.1 if: A A i i '4 t I ; r i r -- nuns County Weekly, Hertford, N. C Thursday. March 27,1969 : ly .1 C.-T rtuwiay Lri N. C 272.4 i ,8 lran:aiu r-e t-vu i , 3, W. ft I i wi cikm mattf .rib, 184, at Foel V It Xruord, North Caro lA X.-.4, ' y Requeet . ', fcJ-CxUPTION RATES Ont Tsar s.............nn. .a Mw I (lit Perquimans County) Paowhare .,.., ., . S.0O past inflationary waves during world war n and the Korean waft A number of the nation's top eaecutivee also feel there may be some slowing down, but they are far from unanimous in their outlooks. Nation's Business reports the results of a survey of 188 lop business executives on what may be expected during the next aav. eral months. Looking at the enilre national eoonomy, S3 of these executives said they believed business will level off but not decline. Another 88 expect the economy will advance. A small minority look for a decline. One hundred and seven said they ex pected their company profits to Increase. A key question on the Nation's Business iurvywasj"WUl sales crease, a a per cent Increase and 18 see a 10 per cent Jump In labor costs. Only one executive thought labor costs would go down, while at the ether end of the scale, one thinks they -will leap by 80 per cent. Significantly, one ' businessman observes, "Confidence Is being restored by me knowledge that a conservative President Is lntheWhlteHouse." On the less optimistic side la the view of the chairman of the board of a major oil eompany. ' He believes, "an increase In social security taxes and large tax payments due to Inadequate withholding should show consum er spending since the savings rate has already declined sub. ' stantlally, consumers will have less of a cushion. Lagged effects of tight monetary policy should or volume of your own business inhibit Investment spending, and Predicting the future course of business and of theeoonomyholds an Irresistible attraction Just aa 7 does predlotlngtheweather.And, despite modern devices for regulating the business climate and the economy, experience haa anown that bualneaa and the weather era still somewhat alike la one respect, while we can talk about them, there la often little we can do tolnfluancetham.That la why forecasting la auoh a fas elnating game. - . i The early weeki of the new year have Men the usual spats of re. viawa and forecasts. Economists generally feel that 1969 will set an easing of the Inflationary spiral. They base their eaae on a elowdown In wholesale price in. creases and comparisons with In the first half of 1969 increase over the first half of 1968? Level off? Decline?" There were 142 responses foreseeing an In. crease, while 38 predicted a leveling off and 4 a decline. The president of one company ex pressed the sentiment of many by saying, "Business is going to stay good for a long time, simply because a lot of people are male. Ing a lot of money." On the matter of prices, 83 of the businessmen say prices will rise, while 63 believe they will be stable. Thirty.two bual. ness executives look for them to vary, perhaps the widest diver, gency of opinion appears on what will happen this year to the cost of labor, including fringe bene, fits. A five per oent Increase is expected by 60 bualneaa leaders, forty-four others expect a 6 per cent increase, 17 see a? per oent Increase, 13 an 8 per cent In. government expenditures should be moderate." One Interstlng point about the foregoing survey of businessmen by Nation's Bualneaa la lack of mention of the war In Vietnam. Apparently, the economic lm. pact of a possible end to hoatUl ties has already been discounted In the minds of many business -men, As of now, going by the word of thoae who should know, 1969 .promises to be a year of moderate growth In an atmoa phere less hsetle and with an easing of Inflationary pressures. Most Honduran nurses are aides with only a 6th grada : education, no formal Instruc tion. CARE-MEDICO team nurses at the Hospital da Oc cidents, In Santa Rosa, eon duct a school for auxiliary nurses and helped develop a training course that will be used throughout Honduras. V Sochi Security Ad trcticn Byi Donald 8. Morris Field Representative 336-3931 Signing up early la a real advantage when applying for dis ability, retirement, or Medicare benefits. Anyone applying for dis ability benefits must have been disabled for six months before benefits can be paid. The six month period can be used In get ting evidence of age, earnings, and medical records so that bene fits can be paid promptly at the end of the six months, Signing up early for Medicare la even more Important, since Medicare protection beginning with the month you are 68 re quires that you enroll In the three months before your 69th birthday, "Many people ' delay signing up for Medicare be cause they think they have to stop work to get Medicare, but this la not true. You can have Medi care protection oven If you are still working, but you should apply In the three months be fore your 66th birthday so It will be affective the month you be come 68. , When you coma In to file for any type of benefit pleaaa bring with you proof of your age and proof of your earnings, proof.' of your earnings la last year's Federal Income tax return If you were self-employed and your W-S Form if you wore an em ployee. Don't delay, apply today If you are within three months of age 66, or. if you can't work be cause of disability. Library Discipline - The Perquimans County li brary has at loci last obtained a copy of Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, by Hlnehaw Vol. I, containing every stem of genealogical value found In all records and minutes of the thirty-three oldest Monthly Meetings which belong or ever belonged to the North Carolina Yearly Meet ing of Friends (whose records are known to be still in existence) with supplement to VoL I compil ed by Marshall. These records are of great Interest to people do ing genealogical research, and are a valuable addition to this library's collection. Two n.emorial books have beer given to the library this week. The American Civil War la in memory of the members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Hertford and Perquimans County Chapter, Better Homes and Oar dona Decorating Book la in mam- ory of Mrs. Mary C, Dalk Other now booka in the library are. Nothing so Strang, the bio graphy of Arthur Ford, the med ium whose seance with. Bishop Pike was telovlaed, and Known but Unknown, by Ford) The Shad ow of Blooming Grove, a bio graphy of Warren Harding Oiwat Tales of tha Uwarriea (a collec tion of North Carolina stories) and the spring lasua of Horlaon periodical, , .;T Only twonewflotiontltleseame In this weeki A Kay to Many Doors, by Lor lng, and The Trem or of Forgery, by Highsmltlw u For Young ptoplt, "what Dog is B?" by Plstorlus. ry o. v. cc Load goout hM&et In any society or school there must be government, control, di rection, discipline. , The question may be asked whether this control shall be ex ercised; arbitrarily or co-opera-: tlvoly. The basic aim la Individual self-government, self-control, self-respect, self-dtroctlonelf-discipline, and a personal senae of responsibility. ft la Impossible to move forward In our changing society without proper discipline. Democracy does not Imply lank of leadership. The group leader cannot turn students loose to work out their own salvation. They need abundant resources intbeformof expert Information and questions which direct their attention to points of view which they should ' consider, . Students should be taught toy , their parents to become accus tomed to the discipline of life situations. Society depends largely upon self-disciplined pupils who act ,fWlth proper consideration of the social welfare of tha group. Thus, education becomes more than a process of growth, ft Includes intelligence and behavior la the homes, in tha communities, and In the schools. Finally, the main problems de pend upon their social nature. In view of this sltuCioB, man has yet to learn how to live with his fel low -man. i j ' The hicn scLoj have er ited, numerous new social and eco- nomlc problems, the main, springs depend upon more than - the acquisition of knowledge and) BKius. tmis, u involves me de velopment of attitudes and pro cedures which promote social living In dally lives. f I ,,;-'. . - " . ; "TkM la aae g'oty of i ana, aae aa oilier glory of a wxa, aae smother glair of it i Urai for aae etar f;"ere;a km aaoeW atav la glory." 1. Where Is this versa found? 9. Who apokatbeicnvds? .; i 1. 1 Corinthians U:41. 3. Paul- , T ForYour Information ! Dearfriend$, Eeneffta may be lost to toa family for lack c tetowl-jTlf the (leeeastd waJXer; Seoujity, his beneficiary la eilglbtotor 2' with active servioe. Borne trade untaandta? temal orgajtetlons provide survivor baoeflti l3J?? os.n asalrtto toS? of , Retpectfully, SWINDELL HIRTFORD, N, C. .. VA I tt.U 1 """asi l 1 ' fl fiilofEXTRA BCD II II II II FREE C 3 V J V J VV S NO 1 WlNsl JBjaBjBBBBBBBB LIMIT TO YOUR WIMI1IIIG! WIN OVER AND OVtll rtehl Each lime you make a $5 pwcfcaie at , Celenlal, a ipecial atickor will be slvtn to you, which you ihould place on iquara of your STAMMT-RICH cord (available free at Colonial Stem), Fill All THE SQUARES on your card and redeem the card ol Colonial for 1000 EXTRA GOLD SOND STAMPS. 'l uil that eaiy . . , and you II bo wrpriied how quickly you con fill your card! Then, get a now card at Colonial, and "fill 'or up" again , .. over . you wonll . . aver and over . .. at many timet at THERE IS NO LIMIT to Ike number of timet you can play or how Stomp. Rich" you can get! If you turn in a card not completely filled, you will get ' 100 EXTRA Cold Send Stamp, for each row on the card filled with the , tpedal itkktn. IF YOU PLAY ... YOU WIN... PICK UP YOUR FREE GAME CARD TODAY! WIN AGAIN AND AGAIN! Fill as many' cards as you wish, during (his exciting promotion. Get hundreds of GOLD BOND STAMPS every timet Start today, Come in, get your free game card, and start getting STAMP-RICH! nrn Juv , . . and you can win again and again at Colonial Stores LOCATED AT 111 330 OnUDD STREET HERTFORD, U.C. i --r-Nr- :: :J Open Until 9i00 P. M. Friday And Saturday Nights THESE REUciCaVa MESSAGES ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWINC BUSINESS FIRMS ... i. t. HMomU tt . Sotit Int. uvavrooit amo FAMi FHODUOfl Let's Go To Church Sunday Make Church Going A Habit a prayer for everyone WDTTAU. N, O.' Htrtford Simgi a) "Owe Vew Ow Heme Itotusfe tovMse enS HBKTTORD, H. tt WlHiioutBlanchard Motor Company YOUR FORD PBAUW W. M. Mor$m furntturt Co, HOMB rURNISHINOS nntoo AFPUAHCES Ctmnon Cleantri DaVBNDABLS) BBRVIOI r. s. r r "Tonight, I want you to at Oed to bleu everyone In the Sk J. C. Blanehard A Co., Inc. "BUkNCHARD'S" BQICB USS ' BUmchard' t BarberShop, Oenld W. Blanobard Krith't Croeory - PHONB 4M-ner HBRTFORD, N, a ' One Stop Service . , .' Station . , j BTIX COX, Owner ' 'On World Pay of 'rier, children In every earner of the globe, grown-up tee, will pray that Oed will make fhh world e bettor iloee. "Remember laef wmmer at camp when you called out at the edge of that cliff eriyour echo came ntwerlng backf Well, Imagine all the people In the world calling out at once In prayer, Imagine hew M the Mho would be, and hew much It would . pleaie Ood to hear H. ; ' "You are lucky becaute you live here In America, bocauie you have . your Church and the right to attend K, So tonight, thank Ood for thlngi Ilka that, darling, even H you don't entirely undortfand thorn. And when you've finWied ... etk Him to bleu everyone." sjsjtfpffjras ifftsjBj ftffjs aW AweHssjH Mbla 9099f Exodut 12.29-11 1415-29 13.1-1S 18.1-23 Exodut 19.1-11 Exodut Exodut 19.10-25 32.1-20 Word Voiding Shop nmoonilne CALL ese-eSTS HERTTORD, M. C. Urntf Woodwork Shop Vnatom Built Kiteken Ctmto" rtroNc 4-Tna SkuU a Heritor, N. C : (WaiU Hat Road) Wlnfalt Service ,. Station OAS OIL TTJlSta AND IUGPAUU F11UC8TON TIRES -ltaaae a Morsaa, WbAU CALL 4JS4S4I People Bit A Trutt Company rm.o. - KBRTFOrlD, t. O. Byrum Furniture tone I :"J icr.r:-:.3.H.a FOIJLAN CHAIN BAWS Brlas StmttoB Btaataea fWtfB eSS-TUS " Hertford UveUock ik Supply Co. Fkone 4M-SM1 r HBRTTORa N. C. Ton Motor Co, CHRYSLER . PLYMOUTH SALEB m SERVICE Reed Oil Company WSO FftOOUCTS Hertford, N. C Baker OU Company . arrruERa or BINCbAIR proouctb OOOOYKAR TntES Albemarle . Chemical Co, nam esS-eaST HXRTrORO, h. a : ' JESOSBBJBCTIOAHDCRUCIFIBU , Intenatlnnel Suaaty School Uawa tat March SO, IMS AtBMQHY sSLBCTlONt "Who UtovmeeU bare our One la ale own bodr on the tree, tbat m,balo dead to tin, ihould Uve unto rltjaoouenoea) by wtM atrlpoa ye wore healed." -I Fetor fcSi. LtSSOH TEXT. Mark 144I to 1ML . Our loaaoa today reflect the baaaat that la la maoUnd oroatly, lalaatico, Ilea, pnaocutloo . . . denial oi all tbat la flnoat whlcb maaklBd la capabla, : ror vt ueJeauaeccuMd, mUJudfed, rejected lad cruci fied. And while the world UU beet kne w7 to (o to tchleve perfection, boarlag la mine nroeont-day cold-war tactic, B to to be elncerety hoped that we ban made a few otepe forward from Biblical tlroea. . Be tbat u S may, the nut remain that what transpired on Calvary that day, ao many centurloa ago, remain a dark blot on the Malory of mankind. That food will eventually come out of evU la the only hope that cu allerlttt the la Juatlc of that day and time. . ; Aocuaed by ttlae wttneaeea whoae toatlmoay bore aore aembbmce of truth (or even to the other Uoa by other meoX buatlad before FlbUo, ropreaenUtlv of tnoaweeomemajeety of the Romas Empire, Chrlat received the traveaty of a trial before bolaf coodemned to death on the croaa, Trne, FonUua Pilate made aevoral feeble ettempta to aav Jeauai but the uoreet iwUneecurltyaltneUmee.ln the tDd, won out with Pilate. Foarlos for hi portion, expedleooy wa para mount In Pilate's mind, and betrayal became the order oi the day. . What follow baa been vividly described Uroufhout the at ao vividly, that the tru .Christian cannot ealaaay Be Import la the annala of SUUu oouried, crowned wab thorn, nailed to the croaa, on etther aid flaakad by common thieve, Chrlat watered and died (or mankind. For tlx tonf, tnfonlln( hours) ft rau heenreooroM thel from tbealiUtotht rdnth hour there wa darkness, and than the aconlaed, aoul-aearlnt ; eryi "My Ood, my Ood, why but thou forsaken met". The humanity of Chrlat ... the teollaf . . the ability to suffer, . to question. BUT ... then cam another utteranoei not a question, but a statement! "rather, Into they band I oom ' nwnd my plrS". (Luke ISias Bla hut word were a victory Moutl : The cross reveal the deadly, Invidious nature of ln -and of am'apawaylSla lath enemy of Ufa, B wa the enemy of Christ) a 1 OUR eoemyl W muat ever wu vlilant aaalnat a creeplni paralyala, per paralyse a doe. . . the aouL the mind, the manl The cror revealed the love of Christ (and therefore at Cod) for ALL mankind. The cross a reminder of the debt of mankind to One whose love knew ao bounds. The keynote of Chrlat' life wu Involvement - nvolve .: meat wtth nvMKlna, with everyone with whom He came kt eot". r . tno, are bsvolved, -with Chrlat, wtth Ood, wan or - eulKy of rejecUn Christ) of bearlr f tr la , n. To cross and all x stand fir r died that the aln of men e.) tbatc , , t we mKM aav evartastwg b fc e 1 o i to waste the wonderful gjt of love i t i e U r -d upon ua, Sucli toy and coacstD n i, of . now. t ua reeponeei C t tft bsel oft -e o '' ' I i 't, r in ii 1 C. .1 OI n..i k kik Ji;i c .-. J.