Poor House shall also be kept clean to effect which the Keeper shall visit each apartment and each pauper every morning and evening and oftener if neces sary and see that they cleanse themselves as well as their apartments if they are able, if not any other of the poor, who may be able, shall perform that service, if none such, then he must cause it to be done by others, for which a proper compensation shall be allowed him. A physician shall attend at the Poor House once a week and oftener if required and visit the poor and prescribe and fur nish such medicines and appli- cations as may be necessary, and grant certificates to such of the poor as are unable to perform service and it shall be the duty of the Keeper to see the prescriptions are ad ministered and the remedies ap plied. Clothing and bedding such as the poor cannot manufacture, suitable for those destitute, shall be prescribed by the War dens and upon order of the Board, purchased by the Treas urer of the Wardens. Singspiration And Dedication There will be a singspiration and dedication at Epworth Methodist Church on Sunday evening, September 29 at 3:00 The public is invited to attend. vides the technical planning and the Camp Manufacturing Com pany provides the cash awards. Each of the five counties rep resented were asked to submit an applicant for the Conserva tion Farmer an award to present to the winner of the year; at the Southeastern Area Meeting in Chowan County on November 19th, at which time Senator George Wood will be guest speaker. : Chairman Bunch reported on his attendance at the Southern Conference of Supervisors held in Asheville last week, when 13 states sent members of their state committee and adminis trative officer or executive sec getary to discuss conservation needs and problems, Mr, Bunch told the group the cutback in fed eral ' funds was discussed in length, and that a copy of the resolutions made during the Conference were to be sent to state and federal officials of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture for their information and cod s'" - " i. ,:. vv v Winslow. Jr. Plain, wholesome provisions shall be furnished, suited to the condition of the paupers, pre pared by the Keeper and sent in to them and served at the common table or otherwise as may be directed by the phy sician or Wardens and the Keeper shall receipt for the the same when put into his pos session and render accounts at every regular meeting of the Board of Wardens, of the amount received, and the amount which may be required for a given period: All spirltous liquors are to tally prohibited the use of the poor unless prescribed as med icine by the physicians and the more readily to enforce this prohibition; no Keeper shall be permitted to keep for sale or barter any spirltous llqours nor sell nor barter such on the premises." (To be contin ued.) Janis M. Wray JOINS AIR FORCE Staff Sgt. Thomas E. Lamm, Air Force recruiter in Durham, N. C, shows Miss Janis M. Wray a model of the Air Force F-4E Phantom Jet. Miss Wray enlisted in the Air Force Sept. 19 and is now at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. (Air Force Photo by MSgt. H. T. Anthony) Miss M. Wray, 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Wray of 733 Teets Lane, Virginia Beach, has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force for four years. Staff Sgt. Clark E. Sessoms, Air Force recruiter in Eliza beth City, N. C, said Miss Wray enlisted Sept. 19 in Ra leigh and departed the same day for Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, where she will receive basic military training. Janis is a 1967 graduate of Princess Anne High School where she was a member of the Future Teachers Club, Alpha Y Teens, the French National Honor Society and the Girl Scouts. ''. - Before Joining the Air Force she was employed as a sec retary with Harrell's, Inc., in Hertford, N.C. Miss Wray bad not decided the exact type of work she wanted to do In the Air Force at the time she en listed. However, she said she wanted to go into a field other than admJni'rtrattQa, Only a few days remain in which Perquimans County area boys can register for the Punt, Pass and Kick Competition open to boys 8 through 13. Eighteen handsome trophies will be awarded during the local competitions which are spon sored by Winslow Blanchard Mot. Co. gold trophies to the first place winners of each age group; silver to second place and bronze for third. " Every boy has a great chance with so many trophies award ed," Cecil E. Winslow pointed out. "But registrations close Friday evening October 4th. Registrations cannot be ac cepted later because we must get ready for the big Competi tions on Oct. 6, 1968 at Per quimans County High School. Headquarters for registra tion, where all boys 8 through 13 can enter PP&K through October 4th is at Winslow Blanchard Mot. PCHS Student Council Has Meet The Student Council of Perq uimans County High School has begun planning ' ahead for the 1968-69 school year. On Friday, September 13, the council held an organizational assembly. New homeroom re presentatives were installed. They were: 8a-Brad Fields; 8b-Woody Perry; 8c-Jeff Has kett; 8d-Tony Winslow; 9a Jann Dillon; 9b -Char He Har rell; 9c Darlene Goodman; 9d -Peggy Griffin; 9e-Kathy Keel; lOa-Minnie White; 10b Nancy Tunnell; 10c Edmond White, Ha-Peggy White, lib Nancy Riddick; Uc Gayle Thompson; 12a-V'rglnia Har reU; 12b-Paul Bunch; and 12c Walter Edwards. Student body president, Don ald Perry, announced plans for laying tile in the dressing rooms of the gym. This improvement to the school is a major ac complishment for the student body. Plans were also announced for the sale of light bulbs in October, a Powder puff foot ball game and the annual Christmas Dance. This year's student council promises to be very active In the affairs of P.C.H.S. during the school year. Many projects are being planned for the im provement of the school. Joins Air Force Miss Wray comes from a military-orientated family. Her father Is a retired Navy chief petty officer and her brother, Kenneth Jr., is attending radio School at Bainbridge Navy Base, Md. One of the reasons Miss Wray decided to Join the Air Force was travel. She was born in Ha waii and has traveled extensive ly throughout the United States. Another reason she decided on going Air Force was the op portunity to Increase her edu cation. "These are the two most popular reasons young women are enlisting in the Air Force today," said Sgt. Sessoms. Patriotism also had some thing to do with her decision. "Pd be the first to stand up and fight if my country's freedom was at stake," she proclaimed. After completing basic train ing, Janis will be assigned to a technical school or go directly to one of the many air bases located throughout the United Rates for trsirf on the Job. Co. Registrants must be ac companied by a parent or guar dian. There is no charge and no special equipment is needed. Each boy, upon registering, re ceives a free PP&K lapel pin and a tips booklet written by Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers, Billy Lothridge of the Atlanta Falcons and St. Louis's Jim Bakken. During the competition boys will compete only against boys their own age in the three foot ball skills. There is no body con tact and participation in no way affects a boy's amateur stand ing. Winners in the Perquimans County competition go on to Zone and then, possibly, Dis trict, Area, Division and Na tional contests. Suitable troph ies and runner-up certificates are awarded at each level of competition. In addition, Area winners go with their dads to Division com petitions held in NFL team sta diums, with Division winners twelve in all traveling to Miami, Florida, with both mother and dad for the National finals during the NFL Play-Off Game in the Orange Bowl on Jan uary 5th. All national finalists and their parents will also go on a "Tour of Champions" in Washington, D. C. on January 6th & 7th. Punt, Pass & Kick, a nation wide program is sponsored na tionally by the Ford Dealers of America and the National Foot ball League. Mobile Clinic To The North Carolina State Board of Health Mobile Clinic will be parked at the Health Center in Hertford, North Caro lina for the purpose of taking chest x-rays. As a chest x-ray is required as part of the examination for a Health Card, Teachers, known positive reactors, and contacts, ' you are urged to take advantage person interested in obtaining a chest x-ray may receive one at this time. The schedule for the clinic is as follows; Oct. 3rd 9-12 noon and 1 til 5 p.m. Oct. 4th 9-12 noon only Oct. 7th 2-5 p.m. Oct. 8th 9-12 noon 1 til 5 p.m. There will be no charge for this x-ray. Local Pharmacy Changes Hands Effective October 1, 1968 Har mon's Pharmacy will be owned and operated by Mr. J. E. Sparks of Elizabeth City, N. C. Mr. Sparks has purchased the busi ness from the present owner, Sidney Harmon. The business will continue to operate under the name of Harmons Pharmacy. Mr. Sparks is well known to the area, he operated the Apothecary shop for many years in Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks plan to make their home In Hertford. Trees Make News A Tree Farm sign and certi ficate of membership in the American Tree Farm System in recognition of good forest management was presented today to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gaither of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Gaither won the award by managing 136 acres of their woodland in Perquimans County for the continuous pro duction of wood while protecting his trees from fire, insects and diseases, and destructive graz ing in accordance with Tree Farm standards. In making the award, Sam Taylor, Service Forester with North Carolina Forest Service, congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Gaither for setting a high ex ample in the proper use of wood lands. - "Trees are a crop that can be grown again and again on the same land," said Mr. Taylor. "That is exactly what Mr. Gaither is doing, and that is what more and more landowners must do if we are to meet our country's growing demand for forest products.'.' i - The nationwide .: American Tree Farm System,' sponsored by American forest Products Industries, k., now has '32,642 Tree arms with 72 million acret f woods being "farmed" under the principles of multiple-use forest manage ment In North Carolina there are not L412 , Tree Farms, with over two million acres

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