Stmiard Printing Co. rx Lcmistille, Ky. 4020a P EMU IMAM KLY THE WEE Volume XXVI - No. 24 iiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiinitmmiiiiimnmiiiniiuiliiiiiiiiiAiiinn fcl2nl$eu Historic Pequlmans ' 1 i 1 , . y (' . i. A ' ' ! T 7 'r - J . The seventh grades from til Perquimans County schools tour ad their historic county on May 2,1 ud 22. Morethan200 students were shown the many old homes and historic sites In the county, r : The five-hour tour covered more than 80 miles through Per. qulmans County and Included vU slsts to the Leigh House, New Hope Methodist Church, Galatla Baptist Church, Plney Woods Fri ends Meeting House. Bethel Bap tist Church and the Perquimans Cfouaty Courthouse. . The tour groups lunched on the grounds of New Hope. Methodist Church. "' Places of historic Interest Soil Conservation Service Area VI, Gets Two Awards :The U. S. Department of Agrl- culture, soil Conser vice Service, acrea VI, headquartered at Eden ton, N. C. has recently received So Safety Awards from Charles . Bartlett, State Conservation ist, Raleigh, North Carolina. The first Safety Award was for opera ting one year in the area without an accident Involving as SCS George A. White, Jr. Is 1SS9-71 Chrm. Of Red Cross George A. White Jr. of Cres tiat Drive has accepted the Job f chairman of the Perquimans County Chapter of the American : .;d Cross for the years 1969-71, ; -oeedlng Mrs. Nathan Sawyer o has served the past three j -ars chapter chairman. He . sumes his new duties July 1. A Hertford native, White 1s t aduate of Perquimans County n School and 1968 graduate i East Carolina ' University 'aere he was a math major. e is employed as Production Ttroller for the Carter Ink T.pany in Edeston, Is a member 1 the Hertford Jaycees and the : irst United Methodist Church. . r!e and his wife, the former : '. udia Cbessoa of Elizabeth "y, are the parents of a J5ter, Mary Margaret, 2V4 1 a son, Tim, 6 months old. parents are Mr. amTMrs. 'S A. White, Sr. of Wood-3 r'rele. " - -7 1 W , , , ft,,!!-' I !'"r"" i I MK m 1 were pointed out and described by the tour guides. Commentary on the history of Perquimans County was provided, together with brief lessons in local geo. graphy. v. Tour guides were Miss Th el ma Elliott, Mrs.' Jean P. Wlnslow, Mrs. Sara L. Wlnslow and Ray mond A. Wlnslow Jr. 1 This annual event, now In its third year, is sponsored by the Perquimans County Historical Society. The tour, supplements the seventh-gradeNorthCarolina history course and is intended, iO acquaint : Perqul m ans' young people with their historic heri tage. .:V automotive vehicle which result. ed In death, personal injury or property damage of any kind. The second award was for opera. ting a vehicle for entire calendar year without a Hmahiing injury to any personnel in the Edenton area. V The following county work units attached tothe Edenton area rece ived a five year, January 1, 1964 through December 31, 1968, cer tificate for operating without a reportable motor vehicle acci dent, Bertie, Hertford, Gates, Hyde, Northampton, Perquimans, Chowan and Tyrrell-Dare-Wash- lngton. In addition to the above awards the following work units received a five year certificate for going without a disabling injury Janu ary 1, 1963 through December 31, 1968, Bertie, Halifax, Hert ford, Gates, Hyde, Martin, North hampton, Perquimans, Chowan, and Tyrrell-Dare-Washlnton, ac cording to W. O. Lambeth, Area Conservationist for the Soil Con servation Service. Hsid-Stext For Pcrtfuimans County The summer Head start Pro gram for children who will begin first grade In September will be operated at Perquimans County Central Grammar School, Win faU, The opening day for this pro gram Is June 16 and tt will con tinue through August 4, Children will be at school from 8:30 to 12:30. Buses will pick up children who wish to at'.end thii pr w.u. ;B will take a while to get buses operating on schedule, m case your child is not picked up the first day, please call the school, 426-8332. A, good program is planned for beginners this sum mer and tt 1 hoped that your child can take advantage of the many nice experiences which will be Offered. The Program Coor dinator will be Thomas Maston. Teachers arei Mrs. Myrtle Fel- tbo, Mrs. Rosa Talley, Mrs. Mir iam Hoggard, Mrs. Mary John son, Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. Atha Tunnel, and Mrs. Audrey Roach. ' ' -. Rites For Eunice Spivey Held Mon. Miss Eunice Lee Spivey, 17, of Route V BeMdare, died Friday night at 10:4 ! from injuries re ceived from an automobile acci dent. ; V'.' - A native of Pasquotank Coun ty, she was a daughter jof Louis Lee and Mrs. Eunice Harrell Spivey.; She was a member of Plney Woods Friends Meeting. She was a 1969 graduate of Per quimans County High , School where she was a member of the Newspaper Staff, the F.HJL. and the Health Club. ; Besides her parents the Is sur vived by one brother, Victor Spivey and one sister, Delores Ann Spivey, both of. the home; maternal ; grandmother, Mrs. Virginia Harrell of Route 1, Bel vldere, and paternal grandmo'Ji er, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Spi vey of Route 1, BeMdere. , A funeral service was held Monday at 3: 00 In the Plney Woods Friends Meeting by the Rev. El mer Thomas, pastor and the Rev. Mark Hodgin, pastor of the Up River Friends Meeting. " Where the RosesNever Fade" was sung by Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Thomas. They were accompanied by Mrs. McKay Rlddlck, pianist. The casket pall was made of pink roses, whote chrysanthe mums, baby's breath and fern. Pallbearers were Norman Young, Tommy ChappeU, Jimmy Wlnslow, Douglas Swayn, Jr., Lloyd Belts and Tony Hickman. Burial was in Up River Ceme tery. v'y. T. Rogerson Dies After Long Illness Terry Glenn Rogerson, 11, of Route 3, died Saturday morning at 6 US In King's Daughters Hospi tal, Norfolk, Va. after a long ill ness, A native of Pasquotank County, he was a son of William Luther and Mrs. Mary Ruth Stalllngs Rogerson, ' He attended Cedar Grove Meth odist dnorch and was a! grade student at ' Perquimans County Centeral Grammar School. Besides his parents he is sur vived by three brothers, Wayne, Bill and Fred Rogerson all of the home and four sisters, Misses Margie, Eva, Rita and Susan Rog erson all of the home. Funeral services were held Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in the chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev, William R. Pinner, pas tor - of Cedar Grove Methodist Church, Burial was in Cedarwood Cemetery. "Jesus Loves Me" and "In The Garden" were sung by Mr. and Mrs, Danny Meads and Julia Overman. They were accompan ied by Danny Meads, organist. The casket pall was made of yellow roses, yellow carnations, and fern. Pallbearers were Jimmy Rog erson, Clyde Weeks, Billy San ders, Johnny Carter, , Donnle Meads and Michael Rogerson. Mrs. Annie Curtis Dies Monday Mrs. Annie Laura Perry Cur tis, 78, of 812 W. Grubb Street, died Mojdiy at 7:08 p.m. In the Chowan Hospital following a two day illness. A native of Perqui mans County, she was the daugh ter of the late Reubln and Mrs. Annie Laura Pratt Perry and the widow of WlUie Earl Curtis. She was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, Sidney Curtis of Hertford; a daughter, Mrs. Jojumy Miller of Chesa peake, Va. three brothers, Josh ua Perry of Sunbury, Joel B. Perry of Route I, Hertford and Raleigh Perry of Albemarle; four sisters, Mrs. Doris Stalllngs of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Ruth Hal sllp of Hamilton, Mrs. Glenn Hobbs and Mrs, Sidney Sutton of Elizabeth City; three grandchil dren and one great grandchild. The body was removed to the Swindell Funeral Home pending completion of funeral arrange ments. Crocks Iferrell HI, Is UuC Graduate C. Brooks Harrell, 0I,of Elis abeth City received a B, S. De gree In Pharmacy from UNC, at Chapel Hill on June 2. He will begin work in a M. 8. m Hos pital Pharmacy at UNC July 1. Mr, Harrell is the grandson of Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Goodwin of Rt., Hertford. v . Hertford, Perquimans County, JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIII Flag Day Parade-Fisli-frij j Scheduled for Saturday j ' ' , ' I" - . & f - - . -i , it Chaplain (Capt.) The William Paul Stalllngs Post 126 American Legion will hold its .annual Flag Day celebration on Saturday, June 14, The parade will begin at 1 p.m., and will start from the Legion home, v' Capt a la Corbin Cherry, North Vietnam amputee, will serve as the parade marshal. Captain Cherry was wounded while serving as a Chaplain in the U, S. Army, when he stepped on a mlnel The principal speaker will be Congressman Walter B. Jones, of bur First District. World war I veterans will have reserved seats near the reviewing) stand. Vietnam returnees and other veterans will be recognized. Post 126 requests that all other veterans march In the parade; If anyone wishes to march IntheFlagDay parade in special uniform, or costume, you are requested to contact Sheriff Broughton,, and also bring your own flag. Post 1J6 asks that all residences and places of business ' fly their i flags on Flag Day. Anyone who does not have a flag to display, and wants one, is asked to contact members ot Pest 185, as the Post-has t$eni'9i'ale,' W 'The U.S. Navy Atlantic Fleet personnel band will be present again this year. The Marine Corps band from Camp Lejeune , is also scheduled to participate. The ever popular all-girl Perquimans County Marching Unit will also be one of the highlights of the Parade. The Perquimans county horse and pony club will also be represented. There will also be several color guards, floats and other units. Post 126 will have a fish fry on the Courthouse lawn start ing at 8 p.m. Tickets are available from members of the Post and will be on sale until 7 o'clock Saturday evening. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii P.F.C.Jarvi$Dail Jump School Grad i: :5CM P.F.C. Jarvls Lester Dall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Dall, Route Hertford, graduated from Jump School at the Airborne Training Center at Fort Benning, Ga.May 22, He was one of the twenty boys chosen to go to Path Finders Training School. A school which the Army calls the elite para troopers. They were organized to set up secure drop cones in Vietnam in order to Insure the safety of our men dropped there, whether by parachute or helicop ter. These men are one of the best and mostdependeduponteamsthe United States Army has in Viet nam to combat the Vietnamese aggressors. Upon the completion of this school a paratrooper is capable of maneuvering his para chute to land in a designated ra dius of 20 feet within the spot designated at an altitude of 2,000 or more feet. . Dardsn Dept. Store Planning Picnic Darden Dept. Store will be closed all , day Wednesday, June 18, for the personnel to attend their annual picnic at Nags Head. I Mi North Carolina, June 12, 1969 X ? 4 i r , , fa. vt I Corbin Cherry Receives Degree From UNC-G MARGARET LYNNE AINSLEY One student from Perquimans County was among the 1,024 per sons to receive degrees from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during the 77th annual commencement -exercises recently (June 1). The record number of gradu ates heard commencement speaker Sen. George S. McGo vern, D -South Dakota, discuss "The Generation Gap." Honorary degrees were award ed to Howard Holderness, Greensboro Insurance executive; Thomas L Storrs, Greensboro banking executive; Allen Tate, nationally known poet and novel ist;. Dr. Wills Player, former president of Bennett College in Greensboro; and Dr. Persia Campbell, of Flushing, N.Y for mer UNC-G faculty member. Participating- in the cere monies were William C Friday, president of the Consolidated University of North Carollnr; UNC-G Chancellor James sJ Ferguson; and G ov. Robert W. Scott. ' Chancellor Ferguson con ferred a degree on the following Perquimans County student: Margaret Lynne Ainsley, daughter of Mr. and Mr s. William F. Ainsley Sr. of 108 North Covent G arden, bachelor of artsJ ! f i i s s 3 ) f "-. I irngwe cgni u"j"e- Hertford Police Monthly Report The following monthly report for May was given by Chief Ben L. Glbbs at the regular Council meeting. Arrests mads! Drunks on the Street 2; Disorderly Con duct 1; Speeders 1; Assaults 2; Careless and Reckless Driving 1; Miscellaneous Traffic Arrests 2; Miscellaneous Arrest 2; Cita tions Issued for ImpropW Park ing 1; Activities: Calls Answered and Investigated 101; Accidents Investigated 1; Funerals Worked 1; Courtesies Extended 112; Doors Found Unlocked 12; Fire Calls Answered 3; Radio iCalls 219; Lights Reported Out 2j Bicycles Reported Stolen L ;t Correction On Tax Listing The names of M'.irrill Q. Layton and Joseph L BarcUft 'were listed on the Delinquent :Tax List last week by mistake. Airman R.W. Biggs Is In Thailand Airman First Clan Robert W. Biggs, son of Mrs. Bertha L. Biggs, of Rt. 3, Hertford, N. C, is on duty at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai AFB, Thai land. Airman Biggs, an aircraft elec trician, is assigned to a unit of the Pacific Air Forces. Before his arrival In Thailand, he served at Charleston AFB, S. C. The airman attended Elizabeth City (tf.C.) High School. His father, Robert W. Biggs, resides at 1818 North Road St., Elizabeth City. His wife, Linda, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Win slow of 1506 West Main St., Elizabeth City. Adult Art Classes Persons desiring to register for the Art Classes should at tend the next class of their choice or call 335-5461 andask for'the Continuing Education Division. Out-of-town registration will take place the first day or night of the scheduled course. ' This summer the costof the Art Courses will be $5.00 for ten weeks three hours a class. Program Director Ben Hill said "We hope that everyone Interested in the Art Program will take advantage of the Course Offerings". "It is not necessary to have had previous art experience to sign up for these classes", Mr, Hill is also working on an art programfor children - grades 3 to 6 and 7 to 12, For more information on the children's art classes, call 33G-4465, SCHEDULE AT ART CENTER Mondays Crafts Class, 9:15 a,m.; Painting & Drawing, 9:15 a.m.; Painting & Drawing, 7.-00 P.m. Tuesday Pottery, 9:15 a.m. Friday - Block Printing, 9:15 a.m,; Sculpture, 9:15 a.m. Kitty Hawk Art Classes Wesnesday - 9:00 a.m. and 7.-00 P.m, Gatesville Art Class Thursday - 9:00 a.m. Funeral Services Held For Abbett Dawson Weston A funeral service for Abbett Dawson Weston, 85, who died Tuesday,- were held Thursday at 2:00 in the Chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by Bro ther Luther Gray and Brothei Dorrls Damrun of the Norfolk Christ Sanctified Holiness Church and the Rev. Billy Pres ley, pastor of the Reynoldson Baptist Church in Gates County, "Prettiest Flowers", "Marth Through The Streets", "Life's Evening Sun" and "Meet Me There" were sung by Mrs, Pearl Comstock, Mrs. Alice Gray, Miss Alma Parker, Mrs, Dora Gray and Mrs, Leona Grainger of Nor folk. Mrs, Chester Wlnslow was organist. The casket pall was made of red carnations, white chrysanthe mums, baby's breath and fern. Pallbearers were Charlie Tho mas Rogerson, Basil Cope land, Rudolph Perry, Travis White, Paul Byrum and Estes Copeland. Burial was in the Chappell Family Cemetery near Bel vlrtere, " JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllillMIM Floyd Mathews Presents j j Check To Louis Hollowelll v a. m '4 S Jt. U A Floyd Mathews, Chairman of PerquimansCountySoilandWater Supervisors, local sponsors of Resource Conservation Work shop is shown presenting Louis Ray Holloweil of Route lj Hertford, a letter of congratulations along with a check for $50,00 to cover expenses at N. C, State University at Ralolh, N.C.June 9-l3th. Louis Ray is an active FFA student and a mi-mtr or th" Beta Club at Perquimans High School. He will be among 100 students from across the state attending this workshop on conservation. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiimiii J ChappeWs Bill Baptist Church Observes 100th About 300 people gathered at ChappeU's Hill Baptist Church Sunday, June 1, to observe Its 100th year anniversary. Rev. John Allen, pastor, leading the program. Rev. Ralph Knight, a former pastor, gave a very in spiring sermon. Special music was rendered by visitors from Temple Baptist Church of Nor folk, Va., and from Center Hill Baptist Church of Tyner, as well as music from th'e host church. Mrs. CarroU Holmes of Hert ford, Mr. Lloyd Griffin of Eden ton, Mr. Carlyle Ward of Rocky Mount', and Rev.1 A. H. Outlaw of Newport brought greetings and reminisced about times and people of the past of this church. The history highlights of the Asst. Supt. Of Edgecombe County Schools Kelly Jordan Byrum, son of Mrs. Beatrice Byrum Evans of 229 Woodland Circle, has re cently been elected as Assistant superintendent of Edgecombe County schools, ' Mr, Byrum has worked in the Edgecombe County schools for the past fourteen years, ten years as a teacher and coach and the past three years as Director ofESEA Tile 1, Byrum is married to the for mer Marjorle Doss and they have two children Michael Scott 7 and Kelly Leigh 9, The Byrum are now living in Nashville, N.C. Charles Woodardj I Accepts Position I In Edenton f Charles Woodard has accepted a position in the Pharmacy De partment at Mitchener's Drug Store in Edenton and began his new duties on Monday of this week. . Charles is the son of Mrs. E. C. Woodard and the late Mr. Woodard of Hertford. He received his education at COA in Eliza beth City and UNC in Chapel Hill, where he received a BJS, Degree In Pharmacy on June 2. 10 Cents Per Codv r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii Anniversary church were given by Mrs. Lester Lane. After the program a fine fel lowship hour was enjoyed around a bountiful lunch served on the grounds. We wish to take this opportun ity to say "thank you" to each one for coming and sharing this day with us on this momentous occasion Pat Harrell Joins Staff At COA 4 ... if Dr. Bruce Petteway, President of College of The . Albemarle, announced that Jamt's "Pat" Harrell has Joined the staff of the College of The Albemarle as Assistant Director of Continuing Education. He will officially as sume his new position on July 1st. Mr. Harrell comes to College of The Albemarle from the Per quimans County School System where he has served as principal In Hertford, North Carolina, Prior to his service In Hert ford as principal, he served as a teacher and coach at Millbrook High School in Raleigh and at Marriott High School in Aylett, Virginia. Harrell is active in organiza tions on the local, state and na tional scene. He is a member of the DurantsNeck Ruri tan Club, the Perquimans County Rescue Squad and Is a member of the Hertford United Methodist Church where he serves as a Sunday school teacher and youth counselor. Professionally he is a member of the local and state NCE A units, the North Carolina Division of Principals, the National Associa tion of Elementary School Princi pals, and is a member of Phi Delta Kappa NationalFd joational Fraternity for men. Pat is a native of Perquimans County and is married to the former Carol McDonnell. Mrs. Dillon Gets Science Grant Mrs. Blanche Dillon leftSunday for 6 weeks Summer School at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She was the recipient of a Science Grant through the National Science Foundation, and will further her education in the study -of geology. t 1 P.BS 1 r 1 n