Standard Printing Co. Lcnisiille, Ky. 40200 F771 1 f . I : J week: ill 2 li UHviyriiivili-lM ' VfY Volume XXVI - No. 22 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, May 29, 1969 10 Cents Per Copy LY HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllHIIUIUIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIHIIIIIIIKIIIj Dress Revue Held Recently j r s n r 1 f t Top Talent - T, "S' . X L V ft . ' 17 ' ?Mr tUi 1 Top Drest Revue Winners The 1969 4-H Dress Revue, alent Show, and Health Pageant 1a held at Hertford Grammar ilck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rchle Rlddick of Belvldere was le Mistress of Ceremonies for le Dress Revue, and Don Mor an, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3 Morgan, was the Master of eremonles for the Talent Show. Red ribbon wlnners-ln the Dress ue .-. were' Barbara Layden, 'eborah Saunders, Susan Roger n, Rhonda Lane, Darlene Dav xport, Peggy James Copeland, 11 Harrell, Brenda Godfrey, all Eure, Gall Proctor, and arbara Elliott. Blue ribbon wln ;rs were Deborah Lane,Beverly 'ire, Denna Copeland, Beth jlnslow, Brenda Layden, Ella tie Chappell, Lois Eure, Linda wnley, Sheron Swindell, and urmen Sutton. The first place nners were Debra Lane(Apron vision), Denna Copeland (pre en division) and Ella SueChap U (early teen division) and urmen Sutton (Senior- Teen Div ion). ' Red ribbon winners in the taU ,t show were Susan Rogerson, th Wlnslpw, and Lynn Rose inglng Cousins), Linda Ownley iano solo); and Connie Baker '.il Paige (Elliott (duet). Blue ribbon talent winners ret Barry Lane (piano medly) nmi, Copeland (piano sptoV rmen Sutton (piano solo) Sun. :,inW LTD (Linda Ownley,' Ella e Chappell, Donna Baker, ay Stone, Claudia Wilson, v-ida Godfrey); Eager Beaver ,-ber Shop Quartet (Gall Eure, Try ' Lane, Debra Lane, Jill rdid Security & Fcniilics fa . In It for young .Jit V ; - '.:( ' ."s a question the folks in .c1 Security Office fre- 'y hear. Ths Social Security e has a new publication that 3 to answer this question, called "Social Security In ilon for Young Families. , book tells about the pro n the young worker and bis y have if the breadwinner .es disabled or dies at a ' age. S describes pay may be mcia to dls c' "Jrea colleges' )c 'i, r children entitled cni. , r ;cord of a parent wlto is J, unable to work, or t s . tlet Is freefor the ask i r;y be obta&ed by call-.1-3931 or r!n to t'e rlfy at 401 E. Elteai. ,.C:' ',II.C. s i:-' y t i " '5 .!. i' 1 E 5 1 1 i ; Winner n . ' ' Harrell,- Beverly Eure, Dlanne Garrett, Darlene Davenport, Dl anne Eure, Debbie Harrell); Sing. Our VH (Greg Biggs, Fay.Eure, Mike Stokely,Peggy James Cope land, Lois Eure, Rhonda Lane, Audrey Ann Winslow) and Ella Sue Chappell (Pantomlne and dance). The three top winners were Ella Sue Chappell, Carmen Sutton, and the Sing Out 4-H Group, " ; : The Health Pageant winners were chosen on the basis of their 4-H record books. Carmen Sut ton was crowned Queen, Earl Lane (Prince), Brenda Layden (Princess), Ricky Lane (Duke), and Audrey Ann Winslow (Dutch ess). Mrs, J. Emory White, Presl-. dent of the 4-H Adult Leaders, presented the winners with their ribbons. ';. . .. 'We were very pleased withr the enthusiasm shown by the par ticipants in this program", stated Miss Sherrl Taylor, Ass't.Home Economics Ext. Agent, Bible School At i Ibw Hope Church The Mew Hope United Metho dist Church Vacation Bible School will be held June 2-9, time 8:30 to 11:30 a. in. Them for the week is "Jesus Leads Me". Di rector, Mrs. James Godfrey an nounces the following teachers: Nursery Joan Yohn and Ann Robbins. Beginners - Mrs. Charlie Perry and Mrs. Tommy Harrison. Primaries - Mrs. Norman Godfrey.- Primaries n -Mrs. Lenford Stallings and Mrs. Rovena Stallings. juniors -Mrs. Bobby Jones and Mrs. James Trueblood. Craft Mrs. Fred Jones, Linda Owntoy.Kathy Stone, Donna Baker, Claudia Wil son. Music -Mrs. Harvey Butt, Jr. .All children ages 8-12are urg ed to attend and visitors are wel come He::? Ibd Pcsy G-3 Will Ihvs Zz ;r (h luna 1 The Perquimans Horse and Pony Club will have their next Horse and Pony Show June 1 at 2 pjn. The show will be held on Preston Nixon's Farm, miles west of Hertford. - i Come " out and Join the funl - V.LearJe e J "teSat r c s p rll Vacation Church School Scheduled for June 2-6 The annual Vacation Church School of the First United Metho dist Church, Hertford, will be held June 2nd. through June 6th., with daily sessions from 9:00 -11:30 a.m. The five day school will be held in the Educational Building of the church and will offer classes for boys and girls of nursery age (three year olds) through the 6th. grade. The nur sery grouping is new this year In the Methodist Vacation Chnwal School Curriculum, For the sec ond year Holy Trinity Epslcopal will participate, in the school, making it a Joint effort for the children of both churches. ' Mrs. Jesse L. Harris, Co ordinator for Children's Work, Is director of the school and has announced the following themes and lead teachers for the classes i : Nursery - "God's Plan for Me" Ann Simpson. Kindergarten - "Friends Around Me" .- Mrs, D. F, Reed, Jr.. -' Elementary I-U - 'Our Family In the Community" -Mrs. Chas, Skinner, Jr. Elementary nl 'Our Family in the Community" - Mrs. Jesse Harris. Elementary IV - "Bible Lands WSCS Will Meet Monday Night The Womens Society of Chris tian Serviceof First United Meth odist Church will meet Monday, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the Fellow ship Hall. - Mrs. Cecil Winslow, chairman of the Mary Towe Circle, will present the program, the topic being, "Looks What's Happening to Religion". All members are Invited to at tend. Secondary Projects ForEducaMe Mentally Retarded The Special Education Section of the State Department of Public Instruction will sponsor a study institute on "Secondary Pro grams for the E due able Mentally Retarded" at Nags Head, June 10-13, Attending will be teachers and special education adminis trators from throughout the State. : Purposes of the Institute, to be held at John Yancey Motor Hotel, are to familiarise teachers and administrators with elements of curriculum at the secondary level for the educable retarded and to motivate them to establish com prehensive work-study programs In their high schools. Among the speakers will be Dr. Norman J. Nlesen, chair maa of the Depart ment of Mental Retardation, Ex ceptional Children's Education Division, State University Col lege of Buffalo, N. Y., and Dr. Octavla B, Knight, associate pro fessor and coordinator of the Mental Retardation Program, N. C, College at Durham.. . Unit Cited For Meritorious Service Master Sergeant William Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore' of Bon lee, N. C has been recognised for helping his unit tarn the U. S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. Sergeant Moore, a radio equip ment technician at Mlsawa AB, Japan, will wear the distinctive service ribbon as a permanent decoration. . His unit was cited lor meri torious service from July '1967 through June 1968. Wjmg per a nnel established a unique and sustained record of superior per formance ' that was a major element to the defense of the Unit ed States. t The sergeant Is a graduate of Bonlee High School. His wife, Edna, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William p. Lane, of RU 1, Hertford, N.C., . Clicrry Captain Corbln Cherry and his family are visiting his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Cherry. 1 Captain Cberry.Chaplalninthe U. 8, Army, has been hospitalized ror some time at Walter Reed Hospital as a result of wounds requiring foot amputation while i in Vietnam, and ' Times" Mrs. Mercer Saunders. i Elementary V-VI - '.'Paul, Man with a Mission" Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Williams. Others, assisting in the school aret Mesdames Raymond Win slow, Walter Edwards, Elbert Taylor, Mrs. J. T, Lane, Eugene Boyce, W. M, Cooper, Peggy White, Karen Haskett,Susan Har rell, Patti Landing, Lynn Land ing, Jan Dillon, Betty Blanchard, Dee Boyce, Nancy Reed. The circles of the Women's Society of Christian Service and The Wesleyan Service Guild will be in charge of refreshments. On Friday Evening, June 6th., at 7:30 p.m. Open House'will be held, at which time parents and friends will be invited to share the school experiences Of the boys and girls. ' Eastern Craft Workshop Will Be Held At ECU The Eastern Craft Workshop will be held at East Carolina University on June 10, 11 and 12,1 1969. Mrs, T. T. Harrell of Route 1, Hertford will be in structor of the "Decorated Egg Shell" Class. Mrs. Sylvia Win slow of Star Rt., Winfall, Mrs. Joe Towe White of Route 1, Hertford will be instructor of the "DecoratedEggShelT'ClissJ Mrs. Sylvia Winslow of Star Rt., Winfall, Mrs. Joe Towe White of Route 1, Hertford and Mrs. Edwin Williams of Hertford will attend the leadership workshop. Crafts that will be taughU Include Advanced Wood Carving, Beginning Wood Carving, Crewel Embroidery, Oshibana (pressed dried flora) braided rugs, Corn . Shuck dolls, Corn Shuck Door Mats, Decoupage, Enamel ing. Frame weaving, piae needle articles tied fringe ,eed pod beauties Quickie Classes wlQ' be taught one evening to include block printing from vegetables, candle : demonstration, german stars, Corn shuck f tewers, pressed : cane chair sets, tin candle holders, coathangers and lint dusters, . For more information, please, contact (Mrs.) 11a Grey White, Home Economics Extension Agent. . Mrs. W. Cherry, III Selected For Award Mrs. William (Billy) Cherry, m of Hertford has been selected. from over 100100 Heart Fund volunteers, to receive an award for outstanding service at the North Carolina Heart Assocla tlon's 20th Annual Meeting to be held in Charlotte at the White House Inn on May 28th and 29th. The award will be presented at the Awards Breakfast of the Association held annually id hon or of Founders Award recipients. The Founders Award is pre sented to Heart Volunteers "tor distinguished leadership in the Heart Cause," It may be earned by distinguished service over a period of years or for excep tional service in one year. The Heart Fund Drive netted $1,195.17 in Perquimans County! this year, r Airman Weaver Completes Basic training Airman Charles E. Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Weaver of Rt. 3, Hertford, N. C. has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Lowry AFB, Colo., for training as an Intelligence specialist. Airman Weaver, 1966 graduate of Perquimans County K'nh School, attended the Colic - Of the Afcemarle in EH-s'-a C;-, N.C. simiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiii Graduates From Southeastern Baptist Seminary s William Franklin Alnsley, Jr. of Hertford, N, C, has completed the requirements for graduation from Southeastern Baptist Theo logical Seminary. He will be awarded the Master of Divinity degree at the seminary com mencement exercise on May 30, Alnsley,thesonofMr.and Mrs. W. F. Alnsley, Sr. who live at 108 No. Covent Garden Street, is a graduate of Perquimans High School and UNC at Chapel HllV Alnsley Is married to theform er Mary Fennell of Burjaw,N.C. Flag Day Parade Saturday, June 14 The annual Flag Day parade, sponsored by the American Le gion Post 126, is scheduled for Saturday June 14. Rep, Walter Jones will be the guest speaker. Bands participat ing include the U. S. Marine Band from Camp LeJeune and the At lantic Fleet Band from Norfolk, Va. Captain Corbln Cherry will be the Parade Marshal. A Fish Fry will be held on the Courthouse lawn following the . event from 5-7 p.m. 3IM1IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Perquimans County Unit Of ACS Has Meeting On The Perquimans County Unit of the American Cancer Society met Monday night at the Munici pal Building with Mrs. Charles Payne, Vice President, presiding in the absence of the President, J. T. Biggers. Mrs, Pat Harrell, Secretary, read the minutes ofthelastmeet lng and the Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ann Steliga, Routine reports were heard from the chairmen of the various committees, Mrs, D. M. Jackson, Crusade Chairman, reported a total of $1,519.52 to date has been col lected during the Crusade, Miss Thelma Elliott, Nomina ting Committee Chairman, pre sented the following slate of off ' leers for the new yeart Presi dent - Mrs. Marlon Payne; Vice President - Mrs. Clara Scofield; Secretary Mrs, Carroll Har rell; Treasurer - Mrs. Ann Ste liga. The slate of officers were accepted by the group. A report was given by Miss Hulda Wood concerning the first Cancer Clinic sponsored by the local Unit which took place April 30 at the Health Clinic in Hert ford. Twenty ladies were checked by Dr. Robert Peston, Medical 'Advisor of the local Unit. He was Pfc. White Is Stationed In Korea Army Private First Class Lemuel D. White, 23, son of Menford White, 310 S. Covent Garden, Hertford, N. C waa assigned to 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, May 2. Cancer Clinic To Be Held lune 6 The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will be held on Friday afternoon June 6, 1969, with registration beginning at 12:00 p.m. a cnesc x-ray will be given to anyone wishing it along with the exam ination of the five areas of tne body where cancer is most eas ily found and cured. Only 30 peo ple can be seen at the Center each month due to limited facilities, so it is suggested that anyone who wishes to be assured of an ap pointment should write or call the Cancer Center, Health Dept., Elizabeth City, N. C. for aprior ity. Examinees are asked to bring a robe or housecoat with them. Motor Vehicles Subject To Tire Inspection Law According to Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Joe W. Garrett, motorists in North Carolina are subject to the State's newly enact ed Tire Inspection Law. Under the new law, ratified by the Gen eral Assembly May 1, 1969, all motor vehicles subject to safety inspection In North Carolina must have safe tires. Tires will be rejected by inspection stations if there is less than 232nds of an Inch tread depth at three equal ly spaced intervals around the circumference of the tire. Commissioner Garrett said mechanics who are certified at : safety inspection stations throughout North Carolina arei attending orientation classes on the new Tire Inspection Law and will begin inspecting tires im mediately after receiving in structions. Vehicles which are not due inspection until late this year must meet the tire tread stand ards. However, motorists may now be cited to court for unsafe tires. A motorist defense in court would be a receipt and statement from an Inspection station show ing that the unsafe tires have been replaced within 15 days from Issuance of the citation. Monday Night assisted by Miss Wood, Mrs. Ruby Bateman, Mrs. Helen May Murray and the Health CUnlc staff, Mrs, Louise Barber, Mrs. Flora Carter and Mrs, Faye Moore. It was a very successful CUnlc and tentative plans were made to continue the program with dates to be given later, Mrs, Ruth Peterson, ACS Field Consultant, from Greenville made a brief talk and commended the Unit on the fine work being done in Perquimans County, Perquimans NF0 Meets Floyd Long, vice president, Perquimans NFO, officiated Fri day night at the May meeting in the courthouse. Floyd Matthews, Jr. reported that two additional co-ordlnators, "Teeny" Pierce and George Roach had been appointed as co ordinators for Section 3. Bobby Heath of the Perquimans ASCS told the group of the new regulation affecting loans for purchase of grain bins and peanut trailers. Noah Sugg, field director, re ported that on a recent visit to Raleigh, NFO officials were very favorably received by the Pro gressive Farmer staff. Newest members to Join NFO, he said are Gov, Bob Scott and Commis sioner of Agriculture, James Graham. V According to Sugg, NFO re cently signed the largest hogcon tract ever in the nation and he said the local unit would soon receive contract sheets, Matthews, who Is county bar gaining supervisor, reported that he had already received survey blanks which will be distributed to members for completion. ' Cheerleaders Will Hold Bake Sale The Varsity Cheerleaders of Perquimans County High School will hold a Bake Sale Saturday, May 31, at 9:30 a,m.on the Court house lawn. The purpose is to raise money to buy new uniforms for the coming season. , . Please support these girls. IIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIHIItlllllllllllllliniHUIllllllMIIII I Officers Oj The Northeastern Home Economic? Association 1 OFFICERS OF THE NORTHEASTERN HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION Seated - Chairman: Miss Gay Howell of Per quimans County; Vice Chairman: Mrs. Ann E. Davenport of Tyrrell County; Treasurer: Mrs. Pauline Berry of Hyde County; Secretary: Mrs. Jean Ballance of Hyde County. Stand ing: Mrs. Frances Vollva, who was acting chairman of the group, and Dr. Miriam Moore: Dean of School of Home Eco nomics East Carolina University, The group is observing a display of pine needle articles. 11 Financial Aid (This is the second in a series of articles on Public Welfare In Perquimans County. Today's article begins to explain the ser vices offered. In the first article we reported that the many public welfare services are divided into three categories - Financial As sistance, Medical Assistance, and Social Services. This article will explain the first of three Financial Aid pro grams Aid to the Aged which was formerly known as old Age Assistance.) Many of the elder citizens of Perquimans County are faced with the reality during their later years that they do not have suffi cient Income to meet their basic necessities of life. Some find Graduates lune 2 John Basil Stallings , son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stallings of Hertford, will graduate June 2 from theUnlversity of North Car olina at Chapel Hill with a B. S. Degree In Pharmacy. Following graduation he will be employed In the Pharmacy at Pitt Memorial Hospital in Greenville, N.C. Homemakers Extension Council To Meet May 30 The Perquimans County Home makers Extension Council wlU meet May 30, at the Perquimans County Office Building at 2:00 P.m. ; -.. All club presidents, officers of the Council, Committee Chairman and club members are Invited to attend. District Offi cers are to be nominated by the county. Reports are to be made by Committee Chairman. Sum mer activities will be discussed. Mrs. George Winslow of Route 1, Hertford urges all members to attend. Thomas Overton Receives Award Some 250 students at Virginia State College, including one from Perquimans, were honored re cently at the College's an nual Awards Day Ceremony. The local student Thomas Overton, received the Men Athle tic Award for Football. Guest speaker for the occasion was Dr. Harry A. Johnson, as sociate dean of the College, who toU the winners they should be prood of their accomplishments. " jyim To The Aged themselves with no Income while others have a small amount from social security, retirement, don ations from family members or other sources. The Perquimans County De partment of Public Welfare ad ministers a program of monthly financial assistance tohelpneedy elderly people who meet certain eligibility requirements wttn their basic maintenance ex penses. The Aid to the Aged program is a Federal program which is financed with approximately seventy per cent Federal funds.' The remainder is appropriateda irom state and county funds in North Carolina. To be eligible a person must be 65 years of age or. older; he must - be in need of essential require. ments such as food, shelter, clothing and other necessary items; he must not be living in a public Institution or a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental disease; or a patient in a medical institution as the result of having been diagnosed as hav ing tuberculosis or psychosis. In addition to the above eligibility requirements he must agree to having a lien on any real property he owns or acquires. The said property is sold at his death and the government refund, ed the amount paid him during his lifetime. He does not have to be com. pletely without money to establish his need. If he is living alone, he may have up to $500 reserve money or personal property If i couple is living together, they (See FINANCIAL Page 6) Hertford Jaycees To Hold Amblyopia Screening The Hertford Jaycees nave launched a campaign to detect amblyopia, a leading cause of partial blindness in chlidren.Sta tistlcs from the Better Vision In stitute indicate that today this little known condition threatens the sight of one in twenty children. The free testing is slated for Sunday, June 1, 1969 in the Hert ford Grammar School from 2t00 to 5:00 p.m. In recent years, we have learned that amblyopia Is mainly preventable, but tragi cally, because so tew parents are aware of the danger, we are still finding only a small fraction of these children in time to safe guard their vision. It is for this reason, that the Hertford Jaycees and the Better Vision Institute have begun an ex tensive campaign to screen for signs of amblyopia In children between the ages of three and six years. :..-..'1"''.'";- All parents with children from three to six years old are encour aged to bring them to this free screening. Church To Observe 100th Anniversary The Chappell Hill Baptist Church in.Tyner wlllcelebrate its 100th year anniversary on June 1 at 10:80 an. Rev. Ralph Knight of the First Baptist Church in Davis, iLC. will be guest speaker. Special music w at be featured. alxeone visiting laymen will five talks. Friends and neighbors are Invited to attend.