Standard- Printing Co.- -uxx LouisiUle, Ky. 4Q20Q t - 1 1 Vr? r- PEIOUIMAN WEEKLY I' I I M I i I I U . v Volume XXVI -No. 18 J. Richard Futrell Is ; Promoted RyNCNB - J. Richard Futrell, Jr., Vict President In charge of the Tar boro offlces of North Carolina National Bank, has been appoint GT city executive In charge of the bank's three offices In Durham, effective immediately. ' '- He will succeed Allan T. Prey tr, Jr., who wUlbetransferedto 'Greensboro in charge of NCNB's 13 offices there. ;..,;',; : Futrell Is a native of Hertford And is a graduate of the Univer sity of North Carolina in Chapel X1U. He also graduated from the School of Banking of the South at Louisiana State University. - : v He came to Tarboro from Raleigh- in 1959 after having been associated with Wachovia Bank for 3 years to Join the W.J, Bate man Agency. He joined NCNB in October. I960, and two years Hater, became credit and market ing officer. He served as acting city executive for the bank here about 6 months before becoming city executive In January, 1967. '; Futrell was president of the Tarboro Junior Chamber of Com merce In 1961-62, secretary and a director of the Tarboro Rotary Club In 1963-64, president of the Tarboro Merchants Association and Chamber' of Commerce In 1965, vice president and director Of the Tarboro Edgecombe De velopment Corp. in 1967-68. He also Is serving as Edgecombe IWIIHIItHlinilltlltllltllllHIItllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIldtl Perquimans Co. District Court Convened Wed. Judge W. S. Prlvott presided over the Wednesday session of Perquimans County District Court and disposed of thefollow. 1m casest Preston Copeland, ' charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and Wayland L. White, Jr., charged with assault, were both found gouty1 anff.jfecetrtd tbMt& $4.00 and court costs with the additional amount of $12.37 to be for damages to Texaco Service ! Station; An appeal was noted in lie case of Rolan Reld, who was charged with driving under the Influence of intoxicating liquor and given a fine of $150.00 and and further condition that he surrender his' driver's license to the Clerk of Court and not operate, a vehicle for 18 months; Paul Snyder, Jr., charged with larceny of a motor received a 8 nontbs road sentence;: Lawson Sailings paid costs and Lewis 3ay Sailings was fined $25.00 ind costs on charges of fishing without licenses; William Max well White, charged with reck less driving, was fined $50.00 Pcrquiinans High School Honor Roll . William Byrum, Perquimans bounty High School Principal, nnounces the honor roll as fol owsi rx-A----'' "A" Honor Rolh8C - Kathy larren, 9D - Bobby Hollowell. OB-. Unda Harrell. IOC - Brant urray. 11B -" Karen Haskett. - Wayne Riddlck. 12B - Susan ' arrell, Louise Ivey. 12C - Jane 'vans. -,tf!w?-'"f'--:'''-'k , A-B" Honor Rollt 8A -Susan "Uott, Freda Godwin, Jenny bite. BB - Gall Eure, Susan amsletU 'C wada Lane, 'a E jw?yy 8C Vickie Chappell, 1 e Faye Dall, Vickie Haskett, e Lane j Frances White. 9A -fy Eoycej Van Harris, Ellen 9B Lynn Landing, Wayne, o r.9C -JackBarrell,Wade 9D : Tommy Fleetwood, V Bundy, Terry Copeland, : 2vaMPeffjyGrtffln,8etty 1. 9B - Unley Dempsey, a- Lewis, Charles Mathews, I-.- 1 War r. Gall Chappell, .i.'a Gope- -d, Betty Jo Now? , Lu Ann ElsUlngs. ' A - Pasa Landing, Anita ft, Martha Watklns, loB -; en Perry. Nancy Tunne'U, : . Archie Elanchard,Edmond e, na Brldgers, Darlene Hi Mann Ambrose, ? V 3. n - Angwla Baker , f Ray HoIloweU, Trj ncy Klddlck, l. f White. HO i,Lrec Hrrell,Ann sevaV,. ."" - " eEtiTsChjT. ; dFtl- )fri ' "t , Orjl C , I - i .9 I tr. I i - I 1 1 . r . i - T CCuS, C County chairman for the U. S, Savings Bond Program, i fj He has been active In Group H, N. C. Banker's Association, serving as chairman in 1964-65, and a member of the N. C. Bank er's Association executive com mittee for 2 years, i " Futrell and his wife, the form er Billle B. Bateman of Tarboro, have a daughter, Mary Elliott, who is three years old,Helsalso the son of Mrs. J. R, Futrell, Sr. of Hertford, i Futrell began his duties with the NCNB in Durham on Monday of last week. and costs; Hamilton Edward Davis, Jr., charged with speed, lng, was given a fine of. $15.00 and costs; Robert McLean Hark, rader was taxed with costs on a speeding charge; Barry Lloyd Askew, charged with speeding, was given a fine of $50.00 and costs; Alonzq Barnett received a fine of 950.601 and coststospeeeV ing and reckless driving charges; Willie Roger Brooks, charged with failure to report an accident, was given a. fine of $5.00 and 'costs; Mary Mildred Sexton paid a fine of $15.00 and costs on a speeding charge; and ah appeal Was noted in the case of Calvin. Ray Lamb, charged with speed.'' lng and given a fine of ,$100.00 and costs and the further condi tion that he could not operate a vehicle for a period of 12 months. Bond was set at $250.00. ; LT.teFainily Loses Heme And All Possess :. Af. The Ellsha Thomas White fam ily of Durante Neck lost an of their possessions in a fire which destroyed their home this Week. The White family is in need of items for the home as well as all types of clothing. ' 'A '- They have four children -three girls, an 8 year old who wears a ' size 12 dress and 6-12 shoe; a 5 year old who wears a size 7 dress and 13-12 shoe; a 4 year old who wears a size 6 dress and size 12-V2 shoe; and one boy -15 mo w"o wears a size 2 suit and size 5-? '2 shoe. The wife wears a 24-12 size dress and 10 wide shoe and the husband wears a size 38-31 pants end (7-V2 shirt, : The Per qulmtsa County Chap ter of the American Red Cross is asking the public for dOuaUons of money, clothing, furniture and any other assistance available for this unfortunate family. They have a house in the area for Im mediate use buttheyare in urgent need of the necessiUes of house-' keeping and clothirg. Anyone wishing to cok'.-Sneltf asked to contact K", r '"1 Sawyer, Chapter Chair aiaa, or Mrs. Marlon Swindell. . Telephone 426-7648 or 426 73U. . . 1 n'T pt i Xhe Women's Society of Christ inn Service of the First United iletbodist Church will meet on Monday evening, May 5, in the Fellowship Hall, I'ts. ElUyChry, chairman of th :. ' n Earn Circle, will be In c rf ' e pro-am, "Vn-'ar t. . -irn V.-.V A.. ! rs of t':e -1 Geo. Stephens, Jr. Meets With City Officials : George Stephens, Jr. of Ashe viUe, City and Regional Plan ning Consultant retained by the First Union National Bank, told a meeting of Hertford city of ficials and the Perquimans Coun ty Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors that he might be able to assist the area in getting a grant or loan to help beautify the county. Stephens said Monday that there were a number of possi bilities i whereby beautlflcation funds could be obtained. Tom Brown, director of the county's Industrial Development Commission, said that such a protect Is necessary if the county is to succeed in bringing in in dustry. He said this was em phasized by Roy Sowers, Jr., director of the State's Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment, during a trip to Hert ford in March. Stephens said that an open space lands program al lows acquisition and development of certain areas. He said that a Federal Outdoor Recreation pro gram and the Department of Housing and Urban Development also have funds that could be used for beautlflcation. He told the group that the coun ty's efforts toward restoration of old homes and buildings could be aided by financial help from the Institute of Government. If Perquimans County and -or the town of Hertford decide to seek Stephens help, he said he would work with them free Initially, then charge $50 a day for his services which Include the seek ing of grants and loans and aid In paperwork until the money, li made available, Is obtained. Although invited, no represen tatives from the Perquimans 'County Commissioners attended the meeting. Brown will arrange for Stephens to meet with them at a later date. Red Cross Fund Drive Report ,' fund drive in' Perquimans County for the American Red Cross is lagging far behind, ac cording to Mrs. Nathan Sawyer, chapter chairman. Goal for the county this year is $1615 but to date, only $412.45 has been col lected. She again stressed the impor tance of our county meetlnc its goal this year, both to carry on the local work and the work done nationally. The floods in the mid west and the Increased activity In Vietnam have drained the available funds In the Red Cross and it Is Important each chapter meet its goal to meet the needs for the coming year. Mrs. Sawyer urges all solici tors to complete their assigned areas as soon as possible and asks that anyone who has not been contacted and who will glvetothe fund drive to please do so. They can contact her or any of the five area chairmen for the fund drive - Mrs. J. T. Blggers, Mrs. Tom Brown,, Mrs. Clyde Lee Lane, Mrs. M. B, .Taylor or Talmage Byrum. ' She asks, "Wont you give and give generously? The next person helped through the blood program or the next family having to con tact their servlcemanson through the Red Cross might be you or yours." County Completes Easter Seal Drive The 1969 Easter Seal appeal has resulted In $492.00 for the ; Perquimans County Easter Seal Society's year-round services to the physically handicapped. Two hundred forty-five families re sponded to the appeal. r In expressing her thanks to the people who contributed to Easter Seals, Mrs. Marlon S. Swindell, chairman, said, "The money we now have Is the result of the generosity of the residents of Perquimans County. . 1' "We are grateful for your sup port of Easter Seals; your dollars bring direct services, camper ships, and other, types of as- A slstance to our crippled children nu aauuB." . . , This year's appeal, sponsored by the Hertford Business and Professional Womm's Club ran from March 21'. uiil April 21. 4 The Perquimans bounty Easter Seal Society is an &rfliat of the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Chl'lren and Adults of North Caro'Tna, Inc. ni the: National EasV.r Seal Society, the oldest pt4 largest voluntary agency ....g t!se" physically handicap pe . ' ' Hertford, Perquimans County, Illllllllllllltlllll IIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIiniKlllllltllliltlllllll Illllllllll IlilllllllllllllirilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllltllU 1 Dr. Thomas PXBrinn I I DiesMondayat4P.M. Perquimans County's ynly full time ' physician, Dr. Thomas' Preston Brinn, age 69, died Mon day afternoon In the Albemarle Hospital In Elizabeth City. His last request was that flowers be omitted from his funeral and that the money go instead into a fund to further medical care in the county. During his illness Dr. Brlnn spent a great deal of time working with North Carolina Medical and Health Agencies to plan for the future medicalneeds of his Perquimans County people. Working toward this purpose, a meeting has been scheduled next week between our County Com missioners and representatives of the top ranking medical care planners In North Carolina, Mrs. J. Emmett Wlnslow, act ing treasurer of the Memorial Fund has asked that checks and contributions be made to the T. P. Brlnn Memorial Fund. An Ad visory Committee is being setup to decide how best to use the Fund as a suitable tribute to Dr. Brinn. He had been practicing medi cine in Perquimans County since 1927. He was a member of the American Medical Association and the Medical Society of North Carolina. He served as president of the 1st District Medical So ciety for several years and was president of the Seaboard Medi cal Society in 1967-68. He was counselor of the 1st District of the state society for 10 years apd was an organizing member of the North Carolina Academy of General Practice. He was a member of the Southern Medical Association for 10 years. He was a former President Of the Per quimans County Chamber , of Commerce and county represen tative to the 10 county Albemarle. Area Development Association.. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church having, served ' ort- theVrlclal oardy IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt P.C.H.S. Honor Grads s I ; : --. if Ift . --mk&tlfh : - - I f . " ' A : Martha Jane Evans and Donald Edward Perry have been named valedictorian and salutatarian, respectively, of the graduating class of Perquimans County High School. .j Jane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans of Route I, Hertford. Donald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr.' of Route 1, Hertford. In addition to these two stu iiiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiMiiiiiiiHiiiiiMiii i Three Candidates File For Council " Three candidates have filed for Town -Commissioners. Cecil C. Wlnslow is seeking re-election and the other two who are running tor seats in this election are John Beers, a former Board member, and Graham A. Trent. Henry C. Sullivan did not run. Two council men will beelectedfromthls list. North Carolina, May 1, 1969" Chairman of the Board of Stew ards, Chairman of the Educa tional Building Foundation and in many other ways. Dr. Brinn was born In Tyner, North Carolina In Chowan County and was the son of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Thomas Brinn. He was graduated from Hertford High School in 1913 and received an A. B. degree from the Univer sity of North Carolina In 1919. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the Phi Chi Medical Fraternity. He served in the Army at Plattsburg, N. Y. for several months prior to the World War I Armistice, then attended the University of North Carolina Medical School for two years. He ' received his M,' D.-in 192? from dents, tweheotber students made the Grand Honor Roll. These were: Susan Harrell, Brenda Baccus, Douglas Haskett, Dlanne Stallings, : Louise Ivey, Cindy Wlnslow, Don Morgan, Cheryl Copeland, Mike Bunch, Linda Long, Mark Thompson, and Eliz abeth Ivey. In order to get on the Grand Honor Roll, a student must have a ninety (90) averagefor the four years of high school. miiiittitiiiii iiiiMuiiiHltiiiiiiidiiiiniiiiiiuunuiiiiiiiiiHM immmnimiHtiiMfiiiott,.. i ' ' ' Thursday, April 24, was the deadline for filing asacandldate. Election Day Is May 6. Wlnslow has been associated with Wlnslow-Blanchard Motor Company for 33 years and Is cur-, rentlfiserving as President and Dealer of the Company; Beers is Vice Presldentof J.C. the University of Penna, His in ternship and residency were served at Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia. Dr. Brinn is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Glasson Brinn, three daughters, Miss Mary Elliott Brlnn of Hert ford, Mrs. Marjorle B. Clayton of Roxboro,N. C. and Mrs. Anne B. Tucker of Shepard Air Force Base, Texas; a sister, Mrs.Onei da B. Hooks of Fremont, N. C, two brothers, Jack Brinn and Robert Brinn, both of Hertford and four grandchildren. A funeral service was held Wednesday at U a.m. in First United Methodist Church, Hert ford. Burial was In Cedarwood Cemetery with Swindell Funeral Hcrv in charge. Miss Spruill Dies Miss Essie Mae Spruill, 65, died Sunday at 3:45 a.m. in the Lane Nursing Home following a four year illness. A native of Perquimans County she had made her home with her sister, Mrs. George Caddy on Route 3. She was a daughter of the late James Martin and Mrs. Susie Alice Rogerson Spruill and at tended the Berea Church of Christ. Surviving- besides Mrs. Caddy are two other 6isters, Mrs. Susie Godwin of South Mills and Mrs. Harry Corprew of Portsmouth; and a brother. Norwood Spruill of Norfolk. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2:00 In the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman Miller, pastor of the SU C lair Church of Christ in Bath, N.c. Burial was In Cedarwood Ceme tery. . "In The Garden" was sung by the BereaCburchofChrlstCholr. They were accompanied by Mrs. Pauline Webb, organist. "The casket pall was made of pink carnations, whie chrysan themums, white gladioli and fern. Pallbearer 4$wre Car 1 Godwin, Dennis Godwin, Leroy Sutton, George Sutton, Clyde Sutton and Clayton Spsoill. Blanchard Co., Inc. and partici pates In all phases of church, civic and community activities. Trent is Chairman of the De partment of Industrial Arts at Elizabeth City State College and is married to the former Vivian Sharp of Hertford. They have 2 daughters, Granette and Maria, Home Economists Will Meet May 7 Home economists from four, teen counties will meet together on May 7, at 6:00 p.m. at the Edenton Restaurant In Edenton, N. C. to launch a regional home economics association. The new association will be a spinoff of the state-wide 1,500 member North Carolina Home Economics Association. The state organization has the framework to cope with general living, but It is unable to tackle situations peculiar to one area of the state, Frances S. Vollva, temporary chairman of the re gional association, said today. The important problem may be management In one region of the state; consumer competence in another, she explained. Under the new organizational structure, each region may de fine the. problem it believes to be most pressingand work toward Its solution. The five other re gions may select unrelated chal lenges. ' Other benefits of the new as sociation include: the opportunity for greater professional parti, clpation, a chance for home eco nomists to become acquainted with other persons in the same field, a more compact method of expediting business and co ordinating activities, and hope fully Increased membership. Serving on the steering com mittee with Mrs. Voliva are Mrs. Edna Reaves, Home Economics Teacher; Mrs. Hattie S. Byrum, Homemaker, and Mrs. Fran Ward, Extension Home Eco nomist. For more Information, home economists may contact Mrs. Ha Grey White, Home Eco nomics Extension Agent. Youth Week At Hertford Baptist April 28 through May 4 has been set aside as Youth Week at the Hertford Baptist Church. Youth Week, sponsored by the Training Union Department of the church, provides the oppor tunity of learning about the re sponsibilities of church mem bership through the experience of serving in the capacity of church officers for one week. The Youth will conduct all Biblical Teaching and TralnlngonSunday, May 4th. Donald Stallings as Youth Pastor Will lead the Wednesday Evening Prayer Service and he will speak in the Sunday Evening Worship Service at 7:30 pm, Thursday evening at 6:00 the youth will meet at the church for a fellowship meal with Rev. Rick Penner, Pastor of Epworth Meth odist Church in Winfall, as the guest speaker. Sunday morning at the Ik 00 a. m. Worship Service Frank Cahoon, a Baptist Layman and Sheriff of Dare County, will be the speaker for the youth service. A cordial invitation is extended to both youth and adults in this area. ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW Livestock Show & Sale Scheduled For May 7th " The 24th Annual Albemarle, Livestock Show and Sale will be held on Wednesday, May 7 at Small Bros. Warehouse (former ly Scott and Halstead) on the Weeksville-Elizabeth City High way. This is the same location as the show and sale has been in the past. . , The following are the txys and girls who will be showing steers this yean Earl and Bobby Lane, Route 1, Hertford, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Lane. Jr- Edmond White, Route 1, Hert ford, son of Mr.andMrs.cnaries E. White, Jr.; Clarence C. Chappel, m, of Belvidere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Chappell, Jr.; Alvln and Joey Wlnslow of BeMdere, sons of Mr, and Mrs.Harry Lee Wlnslow, Stanley and Claudia Wlnslow of Belvidere, son and daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wlnslow; Jarvls Miller of Route 2, Hert ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller, Srj Richard Banks Route 2, Hertford, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tom Banks; and Johnny Wood, Route 3, Hertford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wood, Jr. ' '.' . ' Boys and girls who will be showing hogs are:EdmondWhlte( Route 1, Hertford, son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles E.White, Jr.j Clyde Elliott, Route 1 Hertford, 10 Cents Per Copy iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiii I c- Berry. Jr. I Receives Honor fj W t f f, B. Carroll Berry, Jr., CLU of ' the Atlanta, Ga. Agency has been named to the President's Council for ?69 with the Home Life In surance Company, New York. Membership in the President's Council is Home Life's highest honor, reserved for the top men In the company's field organiza tion. It is a symbol of extraordin ary skill, service to clients, and dedication to their financial well being. Berry currently serves as President of the 800 member At lanta Life Underwriters Asso ciation. He is a former director of the Atlanta Chapter of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters, and is a quali fying Member of the Million Dol lar Round Table and the Life In surance Leaders of Georgia. Berry has been with Home Life since 1955 and led our Atlanta Agency in sales In 1968, He is also a winner of the National Sales Achievement Award and National Quality Award for ser vice to his clients. A graduate of the University of North Car olina he and his wife, Jeanne, live with their two children in Atlanta. Berry is the son of Mr. and Mrs, B, C, Berry, Sr. of Hert" ford. Molvin M. Bonner Listed Delinquent Melvin McKlnley Bonner was declared delinquent by Local Board No. 73, Perquimans Coun ty for failure to report for armed forces physical examination as directed. Delinquency subjects a registrant tolmmediate induction . and we urge him to communicate with the local board Immediately in an effort to remove his name from the delinquent list. We also urge members of the delinquent's family and others acquainted with him to render assistance in lo cating him. Mrs. Margaret Scaff, Execu tive Secretary of the board, will be attending a Selective Service Conference in Raleigh May 1 and May 2. The local board office will be closed those two days. son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elliott; Eddie Baker, Route 1, Hertford, son of Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Baker; Tony Copeland, Route 2, Hertford, son of Mr, and Mrs. WlUard Copeland; Marvin Rld dick, Route 1, Belvidere, son of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Rlddick; Clarence Chappell, HI, Belvi dere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chappell, Jr Glenn Morgan, Route 3, Hertford, son of Mr, and Mrs. Preston Mor gan; and Darlene Felton, Route 1, Belvidere, daghter of Mr. and Mrs. McKay Riddlck. t "Perquimans County mer ;hants have supported this show and sale In the past In a very fine manner. They have bought these steers and hogs and have really been a credit to the county in showing their support of the youth," states R. M. Thompson, : (See LIVESTOCK - Page 6) American Legion Meet Thursday The William Paul Stallings Post 126 American Legion will . hold the regular monthly meet ing at the post home on Thurs day, May I, at 3 p.m. All members are urged to at- tend. , UazJ fUJSBBA? WOT '