r i4-"nirarJlmaniCounty Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Thundty, May 22, 1969 ' esxc WZZZLY Published Every Thursday itllorL'ord. N. C 27M4 ; Virjini Whit TtanaMU Editor .;; Court House Square ; KATPPnD, . O. ' I atered m second class matter November 16th, 1M4. at Fort Office in Hertford. North Caro lina 17944. .5: " , A4vcrtlalng Rata Furnished ;- tsy wequeoT I SUBSCRIPTION RATES 4ne Taar .. ...... 12.5V t ' (In Perquimans County) Elsewhere .,..... ..... . $300 ' ' i Serial ; Vec&tionTima l... Again" ; For the young, there la no freedom to com para with that vwflich comas with tbo closing if: school. Tha exuberance of tha young as they savor releaaa 5rom tha nacasaarjr disciplines "At tha classroom Is a whole Uomo thing to see. This Is purs lescsps, the kind that a dulls dream ;about but nam achieve. Even for jtba children, pure untrammeled freedom loaaa Its sblna In tha -Utter days of summar whan tha nothing to do" stags sots In. 'Freedom, to ba enjoyed, must be earned, and even than, its rich ness is lost where there is no ultimate sansa of direction or minus factor such as household chores that and to prssero an appreciation of fraadom. Tha ending of tha school year, and tha watching of tha children In their new-found fraadom and the manner in which they use - .and abuse - that freedom, should ftave a apeclal meaning for tha adult world today where freedom is baing used and abused In waya eo ooo could have foreseen a few abort years ago. f Letter To Editor The writer wishes to give a , -iborough consideration of what ;.tha schools know about their pu pils as individuals, and of what ;tbey do for them as individuals, ;Jto make tt clear that tha limited 'scops of the high school curri culum is not alone to be respon sible for young people's lack of ijsoclal competence. Pupils often fall to profttasfullyasthey might even from tha present currlcu lu,: because many a time tha acboola have no consistent plan for seeing that Individual pupils get what they need from their 1 claaa work. j Finally: Teachers should recog- nlze individual differences. Pu ' pits who are leas able academl- cally than the average are often S over-looked end aa tha result tha ' abler pupils are seldom chal . lanced to make tha moat of their ability. RICKS CLEANERS SERVINO HERTFORD AND Perquimans County Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday BOX GRUMMET, Rou toman Truck Radio Dispatched PHONE EDENTON Remember When Billy McDowell Was "Dive-Bombed" By a Marine fly-over at one of the last Albemarle Potato Festivals? That sort of thing could happen again, because this weekend will nark a revival of -the famcr'a tribute to the spud. A full weekend of activities has been planned for May 23 and 24 So, load up the ear and come on over to) Disabeth City for a brand NEW ALBEMARLE POTATO FESTIVAL ti:z r:ciK a cjncu:v Ta;:;::2fiTCLEQ?.iF;i . : Cw.s's3Y. The high school graduate Is facing the most important deci sion In bis Ufei What he will do with Us Hfe. Many of the graduates are frightened. This decision - which must be made independently and will remain irrevocable to a large extent -will be the first major decision ever reached by many of the grad uates, the first decision ever made completely on their own. These young people are depart Ing from a world of cotton candy and laughter, the panacea of par ental protection they are en tering adulthood, entorlnga world where nuclear warfare taunts humanity wtth extinction, enter ing a world of senseless global conflicts where scientific techno logical advancement has provided nations and men with sophisti cated weapons of death and de struction, methods that have de humanised the ritual of killing. The graduates will be leaving their homee to enter college and military service, to choose that occupation which they will follow for the rest rest of their lives, to begin the adventure of marriage - but all will learn the truth explored by AshevlUe novelist Thomas Wolfe: 'You Cant Go Homo Again." Their parents, churches and schools have tried to prepare the graduates for this phase of life; but is any preparation adequate? Can moral and Intellectual cour age be learned in the pontifical sense of learning? Facing a future of independence and responsibility for the first time is awesome, but also tt is exciting and challenging. Today's Leaving The Farm Cr eaten a Problem The problem is not, "Who will produce the food?" Tre mendous technological develop ment, and efficient farming methods, see to that. Yet their backgrounds fit them for agrl business pur suits, at a time when agri business jobs, vital to national survival, are going begging. The problem Is this: Many of these people come to the city. Many are untrained for city living. But they must lire; and they must work. Often they add to the explosive eco nomic and social problems of the dtyv MJWt swa TcW flVtvl eMtt Waft V graduates enjoy more freedom, in every sense of the word, than any of their predecessors. The opportunity has never been bet ter for creative and sensitive people to make the world a bet ter place for all people to live. Submitted byi Rose 8. Rlddlck Outdance Counselor P.C.H.8. Card Of ThibJa 1 would like to take this oppor tunity to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who re membered me with cards, visits, flowers, gifts and all other acts of kindness shown me while I was a patient in the hoapitalandalnce my return home. W. T. (Bill) Elliott I For Your Information 1 T Dear friends, To be selected as a pallbearer is a distinct honor. It denotes both a close relationship with the deceased and also a sense of esteem by tha bereaved family. Those who are chosen to be pallbearers be promptly notified so that they may personal arrangements to nerf orm this final act of respect for uik-oi is r - n Beauty Aids l Liu f I to Help You TPjlQ I Look Lovelier I 1 For skilled advice on beauty aids that I . I are just right for you, consult the ex- I I perts in our cosmetics department. 1 I Make your selection from a complete 1 I line of leading brands. 1 I for Prescriptions, I I first Aid Supplies, I 1 Toiletries, Sundries I Gall Us For Your Prescription Prompt Efficient Service, When And Where You Need It! ... VISIT US FIRST iiiinrxrs phaiocy FRED DELIVERY PHONE 42ft-Cr27 P'TFORO, W. C. Convenient f cr Ycu in So .Many Ways COOKINO IASI Enoy advantages of modern, automatic ranges, with IP-Gas. FAtT DIUVUY For prompt, reliable delivery of IP-Goi, lst cad en us.' LP-Q;3 h tzntzi Ac::tl::IIjf We cheek your supply regularly. If yon need naorev we nuke a new delivery ntomsticsl lyt Let us start today. Gall . REED OIL CO. HAL 43M40S BsaVTFORS, N. C "La an osa despise iky yoaih, sat ael ike beltevere aa sample la epoeok aad eoadoot, la love, la fail, la parity." 1. To whom was this advice ad dressed? 2. By whom were these words spoken? S. la this advice still pertinent? 4, Where may this verse be found? AUTOS It Ymi ... I-..'.. , '''....i. 1. Timothy, a young preacher. 2. Paul, an old preacher, about to die in Roma. - 3. Yea-young people, by pure conascrated living can change the world today. 4. I Timothy 4: 12. The Holy Roman Empire was founded by Otto the Great in 962 and dissolved by Nnpoleon in 180S. their departed friend. Respectfully, SWINDELL FUNERAL HOME HERTFORD, N.C. CUAN , HOT VVATH Keep the hot water (lowing with this heJpV of lowcest LP-Gas.- ) THESE RELIGIOUS MESSAGES ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS . . . . F. HoUowell & Son, Inc. LIVESTOCK AND FARM PRODUCE Phone 4M-MU WntFALL. N. C. Hertford Savings A Loan Association "Own Your own Home Through Savings' and Loan" ; Pitt Hardware Company Phone 426-5531 HERTFORD, 'N. C. Winslow-Blanchard Motor Company XOUR FORDJOEALER. 'W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. HOME FURNISHINGS PHILCO APPLIANCES Cannon Cleqners DEPENDABLE SERVICE - Phone 426-5491 Jt C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. "BLAN CHARD'S" SINCE 1832 ' Blanchard' Barber Shop Gerald W. Blanchard ' Proprietor s Keith's Grocery PHONE 426-7767 HERTFORD, N. a One Stop Service Station BILL COX, Owner Tires Greasing Accessories CALL 426-8870 HERTFORD, N. C. Lane's Woodwork shop ; "Custom Built Kitchen Cablneta" PHONE 426-7225 RoUU a, Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Road) Winfall Service , Station . OAS OIL TIRES AND REPAIRS ' J FIRESTONE TIRES ' Thomas E. Morxan, Winfall CALL 4268643 Peoples Bank & Trust Company ' Member F.D.I.C. HERTFORD. N. C Byruta Furniture Company , Phone 4264262 -HERTFORD, N. C Let's Go To Chiirtii funday Make Church Going A Habif nnn II lflUIIU a! as as as f i ill I II J n WeeSsJj SWWHM rWW MVM ejaaaiaaaase' MHaSK tefore I hod chance to say, "Ousts who," Jack knew It was I. We're like that -maybe It's because we're twins. We've always bean close. When we were small, wo had a private adven tureland out In our back woods. Hard ly a day went by that Jack didn't help me out of seme scrape. Ha was the one who was able to entice me down from that tree when I fell halfway from the top and lay paralysed with fright between two branches. I balled ' him out of several misadventures, too. . When It came to collage we chose the same one. And If t been nice, iv ory now and then we get together and talk out our problems, ut as we always have. We go to church to gether, too. . We're glad Mom and Dad made the Church an important part af our lives. When wo think of graduation and the Inevitable parting of our ways. It's good to know that each af us hat an ever-present source of strength and guidance In Ood and His Church. Copyright IMS fCffettr Adwtiring Srrvict, Strubttrg, Vs. Ward Welding Shop Sales and Service POULAIN CHAIN SAWS Briggs & Stratton Engines PHONE 436-7118 Hertford Livestock tK Supply Co. Phone 426-5591 HERTFORD, N. C. Toue Motor Co. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SALES A SERVICE Reed Oil Company E880 PRODUCTS Hertford, N. C. Baker Oil Company ftt'PPUERS OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS GOODYEAR TIRES Albemarle Chemical Co. Phone 426-6587 HERTFORD, N. C. Robertson s Cleaners & Laundry, incT QUALITY WORK COURTEOUS BSlVlCa FFOTTB iM-BSCS K-ITFORD, N. a John 14iM.11 Aw' V k ill k h I f W i 1 ! ' I .J Inc., PEOPLE AND TLACES OEJCHE33LK . international Sunday SchooLLtssottj&r May 25, 1969 MEMORY SELECTION! "I wlMi;tortive thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou msystbej my salvation unto the end of the earth." ' . "' " - (Isaiah 49:6) LESSON TEXTi Genes lal4-jJfgua 11; John 4-1-30. Perhaps more than any 'book that has been written, the . Bible is truly the "Book of Life"; for t is concerned with -all kinds of people, from every walk of life ... the rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated; It Is concerned wtth their hopes, their (ears, their rektlohshlD with one another - their relationship wtth Ood. But over-all -it la concerned with God's redemptive love for all mankind. It is concerned wtth the past, wtth the present, with the future, ' B is aU-encompaasingl And where you deal wtth people, you deal with history; you deal with their customs, their belts fs; their fears ... and their prejudices. For, even though the people of Biblical days lived In times vastly dlfferentfromours,human nature does not change so very much! Today we nave the "free thinkers" - to whom we ascribe all the ills that befall our modern world. We blame the "radicals" for the stats the world Is lntoday;yet-wasttso different in Biblical times? (Tssus was, perhaps, the most "radical" figure of all . . . for the Bible is full of anecdotes where He flouted tradition, and lived according to His bellsfs - the beliefs of the Fatherl). Christians?, in other words, was gaining a foot hold, ft was suffering the blrthpanga, and (like all sweeping -changes) brought confusion and uncertainty in Its wake. But, to really appreciate the portent of Christ's ministry on earth, one must have at least a working knowledge of the history of those days and times. To this snd, an Atlas of the Holy Land as she was si mat time is invaluable; so, also, is a background knowledge of her people, and of their ways. A really good Concordance lsnottobe ignored, eltherl . The story of the woman at the well illustrates, perhaps most aptly of all, all ofthe things which have to be taken into consideration - the long-standing feud between the Jews and the Samaritans; the differing viewpoints of religion; the differing customs of the races. Jesus, deciding to leave Jerusalem to return to Nazareth , and pursue His ministry there, rather than engage In to , opportune conflict with the Pharisees, elected to take the shorter route, leading through Samaria - which devout Jews shunned, and was, once again, making His "free- , ' thinking fett. Here be was declaring that His concern was for all tha people of the world ... not Just the "chosen race", to sending Bis disciples into the city to purcbass- ' food, He was, also, striking at the accepted idea that meat ' touched by an unbeliever was "unclean' - and therefore : forbidden. ::? But how can we appreciate the overtones and undertones of the story unless we know the historical background? We '' need, first, to bs aware of the fact that when the Northern Kingdom 0rael) fell before Assyria, the best of the people , of Israel were taken into captivity, and that In the course oi . time the captured Israelites inter married withtheAesyriaha. Wei also need to know that when the Bouthern Kingdom (Judah) fell to the Babylonians and wsre taken captive, the Jewa . from the Southern region kept themselves to themselves, and the bloodline was thus unadulterated". After seventy ' years, when these Jews returned to their homeland, they mad pans for rebuilding the Temple. Some Samaritans, hearing of the p!an, very gsasrously Journeyed to Jeru salem and offared f-'r by !i the project, but were bitterly repulsed. And so it s tut the Samaritans returned to their homeland and dcisrmined to build their own Temple on Moust Gerizlm. - Knowing these background facta, the Scrlpturea become much c lower to the stuiiat, and azty much more weight. One rttXzss the parir of Chrlri's actions, and la both overi-c'-jied by its nuances, and is iipired to have courage! " For carifiiyy seeds tbat same dogged courage and "free tt!a!aE5" today that tt did then. Eow couraous a Christian are YOU? (These com? 'i are based on outlines of the International C " : I . rsons, cocyric1 by the International Co2--Cil of HvMis Education, aJ used by permission).. ScripttrM Hlicfd by tkt iliMricn Bibl. SMitly . ' John 1 12:11-11 Min iolia 11:14 14:6-17 14.7 11:1-11 Mm Jhn 11:12-17 11:11-27 jwseei wmmmmimmmfrM'.r.:.-: