Standard Printing Co. xx LonistiUe, Ky. 40200 WEEECLY Volume XXVt-No. 20 Hertford, Perquimarti County, North Carolina, May 15, 1969 10 Cents Per Copy;' Judge Fentress Horner Presides at District Court Judge Fentress Horner pro '.sided over the regular session 'Of Perquimans County District ".Court on Wednesday and idls-( ?posed of the following cssest ." Elsie Hung Jones was found er of asaanltwltha weapon i .'.sod Inflicting serious Injury to vMcKlnley Jones and given a sen! -ience of 6 months in the N,C. 0 House of Correction. Sentence was suspended upon payment of all hospital bills and costs-of :the court; fi , . l , Milton M. Phelps was given a '-sentence of 6 months to run currently with previous Judgment 1 garter being found guilty of a "L charge of noo-support.. An appeal Jma noted and Bond was set at i$200.0(h V, - ir to,' ) James Lee Williams, charged wlth being drunk on the streets and resisting arrest, was given Help Offered In Filing Fo r Medicare Aid Have you put off fllingforpay. ,mnt of your doctor bills under Medicare because you dldnt know -Just what steps to take? Many people have. . '-v ij The recent changes in social ." security make it easier to file a claim. If your doctor will accept .Assignment, all you need to do ' is sign a Request for payment Form, SSA-1490, and the doctor vwiU,do the rest. v If you wish to file a claim your .self,, you first need to get an '.itemised bill from your doctor (paid or unpaid). Before the 1967 -amendments, the bill had to be paid before MedlcareHrould pay. Now you can receive payment us efore the bill has beea paid, vn for charges for last year. t. Applicants for Medicare pay 4Bente are reminded to complete the ttsoneat tat Pavmeii Form sfiSA-MtW). This form feirlhtat-ttt District Columbia, Vvedlcare Handbook that was .nailed to Medicare enroll eea. Be sure to enter your name and claim .number as theyare shown on your .Medicare card. Attach all your Mils to the form and send to the 'Insurance company. -. ' Anyone who needs assistance In filing a claim for Medicare bene fits should come by the Social Security Office at 401 s. Dyer Street, Elizabeth City, N. C, or call 338-3931. Eight Rod v. ToEssuty ; If you follow the yellow, green, red, and orange eigne posted ; throughout Perquimans County thle month you will be on the right . xoad to beauty. The direction on the daily food guide Is the pathway t to a lovelier and a healthier life,-, states today by Mrs. M. B. Tay lor, Home Economics Extension ; Agent There are 100 charts en' lled the Dally Food Oulde posted te community buildings, office buildings, court bouse, on store. . windows, laundromats and other businesses. The purpose of this , project is to help you to become ware of the foods needed for the best of health and to promote laa torsst In the use of the Basic 4 -food Group dally. The daily toe ulde is a patten to help you se lect foods for your meals. To help assure your family's good health, choose the recommended number of servings from each food group. lack group offers a ride variety of foods of inter ( Xing meals, Foods in each group "zty widely la cost and calorie 'xteuL Select the ones beat suit 1 to your family's nutritional - is, tastes, and pocket-book, -C r reryone should eat a wide var jr of foods. Scientists have tTEi that the body needs about ' 3 1 "area nutrients "the essen Jm" ail of which supplied by jfjod. By choosing foods that con-, join certain key nutrients you are likely to cat the "50 essentlaU" jrou need. T6 lean more about ! the key nutrients attend one of the tension Homennakers meet or Special Interest meet- t held throughout the county - s month. SUdes on "How Food i 'acta Ton" are shown and dls . ;sed in every meeting. For bore information contact Mrs, Ttar, 485-7587. ; v V : HIE. ' tbXW El MTFoXSts fir i Church wJllhc'd a jrdcy, ay R, en tie vm Green. IwiabesSln a sentence of 30 days on the roads, suspended upon payment of costs and payment of $20.0C payable through Clerk of Court's office for use of the Town of Hertford for auto damages; j . Wayne B. Perry, charged with non-support, received a sentence of 12 , months, suspended upon payment of $50.00 today and $50.00 every 2 weeks through the C. S. C. and also costs of court; v Van G. MaUory, charged with speeding,- resist,' delay and ob struction a police officer by re fusing to enow- his driver's license, received a fine of $50.00 and costs; : , . Joshua .Tllley , charged with speeding, was taxed with a fine of $25,00 and costs; : John Henry Davis, charged with being drunk on the streets and resisting arrest, was given a sentence of 12 months on the roads. An appeal was noted and Bond was set at $300.00; -v Ricky Wayne Trueblood, charg ed with driving a vehicle while his driver's license was revoked was given a sentence of 12 months. An appeal was noted and Bond was set at $500.00; Fred Douglas Colson, charged with allowing an unlicensed drlv. er operate his vehicle, was given a 12 months sentence. An appeal was noted and Bond was set at $500.00. 20 Of Students On ECU Honor List Nearly one in five East Caro lina University students last win ter made high enough grades to earn places on the official honor lists of the university. That 20 percent of the students a total of 2,019 got official commendation from the univer sity as three honor lists were listed May 10. The honorees in eluded 73 North Carolinians and 349 students from out of the state, ' TtMratter, represent -23 Japan and Germany, Most elite among the honor students are the 234 who made all A's, the highest grade at the University. Next are the 454 who made the Dean's List by earn ing a solid B-phis average with no grade lower than C. The third list the Honor Boll Includes 1,3?1 students who made a B average with no trade below C, . Perquimans County students who made the Dean's List were Wayne Ray Winslow, BeMdere, and Michael N. Winslow, Hert ford those listed on the Honor Roll included Benjamin C.Hobbs, Gale Sherman Taylor and Harri ette Williams, all of Hertford. IIIHIIHHUIMMIMIIIIHII IHIIIIHtll llllllllllll II Vcacn's Softball tegua PUcs Youth Project The Women's Softball League had Us first meeting at the home of . Betty Hurdle on Thursday, Maya. B is hoped the community will help support the League this year, for all profits at the end of the Mason, will be put in a fund for the purpose of sending some of our jirls to camp next summer. . , Local businesses are being in vited to lend their, support to this worthwhile proJeoUA represen tative of the League will be can vassing the downtown area while girls from the Grammar School League will be seeking contribu tions from individuals, Jt is hoped that the efforts of the program will have served a useful purpose. Vernon White will coach the Women's League this year, and Linda Perry and Betty Hurdle will coach the Utile Girl's League. .: Games will be played on Tues day and Thursday nights at $ o' clock starting June 3. V ; ( Practice for the Women's League will be on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 0 p.m. starting May 13. Women signed With the League so far are as follows: Betty Hur dle, Linda Perry, Kitty Brown, Alice Jean Winslow, Rose Ann Blddlck, Elaine Cox, Cecil Bur ton, Nellie Ruth Matthews, Bar bara Nixon, Valeria Roberts, Judy Heath, Jane Cherry andRa cUelMlzelle. : E&rban White' is la charge of keerlsg scores and taking care of concesclacs. .. - Tiare ::i be no admission fee i every- e is invited to come c 1 tzi s-s t i gimes. Perquimans County Girls & Boys Winners at A lb; Livestock Show 5t 4 ' ' ! Paige and Clyde Elliott, son and daughter of Clyde showed Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elliott of Route 1, Hertford. the Albemarle Paige showed the Grand Champion Hog and Gaye Euro, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Belvln Eure of Route 3, Hertford showed the Grand 87 Donors Present Bloodmobile Visit The Bloodmobile Visit on Mon day was very successful with 87 donors on hand to offer their help. Of this number 66 pints were acceptable and 21 were re jected. The quota for this visit was 75 pints, but 124 pints were needed to make up for the deficit at the present time. The yearly quota for, Perqui mans County Is 225 pints of blood. On the three yearly visits of the Bloodmobile a total of 167 Pints Perquimans Man Charged In Death a Rfl.vaar-old man has been charged with the shooting death Sunday of his fiancee, pouce saia. Deputy Sheriff waiter Harrison said the shootine occurred at about 11 a,m Sunday and that Mary Dixon died enroute to tne Albemarle Hospital in EUaabeth City, Sherman Hinton, who Uvea about four mites norm oi Hert ford, was charged with muroer and is being held without bond. police said the shooting took place in Hlnton's home and that Hinton said he and Miss Dixon were to be married soon. Perquimans High School Seniors Present Play The Senior" Class of Perqui mans County High School pre sents "Tom Jones", a comedy in thre acts adapted by David Rogers and based on the novel, "Tom Jonest The History of a Foundling", by Henry FleldMna The play will be presented in the Perquimans High School auditorium on Friday, May 16. There will be 2 performances, a matinee at 130 p.m. and a night performance at 8s00. The tickets for the matinee are 50 cents for students and 75 cents for adults. Th " tickets tor the night performance are 79 cents for students and $1.25 for adults. 1 have been donated 1st Visit -45 pints - 2nd - 56 pints - 3 66 pints. Mrs, Nathan Sawyer, Red Cross Chapter Chairman for Perqui mans county, expresses her ap preciation to everyone who par ticipated in making this Bloodmo bile Visit a success. Names of participants are as follows: Doctor - Dr. L A. Ward; . Nurses Mrs. Charles Mur ray and Mrs.. S. O. Bateman; Registrars ind Typists - Mrs. John Beers, Mrs. Cecil Winslow, Mrs, Gertrude Zachary and Mrs. LouKalaposj Canteen Workers - Mrs. Ev elyn Whedbee, Mrs. W. B. Land ing, Jr., and Mrs. Mattle Ma thews. ' Mrs. Sawyer also would like to thank the Wonder Bread Com pany for' the bread, the Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola Bottling Com panies for the drinks and Colon ial Stores for the ice used in the Canteen, IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIinilllllHIIIIIIIIl Wind Erosion Watermelons planted on the L, D.Copeland's farm, in Chapel . Hill community of Perquimans County, with strips of rye left between the rows of watermelon, for protection against wind erosion. This is a good conservation practice on sandy land for wind erosion protection. . ' - " 'i the Reserve Champion Hog in Livestock Show and Sale. I4 Champion Pen of Three (3) Hogs In the Albe marle Livestock Show and Sale. Monthly Report Of Hertford Police Department The following monthly report for April was given by Chief Ben L, Glbbs at the regular Council meeting. Arrests Made: Drunks on the Street 3; Disorderly Con duct 1; Speeders 1; Assault 2; Operating Intoxicated l; care less and Reckless Driving 1; Lar ceny 2; Miscellaneous Traffic Arrests 2; Miscellaneous Ar rests 1; citations issued for Bi cycle Violations L Activities: Calls Answered and Investigated 107; Accidents Investigated 2; Funerals Worked 6; Courtesies Extended 116; Doors Found Un locked 5; Fire Calls Answered 7; Radio Calls Received 223; Lights Reported Out 2. Father Of Coach Bobby Carter Dies In WUliamston Word was received here this week of the death of Bobby Car ter's father in WUliamston on Saturday. Protection ! m The 24th Annual Albemarle Livestock Show and Sale was held on Wednesday, May 7 at Small's Warehouse on Weeksvllle Road. The Perquimans County boys and girls did very well In the com petition, with PalgeandClyde El liott, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Elliott of Route 1, Hertford, placing 1st. and 2nd. with the individual hogs and Clar ence Chappell, HI, placing Third. Gaye Eure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Belvln Eure, of Route 3, Hertford had the Grand Champion Pen of Three and Clyde Elliott winning the Grand Champion Pen of Eight. Boys and girls showing steers were Earl and Bobby Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Lane, Jr. of Route 1, Hertford, with Earl winning the Rurttan Trophy for the best steer In Perquimans County. Johnny Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wood, Jr., of Route 3, Hertford showed a prime steer as did Earl Lane, Those showing steers that graded choice were Joey Winslow and Alvln Winslow, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Winslow of Belvldere; Jarvln Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller, Sr., of Route 2, Hertford; Claudia and Stan Winslow, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winslow, Route 1 Belvldere; Edmond White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. White, Jr., Route 1, Hertford, and Clar ence Chappell, IH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chappell of Bel vldere. Gwaltney Packing Company and Hertford Hog Market bought the Grand and Reserve Champion hogs, Grand Champion Pen of Three (3), and Grand Champion Pen of Eight (8), with Bagley and Hurdle of Sunbury buying the Third Place Pig. Those merchants purchasing the steers were Farmers Feed and Seed, Peoples Bank and Trust Company, Darden Dept. Store, Towe-Chrysler Plymouth, Eliza beth City, and Towe Motor Com pany, Hertford; Bagley and Hur dle of Sunbury bought two steers from Perquimans County; Swin dell Funeral Home, Winslow-, uiancnara Motor company, Rob erts Bros, of Currituck, Baker Oil Company, Hertford Hard ware, J, F. Hollowell and Sons of Wlnfall; Winslow Oil Company, Albemarle Chemical Company, and Rogerson Chemical Com pany. "The businesses In Perquimans County and surrounding areas really supported this sale as the steers and hogs sold for a higher price than they have in many, many years", stated R. M. Thompson, County Extension Chairman. There were other bus iness men who bid on these ani mals, and even though they did not buy, helped to make the sale the success that it was. "The boys and girls and their parents really do appreciate the support they are given in this event, because with out the merchants it would not be near as successful as it is and the boys and girls would not be en couraged to participate", further states Mr. Thompson. C0A Will Conduct Vocational Classes The College of the Albemarle's Vocational Department will con. duct its registration for night classes on May 12, 13, 14, 15, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Main College Building. The following courses will be offereds Auto Entlnes. Small Engines, Welding, Radio It TV Repair in, and Introduction to Machinist Trade. The classes will run for 12 weeks. Marching Unit Parents Club Meets The Perquimans County March ing Unit Parents Club held their regular meeting Monday night in the High School cafeteria. Mrs, Durward Reed, Jr., president, presided. Mrs. Archie T, Lane, Jr., Chairman of the nominating com mittee, presented the following slate of officers for the coming year: -::.,.v-.".'-H: President Mr. and Mrs. Joe Towe White; V. President - Mr. and Mrs. Hilton White; Secre tary - Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Swin dell; Trees. - Mrs. Becky D. White; Publicity Chairman Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Elliott. iMrs. LaClalre Rogerson was named director of the Unit. She (feee MARCHING -Page 5) Mrs. Yearns Slides Of Mrs. W. B. Yearns will present a program of slides on India in the Hertford Baptist Church's Fellowship Hall on Sunday Evening at 7:30 p.m. in lieu of the Evening Worship Service. Mrs. Yearns, who is the daughter of Dr. L A. Ward, has spent a year In India with her .husband who was appointed as a Full bright Lecturer in American History to Jodapur University for the academic year of July 1, 1968 until April 1, 1969. Mrs, Yearns will be showing some of her Impressions of and experiences In India. The Hertford Baptist Church extends a cordial invitation to all In this area who would like to know mure about India. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11,255 People in Perquimans ! Receive USD A Food Aid USDA's Consumer and Market lr.g Service said Its food pro grams aided 228,165 needy per sons in 96 North Carolina coun ties during March, 1,255 of these Governor Scott Proclaims Soil Stewardship Week Governor Robert W, Scott has proclaimed the week of May Il ls, 1969, as Soli Stewardship Week In North Carolina. At a ceremony In the Governor's Office on Wed nesday, May 7, officials of the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Dis tricts Joined Governor Scott In emphasizing the need for more vigorous conservation of all our natural resources In the years to come. In commending the observance to the citizens of the State, Gov ernor Scott said: "I am pleased to call attention of the citizens of North Carolina to the array of Issues that has emerged concerning the wise use and management of our precious natural resources. With more people in more places imposing steadily greater demands on the limited supply of natural re sources, we must devise methods to avoid waste, erosion, disorder, and ultimate shortages. Soli Stewardship Week is a national observance calling at tention of all responsible citizens to the need for 'Confronting the Issues' in natural resources management. The North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts in an attempt to Im press upon us our individual re sponsibilities is sponsoring a special week dedicated to this effort. Therefore, I am pleased to designate May U-18, 1969, as Soil Stewardship Week In North Carolina, and I commend the ob servance as being a worthwhile endeavor." : , Scholarship Winner Louis Godfrey has been select ed recipient of the 1969 annual P. E. Bembry Scholarship. Louis is currently a senior at the Perqui mans County Union School. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Godfrey, Sr. of New Hope. Young Godfrey plans to enter the Pitt Technical institute in the fall where he will pursue a study of electronics, !.' To Show India Trip were from Perquimans County. Of this, 155,654 persons in 59 counties took part In the family food distribution program, an In :rease of 2,096 for these same counties from February, The foods distributed had an estimated retail value of $1.7 million and included dairy pro ducts, canned and dried fruits and vegetables, canned meat or poultry, grain and cereal pro ducts, as well as other Items such as peanut butter and scrambled egg mix. In the other 37 counties 72,511 persons took part In the food stamp program during March and received $522,529 In bonus cou. pons. North Carolina's food stamp participation was up 9 ,872 per sons over February, primarily due to the addition of 4 new coun ties in the program. Of these 4 counties, Pitt and Robeson pre viously had the family food dis tribution program, with a partici pation of 19,957 persons In Feb ruary. In North Carolina, the food distribution program Is adminis tered by the North Carolina De partment of Agriculture, and the food stamp program Is adminis tered by the North Carolina Board of Public Welfare, both In co operation with the Consumer and Marketing Service. Piney Woods Friends Church To Hold Meet Eastern Quarterly Meeting of Friends will be held Saturday May 17th. at Piney Woods Friends Church. Belvldere. Minister 4t Council meeting will begin at 10- o'clock A.M. Seth Hinshaw will give the devotion. Worship service will be at 11 o'clock. Victor Murchinson, Executive Secretary of N.C, Friends will deliver the message. Young Fri ends will have their services at 10 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon. The afternoon business session will begin at 1.30. On Sunday May 18th Piney Woods and Up River Friends will meet at Piney Woods Church. Sabbath School will begin at 10 o'clock with Joyce Copeland gtv- -lng the, devotion; Harold White will glvf the lesson. At the 11 o'clock worship hour Mark Hod gins, pastor of Up River church, will deliver the message. The pastor, Elmer Thomas, Invites you to attend. J