Standard Punting Co w THE P EI '2' Volume XXV No. 38 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, October 10th, 1968 10 Cent Per Copy EECLY iPTA llhwrintion DriVG For Vcckly Paper As has been the custom for a number of years. PTA members of the county schools will again apt as subscription agents for the Perquimans Weekly and begin their annual drive . securing new and renewal sub-, scrlpuons as a project to raise ; funds for TA programs during t the year. The drive this year I will begin October 15 and run tinru novemoer a. The annual project to raise funds is conducted by the PTA' g of the Hertford Gram mar School, Perquimans Cen tral and Perquimans Union School, each of the schools re ceive a generous commission for each subscription secured, b, m- n i 11 1 am ine rerquimans neeiuy urges all persons who subscribe to the paper, to renew their subscritions during this drive : with the PTA in order that they may receive the commission, also in order that you may not f miss receiving your paper. AH subscritions sold through this drive will be started at the expiration of the present subscription. That is, if you i are now a subscriber and your Legion Bikeway Project Unique In N. Carolina Members of the William Paul Stallings Post 126 American Le gion have adopted the "Bike way" safety project. The Post '126 Legionalres are concerned about bicycle safety for children and 1 developing community ) recreation facilities. A "Bikeway" is a plan for 1 community recreation and ! safety. Bikeways are streets, 1 sidewalks, or areas specially designated . by the community las safer and more convenient 1 bicycle routes for young and a) tt riders. The routes are i fairly marked with distinctive fkeway signs to guide cyclists ' And to alert motorist to drive ..carefully In these.areas, :; ,; ' With bicycle popularity being at an all time in the United States this safety route idea was born and raised In Home stead, Florida in 1961 by a 'retired couple. Since 1962 the i Bikeway 1 safety idea has . spread into a large number of states. The Legion Post 126 Bikeway safety project Is I unique because it will be the first Vblcycle safety route of its kind : in North Carolina and Post 126 Is the first Legion post In North Carolina to sponsor this type project as recommended by the Bicycle Institute of America. The Hertford "Bikeway" plan orginated with the Legion Safety Committee Chairman because of ; the need to teach children how to .ride bicycles in a safer manner, secondly, because of the interest being shown by local citizens in riding bicycles for pleasure, and , thirdly, because this project will promote recreational and his- Children, One child out of every three who die in fires was alone and helpless when the fire struck. ; ,'That is the shockingand tragic conclusion of a study by the : National Fire Protection Asso ciation, according to Fire Chief RX. Elliott .Never leave small children alone, the Chief urges. Even if it's necessary to leave the house ' only for a few minutes, take them ,with you unless you can find a neighbor to watch over them. ; - , - If you protect your children from fire at home and at play, follow these precautions: . 1 ;i 1. Make sure baby sitters , hve . specific Instructions in case l of fire. These include get the children out of the bouse, -:a of Fire Prevention Week, the Hertford Fire De. ' t t s invited allot the Fire Departments in the county j v , :e in a dln-ilay of equipment on the street in front I- s Co,'"ty Cououse Saturday from 4:00. ) p.m. a,! Li,,''j! ' .County, Bethel, WlnfaJl, vey ptU t i t..e Lorl rir:.aV irtments. Begins Oct. IS subscription is paid through De cember, or any month in 1968. the renewal you give the PTA will be carried forward at the expiration of the present date. At the conclusion of the drive, anyone who is behind in their subscription will be automati- cally dropped from our mailing list In compliance of Post Office rules. ... In renewing subscriptions, you are urged to give your name exactly as it now appears on the paper you are receiving, and if for any reason the name should be changed, please be sure and give both the name in which you have been receiving the paper and the name you wish on . 1 1 i I jour renewal, or suoscripuon. Subscribers are urged to sup port the PTA in this drive and renew subsciptions through the PTA members and school child ren. This Is your opportunity to help fill up PTA's treasury of your choice during the subscrip tion campaign. (And please be sure you give your agent the Zip Code of any subscriptions to be sent outside Perquimans County.) torial assets in Hertford and Perquimans County thru the use of an easy method of travel by bicycle tours. This project did not originate because of anyone having a heart attack or follow ing a doctors orders. However, over 600 heart specialist in the U. S. have recommended bicycl ing as a form of physical con ditioning and exercise. . Post Commander J. H. Broughton has named the follow ing Legionalres to serve on the Bikeway Committee: William "Bill" Cox, Chas. F. Murray, Chas. T. Skinner, Jr., Francis Nixon, and Police Chief R L. Gibbs. This committee will' make , plans and select safe streets and areas' for the pro- -posed bikeways. The plans for street use will be presented to the Hertford Town Council and the Perquimans County Com missioners for official appro val. : Bikeways can add an impor tant new dimension to our com munity recreation and bicycle safety programs can save lives. These are two programs that the citizens of Hertford and Perqui mans County should readily en dorse. Pvt. Z. V. White In 196th Light Infantry v Army Private First Class ZoUar V. White Jr., 20, whose parents live on River Street, WinfaU, N. C, was assigned as a rifleman in the Amerlcal Division's 196th Light Infantry Brigade near Chu Lai, Vietnam, Aug. 30. And Fire the instant smoke or gas is noted, the location of at least two escape routes from every room, and how to get in touch with the ( fire department, parents, doctor and police. - 2. Keep your children - two and under in constant sight and mind. 3. Teach older children how to use and respect fire. They learn best by your example. 4. Keep your home free of fire hazards by regular check ups. The fire department will help in this. - 5. Train children of all ages how to get out or toe house to safety in case of fire. Have at least two escape routes from every , room, and be sure the youngsters know these routes by heart. t'chingUnHVamtsCkb Sponsor Supper Some lucky winner will be the recipient of a , Motorola Color TV Friday night, October 11. The winning ticket will be drawn during the half time of the football game between Perquimans and WHliamston on Memorial Field. Tickets may be purchased from members of the Per quimans County Marching Unit Parents Club. Area Conference American Legion Auxiliary Convenes Mrs. Julian Powell of Hert ford, First District President, attended the Area Conference at the American Legion Building in Greenville Thursday, October 3. Registration and coffee hour was 10:00-10:30 a.m.MlssMary G. Winstead, First Area Vice President, of Elm Citypresided at the meeting. Devotional was given by Mrs. Mountcastle of Wilson; Welcome by Mrs. R. L. Gwynn, President, Greenville; and Mr. Wm. H. Moore, Com mander, Greenville; Greetings was extended by Mrs. S. Eugene West, Mayor of Greenville, and Response to Welcome was given by Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, Past Department President, of Eden, 'ton. Vv Special music was rendered by Mrs. Norman Wilkerson of Greenville. Roll call of Units was given by eacn of the four. District ; Presidents. . Recogni tion of Department Officers, Committee Chairmen, and Gold Star Members was followed by Introduction of Department President by Mrs. R L. Mohler of Washington, Past First Area Vice President. The address by Mrs. Tim Craig, Department President, of Charlotte, emphasized Americanism and was a work shop type, including new plans; After the luncheon, Awards were presented. ' Elizabeth City won the Attendance-Distance Prize, followed closely by Engelhard with five members traveling 104 miles WiUlamston Unit and Whltakers Unit had quota. . Invitation for 1969 Fall Meet ing was to be at Williamston. MJofo-4H-A World National 4-H Week, October 6-12, will be observed across the nation by more than three million 4-H youths, a half-million volunteer leaders, thou sands of professional workers and friends of 4-H. The unprecedented expan sion of 4-H In the last decade will be highlighted, according to Sherrl Taylor, Ass't Home Economics Extension Agent One of the advances in 4-H project work has been more emphasis on science, experi mentation and efficient farm and home management Per sonal development and leader ship also have beenaccelerated. Introduction to 4-H via tele vision Is another major ad vance. Projects such as general science, automotive, electric, dog care and training, and emergency preparedness are among the TV series offered by the Cooperative Extension Ser vice. About a million boys and girls between 9 and 19 years of age have participated in TV 4-H this past year. : Any boy or girl can be a 4-H'en as a regular clubmem ber, a TV member, or a short term project member. The Ex tension Service has worked out simplified programs tofitfami lies In isolated or low income communities. The 4-H youths are engaged in projects or. activities that , cover just about every home situation, personal goal and ac tivity. Among some .50 pro grams which carry awards for outstanding achievement are home economics, health safety, field crops science, conserva tion, livestock, marketing, photography and veterinary science. Support comes from private Industry in the form of scholar. il Let s support our Marching unit girls for their big project of the Year. The Parents Club will sponsor a fried chicken supper Friday night Oct. 11. The Marching Unit schedule for October Is as follows: Oct. 5 Oyster Bowl, Oct. 12 Hampton, Va. Parade; Oct. 19 Band Day, Chanel 'Hill, N. C. At ECU. Registration Deadline For NTE Examination Nearing Less than two weeks remain for prospective teachers to sub mit their registration forms for the National Teachers Exa miniation to be administered at East Carolina University on Nov. 9. J. R. Steinberg, director of testing at ECU, announced tha.t , registration forms tat the exa mination must be forwarded so as to reach the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J., not later than Oct 18. At toe one-day test session a candidate may take the common examination and one of 13 teaching area examina tions. Each candidate will re ceive an admission ticket ad vising him of the exact loca tion of toe center to which he should report - Steinberg said candidates for . the . common examination will report at 8:30 a.m. Nov. 9, and should finish about 12:25 p.m. Teaching area examina- See Redskins A local group of football fans journeyed to Washington, D. C. on Sunday to see the Redskins play the Philadelphia Eagles before a sellout crowd of 50,000. The Redskins held off a late rally by the Eagles to win by 17 to 14. Weather conditions were reported, to be ideal, and a good time was had by the group. The following made the trip: Willie Ainsley, Claude Br inn, Sheriff Brough ton, J. W. Dillon, Herbert Eure, Noah Gregory, Tim Gregory, Jack Symons, andBuddy fllley. ojOpportumtf ships, educational trips, refer ence books and technical assis tance. The county and state Ex tension Service Is the mainstay of the overall 4-H program. ".There's something for everyone in 4-H - including parents and everyone gets something out of 4-H," observes Sherri Taylor. Workingonproj ects of their own choice often paves the wayforcollegeeduca tion or for a future career, Miss Taylor added. The slogan for National 4-H Week Is: "Join 4-H . . .A world of Opportunity". Parents are in vited to learn more about 4-H and enroll their youngsters. In formation can be obtained from Sherrl Taylor, at 426-7697. Gi Classes Begin In Her ' This year COA is offering art classes to adults In Edenton, Hertford, Hatteras Village, Kitty Hawk, Manteo, and Sun bury. Instructors from the Col lege Of the Albemarle Art Cen ter will teach these out-of-town classes. Most of these classes will meet for the first time this week. The Edenton class met Monday night at 7:00 p.m. at the Edenton Art Studio, where six teen adults attended an oil paint ing class. The Hertford class met Monday at 3:00 p.m. at the VFW Building, upstairs, for oil painting also. The Hatteras vil lage class met Tuesday for a beginning painting class. This will be the second year of class es in Kitty Hawk. They meet at the Kitty Hawk Elomentary School Mondays at 10:00 a.m. and Monday at 7:00 p.m. Twenty- CV'i " ' Tf i'f'l hi' ,v J tions will begin at 1:30 p.m. Bulletins of information des cribing registration procedures and containing registration forms may be obtained from Room 204, Education-Psychology Building, ECU, or directly from the NTE, Educational Testing Service, Box 911, Princeton, N.J., 08540. Small Business In Area CanG e tD isaster Loans Howard M. McKenzie, Char lotte Regional Director, Small Business Administration, an . -flounced that effective, Septem ber 27, 1968, Chowan and Per quimans Counties in North Car olina have been declared a dis aster area by the Department of Agriculture, because of sub stantial damage to 1968 crops due to periods of extreme dought and high temperatures. Any small business firm located in Chowan and Perqui mans County is eligible for consideration for an SBA Eco nomic Injury Disaster Loan pro vided it can show it has suf fered substantial economic in jury as a result of lnuury sus tained by fanners affected by the unfavorable weather condi tions. Farmers and stockmen are not eligible for financial assistance from SBA under this program; but instead, should apply to the Farmers Home Ad ministration. The authority to accept applications under this program will expire on Septem ber 30, 1969. Inquiries regarding assist- SenSam ErvinTo Speak At Rally Senator Sam Ervin will speak at a Perquimans County Demo cratic rally in the Hertford Grammar School at 7 P.M. on Friday, Oct. 18. It will begin with a steak dinner, to be pre-, pared by members of the William Paul Stallings Post 126, American Legion. Tickets are being sold by the Perquimans County Democratic Executive Committee at 95.00 a plate. Robert Sutton, county chair man, is '.n charge of sales tford ' J seven students attended these Cl&SSGS '''''' i j- Manteo will hold its art clas ses Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. in the Manteo High School. This will be the first meeting of the fall class. All persons in the Man teo area who are interested in art lessons should attend this first class to register for eith er the Wednesday night class or the Wednesday afternoon class at 3:00 p.m. Sunbury painting class met Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. with ten students attending. Everyone was eager and ready to begin painting. All of these classes will meet for 3 hours, once a week, for 16 weeks. The cost of each course will be $10.00. If you want to learn to paint attent the next class in your area and register, - you won't regret it Perquimans Co. Commissioners Have Meeting The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners met Monday with R L. Spivey, Chairman, presiding. Julian Powell was appointed Custodian of the Courthouse Room. Anyone desiring the use of the room will have to place an application with Mr. Powell. The Board approved the selection of Landings Supply Co. for the contract to install storm windows and stoops at the new County Building. The resignation of S. M. Whedbee from the Board of Directors of the 5-County Al coholism and Mental Health Authority was accepted. Captain Nathaniel Fulford was appointed Director of the Per quimans County Board of Directors of the 5-county Alco holism and Mental Health Authority. Routine reports from the Agricultural Extension and Wel fare Departments were heard. Voter Rco istra Hon Ti Dnnivt Cv f if s7f if 1 U DVylll OUlUrUliy Registration for voters who wish to vote in the November election will be held Saturday October 12, 19, and 26. Registrars will sit at precinct polling places from 9:00 a.m. until sunset. W. L. (Buddy) Tilley, Chair man of the Perquimans County Board of Elections, states that the registration only is for citi zens, who have not registered. Tilley urges everyone who is eligible to vote to register on one of the above mentioned dates. Challenge Day is Novem ber 2. ance under this program may be addressed to: Small Business Administration Room 301-201 South Tryon St Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Telephone: 372-0711, Ext 442 American Legion Post 126 Has Membership Drive Information received here from Department Headquarters of The American Legion in Ral eigh indicates mat Hertford Post 126 has conducted a highly successful membership drive. Julian H. Broughton, Com mander of the Post has received a letter from Department Ad jutant J. Carroll Wilson report png that Post 126 has exceeded its Legion Membership Incen tive Goal for 1969. The Legion Adjutant expressed congratula tions and thanks to the Post leaders and membership work ers for their effort. A statement of high praise for the local Post was issued by C. Marcelle Williams, of Faith, North Carolina, Department Commander of The American Legion. " Commander Williams said, " The membership of every Legionnaire makes it possible for The American Legion to maintain service for toe sick and disabled in hospitals. Mem berships make possible all the Legion programs, such as care for needy children, Base ball, Boy's State, Boy Scout Troops, Oratorical Contests, Community Service, and all the others. I am proud to congratu late Post 126 upon this not able achievement." Post Commander Broughton explained that "69-The Golden Year" - the theme of this year's drive was to remind all America of the 50 year's service The American Legion has rendered our country and accept the challenge of "For ging the Future" of America by her war veterans whose ser vice makes them eligible to be come Legionnaires. : i "We are accepting dues pay ments now from Legionnaires - ' . Food Mobile At Elizabeth City Fair The North Carolina Depart ment of Agriculture will feature its " Food Mobile'' at Elizabeth City Fair from October 21 through 26 states, Mrs. M.B. Taylor, Home Economics Ex tension Agent. There will be over five hundred food items displayed in the trailer which are either produced or pro cessed in North Carolina. . Over 20,000 Hours Given To Perq. Co. This is what the 74 members of the Perquimans County Rescue Squad have given to the people of Perquimans County over the past year. There are five squads, with the day squad having duty Monday through Friday each week from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. The four other squads have duty every fourth week from 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m., Mon day through Friday, plus twenty four hours a day Saturday and Sunday. Three members are on Advisory Group Has Suggestions t7nr Tnwn PMinril .1 Ul lUnll VAFU1H11 The Hertford Citizens Ad visory Committee met recently and has recommended to the Town Council of Hertford that action be taken with regards to dilapidated and vacant houses SlaHpeirtforddaAisov! i a recommen dation that certain street cor- ners that have bushes or visual obstructions be looked into for possible removal The Citizen Advisory Com mittee is a function of the Work able Program for Urban Rene wal and Community Develop ment. Ths committee serves as an advisory group to the Town Board. It also serves as a public relations committee to let citizens of the Town know of various projects and civic de velopments. Members of the committee attending the meeting were: Mrs. Jean Griffin, Carl Sawy er, Mrs. Inez Sawyer, George A. White Jr., Mrs. Sadie Davis, James Everett, Mrs-A. H.Wil liams, and Chas Skinner, Jr. Members not present were: Ju lian E. Winslow Jr., Mrs. D. F. Reed, Jr., Keith Haskett, Mrs. John E. Felton, Perccll Skinner, and Rolac Webb. Town Commis sioner W. D. Cox also attended this meeting as a liasion Coun cilman from the Town of Hert-. ford. Town Clerk R C. Elliott informed the committee mem bers of certain requirements the Town of Hertford had to meet to be certified under the Workable Program for Com munity Development. and eligible veterans whose membership is essential if the local organization is to continue its service programs", Com mander Broughton stated. P.T.A.MeetsatP.C.H.S. The Perquimans County High School PTA met for their first meeting of the school year on October 3 in the auditorium. R. M. "Pete" Thompson, presi dent, presided. Donald Perry , gave a very inspiring devotional. The Budget for the 1968-69 school year was approved. The President urged the group to attend the District PTA meet ing to be held in Plymouthat the Christian Church at 10:00 a.m. on October 23. Emphasis on Vocational Education and Kin dergarten will be among the topics of discussion. Jaycees And Perquimans County Horse And Pony Club Show To Be Sunday T.Si'. iff The Hertford Jaycees and Perquimans County Horse and Pony Club are sponsoring the biggest and fastest Western Horse Show ever held in Per quimans County. There will be speed events for men, youth and children. Also Championship Classes 23 classes altogether. To top the afternoon off, 2 show trophies will be given to point winners in children and adult competition. One point is award ed to each contestant inanevent' The winner of the event will duty at the time. In addition to the duty these men have given, 'they have also given more than one hundred hours each, in training. They have, had Standard and Ad vanced Red Cross First Aid, plus a 26 hour course that was taught by the College of the Albemarle for the State Board of Health. Each squad has a training session each week before they go on duty. The State Board of Health re quires one certified ambulance attendant to be on each call. It has been implied on some of the calls these men have answered that they were paid. Let me state here once and for aU tnat none. tf.thes.ejnan.haYe m-olifoH nn nont in nav ThoiV time has lsen freely given and it's a tremendous gift. If this sounds like we are tooting our own horn, I am for these men who have given this time for all of us. For what is more important to an individual than his free time? I'm proud to be associated with these men from the whole of Perquimans County. I would like to thank Towe Motor Co:, Hollowell Chev.Co., Winslow Blanchard Motor Co., and Swindell Funeral Home for furnishing us with vehicles, making it possible for us to operate and" serve you, the people of the county. Also, I would like to thank thei Commissioners of Perquimans County for equipping these ve hicles and paying the operating expenses. W'e hope we can continue to serve the people of the county, if you need our help. Sincerely, Eldon Winslow Captain, Perquimans County Rescue Squad Many People In County Losing S. S. Benefits Many people in Perquimans County are losing Social Security benefits, but they nave not filed for them. If a person 62 years old or older is work png and earning less than $1680 per year, they may be entitled to some checks for the year. It all depends on how much they earn. Social Security will pay them a check for any month they do not earn over $140 or render substantial services in self-employment. You do not have to be com pletely retired to receive Social Security benefits. A person's yearly earnings and the number of months they work determine how many checks they will re ceive. Thompson introduced William Byrum, principal of the School who introduced his staff and welcome the group back to the meetings. Mrs. Betty Swindell an nounced that the Marching Unit would have a supper on Friday night, October 11 at the High School Cafeteria and urged everyone to buy tickets, as this will be the only money making Marching Unit event for the year. The girls are also selling chances on a Color TV which will be given at this time. There being no further busi ness, the group adjourned tothe cafeteria" for a social hour. receive 5 points; 2nd place, 3 points; 3rd, 2 points; 4th, 1 point All of this is happening Sunday, October 13, 1968, at t30 p.m. at Perquimans Horse -and -Pony Club Rink. Thei&upBnly of parking, seats, aitf.fi5Mfarall. The Jaycee portiotrwiUgofor the support of Mental Health and Mental Retardation In Children and Adults. Please come and support this worthwhile effort by watching or entering events. Admission Is $1.00 for adults, and $.50 for children. I I i k 1 . . .. . I

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