, - u;,.-., : ; ..." . '"v; ; ' ':' ...;..'., i ' '. ;?-;; v ' 'I ' I ' rtl M M I C:;:ii;:u3 and Logals Commissioners Proceedings OCTOBER 7, 1968 94 germination ul MODEL SBNCSHR Repos . cleaned $3.00 per buihtlJ seased, buUt In slf-sag, but- Contact Lloyd Brans, Rt 1, Hertford. Pohne 420-7818. OctlT-o rOR SALE! Steele Jumboj ' Pansles, ready now, S for $1.00. Biennial and pe rennials, Blaonuiw amuinun, ; aaaleas, all veMetles of hol- , llw and rhododendrons, Also complete Une of shade trees. . . Call us for your landscaping v needs. Leary Plant Farm, - Rt 1, Bklenton. Phono Zt '4W1. ' OcU7-4 0 FOR BAUD Pumpkins, ready for Halloween, deoora tiona and good am ting. w. Tslmafa Lewis (near Ohaaa- jwkoji, noma j, pnone US- svtz. HartmM. Jt. n. aept.;Oct8.10,17,84-c BTRAYEJD OR STOLEN One year old female Norwe gian Eflk Hound puppy - Brownish-grey eolor with tall curled over back. An swers to . name of Smoky. , $38.00 reward foe- Informa tion leading to recovery of this pet ' .'-'Z$r4 t MALE OK FEMAJLE HELP DO YOU NEED,; CASH f OPPORTUNITY FOR - better future. Sell families Raiw : Mgn Products In your area, plenty of customers. Write ;! Rawlelgh,' Deptr NOJ-720-t Q8M0 Richmond! Vs., or t phone collect . 233-8366 for WANTED TO BUY POpSr Ion and 69 Inch blocks. Top pdCM peJd. Hertford Va- Mrs, Inc., Hertford, K. C. f -l 426.7420. TPH Hurry Down to tho Lcais WiKlan Applls-nta Stsra Belvidere, N. O. Foe Double Barreled Deals DUOTHERM Dome Oil Heaters Buy Now And Be Ready For The Cold Weather Ahead! . . DUO-THEBM IMPERIAL The most popular home heater ever built MODEL 688 Heats up to three rooms MODEL 788 Heats up to five rooms Plus FIVE OTHER MODELS ALL LOW PRICES Mr. Louis Window Operator Hoars 9:00 AJrL-S:S0 PAL Monday Thru Saturday PHONE 2214049 toahoier. darns, mends, etc. Take over payments of 810 month or pay cash balance of Se&sa Write Mrs. Kansas, P. O. Box 241, Asbeboro, N. C 37208. OcUOtfo-C NOTICE " OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA -PERQUIMANS COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF? JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE HIGHWAYCOMMISSION Plaintiff MAGGIE BOYCE; J. W. (WIL LIE) BOYCE: and the KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, BORN AND UNBORN, HEIRS OF J. W. BOYCE, DECEASED; W. G. EDWARDS, TRUSTEE; and the BANK OF HOBBSVILLE, Defendants. To Known and Unknown, Born and Unborn, Heirs of J. W. Boyce, Deceased: Take notice that pleadings seeking relief against you have been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the reflief being sought is as follows: The con demnation and appropriation, for highway purposes, of a cer tain interest or estate in that certain parcel of land lying and being in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolinia, and being those cer tain lands lying' and being in Belvidere Township, Perqui mans County, North Carolina, and being that parcel of land1 conveyed to J. w. Boyce bydeed dated September 25, 1916, re corded in Book 11, page 290, Perquimans County Registry; said land being devised by J. W. Boyce as will appear in Will Book J, page 321, Perquimans County Registry. Said deed de scription and Will description is specifically Incorporated herein by reference. Vou are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 1st davof Novem ber, 1909, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking ser vice against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought This the 20 day of September 1968. W.J.Ward CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT . PERQUIMANS COUNTY Oct8,10l17,24tC: At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Perquimans, North Carolina, held on the First Monday In October. October 1968, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at us regular meeting place In the Courthouse In Hert ford, Perquimans County, N.C. Present R.L, Splvey, chair man presiding with com missioners W.W. Bundy, Riley S. Moods, Jr., Thomas D. Nixon, and Ellis Wlnslow. All commissioners were pre sent. Reports were received from the Agriculture Extension Ser vice and WeU&re Departments. On motion duly made, second ed and passed, the Board con tracted with Landing Supply Co.. to Install storm windows and stoops on County Office Build ing. ' : On motion duly made, sec onded and passed, the Board appointed Julian C. Powell, cus todian of the Courthouse court room, and anyone desiring to use the Courthouse court room make application to the cus todian. , Silas M. Whedbee tendered his resignation as a director on the Board of Directors for the Five County Alcoholism and Mental Health Authority. The Board accepted his resignation with regrets. On motion duly made, second ed and passed, the Board ap pointed Captain Nathaniel S. FuUord, Director for Perqui mans County, to serve on the Board of Directors for the Five County Alcoholism and Mental Health Authority. On motion duly made and sec onded, the Board voted to sell on sealed bids, the following described property. The Board of Commissioners of Perquimans County, offers for sale on SEALED BIDS, the following described property in ParkvUle Township, Perqui mans County, N.C. to-wit; A certain lot of land known as the Old County Home lot, beginning on state Highway Road No. 1220, on the North side of said road at the iron fense on the West side of said lot, and running along said fence In a Northerly direction 2 chains and 68 links to a point opposite a Sycamore tree, thence in an Easterly direction 2 chains and 30 links to State Road No. 1214, thence along State Road No. 1214 in a Southerly direction 4 chains to State Road No. 1220, thence along State Road No. 1220 in a Westerly direction 4 TOUR OF PERQUIMANS COUNTY $1X3 SATURDAY, OCT, 199 A.M. 'Til 3:30 P.M. Call 426-5879 For Retervation$ NOTICE OF SALE Ths Board of Commissioners of Perquimans Coun ty, offers for sale on SEALED BIDS, the following de scribed property in Parkville Township, Perquimans County, N. C.f to-wit: A certain lot of land known as the Old County Hpmo lot, running on State Highway Road lib. 1220, cn the Horth side of said road at the iron fence bntiie Vcst side of said lot, and running along said fence in a ticrtherly direction 2 chains and 65 links to a point eppedb a Sycamore tree, thence in an Easterly direc tion 2 chains and 30 links to State Road No. 1214, thence alcng State Road Ho. 1214 in a Southerly direc tion 4 chains to State Road Ho. 1220, thence along Stete Reed Uo. 1220 in a Westerly direction 4 chains end 561h3 to th iron fence, the place of beginning. Ccntdning cpprcanitcly 1-14 acres. . SAILED BIDS will be received up to 10:00 o'clock 1111, iSnday the 4th day cf November, 1368. Bids rhrJld bo rent to Julian C. Powell, Clerk, P. 0. Box 74, Ilczllcrd, II. C , Asycro dc:iring further information contact Julian C. Pcv;dl, at Register cf Deeds 03ce, Hertford, Uorth CcrcHna. . The Cerd cf Cei:::eners reserves the right to tCjCet any ai dll 3 This the 7th dr; cf Ortdtr, 133. C:::J c! CS C: d r::::-3 C: :;,!. C. :!::!:n:ra chains and 56 links to the Iron fence, the place of beginning. Containing approximately 1-14 acres. , . ... SEALED BIDS wllLbe receiv ed up to 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday the 4th. day of Novem ber, 1968. Bids should be sent to Julian C. Powell, Clerk, P.O. Box 74, Hertford, N.C. Anyone desiring further In formation contact JuUan,C. Powell, at Register of Deeds Office, Hertford, N.C. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This the 7th. day of October, 1968. Board of County Commis sioners of Perquimans County, N.C. By: Julaln C. Powell Clerk to the Board The Treasure was ordered to pay the following bills: Pasouotank - Peroulmans Camden - Chowan, Dlst Health Dept. 10.20; J. C. Blanchard & Company, be. 39.83; N.C, De partment of Labor, 22.00: Dr. T.P. Brlnn 82.00, Gat ling & Catling 2L69, Eastern Office Equipment.2,94, The Standard Supply Co., Inc. 6.59, Carolina Blue Printers 1.44, Carollnas Farms; Power Equipment Deal ers Asso. Inc. 25.75, Case Blue Print & Supply Company, Inc. 2. 16, Mitchell Printing Company Inc. 15.49, Hollowell Chevrolet Co., Inc., 2.62, Edwards & Br ought on Company 8.76; Phillips Cabinet Shop 9.75, Hertford Cafe 104.03, Julian H. Brought on 32.00, Viv's Gulf Ser vice 98.20, Hertford Hardware tfupply Co. 18.64, Robertson's Cleaners 10.18, C. Edgar White 13.20, Albemarle Hospital, Inc. 114.86, American PubUc Wel fare Association 35.00, Mrs. Gladys Hall 8.48, Mrs.,Rosa J. White, 2152, Mrs. Ida Baum 100.00, Eastern North Carolina Sanatorium 36.60, The Perqui mans Weekly 83.00; Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. $18.64. No further business, the Board adjourned. Julian C. Powell Clerk to Board R. L. Splvey Chairman. . Page 5 - The Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N.C., Thursday, October 17, M68 Fall & School Bases Now that the fall weather is upon us. remember mat darker bays and poor visibility can add up to tragedy Involving school buses. Under the law in practically every part of thiscountry,driv ers are required to stop when school buses are discharging or taking on passengers. This means drivers approaching or following a school bus are re quired to stop. In billy areas, In poor visi bility, on curves, cars travel- IpUCnT BOURBON W8SJd 1 l-tSs j WILD TURKEY 8 YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY-101 PROOF $015 FIFTH $25 PINT AUSTIN. NICHOLS t CO.. INC. N.Y., N.Y. log at today's high speeds are often hard-pressed to stop if they do not see a standing bus a good distance ahead. Though school buses are sup posed to show blinking lights, or stop signals in the form of a raised sign, these signals are sometimes flashed dangerously late by the driver, and oncom ing cars are given little time to stop. , .. ;:.;.. Separates are favorites, of. the college girl. With her plaid', coat she can pick up the coiplrr in skirts, blouses, and extra frocks. Add a jacket and a sweeter or two and she has a big part of her fall wardrobe, i GscoJond LfVOAS Bums hti costs less thn slsctrJelty. Csll . , . DEED OIL CO. CALL 423448S WSSTtOSSKKitk I'JIIEH YOU BUY DEEF ...LCOU FOR 11IIS LABEl! uour assurance of tKe finest "Beef aiurvvKerel w . This Labtl U. S. Cholet Notur-Ttndsr Armour Star It yovr ouorantM of ths firwtt in b.f at Clonial, Painstaking work has gon. into tfw U. S. Choic. labtl on all cuts of Colonial moats. Colonial boof has passed rigid U. S. Government grading and inspection. Then to doubly guarantee the quality of beef you buy all beef must meet our own mar. exacting requirements for consistency and high quality. Only then does the Colonial Seal of Approval YOUR SEAL OF QUALITY go on. So when you buy beef look to Colonial for the finest look to Colonial for U. S. Choice Nator-Tender Armour Star Beef. And remember Every meat item sold in Colonial's meal department comes from U S. O A. Inspected Meat Plants. You can bo sure of fresh wholesome meats when you shop at 4 GUARANTEE Colonial. ' umflttl SlIitfKtm in II Cdtnm out nudum a Double Your NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR Money Back COLONIAL STORES TOP ROUND SIRLOIN ORqJirrv NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR PORTERHOUSE T-BONE OR CLUB NoTtar-Tattttar Armour ttar C BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP L..MC NATUR-TENDER ARMOUR STAR ROUND fj ncAGsi.w: 19 lour Choice IK m 6RIUIN0 GOOD FRESH mm 750 EXTRA FREE STAMPS ON THESE PRODUCTS! COUPON! PM THUS IXTU PIH STAMPS UIPUYID WITH TM PRODUCTS IN STOfll IM MM WIW m IWCH.il W OHt IJh fUWJA. MTU Oscar Mayer Canned Hams IM MM MM M MNOUM W Wt M. MMW IM Turkey Roast II MM WITM TM rUMMM W WM I M UMM M Lean Ground Beef MMIMHMMOMIHMHI. MM. Armour Star Lunch Meats M MM MT. TM WKMAN Of MM M M. Mfc Doughties Barbecue IM MM WIW TM WKNAM WMtMI.1. WMTUWlM Michigan Peat IM MM WITH Mt IWCNAM .MMtM UMW.V 8-8-8 Pellet Fertilizer it pets mm tm pvbchau e am m. m. tow caiqui CS Brand Sweetener aa psh wnH tm fvaciuH as cm i m. hl CS Brand Vanilla Extract H SBH WIW M NNHH Of OM 4 m. CAM CS Brand Black Pepper H MB WIW IM nSKIMU Of ONI 9 M, VHMMM .Wise Potato Chips a Pork Steaks 59 TASTY OUNNOE'S Sausage . . ARMOUR'S MIRACURE Sliced Bacon . . PLUMP JUICY ARMOUR'S Franks OORTON'S FRESH FROZEN Fish Sticks SAVE IK SERVE CHILLED -CS BRAND APPLESAUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU Sjkt, -J OCT. 19, 1968. QUANTITY s RIGHTS RESERVED. ; NUTRITIOUS ECONOMICAL df . V SAVE 18 USE IT IN SALADS - CS BRAND 1 tUFRiiiT mm Or SAVE 16c! Made With Buttermilk I luFO kll Be If pko 69 PORK BEEF CALF.. I'i ''Tia lk 25 49' 991 i GENUINE FROZ. ROCK . CORNISH HENS: . 59' 2 'I4! VTr t I m.' C S BRAND Our jPjride OLD VA. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES SfOOi 10 ei JARS lb. 2 at. JAR 49 OREAD $j00 1 lb. 8 or (0 L LOAVES MARGARINE ':z 2 - 35' OurPrll BISCUITS 6 is 25' CS COFFEE ... A 69 ... 73?i VEGETABLES . . . . 2 a fi9 TOAl AT0ES ,edg,e . 7 n nnn nnn nnnnra,7 ii i mill mil ii u" wm WLWUvyvyKu 'J I LARftF "SNOW WHITE HEAD o J Jonathan APPLES FANCY JUICY CRISP SEEDLESS GRAPES -7 Try 'Em SWEET CALIFORNIA l.f- ''I If- f.lJ., 1 V44MIMM . a i Opon Until 9 P. M. Friday and Saturday Nicrhto 'av